open-directory-library-code   [plain text]

Index: samba/source/include/opendirectory.h
--- /dev/null
+++ samba/source/include/opendirectory.h
@@ -0,0 +1,261 @@
+ * opendirectory.h
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2003-2007 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
+ */
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <DirectoryService/DirServices.h>
+/* tdb.h #defines this, which collides with OSByteOrder.h in PPC builds. */
+#undef u32
+#include <DirectoryService/DirServicesConst.h>
+#include <DirectoryService/DirServicesUtils.h>
+/* Definitions */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+#define DEFAULT_DS_BUFFER_SIZE (1024 * 10)
+#define SMALL_DS_BUFFER_SIZE (512)
+#define DS_CLOSE_NODE(noderef) \
+    do { \
+	if ((noderef) != 0) { dsCloseDirNode(noderef); } \
+	(noderef) = 0; \
+    } while (0);
+#define DS_DEFAULT_BUFFER(dref) \
+	dsDataBufferAllocate((dref), DEFAULT_DS_BUFFER_SIZE)
+/* Directory Services node references are not good across fork(2). We need to
+ * associate the reference with the process it was created in so we can figure
+ * out whether we might need to recreate it.
+ */
+struct opendirectory_session
+	tDirReference   	ref; /* Service reference. */
+	tDirNodeReference	search; /* Search node reference. */
+	pid_t		    	pid; /* PID of owning process. */
+	const char **		local_path_cache;
+	CFMutableDictionaryRef  domain_sid_cache;
+/* Session management APIs. */
+tDirStatus opendirectory_connect(struct opendirectory_session *session);
+tDirStatus opendirectory_reconnect(struct opendirectory_session *session);
+void opendirectory_disconnect(struct opendirectory_session *session);
+tDirStatus opendirectory_searchnode(struct opendirectory_session *session);
+tDirStatus opendirectory_open_node(struct opendirectory_session *session,
+                        const char* nodeName,
+                        tDirNodeReference *nodeReference);
+/* Memory management APIs. */
+void opendirectory_free_list(struct opendirectory_session *session,
+			    tDataListPtr list);
+void opendirectory_free_node(struct opendirectory_session *session,
+			    tDataNodePtr node);
+void opendirectory_free_buffer(struct opendirectory_session *session,
+			    tDataBufferPtr buffer);
+/* Search APIs. */
+tDirStatus opendirectory_sam_searchattr(
+				struct opendirectory_session *session,
+                            	CFMutableArrayRef *records,
+				const char *type,
+				const char *attr,
+				const char *value);
+tDirStatus opendirectory_sam_searchname(
+				struct opendirectory_session *session,
+                            	CFMutableArrayRef *records,
+				const char *type,
+				const char *name);
+tDirStatus opendirectory_insert_search_results(tDirNodeReference node,
+				    CFMutableArrayRef recordsArray,
+				    const unsigned long recordCount,
+				    tDataBufferPtr dataBuffer);
+/* High-level SAM policy APIs. */
+BOOL opendirectory_find_usersid_from_record(
+				struct opendirectory_session *session,
+				CFDictionaryRef sam_record,
+				DOM_SID *sid);
+BOOL opendirectory_find_groupsid_from_record(
+				struct opendirectory_session *session,
+				CFDictionaryRef sam_record,
+				DOM_SID *sid);
+CFDictionaryRef opendirectory_find_record_from_usersid(
+				struct opendirectory_session *session,
+				const DOM_SID *user_sid);
+CFDictionaryRef opendirectory_find_record_from_groupsid(
+				struct opendirectory_session *session,
+				const DOM_SID *group_sid);
+/* Miscellaneous helper APIs. */
+tDataListPtr opendirectory_sam_attrlist(struct opendirectory_session *session);
+const char ** opendirectory_local_paths(struct opendirectory_session *session);
+char *opendirectory_get_record_attribute(void *talloc_ctx,
+				    CFDictionaryRef record,
+				    const char *attribute);
+char * opendirectory_talloc_cfstr(void *talloc_ctx, CFStringRef cfstring);
+/* Authentication APIs. */
+tDirStatus opendirectory_authenticate_node(
+				struct opendirectory_session *session,
+				tDirNodeReference nodeRef);
+tDirStatus opendirectory_user_auth_and_session_key(
+				struct opendirectory_session *session,
+				tDirNodeReference inUserNodeRef,
+				const char *account_name,
+				u_int8_t *challenge,
+				u_int8_t *client_response,
+				u_int8_t *session_key,
+				u_int32_t *key_length);
+tDirStatus opendirectory_user_session_key(
+			struct opendirectory_session *session,
+			tDirNodeReference inUserNodeRef,
+			const char *account_name,
+			u_int8_t *session_key);
+tDirStatus opendirectory_ntlmv2user_session_key(const char *account_name,
+				u_int32_t ntv2response_len,
+				u_int8_t* ntv2response,
+				const char* domain,
+				u_int32_t *session_key_len,
+				u_int8_t *session_key);
+tDirStatus opendirectory_cred_session_key(const DOM_CHAL *client_challenge,
+				const DOM_CHAL *server_challenge,
+				const char *machine_acct,
+				char *session_key);
+tDirStatus opendirectory_set_workstation_nthash(const char *account_name,
+				const char *nt_hash);
+tDirStatus opendirectory_lmchap2changepasswd(const char *account_name,
+				const char *passwordData,
+				const char *passwordHash,
+				u_int8_t passwordFormat,
+				const char *slot_id);
+#ifndef kDS1AttrSMBRID
+#define kDS1AttrSMBRID			"dsAttrTypeNative:smb_rid"
+#define kDS1AttrSMBGroupRID		"dsAttrTypeNative:smb_group_rid"
+#define kDS1AttrSMBPWDLastSet		"dsAttrTypeNative:smb_pwd_last_set"
+#define kDS1AttrSMBLogonTime		"dsAttrTypeNative:smb_logon_time"
+#define kDS1AttrSMBLogoffTime		"dsAttrTypeNative:smb_logoff_time"
+#define kDS1AttrSMBKickoffTime		"dsAttrTypeNative:smb_kickoff_time"
+#define kDS1AttrSMBHomeDrive		"dsAttrTypeNative:smb_home_drive"
+#define kDS1AttrSMBHome			"dsAttrTypeNative:smb_home"
+#define kDS1AttrSMBScriptPath		"dsAttrTypeNative:smb_script_path"
+#define kDS1AttrSMBProfilePath		"dsAttrTypeNative:smb_profile_path"
+#define kDS1AttrSMBUserWorkstations	"dsAttrTypeNative:smb_user_workstations"
+#define kDS1AttrSMBAcctFlags		"dsAttrTypeNative:smb_acctFlags"
+#define kDS1AttrSMBLMPassword		"dsAttrTypeNative:smb_lmPassword"
+#define kDS1AttrSMBNTPassword		"dsAttrTypeNative:smb_ntPassword"
+#define kDS1AttrSMBPWDCanChange   	"dsAttrTypeNative:smb_pwd_can_change"
+#define kDS1AttrSMBPWDMustChange	"dsAttrTypeNative:smb_pwd_must_change"
+#define kPlainTextPassword		"plaintextpassword"
+/* Password Policy Attributes */
+#define kPWSIsDisabled			"isDisabled"
+#define kPWSIsAdmin			"isAdminUser"
+#define kPWSNewPasswordRequired		"newPasswordRequired"
+#define kPWSIsUsingHistory		"usingHistory"
+#define kPWSCanChangePassword		"canModifyPasswordforSelf"
+#define kPWSExpiryDateEnabled		"usingHardExpirationDate"
+#define kPWSRequiresAlpha		"requiresAlpha"
+#define kPWSExpiryDate			"expirationDateGMT"
+#define kPWSHardExpiryDate		"hardExpireDateGMT"
+#define kPWSMaxMinChgPwd		"maxMinutesUntilChangePassword"
+#define kPWSMaxMinActive		"maxMinutesUntilDisabled"
+#define kPWSMaxMinInactive		"maxMinutesOfNonUse"
+#define kPWSMaxFailedLogins		"maxFailedLoginAttempts"
+#define kPWSMinChars			"minChars"
+#define kPWSMaxChars			"maxChars"
+#define kPWSPWDCannotBeName		"passwordCannotBeName"
+#define kPWSPWDLastSetTime		"passwordLastSetTime"
+#define kPWSLastLoginTime		"lastLoginTime"
+#define kPWSLogOffTime			"logOffTime"
+#define kPWSKickOffTime			"kickOffTime"
+enum ds_trace_level
+/* Squash a ds_trace_level to a DEBUG status, depending on whether the
+ * API result was an error or not.
+ */
+#define LOG_DS_ERRLEVEL(which, status) \
+	( ((status) == eDSNoErr && (which) != DS_TRACE_ALL) ? 10 : 0 )
+/* We should never get this because we carefully obtain a new reference
+ * across fork(2). If this does happen, we need to know where.
+ */
+#define LOG_DS_CHECK_BADREF(status) \
+	{ if ((status) == eDSInvalidReference) { log_stack_trace(); }}
+/* Log the results on an API call. */
+#define LOG_DS_ERROR(which, status, funcname) \
+	do { \
+		char * dserr = dsCopyDirStatusName(status); \
+		int level = LOG_DS_ERRLEVEL(which, status); \
+		DEBUG(level, ("%s gave %ld [%s]\n", \
+			funcname, (long)status, dserr ? dserr : "??")); \
+		SAFE_FREE(dserr); \
+		LOG_DS_CHECK_BADREF(status); \
+	} while(0)
+/* Log the results of an API call, and append an extra message. */
+#define LOG_DS_ERROR_MSG(which, status, funcname, msgfmt) \
+	do { \
+		char * dserr = dsCopyDirStatusName(status); \
+		int level = LOG_DS_ERRLEVEL(which, status); \
+           	DEBUG(level, ("%s gave %ld [%s]: ", \
+	       		funcname, (long)status, dserr ? dserr : "??")); \
+           	DEBUGADD(level, msgfmt); \
+           	SAFE_FREE(dserr); \
+		LOG_DS_CHECK_BADREF(status); \
+    	} while(0)
+#ifdef __cplusplus
Index: samba/source/lib/opendirectory.c
--- /dev/null
+++ samba/source/lib/opendirectory.c
@@ -0,0 +1,2827 @@
+ * opendirectory.c
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2003-2007 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
+ */
+#include "includes.h"
+#include "opendirectory.h"
+/* ======================================================================= */
+/* Miscellaneous APIs and utilities					   */
+/* ======================================================================= */
+static CFDictionaryRef sam_searchattr_first(
+				struct opendirectory_session *session,
+				const char *type,
+				const char *attr,
+				const char *value);
+static CFDictionaryRef sam_searchname_first(
+				struct opendirectory_session *session,
+				const char *type,
+				const char *name);
+/* Data free API. Most (all?) of the ds* API will safely ignore a NULL or zero
+ * argument. The only reason we need this is that tDataListPtr needs
+ * to be freed twice (!?!).
+ */
+ void opendirectory_free_list(struct opendirectory_session *session,
+			    tDataListPtr list)
+	if (list != NULL) {
+		dsDataListDeallocate(session->ref, list);
+		free(list);
+	}
+ void opendirectory_free_node(struct opendirectory_session *session,
+			    tDataNodePtr node)
+	 if (node != NULL) {
+		dsDataNodeDeAllocate(session->ref, node);
+	 }
+ void opendirectory_free_buffer(struct opendirectory_session *session,
+			    tDataBufferPtr buffer)
+	if (buffer != NULL) {
+		dsDataBufferDeAllocate(session->ref, buffer);
+	}
+/* Connection / reconnection API. */
+ tDirStatus opendirectory_open_node(struct opendirectory_session *session,
+                        const char* nodeName,
+                        tDirNodeReference *nodeReference)
+        tDirStatus      status  = eDSInvalidReference;
+        tDataListPtr    node    = NULL;
+        SMB_ASSERT(nodeReference != NULL);
+        node = dsBuildFromPath(session->ref, nodeName, "/");
+	if (node == NULL) {
+		return eDSAllocationFailed;
+	}
+        status = dsOpenDirNode(session->ref, node, nodeReference);
+        LOG_DS_ERROR(DS_TRACE_ERRORS, status, "dsOpenDirNode");
+        opendirectory_free_list(session, node);
+        return status;
+ tDirStatus opendirectory_connect(struct opendirectory_session *session)
+	tDirStatus dirStatus;
+	ZERO_STRUCTP(session);
+	session->pid = sys_getpid();
+	dirStatus = dsOpenDirService(&session->ref);
+	return dirStatus;
+ tDirStatus opendirectory_reconnect(struct opendirectory_session *session)
+	pid_t current = sys_getpid();
+	/* We need to reconnect if a session survived across a fork.
