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<title>Postfix TLS Support </title>

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<h1><img src="postfix-logo.jpg" width="203" height="98" ALT="">Postfix TLS Support


<h2> Purpose of this document </h2> 

<p> This document describes how to configure the Transport Layer
Security (TLS) support in the Postfix SMTP client and Postfix SMTP server,
and how to configure the TLS manager daemon that maintains the
Pseudo Random Number Generator (PRNG) pool and the TLS session
cache information. </p>

<p> Topics covered in this document: </p>


<li><a href="#server_tls">SMTP Server specific settings</a>

<li> <a href="#client_tls">SMTP Client specific settings</a>

<li><a href="#tlsmgr_controls"> TLS manager specific settings </a>

<li><a href="#problems"> Reporting problems </a>

<li><a href="#credits"> Credits </a>


<h2><a name="server_tls">SMTP Server specific settings</a></h2>

<p> Topics covered in this section: </p>


<li><a href="#server_cert_key">Server-side certificate and private
key configuration </a>

<li><a href="#server_logging"> Server-side TLS activity logging

<li><a href="#server_enable">Enabling TLS in the Postfix SMTP server </a>

<li><a href="#server_vrfy_client">Client certificate verification</a>

<li><a href="#server_tls_auth">Supporting AUTH over TLS only</a>

<li><a href="#server_tls_cache">Server-side TLS session cache</a>

<li><a href="#server_access">Server access control</a>

<li><a href="#server_cipher">Server-side cipher controls</a>

<li><a href="#server_misc"> Miscellaneous server controls</a>


<h3><a name="server_cert_key">Server-side certificate and private
key configuration </a> </h3>

<p> In order to use TLS, the Postfix SMTP server needs a certificate
and a private key. Both must be in "pem" format. The private key
must not be encrypted, meaning:  the key must be accessible without
password.  Both certificate and private key may be in the same
file.  </p>

<p> Both RSA and DSA certificates are supported. Typically you will
only have RSA certificates issued by a commercial CA. In addition,
the tools supplied with OpenSSL will by default issue RSA certificates.
You can have both at the same time, in which case the cipher used
determines which certificate is presented. For Netscape and OpenSSL
clients without special cipher choices, the RSA certificate is
preferred. </p>

<p> In order for remote SMTP clients to check the Postfix SMTP
server certificates, the CA certificate (in case of a certificate
chain, all CA certificates) must be available.  You should add
these certificates to the server certificate, the server certificate
first, then the issuing CA(s).  </p>

<p> Example: the certificate for "server.dom.ain" was issued by
"intermediate CA" which itself has a certificate issued by "root
CA".  Create the server.pem file with: </p>

cat server_cert.pem intermediate_CA.pem root_CA.pem &gt; server.pem

<p> If you want the Postfix SMTP server to accept remote SMTP client
certificates issued by these CAs, you can also add the CA certificates
to the smtpd_tls_CAfile, in which case it is not necessary to have
them in the smtpd_tls_cert_file or smtpd_tls_dcert_file. </p>

<p> A Postfix SMTP server certificate supplied here must be usable
as SSL server certificate and hence pass the "openssl verify -purpose
..." test. </p>

<p> RSA key and certificate examples: </p>

smtpd_tls_cert_file = /etc/postfix/server.pem
smtpd_tls_key_file = $smtpd_tls_cert_file

<p> Their DSA counterparts: </p>

smtpd_tls_dcert_file = /etc/postfix/server-dsa.pem
smtpd_tls_dkey_file = $smtpd_tls_dcert_file

<p> The Postfix SMTP server certificate was issued by a certification
authority (CA), the CA-cert of which must be provided with the CA
file if it is not already provided in the certificate file.  The
CA file may also contain the CA certificates of other trusted CAs.
You must use this file for the list of trusted CAs if you want to
use chroot-mode. No default is supplied for this value as of now.

