utmpdirectory.xml   [plain text]

<samba:parameter name="utmp directory"
                 advanced="1" developer="1"
	<para>This parameter is only available if Samba has 
	been configured and compiled with the option <command moreinfo="none">
	--with-utmp</command>. It specifies a directory pathname that is
	used to store the utmp or utmpx files (depending on the UNIX system) that
	record user connections to a Samba server. See also the <link linkend="UTMP">
	<parameter moreinfo="none">utmp</parameter></link> parameter. By default this is 
	not set, meaning the system will use whatever utmp file the 
	native system is set to use (usually 
	<filename moreinfo="none">/var/run/utmp</filename> on Linux).</para>

	<para>Default: <emphasis>no utmp directory</emphasis></para>

	<para>Example: <command moreinfo="none">utmp directory = /var/run/utmp</command></para>