+	 * NOTE: the search node is NOT preserved.
+	 */
+	if (session->ref == 0 || current != session->pid) {
+		DS_CLOSE_NODE(session->search);
+		return opendirectory_connect(session);
+	}
+#if 0
+	/* We really should call dsVerifyDirRefNum here, but it's far to
+	 * expensive to do on a regular basis.
+	 */
+	if (dsVerifyDirRefNum(session->ref) != eDSNoErr) {
+		return opendirectory_connect(session);
+	}
+	return eDSNoErr;
+ void opendirectory_disconnect(struct opendirectory_session *session)
+	DS_CLOSE_NODE(session->search);
+	dsCloseDirService(session->ref);
+	ZERO_STRUCTP(session);
+/* ======================================================================= */
+/* Authentication APIs and utilities					   */
+/* ======================================================================= */
+#undef DBGC_CLASS
+#define credentialfile "/var/db/samba/opendirectorysam"
+#define opendirectory_secret_sig 'odsa'
+typedef struct opendirectory_secret_header {
+    u_int32_t signature;
+    u_int32_t authenticator_len;
+    u_int32_t secret_len;
+    u_int32_t authenticatorid_len;
+} opendirectory_secret_header;
+/* Stop the Security framework defining fixed-sized types that we already
+ * define. Our definitions are incompatible since they are #defined rather
+ * that typedef'd.
+ */
+#define _UINT64
+#define _UINT32
+#define _UINT16
+#define _UINT8
+#include <CoreFoundation/CoreFoundation.h>
+#include <Security/Security.h>
+#include <SystemConfiguration/SystemConfiguration.h>
+//#include <CoreServices/CoreServices.h>
+#define SAMBA_APP_ID CFSTR("")
+static char * get_admin_account(void)
+	CFPropertyListRef	pref = NULL;
+	char *			account = NULL;
+	int			accountLength = 1024;
+	pref = CFPreferencesCopyAppValue (CFSTR("DomainAdmin"), SAMBA_APP_ID);
+	if (pref != 0) {
+		if (CFGetTypeID(pref) == CFStringGetTypeID()) {
+			account = calloc(1, accountLength);
+			if (!CFStringGetCString((CFStringRef)pref, account,
+				    accountLength, kCFStringEncodingUTF8)) {
+				free(account);
+				account = NULL;
+			}
+		}
+		CFRelease(pref);
+	}
+	return account;
+static void *get_password_from_keychain(char *account, int accountLength)
+	OSStatus status ;
+	SecKeychainItemRef item;
+	void *passwordData = NULL;
+	UInt32 passwordLength = 0;
+	void *password = NULL;
+	// Set the domain to System (daemon)
+	status = SecKeychainSetPreferenceDomain(kSecPreferencesDomainSystem);
+	status = SecKeychainGetUserInteractionAllowed (False);
+	 status = SecKeychainFindGenericPassword (
+					 NULL,           // default keychain
+					 strlen(KEYCHAIN_SERVICE),             // length of service name
+					 KEYCHAIN_SERVICE,   // service name
+					 accountLength,             // length of account name
+					 account,   // account name
+					 &passwordLength,  // length of password
+					 &passwordData,   // pointer to password data
+					 &item         // the item reference
+					);
+	if ((status == noErr) && (item != NULL) && passwordLength)
+	{
+		password = calloc(1, passwordLength + 1);
+		memcpy(password, (const void *)passwordData, passwordLength);
+	}
+	return password;
+#endif /* USES_KEYCHAIN */
+static opendirectory_secret_header *
+get_opendirectory_secret_header(void *authenticator)
+	opendirectory_secret_header *hdr;
+	if (authenticator) {
+		hdr = (opendirectory_secret_header *)authenticator;
+		if (hdr->signature == opendirectory_secret_sig) {
+			return hdr;
+		}
+	}
+	return NULL;
+static void * get_opendirectory_authenticator(void)
+	void *authenticator = NULL;
+	int authentriessize = 0;
+	opendirectory_secret_header *odhdr = NULL;
+	char *password = NULL;
+	char *account = NULL;
+	account = get_admin_account();
+	if (!account) {
+		return NULL;
+	}
+	password = get_password_from_keychain(account, strlen(account));
+	if (!password) {
+		free(account);
+		return NULL;
+	}
+	authentriessize = strlen(account) + strlen(password);
+	authenticator = calloc(1, sizeof(opendirectory_secret_header) +
+					authentriessize);
+	memcpy((uint8_t *)authenticator + sizeof(opendirectory_secret_header),
+		account, strlen(account));
+	memcpy((uint8_t *)authenticator + sizeof(opendirectory_secret_header)
+					+ strlen(account),
+		password, strlen(password));
+	odhdr = (opendirectory_secret_header*)authenticator;
+	odhdr->authenticator_len = strlen(account);
+	odhdr->secret_len = strlen(password);
+	odhdr->signature = opendirectory_secret_sig;
+	free(password);
+	return authenticator;
+#else /* USES_KEYCHAIN */
+	int fd = -1;
+	ssize_t len;
+	opendirectory_secret_header hdr;
+	fd = open(credentialfile, O_RDONLY,0);
+	if (fd == -1) {
+		DEBUG(0, ("unable to open %s (%s)\n",
+			    credentialfile, strerror(errno)));
+		return NULL;
+	}
+	len = read(fd, &hdr, sizeof(opendirectory_secret_header));
+	if (len != sizeof(opendirectory_secret_header)) {
+		goto cleanup;
+	}
+	if (hdr.signature != opendirectory_secret_sig) {
+		goto cleanup;
+	}
+	authentriessize = hdr.authenticator_len + hdr.secret_len;
+	authenticator = malloc(sizeof(opendirectory_secret_header) + authentriessize);
+	memset(authenticator, 0, sizeof(opendirectory_secret_header) + authentriessize);
+	memcpy(authenticator, &hdr, sizeof(opendirectory_secret_header));
+	len = read(fd, (uint8_t *)authenticator +
+			sizeof(opendirectory_secret_header), authentriessize);
+	if (len != authentriessize) {
+		goto cleanup;
+	}
+	return authenticator;
+	if (authenticator) {
+		free(authenticator);
+	}
+	close(fd);
+	return NULL;
+#endif /* USES_KEYCHAIN */
+static u_int32_t
+authenticator_accountlen(void *authenticator)
+	opendirectory_secret_header *hdr = get_opendirectory_secret_header(authenticator);
+	u_int32_t len = 0;
+	if (hdr)
+		len = hdr->authenticator_len;
+	return len;
+static void *
+authenticator_account(void *authenticator)
+	opendirectory_secret_header *hdr = get_opendirectory_secret_header(authenticator);
+	void *result = NULL;
+	if (hdr)
+		result = (char *)authenticator + sizeof(opendirectory_secret_header);
+	return result;
+static u_int32_t
+authenticator_secretlen(void *authenticator)
+	opendirectory_secret_header *hdr = get_opendirectory_secret_header(authenticator);
+	u_int32_t len = 0;
+	if (hdr)
+		len = hdr->secret_len;
+	return len;
+static void *
+authenticator_secret(void *authenticator)
+	opendirectory_secret_header *hdr = get_opendirectory_secret_header(authenticator);
+	void *result = NULL;
+	if (hdr)
+		result = (char *)authenticator + sizeof(opendirectory_secret_header) + hdr->authenticator_len;
+	return result;
+static void
+	opendirectory_secret_header *hdr = get_opendirectory_secret_header(authenticator);
+	if (hdr) {
+		bzero(authenticator, sizeof(opendirectory_secret_header) + hdr->authenticator_len + hdr->secret_len);
+		free(authenticator);
+	}
+static tDirStatus get_node_ref_and_name(
+			struct opendirectory_session *session,
+			const char *name, const char *recordType,
+			tDirNodeReference *nodeRef, char *outRecordName)
+	tDirStatus		status			= eDSNoErr;
+	unsigned long		returnCount		= 0;
+	tDataBufferPtr		nodeBuffer		= NULL;
+	tDataListPtr		NodePath		= NULL;
+	char			NodePathStr[256]	= {0};
+	tDataListPtr		recName			= NULL;
+	tDataListPtr		recType			= NULL;
+	tDataListPtr		attrType		= NULL;
+	tAttributeListRef	attributeListRef	= 0;
+	tRecordEntryPtr		outRecordEntryPtr	= NULL;
+	tAttributeEntryPtr	attributeInfo		= NULL;
+	tAttributeValueListRef	attributeValueListRef	= 0;
+	tAttributeValueEntryPtr	attrValue		= NULL;
+	long			i			= 0;
+	*nodeRef = 0;
+	*outRecordName = '\0';
+	nodeBuffer = DS_DEFAULT_BUFFER(session->ref);
+	if (nodeBuffer == NULL) {
+		goto cleanup;
+	}
+	status = opendirectory_searchnode(session);
+	if (status != eDSNoErr) {
+		goto cleanup;
+	}
+	recName = dsBuildListFromStrings(session->ref, name, NULL);
+	recType = dsBuildListFromStrings(session->ref, recordType, NULL);
+	attrType = dsBuildListFromStrings(session->ref,
+			kDSNAttrMetaNodeLocation, kDSNAttrRecordName, NULL);
+	status = dsGetRecordList(session->search, nodeBuffer, recName,
+			eDSiExact, recType, attrType, 0, &returnCount, NULL);
+	if (status != eDSNoErr) {
+		goto cleanup;
+	}
+	status = dsGetRecordEntry(session->search, nodeBuffer, 1,
+		&attributeListRef, &outRecordEntryPtr);
+	if (status != eDSNoErr) {
+		goto cleanup;
+	}
+        for (i = 1 ; i <= outRecordEntryPtr->fRecordAttributeCount; i++) {
+            status = dsGetAttributeEntry(session->search, nodeBuffer,
+				    attributeListRef, i,
+				    &attributeValueListRef, &attributeInfo);
+            status = dsGetAttributeValue(session->search, nodeBuffer, 1,
+				    attributeValueListRef, &attrValue);
+            if (attributeValueListRef != 0) {
+                    dsCloseAttributeValueList(attributeValueListRef);
+                    attributeValueListRef = 0;
+            }
+	    if (status != eDSNoErr) {
+		    goto cleanup;
+	    }
+	    if (strncmp(attributeInfo->fAttributeSignature.fBufferData,
+			kDSNAttrMetaNodeLocation,
+			strlen(kDSNAttrMetaNodeLocation)) == 0) {
+		    SMB_ASSERT(attrValue->fAttributeValueData.fBufferSize < sizeof(NodePathStr));
+		    NodePathStr[sizeof(NodePathStr) -1] = '\0';
+		    strncpy(NodePathStr,
+			    attrValue->fAttributeValueData.fBufferData,
+			    sizeof(NodePathStr) -1);
+	    } else if (strncmp(attributeInfo->fAttributeSignature.fBufferData,
+			kDSNAttrRecordName, strlen(kDSNAttrRecordName)) == 0) {
+		    /* XXX: We should be passing the record size. */
+		    SMB_ASSERT(attrValue->fAttributeValueData.fBufferSize < 256);
+		    outRecordName[255 - 1] = '\0';
+		    strncpy(outRecordName,
+			    attrValue->fAttributeValueData.fBufferData,
+			    256 - 1);
+	    }
+            if (attrValue != NULL) {
+                    dsDeallocAttributeValueEntry(session->ref, attrValue);
+                    attrValue = NULL;
+            }
+            if (attributeInfo != NULL) {
+                    dsDeallocAttributeEntry(session->ref, attributeInfo);
+                    attributeInfo = NULL;
+            }
+        }
+        if (outRecordEntryPtr != NULL) {
+            dsDeallocRecordEntry(session->ref, outRecordEntryPtr);
+            outRecordEntryPtr = NULL;
+        }
+        if (strlen(NodePathStr) != 0 && strlen(outRecordName) != 0) {
+		NodePath = dsBuildFromPath(session->ref, NodePathStr, "/");
+		status = dsOpenDirNode(session->ref, NodePath, nodeRef);
+		opendirectory_free_list(session, NodePath);
+        }