<p> Example: </p>
smtpd_tls_CAfile = /etc/postfix/CAcert.pem

<p> To verify a remote SMTP client certificate, the Postfix SMTP
server needs to know the certificates of the issuing certification
authorities. These certificates in "pem" format are collected in
a directory. The same CA certificates are offered to clients for
client verification.  Don't forget to create the necessary "hash"
links with $OPENSSL_HOME/bin/c_rehash /etc/postfix/certs. A typical
place for the CA certificates may also be $OPENSSL_HOME/certs, so
there is no default and you explicitly have to set the value here!

<p> To use this option in chroot mode, this directory itself or a
copy of it must be inside the chroot jail. Please note also, that
the CAs in this directory are not listed to the client, so that
e.g. Netscape might not offer certificates issued by them.  For
this reason, the use of this feature is discouraged. </p>

<p> Example: </p>

smtpd_tls_CApath = /etc/postfix/certs

<h3><a name="server_logging"> Server-side TLS activity logging </a> </h3>

<p> To get additional information about Postfix SMTP server TLS
activity you can increase the loglevel from 0..4. Each logging
level also includes the information that is logged at a lower
logging level. </p>



<tr> <td> 0 </td> <td> Disable logging of TLS activity.</td> </tr>

<tr> <td> 1 </td> <td> Log TLS handshake and certificate information.
</td> </tr>

<tr> <td> 2 </td> <td> Log levels during TLS negotiation.  </td>

<tr> <td> 3 </td> <td> Log hexadecimal and ASCII dump of TLS
negotiation process </td> </tr>

<tr> <td> 4 </td> <td> Log hexadecimal and ASCII dump of complete
transmission after STARTTLS </td> </tr>



<p> Use loglevel 3 only in case of problems. Use of loglevel 4 is
strongly discouraged. </p>

<p> Example: </p>

smtpd_tls_loglevel = 0

<p> To include information about the protocol and cipher used as
well as the client and issuer CommonName into the "Received:"
message header, set the smtpd_tls_received_header variable to true.
The default is no, as the information is not necessarily authentic.
Only information recorded at the final destination is reliable,
since the headers may be changed by intermediate servers. </p>

<p> Example: </p>
smtpd_tls_received_header = yes

<h3><a name="server_enable">Enabling TLS in the Postfix SMTP server </a> </h3>

<p> By default, TLS is disabled in the Postfix SMTP server, so no
difference to plain Postfix is visible.  Explicitly switch it on
using "smtpd_use_tls = yes". </p>

<p> Example: </p>
smtpd_use_tls = yes

<p> Note: when an unprivileged user invokes "sendmail -bs", STARTTLS
is never offered due to insufficient privileges to access the server
private key. This is intended behavior. </p>

<p> You can ENFORCE the use of TLS, so that the Postfix SMTP server
accepts no commands (except QUIT of course) without TLS encryption,
by setting "smtpd_enforce_tls = yes". According to RFC 2487 this
MUST NOT be applied in case of a publicly-referenced Postfix SMTP
server.  So this option is off by default and should only seldom
be used.  Using this option implies "smtpd_use_tls = yes". </p>

<p> Example: </p>
smtpd_enforce_tls = yes

<p> Besides RFC 2487 some clients, namely Outlook [Express] prefer
to run the non-standard "wrapper" mode, not the STARTTLS enhancement
to SMTP.  This is true for OE (Win32 &lt; 5.0 and Win32 &gt;=5.0 when
run on a port&lt;&gt;25 and OE (5.01 Mac on all ports). </p>

<p> It is strictly discouraged to use this mode from If
you want to support this service, enable a special port in
and specify "-o smtpd_tls_wrappermode = yes" as an smtpd(8) command
line option.  Port 465 (smtps) was once chosen for this feature.

