diff_tests.py   [plain text]

#!/usr/bin/env python
#  diff_tests.py:  some basic diff tests
#  Subversion is a tool for revision control.
#  See http://subversion.tigris.org for more information.
# ====================================================================
# Copyright (c) 2000-2008 CollabNet.  All rights reserved.
# This software is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
# you should have received as part of this distribution.  The terms
# are also available at http://subversion.tigris.org/license-1.html.
# If newer versions of this license are posted there, you may use a
# newer version instead, at your option.

# General modules
import sys, re, os, time

# Our testing module
import svntest

# (abbreviation)
Skip = svntest.testcase.Skip
XFail = svntest.testcase.XFail
Item = svntest.wc.StateItem

# Generate expected output

def make_diff_header(path, old_tag, new_tag):
  """Generate the expected diff header for file PATH, with its old and new
  versions described in parentheses by OLD_TAG and NEW_TAG. Return the header
  as an array of newline-terminated strings."""
  path_as_shown = path.replace('\\', '/')
  return [
    "Index: " + path_as_shown + "\n",
    "--- " + path_as_shown + "\t(" + old_tag + ")\n",
    "+++ " + path_as_shown + "\t(" + new_tag + ")\n",

# Diff output checker
# Looks for the correct filenames and a suitable number of +/- lines
# depending on whether this is an addition, modification or deletion.

def check_diff_output(diff_output, name, diff_type):
  "check diff output"

# On Windows, diffs still display / rather than \ in paths
  if svntest.main.windows == 1:
    name = name.replace('\\', '/')
  i_re = re.compile('^Index:')
  d_re = re.compile('^Index: (\\./)?' + name)
  p_re = re.compile('^--- (\\./)?' + name)
  add_re = re.compile('^\\+')
  sub_re = re.compile('^-')

  i = 0
  while i < len(diff_output) - 4:

    # identify a possible diff
    if (d_re.match(diff_output[i])
        and p_re.match(diff_output[i+2])):

      # count lines added and deleted
      i += 4
      add_lines = 0
      sub_lines = 0
      while i < len(diff_output) and not i_re.match(diff_output[i]):
        if add_re.match(diff_output[i][0]):
          add_lines += 1
        if sub_re.match(diff_output[i][0]):
          sub_lines += 1
        i += 1

      #print "add:", add_lines
      #print "sub:", sub_lines
      # check if this looks like the right sort of diff
      if add_lines > 0 and sub_lines == 0 and diff_type == 'A':
        return 0
      if sub_lines > 0 and add_lines == 0 and diff_type == 'D':
        return 0
      if add_lines > 0 and sub_lines > 0 and diff_type == 'M':
        return 0

      i += 1

  # no suitable diff found
  return 1

def count_diff_output(diff_output):
  "count the number of file diffs in the output"

  i_re = re.compile('Index:')
  diff_count = 0
  i = 0
  while i < len(diff_output) - 4:
    if i_re.match(diff_output[i]):
      i += 4
      diff_count += 1
      i += 1

  return diff_count

def verify_expected_output(diff_output, expected):
  "verify given line exists in diff output"
  for line in diff_output:
    if line.find(expected) != -1:
    raise svntest.Failure

def verify_excluded_output(diff_output, excluded):
  "verify given line does not exist in diff output as diff line"
  for line in diff_output:
    if re.match("^(\\+|-)%s" % re.escape(excluded), line):
      print('Sought: %s' % excluded)
      print('Found:  %s' % line)
      raise svntest.Failure

def extract_diff_path(line):
  l2 = line[(line.find("(")+1):]
  l3 = l2[0:(l2.find(")"))]
  return l3

# diff on a repository subset and check the output

def diff_check_repo_subset(wc_dir, repo_subset, check_fn, do_diff_r):
  "diff and check for part of the repository"

  was_cwd = os.getcwd()

  exit_code, diff_output, err_output = svntest.main.run_svn(None, 'diff',
  if check_fn(diff_output):
    return 1

  if do_diff_r:
    exit_code, diff_output, err_output = svntest.main.run_svn(None, 'diff',
                                                              '-r', 'HEAD',
    if check_fn(diff_output):
      return 1


  return 0

# Changes makers and change checkers

def update_a_file():
  "update a file"
  svntest.main.file_write(os.path.join('A', 'B', 'E', 'alpha'), "new atext")
  # svntest.main.file_append(, "new atext")
  return 0

def check_update_a_file(diff_output):
  "check diff for update a file"
  return check_diff_output(diff_output,
                           os.path.join('A', 'B', 'E', 'alpha'),

def diff_check_update_a_file_repo_subset(wc_dir):
  "diff and check update a file for a repository subset"

  repo_subset = os.path.join('A', 'B')
  if diff_check_repo_subset(wc_dir, repo_subset, check_update_a_file, 1):
    return 1

  repo_subset = os.path.join('A', 'B', 'E', 'alpha')
  if diff_check_repo_subset(wc_dir, repo_subset, check_update_a_file, 1):
    return 1

  return 0


def add_a_file():
  "add a file"
  svntest.main.file_append(os.path.join('A', 'B', 'E', 'theta'), "theta")
  svntest.main.run_svn(None, 'add', os.path.join('A', 'B', 'E', 'theta'))
  return 0

def check_add_a_file(diff_output):
  "check diff for add a file"
  return check_diff_output(diff_output,
                           os.path.join('A', 'B', 'E', 'theta'),

def check_add_a_file_reverse(diff_output):
  "check diff for add a file"
  return check_diff_output(diff_output,
                           os.path.join('A', 'B', 'E', 'theta'),

def diff_check_add_a_file_repo_subset(wc_dir):
  "diff and check add a file for a repository subset"

  repo_subset = os.path.join('A', 'B')
  if diff_check_repo_subset(wc_dir, repo_subset, check_add_a_file, 1):
    return 1

  repo_subset = os.path.join('A', 'B', 'E', 'theta')
  ### TODO: diff -r HEAD doesn't work for added file
  if diff_check_repo_subset(wc_dir, repo_subset, check_add_a_file, 0):
    return 1

def update_added_file():
  svntest.main.file_append(os.path.join('A', 'B', 'E', 'theta'), "net ttext")
  "update added file"
  return 0

def check_update_added_file(diff_output):
  "check diff for update of added file"
  return check_diff_output(diff_output,
                           os.path.join('A', 'B', 'E', 'theta'),


def add_a_file_in_a_subdir():
  "add a file in a subdir"
  os.mkdir(os.path.join('A', 'B', 'T'))
  svntest.main.run_svn(None, 'add', os.path.join('A', 'B', 'T'))
  svntest.main.file_append(os.path.join('A', 'B', 'T', 'phi'), "phi")
  svntest.main.run_svn(None, 'add', os.path.join('A', 'B', 'T', 'phi'))
  return 0

def check_add_a_file_in_a_subdir(diff_output):
  "check diff for add a file in a subdir"
  return check_diff_output(diff_output,
                           os.path.join('A', 'B', 'T', 'phi'),

def check_add_a_file_in_a_subdir_reverse(diff_output):
  "check diff for add a file in a subdir"
  return check_diff_output(diff_output,
                           os.path.join('A', 'B', 'T', 'phi'),

def diff_check_add_a_file_in_a_subdir_repo_subset(wc_dir):
  "diff and check add a file in a subdir for a repository subset"

  repo_subset = os.path.join('A', 'B', 'T')
  ### TODO: diff -r HEAD doesn't work for added subdir
  if diff_check_repo_subset(wc_dir, repo_subset,
                            check_add_a_file_in_a_subdir, 0):
    return 1

  repo_subset = os.path.join('A', 'B', 'T', 'phi')
  ### TODO: diff -r HEAD doesn't work for added file in subdir
  if diff_check_repo_subset(wc_dir, repo_subset,
                            check_add_a_file_in_a_subdir, 0):
    return 1


def replace_a_file():
  "replace a file"
  svntest.main.run_svn(None, 'rm', os.path.join('A', 'D', 'G', 'rho'))
  svntest.main.file_append(os.path.join('A', 'D', 'G', 'rho'), "new rho")
  svntest.main.run_svn(None, 'add', os.path.join('A', 'D', 'G', 'rho'))
  return 0

def check_replace_a_file(diff_output):
  "check diff for replace a file"
  return check_diff_output(diff_output,
                       os.path.join('A', 'D', 'G', 'rho'),


def update_three_files():
  "update three files"
  svntest.main.file_write(os.path.join('A', 'D', 'gamma'), "new gamma")
  svntest.main.file_write(os.path.join('A', 'D', 'G', 'tau'), "new tau")
  svntest.main.file_write(os.path.join('A', 'D', 'H', 'psi'), "new psi")
  return 0

def check_update_three_files(diff_output):
  "check update three files"
  if check_diff_output(diff_output,
                        os.path.join('A', 'D', 'gamma'),
    return 1
  if check_diff_output(diff_output,
                        os.path.join('A', 'D', 'G', 'tau'),
    return 1
  if check_diff_output(diff_output,
                        os.path.join('A', 'D', 'H', 'psi'),
    return 1
  return 0

# make a change, check the diff, commit the change, check the diff

def change_diff_commit_diff(wc_dir, revision, change_fn, check_fn):
  "make a change, diff, commit, update and diff again"

  was_cwd = os.getcwd()

                       'up', '-r', 'HEAD')


  # diff without revision doesn't use an editor
  exit_code, diff_output, err_output = svntest.main.run_svn(None, 'diff')
  if check_fn(diff_output):
    raise svntest.Failure

  # diff with revision runs an editor
  exit_code, diff_output, err_output = svntest.main.run_svn(None, 'diff',
                                                            '-r', 'HEAD')
  if check_fn(diff_output):
    raise svntest.Failure

                       'ci', '-m', 'log msg')
  exit_code, diff_output, err_output = svntest.main.run_svn(None, 'diff',
                                                            '-r', revision)
  if check_fn(diff_output):
    raise svntest.Failure


# check the diff

def just_diff(wc_dir, rev_check, check_fn):
  "update and check that the given diff is seen"

  was_cwd = os.getcwd()

  exit_code, diff_output, err_output = svntest.main.run_svn(None, 'diff',
                                                            '-r', rev_check)
  if check_fn(diff_output):
    raise svntest.Failure

# update, check the diff

def update_diff(wc_dir, rev_up, rev_check, check_fn):
  "update and check that the given diff is seen"

  was_cwd = os.getcwd()

                       'up', '-r', rev_up)


  just_diff(wc_dir, rev_check, check_fn)

# check a pure repository rev1:rev2 diff

def repo_diff(wc_dir, rev1, rev2, check_fn):
  "check that the given pure repository diff is seen"

  was_cwd = os.getcwd()

  exit_code, diff_output, err_output = svntest.main.run_svn(None,
                                                            'diff', '-r',
                                                            repr(rev2) + ':'
                                                                   + repr(rev1))
  if check_fn(diff_output):
    raise svntest.Failure


