fetch.c   [plain text]

 * fetch.c :  routines for fetching updates and checkouts
 * ====================================================================
 * Copyright (c) 2000-2004 CollabNet.  All rights reserved.
 * This software is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
 * you should have received as part of this distribution.  The terms
 * are also available at http://subversion.tigris.org/license-1.html.
 * If newer versions of this license are posted there, you may use a
 * newer version instead, at your option.
 * This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many
 * individuals.  For exact contribution history, see the revision
 * history and logs, available at http://subversion.tigris.org/.
 * ====================================================================

#include <assert.h>

#include <apr_want.h> /* for strcmp() */

#include <apr_pools.h>
#include <apr_tables.h>
#include <apr_strings.h>
#include <apr_md5.h>
#include <apr_xml.h>

#include <ne_socket.h>
#include <ne_basic.h>
#include <ne_utils.h>
#include <ne_props.h>
#include <ne_xml.h>
#include <ne_request.h>
#include <ne_compress.h>

#include "svn_error.h"
#include "svn_pools.h"
#include "svn_delta.h"
#include "svn_io.h"
#include "svn_md5.h"
#include "svn_base64.h"
#include "svn_ra.h"
#include "../libsvn_ra/ra_loader.h"
#include "svn_path.h"
#include "svn_xml.h"
#include "svn_dav.h"
#include "svn_time.h"
#include "svn_props.h"

#include "svn_private_config.h"

#include "ra_dav.h"

#define CHKERR(e)               \
do {                            \
  if ((rb->err = (e)) != NULL)  \
    return NE_XML_ABORT;        \
} while(0)

typedef struct {
  /* the information for this subdir. if rsrc==NULL, then this is a sentinel
     record in fetch_ctx_t.subdirs to close the directory implied by the
     parent_baton member. */
  svn_ra_dav_resource_t *rsrc;

  /* the directory containing this subdirectory. */
  void *parent_baton;

} subdir_t;

typedef struct {
  apr_pool_t *pool;

  /* these two are the handler that the editor gave us */
  svn_txdelta_window_handler_t handler;
  void *handler_baton;

  /* if we're receiving an svndiff, this is a parser which places the
     resulting windows into the above handler/baton. */
  svn_stream_t *stream;

} file_read_ctx_t;

typedef struct {
  svn_boolean_t do_checksum;  /* only accumulate checksum if set */
  apr_md5_ctx_t md5_context;  /* accumulating checksum of file contents */
  svn_stream_t *stream;       /* stream to write file contents to */
} file_write_ctx_t;

typedef struct {
  svn_error_t *err;             /* propagate an error out of the reader */

  int checked_type;             /* have we processed ctype yet? */
  ne_content_type ctype;        /* the Content-Type header */

  void *subctx;
} custom_get_ctx_t;

#define POP_SUBDIR(sds) (((subdir_t **)(sds)->elts)[--(sds)->nelts])
#define PUSH_SUBDIR(sds,s) (*(subdir_t **)apr_array_push(sds) = (s))

typedef svn_error_t * (*prop_setter_t)(void *baton,
                                       const char *name,
                                       const svn_string_t *value,
                                       apr_pool_t *pool);

typedef struct {
  /* The baton returned by the editor's open_root/open_dir */
  void *baton;

  /* Should we fetch properties for this directory when the close tag
     is found? */
  svn_boolean_t fetch_props;

  /* The version resource URL for this directory. */
  const char *vsn_url;

  /* A buffer which stores the relative directory name. We also use this
     for temporary construction of relative file names. */
  svn_stringbuf_t *pathbuf;

  /* If a directory, this may contain a hash of prophashes returned
     from doing a depth 1 PROPFIND. */
  apr_hash_t *children;

  /* A subpool.  It's about memory.  Ya dig? */
  apr_pool_t *pool;

} dir_item_t;

typedef struct {
  svn_ra_dav__session_t *ras;

  apr_file_t *tmpfile;

  /* The pool of the report baton; used for things that must live during the
     whole editing operation. */
  apr_pool_t *pool;
  /* Pool initialized when the report_baton is created, and meant for
     quick scratchwork.  This is like a loop pool, but since the loop
     that drives ra_dav callbacks is in the wrong scope for us to use
     the normal loop pool idiom, we must resort to this.  Always clear
     this pool right after using it; only YOU can prevent forest fires. */ 
  apr_pool_t *scratch_pool;

  svn_boolean_t fetch_content;
  svn_boolean_t fetch_props;

  const svn_delta_editor_t *editor;
  void *edit_baton;

  apr_array_header_t *dirs;  /* stack of directory batons/vsn_urls */
#define TOP_DIR(rb) (((dir_item_t *)(rb)->dirs->elts)[(rb)->dirs->nelts - 1])
#define PUSH_BATON(rb,b) (*(void **)apr_array_push((rb)->dirs) = (b))

  /* These items are only valid inside add- and open-file tags! */
  void *file_baton;
  apr_pool_t *file_pool;
  const char *result_checksum; /* hex md5 digest of result; may be null */

  svn_stringbuf_t *namestr;
  svn_stringbuf_t *cpathstr;
  svn_stringbuf_t *href;

  /* Empty string means no encoding, "base64" means base64. */
  svn_stringbuf_t *encoding;

  /* These are used when receiving an inline txdelta, and null at all
     other times. */
  svn_txdelta_window_handler_t whandler;
  void *whandler_baton;
  svn_stream_t *svndiff_decoder;
  svn_stream_t *base64_decoder;

  /* A generic accumulator for elements that have small bits of cdata,
     like md5_checksum, href, etc.  Uh, or where our own API gives us
     no choice about holding them in memory, as with prop values, ahem.  
     This is always the empty stringbuf when not in use. */
  svn_stringbuf_t *cdata_accum;

  /* Are we inside a resource element? */
  svn_boolean_t in_resource;
  /* Valid if in_resource is true. */
  svn_stringbuf_t *current_wcprop_path;
  svn_boolean_t is_switch;

  /* Named target, or NULL if none.  For example, in 'svn up wc/foo',
     this is "wc/foo", but in 'svn up' it is "".  

     The target helps us determine whether a response received from
     the server should be acted on.  Take 'svn up wc/foo': the server
     may send back a new vsn-rsrc-url wcprop for 'wc' (because the
     report had to be anchored there just in case the update deletes
     wc/foo).  While this is correct behavior for the server, the
     client should ignore the new wcprop, because the client knows
     it's not really updating the top level directory. */
  const char *target;

  /* Use an intermediate tmpfile for the REPORT response. */
  svn_boolean_t spool_response;

  /* A modern server will understand our "send-all" attribute on the
     update report request, and will put a "send-all" attribute on
     its response.  If we see that attribute, we set this to true,
     otherwise, it stays false (i.e., it's not a modern server). */
  svn_boolean_t receiving_all;

  svn_error_t *err;

} report_baton_t;

static const svn_ra_dav__xml_elm_t report_elements[] =
  { SVN_XML_NAMESPACE, "update-report", ELEM_update_report, 0 },
  { SVN_XML_NAMESPACE, "resource-walk", ELEM_resource_walk, 0 },
  { SVN_XML_NAMESPACE, "resource", ELEM_resource, 0 },
  { SVN_XML_NAMESPACE, "target-revision", ELEM_target_revision, 0 },
  { SVN_XML_NAMESPACE, "open-directory", ELEM_open_directory, 0 },
  { SVN_XML_NAMESPACE, "add-directory", ELEM_add_directory, 0 },
  { SVN_XML_NAMESPACE, "absent-directory", ELEM_absent_directory, 0 },
  { SVN_XML_NAMESPACE, "open-file", ELEM_open_file, 0 },
  { SVN_XML_NAMESPACE, "add-file", ELEM_add_file, 0 },
  { SVN_XML_NAMESPACE, "txdelta", ELEM_txdelta, 0 },
  { SVN_XML_NAMESPACE, "absent-file", ELEM_absent_file, 0 },
  { SVN_XML_NAMESPACE, "delete-entry", ELEM_delete_entry, 0 },
  { SVN_XML_NAMESPACE, "fetch-props", ELEM_fetch_props, 0 },
  { SVN_XML_NAMESPACE, "set-prop", ELEM_set_prop, 0 },
  { SVN_XML_NAMESPACE, "remove-prop", ELEM_remove_prop, 0 },
  { SVN_XML_NAMESPACE, "fetch-file", ELEM_fetch_file, 0 },
  { SVN_XML_NAMESPACE, "prop", ELEM_SVN_prop, 0 },
  { SVN_DAV_PROP_NS_DAV, "repository-uuid",
    ELEM_repository_uuid, SVN_RA_DAV__XML_CDATA },

  { SVN_DAV_PROP_NS_DAV, "md5-checksum", ELEM_md5_checksum,

  { "DAV:", "version-name", ELEM_version_name, SVN_RA_DAV__XML_CDATA },
  { "DAV:", "creationdate", ELEM_creationdate, SVN_RA_DAV__XML_CDATA },
  { "DAV:", "creator-displayname", ELEM_creator_displayname,

  { "DAV:", "checked-in", ELEM_checked_in, 0 },
  { "DAV:", "href", ELEM_href, SVN_RA_DAV__XML_CDATA },

  { NULL }

/* Elements used in a dated-rev-report response */
static const svn_ra_dav__xml_elm_t drev_report_elements[] =
  { SVN_XML_NAMESPACE, "dated-rev-report", ELEM_dated_rev_report, 0 },
  { "DAV:", "version-name", ELEM_version_name, SVN_RA_DAV__XML_CDATA },
  { NULL }

/* Elements used in a get-locks-report response */
static const svn_ra_dav__xml_elm_t getlocks_report_elements[] =
  { SVN_XML_NAMESPACE, "get-locks-report", ELEM_get_locks_report, 0 },
  { SVN_XML_NAMESPACE, "lock", ELEM_lock, 0},
  { SVN_XML_NAMESPACE, "path", ELEM_lock_path, SVN_RA_DAV__XML_CDATA },
  { SVN_XML_NAMESPACE, "token", ELEM_lock_token, SVN_RA_DAV__XML_CDATA },
  { SVN_XML_NAMESPACE, "owner", ELEM_lock_owner, SVN_RA_DAV__XML_CDATA },
  { SVN_XML_NAMESPACE, "comment", ELEM_lock_comment, SVN_RA_DAV__XML_CDATA },
  { SVN_XML_NAMESPACE, "creationdate",
    ELEM_lock_creationdate, SVN_RA_DAV__XML_CDATA },
  { SVN_XML_NAMESPACE, "expirationdate",
    ELEM_lock_expirationdate, SVN_RA_DAV__XML_CDATA },
  { NULL }

static svn_error_t *simple_store_vsn_url(const char *vsn_url,
                                         void *baton,
                                         prop_setter_t setter,
                                         apr_pool_t *pool)
  /* store the version URL as a property */
  SVN_ERR_W((*setter)(baton, SVN_RA_DAV__LP_VSN_URL, 
                      svn_string_create(vsn_url, pool), pool),
            _("Could not save the URL of the version resource"));

  return NULL;

static svn_error_t *get_delta_base(const char **delta_base,
                                   const char *relpath,
                                   svn_ra_get_wc_prop_func_t get_wc_prop,
                                   void *cb_baton,
                                   apr_pool_t *pool)
  const svn_string_t *value;

  if (relpath == NULL || get_wc_prop == NULL)
      *delta_base = NULL;
      return SVN_NO_ERROR;

  SVN_ERR((*get_wc_prop)(cb_baton, relpath, SVN_RA_DAV__LP_VSN_URL,
                         &value, pool));

  *delta_base = value ? value->data : NULL;
  return SVN_NO_ERROR;

/* helper func which maps certain DAV: properties to svn:wc:
   properties.  Used during checkouts and updates.  */
static svn_error_t *set_special_wc_prop(const char *key,
                                        const svn_string_t *val,
                                        prop_setter_t setter,
                                        void *baton,
                                        apr_pool_t *pool)
  const char *name = NULL;

  if (strcmp(key, SVN_RA_DAV__PROP_VERSION_NAME) == 0)
  else if (strcmp(key, SVN_RA_DAV__PROP_CREATIONDATE) == 0)
  else if (strcmp(key, SVN_RA_DAV__PROP_CREATOR_DISPLAYNAME) == 0)
  else if (strcmp(key, SVN_RA_DAV__PROP_REPOSITORY_UUID) == 0)

  /* If we got a name we care about it, call the setter function. */
  if (name)
    SVN_ERR((*setter)(baton, name, val, pool));

  return SVN_NO_ERROR;

static svn_error_t *add_props(apr_hash_t *props,
                              prop_setter_t setter,
                              void *baton,
                              apr_pool_t *pool)
  apr_hash_index_t *hi;

  for (hi = apr_hash_first(pool, props); hi; hi = apr_hash_next(hi))
      const void *vkey;
      void *vval;
      const char *key;
      const svn_string_t *val;

      apr_hash_this(hi, &vkey, NULL, &vval);
      key = vkey;
      val = vval;