<p> Example: </p>
smtpd_tls_wrappermode = no

<h3><a name="server_vrfy_client">Client certificate verification</a> </h3>

<p> To receive a remote SMTP client certificate, the Postfix SMTP
server must explicitly ask for one by sending the $smtpd_tls_CAfile
certificates to the client. Unfortunately, Netscape clients will
either complain if no matching client certificate is available or
will offer the user client a list of certificates to choose from.
This might be annoying, so this option is "off" by default.  You
will however need the certificate if you want to use certificate
based relaying with, for example, the permit_tls_client_certs
feature.  </p>

<p> Example: </p>
smtpd_tls_ask_ccert = no

<p> You may also decide to REQUIRE a remote SMTP client certificate
before allowing TLS connections.  This feature is included for
completeness, and implies "smtpd_tls_ask_ccert = yes".  </p>

<p> Please be aware, that this will inhibit TLS connections without
a proper client certificate and that it makes sense only when
non-TLS submission is disabled (smtpd_enforce_tls = yes). Otherwise,
clients could bypass the restriction by simply not using STARTTLS
at all. </p>

<p> When TLS is not enforced, the connection will be handled as
if only "smtpd_tls_ask_ccert = yes" is specified, and a warning is
logged. </p>

<p> Example: </p>
smtpd_tls_req_ccert = no

<p> A client certificate verification depth of 1 is sufficient if
the certificate is directly issued by a CA listed in the CA file.
The default value (5) should also suffice for longer chains (root
CA issues special CA which then issues the actual certificate...)

<p> Example: </p>
smtpd_tls_ccert_verifydepth = 5

<h3><a name="server_tls_auth">Supporting AUTH over TLS only</a></h3>

<p> Sending AUTH data over an un-encrypted channel poses a security
risk. When TLS layer encryption is required (smtpd_enforce_tls =
yes), the Postfix SMTP server will announce and accept AUTH only
after the TLS layer has been activated with STARTTLS. When TLS
layer encryption is optional (smtpd_enforce_tls = no), it may
however still be useful to only offer AUTH when TLS is active. To
maintain compatibility with non-TLS clients, the default is to
accept AUTH without encryption. In order to change this behavior,
set "smtpd_tls_auth_only = yes". </p>

<p> Example: </p>
smtpd_tls_auth_only = no

<h3><a name="server_tls_cache">Server-side TLS session cache</a> </h3>

<p> The Postfix SMTP server and the remote SMTP client negotiate a
session, which takes some computer time and network bandwidth. By
default, this session information is cached only in the smtpd(8)
process actually using this session and is lost when the process
terminates.  To share the session information between multiple
smtpd(8) processes, a persistent session cache can be used based
on the SDBM databases (routines included in Postfix/TLS). Since
concurrent writing must be supported, only SDBM can be used. </p>

<p> Example: </p>
smtpd_tls_session_cache_database = sdbm:/etc/postfix/smtpd_scache

<p> Cached Postfix SMTP server session information expires after
a certain amount of time.  Postfix/TLS does not use the OpenSSL
default of 300s, but a longer time of 3600sec (=1 hour). RFC 2246
recommends a maximum of 24 hours.  </p>

<p> Example: </p>
smtpd_tls_session_cache_timeout = 3600s

<h3><a name="server_access">Server access control</a> </h3>

<p> Postfix TLS support introduces two additional features for
Postfix SMTP server access control:  </p>



<dt> permit_tls_clientcerts </dt> <dd> <p> Allow the remote SMTP
client SMTP request if the client certificate passes verification,
and if its fingerprint is listed in the list of client certificates
(see relay_clientcerts discussion below). </p> </dd>

<dt> permit_tls_all_clientcerts </dt> <dd> <p> Allow the remote
client SMTP request if the client certificate passes verification.
</p> </dd>



<p> The permit_tls_all_clientcerts feature must be used with caution,
because it can result in too many access permissions.  Use this
feature only if a special CA issues the client certificates, and
only if this CA is listed as trusted CA. If other CAs are trusted,
any owner of a valid client certificate would be authorized.
The permit_tls_all_clientcerts feature can be practical for a
specially created email relay server.  </p>