# Tests

# test 1
def diff_update_a_file(sbox):
  "update a file"


  change_diff_commit_diff(sbox.wc_dir, 1,

# test 2
def diff_add_a_file(sbox):
  "add a file"


  change_diff_commit_diff(sbox.wc_dir, 1,

#test 3
def diff_add_a_file_in_a_subdir(sbox):
  "add a file in an added directory"


  change_diff_commit_diff(sbox.wc_dir, 1,

# test 4
def diff_replace_a_file(sbox):
  "replace a file with a file"


  change_diff_commit_diff(sbox.wc_dir, 1,

# test 5
def diff_multiple_reverse(sbox):
  "multiple revisions diff'd forwards and backwards"

  wc_dir = sbox.wc_dir

  # rev 2
  change_diff_commit_diff(wc_dir, 1,

  #rev 3
  change_diff_commit_diff(wc_dir, 2,

  #rev 4
  change_diff_commit_diff(wc_dir, 3,

  # check diffs both ways
  update_diff(wc_dir, 4, 1, check_update_a_file)
  just_diff(wc_dir, 1, check_add_a_file_in_a_subdir)
  just_diff(wc_dir, 1, check_add_a_file)
  update_diff(wc_dir, 1, 4, check_update_a_file)
  just_diff(wc_dir, 4, check_add_a_file_in_a_subdir_reverse)
  just_diff(wc_dir, 4, check_add_a_file_reverse)

  # check pure repository diffs
  repo_diff(wc_dir, 4, 1, check_update_a_file)
  repo_diff(wc_dir, 4, 1, check_add_a_file_in_a_subdir)
  repo_diff(wc_dir, 4, 1, check_add_a_file)
  repo_diff(wc_dir, 1, 4, check_update_a_file)
# ### TODO: directory delete doesn't work yet
#  repo_diff(wc_dir, 1, 4, check_add_a_file_in_a_subdir_reverse)
  repo_diff(wc_dir, 1, 4, check_add_a_file_reverse)

# test 6
def diff_non_recursive(sbox):
  "non-recursive behaviour"

  wc_dir = sbox.wc_dir

  change_diff_commit_diff(wc_dir, 1,

  # The changes are in:   ./A/D/gamma
  #                       ./A/D/G/tau
  #                       ./A/D/H/psi
  # When checking D recursively there are three changes. When checking
  # D non-recursively there is only one change. When checking G
  # recursively, there is only one change even though D is the anchor

  # full diff has three changes
  exit_code, diff_output, err_output = svntest.main.run_svn(
    None, 'diff', '-r', '1', os.path.join(wc_dir, 'A', 'D'))

  if count_diff_output(diff_output) != 3:
    raise svntest.Failure

  # non-recursive has one change
  exit_code, diff_output, err_output = svntest.main.run_svn(
    None, 'diff', '-r', '1', '-N', os.path.join(wc_dir, 'A', 'D'))

  if count_diff_output(diff_output) != 1:
    raise svntest.Failure

  # diffing a directory doesn't pick up other diffs in the anchor
  exit_code, diff_output, err_output = svntest.main.run_svn(
    None, 'diff', '-r', '1', os.path.join(wc_dir, 'A', 'D', 'G'))

  if count_diff_output(diff_output) != 1:
    raise svntest.Failure

# test 7
def diff_repo_subset(sbox):
  "diff only part of the repository"

  wc_dir = sbox.wc_dir

  was_cwd = os.getcwd()



  if diff_check_update_a_file_repo_subset(wc_dir):
    raise svntest.Failure

  if diff_check_add_a_file_repo_subset(wc_dir):
    raise svntest.Failure

  if diff_check_add_a_file_in_a_subdir_repo_subset(wc_dir):
    raise svntest.Failure

# test 8
def diff_non_version_controlled_file(sbox):
  "non version controlled files"

  wc_dir = sbox.wc_dir

  svntest.main.file_append(os.path.join(wc_dir, 'A', 'D', 'foo'), "a new file")

  exit_code, diff_output, err_output = svntest.main.run_svn(
    1, 'diff', os.path.join(wc_dir, 'A', 'D', 'foo'))

  if count_diff_output(diff_output) != 0: raise svntest.Failure

  # At one point this would crash, so we would only get a 'Segmentation Fault'
  # error message.  The appropriate response is a few lines of errors.  I wish
  # there was a way to figure out if svn crashed, but all run_svn gives us is
  # the output, so here we are...
  for line in err_output:
    if re.search("foo' is not under version control$", line):
    raise svntest.Failure

# test 9
def diff_pure_repository_update_a_file(sbox):
  "pure repository diff update a file"

  wc_dir = sbox.wc_dir


  # rev 2
                       'ci', '-m', 'log msg')

  # rev 3
                       'ci', '-m', 'log msg')

  # rev 4
                       'ci', '-m', 'log msg')

  # rev 5
                       'ci', '-m', 'log msg')

                       'up', '-r', '2')

  url = sbox.repo_url

  exit_code, diff_output, err_output = svntest.main.run_svn(None, 'diff',
                                                            '-c', '2', url)
  if check_update_a_file(diff_output): raise svntest.Failure

  exit_code, diff_output, err_output = svntest.main.run_svn(None, 'diff',
                                                            '-r', '1:2')
  if check_update_a_file(diff_output): raise svntest.Failure

  exit_code, diff_output, err_output = svntest.main.run_svn(None, 'diff',
                                                            '-c', '3', url)
  if check_add_a_file_in_a_subdir(diff_output): raise svntest.Failure

  exit_code, diff_output, err_output = svntest.main.run_svn(None, 'diff',
                                                            '-r', '2:3')
  if check_add_a_file_in_a_subdir(diff_output): raise svntest.Failure

  exit_code, diff_output, err_output = svntest.main.run_svn(None, 'diff',
                                                            '-c', '5', url)
  if check_update_added_file(diff_output): raise svntest.Failure

  exit_code, diff_output, err_output = svntest.main.run_svn(None, 'diff',
                                                            '-r', '4:5')
  if check_update_added_file(diff_output): raise svntest.Failure

  exit_code, diff_output, err_output = svntest.main.run_svn(None, 'diff',
                                                            '-r', 'head')
  if check_add_a_file_in_a_subdir_reverse(diff_output): raise svntest.Failure

# test 10
def diff_only_property_change(sbox):
  "diff when property was changed but text was not"

  wc_dir = sbox.wc_dir

  expected_output = [
    "Property changes on: iota\n",
    "Added: svn:eol-style\n",
    "   + native\n",
    "\n" ]

  expected_reverse_output = list(expected_output)
  expected_reverse_output[3] = expected_reverse_output[3].replace("Added",
  expected_reverse_output[4] = "   - native\n"

  svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn(None, None, [],
                                     'svn:eol-style', 'native', 'iota')

  svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn(None, None, [],
                                     'ci', '-m', 'empty-msg')

  svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn(None, expected_output, [],
                                     'diff', '-r', '1:2')

  svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn(None, expected_output, [],
                                     'diff', '-c', '2')

  svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn(None, expected_reverse_output, [],
                                     'diff', '-r', '2:1')

  svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn(None, expected_reverse_output, [],
                                     'diff', '-c', '-2')

  svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn(None, expected_output, [],
                                     'diff', '-r', '1')

  svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn(None, expected_output, [],
                                     'diff', '-r', 'PREV', 'iota')

# Regression test for issue #1019: make sure we don't try to display
# diffs when the file is marked as a binary type.  This tests all 3
# uses of 'svn diff':  wc-wc, wc-repos, repos-repos.

def dont_diff_binary_file(sbox):
  "don't diff file marked as binary type"

  wc_dir = sbox.wc_dir

  # Add a binary file to the project.
  theta_contents = svntest.main.file_read(
    os.path.join(sys.path[0], "theta.bin"), 'rb')
  # Write PNG file data into 'A/theta'.
  theta_path = os.path.join(wc_dir, 'A', 'theta')
  svntest.main.file_write(theta_path, theta_contents, 'wb')

  svntest.main.run_svn(None, 'add', theta_path)

  # Created expected output tree for 'svn ci'
  expected_output = svntest.wc.State(wc_dir, {
    'A/theta' : Item(verb='Adding  (bin)'),

  # Create expected status tree
  expected_status = svntest.actions.get_virginal_state(wc_dir, 1)
    'A/theta' : Item(status='  ', wc_rev=2),

  # Commit the new binary file, creating revision 2.
  svntest.actions.run_and_verify_commit(wc_dir, expected_output,
                                        expected_status, None, wc_dir)

  # Update the whole working copy to HEAD (rev 2)
  expected_output = svntest.wc.State(wc_dir, {})

  expected_disk = svntest.main.greek_state.copy()
    'A/theta' : Item(theta_contents,
                     props={'svn:mime-type' : 'application/octet-stream'}),

  expected_status = svntest.actions.get_virginal_state(wc_dir, 2)
    'A/theta' : Item(status='  ', wc_rev=2),

                                        None, None, None, None, None,
                                        1)  # verify props, too.

  # Make a local mod to the binary file.
  svntest.main.file_append(theta_path, "some extra junk")

  # First diff use-case: plain old 'svn diff wc' will display any
  # local changes in the working copy.  (diffing working
  # vs. text-base)

  re_nodisplay = re.compile('^Cannot display:')

  exit_code, stdout, stderr = svntest.main.run_svn(None, 'diff', wc_dir)

  for line in stdout:
    if (re_nodisplay.match(line)):
    raise svntest.Failure

  # Second diff use-case: 'svn diff -r1 wc' compares the wc against a
  # the first revision in the repository.

  exit_code, stdout, stderr = svntest.main.run_svn(None,
                                                   'diff', '-r', '1', wc_dir)

  for line in stdout:
    if (re_nodisplay.match(line)):
    raise svntest.Failure

  # Now commit the local mod, creating rev 3.
  expected_output = svntest.wc.State(wc_dir, {
    'A/theta' : Item(verb='Sending'),

  expected_status = svntest.actions.get_virginal_state(wc_dir, 2)
    'A/theta' : Item(status='  ', wc_rev=3),

  svntest.actions.run_and_verify_commit(wc_dir, expected_output,
                                        expected_status, None, wc_dir)

  # Third diff use-case: 'svn diff -r2:3 wc' will compare two
  # repository trees.

  exit_code, stdout, stderr = svntest.main.run_svn(None, 'diff',
                                                   '-r', '2:3', wc_dir)

  for line in stdout:
    if (re_nodisplay.match(line)):
    raise svntest.Failure

def diff_nonextant_urls(sbox):
  "svn diff errors against a non-existent URL"

  sbox.build(create_wc = False)
  non_extant_url = sbox.repo_url + '/A/does_not_exist'
  extant_url = sbox.repo_url + '/A/mu'

  exit_code, diff_output, err_output = svntest.main.run_svn(
    1, 'diff', '--old', non_extant_url, '--new', extant_url)

  for line in err_output:
    if re.search('was not found in the repository at revision', line):
    raise svntest.Failure

  exit_code, diff_output, err_output = svntest.main.run_svn(
    1, 'diff', '--old', extant_url, '--new', non_extant_url)

  for line in err_output:
    if re.search('was not found in the repository at revision', line):
    raise svntest.Failure

def diff_head_of_moved_file(sbox):
  "diff against the head of a moved file"

  mu_path = os.path.join(sbox.wc_dir, 'A', 'mu')
  new_mu_path = mu_path + '.new'

  svntest.main.run_svn(None, 'mv', mu_path, new_mu_path)

  # Modify the file to ensure that the diff is non-empty.
  svntest.main.file_append(new_mu_path, "\nActually, it's a new mu.")

  svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn(None, svntest.verify.AnyOutput, [],
                                     'diff', '-r', 'HEAD', new_mu_path)