#define NSLEN (sizeof(SVN_DAV_PROP_NS_CUSTOM) - 1)
      if (strncmp(key, SVN_DAV_PROP_NS_CUSTOM, NSLEN) == 0)
          /* for props in the 'custom' namespace, we strip the
             namespace and just use whatever name the user gave the
             property. */
          SVN_ERR((*setter)(baton, key + NSLEN, val, pool));
#undef NSLEN

#define NSLEN (sizeof(SVN_DAV_PROP_NS_SVN) - 1)
      if (strncmp(key, SVN_DAV_PROP_NS_SVN, NSLEN) == 0)
          /* This property is an 'svn:' prop, recognized by client, or
             server, or both.  Convert the URI namespace into normal
             'svn:' prefix again before pushing it at the wc. */
          SVN_ERR((*setter)(baton, apr_pstrcat(pool, SVN_PROP_PREFIX,
                                               key + NSLEN, NULL),
                            val, pool));
#undef NSLEN

          /* If we get here, then we have a property that is neither
             in the 'custom' space, nor in the 'svn' space.  So it
             must be either in the 'network' space or 'DAV:' space.
             The following routine converts a handful of DAV: props
             into 'svn:wc:' or 'svn:entry:' props that libsvn_wc
             wants. */
          SVN_ERR(set_special_wc_prop(key, val, setter, baton, pool));
  return SVN_NO_ERROR;

#ifdef SVN_NEON_0_25
/* This implements the svn_ra_dav__request_interrogator() interface.
   USERDATA is 'ne_content_type *'. */
static svn_error_t *interrogate_for_content_type(ne_request *request,
                                                 int dispatch_return_val,
                                                 void *userdata)
  ne_content_type *ctype = userdata;

  if (ne_get_content_type(request, ctype) != 0)
    return svn_error_createf
       _("Could not get content-type from response"));

  return SVN_NO_ERROR;
#endif /* SVN_NEON_0_25 */

static svn_error_t *custom_get_request(ne_session *sess,
                                       const char *url,
                                       const char *relpath,
                                       ne_block_reader reader,
                                       void *subctx,
                                       svn_ra_get_wc_prop_func_t get_wc_prop,
                                       void *cb_baton,
                                       svn_boolean_t use_base,
                                       apr_pool_t *pool)
  custom_get_ctx_t cgc = { 0 };
  const char *delta_base;
  ne_request *req;
  ne_decompress *decompress;
  svn_error_t *err;
#ifndef SVN_NEON_0_25
  int decompress_rv;
#endif /* ! SVN_NEON_0_25 */
  svn_ra_dav__session_t *ras = ne_get_session_private(sess,

  if (use_base)
      /* See if we can get a version URL for this resource. This will
         refer to what we already have in the working copy, thus we
         can get a diff against this particular resource. */
      SVN_ERR(get_delta_base(&delta_base, relpath,
                             get_wc_prop, cb_baton, pool));
      delta_base = NULL;

  req = ne_request_create(sess, "GET", url);
  if (req == NULL)
      return svn_error_createf(SVN_ERR_RA_DAV_CREATING_REQUEST, NULL,
                               _("Could not create a GET request for '%s'"),

#ifndef SVN_NEON_0_25
  /* we want to get the Content-Type so that we can figure out whether
     this is an svndiff or a fulltext */
  ne_add_response_header_handler(req, "Content-Type", ne_content_type_handler,
#endif /* ! SVN_NEON_0_25 */

  if (delta_base)
      /* The HTTP delta draft uses an If-None-Match header holding an
         entity tag corresponding to the copy we have. It is much more
         natural for us to use a version URL to specify what we have.
         Thus, we want to use the If: header to specify the URL. But
         mod_dav sees all "State-token" items as lock tokens. When we
         get mod_dav updated and the backend APIs expanded, then we
         can switch to using the If: header. For now, use a custom
         header to specify the version resource to use as the base. */
      ne_add_request_header(req, SVN_DAV_DELTA_BASE_HEADER, delta_base);

  /* add in a reader to capture the body of the response. */
  if (ras->compression) 
      decompress = ne_decompress_reader(req, ne_accept_2xx, reader, &cgc);
      decompress = NULL;
      ne_add_response_body_reader(req, ne_accept_2xx, reader, &cgc);

  /* complete initialization of the body reading context */
  cgc.subctx = subctx;

  /* run the request */
  err = svn_ra_dav__request_dispatch(NULL, req, sess, "GET", url,
                                     200 /* OK */,
                                     226 /* IM Used */,
#ifdef SVN_NEON_0_25
                                     interrogate_for_content_type, &cgc.ctype,
#endif /* SVN_NEON_0_25 */

#ifdef SVN_NEON_0_25
  if (decompress)
#else /* ! SVN_NEON_0_25 */
  if (decompress) 
    decompress_rv = ne_decompress_destroy(decompress);
    decompress_rv = 0;
#endif /* if/else SVN_NEON_0_25 */

  /* we no longer need this */
  if (cgc.ctype.value != NULL)

  /* if there was an error writing the contents, then return it rather
     than Neon-related errors */
  if (cgc.err)
      if (err)
      return cgc.err;

#ifndef SVN_NEON_0_25
  if (decompress_rv != 0)
       const char *msg;

       msg = apr_psprintf(pool, _("GET request failed for '%s'"), url);
       if (err)
       err = svn_ra_dav__convert_error(sess, msg, decompress_rv, pool);
#endif /* ! SVN_NEON_0_25 */

  return err;

/* This implements the ne_block_reader() callback interface. */
#ifdef SVN_NEON_0_25
static int
#else /* ! SVN_NEON_0_25 */
static void
#endif /* if/else SVN_NEON_0_25 */
fetch_file_reader(void *userdata, const char *buf, size_t len)
  custom_get_ctx_t *cgc = userdata;
  file_read_ctx_t *frc = cgc->subctx;

  if (cgc->err)
      /* We must have gotten an error during the last read. */
#ifdef SVN_NEON_0_25
      /* Abort the rest of the read. */
      /* ### Call ne_set_error(), as ne_block_reader doc implies? */
      return 1;
#else /* ! SVN_NEON_0_25 */
      /* In Neon < 0.25.0, we have no way to abort the read process,
         so we'll just have to eat all the data, even though we
         already know we can't handle it. */
#endif /* if/else SVN_NEON_0_25 */


  if (len == 0)
      /* file is complete. */
#ifdef SVN_NEON_0_25
      return 0;
#else /* ! SVN_NEON_0_25 */
#endif /* if/else SVN_NEON_0_25 */

  if (!cgc->checked_type)

      if (cgc->ctype.type
          && cgc->ctype.subtype
          && !strcmp(cgc->ctype.type, "application") 
          && !strcmp(cgc->ctype.subtype, "vnd.svn-svndiff"))
          /* we are receiving an svndiff. set things up. */
          frc->stream = svn_txdelta_parse_svndiff(frc->handler,

      cgc->checked_type = 1;

  if (frc->stream == NULL)
      /* receiving plain text. construct a window for it. */

      svn_txdelta_window_t window = { 0 };
      svn_txdelta_op_t op;
      svn_string_t data;

      data.data = buf;
      data.len = len;

      op.action_code = svn_txdelta_new;
      op.offset = 0;
      op.length = len;

      window.tview_len = len;       /* result will be this long */
      window.num_ops = 1;
      window.ops = &op;
      window.new_data = &data;

      /* We can't really do anything useful if we get an error here.  Pass
         it off to someone who can. */
      cgc->err = (*frc->handler)(&window, frc->handler_baton);
      /* receiving svndiff. feed it to the svndiff parser. */

      apr_size_t written = len;

      cgc->err = svn_stream_write(frc->stream, buf, &written);

      /* ### the svndiff stream parser does not obey svn_stream semantics
         ### in its write handler. it does not output the number of bytes
         ### consumed by the handler. specifically, it may decrement the
         ### number by 4 for the header, then never touch it again. that
         ### makes it appear like an incomplete write.
         ### disable this check for now. the svndiff parser actually does
         ### consume all bytes, all the time.
#if 0
      if (written != len && cgc->err == NULL)
        cgc->err = svn_error_createf(SVN_ERR_INCOMPLETE_DATA, NULL,
                                     "Unable to completely write the svndiff "
                                     "data to the parser stream "
                                     "(wrote " APR_SIZE_T_FMT " "
                                     "of " APR_SIZE_T_FMT " bytes)",
                                     written, len);

#ifdef SVN_NEON_0_25
  return 0;
#endif /* SVN_NEON_0_25 */

static svn_error_t *simple_fetch_file(ne_session *sess,
                                      const char *url,
                                      const char *relpath,
                                      svn_boolean_t text_deltas,
                                      void *file_baton,
                                      const char *base_checksum,
                                      const svn_delta_editor_t *editor,
                                      svn_ra_get_wc_prop_func_t get_wc_prop,
                                      void *cb_baton,
                                      apr_pool_t *pool)
  file_read_ctx_t frc = { 0 };

            _("Could not save file"));

  /* Only bother with text-deltas if our caller cares. */
  if (! text_deltas)
      SVN_ERR((*frc.handler)(NULL, frc.handler_baton));
      return SVN_NO_ERROR;

  frc.pool = pool;

  SVN_ERR(custom_get_request(sess, url, relpath,
                             fetch_file_reader, &frc,
                             get_wc_prop, cb_baton,
                             TRUE, pool));

  /* close the handler, since the file reading completed successfully. */
  SVN_ERR((*frc.handler)(NULL, frc.handler_baton));

  return SVN_NO_ERROR;

/* Helper (neon callback) for svn_ra_dav__get_file.  This implements
   the ne_block_reader() callback interface. */
#ifdef SVN_NEON_0_25
static int
#else /* ! SVN_NEON_0_25 */
static void
#endif /* if/else SVN_NEON_0_25 */
get_file_reader(void *userdata, const char *buf, size_t len)
  custom_get_ctx_t *cgc = userdata;
  apr_size_t wlen;
  svn_error_t *err;

  /* The stream we want to push data at. */
  file_write_ctx_t *fwc = cgc->subctx; 
  svn_stream_t *stream = fwc->stream;

  if (fwc->do_checksum)
    apr_md5_update(&(fwc->md5_context), buf, len);

  /* Write however many bytes were passed in by neon. */
  wlen = len;
  err = svn_stream_write(stream, buf, &wlen);

#ifdef SVN_NEON_0_25
  /* Technically, if the write came up short then there's guaranteed
     to be an error anyway, so we only really need to check for error.
     But heck, why not gather as much information as possible about
     what happened before tossing it all and just returning non-zero? */
  if (err || (wlen != len))
      /* ### Call ne_set_error(), as ne_block_reader doc implies? */
      return 1;

  return 0;
#endif /* SVN_NEON_0_25 */

/* minor helper for svn_ra_dav__get_file, of type prop_setter_t */
static svn_error_t * 
add_prop_to_hash(void *baton,
                 const char *name,
                 const svn_string_t *value,
                 apr_pool_t *pool)
  apr_hash_t *ht = (apr_hash_t *) baton;
  apr_hash_set(ht, name, APR_HASH_KEY_STRING, value);
  return SVN_NO_ERROR;

/* Helper for svn_ra_dav__get_file(), svn_ra_dav__get_dir(), and

   Loop over the properties in RSRC->propset, examining namespaces and
   such to filter Subversion, custom, etc. properties.  

   User-visible props get added to the PROPS hash (alloced in POOL).

