atp.h   [plain text]

 * Copyright (c) 2000 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
 * The contents of this file constitute Original Code as defined in and
 * are subject to the Apple Public Source License Version 1.1 (the
 * "License").  You may not use this file except in compliance with the
 * License.  Please obtain a copy of the License at
 * and read it before using this file.
 * This Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
 * distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
 * License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
 * under the License.
 * ORIGINS: 82
 * (C) COPYRIGHT Apple Computer, Inc. 1992-1996
 * All Rights Reserved

/* Definitions for ATP protocol and streams module, per 
 * AppleTalk Transaction Protocol documentation from
 * `Inside AppleTalk', July 14, 1986.

 *	Copyright (c) 1988, 1989 Apple Computer, Inc. 
 *	The information contained herein is subject to change without
 *	notice and  should not be  construed as a commitment by Apple
 *	Computer, Inc. Apple Computer, Inc. assumes no responsibility
 *	for any errors that may appear.
 *	Confidential and Proprietary to Apple Computer, Inc.

#ifndef _NETAT_ATP_H_
#define _NETAT_ATP_H_
#include <sys/appleapiopts.h>

/* ATP function codes */

#define ATP_CMD_TREQ		0x01	/* TRequest packet  */
#define ATP_CMD_TRESP		0x02	/* TResponse packet */
#define ATP_CMD_TREL		0x03	/* TRelease packet  */

/* Miscellaneous definitions */

#define	ATP_DEF_RETRIES     8	/* Default for maximum retry count */
#define	ATP_DEF_INTERVAL    2	/* Default for retry interval in seconds */

#define ATP_TRESP_MAX       8	/* Maximum number of Tresp pkts */

#define ATP_HDR_SIZE        8  	/* Size of the ATP header */
#define ATP_DATA_SIZE       578  	/* Maximum size of the ATP data area */

/* Consts for asynch support */
#define	ATP_ASYNCH_REQ	1

/* Timer values for XO release timers */
#define	ATP_XO_30SEC		0
#define	ATP_XO_1MIN		1
#define	ATP_XO_2MIN		2
#define	ATP_XO_4MIN		3
#define	ATP_XO_8MIN		4

typedef struct {
        unsigned       cmd : 2,
                       xo : 1,
                       eom : 1,
                       sts : 1,
                       xo_relt : 3;
        u_char         bitmap;
	ua_short       tid;
        ua_long        user_bytes;
        u_char         data[ATP_DATA_SIZE];
} at_atp_t;

#define ATP_ATP_HDR(c) ((at_atp_t *)(&((at_ddp_t *)(c))->data[0]))

#define ATP_CLEAR_CONTROL(c)  (*(char *)(c) = 0)

/* ATP ioctl interface */

/* Structure for the atp_set_default call */

#define	ATP_INFINITE_RETRIES	0xffffffff	/* means retry forever
						 * in the def_retries field

struct atp_set_default {
	u_int	def_retries;		/* number of retries for a request */
	u_int	def_rate;		/* retry rate (in seconds/100) NB: the
					 * system may not be able to resolve
					 * delays of 100th of a second but will
					 * instead make a 'best effort'
	struct atpBDS *def_bdsp; /*  BDS structure associated with this req */
	u_int	def_BDSlen;	/* size of BDS structure */

/* Return header from requests */

struct atp_result {
	u_short		count;		/* the number of packets */
	u_short		hdr;		/* offset to header in buffer */
	u_short 	offset[8];	/* offset to the Nth packet in the buffer */
	u_short		len[8];		/* length of the Nth packet */

struct atpBDS {
	ua_short	bdsBuffSz;
	ua_long		bdsBuffAddr;
	ua_short	bdsDataSz;
	unsigned char	bdsUserData[4];

typedef struct {
        u_short        at_atpreq_type;
        at_inet_t      at_atpreq_to;
        u_char         at_atpreq_treq_user_bytes[4];
        u_char         *at_atpreq_treq_data;
        u_short        at_atpreq_treq_length;
        u_char         at_atpreq_treq_bitmap;
        u_char         at_atpreq_xo;
        u_char         at_atpreq_xo_relt;
        u_short        at_atpreq_retry_timeout;
        u_short        at_atpreq_maximum_retries;
        u_char         at_atpreq_tresp_user_bytes[ATP_TRESP_MAX][4];
        u_char         *at_atpreq_tresp_data[ATP_TRESP_MAX];
        u_short        at_atpreq_tresp_lengths[ATP_TRESP_MAX];
        u_long         at_atpreq_debug[4];
        u_short        at_atpreq_tid;
        u_char         at_atpreq_tresp_bitmap;
        u_char         at_atpreq_tresp_eom_seqno;
        u_char         at_atpreq_got_trel;
} at_atpreq;