+	opendirectory_free_buffer(session, nodeBuffer);
+	opendirectory_free_list(session, recName);
+	opendirectory_free_list(session, recType);
+	opendirectory_free_list(session, attrType);
+	return status;
+static void
+opendirectory_add_data_buffer_item(tDataBufferPtr dataBuffer,
+			    u_int32_t len, const void *buffer)
+	if (dataBuffer->fBufferLength + len + 4 > dataBuffer->fBufferSize) {
+		return;
+	}
+	memcpy(&(dataBuffer->fBufferData[dataBuffer->fBufferLength]), &len, 4);
+	dataBuffer->fBufferLength += 4;
+	if (len != 0) {
+		memcpy(&(dataBuffer->fBufferData[dataBuffer->fBufferLength]),
+			buffer, len);
+		dataBuffer->fBufferLength += len;
+	}
+ tDirStatus opendirectory_cred_session_key(const DOM_CHAL *client_challenge,
+			    const DOM_CHAL *server_challenge,
+			    const char *machine_acct,
+			    char *session_key)
+	struct opendirectory_session session;
+	tDirStatus 		status			= eDSNoErr;
+	unsigned long		curr			= 0;
+	unsigned long		len			= 0;
+	tDataBufferPtr		authBuff  		= NULL;
+	tDataBufferPtr		stepBuff  		= NULL;
+	tDataNodePtr		authType		= NULL;
+	tDataNodePtr		recordType		= NULL;
+	tDirNodeReference nodeRef = 0;
+	const char *targetaccount = NULL;
+	char recordName[256] = {0};
+	status = opendirectory_connect(&session);
+	if (status != eDSNoErr) {
+		return status;
+	}
+	status = get_node_ref_and_name(&session, machine_acct,
+			kDSStdRecordTypeComputers, &nodeRef, recordName);
+	if (status != eDSNoErr) {
+		goto cleanup;
+	}
+	status = opendirectory_authenticate_node(&session, nodeRef);
+	if (status != eDSNoErr) {
+		goto cleanup;
+	}
+	targetaccount = recordName;
+	authBuff = DS_DEFAULT_BUFFER(session.ref);
+	if (authBuff == NULL) {
+		goto cleanup;
+	}
+	authBuff->fBufferLength = 0;
+	stepBuff = DS_DEFAULT_BUFFER(session.ref);
+	if (stepBuff == NULL) {
+		goto cleanup;
+	}
+	authType = dsDataNodeAllocateString(session.ref,
+			    kDSStdAuthSMBWorkstationCredentialSessionKey);
+	recordType = dsDataNodeAllocateString(session.ref,
+			    kDSStdRecordTypeComputers);
+	if (authType == NULL || recordType == NULL) {
+		goto cleanup;
+	}
+	// Target account
+	len = strlen(targetaccount);
+	memcpy(&(authBuff->fBufferData[ curr ]), &len, 4);
+	curr += sizeof(long);
+	memcpy(&(authBuff->fBufferData[ curr ]), targetaccount, len);
+	curr += len;
+	// Client Challenge and Server Challenge
+	len = 16;
+	memcpy(&(authBuff->fBufferData[ curr ]), &len, 4);
+	curr += sizeof(long);
+	memcpy(&(authBuff->fBufferData[ curr ]), server_challenge->data, 8);
+	curr += 8;
+	memcpy(&(authBuff->fBufferData[ curr ]), client_challenge->data, 8);
+	curr += 8;
+	authBuff->fBufferLength = curr;
+	status = dsDoDirNodeAuthOnRecordType(nodeRef, authType, 1, authBuff,
+			    stepBuff, NULL,  recordType);
+	if (status == eDSNoErr) {
+		memcpy(&len, stepBuff->fBufferData, 4);
+		stepBuff->fBufferData[len+4] = '\0';
+		memcpy(session_key,stepBuff->fBufferData+4, 8);
+	}
+	opendirectory_free_buffer(&session, stepBuff);
+	opendirectory_free_buffer(&session, authBuff);
+	opendirectory_free_node(&session, authType);
+	opendirectory_free_node(&session, recordType);
+	DS_CLOSE_NODE(nodeRef);
+	opendirectory_disconnect(&session);
+	return status;
+ tDirStatus opendirectory_user_auth_and_session_key(
+			struct opendirectory_session *session,
+			tDirNodeReference inUserNodeRef,
+			const char *account_name,
+			u_int8_t *challenge,
+			u_int8_t *client_response,
+			u_int8_t *session_key,
+			u_int32_t *key_length)
+	tDirStatus 		status			= eDSNoErr;
+	u_int32_t		len			= 0;
+	tDataBufferPtr		authBuff  		= NULL;
+	tDataBufferPtr		stepBuff  		= NULL;
+	tDataNodePtr		authType		= NULL;
+	tDataNodePtr		recordType		= NULL;
+	void *			authenticator = NULL;
+	authenticator = get_opendirectory_authenticator();
+	status = opendirectory_authenticate_node(session->ref, inUserNodeRef);
+	if (status != eDSNoErr)
+		goto cleanup;
+	authBuff = DS_DEFAULT_BUFFER(session->ref);
+	if (authBuff == NULL) {
+		goto cleanup;
+	}
+	authBuff->fBufferLength = 0;
+	stepBuff = DS_DEFAULT_BUFFER(session->ref);
+	if (stepBuff == NULL) {
+		goto cleanup;
+	}
+	/*
+	 * New auth method:
+	 * "dsAuthMethodStandard:dsAuthNTWithSessionKey"
+	 *
+	 * Buffer format:
+	 * 4 byte len + user name/ID
+	 * 4 byte len + challenge C8
+	 * 4 byte len + response P24
+	 * 4 byte len + authenticator name/ID
+	 * 4 byte len + authenticator password
+	 */
+	authType = dsDataNodeAllocateString(session->ref,
+			    "dsAuthMethodStandard:dsAuthNTWithSessionKey");
+	recordType = dsDataNodeAllocateString(session->ref,
+			    kDSStdRecordTypeUsers);
+	if (authType == NULL || recordType == NULL) {
+		goto cleanup;
+	}
+	// Target account
+	opendirectory_add_data_buffer_item(authBuff, strlen(account_name),
+					account_name);
+	opendirectory_add_data_buffer_item(authBuff, 8, challenge);
+	opendirectory_add_data_buffer_item(authBuff, 24, client_response);
+	if (authenticator != NULL) {
+		opendirectory_add_data_buffer_item(authBuff,
+			authenticator_accountlen(authenticator),
+			authenticator_account(authenticator));
+		opendirectory_add_data_buffer_item(authBuff,
+			authenticator_secretlen(authenticator),
+			authenticator_secret(authenticator));
+	}
+	status = dsDoDirNodeAuthOnRecordType(inUserNodeRef, authType, 1,
+		    authBuff, stepBuff, NULL,  recordType);
+	LOG_DS_ERROR(DS_TRACE_ERRORS, status, "dsDoDirNodeAuthOnRecordType");
+	if (status == eDSNoErr && stepBuff->fBufferLength >= 4) {
+		memcpy(&len, stepBuff->fBufferData, 4);
+		assert (len == 16);
+		*key_length = len;
+		stepBuff->fBufferData[len+4] = '\0';
+		memcpy(session_key,stepBuff->fBufferData+4, len);
+	} else {
+		*key_length = 0;
+	}
+	opendirectory_free_buffer(session, stepBuff);
+	opendirectory_free_buffer(session, authBuff);
+	opendirectory_free_node(session, authType);
+	opendirectory_free_node(session, recordType);
+	return status;
+ tDirStatus opendirectory_user_session_key(
+			struct opendirectory_session *session,
+			tDirNodeReference inUserNodeRef,
+			const char *account_name,
+			u_int8_t *session_key)
+	tDirStatus 		status		= eDSNoErr;
+	unsigned long		len		= 0;
+	tDataBufferPtr		authBuff  	= NULL;
+	tDataBufferPtr		stepBuff  	= NULL;
+	tDataNodePtr		authType	= NULL;
+	tDataNodePtr		recordType	= NULL;
+	tDirNodeReference nodeRef = inUserNodeRef;
+	status = opendirectory_authenticate_node(session, nodeRef);
+	if (status != eDSNoErr) {
+		goto cleanup;
+	}
+	authBuff = DS_DEFAULT_BUFFER(session->ref);
+	if (authBuff == NULL) {
+		goto cleanup;
+	}
+	authBuff->fBufferLength = 0;
+	stepBuff = DS_DEFAULT_BUFFER(session->ref);
+	if (stepBuff == NULL) {
+		goto cleanup;
+	}
+	authType = dsDataNodeAllocateString(session->ref,
+			    kDSStdAuthSMB_NT_UserSessionKey);
+	recordType = dsDataNodeAllocateString(session->ref,
+			    kDSStdRecordTypeUsers);
+	if (authType == NULL) {
+		goto cleanup;
+	}
+	// Target account
+	opendirectory_add_data_buffer_item(authBuff, strlen(account_name),
+				    account_name);
+	/* null terminate ?? */
+	opendirectory_add_data_buffer_item(authBuff, 1, "");
+	status = dsDoDirNodeAuthOnRecordType(nodeRef, authType, 1, authBuff,
+				stepBuff, NULL,  recordType);
+	if (status == eDSNoErr) {
+		memcpy(&len, stepBuff->fBufferData, 4);
+		stepBuff->fBufferData[len+4] = '\0';
+		memcpy(session_key, stepBuff->fBufferData + 4, len);
+	}
+	opendirectory_free_buffer(session, stepBuff);
+	opendirectory_free_buffer(session, authBuff);
+	opendirectory_free_node(session, authType);
+	opendirectory_free_node(session, recordType);
+	return status;
+ tDirStatus opendirectory_ntlmv2user_session_key(const char *account_name,
+			u_int32_t ntv2response_len,
+			u_int8_t *ntv2response,
+			const char *domain,
+			u_int32_t *session_key_len,
+			u_int8_t *session_key)
+	struct opendirectory_session session;
+	tDirStatus 		status			= eDSNoErr;
+	unsigned long		len			= 0;
+	tDataBufferPtr		authBuff  		= NULL;
+	tDataBufferPtr		stepBuff  		= NULL;
+	tDataNodePtr		authType		= NULL;
+	tDataNodePtr		recordType		= NULL;
+	tDirNodeReference nodeRef = 0;
+	char recordName[256] = {0};
+	status = opendirectory_connect(&session);
+	if (status != eDSNoErr) {
+		return status;
+	}
+	status = get_node_ref_and_name(&session, account_name,
+			    kDSStdRecordTypeUsers, &nodeRef, recordName);
+	if (status != eDSNoErr) {
+		goto cleanup;
+	}
+	status = opendirectory_authenticate_node(&session, nodeRef);
+	if (status != eDSNoErr) {
+		goto cleanup;
+	}
+	authBuff = DS_DEFAULT_BUFFER(session.ref);
+	if (authBuff == NULL) {
+		goto cleanup;
+	}
+	authBuff->fBufferLength = 0;
+	stepBuff = DS_DEFAULT_BUFFER(session.ref);
+	if (stepBuff == NULL) {
+		goto cleanup;
+	}
+	authType = dsDataNodeAllocateString(session.ref,
+			/* "dsAuthMethodStandard:dsAuthNodeNTLMv2SessionKey" */
+			kDSStdAuthSMBNTv2UserSessionKey);
+	recordType = dsDataNodeAllocateString(session.ref,
+			kDSStdRecordTypeUsers);
+	if (authType == NULL || recordType == NULL) {
+		goto cleanup;
+	}
+	/*
+	 * The buffer format is:
+	 * 4 byte len + Directory Services user name
+	 * 4 byte len + client blob
+	 * 4 byte len + username
+	 * 4 byte len + domain
+	 */
+	// Target account
+	opendirectory_add_data_buffer_item(authBuff, strlen(recordName),
+					    recordName);
+	opendirectory_add_data_buffer_item(authBuff, ntv2response_len,
+					    ntv2response);
+	opendirectory_add_data_buffer_item(authBuff, strlen(recordName),
+					    recordName);
+	opendirectory_add_data_buffer_item(authBuff, strlen(domain), domain);
+	status = dsDoDirNodeAuthOnRecordType(nodeRef, authType, 1, authBuff,
+					    stepBuff, NULL,  recordType);
+	LOG_DS_ERROR(DS_TRACE_ERRORS, status, "dsDoDirNodeAuthOnRecordType");
+	if (status == eDSNoErr) {
+		memcpy(&len, stepBuff->fBufferData, 4);
+		stepBuff->fBufferData[len+4] = '\0';
+		*session_key_len = len;
+		memcpy(session_key,stepBuff->fBufferData+4, len);
+	}
+	opendirectory_free_buffer(&session, stepBuff);
+	opendirectory_free_buffer(&session, authBuff);
+	opendirectory_free_node(&session, authType);
+	opendirectory_free_node(&session, recordType);
+	DS_CLOSE_NODE(nodeRef);
+	opendirectory_disconnect(&session);
+	return status;
+ tDirStatus opendirectory_set_workstation_nthash(const char *account_name,
+		    const char *nt_hash)
+	struct opendirectory_session session;
+	tDirStatus 		status		= eDSNoErr;
+	tDataBufferPtr		authBuff  	= NULL;
+	tDataBufferPtr		stepBuff  	= NULL;
+	tDataNodePtr		authType	= NULL;