   If ADD_ENTRY_PROPS is true, then "special" working copy entry-props
   are added to the hash by set_special_wc_prop().
static svn_error_t *
filter_props(apr_hash_t *props,
             svn_ra_dav_resource_t *rsrc,
             svn_boolean_t add_entry_props,
             apr_pool_t *pool)
  apr_hash_index_t *hi;

  for (hi = apr_hash_first(pool, rsrc->propset); hi; hi = apr_hash_next(hi)) 
      const void *key;
      const char *name;
      void *val;
      const svn_string_t *value;

      apr_hash_this(hi, &key, NULL, &val);
      name = key;
      value = svn_string_dup(val, pool);

      /* If the property is in the 'custom' namespace, then it's a
         normal user-controlled property coming from the fs.  Just
         strip off this prefix and add to the hash. */
#define NSLEN (sizeof(SVN_DAV_PROP_NS_CUSTOM) - 1)
      if (strncmp(name, SVN_DAV_PROP_NS_CUSTOM, NSLEN) == 0)
          apr_hash_set(props, name + NSLEN, APR_HASH_KEY_STRING, value);
#undef NSLEN

      /* If the property is in the 'svn' namespace, then it's a
         normal user-controlled property coming from the fs.  Just
         strip off the URI prefix, add an 'svn:', and add to the hash. */
#define NSLEN (sizeof(SVN_DAV_PROP_NS_SVN) - 1)
      if (strncmp(name, SVN_DAV_PROP_NS_SVN, NSLEN) == 0)
                       apr_pstrcat(pool, SVN_PROP_PREFIX, name + NSLEN, NULL),
#undef NSLEN
      else if (strcmp(name, SVN_RA_DAV__PROP_CHECKED_IN) == 0)
          /* For files, we currently only have one 'wc' prop. */
          apr_hash_set(props, SVN_RA_DAV__LP_VSN_URL,
                       APR_HASH_KEY_STRING, value);
          /* If it's one of the 'entry' props, this func will
             recognize the DAV: name & add it to the hash mapped to a
             new name recognized by libsvn_wc. */
          if (add_entry_props)
            SVN_ERR(set_special_wc_prop(name, value, add_prop_to_hash, 
                                        props, pool));

  return SVN_NO_ERROR;

svn_error_t *svn_ra_dav__get_file(svn_ra_session_t *session,
                                  const char *path,
                                  svn_revnum_t revision,
                                  svn_stream_t *stream,
                                  svn_revnum_t *fetched_rev,
                                  apr_hash_t **props,
                                  apr_pool_t *pool)
  svn_ra_dav_resource_t *rsrc;
  const char *final_url;
  svn_ra_dav__session_t *ras = session->priv;
  const char *url = svn_path_url_add_component(ras->url->data, path, pool);

  /* If the revision is invalid (head), then we're done.  Just fetch
     the public URL, because that will always get HEAD. */
  if ((! SVN_IS_VALID_REVNUM(revision)) && (fetched_rev == NULL))
    final_url = url;

  /* If the revision is something specific, we need to create a bc_url. */
      svn_revnum_t got_rev;
      svn_string_t bc_url, bc_relative;

                                            &bc_url, &bc_relative,
                                            url, revision,
      final_url = svn_path_url_add_component(bc_url.data,
      if (fetched_rev != NULL)
        *fetched_rev = got_rev;

  if (stream)
      svn_error_t *err;
      const svn_string_t *expected_checksum = NULL;
      file_write_ctx_t fwc;
      ne_propname md5_propname = { SVN_DAV_PROP_NS_DAV, "md5-checksum" };
      unsigned char digest[APR_MD5_DIGESTSIZE];
      const char *hex_digest;

      /* Only request a checksum if we're getting the file contents. */
      /* ### We should arrange for the checksum to be returned in the
         svn_ra_dav__get_baseline_info() call above; that will prevent
         the extra round trip, at least some of the time. */
      err = svn_ra_dav__get_one_prop(&expected_checksum,

      /* Older servers don't serve this prop, but that's okay. */
      /* ### temporary hack for 0.17. if the server doesn't have the prop,
         ### then __get_one_prop returns an empty string. deal with it.  */
      if ((err && (err->apr_err == SVN_ERR_RA_DAV_PROPS_NOT_FOUND))
          || (expected_checksum && (*expected_checksum->data == '\0')))
          fwc.do_checksum = FALSE;
      else if (err)
        return err;
        fwc.do_checksum = TRUE;

      fwc.stream = stream;

      if (fwc.do_checksum)

      /* Fetch the file, shoving it at the provided stream. */
      SVN_ERR(custom_get_request(ras->sess, final_url, path,
                                 get_file_reader, &fwc,
                                 FALSE, pool));

      if (fwc.do_checksum)
          apr_md5_final(digest, &(fwc.md5_context));
          hex_digest = svn_md5_digest_to_cstring_display(digest, pool);

          if (strcmp(hex_digest, expected_checksum->data) != 0)
            return svn_error_createf
               _("Checksum mismatch for '%s':\n"
                 "   expected checksum:  %s\n"
                 "   actual checksum:    %s\n"),
               path, expected_checksum->data, hex_digest);

  if (props)
      SVN_ERR(svn_ra_dav__get_props_resource(&rsrc, ras->sess, final_url, 
                                             NULL, NULL /* all props */, 
      *props = apr_hash_make(pool);
      SVN_ERR(filter_props(*props, rsrc, TRUE, pool));

  return SVN_NO_ERROR;

/* The property we need to fetch to see whether the server we are
   connected to supports the deadprop-count property. */
static const ne_propname deadprop_count_support_props[] =
  { SVN_DAV_PROP_NS_DAV, "deadprop-count" },
  { NULL }

svn_error_t *svn_ra_dav__get_dir(svn_ra_session_t *session,
                                 apr_hash_t **dirents,
                                 svn_revnum_t *fetched_rev,
                                 apr_hash_t **props,
                                 const char *path,
                                 svn_revnum_t revision,
                                 apr_uint32_t dirent_fields,
                                 apr_pool_t *pool)
  svn_ra_dav_resource_t *rsrc;
  apr_hash_index_t *hi;
  apr_hash_t *resources;
  const char *final_url;
  apr_size_t final_url_n_components;
  svn_boolean_t supports_deadprop_count;
  svn_ra_dav__session_t *ras = session->priv;
  const char *url = svn_path_url_add_component(ras->url->data, path, pool);

  /* If the revision is invalid (head), then we're done.  Just fetch
     the public URL, because that will always get HEAD. */
  if ((! SVN_IS_VALID_REVNUM(revision)) && (fetched_rev == NULL))
    final_url = url;

  /* If the revision is something specific, we need to create a bc_url. */
      svn_revnum_t got_rev;
      svn_string_t bc_url, bc_relative;

                                            &bc_url, &bc_relative,
                                            url, revision,
      final_url = svn_path_url_add_component(bc_url.data,
      if (fetched_rev != NULL)
        *fetched_rev = got_rev;

  /* For issue 2151: See if we are dealing with a server that
     understands the deadprop-count property.  If it doesn't, we'll
     need to do an allprop PROPFIND.  If it does, we'll execute a more
     targeted PROPFIND. */
    const svn_string_t *deadprop_count;
    SVN_ERR(svn_ra_dav__get_props_resource(&rsrc, ras->sess,
                                           final_url, NULL,

    deadprop_count = apr_hash_get(rsrc->propset,
    supports_deadprop_count = (deadprop_count != NULL);
  if (dirents)
      ne_propname *which_props;

      /* if we didn't ask for the has_props field, we can get individual
         properties. */
      if ((SVN_DIRENT_HAS_PROPS & dirent_fields) == 0
          || supports_deadprop_count)
          int num_props = 1; /* start with one for the final NULL */

          if (dirent_fields & SVN_DIRENT_KIND)

          if (dirent_fields & SVN_DIRENT_SIZE)

          if (dirent_fields & SVN_DIRENT_HAS_PROPS)

          if (dirent_fields & SVN_DIRENT_CREATED_REV)

          if (dirent_fields & SVN_DIRENT_TIME)

          if (dirent_fields & SVN_DIRENT_LAST_AUTHOR)

          which_props = apr_pcalloc(pool, num_props * sizeof(ne_propname));

          --num_props; /* damn zero based arrays... */

          /* first, null out the end... */
          which_props[num_props].nspace = NULL;
          which_props[num_props--].name = NULL;

          /* Now, go through and fill in the ones we care about, moving along
             the array as we go. */

          if (dirent_fields & SVN_DIRENT_KIND)
              which_props[num_props].nspace = "DAV:";
              which_props[num_props--].name = "resourcetype";

          if (dirent_fields & SVN_DIRENT_SIZE)
              which_props[num_props].nspace = "DAV:";
              which_props[num_props--].name = "getcontentlength";

          if (dirent_fields & SVN_DIRENT_HAS_PROPS)
              which_props[num_props].nspace = SVN_DAV_PROP_NS_DAV;
              which_props[num_props--].name = "deadprop-count";

          if (dirent_fields & SVN_DIRENT_CREATED_REV)
              which_props[num_props].nspace = "DAV:";
              which_props[num_props--].name = "version-name";

          if (dirent_fields & SVN_DIRENT_TIME)
              which_props[num_props].nspace = "DAV:";
              which_props[num_props--].name = "creationdate";

          if (dirent_fields & SVN_DIRENT_LAST_AUTHOR)
              which_props[num_props].nspace = "DAV:";
              which_props[num_props--].name = "creator-displayname";

          assert(num_props == -1);
          /* get all props, since we need them all to do has_props */
          which_props = NULL;

      /* Just like Nautilus, Cadaver, or any other browser, we do a
         PROPFIND on the directory of depth 1. */
      SVN_ERR(svn_ra_dav__get_props(&resources, ras->sess,
                                    final_url, NE_DEPTH_ONE,
                                    NULL, which_props, pool));
      /* Count the number of path components in final_url. */
      final_url_n_components = svn_path_component_count(final_url);

      /* Now we have a hash that maps a bunch of url children to resource
         objects.  Each resource object contains the properties of the
         child.   Parse these resources into svn_dirent_t structs. */
      *dirents = apr_hash_make(pool);
      for (hi = apr_hash_first(pool, resources);
           hi = apr_hash_next(hi))
          const void *key;
          void *val;
          const char *childname;
          svn_ra_dav_resource_t *resource;
          const svn_string_t *propval;
          apr_hash_index_t *h;
          svn_dirent_t *entry;
          apr_hash_this(hi, &key, NULL, &val);
          childname =  key;
          resource = val;
          /* Skip the effective '.' entry that comes back from NE_DEPTH_ONE.
             The children must have one more component then final_url.
             Note that we can't just strcmp the URLs because of URL encoding
             differences (i.e. %3c vs. %3C etc.) */
          if (svn_path_component_count(childname) == final_url_n_components)
          entry = apr_pcalloc(pool, sizeof(*entry));

          if (dirent_fields & SVN_DIRENT_KIND)
              /* node kind */
              entry->kind = resource->is_collection ? svn_node_dir
                                                    : svn_node_file;

          if (dirent_fields & SVN_DIRENT_SIZE)
              /* size */
              propval = apr_hash_get(resource->propset,
              if (propval == NULL)
                entry->size = 0;
                entry->size = svn__atoui64(propval->data);
          if (dirent_fields & SVN_DIRENT_HAS_PROPS)
              /* Does this resource contain any 'svn' or 'custom'
                 properties (e.g. ones actually created and set by the
                 user)? */
              if (supports_deadprop_count) 
                  propval = apr_hash_get(resource->propset,
                  if (propval == NULL)
                      /* we thought that the server supported the
                         deadprop-count property.  apparently not. */
                      return svn_error_create(SVN_ERR_INCOMPLETE_DATA, NULL,
                                              _("Server response missing the "
                                                "expected deadprop-count "
                      apr_int64_t prop_count = svn__atoui64(propval->data);
                      entry->has_props = (prop_count > 0);
                   /* The server doesn't support the deadprop_count prop,
                      fallback */
                  for (h = apr_hash_first(pool, resource->propset);
                       h; h = apr_hash_next(h))
                      const void *kkey;
                      void *vval;
                      apr_hash_this(h, &kkey, NULL, &vval);
                      if (strncmp((const char *) kkey, SVN_DAV_PROP_NS_CUSTOM,
                                  sizeof(SVN_DAV_PROP_NS_CUSTOM) - 1) == 0
                          || strncmp((const char *) kkey, SVN_DAV_PROP_NS_SVN,
                                     sizeof(SVN_DAV_PROP_NS_SVN) - 1) == 0)
                        entry->has_props = TRUE;

          if (dirent_fields & SVN_DIRENT_CREATED_REV)
              /* created_rev & friends */
              propval = apr_hash_get(resource->propset,
              if (propval != NULL)
                entry->created_rev = SVN_STR_TO_REV(propval->data);

          if (dirent_fields & SVN_DIRENT_TIME)
              propval = apr_hash_get(resource->propset,
              if (propval != NULL)
                                              propval->data, pool));

          if (dirent_fields & SVN_DIRENT_LAST_AUTHOR)    
              propval = apr_hash_get(resource->propset,
              if (propval != NULL)
                entry->last_author = propval->data;

                       svn_path_uri_decode(svn_path_basename(childname, pool),
                       APR_HASH_KEY_STRING, entry);

  if (props)                    
      SVN_ERR(svn_ra_dav__get_props_resource(&rsrc, ras->sess, final_url, 
                                             NULL, NULL /* all props */, 

      *props = apr_hash_make(pool);
      SVN_ERR(filter_props(*props, rsrc, TRUE, pool));

  return SVN_NO_ERROR;

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

svn_error_t *svn_ra_dav__get_latest_revnum(svn_ra_session_t *session,
                                           svn_revnum_t *latest_revnum,
                                           apr_pool_t *pool)
  svn_ra_dav__session_t *ras = session->priv;

  /* ### should we perform an OPTIONS to validate the server we're about
     ### to talk to? */

  /* we don't need any of the baseline URLs and stuff, but this does
     give us the latest revision number */
  SVN_ERR(svn_ra_dav__get_baseline_info(NULL, NULL, NULL, latest_revnum,
                                        ras->sess, ras->root.path,
                                        SVN_INVALID_REVNUM, pool));

  SVN_ERR(svn_ra_dav__maybe_store_auth_info(ras, pool));

  return NULL;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
** DeltaV provides no mechanism for mapping a date to a revision, so
** we use a custom report, S:dated-rev-report.  The request contains a
** DAV:creationdate element giving the requested date; the response
** contains a DAV:version-name element giving the most recent revision
** as of that date.
** Since this report is so simple, we don't bother with validation or
** baton structures or anything; we just set the revision number in
** the end-element handler for DAV:version-name.