/* The ATP module ioctl commands */

#define AT_ATP_CANCEL_REQUEST		(('|'<<8)|1)
#define AT_ATP_ISSUE_REQUEST		(('|'<<8)|2) /* ALO */
#define AT_ATP_ISSUE_REQUEST_DEF	(('|'<<8)|3) /* XO */
#define AT_ATP_ISSUE_REQUEST_DEF_NOTE	(('|'<<8)|4) /* XO & nowait -- not needed*/
#define AT_ATP_ISSUE_REQUEST_NOTE	(('|'<<8)|5) /* ALO & nowait */
#define AT_ATP_GET_POLL			(('|'<<8)|6)
#define AT_ATP_RELEASE_RESPONSE		(('|'<<8)|7)
#define AT_ATP_REQUEST_COMPLETE		(('|'<<8)|8)
#define AT_ATP_SEND_FULL_RESPONSE	(('|'<<8)|9) /* not used */
#define AT_ATP_BIND_REQ			(('|'<<8)|10)
#define AT_ATP_GET_CHANID		(('|'<<8)|11)
#define AT_ATP_PEEK			(('|'<<8)|12)
#define AT_ATP_ISSUE_REQUEST_TICKLE 	(('|'<<8)|13) /* ALO & nowait */

/* These macros don't really depend here, but since they're used only by the
 * old ATP and old PAP, they're put here.  Unisoft PAP includes this file.
#define	R16(x)		UAS_VALUE(x)
#define	W16(x,v)	UAS_ASSIGN(x, v)
#define	C16(x,v)	UAS_UAS(x, v)

 * these are the dispatch codes for
 * the new atp_control system call
#define ATP_GETREQUEST   3

#ifdef KERNEL

 *	Stuff for accessing protocol headers 
#define AT_DDP_HDR(m) ((at_ddp_t *)(gbuf_rptr(m)))
#define AT_ATP_HDR(m) ((at_atp_t *)(&((at_ddp_t *)(gbuf_rptr(m)))->data[0]))

 *	Masks for accessing/manipulating the bitmap field in atp headers

unsigned char atp_mask [] = {
	0x01, 0x02, 0x04, 0x08, 
	0x10, 0x20, 0x40, 0x80, 

unsigned char atp_lomask [] = {
	0x00, 0x01, 0x03, 0x07, 
	0x0f, 0x1f, 0x3f, 0x7f, 
extern unsigned char atp_mask [];
extern unsigned char atp_lomask [];
#endif /* ATP_DECLARE */

 *	doubly linked queue types and primitives

#define ATP_Q_ENTER(hdr, object, entry) {					\
		if ((hdr).head) {						\
			(hdr).head->entry.prev = (object);			\
			(object)-> = (hdr).head;			\
		} else {							\
			(hdr).tail = (object);					\
			(object)-> = NULL;				\
		}								\
		(object)->entry.prev = NULL;					\
		(hdr).head = (object);						\

#define ATP_Q_APPEND(hdr, object, entry) {					\
		if ((hdr).head) {						\
			(hdr).tail-> = (object);			\
			(object)->entry.prev = (hdr).tail;			\
		} else {							\
			(hdr).head = (object);					\
			(object)->entry.prev = NULL;				\
		}								\
		(object)-> = NULL;					\
		(hdr).tail = (object);						\

