serial_console.c   [plain text]

 * Copyright (c) 2000 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
 * Copyright (c) 1999-2003 Apple Computer, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.
 * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
 * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
 * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
 * compliance with the License. Please obtain a copy of the License at
 * and read it before using this
 * file.
 * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
 * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
 * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
 * limitations under the License.

#include <mach_kdb.h>
#include <platforms.h>
#include <serial_console_default.h>

#include <kern/spl.h>
#include <machine/machparam.h>		/* spl definitions */
#include <types.h>
#include <console/video_console.h>
#include <ppc/misc_protos.h>
#include <ppc/serial_io.h>
#include <kern/cpu_number.h>
#include <ppc/Firmware.h>
#include <ppc/proc_reg.h>
#include <pexpert/pexpert.h>

 * A machine MUST have a console.  In our case
 * things are a little complicated by the graphic
 * display: people expect it to be their "console",
 * but we'd like to be able to live without it.
 * This is not to be confused with the "rconsole" thing:
 * that just duplicates the console I/O to
 * another place (for debugging/logging purposes).

const int console_unit = 0;
const int console_chan_default = CONSOLE_PORT;
#define console_chan (console_chan_default) /* ^ cpu_number()) */

#define OPS(putc, getc, nosplputc, nosplgetc) putc, getc

const struct console_ops {
	int	(*putc)(int, int, int);
	int	(*getc)(int, int, boolean_t, boolean_t);
} cons_ops[] = {
#define SCC_CONS_OPS 0
	{OPS(scc_putc, scc_getc, no_spl_scputc, no_spl_scgetc)},
#define VC_CONS_OPS 1
	{OPS(vcputc, vcgetc, no_spl_vcputc, no_spl_vcgetc)},
#define NCONSOPS (sizeof cons_ops / sizeof cons_ops[0])

#define CONS_NAME "com"
#define CONS_NAME "vc"

#define MP_SAFE_CONSOLE 1	/* Set this to 1 to allow more than 1 processor to print at once */

struct ppcbfr {													/* Controls multiple processor output */
	unsigned int 	pos;										/* Current position in buffer */
	unsigned int	noprompt;									/* Set if we skip the prompt */
	unsigned int	echo;										/* Control character echoing */
	char			buffer[256];								/* Fairly big buffer */	
typedef struct ppcbfr ppcbfr;
ppcbfr cbfr[NCPUS];												/* Get one of these for each processor */
volatile unsigned int cbfpend;									/* A buffer is pending output */
volatile unsigned int sconowner=-1;								/* Mark who's actually writing */


unsigned int cons_ops_index = CONS_OPS;
unsigned int killprint = 0;
unsigned int debcnputc = 0;
extern unsigned int	mappingdeb0;
extern int debugger_holdoff[NCPUS];
extern int debugger_cpu;

static void _cnputc(char c)
	cons_ops[cons_ops_index].putc(console_unit, console_chan, c);

void cnputcusr(char c) {										/* Echo input character directly */

	unsigned int cpu;
	cpu = cpu_number();
	hw_atomic_add(&debugger_holdoff[cpu], 1);					/* Don't allow debugger entry just now (this is a HACK) */
	_cnputc( c);												/* Echo the character */
	if(c=='\n') _cnputc( '\r');									/* Add a return if we had a new line */
	hw_atomic_sub(&debugger_holdoff[cpu], 1);					/* Don't allow debugger entry just now (this is a HACK) */

cnputc(char c)

	unsigned int oldpend, i, cpu, ourbit, sccpu;
	spl_t 		s;

 *		Handle multiple CPU console output.
 *		Note: this thing has gotten god-awful complicated.  We need a better way.

	if(killprint) {		
		return;													/* If printing is disabled, bail... */
	cpu = cpu_number();

	hw_atomic_add(&debugger_holdoff[cpu], 1);					/* Don't allow debugger entry just now (this is a HACK) */

	ourbit = 1 << cpu;											/* Make a mask for just us */
	if(debugger_cpu != -1) {									/* Are we in the debugger with empty buffers? */
		while(sconowner != cpu) {								/* Anyone but us? */
			hw_compare_and_store(-1, cpu, (unsigned int *)&sconowner);	/* Try to mark it for us if idle */
		_cnputc( c);											/* Yeah, just write it */
		if(c=='\n')												/* Did we just write a new line? */
			_cnputc( '\r');										/* Yeah, just add a return */
		sconowner=-1;											/* Mark it idle */	
		hw_atomic_sub(&debugger_holdoff[cpu], 1);				/* Don't allow debugger entry just now (this is a HACK) */
		return;													/* Leave... */

	s=splhigh();												/* Don't bother me */
	while(ourbit&cbfpend);										/* We aren't "double buffered," so we'll just wait until the buffers are written */
	isync();													/* Just in case we had to wait */
	if(c) {														/* If the character is not null */
		cbfr[cpu].buffer[cbfr[cpu].pos]=c;						/* Fill in the buffer for our CPU */
		cbfr[cpu].pos++;										/* Up the count */
		if(cbfr[cpu].pos > 253) {								/* Is the buffer full? */
			cbfr[cpu].buffer[254]='\n';							/* Yeah, set the second to last as a LF */
			cbfr[cpu].buffer[255]='\r';							/* And the last to a CR */
			cbfr[cpu].pos=256;									/* Push the buffer to the end */
			c='\r';												/* Set character to a CR */
	if(c == '\n') {												/* Are we finishing a line? */
		cbfr[cpu].buffer[cbfr[cpu].pos]='\r';					/* And the last to a CR */
		cbfr[cpu].pos++;										/* Up the count */
		c='\r';													/* Set character to a CR */