/* This implements the `svn_ra_dav__xml_validate_cb' prototype. */
static int drev_validate_element(void *userdata, svn_ra_dav__xml_elmid parent,
                                 svn_ra_dav__xml_elmid child)

/* This implements the `svn_ra_dav__xml_startelm_cb' prototype. */
static int drev_start_element(void *userdata, const svn_ra_dav__xml_elm_t *elm,
                              const char **atts)

/* This implements the `svn_ra_dav__xml_endelm_cb' prototype. */
static int drev_end_element(void *userdata, const svn_ra_dav__xml_elm_t *elm,
                            const char *cdata)
  if (elm->id == ELEM_version_name)
    *((svn_revnum_t *) userdata) = SVN_STR_TO_REV(cdata);


svn_error_t *svn_ra_dav__get_dated_revision(svn_ra_session_t *session,
                                            svn_revnum_t *revision,
                                            apr_time_t timestamp,
                                            apr_pool_t *pool)
  svn_ra_dav__session_t *ras = session->priv;
  const char *body;
  const char *vcc_url;
  svn_error_t *err;

  /* Run the 'dated-rev-report' on the VCC url, which is always
     guaranteed to exist.   */
  SVN_ERR(svn_ra_dav__get_vcc(&vcc_url, ras->sess, ras->root.path, pool));

  body = apr_psprintf(pool,
                      "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>"
                      "<S:dated-rev-report xmlns:S=\"" SVN_XML_NAMESPACE "\" "
                      svn_time_to_cstring(timestamp, pool));

  *revision = SVN_INVALID_REVNUM;
  err = svn_ra_dav__parsed_request_compat(ras->sess, "REPORT",
                                          vcc_url, body, NULL, NULL,
                                          drev_start_element, drev_end_element,
                                          revision, NULL, NULL, FALSE, pool);
  if (err && err->apr_err == SVN_ERR_UNSUPPORTED_FEATURE)
    return svn_error_quick_wrap(err, _("Server does not support date-based "
  else if (err)
    return err;

  if (*revision == SVN_INVALID_REVNUM)
    return svn_error_create(SVN_ERR_INCOMPLETE_DATA, NULL,
                            _("Invalid server response to dated-rev request"));

  return SVN_NO_ERROR;

typedef struct {
  svn_ra_dav__session_t *ras;
  apr_hash_t *hash;
  apr_pool_t *pool;
} get_locations_baton_t;

 * Plan for processing the XML. The XML will be of the form:
 * <S:get-locations-report xmlns...>
 *     <S:location rev="..." path="..."/>
 *     ...
 * </S:get-locations-report>
 * We extract what we want at the start of <S:location>. */
/* Elements used in a get-locations response */
static const svn_ra_dav__xml_elm_t gloc_report_elements[] =
  { SVN_XML_NAMESPACE, "get-locations-report", ELEM_get_locations_report, 0 },
  { SVN_XML_NAMESPACE, "location", ELEM_location, 0 },
  { NULL }

/* This implements the `ne_xml_startelem_cb' prototype. */
static int gloc_start_element(void *userdata, int parent_state, const char *ns,
                              const char *ln, const char **atts)
  get_locations_baton_t *baton = userdata;
  const svn_ra_dav__xml_elm_t *elm;

  elm = svn_ra_dav__lookup_xml_elem(gloc_report_elements, ns, ln);

  /* Just skip unknown elements. */
  if (!elm)
    return NE_XML_DECLINE;

  if (parent_state == ELEM_get_locations_report
      && elm->id == ELEM_location)
      svn_revnum_t rev = SVN_INVALID_REVNUM;
      const char *path;
      const char *r;

      r = svn_xml_get_attr_value("rev", atts);
      if (r)
        rev = SVN_STR_TO_REV(r);

      path = svn_xml_get_attr_value("path", atts);

      if (SVN_IS_VALID_REVNUM(rev) && path)
                     apr_pmemdup(baton->pool, &rev, sizeof(rev)),
                     sizeof(rev), apr_pstrdup(baton->pool, path));
        return NE_XML_ABORT;

  return elm->id;

svn_error_t *
svn_ra_dav__get_locations(svn_ra_session_t *session,
                          apr_hash_t **locations,
                          const char *relative_path,
                          svn_revnum_t peg_revision,
                          apr_array_header_t *location_revisions,
                          apr_pool_t *pool)
  svn_ra_dav__session_t *ras = session->priv;
  svn_stringbuf_t *request_body;
  svn_error_t *err;
  get_locations_baton_t request_baton;
  const char *relative_path_quoted;
  svn_string_t bc_url, bc_relative;
  const char *final_bc_url;
  int i;
  int status_code = 0;

  *locations = apr_hash_make(pool);

  request_body = svn_stringbuf_create("", pool);
                           "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>" DEBUG_CR
                           "<S:get-locations xmlns:S=\"" SVN_XML_NAMESPACE
                           "\" xmlns:D=\"DAV:\">" DEBUG_CR);

  svn_stringbuf_appendcstr(request_body, "<S:path>");
  /* We need to escape the path XML-wise. */
  relative_path_quoted = apr_xml_quote_string(pool, relative_path, 0);
  svn_stringbuf_appendcstr(request_body, relative_path_quoted);
  svn_stringbuf_appendcstr(request_body, "</S:path>" DEBUG_CR);
                                        "</S:peg-revision>" DEBUG_CR,

  for (i = 0; i < location_revisions->nelts; ++i)
      svn_revnum_t rev = APR_ARRAY_IDX(location_revisions, i, svn_revnum_t);
                                            "</S:location-revision>" DEBUG_CR,

  svn_stringbuf_appendcstr(request_body, "</S:get-locations>");

  request_baton.ras = ras;
  request_baton.hash = *locations;
  request_baton.pool = pool;

  /* ras's URL may not exist in HEAD, and thus it's not safe to send
     it as the main argument to the REPORT request; it might cause
     dav_get_resource() to choke on the server.  So instead, we pass a
     baseline-collection URL, which we get from the peg revision.  */
  SVN_ERR(svn_ra_dav__get_baseline_info(NULL, &bc_url, &bc_relative, NULL,
                                        ras->sess, ras->url->data,
  final_bc_url = svn_path_url_add_component(bc_url.data, bc_relative.data,

  err = svn_ra_dav__parsed_request(ras->sess, "REPORT", final_bc_url,
                                   request_body->data, NULL, NULL,
                                   gloc_start_element, NULL, NULL,
                                   &request_baton, NULL, &status_code,
                                   FALSE, pool);

  /* Map status 501: Method Not Implemented to our not implemented error.
     1.0.x servers and older don't support this report. */
  if (status_code == 501)
    return svn_error_create(SVN_ERR_RA_NOT_IMPLEMENTED, err,
                            _("'get-locations' REPORT not implemented"));

  return err;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
** DeltaV provides a mechanism for fetching a list of locks below a
** path, but it's often unscalable.  It requires doing a PROPFIND of
** depth infinity, looking for the 'DAV:lockdiscovery' prop on every
** resource.  But depth-infinity propfinds can sometimes behave like a
** DoS attack, and mod_dav even disables them by default!
** So we send a custom 'get-locks' REPORT on a public URI... which is
** fine, since all lock queries are always against HEAD anyway.  The
** response is a just a list of svn_lock_t's.  (Generic DAV clients,
** of course, are free to do infinite PROPFINDs as they wish, assuming
** the server allows it.)

 * The get-locks-report xml request body is super-simple.
 * The server doesn't need anything but the URI in the REPORT request line.
 *    <S:get-locks-report xmlns...>
 *    </S:get-locks-report>
 * The get-locks-report xml response is just a list of svn_lock_t's
 * that exist at or "below" the request URI.  (The server runs
 * svn_repos_fs_get_locks()).
 *    <S:get-locks-report xmlns...>
 *        <S:lock>
 *           <S:path>/foo/bar/baz</S:path>
 *           <S:token>opaquelocktoken:706689a6-8cef-0310-9809-fb7545cbd44e
 *                </S:token>
 *           <S:owner>fred</S:owner>
 *           <S:comment encoding="base64">ET39IGCB93LL4M</S:comment>
 *           <S:creationdate>2005-02-07T14:17:08Z</S:creationdate>
 *           <S:expirationdate>2005-02-08T14:17:08Z</S:expirationdate>
 *        </S:lock>
 *        ...
 *    </S:get-locks-report>
 * The <path> and <token> and date-element cdata is xml-escaped by mod_dav_svn.
 * The <owner> and <comment> cdata is always xml-escaped, but
 * possibly also base64-encoded if necessary, as indicated by the
 * encoding attribute.
 * The absence of <expirationdate> means that there's no expiration.
 * If there are no locks to return, then the response will look just
 * like the request.

/* Context for parsing server's response. */
typedef struct {
  svn_lock_t *current_lock;        /* the lock being constructed */
  svn_stringbuf_t *cdata_accum;    /* a place to accumulate cdata */
  const char *encoding;            /* normally NULL, else the value of
                                      'encoding' attribute on cdata's tag.*/
  apr_hash_t *lock_hash;           /* the final hash returned */

  svn_error_t *err;                /* if the parse needs to return an err */

  apr_pool_t *scratchpool;         /* temporary stuff goes in here */
  apr_pool_t *pool;                /* permanent stuff goes in here */

} get_locks_baton_t;

/* This implements the `ne_xml_startelem_cb' prototype. */
static int getlocks_start_element(void *userdata, int parent_state,
                                  const char *ns, const char *ln,
                                  const char **atts)
  get_locks_baton_t *baton = userdata;
  const svn_ra_dav__xml_elm_t *elm;

  elm = svn_ra_dav__lookup_xml_elem(getlocks_report_elements, ns, ln);

  /* Just skip unknown elements. */
  if (!elm)
    return NE_XML_DECLINE;

  if (elm->id == ELEM_lock)
      if (parent_state != ELEM_get_locks_report)
        return NE_XML_ABORT;
        /* allocate a new svn_lock_t in the permanent pool */
        baton->current_lock = svn_lock_create(baton->pool);

  else if (elm->id == ELEM_lock_path
           || elm->id == ELEM_lock_token
           || elm->id == ELEM_lock_owner
           || elm->id == ELEM_lock_comment
           || elm->id == ELEM_lock_creationdate
           || elm->id == ELEM_lock_expirationdate)
      const char *encoding;

      if (parent_state != ELEM_lock)
        return NE_XML_ABORT;

      /* look for any incoming encodings on these elements. */
      encoding = svn_xml_get_attr_value("encoding", atts);
      if (encoding)
        baton->encoding = apr_pstrdup(baton->scratchpool, encoding);

  return elm->id;

/* This implements the `ne_xml_cdata_cb' prototype. */
static int getlocks_cdata_handler(void *userdata, int state,
                                  const char *cdata, size_t len)
  get_locks_baton_t *baton = userdata;

    case ELEM_lock_path:
    case ELEM_lock_token:
    case ELEM_lock_owner:
    case ELEM_lock_comment:
    case ELEM_lock_creationdate:
    case ELEM_lock_expirationdate:
      /* accumulate cdata in the scratchpool. */
      svn_stringbuf_appendbytes(baton->cdata_accum, cdata, len);

  return 0; /* no error */

/* This implements the `ne_xml_endelm_cb' prototype. */
static int getlocks_end_element(void *userdata, int state,
                                const char *ns, const char *ln)
  get_locks_baton_t *baton = userdata;
  const svn_ra_dav__xml_elm_t *elm;
  svn_error_t *err;

  elm = svn_ra_dav__lookup_xml_elem(getlocks_report_elements, ns, ln);