#define ATP_Q_REMOVE(hdr, object, entry) {					\
		if ((object)->entry.prev) {					\
			(object)->entry.prev-> = (object)->;\
		} else {							\
			(hdr).head = (object)->;			\
		}								\
		if ((object)-> {					\
			(object)->>entry.prev = (object)->entry.prev;\
		} else {							\
			(hdr).tail = (object)->entry.prev;			\
		}								\

struct atp_rcb_qhead {
	struct atp_rcb 	*head;
	struct atp_rcb 	*tail;

struct atp_rcb_q {
	struct atp_rcb *prev;
	struct atp_rcb *next;

struct atp_trans_qhead {
	struct atp_trans *head;
	struct atp_trans *tail;

struct atp_trans_q {
	struct atp_trans *prev;
	struct atp_trans *next;

 *	Locally saved remote node address

struct atp_socket {
	u_short		net;
	at_node		node;
	at_socket	socket;

 *	transaction control block (local context at requester end)

struct atp_trans {
	struct atp_trans_q	tr_list;		/* trans list */
	struct atp_state	*tr_queue;		/* state data structure */
	gbuf_t			*tr_xmt;		/* message being sent */
	gbuf_t			*tr_rcv[8];		/* message being rcvd */
	unsigned int		tr_retry;		/* # retries left */
	unsigned int		tr_timeout;		/* timer interval */
	char			tr_state;		/* current state */
	char			tr_rsp_wait;		/* waiting for transaction response */
	char 			filler[2];
	unsigned char		tr_xo;			/* execute once transaction */
	unsigned char		tr_bitmap;		/* requested bitmask */
	unsigned short		tr_tid;			/* transaction id */
	struct atp_socket	tr_socket;		/* the remote socket id */
	struct atp_trans_q	tr_snd_wait;		/* list of transactions waiting
							   for space to send a msg */
	at_socket		tr_local_socket;
	at_node			tr_local_node;
	at_net			tr_local_net;
	gbuf_t                  *tr_bdsp;               /* bds structure pointer */
	unsigned int		tr_tmo_delta;
	void 				(*tr_tmo_func)();
	struct atp_trans	*tr_tmo_next;
	struct atp_trans	*tr_tmo_prev;
	atlock_t tr_lock;
	atevent_t tr_event;

#define	TRANS_TIMEOUT		0	/* waiting for a reply */
#define	TRANS_REQUEST		1	/* waiting to send a request */
#define	TRANS_RELEASE		2	/* waiting to send a release */
#define	TRANS_DONE			3	/* done - waiting for poll to complete */
#define	TRANS_FAILED		4	/* done - waiting for poll to report failure */
#define TRANS_ABORTING		5	/* waiting on atp_trans_abort list for thread to wakeup */

 *	reply control block (local context at repling end)

struct atp_rcb {
	struct atp_rcb_q	rc_list;		/* rcb list */
	struct atp_rcb_q        rc_tlist;
	struct atp_state	*rc_queue;		/* state data structure */
	gbuf_t			*rc_xmt;		/* replys being sent */
	gbuf_t			*rc_ioctl;		/* waiting ioctl */
	char			rc_snd[8];		/* replys actually to be sent */
	int                     rc_pktcnt;              /* no of pkts in this trans */
	short			rc_state;		/* current state */
	unsigned char		rc_xo;			/* execute once transaction */
	at_node			rc_local_node;
	at_net			rc_local_net;
	short			rc_rep_waiting;		/* in the reply wait list */
	int			rc_timestamp;		/* reply timer */
	unsigned char		rc_bitmap;		/* replied bitmask */
	unsigned char		rc_not_sent_bitmap;	/* replied bitmask */
	unsigned short		rc_tid;			/* transaction id */
	struct atp_socket	rc_socket;		/* the remote socket id */

#define RCB_UNQUEUED		0 	/* newly allocated, not q'd */
#define RCB_RESPONDING		2	/* waiting all of response from process*/
#define RCB_RESPONSE_FULL	3	/* got all of response */
#define RCB_RELEASED		4	/* got our release */
#define RCB_PENDING		5	/* a no wait rcb is full */
#define RCB_NOTIFIED		6
#define RCB_SENDING		7	/* we're currently xmitting this trans */

