ifndef RC_ProjectName RC_ProjectName = subversion endif ifndef DEVELOPER_DIR DEVELOPER_DIR := $(shell xcode-select -p) endif APR_TOOLCHAIN_DIR=$(dir $(shell xcrun --toolchain $(TOOLCHAINS) -f apr-1-config))/.. Project = subversion ProjectVersion = 1.9.4 #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # build/get-py-info.py appends "-framework Python" to its --link and --libs # output. This is wrong, and especially bad when building multi-version # (e.g., when python 2.6 is the default, and we are building for 2.5, # "-framework Python" will bring in the 2.6 python dylib, causing crashes). # So the build_get-py-info.py.diff patch removes the appending of # "-framework Python". #------------------------------------------------------------------------- Patches = build_get-py-info.py.diff \ configure.diff \ Makefile.in.diff \ spawn.diff \ xcode.diff \ configure.noperlppc.diff \ PR-11438447.diff \ build-outputs.mk.perl.diff \ serf-1.diff \ PR-13100837.diff \ apr14.diff Extra_Make_Flags = Extra_Cxx_Flags = -stdlib=libc++ Extra_LD_Flags = -headerpad_max_install_names ifndef SDKROOT SDKROOT := $(shell xcrun --sdk macosx.internal --show-sdk-path) endif include $(DEVELOPER_DIR)/AppleInternal/Makefiles/DT_Signing.mk export CODESIGN_ALLOCATE := $(shell xcrun -find -sdk $(SDKROOT) codesign_allocate) CODESIGN = /usr/bin/codesign --force --sign - $(DVT_CODE_SIGN_FLAGS) --timestamp=none include Makefile.$(RC_ProjectName) # Extract the source. install_source:: $(RMDIR) $(SRCROOT)/$(Project) $(SRCROOT)/$(Project)-$(ProjectVersion) $(TAR) -C $(SRCROOT) -xof $(SRCROOT)/$(Project)-$(ProjectVersion).tar.bz2 $(MV) $(SRCROOT)/$(Project)-$(ProjectVersion) $(SRCROOT)/$(Project) @set -x && \ cd $(SRCROOT)/$(Project) && \ for patchfile in $(Patches); do \ patch -p0 -F0 -i $(SRCROOT)/files/$$patchfile || exit 1; \ done ed - $(SRCROOT)/$(Project)/build-outputs.mk < $(SRCROOT)/files/fix-build-outputs.mk.ed OSV = $(DSTROOT)$(DEVELOPER_DIR)/usr/local/OpenSourceVersions OSL = $(DSTROOT)$(DEVELOPER_DIR)/usr/local/OpenSourceLicenses install-plist: $(MKDIR) $(OSV) $(INSTALL_FILE) $(SRCROOT)/$(Project).plist $(OSV)/$(RC_ProjectName).plist $(MKDIR) $(OSL) $(INSTALL_FILE) $(Sources)/LICENSE $(OSL)/$(RC_ProjectName).txt # testbots! testbots: $(MAKE) -C $(OBJROOT) check