# Regression test for issue #977: make 'svn diff -r BASE:N' compare a
# repository tree against the wc's text-bases, rather than the wc's
# working files.  This is a long test, which checks many variations.

def diff_base_to_repos(sbox):
  "diff text-bases against repository"

  wc_dir = sbox.wc_dir

  iota_path = os.path.join(sbox.wc_dir, 'iota')
  newfile_path = os.path.join(sbox.wc_dir, 'A', 'D', 'newfile')
  mu_path = os.path.join(sbox.wc_dir, 'A', 'mu')

  # Make changes to iota, commit r2, update to HEAD (r2).
  svntest.main.file_append(iota_path, "some rev2 iota text.\n")

  expected_output = svntest.wc.State(wc_dir, {
    'iota' : Item(verb='Sending'),

  expected_status = svntest.actions.get_virginal_state(wc_dir, 1)
  expected_status.tweak('iota', wc_rev=2)

  svntest.actions.run_and_verify_commit(wc_dir, expected_output,
                                        expected_status, None, wc_dir)

  expected_output = svntest.wc.State(wc_dir, {})
  expected_disk = svntest.main.greek_state.copy()
                      "This is the file 'iota'.\nsome rev2 iota text.\n")
  expected_status = svntest.actions.get_virginal_state(wc_dir, 2)
  svntest.actions.run_and_verify_update(wc_dir, expected_output,
                                        expected_disk, expected_status)

  # Now make another local mod to iota.
  svntest.main.file_append(iota_path, "an iota local mod.\n")

  # If we run 'svn diff -r 1', we should see diffs that include *both*
  # the rev2 changes and local mods.  That's because the working files
  # are being compared to the repository.
  exit_code, diff_output, err = svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn(
    None, None, [], 'diff', '-r', '1', wc_dir)

  # Makes diff output look the same on all platforms.
  def strip_eols(lines):
    return [x.replace("\r", "").replace("\n", "") for x in lines]

  expected_output_lines = make_diff_header(iota_path, "revision 1",
                                           "working copy") + [
    "@@ -1 +1,3 @@\n",
    " This is the file 'iota'.\n",
    "+some rev2 iota text.\n",
    "+an iota local mod.\n"]

  if strip_eols(diff_output) != strip_eols(expected_output_lines):
    raise svntest.Failure

  # If we run 'svn diff -r BASE:1', we should see diffs that only show
  # the rev2 changes and NOT the local mods.  That's because the
  # text-bases are being compared to the repository.
  exit_code, diff_output, err = svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn(
    None, None, [], 'diff', '-r', 'BASE:1', wc_dir)

  expected_output_lines = make_diff_header(iota_path, "working copy",
                                           "revision 1") + [
    "@@ -1,2 +1 @@\n",
    " This is the file 'iota'.\n",
    "-some rev2 iota text.\n"]

  if strip_eols(diff_output) != strip_eols(expected_output_lines):
    raise svntest.Failure

  # But that's not all folks... no, no, we're just getting started
  # here!  There are so many other tests to do.

  # For example, we just ran 'svn diff -rBASE:1'.  The output should
  # look exactly the same as 'svn diff -r2:1'.  (If you remove the
  # header commentary)
  exit_code, diff_output2, err = svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn(
    None, None, [], 'diff', '-r', '2:1', wc_dir)

  diff_output[2:4] = []
  diff_output2[2:4] = []

  if (diff_output2 != diff_output):
    raise svntest.Failure

  # and similarly, does 'svn diff -r1:2' == 'svn diff -r1:BASE' ?
  exit_code, diff_output, err = svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn(
    None, None, [], 'diff', '-r', '1:2', wc_dir)

  exit_code, diff_output2, err = svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn(
    None, None, [], 'diff', '-r', '1:BASE', wc_dir)

  diff_output[2:4] = []
  diff_output2[2:4] = []

  if (diff_output2 != diff_output):
    raise svntest.Failure

  # Now we schedule an addition and a deletion.
  svntest.main.file_append(newfile_path, "Contents of newfile\n")
  svntest.main.run_svn(None, 'add', newfile_path)
  svntest.main.run_svn(None, 'rm', mu_path)

  expected_output = svntest.actions.get_virginal_state(wc_dir, 2)
    'A/D/newfile' : Item(status='A ', wc_rev=0),
  expected_output.tweak('A/mu', status='D ')
  expected_output.tweak('iota', status='M ')
  svntest.actions.run_and_verify_status(wc_dir, expected_output)

  # once again, verify that -r1:2 and -r1:BASE look the same, as do
  # -r2:1 and -rBASE:1.  None of these diffs should mention the
  # scheduled addition or deletion.
  exit_code, diff_output, err = svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn(
    None, None, [], 'diff', '-r', '1:2', wc_dir)

  exit_code, diff_output2, err = svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn(
    None, None, [], 'diff', '-r', '1:BASE', wc_dir)

  exit_code, diff_output3, err = svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn(
    None, None, [], 'diff', '-r', '2:1', wc_dir)

  exit_code, diff_output4, err = svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn(
    None, None, [], 'diff', '-r', 'BASE:1', wc_dir)

  diff_output[2:4] = []
  diff_output2[2:4] = []
  diff_output3[2:4] = []
  diff_output4[2:4] = []

  if (diff_output != diff_output2):
    raise svntest.Failure

  if (diff_output3 != diff_output4):
    raise svntest.Failure

  # Great!  So far, so good.  Now we commit our three changes (a local
  # mod, an addition, a deletion) and update to HEAD (r3).
  expected_output = svntest.wc.State(wc_dir, {
    'iota' : Item(verb='Sending'),
    'A/mu' : Item(verb='Deleting'),
    'A/D/newfile' : Item(verb='Adding')
  expected_status = svntest.actions.get_virginal_state(wc_dir, 2)
  expected_status.tweak('iota', wc_rev=3)
    'A/D/newfile' : Item(status='  ', wc_rev=3),
  svntest.actions.run_and_verify_commit(wc_dir, expected_output,
                                        expected_status, None, wc_dir)

  expected_output = svntest.wc.State(wc_dir, {})
  expected_disk = svntest.main.greek_state.copy()
                      contents="This is the file 'iota'.\n" + \
                      "some rev2 iota text.\nan iota local mod.\n")
  expected_disk.add({'A/D/newfile' : Item("Contents of newfile\n")})

  expected_status = svntest.actions.get_virginal_state(wc_dir, 3)
    'A/D/newfile' : Item(status='  ', wc_rev=3),
  svntest.actions.run_and_verify_update(wc_dir, expected_output,
                                        expected_disk, expected_status)

  # Now 'svn diff -r3:2' should == 'svn diff -rBASE:2', showing the
  # removal of changes to iota, the adding of mu, and deletion of newfile.
  exit_code, diff_output, err = svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn(
    None, None, [], 'diff', '-r', '3:2', wc_dir)

  exit_code, diff_output2, err = svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn(
    None, None, [], 'diff', '-r', 'BASE:2', wc_dir)

  # to do the comparison, remove all output lines starting with +++ or ---
  re_infoline = re.compile('^(\+\+\+|---).*$')
  list1 = []
  list2 = []

  for line in diff_output:
    if not re_infoline.match(line):

  for line in diff_output2:
    if not re_infoline.match(line):

  if list1 != list2:
    raise svntest.Failure

# This is a simple regression test for issue #891, whereby ra_neon's
# REPORT request would fail, because the object no longer exists in HEAD.

def diff_deleted_in_head(sbox):
  "repos-repos diff on item deleted from HEAD"

  wc_dir = sbox.wc_dir

  A_path = os.path.join(sbox.wc_dir, 'A')
  mu_path = os.path.join(sbox.wc_dir, 'A', 'mu')

  # Make a change to mu, commit r2, update.
  svntest.main.file_append(mu_path, "some rev2 mu text.\n")

  expected_output = svntest.wc.State(wc_dir, {
    'A/mu' : Item(verb='Sending'),
  expected_status = svntest.actions.get_virginal_state(wc_dir, 1)
  expected_status.tweak('A/mu', wc_rev=2)

  svntest.actions.run_and_verify_commit(wc_dir, expected_output,
                                        expected_status, None, wc_dir)

  expected_output = svntest.wc.State(wc_dir, {})
  expected_disk = svntest.main.greek_state.copy()
                      contents="This is the file 'mu'.\nsome rev2 mu text.\n")
  expected_status = svntest.actions.get_virginal_state(wc_dir, 2)
  svntest.actions.run_and_verify_update(wc_dir, expected_output,
                                        expected_disk, expected_status)

  # Now delete the whole directory 'A', and commit as r3.
  svntest.main.run_svn(None, 'rm', A_path)
  expected_output = svntest.wc.State(wc_dir, {
    'A' : Item(verb='Deleting'),
  expected_status = svntest.actions.get_virginal_state(wc_dir, 2)
  expected_status.remove('A', 'A/B', 'A/B/E', 'A/B/E/beta', 'A/B/E/alpha',
                         'A/B/F', 'A/B/lambda', 'A/D', 'A/D/G', 'A/D/G/rho',
                         'A/D/G/pi', 'A/D/G/tau', 'A/D/H', 'A/D/H/psi',
                         'A/D/H/omega', 'A/D/H/chi', 'A/D/gamma', 'A/mu',

  svntest.actions.run_and_verify_commit(wc_dir, expected_output,
                                        expected_status, None, wc_dir)

  # Doing an 'svn diff -r1:2' on the URL of directory A should work,
  # especially over the DAV layer.
  the_url = sbox.repo_url + '/A'
  diff_output = svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn(None, None, [],
                                                   'diff', '-r',
                                                   '1:2', the_url + "@2")

def diff_targets(sbox):
  "select diff targets"



  update_path = os.path.join('A', 'B', 'E', 'alpha')
  add_path = os.path.join('A', 'B', 'E', 'theta')
  parent_path = os.path.join('A', 'B', 'E')
  update_url = sbox.repo_url + '/A/B/E/alpha'
  parent_url = sbox.repo_url + '/A/B/E'

  exit_code, diff_output, err_output = svntest.main.run_svn(None, 'diff',
  if check_update_a_file(diff_output) or check_add_a_file(diff_output):
    raise svntest.Failure

  exit_code, diff_output, err_output = svntest.main.run_svn(None, 'diff',
  if check_update_a_file(diff_output) or not check_add_a_file(diff_output):
    raise svntest.Failure

  exit_code, diff_output, err_output = svntest.main.run_svn(
    None, 'diff', '--old', parent_path, 'alpha', 'theta')

  if check_update_a_file(diff_output) or check_add_a_file(diff_output):
    raise svntest.Failure

  exit_code, diff_output, err_output = svntest.main.run_svn(
    None, 'diff', '--old', parent_path, 'theta')

  if not check_update_a_file(diff_output) or check_add_a_file(diff_output):
    raise svntest.Failure

  exit_code, diff_output, err_output = svntest.main.run_svn(None, 'ci',
                                                            '-m', 'log msg')

  exit_code, diff_output, err_output = svntest.main.run_svn(1, 'diff', '-r1:2',

  regex = 'svn: Unable to find repository location for \'.*\''
  for line in err_output:
    if re.match(regex, line):
    raise svntest.Failure

  exit_code, diff_output, err_output = svntest.main.run_svn(1,
                                                            'diff', '-r1:2',
  for line in err_output:
    if re.match(regex, line):
    raise svntest.Failure

  exit_code, diff_output, err_output = svntest.main.run_svn(
    1, 'diff', '-r1:2', '--old', parent_path, 'alpha', 'theta')

  regex = 'svn: \'.*\' was not found in the repository'
  for line in err_output:
    if re.match(regex, line):
    raise svntest.Failure

  exit_code, diff_output, err_output = svntest.main.run_svn(
    None, 'diff', '-r1:2', '--old', parent_path, 'alpha')

  if check_update_a_file(diff_output) or not check_add_a_file(diff_output):
    raise svntest.Failure

def diff_branches(sbox):
  "diff for branches"


