# # checkbutton widget demo2 (called by 'widget') # # delete old toplevel widget if defined?($check2_demo) && $check2_demo $check2_demo.destroy $check2_demo = nil end # create demo toplevel widget $check2_demo = TkToplevel.new {|w| title("Checkbutton Demonstration 2") iconname("check2") positionWindow(w) } # label msg = TkLabel.new($check2_demo) { font $font wraplength '4i' justify 'left' text "Four checkbuttons are displayed below. If you click on a button, it will toggle the button's selection state and set a Tcl variable to a value indicating the state of the checkbutton. The first button also follows the state of the other three. If only some of the three are checked, the first button will display the tri-state mode. Click the \"See Variables\" button to see the current values of the variables." } msg.pack('side'=>'top') # variable safety = TkVariable.new(0) wipers = TkVariable.new(0) brakes = TkVariable.new(0) sober = TkVariable.new(0) # frame TkFrame.new($check2_demo) {|frame| TkGrid(TkFrame.new(frame, :height=>2, :relief=>:sunken, :bd=>2), :columnspan=>4, :row=>0, :sticky=>'ew', :pady=>2) TkGrid('x', TkButton.new(frame, :text=>'See Variables', :image=>$image['view'], :compound=>:left, :command=>proc{ showVars($check2_demo, ['safety', safety], ['wipers', wipers], ['brakes', brakes], ['sober', sober]) }), TkButton.new(frame, :text=>'See Code', :image=>$image['view'], :compound=>:left, :command=>proc{showCode 'check2'}), TkButton.new(frame, :text=>'Dismiss', :image=>$image['delete'], :compound=>:left, :command=>proc{ tmppath = $check2_demo $check2_demo = nil $showVarsWin[tmppath.path] = nil tmppath.destroy }), :padx=>4, :pady=>4) frame.grid_columnconfigure(0, :weight=>1) }.pack('side'=>'bottom', 'fill'=>'x') # checkbutton TkCheckButton.new($check2_demo, :text=>'Safety Check', :variable=>safety, :relief=>:flat, :onvalue=>'all', :offvalue=>'none', :tristatevalue=>'partial'){ pack('side'=>'top', 'pady'=>2, 'anchor'=>'w') } [ TkCheckButton.new($check2_demo, 'text'=>'Wipers OK', 'variable'=>wipers), TkCheckButton.new($check2_demo, 'text'=>'Brakes OK', 'variable'=>brakes), TkCheckButton.new($check2_demo, 'text'=>'Driver Sober', 'variable'=>sober) ].each{|w| w.relief('flat') w.pack('side'=>'top', 'padx'=>15, 'pady'=>2, 'anchor'=>'w') } # tristate check in_check = false tristate_check = proc{|n1,n2,op| unless in_check in_check = true begin if n1 == safety if safety == 'none' wipers.value = 0 brakes.value = 0 sober.value = 0 elsif safety == 'all' wipers.value = 1 brakes.value = 1 sober.value = 1 end else if wipers == 1 && brakes == 1 && sober == 1 safety.value = 'all' elsif wipers == 1 || brakes == 1 || sober == 1 safety.value = 'partial' else safety.value = 'none' end end ensure in_check = false end end } [wipers, brakes, sober, safety].each{|v| v.trace('w', tristate_check)}