+	tDataNodePtr		recordType	= NULL;
+	tDirNodeReference nodeRef = 0;
+	char recordName[256] = {0};
+	status = opendirectory_connect(&session);
+	if (status != eDSNoErr) {
+		return status;
+	}
+	status = get_node_ref_and_name(&session, account_name,
+			kDSStdRecordTypeComputers, &nodeRef, recordName);
+	if (status != eDSNoErr) {
+		goto cleanup;
+	}
+	status = opendirectory_authenticate_node(&session, nodeRef);
+	if (status != eDSNoErr) {
+		goto cleanup;
+	}
+	authBuff = DS_DEFAULT_BUFFER(session.ref);
+	if (authBuff == NULL) {
+		goto cleanup;
+	}
+	authBuff->fBufferLength = 0;
+	stepBuff = DS_DEFAULT_BUFFER(session.ref);
+	if (stepBuff == NULL) {
+		goto cleanup;
+	}
+	authType = dsDataNodeAllocateString(session.ref,
+				/* kDSStdAuthSetNTHash */
+				kDSStdAuthSetWorkstationPasswd);
+	recordType = dsDataNodeAllocateString(session.ref,
+				kDSStdRecordTypeComputers);
+	if (authType == NULL || recordType == NULL) {
+		goto cleanup;
+	}
+	DEBUG(4, ("setting NT hash for %s\n", recordName));
+	opendirectory_add_data_buffer_item(authBuff, strlen(recordName),
+						recordName);
+	opendirectory_add_data_buffer_item(authBuff, 16, nt_hash);
+	status = dsDoDirNodeAuthOnRecordType(nodeRef, authType, 1,
+			    authBuff, stepBuff, NULL,  recordType);
+	LOG_DS_ERROR(DS_TRACE_ERRORS, status, "dsDoDirNodeAuthOnRecordType");
+	opendirectory_free_buffer(&session, stepBuff);
+	opendirectory_free_buffer(&session, authBuff);
+	opendirectory_free_node(&session, authType);
+	opendirectory_free_node(&session, recordType);
+	DS_CLOSE_NODE(nodeRef);
+	opendirectory_disconnect(&session);
+	return status;
+ tDirStatus opendirectory_lmchap2changepasswd(const char *account_name,
+		    const char *passwordData,
+		    const char *passwordHash,
+		    u_int8_t passwordFormat,
+		    const char *slot_id)
+	struct opendirectory_session session;
+	tDirStatus 		status			= eDSNoErr;
+	tDataBufferPtr		authBuff  		= NULL;
+	tDataBufferPtr		stepBuff  		= NULL;
+	tDataNodePtr		authType		= NULL;
+	tDataNodePtr		recordType		= NULL;
+	tDirNodeReference nodeRef = 0;
+	const char *targetaccount = NULL;
+	char recordName[256] = {0};
+	status = opendirectory_connect(&session);
+	if (status != eDSNoErr) {
+		return status;
+	}
+	status = get_node_ref_and_name(&session, account_name,
+			    kDSStdRecordTypeUsers, &nodeRef, recordName);
+	if (status != eDSNoErr) {
+		goto cleanup;
+	}
+	status = opendirectory_authenticate_node(&session, nodeRef);
+	if (status != eDSNoErr) {
+		goto cleanup;
+	}
+	if (slot_id && *slot_id) {
+		targetaccount = slot_id;
+	} else {
+		targetaccount = recordName;
+	}
+	authBuff = DS_DEFAULT_BUFFER(session.ref);
+	if (authBuff == NULL) {
+		goto cleanup;
+	}
+	authBuff->fBufferLength = 0;
+	stepBuff = DS_DEFAULT_BUFFER(session.ref);
+	if (stepBuff == NULL) {
+		goto cleanup;
+	}
+	authType = dsDataNodeAllocateString(session.ref,
+		    /*kDSStdAuthMSLMCHAP2ChangePasswd*/
+		    "dsAuthMethodStandard:dsAuthMSLMCHAP2ChangePasswd");
+	recordType = dsDataNodeAllocateString(session.ref,
+		kDSStdRecordTypeUsers);
+	if (authType == NULL) {
+		goto cleanup;
+	}
+	// Target account
+	opendirectory_add_data_buffer_item(authBuff, strlen(targetaccount),
+						targetaccount);
+	opendirectory_add_data_buffer_item(authBuff, 1, &passwordFormat);
+	opendirectory_add_data_buffer_item(authBuff, 516, passwordData);
+	status = dsDoDirNodeAuthOnRecordType(nodeRef, authType, 1,
+		    authBuff, stepBuff, NULL,  recordType);
+	opendirectory_free_buffer(&session, stepBuff);
+	opendirectory_free_buffer(&session, authBuff);
+	opendirectory_free_node(&session, authType);
+	opendirectory_free_node(&session, recordType);
+	DS_CLOSE_NODE(nodeRef);
+	opendirectory_disconnect(&session);
+	return status;
+ tDirStatus opendirectory_authenticate_node(
+			struct opendirectory_session *session,
+			tDirNodeReference nodeRef)
+	tDirStatus 		status		= eDSNoErr;
+	tDataBufferPtr		authBuff  	= NULL;
+	tDataBufferPtr		stepBuff  	= NULL;
+	tDataNodePtr		authType	= NULL;
+	tDataNodePtr		recordType	= NULL;
+	void *			authenticator = NULL;
+	authenticator = get_opendirectory_authenticator();
+	if (authenticator == NULL ||
+	    authenticator_accountlen(authenticator) == 0 ||
+	    authenticator_secretlen(authenticator) == 0) {
+		return eDSNullParameter;
+	}
+	authBuff = DS_DEFAULT_BUFFER(session->ref);
+	if (authBuff == NULL) {
+		status = eDSDeAllocateFailed;
+		goto cleanup;
+	}
+	authBuff->fBufferLength = 0;
+	stepBuff = DS_DEFAULT_BUFFER(session->ref);
+	if (stepBuff == NULL) {
+		status = eDSDeAllocateFailed;
+		goto cleanup;
+	}
+	authType = dsDataNodeAllocateString(session->ref,
+			kDSStdAuthNodeNativeClearTextOK);
+	recordType = dsDataNodeAllocateString(session->ref,
+			kDSStdRecordTypeUsers);
+	if (authType == NULL || recordType == NULL) {
+		status = eDSDeAllocateFailed;
+		goto cleanup;
+	}
+	// Account Name (authenticator)
+	opendirectory_add_data_buffer_item(authBuff,
+		authenticator_accountlen(authenticator),
+		authenticator_account(authenticator));
+	// Password (authenticator password)
+	opendirectory_add_data_buffer_item(authBuff,
+		authenticator_secretlen(authenticator),
+		authenticator_secret(authenticator));
+	status = dsDoDirNodeAuthOnRecordType(nodeRef, authType, 0,
+			authBuff, stepBuff, NULL,  recordType);
+	opendirectory_free_buffer(session, stepBuff);
+	opendirectory_free_buffer(session,authBuff);
+	opendirectory_free_node(session, authType);
+	opendirectory_free_node(session, recordType);
+	delete_opendirectory_authenticator(authenticator);
+	return status;
+/* ======================================================================= */
+/* ID mapping APIs and utilities					   */
+/* ======================================================================= */
+#undef DBGC_CLASS
+static CFStringRef
+opendirectory_attr_to_cfstr(tAttributeEntryPtr attr)
+	if (attr == NULL ||
+	    attr->fAttributeSignature.fBufferLength == 0) {
+		return NULL;
+	}
+	return CFStringCreateWithBytes(NULL,
+			(const u_int8_t*)attr->fAttributeSignature.fBufferData,
+			attr->fAttributeSignature.fBufferLength,
+			kCFStringEncodingUTF8,
+			False);
+static CFStringRef
+opendirectory_valattr_to_cfstr(tAttributeValueEntryPtr valattr)
+	if (valattr == NULL ||
+	    valattr->fAttributeValueData.fBufferLength == 0) {
+		return NULL;
+	}
+	return CFStringCreateWithBytes(NULL,
+		    (const u_int8_t*)valattr->fAttributeValueData.fBufferData,
+		    valattr->fAttributeValueData.fBufferLength,
+		    kCFStringEncodingUTF8,
+		    False);
+static CFMutableDictionaryRef create_sam_record(tDirNodeReference node,
+				    tDataBufferPtr dataBuffer,
+				    tAttributeListRef attributeList,
+				    tRecordEntryPtr recordEntry)
+	CFMutableDictionaryRef  dsrecord = NULL;
+	tAttributeValueListRef 	valueList = 0;
+	tAttributeEntryPtr 	attributeEntry = NULL;
+	unsigned long		attributeIndex;
+	unsigned long		valueIndex;
+	tDirStatus		status;
+	dsrecord = CFDictionaryCreateMutable(NULL, 0,
+			    &kCFCopyStringDictionaryKeyCallBacks,
+			    &kCFTypeDictionaryValueCallBacks);
+	if (dsrecord == NULL) {
+		return NULL;
+	}
+	/* Walk the returned attributes and build a dictionary of string keys
+	 * to array values. This is a best-effort approach - if something
+	 * fails, we still want to return as many attributes as possible.
+	 */
+	for (attributeIndex = 1;
+	     attributeIndex <= recordEntry->fRecordAttributeCount;
+	     ++attributeIndex) {
+		CFMutableArrayRef valueArray = NULL;
+		CFStringRef key = NULL;
+		/* Get the next attribute from the list. */
+		status = dsGetAttributeEntry(node, dataBuffer, attributeList,
+					    attributeIndex, &valueList,
+					    &attributeEntry);
+			"dsGetAttributeEntry");
+		if (status != eDSNoErr) {
+			goto next_attribute;
+		}
+		valueArray = CFArrayCreateMutable(NULL, 0,
+					&kCFTypeArrayCallBacks);
+		if (valueArray == NULL) {
+			goto next_attribute;
+		}
+		/* Build an array of values for this key. */
+		for (valueIndex = 1;
+		     valueIndex <= attributeEntry->fAttributeValueCount;
+		     valueIndex++) {
+			tAttributeValueEntryPtr valueEntry = NULL;
+			CFStringRef value = NULL;
+			status = dsGetAttributeValue(node, dataBuffer,
+					valueIndex, valueList, &valueEntry);
+				"dsGetAttributeValue");
+			if (status != eDSNoErr) {
+				continue;
+			}
+			value = opendirectory_valattr_to_cfstr(valueEntry);
+			if (value != NULL) {
+				CFArrayAppendValue(valueArray, value);
+			}
+			if (value) {
+				CFRelease(value);
+				value = NULL;
+			}
+			if (valueEntry) {
+				dsDeallocAttributeValueEntry(node, valueEntry);
+				valueEntry = NULL;
+			}
+		}
+		/* Stash the key/value pair in our record. */
+		key = opendirectory_attr_to_cfstr(attributeEntry);
+		if (key && CFArrayGetCount(valueArray)) {
+			CFDictionaryAddValue(dsrecord, key, valueArray);
+		}
+		if (key) {
+			CFRelease(key);
+			key = NULL;
+		}
+		if (valueArray) {
+			CFRelease(valueArray);
+			valueArray = NULL;
+		}
+		if (valueList) {
+			dsCloseAttributeValueList(valueList);
+			valueList = 0;
+		}
+		if (attributeEntry) {
+			dsDeallocAttributeEntry(node, attributeEntry);
+			attributeEntry = NULL;
+		}
+	}
+	if (attributeList) {
+		dsCloseAttributeList(attributeList);
+	}
+	if (recordEntry) {
+		dsDeallocRecordEntry(node, recordEntry);
+	}
+	/* Bail if we were't able to add any record attributes. */
+	if (CFDictionaryGetCount(dsrecord) == 0) {
+		CFRelease(dsrecord);
+		return NULL;
+	}
+	return dsrecord;
+ tDirStatus opendirectory_insert_search_results(tDirNodeReference node,
+				    CFMutableArrayRef recordsArray,
+				    const unsigned long recordCount,
+				    tDataBufferPtr dataBuffer)
+	tAttributeListRef	attributeList;
+	tRecordEntryPtr		recordEntry;
+	unsigned long		recordIndex;
+	CFMutableDictionaryRef	dsrecord;
+	tDirStatus status;
+	for (recordIndex = 1;
+	     recordIndex <= recordCount;
+	     recordIndex++) {
+		status = dsGetRecordEntry(node, dataBuffer,
+				recordIndex, &attributeList,
+				&recordEntry);
+			"dsGetRecordEntry");
+		if (status != eDSNoErr) {
+			return status;
+		}
+		dsrecord = create_sam_record(node,
+					    dataBuffer,
+					    attributeList,
+					    recordEntry);
+		if (dsrecord) {
+			CFArrayAppendValue(recordsArray, dsrecord);
+			CFRelease(dsrecord);
+		}
+	}
+	return eDSNoErr;
+/* Search the directory for a exact matches given by the record type, search
+ * type and search value.