  A_url = sbox.repo_url + '/A'
  A2_url = sbox.repo_url + '/A2'

  svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn(None, None, [],
                                     'cp', '-m', 'log msg',
                                     A_url, A2_url)

  svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn(None, None, [],
                                     'up', sbox.wc_dir)

  A_alpha = os.path.join(sbox.wc_dir, 'A', 'B', 'E', 'alpha')
  A2_alpha = os.path.join(sbox.wc_dir, 'A2', 'B', 'E', 'alpha')

  svntest.main.file_append(A_alpha, "\nfoo\n")
  svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn(None, None, [],
                                     'ci', '-m', 'log msg', sbox.wc_dir)

  svntest.main.file_append(A2_alpha, "\nbar\n")
  svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn(None, None, [],
                                     'ci', '-m', 'log msg', sbox.wc_dir)

  svntest.main.file_append(A_alpha, "zig\n")

  # Compare repository file on one branch against repository file on
  # another branch
  rel_path = os.path.join('B', 'E', 'alpha')
  exit_code, diff_output, err = svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn(
    None, None, [], 'diff', '--old', A_url, '--new', A2_url, rel_path)

  verify_expected_output(diff_output, "-foo")
  verify_expected_output(diff_output, "+bar")

  # Same again but using whole branch
  exit_code, diff_output, err = svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn(
    None, None, [], 'diff', '--old', A_url, '--new', A2_url)

  verify_expected_output(diff_output, "-foo")
  verify_expected_output(diff_output, "+bar")

  # Compare two repository files on different branches
  exit_code, diff_output, err = svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn(
    None, None, [],
    'diff', A_url + '/B/E/alpha', A2_url + '/B/E/alpha')

  verify_expected_output(diff_output, "-foo")
  verify_expected_output(diff_output, "+bar")

  # Compare two versions of a file on a single branch
  exit_code, diff_output, err = svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn(
    None, None, [],
    'diff', A_url + '/B/E/alpha@2', A_url + '/B/E/alpha@3')

  verify_expected_output(diff_output, "+foo")

  # Compare identical files on different branches
  exit_code, diff_output, err = svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn(
    None, [], [],
    'diff', A_url + '/B/E/alpha@2', A2_url + '/B/E/alpha@3')

def diff_repos_and_wc(sbox):
  "diff between repos URLs and WC paths"


  A_url = sbox.repo_url + '/A'
  A2_url = sbox.repo_url + '/A2'

  svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn(None, None, [],
                                     'cp', '-m', 'log msg',
                                     A_url, A2_url)

  svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn(None, None, [],
                                     'up', sbox.wc_dir)

  A_alpha = os.path.join(sbox.wc_dir, 'A', 'B', 'E', 'alpha')
  A2_alpha = os.path.join(sbox.wc_dir, 'A2', 'B', 'E', 'alpha')

  svntest.main.file_append(A_alpha, "\nfoo\n")
  svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn(None, None, [],
                                     'ci', '-m', 'log msg', sbox.wc_dir)

  svntest.main.file_append(A2_alpha, "\nbar\n")
  svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn(None, None, [],
                                     'ci', '-m', 'log msg', sbox.wc_dir)

  svntest.main.file_append(A_alpha, "zig\n")

  # Compare working file on one branch against repository file on
  # another branch
  A_path = os.path.join(sbox.wc_dir, 'A')
  rel_path = os.path.join('B', 'E', 'alpha')
  exit_code, diff_output, err = svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn(
    None, None, [],
    'diff', '--old', A2_url, '--new', A_path, rel_path)

  verify_expected_output(diff_output, "-bar")
  verify_expected_output(diff_output, "+foo")
  verify_expected_output(diff_output, "+zig")

  # Same again but using whole branch
  exit_code, diff_output, err = svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn(
    None, None, [],
    'diff', '--old', A2_url, '--new', A_path)

  verify_expected_output(diff_output, "-bar")
  verify_expected_output(diff_output, "+foo")
  verify_expected_output(diff_output, "+zig")

def diff_file_urls(sbox):
  "diff between two file URLs (issue #1311)"


  iota_path = os.path.join(sbox.wc_dir, 'iota')
  iota_url = sbox.repo_url + '/iota'
  iota_copy_path = os.path.join(sbox.wc_dir, 'A', 'iota')
  iota_copy_url = sbox.repo_url + '/A/iota'
  iota_copy2_url = sbox.repo_url + '/A/iota2'

  # Put some different text into iota, and commit.
  svntest.main.file_append(iota_path, "foo\nbar\nsnafu\n")

  svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn(None, None, [],
                                     'ci', '-m', 'log msg', iota_path)

  # Now, copy the file elsewhere, twice.
  svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn(None, None, [],
                                     'cp', '-m', 'log msg',
                                     iota_url, iota_copy_url)

  svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn(None, None, [],
                                     'cp', '-m', 'log msg',
                                     iota_url, iota_copy2_url)

  # Update (to get the copies)
  svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn(None, None, [],
                                     'up', sbox.wc_dir)

  # Now, make edits to one of the copies of iota, and commit.
  svntest.main.file_append(iota_copy_path, "foo\nsnafu\nabcdefg\nopqrstuv\n")

  svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn(None, None, [],
                                     'ci', '-m', 'log msg', iota_copy_path)

  # Finally, do a diff between the first and second copies of iota,
  # and verify that we got the expected lines.  And then do it in reverse!
  exit_code, out, err = svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn(None, None, [],

  verify_expected_output(out, "+bar")
  verify_expected_output(out, "-abcdefg")
  verify_expected_output(out, "-opqrstuv")

  exit_code, out, err = svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn(None, None, [],

  verify_expected_output(out, "-bar")
  verify_expected_output(out, "+abcdefg")
  verify_expected_output(out, "+opqrstuv")

def diff_prop_change_local_edit(sbox):
  "diff a property change plus a local edit"


  iota_path = os.path.join(sbox.wc_dir, 'iota')
  iota_url = sbox.repo_url + '/iota'

  # Change a property on iota, and commit.
  svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn(None, None, [],
                                     'propset', 'pname', 'pvalue', iota_path)
  svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn(None, None, [],
                                     'ci', '-m', 'log msg', iota_path)

  # Make local edits to iota.
  svntest.main.file_append(iota_path, "\nMore text.\n")

  # diff r1:COMMITTED should show the property change but not the local edit.
  exit_code, out, err = svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn(None, None, [],
  for line in out:
    if line.find("+More text.") != -1:
      raise svntest.Failure
  verify_expected_output(out, "   + pvalue")

  # diff r1:BASE should show the property change but not the local edit.
  exit_code, out, err = svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn(None, None, [],
                                                           'diff', '-r1:BASE',
  for line in out:
    if line.find("+More text.") != -1:
      raise svntest.Failure                   # fails at r7481
  verify_expected_output(out, "   + pvalue")  # fails at r7481

  # diff r1:WC should show the local edit as well as the property change.
  exit_code, out, err = svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn(None, None, [],
                                                           'diff', '-r1',
  verify_expected_output(out, "+More text.")  # fails at r7481
  verify_expected_output(out, "   + pvalue")

def check_for_omitted_prefix_in_path_component(sbox):
  "check for omitted prefix in path component"


  prefix_path = os.path.join(sbox.wc_dir, 'prefix_mydir')
  svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn(None, None, [],
                                     'mkdir', prefix_path)
  other_prefix_path = os.path.join(sbox.wc_dir, 'prefix_other')
  svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn(None, None, [],
                                     'mkdir', other_prefix_path)

  svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn(None, None, [],
                                     'ci', '-m', 'log msg', sbox.wc_dir)

  file_path = os.path.join(prefix_path, "test.txt")
  svntest.main.file_write(file_path, "Hello\nThere\nIota\n")

  svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn(None, None, [],
                                     'add', file_path)

  svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn(None, None, [],
                                     'ci', '-m', 'log msg', sbox.wc_dir)

  prefix_url = sbox.repo_url + "/prefix_mydir"
  other_prefix_url = sbox.repo_url + "/prefix_other/mytag"
  svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn(None, None, [],
                                     'cp', '-m', 'log msg', prefix_url,

  svntest.main.file_write(file_path, "Hello\nWorld\nIota\n")
  svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn(None, None, [],
                                     'ci', '-m', 'log msg', prefix_path)

  exit_code, out, err = svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn(None, None, [],
                                                           'diff', prefix_url,

  src = extract_diff_path(out[2])
  dest = extract_diff_path(out[3])

  good_src = ".../prefix_mydir"
  good_dest = ".../prefix_other/mytag"

  if ((src != good_src) or (dest != good_dest)):
    print("src is '%s' instead of '%s' and dest is '%s' instead of '%s'" %
          (src, good_src, dest, good_dest))
    raise svntest.Failure

def diff_renamed_file(sbox):
  "diff a file that has been renamed"



  pi_path = os.path.join('A', 'D', 'G', 'pi')
  pi2_path = os.path.join('A', 'D', 'pi2')
  svntest.main.file_write(pi_path, "new pi")

  svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn(None, None, [],
                                     'ci', '-m', 'log msg')

  svntest.main.file_append(pi_path, "even more pi")

  svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn(None, None, [],
                                     'ci', '-m', 'log msg')

  svntest.main.run_svn(None, 'mv', pi_path, pi2_path)

  # Repos->WC diff of the file
  exit_code, diff_output, err_output = svntest.main.run_svn(None,
                                                            'diff', '-r', '1',

  if check_diff_output(diff_output,
                       'M') :
    raise svntest.Failure

  svntest.main.file_append(pi2_path, "new pi")

  # Repos->WC of the directory
  exit_code, diff_output, err_output = svntest.main.run_svn(
    None, 'diff', '-r', '1', os.path.join('A', 'D'))

  if check_diff_output(diff_output,
                       'D') :
    raise svntest.Failure

  if check_diff_output(diff_output,
                       'M') :
    raise svntest.Failure

  # WC->WC of the file
  exit_code, diff_output, err_output = svntest.main.run_svn(None, 'diff',
  if check_diff_output(diff_output,
                       'M') :
    raise svntest.Failure

  svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn(None, None, [],
                                     'ci', '-m', 'log msg')

  # Repos->WC diff of file after the rename.
  exit_code, diff_output, err_output = svntest.main.run_svn(None,
                                                            'diff', '-r', '1',
  if check_diff_output(diff_output,
                       'M') :
    raise svntest.Failure