<p> It is however recommended to stay with the permit_tls_clientcerts
feature and list all certificates via $relay_clientcerts, as
permit_tls_all_clientcerts does not permit any control when a
certificate must no longer be used (e.g. an employee leaving). </p>

<p> Example: </p>
smtpd_recipient_restrictions = 

<p> The Postfix list manipulation routines give special treatment
to whitespace and some other characters, making the use of certificate
names unpractical.  Instead we use the certificate fingerprints as
they are difficult to fake but easy to use for lookup.  Postfix
lookup tables are in the form of (key, value) pairs.  Since we only
need the key, the value can be chosen freely, e.g.  the name of
the user or host:</p>


<p> Example: </p>
relay_clientcerts = hash:/etc/postfix/relay_clientcerts

<h3><a name="server_cipher">Server-side cipher controls</a> </h3>

<p> To influence the Postfix SMTP server cipher selection scheme,
you can give cipherlist string.  A detailed description would go
to far here, please refer to the openssl documentation.  If you
don't know what to do with it, simply don't touch it and leave the
(openssl-)compiled in default! </p>

<p> DO NOT USE " to enclose the string, specify just the string!!! </p>

<p> Example: </p>
smtpd_tls_cipherlist = DEFAULT

<p> If you want to take advantage of ciphers with EDH, DH parameters
are needed.  Instead of using the built-in DH parameters for both
1024bit and 512bit, it is better to generate "own" parameters,
since otherwise it would "pay" for a possible attacker to start a
brute force attack against parameters that are used by everybody.
For this reason, the parameters chosen are already different from
those distributed with other TLS packages. </p>

<p> To generate your own set of DH parameters, use: </p>

openssl gendh -out /etc/postfix/dh_1024.pem -2 -rand /var/run/egd-pool 1024
openssl gendh -out /etc/postfix/dh_512.pem -2 -rand /var/run/egd-pool 512

<p> Your source for "entropy" might vary; some systems have
/dev/random; on other systems you might consider the "Entropy
Gathering Daemon EGD", available at

<p> Examples: </p>
smtpd_tls_dh1024_param_file = /etc/postfix/dh_1024.pem
smtpd_tls_dh512_param_file = /etc/postfix/dh_512.pem

<h3><a name="server_misc"> Miscellaneous server controls</a> </h3>

<p> The smtpd_starttls_timeout parameter limits the time of Postfix
SMTP server write and read operations during TLS startup and shutdown
handshake procedures.  </p>

<p> Example: </p>
smtpd_starttls_timeout = 300s

<h2> <a name="client_tls">SMTP Client specific settings</a> </h2>

<p> Topics covered in this section: </p>


<li><a href="#client_cert_key">Client-side certificate and private
key configuration </a>

<li><a href="#client_logging"> Client-side TLS activity logging

<li><a href="#client_tls_cache">Client-side TLS session cache</a>

<li><a href="#client_tls"> Enabling TLS in the Postfix SMTP client </a>

<li><a href="#client_vrfy_server">Server certificate verification</a>

<li> <a href="#client_cipher">Client-side cipher controls </a>

<li> <a href="#client_misc"> Miscellaneous client controls </a>


<h3><a name="client_cert_key">Client-side certificate and private
key configuration </a> </h3>

During TLS startup negotiation the Postfix SMTP client may present
a certificate to the remote SMTP server.  The Netscape client is
rather clever here and lets the user select between only those
certificates that match CA certificates offered by the remote SMTP
server. As the Postfix SMTP client uses the "SSL_connect()" function
from the OpenSSL package, this is not possible and we have to choose
just one certificate.  So for now the default is to use _no_
certificate and key unless one is explicitly specified here. </p>

<p> Both RSA and DSA certificates are supported.  You can have both
at the same time, in which case the cipher used determines which
certificate is presented.  </p>

