Berkeley DB
version 4.2.52

Class DbQueueStat


public class DbQueueStat
extends Object

The DbQueueStat object is used to return Queue database statistics.

Field Summary
 int qs_cur_recno
          Next available record number.
 int qs_extentsize
          Underlying database extent size, in pages.
 int qs_first_recno
          First undeleted record in the database.
 int qs_magic
          Magic number that identifies the file as a Queue file.
 int qs_metaflags
 int qs_ndata
          The number of records in the database.
 int qs_nkeys
          The number of records in the database.
 int qs_pages
          Number of pages in the database.
 int qs_pagesize
          Underlying database page size, in bytes.
 int qs_pgfree
          Number of bytes free in database pages.
 int qs_re_len
          The length of the records.
 int qs_re_pad
          The padding byte value for the records.
 int qs_version
          The version of the Queue file type.
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 String toString()
          Provide a string representation of all the fields contained within this class.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public int qs_magic
Magic number that identifies the file as a Queue file. Returned if Db.DB_FAST_STAT is set.


public int qs_version
The version of the Queue file type. Returned if Db.DB_FAST_STAT is set.


public int qs_metaflags


public int qs_nkeys
The number of records in the database. If Db.DB_FAST_STAT was specified the count will be the last saved value unless it has never been calculated, in which case it will be 0. Returned if Db.DB_FAST_STAT is set.


public int qs_ndata
The number of records in the database. If Db.DB_FAST_STAT was specified the count will be the last saved value unless it has never been calculated, in which case it will be 0. Returned if Db.DB_FAST_STAT is set.


public int qs_pagesize
Underlying database page size, in bytes. Returned if Db.DB_FAST_STAT is set.


public int qs_extentsize
Underlying database extent size, in pages. Returned if Db.DB_FAST_STAT is set.


public int qs_pages
Number of pages in the database.


public int qs_re_len
The length of the records. Returned if Db.DB_FAST_STAT is set.


public int qs_re_pad
The padding byte value for the records. Returned if Db.DB_FAST_STAT is set.


public int qs_pgfree
Number of bytes free in database pages.


public int qs_first_recno
First undeleted record in the database. Returned if Db.DB_FAST_STAT is set.


public int qs_cur_recno
Next available record number. Returned if Db.DB_FAST_STAT is set.

Constructor Detail


public DbQueueStat()
Method Detail


public String toString()
Provide a string representation of all the fields contained within this class.

toString in class Object
The string representation.

Berkeley DB
version 4.2.52

Copyright (c) 1996-2003 Sleepycat Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.