 *	socket state (per module data structure)

struct atp_state {
	gref_t		*atp_gref;	/* must be the first entry */
	int		atp_pid; 	/* process id, must be the second entry */
	gbuf_t 		*atp_msgq;	/* data msg, must be the third entry */
	unsigned char	dflag; 		/* structure flag, must be the fourth entry */
	unsigned char	filler;
	short	atp_socket_no;
	short	atp_flags;	        /* general flags */
	struct atp_trans_qhead	atp_trans_wait;		/* pending transaction list */
	struct atp_state	*atp_trans_waiting;	/* list of atps waiting for a
							   free transaction */
	unsigned int		atp_retry;		/* retry count */
	unsigned int		atp_timeout;		/* retry timeout */
	struct atp_state	*atp_rcb_waiting;
	struct atp_rcb_qhead	atp_rcb;		/* active rcbs */
	struct atp_rcb_qhead	atp_attached;		/* rcb's waiting to be read */
	atlock_t atp_lock;
	atevent_t atp_event;
	atlock_t atp_delay_lock;
	atevent_t atp_delay_event;

 *     atp_state flag definitions
#define ATP_CLOSING  0x08        /* atp stream in process of closing */

 *	tcb/rcb/state allocation queues

 * Size defines; must be outside following #ifdef to permit
 *  debugging code to reference independent of ATP_DECLARE
#define	NATP_RCB	512	/* the number of ATP RCBs at once */
#define NATP_STATE	192	/* the number of ATP sockets open at once */
				/* note: I made NATP_STATE == NSOCKETS */

struct atp_trans *atp_trans_free_list = NULL;	/* free transactions */
struct atp_rcb *atp_rcb_free_list = NULL;		/* free rcbs */
struct atp_state *atp_free_list = NULL;         	/* free atp states */
struct atp_trans_qhead	atp_trans_abort;		/* aborted trans list */
struct atp_rcb* atp_rcb_data = NULL;
struct atp_state* atp_state_data=NULL;

extern struct atp_trans *atp_trans_free_list;		/* free transactions */
extern struct atp_rcb *atp_rcb_free_list;			/* free rcbs */
extern struct atp_state *atp_free_list;				/* free atp states */
extern struct atp_rcb* atp_rcb_data;
extern struct atp_state* atp_state_data;
extern struct atp_trans_qhead atp_trans_abort;		/* aborting trans list */

extern void atp_req_timeout();
extern void atp_rcb_timer();
extern void atp_x_done();
extern struct atp_rcb *atp_rcb_alloc();
extern struct atp_trans *atp_trans_alloc();
#endif /* ATP_DECLARE */

/* prototypes */
void atp_send_req(gref_t *, gbuf_t *);
void atp_drop_req(gref_t *, gbuf_t *);
void atp_send_rsp(gref_t *, gbuf_t *, int);
void atp_wput(gref_t *, gbuf_t *);
void atp_rput(gref_t *, gbuf_t *);
void atp_retry_req(void *);
void atp_stop(gbuf_t *, int);
void atp_cancel_req(gref_t *, unsigned short);
int atp_open(gref_t *, int);
int atp_bind(gref_t *, unsigned int, unsigned char *);
int atp_close(gref_t *, int);
gbuf_t *atp_build_release(struct atp_trans *);
void atp_req_timeout(struct atp_trans *);
void atp_free(struct atp_trans *);
void atp_x_done(struct atp_trans *);
void atp_send(struct atp_trans *);
void atp_rsp_ind(struct atp_trans *, gbuf_t *);
void atp_trans_free(struct atp_trans *);
void atp_reply(struct atp_rcb *);
void atp_rcb_free(struct atp_rcb *);
void atp_send_replies(struct atp_state *, struct atp_rcb *);
void atp_dequeue_atp(struct atp_state *);
int atp_iocack(struct atp_state *, gbuf_t *);
void atp_req_ind(struct atp_state *, gbuf_t *);
int atp_iocnak(struct atp_state *, gbuf_t *, int);
void atp_trp_timer(void *, int);
void atp_timout(void (*func)(), struct atp_trans *, int);
void atp_untimout(void (*func)(), struct atp_trans *);
int atp_tid(struct atp_state *);

#endif /* __APPLE_API_PRIVATE */
#endif /* KERNEL */
#endif /* _NETAT_ATP_H_ */