lcs.c   [plain text]

 * lcs.c :  routines for creating an lcs
 * ====================================================================
 * Copyright (c) 2000-2004 CollabNet.  All rights reserved.
 * This software is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
 * you should have received as part of this distribution.  The terms
 * are also available at
 * If newer versions of this license are posted there, you may use a
 * newer version instead, at your option.
 * This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many
 * individuals.  For exact contribution history, see the revision
 * history and logs, available at
 * ====================================================================

#include <apr.h>
#include <apr_pools.h>
#include <apr_general.h>

#include "diff.h"

 * Calculate the Longest Common Subsequence between two datasources.
 * This function is what makes the diff code tick.
 * The LCS algorithm implemented here is described by Sun Wu,
 * Udi Manber and Gene Meyers in "An O(NP) Sequence Comparison Algorithm"

typedef struct svn_diff__snake_t svn_diff__snake_t;

struct svn_diff__snake_t
    apr_off_t             y;
    svn_diff__lcs_t      *lcs;
    svn_diff__position_t *position[2];

static APR_INLINE void
svn_diff__snake(apr_off_t k,
                svn_diff__snake_t *fp,
                int idx,
                svn_diff__lcs_t **freelist,
                apr_pool_t *pool)
  svn_diff__position_t *start_position[2];
  svn_diff__position_t *position[2];
  svn_diff__lcs_t *lcs;
  svn_diff__lcs_t *previous_lcs;

  /* The previous entry at fp[k] is going to be replaced.  See if we
   * can mark that lcs node for reuse, because the sequence up to this
   * point was a dead end.
  lcs = fp[k].lcs;
  while (lcs)
      if (lcs->refcount)

      previous_lcs = lcs->next;
      lcs->next = *freelist;
      *freelist = lcs;
      lcs = previous_lcs;

  if (fp[k - 1].y + 1 > fp[k + 1].y)
      start_position[0] = fp[k - 1].position[0];
      start_position[1] = fp[k - 1].position[1]->next;

      previous_lcs = fp[k - 1].lcs;
      start_position[0] = fp[k + 1].position[0]->next;
      start_position[1] = fp[k + 1].position[1];

      previous_lcs = fp[k + 1].lcs;

  /* ### Optimization, skip all positions that don't have matchpoints
   * ### anyway. Beware of the sentinel, don't skip it!

  position[0] = start_position[0];
  position[1] = start_position[1];

  while (position[0]->node == position[1]->node)
      position[0] = position[0]->next;
      position[1] = position[1]->next;
  if (position[1] != start_position[1])
      lcs = *freelist;
      if (lcs)
          *freelist = lcs->next;
          lcs = apr_palloc(pool, sizeof(*lcs));

      lcs->position[idx] = start_position[0];
      lcs->position[abs(1 - idx)] = start_position[1];
      lcs->length = position[1]->offset - start_position[1]->offset;
      lcs->next = previous_lcs;
      lcs->refcount = 1;
      fp[k].lcs = lcs;
      fp[k].lcs = previous_lcs;

  if (previous_lcs)

  fp[k].position[0] = position[0];
  fp[k].position[1] = position[1];

  fp[k].y = position[1]->offset;

static svn_diff__lcs_t *
svn_diff__lcs_reverse(svn_diff__lcs_t *lcs)
  svn_diff__lcs_t *next;
  svn_diff__lcs_t *prev;

  next = NULL;
  while (lcs != NULL)
      prev = lcs->next;
      lcs->next = next;
      next = lcs;
      lcs = prev;

  return next;

svn_diff__lcs_t *
svn_diff__lcs(svn_diff__position_t *position_list1, /* pointer to tail (ring) */
              svn_diff__position_t *position_list2, /* pointer to tail (ring) */
              apr_pool_t *pool)
  int idx;
  apr_off_t length[2];
  svn_diff__snake_t *fp;
  apr_off_t d;
  apr_off_t k;
  apr_off_t p = 0;
  svn_diff__lcs_t *lcs, *lcs_freelist = NULL;

  svn_diff__position_t sentinel_position[2];

  /* Since EOF is always a sync point we tack on an EOF link
   * with sentinel positions
  lcs = apr_palloc(pool, sizeof(*lcs));
  lcs->position[0] = apr_pcalloc(pool, sizeof(*lcs->position[0]));
  lcs->position[0]->offset = position_list1 ? position_list1->offset + 1 : 1;
  lcs->position[1] = apr_pcalloc(pool, sizeof(*lcs->position[1]));
  lcs->position[1]->offset = position_list2 ? position_list2->offset + 1 : 1;
  lcs->length = 0;
  lcs->refcount = 1;
  lcs->next = NULL;

  if (position_list1 == NULL || position_list2 == NULL)
    return lcs;

  /* Calculate length of both sequences to be compared */
  length[0] = position_list1->offset - position_list1->next->offset + 1;
  length[1] = position_list2->offset - position_list2->next->offset + 1;
  idx = length[0] > length[1] ? 1 : 0;

  /* strikerXXX: here we allocate the furthest point array, which is
   * strikerXXX: sized M + N + 3 (!)
  fp = apr_pcalloc(pool,
                   sizeof(*fp) * (apr_size_t)(length[0] + length[1] + 3));
  fp += length[idx] + 1;

  sentinel_position[idx].next = position_list1->next;
  position_list1->next = &sentinel_position[idx];
  sentinel_position[idx].offset = position_list1->offset + 1;

  sentinel_position[abs(1 - idx)].next = position_list2->next;
  position_list2->next = &sentinel_position[abs(1 - idx)];
  sentinel_position[abs(1 - idx)].offset = position_list2->offset + 1;

  /* These are never dereferenced, only compared by value, so we
   * can safely fake these up and the void* cast is OK.
  sentinel_position[0].node = (void*)&sentinel_position[0];
  sentinel_position[1].node = (void*)&sentinel_position[1];

  d = length[abs(1 - idx)] - length[idx];

  /* k = -1 will be the first to be used to get previous
   * position information from, make sure it holds sane
   * data
  fp[-1].position[0] = sentinel_position[0].next;
  fp[-1].position[1] = &sentinel_position[1];

  p = 0;
      /* Forward */
      for (k = -p; k < d; k++)
          svn_diff__snake(k, fp, idx, &lcs_freelist, pool);

      for (k = d + p; k >= d; k--)
          svn_diff__snake(k, fp, idx, &lcs_freelist, pool);

  while (fp[d].position[1] != &sentinel_position[1]);

  lcs->next = fp[d].lcs;
  lcs = svn_diff__lcs_reverse(lcs);

  position_list1->next = sentinel_position[idx].next;
  position_list2->next = sentinel_position[abs(1 - idx)].next;

  return lcs;