"""Driver for running the tests on Windows. Usage: python win-tests.py [option] [test-path] -r, --release test the Release configuration -d, --debug test the Debug configuration (default) -u URL, --url=URL run ra_dav or ra_svn tests against URL; will start svnserve for ra_svn tests -v, --verbose talk more -f, --fs-type=type filesystem type to use (bdb is default) --svnserve-args=list comma-separated list of arguments for svnserve; default is '-d,-r,' --asp.net-hack use '_svn' instead of '.svn' for the admin dir name --httpd-dir location where Apache HTTPD installed --httpd-port port for Apache HTTPD; random port number will be used, if not specified """ import os, sys import filecmp import shutil import traceback import ConfigParser import string import random import getopt try: my_getopt = getopt.gnu_getopt except AttributeError: my_getopt = getopt.getopt CMDLINE_TEST_SCRIPT_PATH = 'subversion/tests/cmdline/' CMDLINE_TEST_SCRIPT_NATIVE_PATH = CMDLINE_TEST_SCRIPT_PATH.replace('/', os.sep) sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join('build', 'generator')) sys.path.insert(1, 'build') import gen_win version_header = os.path.join('subversion', 'include', 'svn_version.h') gen_obj = gen_win.GeneratorBase('build.conf', version_header, []) all_tests = gen_obj.test_progs + gen_obj.bdb_test_progs \ + gen_obj.scripts + gen_obj.bdb_scripts client_tests = filter(lambda x: x.startswith(CMDLINE_TEST_SCRIPT_PATH), all_tests) opts, args = my_getopt(sys.argv[1:], 'rdvcu:f:', ['release', 'debug', 'verbose', 'cleanup', 'url=', 'svnserve-args=', 'fs-type=', 'asp.net-hack', 'httpd-dir=', 'httpd-port=']) if len(args) > 1: print 'Warning: non-option arguments after the first one will be ignored' # Interpret the options and set parameters base_url, fs_type, verbose, cleanup = None, None, None, None repo_loc = 'local repository.' objdir = 'Debug' log = 'tests.log' run_svnserve = None svnserve_args = None run_httpd = None httpd_port = None for opt, val in opts: if opt in ('-u', '--url'): base_url = val elif opt in ('-f', '--fs-type'): fs_type = val elif opt in ('-v', '--verbose'): verbose = 1 elif opt in ('-c', '--cleanup'): cleanup = 1 elif opt in ['-r', '--release']: objdir = 'Release' elif opt in ['-d', '--debug']: objdir = 'Debug' elif opt == '--svnserve-args': svnserve_args = val.split(',') run_svnserve = 1 elif opt == '--asp.net-hack': os.environ['SVN_ASP_DOT_NET_HACK'] = opt elif opt == '--httpd-dir': abs_httpd_dir = os.path.abspath(val) run_httpd = 1 elif opt == '--httpd-port': httpd_port = int(val) # Calculate the source and test directory names abs_srcdir = os.path.abspath("") abs_objdir = os.path.join(abs_srcdir, objdir) if len(args) == 0: abs_builddir = abs_objdir create_dirs = 0 else: abs_builddir = os.path.abspath(args[0]) create_dirs = 1 # Don't run bdb tests if they want to test fsfs if fs_type == 'fsfs': all_tests = gen_obj.test_progs + gen_obj.scripts if run_httpd: if not httpd_port: httpd_port = random.randrange(1024, 30000) if not base_url: base_url = 'http://localhost:' + str(httpd_port) if base_url: all_tests = client_tests repo_loc = 'remote repository ' + base_url + '.' if base_url[:4] == 'http': log = 'dav-tests.log' elif base_url[:3] == 'svn': log = 'svn-tests.log' run_svnserve = 1 else: # Don't know this scheme, but who're we to judge whether it's # correct or not? log = 'url-tests.log' # Have to move the executables where the tests expect them to be copied_execs = [] # Store copied exec files to avoid the final dir scan def create_target_dir(dirname): if create_dirs: tgt_dir = os.path.join(abs_builddir, dirname) if not os.path.exists(tgt_dir): if verbose: print "mkdir:", tgt_dir os.makedirs(tgt_dir) def copy_changed_file(src, tgt): assert os.path.isfile(src) if os.path.isdir(tgt): tgt = os.path.join(tgt, os.path.basename(src)) if os.path.exists(tgt): assert os.path.isfile(tgt) if filecmp.cmp(src, tgt): if verbose: print "same:", src print " and:", tgt return 0 if verbose: print "copy:", src print " to:", tgt shutil.copy(src, tgt) return 1 def copy_execs(baton, dirname, names): copied_execs = baton for name in names: ext = os.path.splitext(name)[1] if ext != ".exe" and