hostsequiv.xml   [plain text]

<samba:parameter name="hosts equiv"
                 advanced="1" developer="1"
    <para>If this global parameter is a non-null string, 
    it specifies the name of a file to read for the names of hosts 
    and users who will be allowed access without specifying a password.
    <para>This is not be confused with <link linkend="HOSTSALLOW">
    <parameter moreinfo="none">hosts allow</parameter></link> which is about hosts 
    access to services and is more useful for guest services. <parameter moreinfo="none">
    hosts equiv</parameter> may be useful for NT clients which will 
    not supply passwords to Samba.</para>

    <note><para>The use of <parameter moreinfo="none">hosts equiv
    </parameter> can be a major security hole. This is because you are 
    trusting the PC to supply the correct username. It is very easy to 
    get a PC to supply a false username. I recommend that the 
    <parameter moreinfo="none">hosts equiv</parameter> option be only used if you really 
    know what you are doing, or perhaps on a home network where you trust 
    your spouse and kids. And only if you <emphasis>really</emphasis> trust 
    them :-).</para></note>
    <para>Default: <emphasis>no host equivalences</emphasis></para>
    <para>Example: <command moreinfo="none">hosts equiv = /etc/hosts.equiv</command></para>