  # Repos->repos diff after the rename.
  exit_code, diff_output, err_output = svntest.main.run_svn(None, 'diff',
                                                            '-r', '2:3',
  if check_diff_output(diff_output,
                       os.path.join('A', 'D', 'pi'),
                       'M') :
    raise svntest.Failure

def diff_within_renamed_dir(sbox):
  "diff a file within a renamed directory"



  svntest.main.run_svn(None, 'mv', os.path.join('A', 'D', 'G'),
                                   os.path.join('A', 'D', 'I'))
  # svntest.main.run_svn(None, 'ci', '-m', 'log_msg')
  svntest.main.file_write(os.path.join('A', 'D', 'I', 'pi'), "new pi")

  # Check a repos->wc diff
  exit_code, diff_output, err_output = svntest.main.run_svn(
    None, 'diff', os.path.join('A', 'D', 'I', 'pi'))

  if check_diff_output(diff_output,
                       os.path.join('A', 'D', 'I', 'pi'),
                       'M') :
    raise svntest.Failure

  svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn(None, None, [],
                                     'ci', '-m', 'log msg')

  # Check repos->wc after commit
  exit_code, diff_output, err_output = svntest.main.run_svn(
    None, 'diff', '-r', '1', os.path.join('A', 'D', 'I', 'pi'))

  if check_diff_output(diff_output,
                       os.path.join('A', 'D', 'I', 'pi'),
                       'M') :
    raise svntest.Failure

  # Test the diff while within the moved directory

  exit_code, diff_output, err_output = svntest.main.run_svn(None,
                                                            'diff', '-r', '1')

  if check_diff_output(diff_output, 'pi', 'M') :
    raise svntest.Failure

  # Test a repos->repos diff while within the moved directory
  exit_code, diff_output, err_output = svntest.main.run_svn(None, 'diff',
                                                            '-r', '1:2')

  if check_diff_output(diff_output, 'pi', 'M') :
    raise svntest.Failure

def diff_prop_on_named_dir(sbox):
  "diff a prop change on a dir named explicitly"

  # Diff of a property change or addition should contain a "+" line.
  # Diff of a property change or deletion should contain a "-" line.
  # On a diff between repository revisions (not WC) of a dir named
  # explicitly, the "-" line was missing.  (For a file, and for a dir
  # recursed into, the result was correct.)

  wc_dir = sbox.wc_dir


  svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn(None, None, [],
                                     'propset', 'p', 'v', 'A')
  svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn(None, None, [],
                                     'ci', '-m', '')

  svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn(None, None, [],
                                     'propdel', 'p', 'A')
  svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn(None, None, [],
                                     'ci', '-m', '')

  exit_code, diff_output, err_output = svntest.main.run_svn(None, 'diff',
                                                            '-r2:3', 'A')
  # Check that the result contains a "-" line.
  verify_expected_output(diff_output, "   - v")

def diff_keywords(sbox):
  "ensure that diff won't show keywords"


  iota_path = os.path.join(sbox.wc_dir, 'iota')

  svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn(None, None, [],
                                     'Id Rev Date',

  fp = open(iota_path, 'w')
  fp.write("$Date::%s$\n" % (' ' * 80))
  fp.write("$Id::%s$\n"   % (' ' * 80))
  fp.write("$Rev::%s$\n"  % (' ' * 80))

  svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn(None, None, [],
                                     'ci', '-m', 'keywords', sbox.wc_dir)

  svntest.main.file_append(iota_path, "bar\n")
  svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn(None, None, [],
                                     'ci', '-m', 'added bar', sbox.wc_dir)

  svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn(None, None, [],
                                     'up', sbox.wc_dir)

  exit_code, diff_output, err = svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn(
    None, None, [], 'diff', '-r', 'prev:head', sbox.wc_dir)

  verify_expected_output(diff_output, "+bar")
  verify_excluded_output(diff_output, "$Date:")
  verify_excluded_output(diff_output, "$Rev:")
  verify_excluded_output(diff_output, "$Id:")

  exit_code, diff_output, err = svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn(
    None, None, [], 'diff', '-r', 'head:prev', sbox.wc_dir)

  verify_expected_output(diff_output, "-bar")
  verify_excluded_output(diff_output, "$Date:")
  verify_excluded_output(diff_output, "$Rev:")
  verify_excluded_output(diff_output, "$Id:")

  # Check fixed length keywords will show up
  # when the length of keyword has changed
  fp = open(iota_path, 'w')
  fp.write("$Date::%s$\n" % (' ' * 79))
  fp.write("$Id::%s$\n"   % (' ' * 79))
  fp.write("$Rev::%s$\n"  % (' ' * 79))

  svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn(None, None, [],
                                     'ci', '-m', 'keywords 2', sbox.wc_dir)
  svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn(None, None, [],
                                     'up', sbox.wc_dir)

  exit_code, diff_output, err = svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn(
    None, None, [], 'diff', '-r', 'prev:head', sbox.wc_dir)

  # these should show up
  verify_expected_output(diff_output, "+$Id:: ")
  verify_expected_output(diff_output, "-$Id:: ")
  verify_expected_output(diff_output, "-$Rev:: ")
  verify_expected_output(diff_output, "+$Rev:: ")
  verify_expected_output(diff_output, "-$Date:: ")
  verify_expected_output(diff_output, "+$Date:: ")
  # ... and these won't
  verify_excluded_output(diff_output, "$Date: ")
  verify_excluded_output(diff_output, "$Rev: ")
  verify_excluded_output(diff_output, "$Id: ")

def diff_force(sbox):
  "show diffs for binary files with --force"

  wc_dir = sbox.wc_dir

  iota_path = os.path.join(wc_dir, 'iota')

  # Append a line to iota and make it binary.
  svntest.main.file_append(iota_path, "new line")
                       'propset', 'svn:mime-type',
                       'application/octet-stream', iota_path)

  # Created expected output tree for 'svn ci'
  expected_output = svntest.wc.State(wc_dir, {
    'iota' : Item(verb='Sending'),

  # Create expected status tree
  expected_status = svntest.actions.get_virginal_state(wc_dir, 1)
    'iota' : Item(status='  ', wc_rev=2),

  # Commit iota, creating revision 2.
  svntest.actions.run_and_verify_commit(wc_dir, expected_output,
                                        expected_status, None, wc_dir)

  # Add another line, while keeping he file as binary.
  svntest.main.file_append(iota_path, "another line")

  # Commit creating rev 3.
  expected_output = svntest.wc.State(wc_dir, {
    'iota' : Item(verb='Sending'),

  expected_status = svntest.actions.get_virginal_state(wc_dir, 1)
    'iota' : Item(status='  ', wc_rev=3),

  svntest.actions.run_and_verify_commit(wc_dir, expected_output,
                                        expected_status, None, wc_dir)

  # Check that we get diff when the first, the second and both files are
  # marked as binary.

  re_nodisplay = re.compile('^Cannot display:')

  exit_code, stdout, stderr = svntest.main.run_svn(None,
                                                   'diff', '-r1:2', iota_path,

  for line in stdout:
    if (re_nodisplay.match(line)):
      raise svntest.Failure

  exit_code, stdout, stderr = svntest.main.run_svn(None,
                                                   'diff', '-r2:1', iota_path,

  for line in stdout:
    if (re_nodisplay.match(line)):
      raise svntest.Failure

  exit_code, stdout, stderr = svntest.main.run_svn(None,
                                                   'diff', '-r2:3', iota_path,

  for line in stdout:
    if (re_nodisplay.match(line)):
      raise svntest.Failure

# Regression test for issue #2333: Renaming a directory should produce
# deletion and addition diffs for each included file.
def diff_renamed_dir(sbox):
  "diff a renamed directory"



  svntest.main.run_svn(None, 'mv', os.path.join('A', 'D', 'G'),
                                   os.path.join('A', 'D', 'I'))

  # Check a repos->wc diff
  exit_code, diff_output, err_output = svntest.main.run_svn(
    None, 'diff', os.path.join('A', 'D'))

  if check_diff_output(diff_output,
                       os.path.join('A', 'D', 'G', 'pi'),
                       'D') :
    raise svntest.Failure
  if check_diff_output(diff_output,
                       os.path.join('A', 'D', 'I', 'pi'),
                       'A') :
    raise svntest.Failure

  svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn(None, None, [],
                                     'ci', '-m', 'log msg')

  # Check repos->wc after commit
  exit_code, diff_output, err_output = svntest.main.run_svn(
    None, 'diff', '-r', '1', os.path.join('A', 'D'))

  if check_diff_output(diff_output,
                       os.path.join('A', 'D', 'G', 'pi'),
                       'D') :
    raise svntest.Failure
  if check_diff_output(diff_output,
                       os.path.join('A', 'D', 'I', 'pi'),
                       'A') :
    raise svntest.Failure

  # Test a repos->repos diff after commit
  exit_code, diff_output, err_output = svntest.main.run_svn(None, 'diff',
                                                            '-r', '1:2')
  if check_diff_output(diff_output,
                       os.path.join('A', 'D', 'G', 'pi'),
                       'D') :
    raise svntest.Failure
  if check_diff_output(diff_output,
                       os.path.join('A', 'D', 'I', 'pi'),
                       'A') :
    raise svntest.Failure

  # Test the diff while within the moved directory

  exit_code, diff_output, err_output = svntest.main.run_svn(None, 'diff',
                                                            '-r', '1')

  if check_diff_output(diff_output, 'pi', 'A') :
    raise svntest.Failure

  # Test a repos->repos diff while within the moved directory
  exit_code, diff_output, err_output = svntest.main.run_svn(None, 'diff',
                                                            '-r', '1:2')

  if check_diff_output(diff_output, 'pi', 'A') :
    raise svntest.Failure

def diff_property_changes_to_base(sbox):
  "diff to BASE with local property mods"

  wc_dir = sbox.wc_dir

  expected_output_r1_r2 = [
    "Property changes on: A\n",
    "Added: dirprop\n",
    "   + r2value\n",
    "Property changes on: iota\n",
    "Added: fileprop\n",
    "   + r2value\n",
    "\n" ]

  expected_output_r2_r1 = list(expected_output_r1_r2)
  expected_output_r2_r1[3] = expected_output_r2_r1[3].replace("Added",
  expected_output_r2_r1[4] = "   - r2value\n"
  expected_output_r2_r1[9] = expected_output_r2_r1[9].replace("Added",
  expected_output_r2_r1[10] = "   - r2value\n"


  svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn(None, None, [],
                                     'fileprop', 'r2value', 'iota')

  svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn(None, None, [],
                                     'dirprop', 'r2value', 'A')

  svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn(None, None, [],
                                     'ci', '-m', 'empty-msg')

  # Check that forward and reverse repos-repos diffs are as expected.
  expected = svntest.verify.UnorderedOutput(expected_output_r1_r2)
  svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn(None, expected, [],
                                     'diff', '-r', '1:2')

  expected = svntest.verify.UnorderedOutput(expected_output_r2_r1)
  svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn(None, expected, [],
                                     'diff', '-r', '2:1')

  # Now check repos->WORKING, repos->BASE, and BASE->repos.
  # (BASE is r1, and WORKING has no local mods, so this should produce
  # the same output as above).
  expected = svntest.verify.UnorderedOutput(expected_output_r1_r2)
  svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn(None, expected, [],
                                     'diff', '-r', '1')

  svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn(None, expected, [],
                                     'diff', '-r', '1:BASE')

  expected = svntest.verify.UnorderedOutput(expected_output_r2_r1)
  svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn(None, expected, [],
                                     'diff', '-r', 'BASE:1')