  /* Just skip unknown elements. */
  if (elm == NULL)
    return NE_XML_DECLINE;

  switch (elm->id)
    case ELEM_lock:
      /* is the final svn_lock_t valid?  all fields must be present
         except for 'comment' and 'expiration_date'. */
      if ((! baton->current_lock->path)
          || (! baton->current_lock->token)
          || (! baton->current_lock->owner)
          || (! baton->current_lock->creation_date))
          baton->err = svn_error_create(SVN_ERR_RA_DAV_MALFORMED_DATA, NULL,
                                        _("Incomplete lock data returned"));
          return NE_XML_ABORT;

      apr_hash_set(baton->lock_hash, baton->current_lock->path,
                   APR_HASH_KEY_STRING, baton->current_lock);
    case ELEM_lock_path:
      /* neon has already xml-unescaped the cdata for us. */
      baton->current_lock->path = apr_pstrmemdup(baton->pool,
      /* clean up the accumulator. */

    case ELEM_lock_token:
      /* neon has already xml-unescaped the cdata for us. */
      baton->current_lock->token = apr_pstrmemdup(baton->pool,
      /* clean up the accumulator. */

    case ELEM_lock_creationdate:
      err = svn_time_from_cstring(&(baton->current_lock->creation_date),
      if (err)
          baton->err = err;
          return NE_XML_ABORT;
      /* clean up the accumulator. */

    case ELEM_lock_expirationdate:
      err = svn_time_from_cstring(&(baton->current_lock->expiration_date),
      if (err)
          baton->err = err;
          return NE_XML_ABORT;
      /* clean up the accumulator. */

    case ELEM_lock_owner:
    case ELEM_lock_comment:
        const char *final_val;

        if (baton->encoding)
            /* Possibly recognize other encodings someday. */
            if (strcmp(baton->encoding, "base64") == 0)
                svn_string_t *encoded_val;
                const svn_string_t *decoded_val;

                encoded_val = svn_string_create_from_buf(baton->cdata_accum,
                decoded_val = svn_base64_decode_string(encoded_val,
                final_val = decoded_val->data;
              /* unrecognized encoding! */
              return NE_XML_ABORT;

            baton->encoding = NULL;
            /* neon has already xml-unescaped the cdata for us. */            
            final_val = baton->cdata_accum->data;

        if (elm->id == ELEM_lock_owner)
          baton->current_lock->owner = apr_pstrdup(baton->pool, final_val);
        if (elm->id == ELEM_lock_comment)
          baton->current_lock->comment = apr_pstrdup(baton->pool, final_val);

        /* clean up the accumulator. */


  return 0;

svn_error_t *
svn_ra_dav__get_locks(svn_ra_session_t *session,
                      apr_hash_t **locks,
                      const char *path,
                      apr_pool_t *pool)
  svn_ra_dav__session_t *ras = session->priv;
  const char *body, *url;
  svn_error_t *err;
  int status_code = 0;
  get_locks_baton_t baton;

  baton.lock_hash = apr_hash_make(pool);
  baton.pool = pool;
  baton.scratchpool = svn_pool_create(pool);
  baton.err = NULL;
  baton.current_lock = NULL;
  baton.encoding = NULL;
  baton.cdata_accum = svn_stringbuf_create("", pool);

  body = apr_psprintf(pool,
                      "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>"
                      "<S:get-locks-report xmlns:S=\"" SVN_XML_NAMESPACE "\" "

  /* We always run the report on the 'public' URL, which represents
     HEAD anyway.  If the path doesn't exist in HEAD, then there can't
     possibly be a lock, so we just return no locks. */
  url = svn_path_url_add_component(ras->url->data, path, pool);

  err = svn_ra_dav__parsed_request(ras->sess, "REPORT", url,
                                   body, NULL, NULL,
                                   NULL, /* extra headers */

  if (err && err->apr_err == SVN_ERR_RA_DAV_PATH_NOT_FOUND)
      *locks = baton.lock_hash;
      return SVN_NO_ERROR;

  /* ### Should svn_ra_dav__parsed_request() take care of storing auth
     ### info itself? */
  err = svn_ra_dav__maybe_store_auth_info_after_result(err, ras, pool);

  /* At this point, 'err' might represent a local error (neon choked,
     or maybe something went wrong storing auth creds).  But if
     'baton.err' exists, that's an error coming right from the server,
     marshalled over the network.  We give that top priority. */
  if (baton.err)
      if (err)
      /* mod_dav_svn is known to return "unsupported feature" on
         unknown REPORT requests, but it's our svn_ra.h promise to
         return a similar, specific error code.  */
      if (baton.err->apr_err == SVN_ERR_UNSUPPORTED_FEATURE)
        return svn_error_create(SVN_ERR_RA_NOT_IMPLEMENTED, baton.err,
                                _("Server does not support locking features"));
      return baton.err;

  /* Map status 501: Method Not Implemented to our not implemented error.
     1.0.x servers and older don't support this report. */
  if (status_code == 501)
    return svn_error_create(SVN_ERR_RA_NOT_IMPLEMENTED, err,
                            _("Server does not support locking features"));

  if (err && err->apr_err == SVN_ERR_UNSUPPORTED_FEATURE)
    return svn_error_create(SVN_ERR_RA_NOT_IMPLEMENTED, err,
                            _("Server does not support locking features"));

  else if (err)
    return err;


  *locks = baton.lock_hash;
  return SVN_NO_ERROR;

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

svn_error_t *svn_ra_dav__change_rev_prop(svn_ra_session_t *session,
                                         svn_revnum_t rev,
                                         const char *name,
                                         const svn_string_t *value,
                                         apr_pool_t *pool)
  svn_ra_dav__session_t *ras = session->priv;
  svn_ra_dav_resource_t *baseline;
  svn_error_t *err;
  apr_hash_t *prop_changes = NULL;
  apr_array_header_t *prop_deletes = NULL;
  static const ne_propname wanted_props[] =
      { "DAV:", "auto-version" },
      { NULL }

  /* Main objective: do a PROPPATCH (allprops) on a baseline object */  

  /* ### A Word From Our Sponsor:  see issue #916.

     Be it heretofore known that this Subversion behavior is
     officially in violation of WebDAV/DeltaV.  DeltaV has *no*
     concept of unversioned properties, anywhere.  If you proppatch
     something, some new version of *something* is created.

     In particular, we've decided that a 'baseline' maps to an svn
     revision; if we attempted to proppatch a baseline, a *normal*
     DeltaV server would do an auto-checkout, patch the working
     baseline, auto-checkin, and create a new baseline.  But
     mod_dav_svn just changes the baseline destructively.

  /* Get the baseline resource. */
  SVN_ERR(svn_ra_dav__get_baseline_props(NULL, &baseline,
                                         wanted_props, /* DAV:auto-version */

  /* ### TODO: if we got back some value for the baseline's
         'DAV:auto-version' property, interpret it.  We *don't* want
         to attempt the PROPPATCH if the deltaV server is going to do
         auto-versioning and create a new baseline! */

  if (value)
      prop_changes = apr_hash_make(pool);
      apr_hash_set(prop_changes, name, APR_HASH_KEY_STRING, value);
      prop_deletes = apr_array_make(pool, 1, sizeof(const char *));
      (*((const char **) apr_array_push(prop_deletes))) = name;

  err = svn_ra_dav__do_proppatch(ras, baseline->url, prop_changes,
                                 prop_deletes, NULL, pool);
  if (err)
       _("DAV request failed; it's possible that the repository's "
         "pre-revprop-change hook either failed or is non-existent"));

  return SVN_NO_ERROR;

svn_error_t *svn_ra_dav__rev_proplist(svn_ra_session_t *session,
                                      svn_revnum_t rev,
                                      apr_hash_t **props,
                                      apr_pool_t *pool)
  svn_ra_dav__session_t *ras = session->priv;
  svn_ra_dav_resource_t *baseline;

  *props = apr_hash_make(pool);

  /* Main objective: do a PROPFIND (allprops) on a baseline object */  
  SVN_ERR(svn_ra_dav__get_baseline_props(NULL, &baseline,
                                         NULL, /* get ALL properties */

  /* Build a new property hash, based on the one in the baseline
     resource.  In particular, convert the xml-property-namespaces
     into ones that the client understands.  Strip away the DAV:
     liveprops as well. */
  SVN_ERR(filter_props(*props, baseline, FALSE, pool));

  return SVN_NO_ERROR;

svn_error_t *svn_ra_dav__rev_prop(svn_ra_session_t *session,
                                  svn_revnum_t rev,
                                  const char *name,
                                  svn_string_t **value,
                                  apr_pool_t *pool)
  apr_hash_t *props;

  /* We just call svn_ra_dav__rev_proplist() and filter its results here
   * because sending the property name to the server may create an error
   * if it has a colon in its name.  While more costly this allows DAV
   * clients to still gain access to all the allowed property names.
   * See Issue #1807 for more details. */
  SVN_ERR(svn_ra_dav__rev_proplist(session, rev, &props, pool));

  *value = apr_hash_get(props, name, APR_HASH_KEY_STRING);

  return SVN_NO_ERROR;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
** ### docco...
** DTD of the update report:
** ### open/add file/dir. first child is always checked-in/href (vsn_url).
** ### next are subdir elems, possibly fetch-file, then fetch-prop.

/* This implements the `svn_ra_dav__xml_validate_cb' prototype. */
static int validate_element(void *userdata,
                            svn_ra_dav__xml_elmid parent,
                            svn_ra_dav__xml_elmid child)
  /* We're being very strict with the validity of XML elements here. If
     something exists that we don't know about, then we might not update
     the client properly. We also make various assumptions in the element
     processing functions, and the strong validation enables those
     assumptions. */

  switch (parent)
    case ELEM_root:
      if (child == ELEM_update_report)
        return SVN_RA_DAV__XML_VALID;
        return SVN_RA_DAV__XML_INVALID;

    case ELEM_update_report:
      if (child == ELEM_target_revision
          || child == ELEM_open_directory
          || child == ELEM_resource_walk)
        return SVN_RA_DAV__XML_VALID;
        return SVN_RA_DAV__XML_INVALID;

    case ELEM_resource_walk:
      if (child == ELEM_resource)
        return SVN_RA_DAV__XML_VALID;
        return SVN_RA_DAV__XML_INVALID;

    case ELEM_resource:
      if (child == ELEM_checked_in)
        return SVN_RA_DAV__XML_VALID;
        return SVN_RA_DAV__XML_INVALID;

    case ELEM_open_directory:
      if (child == ELEM_absent_directory
          || child == ELEM_open_directory
          || child == ELEM_add_directory
          || child == ELEM_absent_file
          || child == ELEM_open_file
          || child == ELEM_add_file
          || child == ELEM_fetch_props
          || child == ELEM_set_prop
          || child == ELEM_remove_prop
          || child == ELEM_delete_entry
          || child == ELEM_SVN_prop
          || child == ELEM_checked_in)
        return SVN_RA_DAV__XML_VALID;
        return SVN_RA_DAV__XML_INVALID;

    case ELEM_add_directory:
      if (child == ELEM_absent_directory
          || child == ELEM_add_directory
          || child == ELEM_absent_file
          || child == ELEM_add_file
          || child == ELEM_set_prop
          || child == ELEM_SVN_prop
          || child == ELEM_checked_in)
        return SVN_RA_DAV__XML_VALID;
        return SVN_RA_DAV__XML_INVALID;

    case ELEM_open_file:
      if (child == ELEM_checked_in
          || child == ELEM_fetch_file
          || child == ELEM_SVN_prop
          || child == ELEM_txdelta
          || child == ELEM_fetch_props
          || child == ELEM_set_prop
          || child == ELEM_remove_prop)
        return SVN_RA_DAV__XML_VALID;
        return SVN_RA_DAV__XML_INVALID;

    case ELEM_add_file:
      if (child == ELEM_checked_in
          || child == ELEM_txdelta
          || child == ELEM_set_prop
          || child == ELEM_SVN_prop)
        return SVN_RA_DAV__XML_VALID;
        return SVN_RA_DAV__XML_INVALID;

    case ELEM_checked_in:
      if (child == ELEM_href)
        return SVN_RA_DAV__XML_VALID;
        return SVN_RA_DAV__XML_INVALID;

    case ELEM_set_prop:
      /* Prop name is an attribute, prop value is CDATA, so no child elts. */
      return SVN_RA_DAV__XML_VALID;

    case ELEM_SVN_prop:
      /*      if (child == ELEM_version_name
              || child == ELEM_creationdate
              || child == ELEM_creator_displayname
              || child == ELEM_md5_checksum
              || child == ELEM_repository_uuid
              || child == ELEM_remove_prop)
              return SVN_RA_DAV__XML_VALID;
              return SVN_RA_DAV__XML_DECLINE;
      /* ### TODO:  someday uncomment the block above, and make the
         else clause return NE_XML_IGNORE.  But first, neon needs to
         define that value.  :-) */
      return SVN_RA_DAV__XML_VALID;

      return SVN_RA_DAV__XML_DECLINE;


static void push_dir(report_baton_t *rb, 
                     void *baton, 
                     svn_stringbuf_t *pathbuf,
                     apr_pool_t *pool)
  dir_item_t *di = apr_array_push(rb->dirs);

  memset(di, 0, sizeof(*di));
  di->baton = baton;
  di->pathbuf = pathbuf;
  di->pool = pool;