<p> It is possible for the Postfix SMTP client to use the same
key/certificate pair as the Postfix SMTP server.  If a certificate
is to be presented, it must be in "pem" format. The private key
must not be encrypted, meaning: it must be accessible without
password. Both parts (certificate and private key) may be in the
same file. </p>

<p> In order for remote SMTP servers to verify the Postfix SMTP
client certificates, the CA certificate (in case of a certificate
chain, all CA certificates) must be available.  You should add
these certificates to the client certificate, the client certificate
first, then the issuing CA(s). </p>

<p> Example: the certificate for "client.dom.ain" was issued by
"intermediate CA" which itself has a certificate of "root CA".
Create the client.pem file with: </p>

cat client_cert.pem intermediate_CA.pem root_CA.pem &gt; client.pem

<p> If you want the Postfix SMTP client to accept certificates
issued by these CAs, you can also add the CA certificates to the
smtp_tls_CAfile, in which case it is not necessary to have them in
the smtp_tls_cert_file or smtp_tls_dcert_file.  </p>

<p> A Postfix SMTP client certificate supplied here must be usable
as SSL client certificate and hence pass the "openssl verify -purpose
..." test. </p>

<p> RSA key and certificate examples: </p>
smtp_tls_cert_file = /etc/postfix/client.pem
smtp_tls_key_file = $smtp_tls_cert_file

<p> Their DSA counterparts: </p>

smtp_tls_dcert_file = /etc/postfix/client-dsa.pem
smtp_tls_dkey_file = $smtpd_tls_cert_file

<p> The Postfix SMTP client certificate was issued by a certification
authority (CA), the CA-cert of which must be provided with the CA
file if it is not already provided in the certificate file.  The
CA file may also contain the CA certificates of other trusted CAs.
You must use this file for the list of trusted CAs if you want to
use chroot-mode. No default is supplied for this value as of now.

<p> Example: </p>
smtp_tls_CAfile = /etc/postfix/CAcert.pem

<p> To verify a remote SMTP server certificate, the Postfix SMTP
client needs to know the certificates of the issuing certification
authorities. These certificates in "pem" format are collected in
a directory. Don't forget to create the necessary "hash" links with
$OPENSSL_HOME/bin/c_rehash /etc/postfix/certs. A typical place for
the CA certificates may also be $OPENSSL_HOME/certs, so there is
no default and you explicitly have to set the value here! </p>

<p> To use this option in chroot mode, this directory itself or a
copy of it must be inside the chroot jail. </p>

<p> Example: </p>
smtp_tls_CApath = /etc/postfix/certs

<h3><a name="client_logging"> Client-side TLS activity logging </a> </h3>

<p> To get additional information about Postfix SMTP client TLS
activity you can increase the loglevel from 0..4. Each logging
level also includes the information that is logged at a lower
logging level. </p>



<tr> <td> 0 </td> <td> Disable logging of TLS activity.</td> </tr>

<tr> <td> 1 </td> <td> Log TLS handshake and certificate information.
</td> </tr>

<tr> <td> 2 </td> <td> Log levels during TLS negotiation.  </td>

<tr> <td> 3 </td> <td> Log hexadecimal and ASCII dump of TLS
negotiation process </td> </tr>

<tr> <td> 4 </td> <td> Log hexadecimal and ASCII dump of complete
transmission after STARTTLS </td> </tr>



<p> Example: </p>
smtp_tls_loglevel = 0

<h3><a name="client_tls_cache">Client-side TLS session cache</a> </h3>

<p> The remote SMTP server and the Postfix SMTP client negotiate a
session, which takes some computer time and network bandwidth.  By
default, this session information is cached only in the smtp(8)
process actually using this session and is lost when the process
terminates.  To share the session information between multiple
smtp(8) processes, a persistent session cache can be used based on
the SDBM databases (routines included in Postfix/TLS). Since
concurrent writing must be supported, only SDBM can be used. </p>

<p> Example: </p>
smtp_tls_session_cache_database = sdbm:/etc/postfix/smtp_scache