ext != ".so": continue src = os.path.join(dirname, name) tgt = os.path.join(abs_builddir, dirname, name) create_target_dir(dirname) if copy_changed_file(src, tgt): copied_execs.append(tgt) def locate_libs(): "Move DLLs to a known location and set env vars" def get(cp, section, option, default): if cp.has_option(section, option): return cp.get(section, option) else: return default cp = ConfigParser.ConfigParser() cp.read('gen-make.opts') apr_path = get(cp, 'options', '--with-apr', 'apr') aprutil_path = get(cp, 'options', '--with-apr-util', 'apr-util') apriconv_path = get(cp, 'options', '--with-apr-iconv', 'apr-iconv') apriconv_so_path = os.path.join(apriconv_path, objdir, 'iconv') # look for APR 1.x dll's and use those if found apr_dll_path = os.path.join(apr_path, objdir, 'libapr-1.dll') if os.path.exists(apr_dll_path): aprutil_dll_path = os.path.join(aprutil_path, objdir, 'libaprutil-1.dll') apriconv_dll_path = os.path.join(apriconv_path, objdir, 'libapriconv-1.dll') else: apr_dll_path = os.path.join(apr_path, objdir, 'libapr.dll') aprutil_dll_path = os.path.join(aprutil_path, objdir, 'libaprutil.dll') apriconv_dll_path = os.path.join(apriconv_path, objdir, 'libapriconv.dll') copy_changed_file(apr_dll_path, abs_objdir) copy_changed_file(aprutil_dll_path, abs_objdir) copy_changed_file(apriconv_dll_path, abs_objdir) libintl_path = get(cp, 'options', '--with-libintl', None) if libintl_path is not None: libintl_dll_path = os.path.join(libintl_path, 'bin', 'intl3_svn.dll') copy_changed_file(libintl_dll_path, abs_objdir) os.environ['APR_ICONV_PATH'] = os.path.abspath(apriconv_so_path) os.environ['PATH'] = abs_objdir + os.pathsep + os.environ['PATH'] def fix_case(path): path = os.path.normpath(path) parts = string.split(path, os.path.sep) drive = string.upper(parts[0]) parts = parts[1:] path = drive + os.path.sep for part in parts: dirs = os.listdir(path) for dir in dirs: if string.lower(dir) == string.lower(part): path = os.path.join(path, dir) break return path class Svnserve: "Run svnserve for ra_svn tests" def __init__(self, svnserve_args, objdir, abs_objdir, abs_builddir): self.args = svnserve_args self.name = 'svnserve.exe' self.kind = objdir self.path = os.path.join(abs_objdir, 'subversion', 'svnserve', self.name) self.root = os.path.join(abs_builddir, CMDLINE_TEST_SCRIPT_NATIVE_PATH) self.proc_handle = None def __del__(self): "Stop svnserve when the object is deleted" self.stop() def _quote(self, arg): if ' ' in arg: return '"' + arg + '"' else: return arg def start(self): if not self.args: args = [self.name, '-d', '-r', self.root] else: args = [self.name] + self.args print 'Starting', self.kind, self.name try: import win32process import win32con args = ' '.join(map(lambda x: self._quote(x), args)) self.proc_handle = ( win32process.CreateProcess(self._quote(self.path), args, None, None, 0, win32con.CREATE_NEW_CONSOLE, None, None, win32process.STARTUPINFO()))[0] except ImportError: os.spawnv(os.P_NOWAIT, self.path, args) def stop(self): if self.proc_handle is not None: try: import win32process print 'Stopping', self.name win32process.TerminateProcess(self.proc_handle, 0) return except ImportError: pass print 'Svnserve.stop not implemented' class Httpd: "Run httpd for ra_dav tests" def __init__(self, abs_httpd_dir, abs_builddir, httpd_port): self.name = 'apache.exe' self.httpd_port = httpd_port self.httpd_dir = abs_httpd_dir self.path = os.path.join(self.httpd_dir, 'bin', self.name) self.root = os.path.join(abs_builddir, CMDLINE_TEST_SCRIPT_NATIVE_PATH, 'httpd') self.authz_file = os.path.join(abs_builddir, CMDLINE_TEST_SCRIPT_NATIVE_PATH, 'svn-test-work', 'authz') self.httpd_config = os.path.join(self.root, 'httpd.conf') self.httpd_users = os.path.join(self.root, 'users') self.httpd_mime_types = os.path.join(self.root, 'mime.types') self.abs_builddir = abs_builddir self.service_name = 'svn-test-httpd-' + str(httpd_port) self.httpd_args = [self.name, '-n', self._quote(self.service_name), '-f', self._quote(self.httpd_config)] create_target_dir(self.root) self._create_users_file() self._create_mime_types_file() # Create httpd config file fp = open(self.httpd_config, 'w') # Global