/* This implements the `ne_xml_startelm_cb' prototype. */
static int
start_element(void *userdata, int parent_state, const char *nspace,
              const char *elt_name, const char **atts)
  report_baton_t *rb = userdata;
  const char *att;
  svn_revnum_t base;
  const char *name;
  const char *bc_url;
  svn_stringbuf_t *cpath = NULL;
  svn_revnum_t crev = SVN_INVALID_REVNUM;
  dir_item_t *parent_dir;
  void *new_dir_baton;
  svn_stringbuf_t *pathbuf;
  apr_pool_t *subpool;
  const char *base_checksum = NULL;
  const svn_ra_dav__xml_elm_t *elm;
  int rc;

  elm = svn_ra_dav__lookup_xml_elem(report_elements, nspace, elt_name);

  if (elm == NULL)
    return NE_XML_DECLINE;

  rc = validate_element(NULL, parent_state, elm->id);

  if (rc != SVN_RA_DAV__XML_VALID)

  switch (elm->id)
    case ELEM_update_report:
      att = svn_xml_get_attr_value("send-all", atts);

      if (att && (strcmp(att, "true") == 0))
        rb->receiving_all = TRUE;


    case ELEM_target_revision:
      att = svn_xml_get_attr_value("rev", atts);
      /* ### verify we got it. punt on error. */

      CHKERR( (*rb->editor->set_target_revision)(rb->edit_baton,
                                                 rb->pool) );

    case ELEM_absent_directory:
      name = svn_xml_get_attr_value("name", atts);
      /* ### verify we got it. punt on error. */

      parent_dir = &TOP_DIR(rb);
      pathbuf = svn_stringbuf_dup(parent_dir->pathbuf, parent_dir->pool);
      svn_path_add_component(pathbuf, name);

      CHKERR( (*rb->editor->absent_directory)(pathbuf->data,
                                              parent_dir->pool) );

    case ELEM_absent_file:
      name = svn_xml_get_attr_value("name", atts);
      /* ### verify we got it. punt on error. */

      parent_dir = &TOP_DIR(rb);
      pathbuf = svn_stringbuf_dup(parent_dir->pathbuf, parent_dir->pool);
      svn_path_add_component(pathbuf, name);

      CHKERR( (*rb->editor->absent_file)(pathbuf->data,
                                         parent_dir->pool) );

    case ELEM_resource:
      att = svn_xml_get_attr_value("path", atts);
      /* ### verify we got it. punt on error. */
      svn_stringbuf_set(rb->current_wcprop_path, att);
      rb->in_resource = TRUE;

    case ELEM_open_directory:
      att = svn_xml_get_attr_value("rev", atts);
      /* ### verify we got it. punt on error. */
      base = SVN_STR_TO_REV(att);
      if (rb->dirs->nelts == 0)
          /* pathbuf has to live for the whole edit! */
          pathbuf = svn_stringbuf_create("", rb->pool);

          /* During switch operations, we need to invalidate the
             tree's version resource URLs in case something goes
             wrong. */
          if (rb->is_switch && rb->ras->callbacks->invalidate_wc_props)
              CHKERR( rb->ras->callbacks->invalidate_wc_props
                      (rb->ras->callback_baton, rb->target, 
                       SVN_RA_DAV__LP_VSN_URL, rb->pool) );

          subpool = svn_pool_create(rb->pool);
          CHKERR( (*rb->editor->open_root)(rb->edit_baton, base,
                                           subpool, &new_dir_baton) );

          /* push the new baton onto the directory baton stack */
          push_dir(rb, new_dir_baton, pathbuf, subpool);
          name = svn_xml_get_attr_value("name", atts);
          /* ### verify we got it. punt on error. */
          svn_stringbuf_set(rb->namestr, name);

          parent_dir = &TOP_DIR(rb);
          subpool = svn_pool_create(parent_dir->pool);

          pathbuf = svn_stringbuf_dup(parent_dir->pathbuf, subpool);
          svn_path_add_component(pathbuf, rb->namestr->data);

          CHKERR( (*rb->editor->open_directory)(pathbuf->data,
                                                parent_dir->baton, base,
                                                &new_dir_baton) );

          /* push the new baton onto the directory baton stack */
          push_dir(rb, new_dir_baton, pathbuf, subpool);

      /* Property fetching is NOT implied in replacement. */
      TOP_DIR(rb).fetch_props = FALSE;

    case ELEM_add_directory:
      name = svn_xml_get_attr_value("name", atts);
      /* ### verify we got it. punt on error. */
      svn_stringbuf_set(rb->namestr, name);

      att = svn_xml_get_attr_value("copyfrom-path", atts);
      if (att != NULL)
          cpath = rb->cpathstr;
          svn_stringbuf_set(cpath, att);

          att = svn_xml_get_attr_value("copyfrom-rev", atts);
          /* ### verify we got it. punt on error. */
          crev = SVN_STR_TO_REV(att);

      parent_dir = &TOP_DIR(rb);
      subpool = svn_pool_create(parent_dir->pool);

      pathbuf = svn_stringbuf_dup(parent_dir->pathbuf, subpool);
      svn_path_add_component(pathbuf, rb->namestr->data);

      CHKERR( (*rb->editor->add_directory)(pathbuf->data, parent_dir->baton,
                                           cpath ? cpath->data : NULL, 
                                           crev, subpool,
                                           &new_dir_baton) );

      /* push the new baton onto the directory baton stack */
      push_dir(rb, new_dir_baton, pathbuf, subpool);

      /* Property fetching is implied in addition.  This flag is only
         for parsing old-style reports; it is ignored when talking to
         a modern server. */
      TOP_DIR(rb).fetch_props = TRUE;

      bc_url = svn_xml_get_attr_value("bc-url", atts);

      /* In non-modern report responses, we're just told to fetch the
         props later.  In that case, we can at least do a pre-emptive
         depth-1 propfind on the directory right now; this prevents
         individual propfinds on added-files later on, thus reducing
         the number of network turnarounds (though not by as much as
         simply getting a modern report response!).  */
      if ((! rb->receiving_all) && bc_url)
          apr_hash_t *bc_children;
          CHKERR( svn_ra_dav__get_props(&bc_children,
                                        NULL, NULL /* allprops */,
                                        TOP_DIR(rb).pool) );
          /* re-index the results into a more usable hash.
             bc_children maps bc-url->resource_t, but we want the
             dir_item_t's hash to map vc-url->resource_t. */
          if (bc_children)
              apr_hash_index_t *hi;
              TOP_DIR(rb).children = apr_hash_make(TOP_DIR(rb).pool);

              for (hi = apr_hash_first(TOP_DIR(rb).pool, bc_children);
                   hi; hi = apr_hash_next(hi))
                  const void *key;
                  void *val;
                  svn_ra_dav_resource_t *rsrc;
                  const svn_string_t *vc_url;

                  apr_hash_this(hi, &key, NULL, &val);
                  rsrc = val;

                  vc_url = apr_hash_get(rsrc->propset,
                  if (vc_url)
                                 vc_url->data, vc_url->len,


    case ELEM_open_file:
      att = svn_xml_get_attr_value("rev", atts);
      /* ### verify we got it. punt on error. */
      base = SVN_STR_TO_REV(att);

      name = svn_xml_get_attr_value("name", atts);
      /* ### verify we got it. punt on error. */
      svn_stringbuf_set(rb->namestr, name);

      parent_dir = &TOP_DIR(rb);
      rb->file_pool = svn_pool_create(parent_dir->pool);
      rb->result_checksum = NULL;

      /* Add this file's name into the directory's path buffer. It will be
         removed in end_element() */
      svn_path_add_component(parent_dir->pathbuf, rb->namestr->data);

      CHKERR( (*rb->editor->open_file)(parent_dir->pathbuf->data, 
                                       parent_dir->baton, base,
                                       &rb->file_baton) );

      /* Property fetching is NOT implied in replacement. */
      rb->fetch_props = FALSE;


    case ELEM_add_file:
      name = svn_xml_get_attr_value("name", atts);
      /* ### verify we got it. punt on error. */
      svn_stringbuf_set(rb->namestr, name);

      att = svn_xml_get_attr_value("copyfrom-path", atts);
      if (att != NULL)
          cpath = rb->cpathstr;
          svn_stringbuf_set(cpath, att);

          att = svn_xml_get_attr_value("copyfrom-rev", atts);
          /* ### verify we got it. punt on error. */
          crev = SVN_STR_TO_REV(att);

      parent_dir = &TOP_DIR(rb);
      rb->file_pool = svn_pool_create(parent_dir->pool);
      rb->result_checksum = NULL;

      /* Add this file's name into the directory's path buffer. It will be
         removed in end_element() */
      svn_path_add_component(parent_dir->pathbuf, rb->namestr->data);

      CHKERR( (*rb->editor->add_file)(parent_dir->pathbuf->data,
                                      cpath ? cpath->data : NULL, 
                                      crev, rb->file_pool,
                                      &rb->file_baton) );

      /* Property fetching is implied in addition.  This flag is only
         for parsing old-style reports; it is ignored when talking to
         a modern server. */
      rb->fetch_props = TRUE;


    case ELEM_txdelta:
      /* Pre 1.2, mod_dav_svn was using <txdelta> tags (in addition to
         <fetch-file>s and such) when *not* in "send-all" mode.  As a
         client, we're smart enough to know that's wrong, so when not
         in "receiving-all" mode, we'll ignore <txdelta> tags
         altogether. */
      if (! rb->receiving_all)

      CHKERR( (*rb->editor->apply_textdelta)(rb->file_baton,
                                             NULL, /* ### base_checksum */
                                             &(rb->whandler_baton)) );
      rb->svndiff_decoder = svn_txdelta_parse_svndiff(rb->whandler,
                                                      TRUE, rb->file_pool);
      rb->base64_decoder = svn_base64_decode(rb->svndiff_decoder,

    case ELEM_set_prop:
        const char *encoding = svn_xml_get_attr_value("encoding", atts);
        name = svn_xml_get_attr_value("name", atts);
        /* ### verify we got it. punt on error. */
        svn_stringbuf_set(rb->namestr, name);
        if (encoding)
          svn_stringbuf_set(rb->encoding, encoding);

    case ELEM_remove_prop:
      name = svn_xml_get_attr_value("name", atts);
      /* ### verify we got it. punt on error. */
      svn_stringbuf_set(rb->namestr, name);

      /* Removing a prop.  */
      if (rb->file_baton == NULL)
        CHKERR( rb->editor->change_dir_prop(TOP_DIR(rb).baton,
                                            NULL, TOP_DIR(rb).pool) );
        CHKERR( rb->editor->change_file_prop(rb->file_baton, rb->namestr->data,
                                             NULL, rb->file_pool) );
    case ELEM_fetch_props:
      if (!rb->fetch_content)
          /* If this is just a status check, the specifics of the
             property change are uninteresting.  Simply call our
             editor function with bogus data so it registers a
             property mod. */
          svn_stringbuf_set(rb->namestr, SVN_PROP_PREFIX "BOGOSITY");

          if (rb->file_baton == NULL)
            CHKERR( rb->editor->change_dir_prop(TOP_DIR(rb).baton,
                                                NULL, TOP_DIR(rb).pool) );
            CHKERR( rb->editor->change_file_prop(rb->file_baton,
                                                 NULL, rb->file_pool) );
          /* Note that we need to fetch props for this... */
          if (rb->file_baton == NULL)
            TOP_DIR(rb).fetch_props = TRUE; /* ...directory. */
            rb->fetch_props = TRUE; /* ...file. */

    case ELEM_fetch_file:
      base_checksum = svn_xml_get_attr_value("base-checksum", atts);
      rb->result_checksum = NULL;

      /* If we aren't expecting to see the file contents inline, we
         should ignore server requests to fetch them.  