  # Modify some properties.
  svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn(None, None, [],
                                     'fileprop', 'workingvalue', 'iota')

  svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn(None, None, [],
                                     'dirprop', 'workingvalue', 'A')

  svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn(None, None, [],
                                     'fileprop', 'workingvalue', 'A/mu')

  # Check that the earlier diffs against BASE are unaffected by the
  # presence of local mods.
  expected = svntest.verify.UnorderedOutput(expected_output_r1_r2)
  svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn(None, expected, [],
                                     'diff', '-r', '1:BASE')

  expected = svntest.verify.UnorderedOutput(expected_output_r2_r1)
  svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn(None, expected, [],
                                     'diff', '-r', 'BASE:1')

def diff_schedule_delete(sbox):
  "scheduled deleted"


  expected_output_r2_working = make_diff_header("foo", "revision 2",
                                                "working copy") + [
  "@@ -1 +0,0 @@\n",

  expected_output_r2_base = make_diff_header("foo", "revision 2",
                                                "working copy") + [
  "@@ -1 +1,2 @@\n",
  " xxx\n",
  expected_output_base_r2 = make_diff_header("foo", "working copy",
                                                "revision 2") + [
  "@@ -1,2 +1 @@\n",
  " xxx\n",

  expected_output_r1_base = make_diff_header("foo", "revision 0",
                                                "revision 3") + [
  "@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@\n",
  expected_output_base_r1 = make_diff_header("foo", "working copy",
                                                "revision 1") + [
  "@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@\n",
  expected_output_base_working = expected_output_base_r1[:]
  expected_output_base_working[2] = "--- foo\t(revision 3)\n"
  expected_output_base_working[3] = "+++ foo\t(working copy)\n"

  wc_dir = sbox.wc_dir

  svntest.main.file_append('foo', "xxx\n")
  svntest.main.run_svn(None, 'add', 'foo')
                       'ci', '-m', 'log msg r2')

  svntest.main.file_append('foo', "yyy\n")
                       'ci', '-m', 'log msg r3')

  # Update everyone's BASE to r3, and mark 'foo' as schedule-deleted.
  svntest.main.run_svn(None, 'rm', 'foo')

  # A file marked as schedule-delete should act as if were not present
  # in WORKING, but diffs against BASE should remain unaffected.

  # 1. repos-wc diff: file not present in repos.
  svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn(None, [], [],
                                     'diff', '-r', '1')
  svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn(None, expected_output_r1_base, [],
                                     'diff', '-r', '1:BASE')
  svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn(None, expected_output_base_r1, [],
                                     'diff', '-r', 'BASE:1')

  # 2. repos-wc diff: file present in repos.
  svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn(None, expected_output_r2_working, [],
                                     'diff', '-r', '2')
  svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn(None, expected_output_r2_base, [],
                                     'diff', '-r', '2:BASE')
  svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn(None, expected_output_base_r2, [],
                                     'diff', '-r', 'BASE:2')

  # 3. wc-wc diff.
  svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn(None, expected_output_base_working, [],

def diff_mime_type_changes(sbox):
  "repos-wc diffs with local svn:mime-type prop mods"


  expected_output_r1_wc = make_diff_header("iota", "revision 1",
                                                "working copy") + [
    "@@ -1 +1,2 @@\n",
    " This is the file 'iota'.\n",
    "+revision 2 text.\n" ]

  expected_output_wc_r1 = make_diff_header("iota", "working copy",
                                                "revision 1") + [
    "@@ -1,2 +1 @@\n",
    " This is the file 'iota'.\n",
    "-revision 2 text.\n" ]


  # Append some text to iota (r2).
  svntest.main.file_append('iota', "revision 2 text.\n")

  svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn(None, None, [],
                                     'ci', '-m', 'log_msg')

  # Check that forward and reverse repos-BASE diffs are as expected.
  svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn(None, expected_output_r1_wc, [],
                                     'diff', '-r', '1:BASE')

  svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn(None, expected_output_wc_r1, [],
                                     'diff', '-r', 'BASE:1')

  # Mark iota as a binary file in the working copy.
  svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn(None, None, [],
                                     'propset', 'svn:mime-type',
                                     'application/octet-stream', 'iota')

  # Check that the earlier diffs against BASE are unaffected by the
  # presence of local svn:mime-type property mods.
  svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn(None, expected_output_r1_wc, [],
                                     'diff', '-r', '1:BASE')

  svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn(None, expected_output_wc_r1, [],
                                     'diff', '-r', 'BASE:1')

  # Commit the change (r3) (so that BASE has the binary MIME type), then
  # mark iota as a text file again in the working copy.
  svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn(None, None, [],
                                     'ci', '-m', 'log_msg')
  svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn(None, None, [],
                                     'propdel', 'svn:mime-type', 'iota')

  # Now diffs against BASE will fail, but diffs against WORKNG should be
  # fine.
  svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn(None, expected_output_r1_wc, [],
                                     'diff', '-r', '1')

# Test a repos-WORKING diff, with different versions of the same property
# at repository, BASE, and WORKING.
def diff_prop_change_local_propmod(sbox):
  "diff a property change plus a local prop edit"


  expected_output_r2_wc = [
    "Property changes on: A\n",
    "Modified: dirprop\n",
    "   - r2value\n",
    "   + workingvalue\n",
    "Added: newdirprop\n",
    "   + newworkingvalue\n",
    "Property changes on: iota\n",
    "Modified: fileprop\n",
    "   - r2value\n",
    "   + workingvalue\n",
    "Added: newfileprop\n",
    "   + newworkingvalue\n",
    "\n" ]


  # Set a property on A/ and iota, and commit them (r2).
  svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn(None, None, [],
                                     'propset', 'dirprop',
                                     'r2value', 'A')
  svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn(None, None, [],
                                     'propset', 'fileprop',
                                     'r2value', 'iota')
  svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn(None, None, [],
                                     'ci', '-m', 'log_msg')

  # Change the property values on A/ and iota, and commit them (r3).
  svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn(None, None, [],
                                     'propset', 'dirprop',
                                     'r3value', 'A')
  svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn(None, None, [],
                                     'propset', 'fileprop',
                                     'r3value', 'iota')
  svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn(None, None, [],
                                     'ci', '-m', 'log_msg')

  # Finally, change the property values one last time.
  svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn(None, None, [],
                                     'propset', 'dirprop',
                                     'workingvalue', 'A')
  svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn(None, None, [],
                                     'propset', 'fileprop',
                                     'workingvalue', 'iota')
  # And also add some properties that only exist in WORKING.
  svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn(None, None, [],
                                     'propset', 'newdirprop',
                                     'newworkingvalue', 'A')
  svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn(None, None, [],
                                     'propset', 'newfileprop',
                                     'newworkingvalue', 'iota')

  # Now, if we diff r2 to WORKING, we've got three property values
  # to consider: r2value (in the repository), r3value (in BASE), and
  # workingvalue (in WORKING).
  # The diff should only show the r2->WORKING change.
  # We also need to make sure that the 'new' (WORKING only) properties
  # are included in the output, since they won't be listed in a simple
  # BASE->r2 diff.
  expected = svntest.verify.UnorderedOutput(expected_output_r2_wc)
  svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn(None, expected, [],
                                     'diff', '-r', '2')

# repos->wc and BASE->repos diffs that add files or directories with
# properties should show the added properties.
def diff_repos_wc_add_with_props(sbox):
  "repos-wc diff showing added entries with props"


  expected_output_r1_r3 = make_diff_header("foo", "revision 0",
                                                "revision 3") + [
    "@@ -0,0 +1 @@\n",
    "Property changes on: foo\n",
    "Added: propname\n",
    "   + propvalue\n",
    "Property changes on: X\n",
    "Added: propname\n",
    "   + propvalue\n",
  ] + make_diff_header("X/bar", "revision 0", "revision 3") + [
    "@@ -0,0 +1 @@\n",
    "Property changes on: " + os.path.join('X', 'bar') + "\n",
    "Added: propname\n",
    "   + propvalue\n",
    "\n" ]
  # The output from the BASE->repos diff is the same content, but in a
  # different order.
  expected_output_r1_r3_a = expected_output_r1_r3[:12] + \
    expected_output_r1_r3[18:] + expected_output_r1_r3[12:18]


  # Create directory X, file foo, and file X/bar, and commit them (r2).
  svntest.main.file_append('foo', "content\n")
  svntest.main.file_append(os.path.join('X', 'bar'), "content\n")
  svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn(None, None, [],
                                     'add', 'X', 'foo')
  svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn(None, None, [],
                                     'ci', '-m', 'log_msg')

  # Set a property on all three items, and commit them (r3).
  svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn(None, None, [],
                                     'propset', 'propname',
                                     'propvalue', 'X', 'foo',
                                     os.path.join('X', 'bar'))
  svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn(None, None, [],
                                     'ci', '-m', 'log_msg')

  # Now, if we diff r1 to WORKING or BASE, we should see the content
  # addition for foo and X/bar, and property additions for all three.
  svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn(None, expected_output_r1_r3, [],
                                     'diff', '-r', '1')
  svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn(None, expected_output_r1_r3, [],
                                     'diff', '-r', '1:BASE')

  # Update the BASE and WORKING revisions to r1.
  svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn(None, None, [],
                                     'up', '-r', '1')

  # If we diff BASE to r3, we should see the same output as above.
  svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn(None, expected_output_r1_r3_a, [],
                                     'diff', '-r', 'BASE:3')

# repos-wc diffs on a non-recursively checked out wc that would normally
# (if recursively checked out) include a directory that is not present in
# the repos version should not segfault.
def diff_nonrecursive_checkout_deleted_dir(sbox):
  "nonrecursive diff + deleted directories"

  url = sbox.repo_url
  A_url = url + '/A'
  A_prime_url = url + '/A_prime'

                       'cp', '-m', 'log msg', A_url, A_prime_url)

                       'mkdir', '-m', 'log msg', A_prime_url + '/Q')

  wc = sbox.add_wc_path('wc')

                       'co', '-N', A_prime_url, wc)


  # We don't particular care about the output here, just that it doesn't
  # segfault.
                       'diff', '-r1')

# repos->WORKING diffs that include directories with local mods that are
# not present in the repos version should work as expected (and not, for
# example, show an extraneous BASE->WORKING diff for the added directory
# after the repos->WORKING output).
def diff_repos_working_added_dir(sbox):
  "repos->WORKING diff showing added modifed dir"


  expected_output_r1_BASE = make_diff_header("X/bar", "revision 0",
                                                "revision 2") + [
    "@@ -0,0 +1 @@\n",
    "+content\n" ]
  expected_output_r1_WORKING = make_diff_header("X/bar", "revision 0",
                                                "revision 2") + [
    "@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@\n",
    "+more content\n" ]


  # Create directory X and file X/bar, and commit them (r2).
  svntest.main.file_append(os.path.join('X', 'bar'), "content\n")
  svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn(None, None, [],
                                     'add', 'X')
  svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn(None, None, [],
                                     'ci', '-m', 'log_msg')

  # Make a local modification to X/bar.
  svntest.main.file_append(os.path.join('X', 'bar'), "more content\n")

  # Now, if we diff r1 to WORKING or BASE, we should see the content
  # addition for X/bar, and (for WORKING) the local modification.
  svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn(None, expected_output_r1_BASE, [],
                                     'diff', '-r', '1:BASE')
  svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn(None, expected_output_r1_WORKING, [],
                                     'diff', '-r', '1')