+ *
+ * If successful, recordsArray is filled in with a list of dictionaries. Each
+ * dictionary corresponds to a search result and consists of a number of
+ * key/array pairs. The names of the keys correspond to the requested
+ * attributes.
+ */
+static tDirStatus opendirectory_search_attributes(
+			struct opendirectory_session *session,
+			CFMutableArrayRef recordsArray,
+			tDataListPtr recordType,
+			tDataNodePtr searchAttr,
+			tDataNodePtr searchValue,
+			tDataListPtr requestedAttrs)
+	tDirStatus		status;
+	tDataBufferPtr		dataBuffer;
+	tContextData		currentContextData = NULL;
+	dataBuffer = DS_DEFAULT_BUFFER(session->ref);
+	if (dataBuffer == NULL) {
+		status = eDSAllocationFailed;
+		goto cleanup;
+	}
+	do {
+		unsigned long recordCount;
+		status = dsDoAttributeValueSearchWithData(
+				session->search, dataBuffer,
+				recordType, searchAttr, eDSExact, searchValue,
+				requestedAttrs,
+				False /* we want attributes and values */,
+				&recordCount, &currentContextData);
+			"dsDoAttributeValueSearchWithData");
+		if (status != eDSNoErr) {
+			break;
+		}
+		opendirectory_insert_search_results(session->search,
+				    recordsArray, recordCount, dataBuffer);
+	} while (status == eDSNoErr && currentContextData != NULL);
+	opendirectory_free_buffer(session, dataBuffer);
+	return status;
+/* Search the directory for a case-insensitive matches given by the
+ * record type, and name.
+ *
+ * If successful, recordsArray is filled in with a list of dictionaries. Each
+ * dictionary corresponds to a search result and consists of a number of
+ * key/array pairs. The keys correspond the the names of the requested
+ * attributes.
+ */
+static tDirStatus opendirectory_search_names(
+			struct opendirectory_session *session,
+			tDirNodeReference node,
+			CFMutableArrayRef recordsArray,
+			tDataListPtr recordType,
+			tDataListPtr searchName,
+			tDataListPtr requestedAttrs)
+	tDirStatus		status;
+	tDataBufferPtr		dataBuffer;
+	tContextData		currentContextData = NULL;
+	dataBuffer = DS_DEFAULT_BUFFER(session->ref);
+	if (dataBuffer == NULL) {
+		status = eDSAllocationFailed;
+		goto cleanup;
+	}
+	do {
+		unsigned long recordCount;
+		status = dsGetRecordList(node, dataBuffer,
+				searchName, eDSiExact, recordType,
+				requestedAttrs,
+				False /* we want attributes and values */,
+				&recordCount, &currentContextData);
+		LOG_DS_ERROR(DS_TRACE_ERRORS, status, "dsGetRecordList");
+		if (status != eDSNoErr) {
+			break;
+		}
+		opendirectory_insert_search_results(node, recordsArray,
+					    recordCount, dataBuffer);
+	} while (status == eDSNoErr && currentContextData != NULL);
+	opendirectory_free_buffer(session, dataBuffer);
+	return status;
+ tDirStatus opendirectory_sam_searchattr(
+				struct opendirectory_session *session,
+                            	CFMutableArrayRef *records,
+				const char *type,
+				const char *attr,
+				const char *value)
+        tDirStatus status;
+        tDataListPtr recordType = NULL;
+        tDataListPtr samAttributes = NULL;
+        tDataNodePtr searchAttr = NULL;
+        tDataNodePtr searchValue = NULL;
+	DEBUG(8, ("searching %s records for %s = %s\n",
+		    type, attr, value));
+	*records = CFArrayCreateMutable(NULL, 0, &kCFTypeArrayCallBacks);
+	if (*records == NULL) {
+		return eDSAllocationFailed;
+	}
+	status = opendirectory_searchnode(session);
+	if (status != eDSNoErr) {
+		return status;
+	}
+	SMB_ASSERT(session->ref != 0);
+	SMB_ASSERT(session->search != 0);
+	if (session->ref == 0 || session->search == 0) {
+		return eDSInvalidRefType;
+	}
+	samAttributes = opendirectory_sam_attrlist(session);
+	if (samAttributes == NULL) {
+		status = eDSAllocationFailed;
+		goto cleanup;
+	}
+        recordType = dsBuildListFromStrings(session->ref, type, NULL);
+        searchAttr = dsDataNodeAllocateString(session->ref, attr);
+        searchValue = dsDataNodeAllocateString(session->ref, value);
+        if (recordType && searchAttr && searchValue) {
+               status = opendirectory_search_attributes(session,
+				    *records, recordType,
+				    searchAttr, searchValue,
+				    samAttributes);
+        } else {
+		status = eDSAllocationFailed;
+	}
+	/* We guarantee a result with a successful return. */
+	if (CFArrayGetCount(*records) == 0) {
+		CFRelease(*records);
+		*records = NULL;
+		if (status == eDSNoErr) {
+			status = eDSRecordNotFound;
+		}
+	}
+	/* Make sure caller doesn't have to clean up on failure. */
+	if (status != eDSNoErr && *records != NULL) {
+		CFRelease(*records);
+		*records = NULL;
+	}
+        opendirectory_free_list(session, recordType);
+        opendirectory_free_list(session, samAttributes);
+        opendirectory_free_node(session, searchAttr);
+        opendirectory_free_node(session, searchValue);
+        return status;
+/* Look up a record of the given name and type. */
+ tDirStatus opendirectory_sam_searchname(
+				struct opendirectory_session *session,
+                            	CFMutableArrayRef *records,
+				const char *type,
+				const char *name)
+        tDirStatus status;
+        tDataListPtr recordType = NULL;
+        tDataListPtr searchName = NULL;
+        tDataListPtr samAttributes = NULL;
+	*records = CFArrayCreateMutable(NULL, 0, &kCFTypeArrayCallBacks);
+	if (*records == NULL) {
+		return eDSAllocationFailed;
+	}
+	status = opendirectory_searchnode(session);
+	if (status != eDSNoErr) {
+		return status;
+	}
+	samAttributes = opendirectory_sam_attrlist(session);
+	if (samAttributes == NULL) {
+		status = eDSAllocationFailed;
+		goto cleanup;
+	}
+	name = name ? name : kDSRecordsAll;
+        recordType = dsBuildListFromStrings(session->ref, type, NULL);
+        searchName = dsBuildListFromStrings(session->ref, name, NULL);
+        if (recordType && searchName) {
+               status = opendirectory_search_names(session, session->search,
+				*records, recordType, searchName,
+				samAttributes);
+        } else {
+		status = eDSAllocationFailed;
+	}
+	/* We guarantee a result with a successful return. */
+	if (CFArrayGetCount(*records) == 0) {
+		CFRelease(*records);
+		*records = NULL;
+		if (status == eDSNoErr) {
+			status = eDSRecordNotFound;
+		}
+	}
+	/* Make sure caller doesn't have to clean up on failure. */
+	if (status != eDSNoErr && *records != NULL) {
+		CFRelease(*records);
+		*records = NULL;
+		status = eDSRecordNotFound;
+	}
+        opendirectory_free_list(session, recordType);
+        opendirectory_free_list(session, searchName);
+        opendirectory_free_list(session, samAttributes);
+        return status;
+ char * opendirectory_talloc_cfstr(void *talloc_ctx, CFStringRef cfstring)
+	char * data;
+	size_t maxsz;
+	if ((data = (char *)CFStringGetCStringPtr(cfstring, kCFStringEncodingUTF8))) {
+		return talloc_strdup(talloc_ctx, data);
+	}
+	maxsz = (CFStringGetLength(cfstring) + 1) * sizeof(UniChar);;
+	data = talloc_array(talloc_ctx, char, maxsz);
+	if (data == NULL) {
+		return NULL;
+	}
+	/* Note: this might fail because the length is the number of UTF-16
+	 * code pairs and we don't know how many bytes each code pair might
+	 * consume when converted to UTF8. Generally, the string should be in
+	 * UTF8 already, so we will be OK.
+	 */
+	if (!CFStringGetCString(cfstring, data, maxsz,
+				kCFStringEncodingUTF8)) {
+		talloc_free(data);
+		return NULL;
+	}
+	return data;
+/* Walk the record data structure returned by the search API and pull out
+ * the named attribute.
+ */
+ char *opendirectory_get_record_attribute(void *talloc_ctx,
+				    CFDictionaryRef record,
+				    const char *attribute)
+        CFStringRef attrRef = NULL;
+        const void  *opaque_value = NULL;
+        char * result = NULL;
+        attrRef = CFStringCreateWithCString(NULL, attribute,
+					    kCFStringEncodingUTF8);
+	if (!attrRef) {
+		return NULL;
+	}
+        if (!CFDictionaryGetValueIfPresent(record, attrRef, &opaque_value)) {
+                goto cleanup;
+        }
+        if (CFGetTypeID(opaque_value) == CFArrayGetTypeID()) {
+                CFArrayRef valueList = (CFArrayRef)opaque_value;
+                CFStringRef cfstrRef;
+                if (CFArrayGetCount(valueList) == 0) {
+                        goto cleanup;
+                }
+		/* We should not be using this API to look at multi-valued
+		 * attributes.
+		 */
+		if (CFArrayGetCount(valueList) > 1 &&
+		    strcmp(attribute, kDSNAttrRecordName) != 0) {
+			DEBUG(0, ("WARNING: returning first of %d values "
+				"for %s attribute\n",
+				CFArrayGetCount(valueList), attribute));
+		}
+                cfstrRef = (CFStringRef)CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(valueList, 0);
+                if (cfstrRef == NULL) {
+                        goto cleanup;
+                }
+		result = opendirectory_talloc_cfstr(talloc_ctx, cfstrRef);
+        } else if (CFGetTypeID(opaque_value) == CFStringGetTypeID()) {
+                CFStringRef cfstrRef = (CFStringRef)opaque_value;
+                if (cfstrRef == NULL) {
+                        goto cleanup;
+                }
+		result = opendirectory_talloc_cfstr(talloc_ctx, cfstrRef);
+        }
+	CFRelease(attrRef);
+	return result;
+/* Walk the record data structure returned by the search API and return True
+ * if "value" matches any of the values of "attribute".
