KUNCUserNotifications.h   [plain text]

 * Copyright (c) 2000-2004 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
 * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code 
 * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License 
 * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in 
 * compliance with the License.  The rights granted to you under the 
 * License may not be used to create, or enable the creation or 
 * redistribution of, unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating 
 * system, or to circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or 
 * violation of, any terms of an Apple operating system software license 
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 * Please obtain a copy of the License at 
 * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this 
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 * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are 
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 * limitations under the License.


#include <sys/cdefs.h>

#include <mach/message.h>
#include <mach/kern_return.h>
#include <UserNotification/UNDTypes.h>


 * non blocking notice call.
	int		noticeTimeout,
	unsigned	flags,
	char		*iconPath,
	char		*soundPath,
	char		*localizationPath,
	char		*alertHeader,
	char		*alertMessage,
	char		*defaultButtonTitle);

 * ***BLOCKING*** alert call, returned int value corresponds to the
 * pressed button, spin this off in a thread only, or expect your kext to block.
	int		alertTimeout,
	unsigned	flags,
	char		*iconPath,
	char		*soundPath,
	char		*localizationPath,
	char		*alertHeader,
	char		*alertMessage,
	char 		*defaultButtonTitle,
	char		*alternateButtonTitle,
	char		*otherButtonTitle,
	unsigned	*responseFlags);

 * Execute a userland executable with the given path, user and type
#define kOpenApplicationPath 	0	/* essentially executes the path */
#define kOpenPreferencePanel    1	/* runs the preferences with the foo.preference opened.  foo.preference must exist in /System/Library/Preferences */
#define kOpenApplication	2	/* essentially runs /usr/bin/open on the passed in application name */
#define kOpenAppAsRoot		0
#define kOpenAppAsConsoleUser	1 
	char	*executionPath,
	int	openAsUser,
	int	pathExecutionType);

/* KUNC User Notification XML Keys
 * These are the keys used in the xml plist file passed in to the
 * KUNCUserNotitificationDisplayFrom* calls
 * KUNC Notifications are completely dependent on CFUserNotifications in
 * user land.  The same restrictions apply, including the number of text fields,
 * types of information displayable, etc.
 *  Key			Type
 * Header			string (header displayed on dialog)
 * 				corresponds to kCFUserNotificationAlertHeaderKey
 * Icon URL			string (url of the icon to display)
 * 				corresponds to kCFUserNotificationIconURLKey
 * Sound URL			string (url of the sound to play on display)
 * 				corresponds to kCFUserNotificationSoundURLKey
 * Localization URL		string (url of bundle to retrieve localization
 *				info from, using Localizable.strings files)
 * 				corresponds to kCFUserNotificationLocalizationURLKey
 * Message			string (text of the message, can contain %@'s
 *				which are filled from tokenString passed in) 
 * 				corresponds to kCFUserNotificationAlertMessageKey
 * OK Button Title 		string (title of the "main" button)
 * 				corresponds to kCFUserNotificationDefaultButtonTitleKey
 * Alternate Button Title 	string (title of the "alternate" button,  usually cancel)
 * 				corresponds to kCFUserNotificationAlternateButtonTitleKey
 * Other Button Title	 	string (title of the "other" button)
 * 				corresponds to kCFUserNotificationOtherButtonTitleKey
 * Timeout			string (numeric, int - seconds until the dialog
 *				goes away on it's own)
 * Alert Level			string (Stop, Notice, Alert)
 * Blocking Message		string (numeric, 1 or 0 - if 1, the dialog will
 *				have no buttons)
 * Text Field Strings		array of strings (each becomes a text field)
 * 				corresponds to kCFUserNotificationTextFieldTitlesKey
 * Password Fields		array of strings (numeric - each indicates a
 *				pwd field)
 * Popup Button Strings		array of strings (each entry becomes a popup
 *				button string)
 * Radio Button Strings		array of strings (each becomes a radio button)
 * Check Box Strings		array of strings (each becomes a check box)
 * 				corresponds to kCFUserNotificationCheckBoxTitlesKey
 * Selected Radio		string (numeric - which radio is selected)
 * Checked Boxes		array of strings (numeric - each indicates a
 *				checked field)
 * Selected Popup		string (numeric - which popup entry is selected)

 * Bundle Calls
 *	Arguments
 *	bundleIdentifier
 *		path to the actual bundle (not inside of it)
 *	        (i.e. "/System/Library/Extensions/Foo.kext")
 *		***NOTE***
 *		This WILL change soon to expect the CFBundleIdentifier instead of a bundle path
 *	fileName
 *		filename in bundle to retrive the xml from (i.e. "Messages")
 *	fileExtension 
 *		if fileName has an extension, it goes here (i.e., "dict");
 *	messageKey
 *		name of the xml key in the dictionary in the file to retrieve
 *		the info from (i.e., "Error Message")
 *	tokenString
 *		a string in the form of "foo@bar" where each element is
 *		seperated by the @ character.  This string can be used to
 *		replace values of the form %@ in the message key in the provided
 *		dictionary in the xml plist
 *	specialKey
 *		user specified key for notification, use this to match return
 *		values with your requested notification, this value is passed
 *		back to the client in the callback pararmeter contextKey

typedef int KUNCUserNotificationID;

 * Reponse value checking & default setting
 * The reponse value returned in the response Flags of the
 * KUNCUserNotificationCallBack can be tested against the following
 * enum and 2 defines to determine the state.

enum {
    kKUNCDefaultResponse	= 0,
    kKUNCAlternateResponse	= 1,
    kKUNCOtherResponse		= 2,
    kKUNCCancelResponse		= 3

#define KUNCCheckBoxChecked(i)	(1 << (8 + i))   /* can be used for radio's too */
#define KUNCPopUpSelection(n)	(n << 24)

 * Callback function for KUNCNotifications
typedef void
	int		contextKey,
	int		responseFlags,
	void		*xmlData);

 * Get a notification ID
KUNCUserNotificationID KUNCGetNotificationID(void);

/* This function currently requires a bundle path, which kexts cannot currently get.  In the future, the CFBundleIdentiofier of the kext will be pass in in place of the bundlePath. */

	KUNCUserNotificationID		notificationID,
	char				*bundleIdentifier,
	char				*fileName,
	char				*fileExtension,
	char				*messageKey,
	char				*tokenString,
	KUNCUserNotificationCallBack	callback,
	int				contextKey);

	KUNCUserNotificationID	notification);