# A base->repos diff of a moved file used to output an all-lines-deleted diff
def diff_base_repos_moved(sbox):
  "base->repos diff of moved file"



  oldfile = 'iota'
  newfile = 'kappa'

  # Move, modify and commit a file
  svntest.main.run_svn(None, 'mv', oldfile, newfile)
  svntest.main.file_write(newfile, "new content\n")
  svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn(None, None, [],
                                     'ci', '-m', '')

  # Check that a base->repos diff shows deleted and added lines.
  # It's not clear whether we expect a file-change diff or
  # a file-delete plus file-add.  The former is currently produced if we
  # explicitly request a diff of the file itself, and the latter if we
  # request a tree diff which just happens to contain the file.
  exit_code, out, err = svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn(
    None, svntest.verify.AnyOutput, [], 'diff', '-rBASE:1', newfile)

  if check_diff_output(out, newfile, 'M'):
    raise svntest.Failure

  # Diff should recognise that the item's name has changed, and mention both
  # the current and the old name in parentheses, in the right order.
  if (out[2][:3] != '---' or out[2].find('kappa)') == -1 or
      out[3][:3] != '+++' or out[3].find('iota)') == -1):
    raise svntest.Failure

# A diff of an added file within an added directory should work, and
# shouldn't produce an error.
def diff_added_subtree(sbox):
  "wc->repos diff of added subtree"



  # Roll the wc back to r0 (i.e. an empty wc).
  svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn(None, None, [],
                                     'up', '-r0')

  # We shouldn't get any errors when we request a diff showing the
  # addition of the greek tree.  The diff contains additions of files
  # and directories with parents that don't currently exist in the wc,
  # which is what we're testing here.
  svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn(None, svntest.verify.AnyOutput, [],
                                     'diff', '-r', 'BASE:1')

def basic_diff_summarize(sbox):
  "basic diff summarize"

  wc_dir = sbox.wc_dir

  # A content modification.
  svntest.main.file_append(os.path.join(wc_dir, "A", "mu"), "New mu content")

  # A prop modification.
                       "propset", "prop", "val",
                       os.path.join(wc_dir, 'iota'))

  # Both content and prop mods.
  tau_path = os.path.join(wc_dir, "A", "D", "G", "tau")
  svntest.main.file_append(tau_path, "tautau")
                       "propset", "prop", "val", tau_path)

  # A file addition.
  newfile_path = os.path.join(wc_dir, 'newfile')
  svntest.main.file_append(newfile_path, 'newfile')
  svntest.main.run_svn(None, 'add', newfile_path)

  # A file deletion.
  svntest.main.run_svn(None, "delete", os.path.join(wc_dir, 'A', 'B',

  expected_output = svntest.wc.State(wc_dir, {
    'A/mu': Item(verb='Sending'),
    'iota': Item(verb='Sending'),
    'newfile': Item(verb='Adding'),
    'A/D/G/tau': Item(verb='Sending'),
    'A/B/lambda': Item(verb='Deleting'),
  expected_status = svntest.actions.get_virginal_state(wc_dir, 1)
    'newfile': Item(status='  ', wc_rev=2),
  expected_status.tweak("A/mu", "iota", "A/D/G/tau", 'newfile', wc_rev=2)

  svntest.actions.run_and_verify_commit(wc_dir, expected_output,
                                        expected_status, None, wc_dir)

  # Get the differences between two versions of a file.
  expected_diff = svntest.wc.State(wc_dir, {
    'iota': Item(status=' M'),
  svntest.actions.run_and_verify_diff_summarize(expected_diff, None,
                                                None, None, None, None,
                                                os.path.join(wc_dir, 'iota'),

  # Get the differences between two versions of an entire directory.
  expected_diff = svntest.wc.State(wc_dir, {
    'A/mu': Item(status='M '),
    'iota': Item(status=' M'),
    'A/D/G/tau': Item(status='MM'),
    'newfile': Item(status='A '),
    'A/B/lambda': Item(status='D '),
  svntest.actions.run_and_verify_diff_summarize(expected_diff, None,
                                                None, None, None, None,
                                                wc_dir, '-r1:2')

def diff_weird_author(sbox):
  "diff with svn:author that has < in it"



  svntest.main.file_write(os.path.join(sbox.wc_dir, 'A', 'mu'),
                          "new content\n")

  expected_output = svntest.wc.State(sbox.wc_dir, {
    'A/mu': Item(verb='Sending'),

  expected_status = svntest.actions.get_virginal_state(sbox.wc_dir, 1)
  expected_status.tweak("A/mu", wc_rev=2)

  svntest.actions.run_and_verify_commit(sbox.wc_dir, expected_output,
                                        expected_status, None, sbox.wc_dir)

                       "propset", "--revprop", "-r", "2", "svn:author",
                       "J. Random <jrandom@example.com>", sbox.repo_url)

                                     ["J. Random <jrandom@example.com>\n"],
                                     "pget", "--revprop", "-r" "2",
                                     "svn:author", sbox.repo_url)

  expected_output = make_diff_header("A/mu", "revision 1", "revision 2") + [
    "@@ -1 +1 @@\n",
    "-This is the file 'mu'.\n",
    "+new content\n"

  svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn(None, expected_output, [],
                                     'diff', '-r1:2', sbox.repo_url)

# test for issue 2121, use -x -w option for ignoring whitespace during diff
def diff_ignore_whitespace(sbox):
  "ignore whitespace when diffing"

  wc_dir = sbox.wc_dir

  file_name = "iota"
  file_path = os.path.join(wc_dir, file_name)

  expected_output = svntest.wc.State(wc_dir, {
      'iota' : Item(verb='Sending'),
  svntest.actions.run_and_verify_commit(wc_dir, expected_output,
                                        None, None, wc_dir)

  # only whitespace changes, should return no changes
                          " A  a   \n"
                          "   B b  \n"
                          "    C    c    \n")

  svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn(None, [], [],
                                     'diff', '-x', '-w', file_path)

  # some changes + whitespace
                          " A  a   \n"
                          "Xxxx X\n"
                          "   Bb b  \n"
                          "    C    c    \n")
  expected_output = make_diff_header(file_path, "revision 2",
                                     "working copy") + [
    "@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@\n",
    " Aa\n",
    "+Xxxx X\n",
    "+   Bb b  \n",
    " Cc\n" ]

  svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn(None, expected_output, [],
                                     'diff', '-x', '-w', file_path)

def diff_ignore_eolstyle(sbox):
  "ignore eol styles when diffing"

  wc_dir = sbox.wc_dir

  file_name = "iota"
  file_path = os.path.join(wc_dir, file_name)

  expected_output = svntest.wc.State(wc_dir, {
      'iota' : Item(verb='Sending'),
  svntest.actions.run_and_verify_commit(wc_dir, expected_output,
                                        None, None, wc_dir)

  # commit only eol changes

  expected_output = make_diff_header(file_path, "revision 2",
                                     "working copy") + [
    "@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@\n",
    " Aa\n",
    " Bb\n",
    "\ No newline at end of file\n" ]

  svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn(None, expected_output, [],
                                     'diff', '-x', '--ignore-eol-style',

# test for issue 2600, diff revision of a file in a renamed folder
def diff_in_renamed_folder(sbox):
  "diff a revision of a file in a renamed folder"

  wc_dir = sbox.wc_dir

  C_path = os.path.join(wc_dir, "A", "C")
  D_path = os.path.join(wc_dir, "A", "D")
  kappa_path = os.path.join(D_path, "C", "kappa")

  # add a new file to a renamed (moved in this case) folder.
  svntest.main.run_svn(None, 'mv', C_path, D_path)

  svntest.main.file_append(kappa_path, "this is file kappa.\n")
  svntest.main.run_svn(None, 'add', kappa_path)

  expected_output = svntest.wc.State(wc_dir, {
      'A/C' : Item(verb='Deleting'),
      'A/D/C' : Item(verb='Adding'),
      'A/D/C/kappa' : Item(verb='Adding'),
  svntest.actions.run_and_verify_commit(wc_dir, expected_output,
                                        None, None, wc_dir)

  expected_output = svntest.wc.State(wc_dir, {
      'A/D/C/kappa' : Item(verb='Sending'),

  # modify the file two times so we have something to diff.
  for i in range(3, 5):
    svntest.main.file_append(kappa_path, str(i) + "\n")
    svntest.actions.run_and_verify_commit(wc_dir, expected_output,
                                          None, None, wc_dir)

  expected_output = make_diff_header(kappa_path, "revision 3",
                                     "revision 4") + [
    "@@ -1,2 +1,3 @@\n",
    " this is file kappa.\n",
    " 3\n",

  svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn(None, expected_output, [],
                                     'diff', '-r3:4', kappa_path)

def diff_with_depth(sbox):
  "test diffs at various depths"


  diff = [
    "Property changes on: .\n",
    "Added: foo1\n",
    "   + bar1\n",
    "Property changes on: iota\n",
    "Added: foo2\n",
    "   + bar2\n",
    "Property changes on: A\n",
    "Added: foo3\n",
    "   + bar3\n",
    "Property changes on: " + os.path.join('A', 'B') + "\n",
    "Added: foo4\n",
    "   + bar4\n",
    "\n" ]

  expected_empty = svntest.verify.UnorderedOutput(diff[:6])
  expected_files = svntest.verify.UnorderedOutput(diff[:12])
  expected_immediates = svntest.verify.UnorderedOutput(diff[:18])
  expected_infinity = svntest.verify.UnorderedOutput(diff[:])


  svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn(None, None, [],
                                     'foo1', 'bar1', '.')
  svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn(None, None, [],
                                     'foo2', 'bar2', 'iota')
  svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn(None, None, [],
                                     'foo3', 'bar3', 'A')
  svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn(None, None, [],
                                     'foo4', 'bar4', os.path.join('A', 'B'))

  # Test wc-wc diff.
  svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn(None, expected_empty, [],
                                     'diff', '--depth', 'empty')
  svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn(None, expected_files, [],
                                     'diff', '--depth', 'files')
  svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn(None, expected_immediates, [],
                                     'diff', '--depth', 'immediates')
  svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn(None, expected_infinity, [],
                                     'diff', '--depth', 'infinity')

  # Commit the changes.
  svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn(None, None, [],
                                     'ci', '-m', '')