<p> Cached Postfix SMTP client session information expires after
a certain amount of time.  Postfix/TLS does not use the OpenSSL
default of 300s, but a longer time of 3600s (=1 hour). RFC 2246
recommends a maximum of 24 hours.  </p>

<p> Example: </p>
smtp_tls_session_cache_timeout = 3600s

<h3><a name="client_tls"> Enabling TLS in the Postfix SMTP client </a>

<p> By default, TLS is disabled in the Postfix SMTP client, so no
difference to plain Postfix is visible.  If you enable TLS, the
Postfix SMTP client will send STARTTLS when TLS support is announced
by the remote SMTP server. </p>

<p> WARNING: MS Exchange servers will announce STARTTLS support
even when the service is not configured, so that the TLS handshake
will fail.  It may be wise to not use this option on your central
mail hub, as you don't know in advance whether you are going to
connect to such a host. Instead, use the smtp_tls_per_site
recipient/site specific options that are described below. </p>

<p> When the TLS handshake fails and no other server is available,
the Postfix SMTP client defers the delivery attempt, and the mail
stays in the queue.  </p>

<p> Example: </p>
smtp_use_tls = yes

<p> You can ENFORCE the use of TLS, so that the Postfix SMTP client
will not deliver mail over un-encrypted connections.  In this mode,
the remote SMTP server hostname must match the information in the
remote server certificate, and the server certificate must be issued
by a CA that is trusted by the Postfix SMTP client.  If the remote
server certificate doesn't verify or the remote SMTP server hostname
doesn't match, and no other server is available, the delivery
attempt is deferred and the mail stays in the queue.  </p>

<p> The remote SMTP server hostname used in the check is beyond
question, as it must be the principal hostname (no CNAME allowed
here). Checks are performed against all names provided as dNSNames
in the SubjectAlternativeName. If no dNSNames are specified, the
CommonName is checked.  The behavior may be changed with the
smtp_tls_enforce_peername option which is discussed below. </p>

<p> This option is useful only if you know that you will only
connect to servers that support RFC 2487 _and_ that present server
certificates that meet the above requirements.  An example would
be a client only sends email to one specific mailhub that offers
the necessary STARTTLS support.  </p>

<p> Example: </p>
smtp_enforce_tls = no

<p> As of RFC 2487 the requirements for hostname checking for MTA
clients are not set. When TLS is required (smtp_enforce_tls = yes),
the option smtp_tls_enforce_peername can be set to "no" to disable
strict remote SMTP server hostname checking. In this case, the mail
delivery will proceed regardless of the CommonName etc. listed in
the certificate. </p>

<p> Note: the smtp_tls_enforce_peername setting has no effect on
sessions that are controlled via the smtp_tls_per_site table.  </p>

<p>  Disabling the remote SMTP server hostname verification can
make sense in closed environment where special CAs are created.
If not used carefully, this option opens the danger of a
"man-in-the-middle" attack (the CommonName of this possible attacker
is logged). </p>

<p> Example: </p>
smtp_tls_enforce_peername = yes

<p> Generally, trying TLS can be a bad idea, as some servers offer
STARTTLS but the negotiation will fail leading to unexplainable
failures. Instead, it may be a good idea to choose the TLS usage
policy based on the recipient or the mailhub to which you are
connecting. </p>

<p> Deciding the TLS usage policy per recipient may be difficult,
since a single email delivery attempt can involve several recipients.
Instead, use of TLS is controlled by the Postfix next-hop destination
domain name and by the remote SMTP server hostname.  If either of these
matches an entry in the smtp_tls_per_site table, appropriate action
is taken.  </p>

<p> The remote SMTP server hostname is simply the DNS name of the
server that the Postfix SMTP client connects to.  The next-hop
destination is Postfix specific.  By default, this is the domain
name in the recipient address, but this information can be overruled
by the transport(5) table or by the relayhost parameter setting.
In these cases the relayhost etc. must be listed in the smtp_tls_per_site
table, instead of the recipient domain name. </p>