+ */
+ BOOL opendirectory_match_record_attribute(CFDictionaryRef record,
+				    const char *attribute,
+				    const char * value)
+        CFStringRef attrRef = NULL;
+        CFStringRef valRef = NULL;
+        const void  *opaque_value = NULL;
+	BOOL ret = False;
+        attrRef = CFStringCreateWithCString(NULL, attribute,
+					    kCFStringEncodingUTF8);
+	if (!attrRef) {
+                goto cleanup;
+	}
+        valRef = CFStringCreateWithCString(NULL, value,
+					    kCFStringEncodingUTF8);
+	if (!valRef) {
+                goto cleanup;
+	}
+        if (!CFDictionaryGetValueIfPresent(record, attrRef, &opaque_value)) {
+                goto cleanup;
+        }
+        if (CFGetTypeID(opaque_value) == CFArrayGetTypeID()) {
+                CFArrayRef valueList = (CFArrayRef)opaque_value;
+                CFStringRef cfstrRef;
+		int i;
+		CFComparisonResult eq;
+		for (i = 0; i < CFArrayGetCount(valueList); ++i) {
+			cfstrRef =
+			    (CFStringRef)CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(valueList, 0);
+			if (cfstrRef == NULL) {
+				continue;
+			}
+			eq = CFStringCompare(valRef, cfstrRef,
+				    kCFCompareCaseInsensitive);
+			if (eq == kCFCompareEqualTo) {
+				ret = True;
+				goto cleanup;
+			}
+		}
+        } else if (CFGetTypeID(opaque_value) == CFStringGetTypeID()) {
+                CFStringRef cfstrRef = (CFStringRef)opaque_value;
+		CFComparisonResult eq;
+		eq = CFStringCompare(valRef, cfstrRef,
+			    kCFCompareCaseInsensitive);
+		if (eq == kCFCompareEqualTo) {
+			ret = True;
+			goto cleanup;
+		}
+        }
+	if (attrRef) {
+		CFRelease(attrRef);
+	}
+	if (valRef) {
+		CFRelease(valRef);
+	}
+	return ret;
+ tDirStatus opendirectory_map_unix_to_sid(
+				struct opendirectory_session *session,
+				const struct unixid *user,
+				DOM_SID *sid)
+	return eNotYetImplemented;
+ tDirStatus opendirectory_map_sid_to_unix(
+				struct opendirectory_session *session,
+				const DOM_SID *sid,
+				struct unixid *user)
+	return eNotYetImplemented;
+ tDataListPtr opendirectory_sam_attrlist(struct opendirectory_session *session)
+	return dsBuildListFromStrings(session->ref,
+			    kDSNAttrRecordName,
+			    kDSNAttrRecordType,
+			    kDSNAttrMetaNodeLocation,
+			    kDSNAttrAuthenticationAuthority,
+			    kDS1AttrUniqueID,
+			    kDS1AttrPrimaryGroupID,
+			    kDS1AttrNFSHomeDirectory,
+			    kDS1AttrDistinguishedName,
+			    kDS1AttrComment,
+			    kDS1AttrSMBRID,
+			    kDS1AttrSMBGroupRID,
+			    kDS1AttrSMBSID,
+			    kDS1AttrSMBPrimaryGroupSID,
+			    kDS1AttrSMBPWDLastSet,
+			    kDS1AttrSMBLogonTime,
+			    kDS1AttrSMBLogoffTime,
+			    kDS1AttrSMBKickoffTime,
+			    kDS1AttrSMBHome,
+			    kDS1AttrSMBHomeDrive,
+			    kDS1AttrSMBScriptPath,
+			    kDS1AttrSMBProfilePath,
+			    kDS1AttrSMBUserWorkstations,
+			    kDS1AttrSMBLMPassword,
+			    kDS1AttrSMBNTPassword,
+			    kDS1AttrSMBAcctFlags,
+			    NULL);
+/* Open the Open Directory search node. */
+ tDirStatus opendirectory_searchnode(struct opendirectory_session *session)
+        tDirStatus              status = eDSNoErr;
+        unsigned long           returnCount     = 0;
+        tDataBufferPtr          nodeBuffer      = NULL;
+        tDataListPtr            searchNodeName  = NULL;
+	if (session->search != 0) {
+		return eDSNoErr;
+	}
+        nodeBuffer = dsDataBufferAllocate(session->ref, SMALL_DS_BUFFER_SIZE);
+        if (nodeBuffer == NULL) {
+		return eDSAllocationFailed;
+        }
+        status = dsFindDirNodes(session->ref, nodeBuffer, NULL,
+                        eDSSearchNodeName, &returnCount, NULL);
+	LOG_DS_ERROR(DS_TRACE_ERRORS, status, "dsFindDirNodes");
+        if (status != eDSNoErr) {
+                goto cleanup;
+        }
+	/* This should never happen. */
+	if (returnCount == 0) {
+		status = eDSNodeNotFound;
+		goto cleanup;
+	}
+        status = dsGetDirNodeName(session->ref, nodeBuffer, 1,
+                                &searchNodeName);
+	LOG_DS_ERROR(DS_TRACE_ERRORS, status, "dsGetDirNodeName");
+        if (status != eDSNoErr) {
+                goto cleanup;
+        }
+        status = dsOpenDirNode(session->ref, searchNodeName, &session->search);
+	LOG_DS_ERROR(DS_TRACE_ERRORS, status, "dsOpenDirNode");
+        opendirectory_free_buffer(session, nodeBuffer);
+	opendirectory_free_list(session, searchNodeName);
+        return status;
+/* Return a NULL-terminated addar of node paths that are local. This can be
+ * used to figure out whether records came from a local DS node or a remote
+ * one.
+ */
+ const char ** opendirectory_local_paths(struct opendirectory_session *session)
+	tDirStatus	status;
+	tDataBufferPtr	nodeBuffer;
+	tDataListPtr	localNodeName;
+	unsigned long	returnCount;
+	int current, i;
+	const char ** path_list = NULL;
+	nodeBuffer = DS_DEFAULT_BUFFER(session->ref);
+	if (!nodeBuffer) {
+		return NULL;
+	}
+	status = dsFindDirNodes(session->ref, nodeBuffer, NULL,
+	    eDSLocalNodeNames, &returnCount, NULL);
+	LOG_DS_ERROR(DS_TRACE_ERRORS, status, "dsFindDirNodes");
+	if (status != eDSNoErr || returnCount == 0) {
+		goto cleanup;
+	}
+	path_list = SMB_CALLOC_ARRAY(const char *, returnCount + 1);
+	if (!path_list) {
+		goto cleanup;
+	}
+	for (i = 1, current = 0; i <= returnCount; ++i) {
+		status = dsGetDirNodeName(session->ref, nodeBuffer, i,
+					&localNodeName);
+		LOG_DS_ERROR(DS_TRACE_ERRORS, status, "dsGetDirNodeName");
+		if (status != eDSNoErr) {
+			continue;
+		}
+		/* FYI: dsGetPathFromList mallocs it's result. */
+		path_list[current] = dsGetPathFromList(session->ref,
+						localNodeName, "/" );
+		if (path_list[current]) {
+			++current;
+		}
+		opendirectory_free_list(session, localNodeName);
+	}
+	opendirectory_free_buffer(session, nodeBuffer);
+	return path_list;
+static CFMutableDictionaryRef convert_xml_to_dict(const char *xml)
+	CFPropertyListRef xmlDict;
+	CFDataRef xmlData;
+	xmlData = CFDataCreate(NULL, (const uint8_t *)xml, strlen(xml));
+	if (!xmlData) {
+		return NULL;
+	}
+	xmlDict = CFPropertyListCreateFromXMLData(NULL, xmlData,
+		kCFPropertyListMutableContainersAndLeaves, NULL);
+	CFRelease(xmlData);
+	/* The return value of the CFPropertyListCreateFromXMLData function
+	 * depends on the contents of the given XML data. CFPropertyListRef can
+	 * be a reference to any of the property list objects: CFData,
+	 * CFString, CFArray, CFDictionary, CFDate, CFBoolean, and CFNumber.
+	 */
+	return (CFMutableDictionaryRef)xmlDict;
+/* Given a string containing a SID, truncate it after the end of any valid SID
+ * characters. This is needed for cases when we pull the SID from the
+ * CIFSServer config record and it contains trailing junk.
+ */
+static BOOL chop_sid_string(char * sid_string)
+	char * c;
+	if (*sid_string != 'S' && *sid_string != 's') {
+		return False;
+	}
+	for (c = &sid_string[1]; *c != '\0' && (*c == '-' || isdigit(*c)); ++c) {
+	    /* skip it */
+	}
+	*c = '\0';
+	return True;
+static BOOL allocate_domain_sid_cache(struct opendirectory_session *session)
+	if (session->domain_sid_cache == NULL) {
+		session->domain_sid_cache =
+		    CFDictionaryCreateMutable(NULL, 0,
+			    &kCFCopyStringDictionaryKeyCallBacks,
+			    &kCFTypeDictionaryValueCallBacks);
+	}
+	if (session->domain_sid_cache == NULL) {
+		DEBUG(4, ("unable to allocate domain SID cache\n"));
+		return False;
+	}
+	return True;
+/* Given a raw /Config/CIFSServer record, update the domain_sid cache. */
+static BOOL update_domain_sid_cache(void *mem_ctx,
+			    struct opendirectory_session *session,
+			    CFDictionaryRef configRecord,
+			    DOM_SID *samsid)
+	BOOL ret = False;
+	CFMutableDictionaryRef xmlDict = NULL;
+	CFStringRef nodeLocation = NULL;
+	char * xml_string;
+	char * domain_string;
+	char * domain_sid_string;
+	char * node_path;
+	if (configRecord == NULL) {
+		return False;
+	}
+	xml_string = opendirectory_get_record_attribute(mem_ctx,
+				    configRecord, kDS1AttrXMLPlist);
+	if (!xml_string) {
+		goto cleanup;
+	}
+	/* The cache is keyed by the path of the DS node that owns the config
+	 * record.
+	 */
+	node_path = opendirectory_get_record_attribute(mem_ctx,
+				    configRecord, kDSNAttrMetaNodeLocation);
+	if (node_path) {
+		nodeLocation = CFStringCreateWithCString(NULL, node_path,
+						kCFStringEncodingUTF8);
+	}
+	/* Convert the XML to a CFDictionary so we can find records in it. */
+	if (!(xmlDict = convert_xml_to_dict(xml_string))) {
+		goto cleanup;
+	}
+	/* The plist should have "domain" and "SID" keys. It's noce if we can
+	 * get the domain key, because we can dump it to the log.
+	 */
+	domain_string = opendirectory_get_record_attribute(mem_ctx,
+				    xmlDict, "domain");
+	domain_sid_string = opendirectory_get_record_attribute(mem_ctx,
+				    xmlDict, "SID");
+	if (domain_sid_string &&
+	    chop_sid_string(domain_sid_string) &&
+	    string_to_sid(samsid, domain_sid_string)) {
+		/* We have a result. Also try and cache it. */
+		ret = True;
+		if (session->domain_sid_cache == NULL) {
+			DEBUG(4, ("unable to cache domain SID for %s: %s\n",
+				    node_path ? node_path : "unknown node",
+				    domain_sid_string));
+			goto cleanup;
+		}
+		DEBUG(4, ("caching domain SID for %s: %s\n",
+			    domain_string ? domain_string : "unknown domain",
+			    domain_sid_string));
+		if (nodeLocation) {
+			CFDictionaryAddValue(session->domain_sid_cache,
+					nodeLocation, xmlDict);
+		}
+	}
+	if (nodeLocation) {
+		CFRelease(nodeLocation);
+	}
+	if (xmlDict) {
+		CFRelease(xmlDict);
+	}
+	return ret;
+typedef  CFDictionaryRef (*domain_sid_search_func) (
+				struct opendirectory_session *session,
+				const DOM_SID *domain_sid,
+				const DOM_SID *match_sid);
+struct search_context {
+	domain_sid_search_func		match;
+	struct opendirectory_session *	session;
+	const DOM_SID *			match_sid;
+	CFDictionaryRef			result;
+static void search_domain_sid_cache_cb(const CFStringRef nodeLocation,
+					const CFDictionaryRef domainRecord,
+					struct search_context ctx)
+	DOM_SID domain_sid;
+	char *	domain_sid_string;
+	if (ctx.result != NULL) {
+	    return;
+	}
+	domain_sid_string = opendirectory_get_record_attribute(NULL,
+						    domainRecord, "SID");
+	if (domain_sid_string &&
+	    chop_sid_string(domain_sid_string) &&
+	    string_to_sid(&domain_sid, domain_sid_string)) {
+		ctx.result = ctx.match(ctx.session, &domain_sid,
+					ctx.match_sid);
+	}
+	TALLOC_FREE(domain_sid_string);
+/* Apply the given function to each entry on the domain SID cache. We use this
+ * to try any figure out the RID when all we have is an unadorned SID.
+ */
+static CFDictionaryRef search_domain_sid_cache(
+			    struct opendirectory_session *session,
+			    const DOM_SID *match_sid,
+			    domain_sid_search_func match)
+	struct search_context ctx =
+	{
+	    .match = match,
+	    .session = session,
+	    .match_sid = match_sid,
+	    .result = NULL
+	};
+	if (session->domain_sid_cache == NULL) {
+		return NULL;
+	}
+	CFDictionaryApplyFunction(session->domain_sid_cache,
+		(CFDictionaryApplierFunction)search_domain_sid_cache_cb,
+		&ctx);
+	return ctx.result;
+/* Fill the domain SID cache with the /Congif/CIFSServer records of all
+ * the domains that the directory knows about.