  # Test repos-repos diff.  Reuse the expected outputs from above.
  svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn(None, expected_empty, [],
                                     'diff', '-c2', '--depth', 'empty')
  svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn(None, expected_files, [],
                                     'diff', '-c2', '--depth', 'files')
  svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn(None, expected_immediates, [],
                                     'diff', '-c2', '--depth', 'immediates')
  svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn(None, expected_infinity, [],
                                     'diff', '-c2', '--depth', 'infinity')

  diff_wc_repos = [
    "Property changes on: .\n",
    "Modified: foo1\n",
    "   - bar1\n",
    "   + baz1\n",
    "Property changes on: iota\n",
    "Modified: foo2\n",
    "   - bar2\n",
    "   + baz2\n",
    "Index: iota\n",
    "--- iota\t(revision 2)\n",
    "+++ iota\t(working copy)\n",
    "@@ -1 +1,2 @@\n",
    " This is the file 'iota'.\n",
    "+new text\n",
    "Property changes on: A\n",
    "Modified: foo3\n",
    "   - bar3\n",
    "   + baz3\n",
    "Property changes on: " + os.path.join('A', 'B') + "\n",
    "Modified: foo4\n",
    "   - bar4\n",
    "   + baz4\n",
    "Index: A/mu\n",
    "--- A/mu\t(revision 1)\n",
    "+++ A/mu\t(working copy)\n",
    "@@ -1 +1,2 @@\n",
    " This is the file 'mu'.\n",
    "+new text\n" ]

  expected_empty = svntest.verify.UnorderedOutput(diff_wc_repos[:7])
  expected_files = svntest.verify.UnorderedOutput(diff_wc_repos[1:22])
  expected_immediates = svntest.verify.UnorderedOutput(diff_wc_repos[1:29])
  expected_infinity = svntest.verify.UnorderedOutput(diff_wc_repos[:])

  svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn(None, None, [],
                                     'up', '-r1')

  svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn(None, None, [],
                                     'foo1', 'baz1', '.')
  svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn(None, None, [],
                                     'foo2', 'baz2', 'iota')
  svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn(None, None, [],
                                     'foo3', 'baz3', 'A')
  svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn(None, None, [],
                                     'foo4', 'baz4', os.path.join('A', 'B'))
  svntest.main.file_append(os.path.join('A', 'mu'), "new text\n")
  svntest.main.file_append('iota', "new text\n")

  # Test wc-repos diff.
  svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn(None, expected_empty, [],
                                     'diff', '-rHEAD', '--depth', 'empty')
  svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn(None, expected_files, [],
                                     'diff', '-rHEAD', '--depth', 'files')
  svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn(None, expected_immediates, [],
                                     'diff', '-rHEAD', '--depth', 'immediates')
  svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn(None, expected_infinity, [],
                                     'diff', '-rHEAD', '--depth', 'infinity')

# test for issue 2920: ignore eol-style on empty lines
def diff_ignore_eolstyle_empty_lines(sbox):
  "ignore eol styles when diffing empty lines"

  wc_dir = sbox.wc_dir

  file_name = "iota"
  file_path = os.path.join(wc_dir, file_name)

  expected_output = svntest.wc.State(wc_dir, {
      'iota' : Item(verb='Sending'),
  svntest.actions.run_and_verify_commit(wc_dir, expected_output,
                                        None, None, wc_dir)

  # sleep to guarantee timestamp change

  # commit only eol changes

  svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn(None, [], [],
                                     'diff', '-x', '--ignore-eol-style',

def diff_backward_repos_wc_copy(sbox):
  "backward repos->wc diff with copied file"

  wc_dir = sbox.wc_dir

  # copy a file
  mu_path = os.path.join('A', 'mu')
  mucp_path = os.path.join('A', 'mucopy')
  svntest.main.run_svn(None, 'cp', mu_path, mucp_path)

  # commit r2 and update back to r1
                       'ci', '-m', 'log msg')
  svntest.main.run_svn(None, 'up', '-r1')

  # diff r2 against working copy
  diff_repos_wc = make_diff_header("A/mucopy", "revision 2", "working copy")
  diff_repos_wc += [
    "@@ -1 +0,0 @@\n",
    "-This is the file 'mu'.\n",

  svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn(None, diff_repos_wc, [],
                                     'diff', '-r' , '2')


def diff_summarize_xml(sbox):
  "xml diff summarize"

  wc_dir = sbox.wc_dir

  # A content modification.
  svntest.main.file_append(os.path.join(wc_dir, "A", "mu"), "New mu content")

  # A prop modification.
                       "propset", "prop", "val",
                       os.path.join(wc_dir, 'iota'))

  # Both content and prop mods.
  tau_path = os.path.join(wc_dir, "A", "D", "G", "tau")
  svntest.main.file_append(tau_path, "tautau")
                       "propset", "prop", "val", tau_path)

  # A file addition.
  newfile_path = os.path.join(wc_dir, 'newfile')
  svntest.main.file_append(newfile_path, 'newfile')
  svntest.main.run_svn(None, 'add', newfile_path)

  # A file deletion.
  svntest.main.run_svn(None, "delete", os.path.join(wc_dir, 'A', 'B',

  # A directory addition
  svntest.main.run_svn(None, "mkdir", os.path.join(wc_dir, 'newdir'))

  expected_output = svntest.wc.State(wc_dir, {
    'A/mu': Item(verb='Sending'),
    'iota': Item(verb='Sending'),
    'newfile': Item(verb='Adding'),
    'A/D/G/tau': Item(verb='Sending'),
    'A/B/lambda': Item(verb='Deleting'),
    'newdir': Item(verb='Adding'),
  expected_status = svntest.actions.get_virginal_state(wc_dir, 1)
    'newfile': Item(status='  ', wc_rev=2),
    'newdir': Item(status='  ', wc_rev=2),
  expected_status.tweak("A/mu", "iota", "A/D/G/tau", "newfile", "newdir",

  svntest.actions.run_and_verify_commit(wc_dir, expected_output,
                                        expected_status, None, wc_dir)

  # 1) Test --xml without --summarize
    None, None, ".*--xml' option only valid with '--summarize' option",
    'diff', wc_dir, '--xml')

  # 2) Test --xml on invalid revision
    ".*No such revision 5555555",
    None, wc_dir, None, None, None, '-r0:5555555', wc_dir)

  # 3) Test working copy summarize
    ".*Summarizing diff can only compare repository to repository",
    None, wc_dir, None, None, wc_dir)

  # 4) Test --summarize --xml on -c2
  paths = ['iota',]
  items = ['none',]
  kinds = ['file',]
  props = ['modified',]

    [], wc_dir, paths, items, props, kinds, '-c2',
    os.path.join(wc_dir, 'iota'))

  # 5) Test --summarize --xml on -r1:2
  paths = ['A/mu', 'iota', 'A/D/G/tau', 'newfile', 'A/B/lambda',
  items = ['modified', 'none', 'modified', 'added', 'deleted', 'added',]
  kinds = ['file','file','file','file','file', 'dir',]
  props = ['none', 'modified', 'modified', 'none', 'none', 'none',]

    [], wc_dir, paths, items, props, kinds, '-r1:2', wc_dir)

  # 6) Same as test #5 but ran against a URL instead of a WC path
  paths = ['A/mu', 'iota', 'A/D/G/tau', 'newfile', 'A/B/lambda',
  items = ['modified', 'none', 'modified', 'added', 'deleted', 'added',]
  kinds = ['file','file','file','file','file', 'dir',]
  props = ['none', 'modified', 'modified', 'none', 'none', 'none',]

    [], sbox.repo_url, paths, items, props, kinds, '-r1:2', sbox.repo_url)

def diff_file_depth_empty(sbox):
  "svn diff --depth=empty FILE_WITH_LOCAL_MODS"
  # The bug was that no diff output would be generated.  Check that some is.
  iota_path = os.path.join(sbox.wc_dir, 'iota')
  svntest.main.file_append(iota_path, "new text in iota")
  exit_code, out, err = svntest.main.run_svn(None, 'diff',
                                             '--depth', 'empty', iota_path)
  if err:
    raise svntest.Failure
  if len(out) < 4:
    raise svntest.Failure

# This used to abort with ra_serf.
def diff_wrong_extension_type(sbox):
  "'svn diff -x wc -r#' should return error"

  sbox.build(read_only = True)
  expected_error = "(.*svn: Invalid argument .* in diff options.*)|" \
                   "(svn: '.' is not a working copy)"
  svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn(None, [], expected_error,
                                     'diff', '-x', sbox.wc_dir, '-r', '1')

# Check the order of the arguments for an external diff tool
def diff_external_diffcmd(sbox):
  "svn diff --diff-cmd provides the correct arguments"

  sbox.build(read_only = True)

  iota_path = 'iota'
  svntest.main.file_append(iota_path, "new text in iota")

  # Create a small diff mock object that prints its arguments to stdout.
  # (This path needs an explicit directory component to avoid searching.)
  diff_script_path = os.path.join('.', 'diff')
  # TODO: make the create function return the actual script name, and rename
  # it to something more generic.
  svntest.main.create_python_hook_script(diff_script_path, 'import sys\n'
    'for arg in sys.argv[1:]:\n  print arg\n')
  if sys.platform == 'win32':
    diff_script_path = "%s.bat" % diff_script_path

  expected_output = svntest.verify.ExpectedOutput([
    "Index: iota\n",
    "iota\t(revision 1)\n",
    "iota\t(working copy)\n",
    os.path.join('.svn', 'text-base', 'iota.svn-base') + "\n",

  # Check that the output of diff corresponds with the expected arguments,
  # in the correct order.
  svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn(None, expected_output, [],
                                     'diff', '--diff-cmd', diff_script_path,

# Diffing an unrelated repository URL against working copy with
# local modifications (i.e. not committed). This is issue #3295 (diff
# local changes against arbitrary URL@REV ignores local add).

# Helper
def make_file_edit_del_add(dir):
  "make a file mod (M), a deletion (D) and an addition (A)."
  alpha = os.path.join(dir, 'B', 'E', 'alpha')
  beta = os.path.join(dir, 'B', 'E', 'beta')
  theta = os.path.join(dir, 'B', 'E', 'theta')

  # modify alpha, remove beta and add theta.
  svntest.main.file_append(alpha, "Edited file alpha.\n")
  svntest.main.run_svn(None, 'remove', beta)
  svntest.main.file_append(theta, "Created file theta.\n")

  svntest.main.run_svn(None, 'add', theta)

def diff_url_against_local_mods(sbox):
  "diff URL against working copy with local mods"


  A = 'A'
  A_url = sbox.repo_url + '/A'

  # First, just make a copy.
  A2 = 'A2'
  A2_url = sbox.repo_url + '/A2'

  svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn(None, None, [],
                                     'cp', '-m', 'log msg',
                                     A_url, A2_url)

  svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn(None, None, [],

  # In A, add, remove and change a file, and commit.
  svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn(None, None, [],
                                     'ci', '-m', 'committing A')

  # In A2, do the same changes but leave uncommitted.

  # Diff URL of A against working copy of A2. Output should be empty.
  expected_output = []
  svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn(None, expected_output, [],
                                     'diff', '--old', A_url, '--new', A2)

# Diff rev against working copy of a removed and locally re-added file.
# This is issue #1675 ("svn diff -rN added-file" has odd behavior).

def diff_preexisting_rev_against_local_add(sbox):
  "diff -r1 of removed file to its local addition"

  beta = os.path.join('A', 'B', 'E', 'beta')

  # remove
  svntest.main.run_svn(None, 'remove', beta)
  svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn(None, None, [],
                                     'ci', '-m', 'removing beta')

  # re-add, without committing
  svntest.main.file_append(beta, "Re-created file beta.\n")
  svntest.main.run_svn(None, 'add', beta)

  # diff against -r1, the diff should show both removal and re-addition
  exit_code, diff_output, err_output = svntest.main.run_svn(
                        None, 'diff', '-r1', 'A')

  verify_expected_output(diff_output, "-This is the file 'beta'.")
  verify_expected_output(diff_output, "+Re-created file beta.")

#Run the tests

# list all tests here, starting with None:
test_list = [ None,

if __name__ == '__main__':

### End of file.