#if 1
	if(cbfr[cpu].echo == 1) {									/* Did we hit an escape last time? */
		if(c == 'K') {											/* Is it a partial clear? */
			cbfr[cpu].echo = 2;									/* Yes, enter echo mode */
		else cbfr[cpu].echo = 0;								/* Otherwise reset escape */
	else if(cbfr[cpu].echo == 0) {								/* Not in escape sequence, see if we should enter */
		cbfr[cpu].echo = 1;										/* Set that we are in escape sequence */

	if((c == 0x00) || (c == '\r') || (cbfr[cpu].echo == 2)) {	/* Try to push out all buffers if we see CR or null */
		while(1) {												/* Loop until we see who's doing this */
			oldpend=cbfpend;									/* Get the currentest pending buffer flags */
			if(hw_compare_and_store(oldpend, oldpend|ourbit, (unsigned int *)&cbfpend))	/* Swap ours on if no change */
				break;											/* Bail the loop if it worked */
		if(!hw_compare_and_store(-1, cpu, (unsigned int *)&sconowner)) {	/* See if someone else has this, and take it if not */
			debugger_holdoff[cpu] = 0;							/* Allow debugger entry (this is a HACK) */
			splx(s);											/* Let's take some 'rupts now */
			return;												/* We leave here, 'cause another processor is already writing the buffers */
		while(1) {												/* Loop to dump out all of the finished buffers */
			oldpend=cbfpend;									/* Get the most current finished buffers */
			for(sccpu=0; sccpu<NCPUS; sccpu++) {				/* Cycle through all CPUs buffers */
				if(oldpend&(1<<sccpu)) {						/* Does this guy have a buffer to do? */

#if 0
					if(!cbfr[sccpu].noprompt) {					/* Don't prompt if there was not CR before */
						_cnputc( '{');	/* Mark CPU number */
						_cnputc( '0'+sccpu);	/* Mark CPU number */
						_cnputc( '.');	/* (TEST/DEBUG) */
						_cnputc( '0'+cpu);	/* (TEST/DEBUG) */
						_cnputc( '}');	/* Mark CPU number */
						_cnputc( ' ');	/* Mark CPU number */
					for(i=0; i<cbfr[sccpu].pos; i++) {			/* Do the whole buffer */
						_cnputc( cbfr[sccpu].buffer[i]); /* Write it */
					if(cbfr[sccpu].buffer[cbfr[sccpu].pos-1]!='\r') {	/* Was the last character a return? */
						cbfr[sccpu].noprompt = 1;				/* Remember not to prompt */
					else {										/* Last was a return */
						cbfr[sccpu].noprompt = 0;				/* Otherwise remember to prompt */
						cbfr[sccpu].echo = 0;					/* And clear echo */
					cbfr[sccpu].pos=0;							/* Reset the buffer pointer */
					while(!hw_compare_and_store(cbfpend, cbfpend&~(1<<sccpu), (unsigned int *)&cbfpend));	/* Swap it off */
			sconowner=-1;										/* Set the writer to idle */
			sync();												/* Insure that everything's done */
			if(hw_compare_and_store(0, 0, (unsigned int *)&cbfpend)) break;	/* If there are no new buffers, we are done... */
			if(!hw_compare_and_store(-1, cpu, (unsigned int *)&sconowner)) break;	/* If this isn't idle anymore, we're done */
	hw_atomic_sub(&debugger_holdoff[cpu], 1);					/* Don't allow debugger entry just now (this is a HACK) */
	splx(s);													/* Let's take some 'rupts now */

#else  /* MP_SAFE_CONSOLE */
	_cnputc( c);
	if (c == '\n')
#endif  /* MP_SAFE_CONSOLE */


	return cons_ops[cons_ops_index].getc(console_unit, console_chan,
					     TRUE, FALSE);

	return cons_ops[cons_ops_index].getc(console_unit, console_chan,
					     FALSE, FALSE);

boolean_t console_is_serial()
	return cons_ops_index == SCC_CONS_OPS;

	int old_cons_ops = cons_ops_index;
	cons_ops_index = VC_CONS_OPS;
	return old_cons_ops;

	int old_cons_ops = cons_ops_index;
	cons_ops_index = SCC_CONS_OPS;
	return old_cons_ops;

/* The switch_to_{video,serial,kgdb}_console functions return a cookie that
   can be used to restore the console to whatever it was before, in the
   same way that splwhatever() and splx() work.  */
switch_to_old_console(int old_console)
	static boolean_t squawked;
	unsigned int ops = old_console;

	if (ops >= NCONSOPS && !squawked) {
		squawked = TRUE;
		printf("switch_to_old_console: unknown ops %d\n", ops);
	} else
		cons_ops_index = ops;

vcgetc(int l, int u, boolean_t wait, boolean_t raw)
	char c;

	if( 0 == (*PE_poll_input)( 0, &c))
		return( c);
		return( 0);