         ### This conditional was added to counteract a little bug in
         Subversion 0.33.0's mod_dav_svn whereby both the <txdelta>
         and <fetch-file> tags were being transmitted.  Someday, we
         should remove the conditional again to give the server the
         option of sending inline text-deltas for some files while
         telling the client to fetch others. */
      if (! rb->receiving_all)
          /* assert: rb->href->len > 0 */
          CHKERR( simple_fetch_file(rb->ras->sess2, 
                                    rb->file_pool) );

    case ELEM_delete_entry:
      name = svn_xml_get_attr_value("name", atts);
      /* ### verify we got it. punt on error. */
      svn_stringbuf_set(rb->namestr, name);

      parent_dir = &TOP_DIR(rb);

      /* Pool use is a little non-standard here.  When lots of items in the
         same directory get deleted each one will trigger a call to
         editor->delete_entry, but we don't have a pool that readily fits
         the usual iteration pattern and so memory use could grow without
         bound (see issue 1635).  To avoid such growth we use a temporary,
         short-lived, pool. */
      subpool = svn_pool_create(parent_dir->pool);

      pathbuf = svn_stringbuf_dup(parent_dir->pathbuf, subpool);
      svn_path_add_component(pathbuf, rb->namestr->data);

      CHKERR( (*rb->editor->delete_entry)(pathbuf->data,
                                          subpool) );


  return elm->id;

static svn_error_t *
add_node_props(report_baton_t *rb, apr_pool_t *pool)
  svn_ra_dav_resource_t *rsrc = NULL;
  apr_hash_t *props = NULL;

  /* Do nothing if parsing a modern report, because the properties
     already come inline. */
  if (rb->receiving_all)
    return SVN_NO_ERROR;

  /* Do nothing if we aren't fetching content.  */
  if (!rb->fetch_content)
    return SVN_NO_ERROR;

  if (rb->file_baton)
      if (! rb->fetch_props)
        return SVN_NO_ERROR;

      /* Check to see if your parent directory already has your props
         stored, possibly from a depth-1 propfind.   Otherwise just do
         a propfind directly on the file url. */     
      if ( ! ((TOP_DIR(rb).children)
              && (props = apr_hash_get(TOP_DIR(rb).children, rb->href->data,
                                       APR_HASH_KEY_STRING))) )
          props = rsrc->propset;

      if (! TOP_DIR(rb).fetch_props)
        return SVN_NO_ERROR;

      /* Check to see if your props are already stored, possibly from
         a depth-1 propfind.  Otherwise just do a propfind directly on
         the directory url. */     
      if ( ! ((TOP_DIR(rb).children)
              && (props = apr_hash_get(TOP_DIR(rb).children,
                                       APR_HASH_KEY_STRING))) )
          props = rsrc->propset;

  return SVN_NO_ERROR;

/* This implements the `ne_xml_cdata_cb' prototype. */
static int cdata_handler(void *userdata, int state,
                         const char *cdata, size_t len)
  report_baton_t *rb = userdata;

    case ELEM_href:
    case ELEM_set_prop:
    case ELEM_md5_checksum:
    case ELEM_version_name:
    case ELEM_creationdate:
    case ELEM_creator_displayname:
      svn_stringbuf_appendbytes(rb->cdata_accum, cdata, len);

    case ELEM_txdelta:
        apr_size_t nlen = len;

        /* Pre 1.2, mod_dav_svn was using <txdelta> tags (in addition to
           <fetch-file>s and such) when *not* in "send-all" mode.  As a
           client, we're smart enough to know that's wrong, so when not
           in "receiving-all" mode, we'll ignore <txdelta> tags
           altogether. */
        if (! rb->receiving_all)

        CHKERR( svn_stream_write(rb->base64_decoder, cdata, &nlen) );
        if (nlen != len)
            /* Short write without associated error?  "Can't happen." */
            CHKERR( svn_error_createf
                     _("Error writing to '%s': unexpected EOF"),
                     svn_path_local_style(rb->namestr->data, rb->pool)) );

  return 0; /* no error */

/* This implements the `ne_xml_endelm_cb' prototype. */
static int end_element(void *userdata, int state,
                       const char *nspace, const char *elt_name)
  report_baton_t *rb = userdata;
  const svn_delta_editor_t *editor = rb->editor;
  const svn_ra_dav__xml_elm_t *elm;

  elm = svn_ra_dav__lookup_xml_elem(report_elements, nspace, elt_name);

  if (elm == NULL)
    return NE_XML_DECLINE;

  switch (elm->id)
    case ELEM_resource:
      rb->in_resource = FALSE;

    case ELEM_update_report:
      /* End of report; close up the editor. */
      CHKERR( (*rb->editor->close_edit)(rb->edit_baton, rb->pool) );
      rb->edit_baton = NULL;

    case ELEM_add_directory:
    case ELEM_open_directory:

      /* fetch node props, unless this is the top dir and the real
         target of the operation is not the top dir. */
      if (! ((rb->dirs->nelts == 1) && *rb->target))
        CHKERR( add_node_props(rb, TOP_DIR(rb).pool));

      /* Close the directory on top of the stack, and pop it.  Also,
         destroy the subpool used exclusive by this directory and its
         children.  */
      CHKERR( (*rb->editor->close_directory)(TOP_DIR(rb).baton, 
                                             TOP_DIR(rb).pool) );

    case ELEM_add_file:
      /* we wait until the close element to do the work. this allows us to
         retrieve the href before fetching. */

      /* fetch file */
      if (! rb->receiving_all)
          CHKERR( simple_fetch_file(rb->ras->sess2,
                                    NULL,  /* no base checksum in an add */
                                    rb->file_pool) );

          /* fetch node props as necessary. */
          CHKERR( add_node_props(rb, rb->file_pool) );

      /* close the file and mark that we are no longer operating on a file */
      CHKERR( (*rb->editor->close_file)(rb->file_baton,
                                        rb->file_pool) );
      rb->file_baton = NULL;

      /* Yank this file out of the directory's path buffer. */
      rb->file_pool = NULL;

    case ELEM_txdelta:
      /* Pre 1.2, mod_dav_svn was using <txdelta> tags (in addition to
         <fetch-file>s and such) when *not* in "send-all" mode.  As a
         client, we're smart enough to know that's wrong, so when not
         in "receiving-all" mode, we'll ignore <txdelta> tags
         altogether. */
      if (! rb->receiving_all)

      CHKERR( svn_stream_close(rb->base64_decoder) );
      rb->whandler = NULL;
      rb->whandler_baton = NULL;
      rb->svndiff_decoder = NULL;
      rb->base64_decoder = NULL;

    case ELEM_open_file:
      /* fetch node props as necessary. */
      CHKERR( add_node_props(rb, rb->file_pool) );

      /* close the file and mark that we are no longer operating on a file */
      CHKERR( (*rb->editor->close_file)(rb->file_baton,
                                        rb->file_pool) );
      rb->file_baton = NULL;

      /* Yank this file out of the directory's path buffer. */
      rb->file_pool = NULL;

    case ELEM_set_prop:
        svn_string_t decoded_value;
        const svn_string_t *decoded_value_p;
        apr_pool_t *pool;
        if (rb->file_baton)
          pool = rb->file_pool;
          pool = TOP_DIR(rb).pool;

        decoded_value.data = rb->cdata_accum->data;
        decoded_value.len = rb->cdata_accum->len;

        /* Determine the cdata encoding, if any. */
        if (svn_stringbuf_isempty(rb->encoding))
            decoded_value_p = &decoded_value;
        else if (strcmp(rb->encoding->data, "base64") == 0)
            decoded_value_p = svn_base64_decode_string(&decoded_value, pool);
            CHKERR( svn_error_createf(SVN_ERR_XML_UNKNOWN_ENCODING, NULL,
                                      _("Unknown XML encoding: '%s'"),
                                      rb->encoding->data) );
            abort(); /* Not reached. */

        /* Set the prop. */
        if (rb->file_baton)
            CHKERR( rb->editor->change_file_prop(rb->file_baton,
                                                 decoded_value_p, pool) );
            CHKERR( rb->editor->change_dir_prop(TOP_DIR(rb).baton,
                                                decoded_value_p, pool) );

    case ELEM_href:
      if (rb->fetch_content)
        /* record the href that we just found */
        svn_ra_dav__copy_href(rb->href, rb->cdata_accum->data);

      /* do nothing if we aren't fetching content. */
      if (!rb->fetch_content)
      /* if we're within a <resource> tag, then just call the generic
         RA set_wcprop_callback directly;  no need to use the
         update-editor.  */
      if (rb->in_resource)
          svn_string_t href_val;
          href_val.data = rb->href->data;
          href_val.len = rb->href->len;

          if (rb->ras->callbacks->set_wc_prop != NULL)
            CHKERR( rb->ras->callbacks->set_wc_prop
                     rb->scratch_pool) );
      /* else we're setting a wcprop in the context of an editor drive. */
      else if (rb->file_baton == NULL)
          /* Update the wcprop here, unless this is the top directory
             and the real target of this operation is something other
             than the top directory. */
          if (! ((rb->dirs->nelts == 1) && *rb->target))
              CHKERR( simple_store_vsn_url(rb->href->data, TOP_DIR(rb).baton,
                                           TOP_DIR(rb).pool) );
              /* save away the URL in case a fetch-props arrives after all of
                 the subdir processing. we will need this copy of the URL to
                 fetch the properties (i.e. rb->href will be toast by then). */
              TOP_DIR(rb).vsn_url = apr_pmemdup(TOP_DIR(rb).pool,
                                                rb->href->len + 1);
          CHKERR( simple_store_vsn_url(rb->href->data, rb->file_baton,
                                       rb->file_pool) );

    case ELEM_md5_checksum:
      /* We only care about file checksums. */
      if (rb->file_baton)
          rb->result_checksum = apr_pstrdup(rb->file_pool,

    case ELEM_version_name:
    case ELEM_creationdate:
    case ELEM_creator_displayname:
        /* The name of the xml tag is the property that we want to set. */
        apr_pool_t *pool = 
          rb->file_baton ? rb->file_pool : TOP_DIR(rb).pool;
        prop_setter_t setter =
          rb->file_baton ? editor->change_file_prop : editor->change_dir_prop;
        const char *name = apr_pstrcat(pool, elm->nspace, elm->name, NULL);
        void *baton = rb->file_baton ? rb->file_baton : TOP_DIR(rb).baton;
        svn_string_t valstr;

        valstr.data = rb->cdata_accum->data;
        valstr.len = rb->cdata_accum->len;
        CHKERR( set_special_wc_prop(name, &valstr, setter, baton, pool) );

  return 0;

static svn_error_t * reporter_set_path(void *report_baton,
                                       const char *path,
                                       svn_revnum_t revision,
                                       svn_boolean_t start_empty,
                                       const char *lock_token,
                                       apr_pool_t *pool)
  report_baton_t *rb = report_baton;
  const char *entry;
  svn_stringbuf_t *qpath = NULL;
  const char *tokenstring = "";

  if (lock_token)
    tokenstring = apr_psprintf(pool, "lock-token=\"%s\"", lock_token);

  svn_xml_escape_cdata_cstring(&qpath, path, pool);
  if (start_empty)
    entry = apr_psprintf(pool,
                         "<S:entry rev=\"%ld\" %s"
                         " start-empty=\"true\">%s</S:entry>" DEBUG_CR,
                         revision, tokenstring, qpath->data);
    entry = apr_psprintf(pool,
                         "<S:entry rev=\"%ld\" %s>"
                         "%s</S:entry>" DEBUG_CR,
                         revision, tokenstring, qpath->data);

  return svn_io_file_write_full(rb->tmpfile, entry, strlen(entry), NULL, pool);

static svn_error_t * reporter_link_path(void *report_baton,
                                        const char *path,
                                        const char *url,
                                        svn_revnum_t revision,
                                        svn_boolean_t start_empty,
                                        const char *lock_token,
                                        apr_pool_t *pool)
  report_baton_t *rb = report_baton;
  const char *entry;
  svn_stringbuf_t *qpath = NULL, *qlinkpath = NULL;
  svn_string_t bc_relative;
  const char *tokenstring = "";

  if (lock_token)
    tokenstring = apr_psprintf(pool, "lock-token=\"%s\"", lock_token);

  /* Convert the copyfrom_* url/rev "public" pair into a Baseline
     Collection (BC) URL that represents the revision -- and a
     relative path under that BC.  */
  SVN_ERR(svn_ra_dav__get_baseline_info(NULL, NULL, &bc_relative, NULL,
                                        url, revision,
  svn_xml_escape_cdata_cstring(&qpath, path, pool);
  svn_xml_escape_attr_cstring(&qlinkpath, bc_relative.data, pool);
  if (start_empty)
    entry = apr_psprintf(pool,
                         "<S:entry rev=\"%ld\" %s"
                         " linkpath=\"/%s\" start-empty=\"true\""
                         ">%s</S:entry>" DEBUG_CR,
                         revision, tokenstring, qlinkpath->data, qpath->data);
    entry = apr_psprintf(pool,
                         "<S:entry rev=\"%ld\" %s"
                         " linkpath=\"/%s\">%s</S:entry>" DEBUG_CR,
                         revision, tokenstring,  qlinkpath->data, qpath->data);

  return svn_io_file_write_full(rb->tmpfile, entry, strlen(entry), NULL, pool);

static svn_error_t * reporter_delete_path(void *report_baton,
                                          const char *path,
                                          apr_pool_t *pool)
  report_baton_t *rb = report_baton;
  const char *s;
  svn_stringbuf_t *qpath = NULL;

  svn_xml_escape_cdata_cstring(&qpath, path, pool);
  s = apr_psprintf(pool,
                   "<S:missing>%s</S:missing>" DEBUG_CR,

  return svn_io_file_write_full(rb->tmpfile, s, strlen(s), NULL, pool);

static svn_error_t * reporter_abort_report(void *report_baton,
                                           apr_pool_t *pool)
  report_baton_t *rb = report_baton;