Environment fp.write('ServerRoot ' + self._quote(self.root) + '\n') fp.write('DocumentRoot ' + self._quote(self.root) + '\n') fp.write('ServerName localhost\n') fp.write('PidFile pid\n') fp.write('ErrorLog log\n') fp.write('Listen ' + str(self.httpd_port) + '\n') # Write LoadModule for minimal system module fp.write(self._sys_module('dav_module', 'mod_dav.so')) fp.write(self._sys_module('auth_module', 'mod_auth.so')) fp.write(self._sys_module('mime_module', 'mod_mime.so')) fp.write(self._sys_module('log_config_module', 'mod_log_config.so')) # Write LoadModule for Subversion modules fp.write(self._svn_module('dav_svn_module', os.path.join('mod_dav_svn', 'mod_dav_svn.so'))) fp.write(self._svn_module('authz_svn_module', os.path.join( 'mod_authz_svn', 'mod_authz_svn.so'))) # Define two locations for repositories fp.write(self._svn_repo('repositories')) fp.write(self._svn_repo('local_tmp')) fp.write('TypesConfig ' + self._quote(self.httpd_mime_types) + '\n') fp.write('LogLevel Debug\n') fp.write('HostNameLookups Off\n') fp.close() def __del__(self): "Stop httpd when the object is deleted" self.stop() def _quote(self, arg): if ' ' in arg: return '"' + arg + '"' else: return arg def _create_users_file(self): "Create users file" htpasswd = os.path.join(self.httpd_dir, 'bin', 'htpasswd.exe') os.spawnv(os.P_WAIT, htpasswd, ['htpasswd.exe', '-mbc', self.httpd_users, 'jrandom', 'rayjandom']) os.spawnv(os.P_WAIT, htpasswd, ['htpasswd.exe', '-mb', self.httpd_users, 'jconstant', 'rayjandom']) def _create_mime_types_file(self): "Create empty mime.types file" fp = open(self.httpd_mime_types, 'w') fp.close() def _sys_module(self, name, path): full_path = os.path.join(self.httpd_dir, 'modules', path) return 'LoadModule ' + name + " " + self._quote(full_path) + '\n' def _svn_module(self, name, path): full_path = os.path.join(self.abs_builddir, 'subversion', path) return 'LoadModule ' + name + ' ' + self._quote(full_path) + '\n' def _svn_repo(self, name): path = os.path.join(self.abs_builddir, CMDLINE_TEST_SCRIPT_NATIVE_PATH, 'svn-test-work', name) location = '/svn-test-work/' + name return \ '\n' \ ' DAV svn\n' \ ' SVNParentPath ' + self._quote(path) + '\n' \ ' AuthzSVNAccessFile ' + self._quote(self.authz_file) + '\n' \ ' AuthType Basic\n' \ ' AuthName "Subversion Repository"\n' \ ' AuthUserFile ' + self._quote(self.httpd_users) + '\n' \ ' Require valid-user\n' \ '\n' def start(self): "Install and start HTTPD service" print 'Installing service', self.service_name os.spawnv(os.P_WAIT, self.path, self.httpd_args + ['-k', 'install']) print 'Starting service', self.service_name os.spawnv(os.P_WAIT, self.path, self.httpd_args + ['-k', 'start']) def stop(self): "Stop and unintall HTTPD service" os.spawnv(os.P_WAIT, self.path, self.httpd_args + ['-k', 'stop']) os.spawnv(os.P_WAIT, self.path, self.httpd_args + ['-k', 'uninstall']) # Move the binaries to the test directory locate_libs() if create_dirs: old_cwd = os.getcwd() try: os.chdir(abs_objdir) baton = copied_execs os.path.walk('subversion', copy_execs, baton) create_target_dir(CMDLINE_TEST_SCRIPT_NATIVE_PATH) except: os.chdir(old_cwd) raise else: os.chdir(old_cwd) # Ensure the tests directory is correctly cased abs_builddir = fix_case(abs_builddir) daemon = None # Run the tests if run_svnserve: daemon = Svnserve(svnserve_args, objdir, abs_objdir, abs_builddir) if run_httpd: daemon = Httpd(abs_httpd_dir, abs_builddir, httpd_port) # Start service daemon, if any if daemon: daemon.start() print 'Testing', objdir, 'configuration on', repo_loc sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join(abs_srcdir, 'build')) import run_tests th = run_tests.TestHarness(abs_srcdir, abs_builddir, os.path.join(abs_builddir, log), base_url, fs_type, 1, cleanup) old_cwd = os.getcwd() try: os.chdir(abs_builddir) failed = th.run(all_tests) except: os.chdir(old_cwd) raise else: os.chdir(old_cwd) # Stop service daemon, if any if daemon: del daemon # Remove the execs again for tgt in copied_execs: try: if os.path.isfile(tgt): if verbose: print "kill:", tgt os.unlink(tgt) except: traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout) pass if failed: sys.exit(1)