error.c   [plain text]

/* error.c:  common exception handling for Subversion
 * ====================================================================
 * Copyright (c) 2000-2004 CollabNet.  All rights reserved.
 * This software is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
 * you should have received as part of this distribution.  The terms
 * are also available at
 * If newer versions of this license are posted there, you may use a
 * newer version instead, at your option.
 * This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many
 * individuals.  For exact contribution history, see the revision
 * history and logs, available at
 * ====================================================================

#include <stdarg.h>
#include <assert.h>

#include <apr_general.h>
#include <apr_pools.h>
#include <apr_strings.h>

#include "svn_cmdline.h"
#include "svn_error.h"

#ifdef SVN_DEBUG
/* file_line for the non-debug case. */
static const char SVN_FILE_LINE_UNDEFINED[] = "svn:<undefined>";
#endif /* SVN_DEBUG */

#include "svn_private_config.h"

/*** Helpers for creating errors ***/
#undef svn_error_create
#undef svn_error_createf
#undef svn_error_quick_wrap
#undef svn_error_wrap_apr

/* XXX FIXME: These should be protected by a thread mutex.
   svn_error__locate and make_error_internal should cooperate
   in locking and unlocking it. */

/* XXX TODO: Define mutex here #if APR_HAS_THREADS */
static const char *error_file = NULL;
static long error_line = -1;

svn_error__locate(const char *file, long line)
  /* XXX TODO: Lock mutex here */
  error_file = file;
  error_line = line;

/* Cleanup function for errors.  svn_error_clear () removes this so
   errors that are properly handled *don't* hit this code. */
#if defined(SVN_DEBUG_ERROR)
static apr_status_t err_abort(void *data)
  svn_error_t *err = data;  /* For easy viewing in a debugger */
  err = err; /* Fake a use for the variable */

static svn_error_t *
make_error_internal(apr_status_t apr_err,
                    svn_error_t *child)
  apr_pool_t *pool;
  svn_error_t *new_error;

  /* Reuse the child's pool, or create our own. */
  if (child)
    pool = child->pool;
      if (apr_pool_create(&pool, NULL))

  /* Create the new error structure */
  new_error = apr_pcalloc(pool, sizeof(*new_error));

  /* Fill 'er up. */
  new_error->apr_err = apr_err;
  new_error->child   = child;
  new_error->pool    = pool;
  new_error->file    = error_file;
  new_error->line    = error_line;
  /* XXX TODO: Unlock mutex here */

#if defined(SVN_DEBUG_ERROR)
  if (! child)
      apr_pool_cleanup_register(pool, new_error, err_abort, NULL);

  return new_error;

/*** Creating and destroying errors. ***/

svn_error_t *
svn_error_create(apr_status_t apr_err,
                 svn_error_t *child,
                 const char *message)
  svn_error_t *err;

  err = make_error_internal(apr_err, child);

  if (message)
    err->message = apr_pstrdup(err->pool, message);

  return err;

svn_error_t *
svn_error_createf(apr_status_t apr_err,
                  svn_error_t *child,
                  const char *fmt,
  svn_error_t *err;
  va_list ap;

  err = make_error_internal(apr_err, child);

  va_start(ap, fmt);
  err->message = apr_pvsprintf(err->pool, fmt, ap);

  return err;

svn_error_t *
svn_error_wrap_apr(apr_status_t status,
                   const char *fmt,
  svn_error_t *err, *utf8_err;
  va_list ap;
  char errbuf[255];
  const char *msg_apr, *msg;

  err = make_error_internal(status, NULL);

  if (fmt)
      /* Grab the APR error message. */
      apr_strerror(status, errbuf, sizeof(errbuf));
      utf8_err = svn_utf_cstring_to_utf8(&msg_apr, errbuf, err->pool);
      if (utf8_err)
        msg_apr = NULL;

      /* Append it to the formatted message. */
      va_start(ap, fmt);
      msg = apr_pvsprintf(err->pool, fmt, ap);
      err->message = apr_psprintf(err->pool, "%s%s%s", msg,
                                  (msg_apr) ? ": " : "",
                                  (msg_apr) ? msg_apr : "");

  return err;

svn_error_t *
svn_error_quick_wrap(svn_error_t *child, const char *new_msg)
  return svn_error_create(child->apr_err,

svn_error_compose(svn_error_t *chain, svn_error_t *new_err)
  apr_pool_t *pool = chain->pool;
  apr_pool_t *oldpool = new_err->pool;

  while (chain->child)
    chain = chain->child;

#if defined(SVN_DEBUG_ERROR)
  /* Kill existing handler since the end of the chain is going to change */
  apr_pool_cleanup_kill(pool, chain, err_abort);

  /* Copy the new error chain into the old chain's pool. */
  while (new_err)
      chain->child = apr_palloc(pool, sizeof(*chain->child));
      chain = chain->child;
      *chain = *new_err;
      if (chain->message)
        chain->message = apr_pstrdup(pool, new_err->message);
      chain->pool = pool;
#if defined(SVN_DEBUG_ERROR)
      if (! new_err->child)
        apr_pool_cleanup_kill(oldpool, new_err, err_abort);
      new_err = new_err->child;

#if defined(SVN_DEBUG_ERROR)
  apr_pool_cleanup_register(pool, chain, err_abort, NULL);