<p> Format of the table: domain or host names are specified on the
left-hand side; no wildcards are allowed.  On the right hand side
specify one of the following keywords:  </p>



<dt> NONE </dt> <dd> Don't use TLS at all. </dd>

<dt> MAY </dt> <dd> Try to use STARTTLS if offered,
otherwise use the un-encrypted connection. </dd>

<dt> MUST </dt> <dd> Require usage of STARTTLS, require that the
remote SMTP server hostname matches the information in the remote
SMTP server certificate, and require that the remote SMTP server
certificate was issued by a trusted CA. </dd>

<dt> MUST_NOPEERMATCH </dt> <dd> Require usage of STARTTLS, but do
not require that the remote SMTP server hostname matches the
information in the remote SMTP server certificate, or that the
server certificate was issued by a trusted CA. </dd>



<p> The actual TLS usage policy depends not only on whether the
next-hop destination or remote SMTP server hostname are found in
the smtp_tls_per_site table, but also on the smtp_enforce_tls
setting:  </p>


<li> <p> If no match was found, the policy is applied as specified
with smtp_enforce_tls. </p>

<li> <p> If a match was found, and the smtp_enforce_tls policy is
"enforce", NONE explicitly switches it off; otherwise the "enforce"
mode is used even for entries that specify MAY. </p>


<p> Special hint for TLS enforcement mode:  since no secure DNS
lookup mechanism is available, mail can be delivered to the wrong
remote SMTP server. This is not prevented by specifying MUST for
the next-hop domain name.  The recommended setup is:  specify local
transport(5) table entries for sensitive domains with explicit
smtp:[mailhost] destinations (since you can assure security of this
table unlike DNS), then specify MUST for these mail hosts in the
smtp_tls_per_site table. </p>

<!-- XXX What it we were to require that each MX host lists the
domain it is responsible for in its server certificate, and that
Postfix/TLS includes the next-hop domain name in the peer name
verification process? -->

<p> Example: </p>
smtp_tls_per_site = hash:/etc/postfix/tls_per_site

<p> As we decide on a "per site" basis whether or not to use TLS,
it would be good to have a list of sites that offered "STARTTLS".
We can collect it ourselves with this option. </p>

<p> If the smtp_tls_note_starttls_offer feature is enabled and a
server offers STARTTLS while TLS is not already enabled for that
server, the Postfix SMTP client logs a line as follows: </p>

postfix/smtp[pid]: Host offered STARTTLS: []

<p> Example: </p>
smtp_tls_note_starttls_offer = yes

<h3><a name="client_vrfy_server">Server certificate verification</a> </h3>

<p> When verifying a remote SMTP server certificate, a verification
depth of 1 is sufficient if the certificate is directly issued by
a CA specified with smtp_tls_CAfile or smtp_tls_CApath.  The default
value of 5 should also suffice for longer chains (root CA issues
special CA which then issues the actual certificate...) </p>

<p> Example: </p>
smtp_tls_scert_verifydepth = 5

<h3> <a name="client_cipher">Client-side cipher controls </a> </h3>

<p> To influence the Postfix SMTP client cipher selection scheme,
you can give cipherlist string.  A detailed description would go
to far here, please refer to the openssl documentation.  If you
don't know what to do with it, simply don't touch it and leave the
(openssl-)compiled in default! </p>

<p> DO NOT USE " to enclose the string, specify just the string!!! </p>

<p> Example: </p>
smtp_tls_cipherlist = DEFAULT

<h3> <a name="client_misc"> Miscellaneous client controls </a> </h3>

<p> The smtp_starttls_timeout parameter limits the time of Postfix
SMTP client write and read operations during TLS startup and shutdown
handshake procedures.  In case of problems the Postfix SMTP client
tries the next network address on the mail exchanger list, and
defers delivery if no alternative server is available. </p>