+ */
+static void fill_domain_sid_cache(void *mem_ctx,
+			    struct opendirectory_session *session)
+	tDirStatus status;
+	CFMutableArrayRef records = NULL;
+	DOM_SID sid;
+	int i;
+	/* Reset the cache is we had already filled it. */
+	if (session->domain_sid_cache != NULL) {
+		CFRelease(session->domain_sid_cache);
+		session->domain_sid_cache = NULL;
+	}
+	allocate_domain_sid_cache(session);
+	if (session->domain_sid_cache == NULL) {
+	    DEBUG(0, ("failed to initialize domain SID cache\n"));
+	    return;
+	}
+	/* Find all the /Config/CIFSServer records. */
+	status = opendirectory_sam_searchname(session, &records,
+				kDSStdRecordTypeConfig, "CIFSServer");
+		"opendirectory_sam_searchname[/Config/CIFSServer]");
+	if (status != eDSNoErr) {
+		return;
+	}
+	for (i = 0; i < CFArrayGetCount(records); ++i) {
+		CFDictionaryRef r = CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(records, i);
+		update_domain_sid_cache(mem_ctx, session, r, &sid);
+	}
+	CFRelease(records);
+static BOOL get_domain_sid_from_path(void *mem_ctx,
+				struct opendirectory_session *session,
+				const char * node_path,
+				DOM_SID *samsid)
+	CFMutableArrayRef recordsArray = NULL;
+	tDirStatus status;
+	tDirNodeReference nodeReference = 0;
+	tDataListPtr recordName = NULL;
+	tDataListPtr recordType = NULL;
+	tDataListPtr attributes = NULL;
+	CFMutableDictionaryRef configRecord = NULL;
+	CFStringRef nodelocationRef;
+	CFDictionaryRef domainInfo = NULL;
+	char * domain_sid_string;
+	BOOL ret = False;
+	nodelocationRef = CFStringCreateWithCString(NULL, node_path,
+					kCFStringEncodingUTF8);
+	if (!nodelocationRef) {
+		return False;
+	}
+	if (session->domain_sid_cache == NULL) {
+		fill_domain_sid_cache(mem_ctx, session);
+	}
+	/* Check whether we have cached this domain SID already. */
+	if (session->domain_sid_cache &&
+	    (domainInfo = CFDictionaryGetValue(session->domain_sid_cache,
+					       nodelocationRef))) {
+		domain_sid_string =
+			opendirectory_get_record_attribute(mem_ctx,
+						    domainInfo, "SID");
+		if (domain_sid_string &&
+		    chop_sid_string(domain_sid_string) &&
+		    string_to_sid(samsid, domain_sid_string)) {
+			DEBUG(4, ("found cached domain SID for %s: %s\n",
+				    node_path, domain_sid_string));
+			ret = True;
+			goto cleanup;
+		}
+	}
+	/* SID for this node path was not in the cache. We need to find it from
+	 * the /<node_path>/Config/CIFSServer records.
+	 */
+	status = opendirectory_open_node(session, node_path, &nodeReference);
+	if (status != eDSNoErr) {
+		goto cleanup;
+	}
+	recordsArray = CFArrayCreateMutable(NULL, 0, &kCFTypeArrayCallBacks);
+	recordType = dsBuildListFromStrings(session->ref,
+				    kDSStdRecordTypeConfig, NULL);
+	recordName = dsBuildListFromStrings(session->ref,
+				    "CIFSServer", NULL);
+	attributes = dsBuildListFromStrings(session->ref,
+				    kDS1AttrXMLPlist , NULL);
+	if (!recordName || !recordType || !attributes || !recordsArray) {
+		goto cleanup;
+	}
+	status = opendirectory_search_names(session,
+				    nodeReference, recordsArray,
+				    recordType, recordName, attributes);
+		"opendirectory_search_names[CIFSServer]");
+	if (status != eDSNoErr || CFArrayGetCount(recordsArray) == 0) {
+		goto cleanup;
+	}
+	/* Retrieve the CIFSServer record as XML data. */
+	configRecord =
+	    (CFMutableDictionaryRef) CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(recordsArray, 0);
+	ret = update_domain_sid_cache(mem_ctx, session, configRecord, samsid);
+	DS_CLOSE_NODE(nodeReference);
+	opendirectory_free_list(session, recordName);
+	opendirectory_free_list(session, recordType);
+	opendirectory_free_list(session, attributes);
+	if (nodelocationRef) {
+		CFRelease(nodelocationRef);
+	}
+	if (recordsArray) {
+		CFRelease(recordsArray);
+	}
+	return ret;
+/* Match the given node path against our cached set of local paths to
+ * figure out whether it it local or not.
+ */
+static BOOL node_path_is_local(const char ** local_paths,
+				const char * node_path)
+        const char ** path;
+        for (path = local_paths; path && *path; ++path) {
+                /* XXX: should this reallly be case-sensitive? -- jpeach */
+                if (strcmp(node_path, *path) == 0) {
+                        return True;
+                }
+        }
+        return False;
+static BOOL get_sid_for_samrecord(void *mem_ctx,
+				struct opendirectory_session *session,
+				CFDictionaryRef sam_record,
+				DOM_SID *record_sid)
+	fstring sidstr;
+	char * record_name;
+	char * record_path;
+	record_path = opendirectory_get_record_attribute(mem_ctx,
+				    sam_record, kDSNAttrMetaNodeLocation);
+	record_name = opendirectory_get_record_attribute(mem_ctx,
+				    sam_record, kDSNAttrRecordName);
+	if (!record_path || !record_name) {
+		goto done;
+	}
+	DEBUG (5, ("resolving SID for record=%s within %s\n",
+		    record_name, record_path));
+	/* By default, we will make this RID relative to the server SID. If
+	 * the user record came from a directory path where we can resolve a
+	 * domain SID, we will use that instead.
+	 */
+	sid_copy(record_sid, get_global_sam_sid());
+	/* Local Node - All Users are relative to the server sid */
+	if (node_path_is_local(session->local_path_cache, record_path)) {
+		DEBUG(4, ("record=%s is local\n", record_name));
+		goto done;
+ 	}
+	if (get_domain_sid_from_path(mem_ctx, session,
+					record_path, record_sid)) {
+		DEBUG(4, ("record=%s is relative to domain SID=%s\n",
+			    record_name, sid_to_string(sidstr, record_sid)));
+	} else {
+		DEBUG(4, ("no domain SID for %s, assuming local SID=%s\n",
+			record_path, sid_to_string(sidstr, record_sid)));
+	}
+	return True;
+ BOOL opendirectory_find_usersid_from_record(
+				struct opendirectory_session *session,
+				CFDictionaryRef sam_record,
+				DOM_SID *sid)
+	void * mem_ctx = talloc_init("opendirectory_find_usersid_from_record");
+	DOM_SID samsid;
+	char * strval;
+	BOOL ret = False;
+	char * record_type;
+	/* Make sure we are dealing with a user record. */
+	record_type = opendirectory_get_record_attribute(mem_ctx,
+				    sam_record, kDSNAttrRecordType);
+	if (!record_type) {
+		goto done;
+	}
+	DEBUG(6, ("determining user SID for %s record\n", record_type));
+	if (strcmp(record_type, kDSStdRecordTypeUsers) != 0 &&
+	    strcmp(record_type, kDSStdRecordTypeComputers) != 0) {
+		goto done;
+	}
+	if (!session->local_path_cache) {
+		session->local_path_cache = opendirectory_local_paths(session);
+	}
+	strval = opendirectory_get_record_attribute(mem_ctx,
+					sam_record, kDS1AttrSMBSID);
+	if (strval) {
+		string_to_sid(sid, strval);
+		ret = True;
+		goto done;
+	}
+	/* Since there is no SID attribute available, we will need to
+	 * construct something by using an attribute as a RID. We can't do
+	 * this unless we have a base SID for this record.
+	 */
+	if (!get_sid_for_samrecord(mem_ctx, session, sam_record, &samsid)) {
+		goto done;
+	}
+	sid_copy(sid, &samsid);
+	strval = opendirectory_get_record_attribute(mem_ctx,
+					sam_record, kDS1AttrSMBRID);
+	if (strval) {
+		uint32_t rid = (uint32_t)strtoul(strval, NULL, 10 /* base */);
+		sid_append_rid(sid, rid);
+		ret = True;
+		goto done;
+	}
+	strval = opendirectory_get_record_attribute(mem_ctx,
+					sam_record, kDS1AttrUniqueID);
+	if (strval) {
+		int32_t uid = (int32_t)strtol(strval, NULL, 10 /* base */);
+		uint32_t rid;
+		if (opendirectory_match_record_attribute(sam_record,
+				    kDSNAttrRecordName, lp_guestaccount())) {
+		} else {
+			rid = algorithmic_pdb_uid_to_user_rid(uid);
+		}
+		sid_append_rid(sid, rid);
+		ret = True;
+		goto done;
+	}
+	/* Nothing in the directory that we can map this record with. */
+	TALLOC_FREE(mem_ctx);
+	return ret;
+static BOOL find_groupsid_from_user(void *mem_ctx,
+				struct opendirectory_session *session,
+				CFDictionaryRef sam_record,
+				DOM_SID *group_sid)
+	CFDictionaryRef group_record;
+	char * strval;
+	/* Both user and group records can have a kDS1AttrSMBPrimaryGroupSID
+	 * attribute.
+	 */
+	strval = opendirectory_get_record_attribute(mem_ctx,
+				sam_record, kDS1AttrSMBPrimaryGroupSID);
+	if (strval) {
+		string_to_sid(group_sid, strval);
+		return True;
+	}
+	/* The group SID wasn't explicitly overridden, so we have to look up
+	 * the group record and work from there.
+	 */
+	strval = opendirectory_get_record_attribute(mem_ctx,
+					sam_record, kDS1AttrPrimaryGroupID);
+	if (!strval) {
+		return False;
+	}
+	group_record = sam_searchattr_first(session, kDSStdRecordTypeGroups,
+			    kDS1AttrPrimaryGroupID, strval);
+	if (group_record) {
+		BOOL ret;
+		ret = opendirectory_find_groupsid_from_record(session,
+			    group_record, group_sid);
+		CFRelease(group_record);
+		return ret;
+	}
+	/* Nothing in the directory that we can map this record with, but
+	 * it's a user record so we can put them in Domain Users.
+	 */
+	sid_copy(group_sid, get_global_sam_sid());
+	sid_append_rid(group_sid, DOMAIN_GROUP_RID_USERS);
+	return True;
+ BOOL opendirectory_find_groupsid_from_record(
+				struct opendirectory_session *session,
+				CFDictionaryRef sam_record,
+				DOM_SID *sid)
+	void * mem_ctx = talloc_init("opendirectory_find_groupsid_from_record");
+	DOM_SID samsid;
+	char * strval;
+	BOOL ret = False;
+	char * record_type;
+	record_type = opendirectory_get_record_attribute(mem_ctx,
+				    sam_record, kDSNAttrRecordType);
+	if (!record_type) {
+		goto done;
+	}
+	DEBUG(6, ("determining group SID for %s record\n", record_type));
+	/* Make sure we are dealing with a user, group or computer record. */
+	if (strcmp(record_type, kDSStdRecordTypeGroups) != 0 &&
+	    strcmp(record_type, kDSStdRecordTypeUsers) != 0 &&
+	    strcmp(record_type, kDSStdRecordTypeComputers) != 0) {
+		goto done;
+	}
+	if (!session->local_path_cache) {
+		session->local_path_cache = opendirectory_local_paths(session);
+	}
+	/* If we are finding the primary group sid with only a user record,
+	 * punt it becasue we might need to look up the group record.
+	 */
+	if (strcmp(record_type, kDSStdRecordTypeUsers) == 0) {
+		ret = find_groupsid_from_user(mem_ctx, session,
+						sam_record, sid);
+		goto done;
+	}
+	strval = opendirectory_get_record_attribute(mem_ctx,
+				sam_record, kDS1AttrSMBPrimaryGroupSID);
+	if (strval) {
+		string_to_sid(sid, strval);
+		ret = True;
+		goto done;
+	}
+	strval = opendirectory_get_record_attribute(mem_ctx,
+					sam_record, kDS1AttrSMBSID);
+	if (strval) {
+		string_to_sid(sid, strval);
+		ret = True;
+		goto done;
+	}
+	/* Since there is no SID attribute available, we will need to
+	 * construct something by using an attribute as a RID. We can't do
+	 * this unless we have a base SID for this record.