  /* Destroy the new error chain. */

svn_error_t *
svn_error_dup(svn_error_t *err)
  apr_pool_t *pool;
  svn_error_t *new_err = NULL, *tmp_err = NULL;

  if (apr_pool_create(&pool, NULL))

  for (; err; err = err->child)
      if (! new_err)
          new_err = apr_palloc(pool, sizeof(*new_err));
          tmp_err = new_err;
          tmp_err->child = apr_palloc(pool, sizeof(*tmp_err->child));
          tmp_err = tmp_err->child;
      *tmp_err = *err;
      tmp_err->pool = pool;
      if (tmp_err->message)
        tmp_err->message = apr_pstrdup(pool, tmp_err->message);

#if defined(SVN_DEBUG_ERROR)
  apr_pool_cleanup_register(pool, tmp_err, err_abort, NULL);

  return new_err;

svn_error_clear(svn_error_t *err)
  if (err)
#if defined(SVN_DEBUG_ERROR)
      while (err->child)
        err = err->child;
      apr_pool_cleanup_kill(err->pool, err, err_abort);

static void
print_error(svn_error_t *err, FILE *stream, const char *prefix)
  char errbuf[256];
  const char *err_string;
  svn_error_t *temp_err = NULL;  /* ensure initialized even if
                                    err->file == NULL */
  /* Pretty-print the error */
  /* Note: we can also log errors here someday. */

#ifdef SVN_DEBUG
  /* Note: err->file is _not_ in UTF-8, because it's expanded from
           the __FILE__ preprocessor macro. */
  const char *file_utf8;

  if (err->file
      && !(temp_err = svn_utf_cstring_to_utf8(&file_utf8, err->file,
    svn_error_clear(svn_cmdline_fprintf(stream, err->pool,
                                        "%s:%ld", err->file, err->line));
                                        stream, err->pool));

  svn_error_clear(svn_cmdline_fprintf(stream, err->pool,
                                      ": (apr_err=%d)\n", err->apr_err));
#endif /* SVN_DEBUG */
  /* Only print the same APR error string once. */
  if (err->message)
      svn_error_clear(svn_cmdline_fprintf(stream, err->pool, "%s%s\n",
                                          prefix, err->message));
      /* Is this a Subversion-specific error code? */
      if ((err->apr_err > APR_OS_START_USEERR)
          && (err->apr_err <= APR_OS_START_CANONERR))
        err_string = svn_strerror(err->apr_err, errbuf, sizeof(errbuf));
      /* Otherwise, this must be an APR error code. */
      else if ((temp_err = svn_utf_cstring_to_utf8
                (&err_string, apr_strerror(err->apr_err, errbuf,
                                           sizeof(errbuf)), err->pool)))
          err_string = _("Can't recode error string from APR");
      svn_error_clear(svn_cmdline_fprintf(stream, err->pool,
                                          "%s%s\n", prefix, err_string));

svn_handle_error(svn_error_t *err, FILE *stream, svn_boolean_t fatal)
  svn_handle_error2(err, stream, fatal, "svn: ");

svn_handle_error2(svn_error_t *err,
                  FILE *stream,
                  svn_boolean_t fatal,
                  const char *prefix)
  /* In a long error chain, there may be multiple errors with the same
     error code and no custom message.  We only want to print the
     default message for that code once; printing it multiple times
     would add no useful information.  The 'empties' array below
     remembers the codes of empty errors already seen in the chain.

     We could allocate it in err->pool, but there's no telling how
     long err will live or how many times it will get handled.  So we
     use a subpool. */
  apr_pool_t *subpool;
  apr_array_header_t *empties;

  /* ### The rest of this file carefully avoids using svn_pool_*(),
     preferring apr_pool_*() instead.  I can't remember why -- it may
     be an artifact of r3719, or it may be for some deeper reason --
     but I'm playing it safe and using apr_pool_*() here too. */
  apr_pool_create(&subpool, err->pool);
  empties = apr_array_make(subpool, 0, sizeof(apr_status_t));

  while (err)
      int i;
      svn_boolean_t printed_already = FALSE;

      if (! err->message)
          for (i = 0; i < empties->nelts; i++)
              if (err->apr_err == ((apr_status_t *)empties->elts)[i])
                  printed_already = TRUE;
      if (! printed_already)
          print_error(err, stream, prefix);
          if (! err->message)
              (*((apr_status_t *) apr_array_push(empties))) = err->apr_err;

      err = err->child;


  if (fatal)
    /* XXX Shouldn't we exit(1) here instead, so that atexit handlers
       get called?  --xbc */

svn_handle_warning(FILE *stream, svn_error_t *err)
  svn_handle_warning2(stream, err, "svn: ");

svn_handle_warning2(FILE *stream, svn_error_t *err, const char *prefix)
  char buf[256];

                  (stream, err->pool,
                   _("%swarning: %s\n"),
                   prefix, svn_err_best_message(err, buf, sizeof(buf))));

const char *
svn_err_best_message(svn_error_t *err, char *buf, apr_size_t bufsize)
  if (err->message)
    return err->message;
    return svn_strerror(err->apr_err, buf, bufsize);

/* svn_strerror() and helpers */

typedef struct {
  svn_errno_t errcode;
  const char *errdesc;
} err_defn;

/* To understand what is going on here, read svn_error_codes.h. */
#include "svn_error_codes.h"

char *
svn_strerror(apr_status_t statcode, char *buf, apr_size_t bufsize)
  const err_defn *defn;

  for (defn = error_table; defn->errdesc != NULL; ++defn)
    if (defn->errcode == (svn_errno_t)statcode)
        apr_cpystrn(buf, _(defn->errdesc), bufsize);
        return buf;

  return apr_strerror(statcode, buf, bufsize);