<p> Example: </p>
smtp_starttls_timeout = 300s

<h2><a name="tlsmgr_controls"> TLS manager specific settings </a> </h2>

<p> The security of cryptographic software such as TLS depends
critically on the ability to generate unpredictable numbers for
keys and other information. To this end, the tlsmgr(8) process
maintains a Pseudo Random Number Generator (PRNG) pool.  This is
a fixed-size 1024-byte exchange file that is read by the smtp(8)
and smtpd(8) processes when they initialize.  These processes also
add some more entropy to the file by stirring in their own time
and process id information.  </p>

<p> The tlsmgr(8) process creates the file if it does not already
exist, and rewrites the file at random time intervals with information
from its in-memory PRNG pool.  The default location is under the
Postfix configuration directory, which is not the proper place for
information that is modified by Postfix.  Instead, the file location
should probably be on the /var partition (but _not_ inside the
chroot jail).  </p>

<p> Example: </p>
tls_random_exchange_name = /etc/postfix/prng_exch

<p> In order to feed its in-memory PRNG pool, the tlsmgr(8) reads
entropy from an external source, both at startup and during run-time.
Specify a good entropy source, like EGD or /dev/urandom; be sure
to only use non-blocking sources.  If the entropy source is not a
regular file, you must prepend the source type to the source name:
"dev:" for a device special file, or "egd:" for a source with EGD
compatible socket interface.  </p>

<p> Examples (specify only one in </p>
tls_random_source = dev:/dev/urandom
tls_random_source = egd:/var/run/egd-pool

<p> By default, tlsmgr(8) reads 32 bytes from the external entropy
source at each seeding event.  This amount (256bits) is more than
sufficient for generating a 128bit symmetric key.  With EGD and
device entropy sources, the tlsmgr(8) limits the amount of data
read at each step to 255 bytes. If you specify a regular file as
entropy source, a larger amount of data can be read.  </p>

<p> Example: </p>
tls_random_bytes = 32

<p> In order to update its in-memory PRNG pool, the tlsmgr(8)
queries the external entropy source again after a random amount of
time. The time is calculated using the PRNG, and is between 0 and
the maximal time specified with tls_random_reseed_period.  The
default maximal time interval is 1 hour. </p>

<p> Example: </p>
tls_random_reseed_period = 3600s

<p> The tlsmgr(8) re-generates the 1024 byte seed exchange file
after a random amount of time.  The time is calculated using the
PRNG, and is between 0 and the maximal time specified with
tls_random_update_period.  The default maximal time interval is 60
seconds. </p>

<p> Example: </p>
tls_random_prng_update_period = 60s

<p> If you have an entropy source available that is not easily
drained (like /dev/urandom), the smtp(8) and smtpd(8) daemons can
load additional entropy on startup.  By default, an amount of 32
bytes is read, the equivalent to 256 bits. This is more than
sufficient to generate a 128bit (or 168bit) session key. However,
when Postfix needs to generate more than one key it can drain the
EGD. Consider the case of 50 smtp(8) processes starting up with a
full queue; this will request 1600bytes of entropy. This is however
not fatal, as long as "entropy" data can still be read from the
seed file that is maintained by tlsmgr(8). </p>

<p> Examples: </p>
tls_daemon_random_source = dev:/dev/urandom
tls_daemon_random_source = egd:/var/run/egd-pool
tls_daemon_random_bytes = 32

<h2> <a name="problems"> Reporting problems </a> </h2>

<p> When reporting a problem, please be thorough in the report.
Patches, when possible, are greatly appreciated too. </p>

<p> Please differentiate when possible between: </p>


<li> Problems in the IPv6 code: <>

<li> Problems in the TLS code: <>

<li> Problems in vanilla Postfix: <>


<h2><a name="credits">Credits </a> </h2>


<li> TLS support for Postfix was originally developed by  Lutz
J&auml;nicke at Cottbus Technical University.

<li> This part of the documentation was compiled by Wietse Venema