  (void) apr_file_close(rb->tmpfile);

  return SVN_NO_ERROR;

static svn_error_t * reporter_finish_report(void *report_baton,
                                            apr_pool_t *pool)
  report_baton_t *rb = report_baton;
  svn_error_t *err;
  const char *vcc;
  apr_hash_t *request_headers = apr_hash_make(pool);
  apr_hash_set(request_headers, "Accept-Encoding", APR_HASH_KEY_STRING, 

#define SVN_RA_DAV__REPORT_TAIL  "</S:update-report>" DEBUG_CR
  /* write the final closing gunk to our request body. */
                                 sizeof(SVN_RA_DAV__REPORT_TAIL) - 1,
                                 NULL, pool));

  /* get the editor process prepped */
  rb->dirs = apr_array_make(rb->pool, 5, sizeof(dir_item_t));
  rb->namestr = MAKE_BUFFER(rb->pool);
  rb->cpathstr = MAKE_BUFFER(rb->pool);
  rb->encoding = MAKE_BUFFER(rb->pool);
  rb->href = MAKE_BUFFER(rb->pool);

  /* get the VCC.  if this doesn't work out for us, don't forget to
     remove the tmpfile before returning the error. */
  if ((err = svn_ra_dav__get_vcc(&vcc, rb->ras->sess, 
                                 rb->ras->url->data, pool)))
      (void) apr_file_close(rb->tmpfile);
      return err;

  /* dispatch the REPORT. */
  err = svn_ra_dav__parsed_request(rb->ras->sess, "REPORT", vcc,
                                   NULL, rb->tmpfile, NULL,
                                   request_headers, NULL,
                                   rb->spool_response, pool);

  /* we're done with the file */
  (void) apr_file_close(rb->tmpfile);

  /* rb->err contains the relevant error if the response was aborted
   * by a callback returning NE_XML_ABORT; always return that error if
   * present. */
  if (rb->err != NULL)
      if (err)
      return rb->err;
  if (err != NULL)
    return err;

  /* We got the whole HTTP response thing done.  *Whew*.  Our edit
     baton should have been closed by now, so return a failure if it
     hasn't been. */
  if (rb->edit_baton)
      return svn_error_createf 
         _("REPORT response handling failed to complete the editor drive"));

  /* store auth info if we can. */
  SVN_ERR(svn_ra_dav__maybe_store_auth_info(rb->ras, pool));

  return SVN_NO_ERROR;

static const svn_ra_reporter2_t ra_dav_reporter = {

/* Make a generic REPORTER / REPORT_BATON for reporting the state of
   the working copy against REVISION during updates or status checks.
   The server will drive EDITOR / EDIT_BATON to indicate how to
   transform the working copy into the requested target.

   SESSION is the RA session in use.  TARGET is an optional single
   path component will restrict the scope of the operation to an entry
   in the directory represented by the SESSION's URL, or empty if the
   entire directory is meant to be the target.

   If RECURSE is set, the operation will be recursive (intead of
   "depth 1").

   If IGNORE_ANCESTRY is set, the server will transmit real diffs
   between the working copy and the target even if those objects are
   not historically related.  Otherwise, the response will generally
   look like a giant delete followed by a giant add.

   RESOURCE_WALK controls whether to ask the DAV server to supply an
   entire tree's worth of version-resource-URL working copy cache

   FETCH_CONTENT is used by the REPORT response parser to determine
   whether it should bother getting the contents of files represented
   in the delta response (of if a directory delta is all that is of

   If SEND_ALL is set, the server will be asked to embed contents into
   the main response.

   If SPOOL_RESPONSE is set, the REPORT response will be cached to
   disk in a tmpfile (in full), then read back and parsed.
   Oh, and do all this junk in POOL.  */
static svn_error_t *
make_reporter(svn_ra_session_t *session,
              const svn_ra_reporter2_t **reporter,
              void **report_baton,
              svn_revnum_t revision,
              const char *target,
              const char *dst_path,
              svn_boolean_t recurse,
              svn_boolean_t ignore_ancestry,
              svn_boolean_t resource_walk,
              const svn_delta_editor_t *editor,
              void *edit_baton,
              svn_boolean_t fetch_content,
              svn_boolean_t send_all,
              svn_boolean_t spool_response,
              apr_pool_t *pool)
  svn_ra_dav__session_t *ras = session->priv;
  report_baton_t *rb;
  const char *s;
  svn_stringbuf_t *xml_s;

  rb = apr_pcalloc(pool, sizeof(*rb));
  rb->ras = ras;
  rb->pool = pool;
  rb->scratch_pool = svn_pool_create(pool);
  rb->editor = editor;
  rb->edit_baton = edit_baton;
  rb->fetch_content = fetch_content;
  rb->in_resource = FALSE;
  rb->current_wcprop_path = svn_stringbuf_create("", pool);
  rb->is_switch = dst_path ? TRUE : FALSE;
  rb->target = target;
  rb->receiving_all = FALSE;
  rb->spool_response = spool_response;
  rb->whandler = NULL;
  rb->whandler_baton = NULL;
  rb->svndiff_decoder = NULL;
  rb->base64_decoder = NULL;
  rb->cdata_accum = svn_stringbuf_create("", pool);

  /* Neon "pulls" request body content from the caller. The reporter is
     organized where data is "pushed" into self. To match these up, we use
     an intermediate file -- push data into the file, then let Neon pull
     from the file.

     Note: one day we could spin up a thread and use a pipe between this
     code and Neon. We write to a pipe, Neon reads from the pipe. Each
     thread can block on the pipe, waiting for the other to complete its

  /* Use the client callback to create a tmpfile. */
  SVN_ERR(ras->callbacks->open_tmp_file(&rb->tmpfile, ras->callback_baton,

  /* prep the file */
  s = apr_psprintf(pool, "<S:update-report send-all=\"%s\" xmlns:S=\""
                   SVN_XML_NAMESPACE "\">" DEBUG_CR, 
                   send_all ? "true" : "false");
  SVN_ERR(svn_io_file_write_full(rb->tmpfile, s, strlen(s), NULL, pool));

  /* always write the original source path.  this is part of the "new
     style" update-report syntax.  if the tmpfile is used in an "old
     style' update-report request, older servers will just ignore this
     unknown xml element. */
  xml_s = NULL;
  svn_xml_escape_cdata_cstring(&xml_s, ras->url->data, pool);
  s = apr_psprintf(pool, "<S:src-path>%s</S:src-path>" DEBUG_CR, xml_s->data);
  SVN_ERR(svn_io_file_write_full(rb->tmpfile, s, strlen(s), NULL, pool));

  /* an invalid revnum means "latest". we can just omit the target-revision
     element in that case. */
  if (SVN_IS_VALID_REVNUM(revision))
      s = apr_psprintf(pool, 
                       "<S:target-revision>%ld</S:target-revision>" DEBUG_CR, 
      SVN_ERR(svn_io_file_write_full(rb->tmpfile, s, strlen(s), NULL, pool));

  /* Pre-0.36 servers don't like to see an empty target string.  */
  if (*target)
      xml_s = NULL;
      svn_xml_escape_cdata_cstring(&xml_s, target, pool);
      s = apr_psprintf(pool, "<S:update-target>%s</S:update-target>" DEBUG_CR,
      SVN_ERR(svn_io_file_write_full(rb->tmpfile, s, strlen(s), NULL, pool));

  /* A NULL dst_path is also no problem;  this is only passed during a
     'switch' operation.  If NULL, we don't mention it in the custom
     report, and mod_dav_svn automatically runs dir_delta() on two
     identical paths. */
  if (dst_path)
      xml_s = NULL;
      svn_xml_escape_cdata_cstring(&xml_s, dst_path, pool);
      s = apr_psprintf(pool, "<S:dst-path>%s</S:dst-path>" DEBUG_CR,
      SVN_ERR(svn_io_file_write_full(rb->tmpfile, s, strlen(s), NULL, pool));

  /* mod_dav_svn will assume recursive, unless it finds this element. */
  if (!recurse)
      const char *data = "<S:recursive>no</S:recursive>" DEBUG_CR;
      SVN_ERR(svn_io_file_write_full(rb->tmpfile, data, strlen(data),
                                     NULL, pool));

  /* mod_dav_svn will use ancestry in diffs unless it finds this element. */
  if (ignore_ancestry)
      const char *data = "<S:ignore-ancestry>yes</S:ignore-ancestry>" DEBUG_CR;
      SVN_ERR(svn_io_file_write_full(rb->tmpfile, data, strlen(data),
                                     NULL, pool));

  /* If we want a resource walk to occur, note that now. */
  if (resource_walk)
      const char *data = "<S:resource-walk>yes</S:resource-walk>" DEBUG_CR;
      SVN_ERR(svn_io_file_write_full(rb->tmpfile, data, strlen(data),
                                     NULL, pool));

  /* When in 'send-all' mode, mod_dav_svn will assume that it should
     calculate and transmit real text-deltas (instead of empty windows
     that merely indicate "text is changed") unless it finds this
     element.  When not in 'send-all' mode, mod_dav_svn will never
     send text-deltas at all.
     NOTE: Do NOT count on servers actually obeying this, as some exist
     which obey send-all, but do not check for this directive at all! */
  if (send_all && (! fetch_content))
      const char *data = "<S:text-deltas>no</S:text-deltas>" DEBUG_CR;
      SVN_ERR(svn_io_file_write_full(rb->tmpfile, data, strlen(data),
                                     NULL, pool));

  *reporter = &ra_dav_reporter;
  *report_baton = rb;

  return SVN_NO_ERROR;

svn_error_t * svn_ra_dav__do_update(svn_ra_session_t *session,
                                    const svn_ra_reporter2_t **reporter,
                                    void **report_baton,
                                    svn_revnum_t revision_to_update_to,
                                    const char *update_target,
                                    svn_boolean_t recurse,
                                    const svn_delta_editor_t *wc_update,
                                    void *wc_update_baton,
                                    apr_pool_t *pool)
  return make_reporter(session,
                       TRUE, /* fetch_content */
                       TRUE, /* send_all */
                       FALSE, /* spool_response */

svn_error_t * svn_ra_dav__do_status(svn_ra_session_t *session,
                                    const svn_ra_reporter2_t **reporter,
                                    void **report_baton,
                                    const char *status_target,
                                    svn_revnum_t revision,
                                    svn_boolean_t recurse,
                                    const svn_delta_editor_t *wc_status,
                                    void *wc_status_baton,
                                    apr_pool_t *pool)
  return make_reporter(session,
                       FALSE, /* fetch_content */
                       TRUE, /* send_all */
                       FALSE, /* spool_response */

svn_error_t * svn_ra_dav__do_switch(svn_ra_session_t *session,
                                    const svn_ra_reporter2_t **reporter,
                                    void **report_baton,
                                    svn_revnum_t revision_to_update_to,
                                    const char *update_target,
                                    svn_boolean_t recurse,
                                    const char *switch_url,
                                    const svn_delta_editor_t *wc_update,
                                    void *wc_update_baton,
                                    apr_pool_t *pool)
  return make_reporter(session,
                       FALSE, /* ### Disabled, pre-1.2 servers sometimes
                                 return incorrect resource-walk data */
                       TRUE, /* fetch_content */
                       TRUE, /* send_all */
                       FALSE, /* spool_response */

svn_error_t * svn_ra_dav__do_diff(svn_ra_session_t *session,
                                  const svn_ra_reporter2_t **reporter,
                                  void **report_baton,
                                  svn_revnum_t revision,
                                  const char *diff_target,
                                  svn_boolean_t recurse,
                                  svn_boolean_t ignore_ancestry,
                                  svn_boolean_t text_deltas,
                                  const char *versus_url,
                                  const svn_delta_editor_t *wc_diff,
                                  void *wc_diff_baton,
                                  apr_pool_t *pool)
  return make_reporter(session,
                       text_deltas, /* fetch_content */
                       FALSE, /* send_all */
                       TRUE, /* spool_response */