+	 */
+	if (!get_sid_for_samrecord(mem_ctx, session, sam_record, &samsid)) {
+		goto done;
+	}
+	sid_copy(sid, &samsid);
+	strval = opendirectory_get_record_attribute(mem_ctx,
+					sam_record, kDS1AttrSMBGroupRID);
+	if (strval) {
+		uint32_t rid = (uint32_t)strtoul(strval, NULL, 10 /* base */);
+		sid_append_rid(sid, rid);
+		ret = True;
+		goto done;
+	}
+	strval = opendirectory_get_record_attribute(mem_ctx,
+					sam_record, kDS1AttrSMBRID);
+	if (strval) {
+		uint32_t rid = (uint32_t)strtoul(strval, NULL, 10 /* base */);
+		sid_append_rid(sid, rid);
+		ret = True;
+		goto done;
+	}
+	strval = opendirectory_get_record_attribute(mem_ctx,
+					sam_record, kDS1AttrPrimaryGroupID);
+	if (strval) {
+		int32_t gid = (int32_t)strtol(strval, NULL, 10 /* base */);
+		uint32_t rid;
+		/* Note that this implies that we have matching user and group
+		 * names for lp_guestaccount(). This is true for common choices
+		 * like "unknown" and "nobody".
+		 */
+		if (opendirectory_match_record_attribute(sam_record,
+				    kDSNAttrRecordName, lp_guestaccount())) {
+		} else {
+			rid = algorithmic_pdb_gid_to_group_rid(gid);
+		}
+		sid_append_rid(sid, rid);
+		ret = True;
+		goto done;
+	}
+	if (strcmp(record_type, kDSStdRecordTypeComputers) == 0) {
+		sid_append_rid(sid, DOMAIN_GROUP_RID_COMPUTERS);
+		ret = True;
+	}
+	TALLOC_FREE(mem_ctx);
+	return ret;
+static CFDictionaryRef sam_searchname_first(
+				struct opendirectory_session *session,
+				const char *type,
+				const char *name)
+	CFMutableArrayRef records = NULL;
+	tDirStatus status;
+	status = opendirectory_sam_searchname(session,
+			    &records, type, name);
+	if (records) {
+		CFDictionaryRef first =
+		    (CFDictionaryRef)CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(records, 0);
+		CFRetain(first);
+		CFRelease(records);
+		return first;
+	}
+	return NULL;
+static CFDictionaryRef sam_searchattr_first(
+				struct opendirectory_session *session,
+				const char *type,
+				const char *attr,
+				const char *value)
+	CFMutableArrayRef records = NULL;
+	tDirStatus status;
+	status = opendirectory_sam_searchattr(session,
+			    &records, type, attr, value);
+	if (records) {
+		CFDictionaryRef first =
+		    (CFDictionaryRef)CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(records, 0);
+		CFRetain(first);
+		CFRelease(records);
+		return first;
+	}
+	return NULL;
+static CFDictionaryRef find_record_from_usersid_and_domsid(
+				struct opendirectory_session *session,
+				const DOM_SID *domain_sid,
+				const DOM_SID *sid)
+	CFDictionaryRef sam_record;
+	fstring rid_string;
+	fstring uid_string;
+	uint32_t rid;
+	if (!sid_peek_check_rid(domain_sid, sid, &rid)) {
+		return NULL;
+	}
+	if (rid == DOMAIN_USER_RID_GUEST) {
+		return sam_searchname_first(session, kDSStdRecordTypeUsers,
+					 lp_guestaccount());
+	}
+	snprintf(rid_string, sizeof(rid_string) - 1, "%u", rid);
+	snprintf(uid_string, sizeof(uid_string) - 1, "%u",
+			    algorithmic_pdb_user_rid_to_uid(rid));
+	sam_record = sam_searchattr_first(session, kDSStdRecordTypeUsers,
+					 kDS1AttrSMBRID, rid_string);
+	if (sam_record) {
+		return sam_record;
+	}
+	sam_record = sam_searchattr_first(session, kDSStdRecordTypeComputers,
+					 kDS1AttrSMBRID, rid_string);
+	if (sam_record) {
+		return sam_record;
+	}
+	/* If it's not a generated user RID, searching won't help. */
+	if (!algorithmic_pdb_rid_is_user(rid)) {
+		return NULL;
+	}
+	sam_record = sam_searchattr_first(session, kDSStdRecordTypeUsers,
+					 kDS1AttrUniqueID, uid_string);
+	if (sam_record) {
+		return sam_record;
+	}
+	sam_record = sam_searchattr_first(session, kDSStdRecordTypeComputers,
+					 kDS1AttrUniqueID, uid_string);
+	if (sam_record) {
+		return sam_record;
+	}
+	return NULL;
+/* Map SIDS that are relative to the SAM SID to the "well-known" Apple builtin
+ * SID of the form S-1-5-21-RID. Arguably we should also do this for the domain
+ * SID if we are a domain controller.
+ */
+static BOOL apple_wellknown_sid(const DOM_SID *sid, DOM_SID *apple_sid)
+	uint32_t rid;
+	DOM_SID apple_wellknown =
+	    { 1, 1, {0,0,0,0,0,5}, {21,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}};
+	if (!sid_peek_check_rid(get_global_sam_sid(), sid, &rid)) {
+		return False;
+	}
+	return sid_compose(apple_sid, &apple_wellknown, rid);
+ CFDictionaryRef opendirectory_find_record_from_usersid(
+				struct opendirectory_session *session,
+				const DOM_SID *sid)
+	CFDictionaryRef sam_record;
+	fstring sid_string;
+	DOM_SID domain_sid = {0};
+	DOM_SID apple_user_sid = {0};
+	DOM_SID sam_sid = {0};
+	secrets_fetch_domain_sid(lp_workgroup(), &domain_sid);
+	sam_sid = *get_global_sam_sid();
+	sid_to_string(sid_string, sid);
+	sam_record = sam_searchattr_first(session, kDSStdRecordTypeUsers,
+					 kDS1AttrSMBSID, sid_string);
+	if (sam_record) {
+		return sam_record;
+	}
+	/* Check whether this SID is an Apple "well-known" SID. Since there are
+	 * no well-known Computers, we don't need to repeat this check.
+	 */
+	if (apple_wellknown_sid(sid, &apple_user_sid)) {
+		sid_to_string(sid_string, &apple_user_sid);
+		sam_record = sam_searchattr_first(session,
+					kDSStdRecordTypeUsers,
+					kDS1AttrSMBSID, sid_string);
+		if (sam_record) {
+			return sam_record;
+		}
+	}
+	sam_record = sam_searchattr_first(session, kDSStdRecordTypeComputers,
+					 kDS1AttrSMBSID, sid_string);
+	if (sam_record) {
+		return sam_record;
+	}
+	/* The SID might be in a domain we know about, so we can try poking
+	 * around for something to match the RID.
+	 */
+	sam_record = find_record_from_usersid_and_domsid(session,
+						    &sam_sid, sid);
+	if (sam_record) {
+		return sam_record;
+	}
+	/* Also try the domain SID if it is not the same as our SAM SID. */
+	if (sid_compare_domain(&domain_sid, &sam_sid) != 0) {
+		sam_record = find_record_from_usersid_and_domsid(session,
+							&domain_sid, sid);
+		if (sam_record) {
+			return sam_record;
+		}
+	}
+	/* As a last resort, iterate over all the domains that are available in
+	 * the directory and see whether we can match the SID in any of those.
+	 */
+	if (session->domain_sid_cache == NULL) {
+		void * mem_ctx = talloc_init(__FUNCTION__);
+		fill_domain_sid_cache(mem_ctx, session);
+		TALLOC_FREE(mem_ctx);
+	}
+	return search_domain_sid_cache(session, sid,
+		    find_record_from_usersid_and_domsid);
+static CFDictionaryRef find_record_from_groupsid_and_domsid(
+				struct opendirectory_session *session,
+				const DOM_SID *domain_sid,
+				const DOM_SID *group_sid)
+	CFDictionaryRef sam_record;
+	fstring rid_string;
+	fstring gid_string;
+	uint32_t rid;
+	if (!sid_peek_check_rid(domain_sid, group_sid, &rid)) {
+		return NULL;
+	}
+	DEBUG(8, ("searching domain %s for group record with SID %s\n",
+		sid_to_string(gid_string, domain_sid),
+		sid_to_string(rid_string, group_sid)));
+	snprintf(rid_string, sizeof(rid_string) - 1, "%u", rid);
+	/* First, search for a record with a matching group RID. If that fails,
+	 * we can check to see whether it's a well-known RID for which we have
+	 * a builtin default.
+	 */
+	sam_record = sam_searchattr_first(session, kDSStdRecordTypeGroups,
+					 kDS1AttrSMBRID, rid_string);
+	if (sam_record) {
+		return sam_record;
+	}
+	sam_record = sam_searchattr_first(session, kDSStdRecordTypeComputers,
+					 kDS1AttrSMBGroupRID, rid_string);
+	if (sam_record) {
+		return sam_record;
+	}
+	switch (rid) {
+		/* The local group "staff" has a SID of S-1-5-32-545, which is
+		 * the well-known SID for "Users". Additionally, the "staff"
+		 * group has a RealName attribute of "Users", so this seems
+		 * like a good match.
+		 */
+		return sam_searchname_first(session, kDSStdRecordTypeGroups,
+					 "staff");
+		/* The default config has "guest account = nobody", so we can
+		 * use this for both the guest user and the guest group. We
+		 * can't guarantee that the guest account is also a group
+		 * however.
+		 *
+		 * Computer accounts get mapped to nobody as well because they
+		 * are untrusted as far as filesystem access goes.
+		 */
+		sam_record = sam_searchname_first(session,
+			    kDSStdRecordTypeGroups, lp_guestaccount());
+		if (!sam_record) {
+			sam_record = sam_searchname_first(session,
+					kDSStdRecordTypeGroups, "nobody");
+		}
+		return sam_record;
+		return sam_searchname_first(session, kDSStdRecordTypeGroups,
+					 "admin");
+	}
+	if (rid >= BASE_RID) {
+		snprintf(gid_string, sizeof(gid_string) - 1, "%u",
+				    pdb_group_rid_to_gid(rid));
+		/* If it a generated user RID, searching won't help because
+		 * we are looking for a group.
+		 */
+		if (algorithmic_pdb_rid_is_user(rid)) {
+			return NULL;
+		}
+		sam_record = sam_searchattr_first(session,
+					kDSStdRecordTypeGroups,
+					kDS1AttrPrimaryGroupID, gid_string);
+		if (sam_record) {
+			return sam_record;
+		}
+	}
+	return NULL;
+ CFDictionaryRef opendirectory_find_record_from_groupsid(
+				struct opendirectory_session *session,
+				const DOM_SID *group_sid)
+	CFDictionaryRef sam_record;
+	fstring sid_string;
+	DOM_SID domain_sid = {0};
+	DOM_SID sam_sid = {0};
+	DOM_SID apple_group_sid = {0};
+	secrets_fetch_domain_sid(lp_workgroup(), &domain_sid);
+	sam_sid = *get_global_sam_sid();
+	sid_to_string(sid_string, group_sid);
+	sam_record = sam_searchattr_first(session, kDSStdRecordTypeGroups,
+					 kDS1AttrSMBSID, sid_string);
+	if (sam_record) {
+		return sam_record;
+	}
+	if (apple_wellknown_sid(group_sid, &apple_group_sid)) {
+		sid_to_string(sid_string, &apple_group_sid);
+		sam_record = sam_searchattr_first(session,
+					kDSStdRecordTypeGroups,
+					kDS1AttrSMBSID, sid_string);
+		if (sam_record) {
+			return sam_record;
+		}
+	}
+	sam_record = find_record_from_groupsid_and_domsid(session,
+				&sam_sid, group_sid);
+	if (sam_record) {
+		return sam_record;
+	}
+	if (sid_compare(&domain_sid, &sam_sid) != 0) {
+		sam_record = find_record_from_groupsid_and_domsid(session,
+					    &domain_sid, group_sid);
+		if (sam_record) {
+			return sam_record;
+		}
+	}
+	if (session->domain_sid_cache == NULL) {
+		void * mem_ctx = talloc_init(__FUNCTION__);
+		fill_domain_sid_cache(mem_ctx, session);
+		TALLOC_FREE(mem_ctx);
+	}
+	return search_domain_sid_cache(session, group_sid,
+		    find_record_from_groupsid_and_domsid);