## # Copyright (c) 1999 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved. # # @APPLE_LICENSE_HEADER_START@ # # The contents of this file constitute Original Code as defined in and # are subject to the Apple Public Source License Version 1.1 (the # "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance with the # License. Please obtain a copy of the License at # http://www.apple.com/publicsource and read it before using this file. # # This Original Code and all software distributed under the License are # distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER # EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, AND APPLE HEREBY DISCLAIMS ALL SUCH WARRANTIES, # INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR NON-INFRINGEMENT. Please see the # License for the specific language governing rights and limitations # under the License. # # @APPLE_LICENSE_HEADER_END@ ## # # install.make # # Rules for installing the product in its final destination. Installation # takes place in three stages. The first stage is to install the # products from the current project. The next stage is to recursively perform # post-install processing on every subproject. Finally, the destination is # chowned and chrooted. # # PUBLIC TARGETS # install: installs the product and any public or private header # files into their final destination. # # IMPORTED VARIABLES # PRODUCTS: products to install. All of these products will be placed in # the directory $(DSTROOT)$(INSTALLDIR) # INSTALL_AS_USER: owner of the intalled products (default root) # INSTALL_AS_GROUP: group of the installed products (default wheel) # INSTALL_PERMISSIONS: permissions of the installed product (default o+rX) # BEFORE_INSTALL: targets to build before installing the product # AFTER_INSTALL: targets to build after installing the product # BEFORE_POSTINSTALL: targets to build before postinstalling every subproject # AFTER_POSTINSTALL: targts to build after postinstalling every subproject # INSTALLDIR: final destination for installed products # .PHONY: install install-products install-hook .PHONY: postinstall recursive-postinstall local-postinstall # # Variable definitions # ifneq "YES" "$(BUILD_OFILES_LIST_ONLY)" ACTUAL_INSTALL = install-products install-projtype-specific-products ACTUAL_POSTINSTALL = strip-binaries install-headers else ACTUAL_INSTALL = ACTUAL_POSTINSTALL = install-headers endif ifeq "$(OS)" "MACOS" STRIPFLAGS = -S endif ifeq "$(OS)" "NEXTSTEP" STRIPFLAGS = -S endif # # RDW 04/15/1999 -- Changed the strip flag used on Solaris # and HP-UX during install. # ifeq "$(PLATFORM_TYPE)" "PDO_UNIX" STRIPFLAGS = -x endif ALL_STRIPFLAGS = $(STRIPFLAGS) $(PROJTYPE_STRIPFLAGS) $(OTHER_STRIPFLAGS) INSTALLED_PRODUCTS = $(addprefix $(DSTROOT)$(INSTALLDIR)/, $(notdir $(PRODUCTS))) ifeq "YES" "$(JAVA_USED)" INSTALLED_JAVA_PRODUCT = $(JAVA_DSTROOT)$(JAVA_INSTALL_DIR)/$(JAVA_PRODUCT) INSTALLED_JAVA_PRODUCT_CLIENT = $(JAVA_DSTROOT_CLIENT)$(JAVA_INSTALL_DIR_CLIENT)/$(JAVA_PRODUCT_CLIENT) endif ifeq "" "$(INSTALL_AS_USER)" INSTALL_AS_USER = root endif ifeq "" "$(INSTALL_AS_GROUP)" ifeq "MACOS" "$(OS)" INSTALL_AS_GROUP = wheel else ifeq "NEXTSTEP" "$(OS)" INSTALL_AS_GROUP = wheel else INSTALL_AS_GROUP = bin endif endif endif ifeq "" "$(INSTALL_PERMISSIONS)" INSTALL_PERMISSIONS = o+rX endif # # First we do local installation, then we recursively do postinstallation # ifneq "YES" "$(SUPPRESS_BUILD)" ifeq ($(OS)-$(REINSTALLING)-$(STRIP_ON_INSTALL), WINDOWS--YES) install: all $(MAKE) reinstall-stripped REINSTALLING=YES else install: local-install postinstall finish-install endif postinstall: local-postinstall recursive-postinstall recursive-postinstall: local-postinstall recursive-postinstall: $(RECURSABLE_DIRS:%=postinstall@%) ifndef RECURSING postinstall local-postinstall recursive-postinstall: local-install $(RECURSABLE_DIRS:%=postinstall@%): local-install endif endif # # Local installation # local-install: announce-install validate-install $(BEFORE_INSTALL) $(ACTUAL_INSTALL) $(ACTUAL_INSTALL): announce-install validate-install $(BEFORE_INSTALL) $(BEFORE_INSTALL): announce-install validate-install local-postinstall: announce-postinstall $(BEFORE_POSTINSTALL) $(ACTUAL_POSTINSTALL) $(AFTER_POSTINSTALL) $(AFTER_POSTINSTALL): announce-postinstall $(BEFORE_POSTINSTALL) $(ACTUAL_POSTINSTALL) $(ACTUAL_POSTINSTALL): announce-postinstall $(BEFORE_POSTINSTALL) $(BEFORE_POSTINSTALL): announce-postinstall # # before we do anything we announce our intentions # announce-install: $(SILENT) $(ECHO) Installing product... announce-postinstall: ifndef RECURSING $(SILENT) $(ECHO) Performing post-installation processing... else $(SILENT) $(ECHO) $(RECURSIVE_ELLIPSIS)in $(NAME) endif # # We must ensure that we know where to put things # validate-install: ifneq "YES" "$(BUILD_OFILES_LIST_ONLY)" ifeq "" "$(INSTALLDIR)" $(SILENT) $(ECHO) install.make: error: INSTALLDIR variable not defined $(SILENT) exit 1 endif ifeq "WINDOWS" "$(OS)" ifneq "1" "$(words $(subst :, ,$(INSTALLDIR)))" ifneq "" "$(DSTROOT)" $(SILENT) $(ECHO) install.make: error: DSTROOT specified and INSTALLDIR defines a drive letter $(SILENT) exit 1 endif endif endif endif # # Actual installation is a matter of copying the product # to the destination area # ifneq "" "$(INSTALLED_PRODUCTS)" install-products: $(DSTROOT)$(INSTALLDIR) -$(CHMOD) -R +w $(INSTALLED_PRODUCTS) $(RM) -rf $(INSTALLED_PRODUCTS) ($(CD) $(PRODUCT_DIR) && $(TAR) cf - $(notdir $(PRODUCTS))) | ($(CD) $(DSTROOT)$(INSTALLDIR) && $(TAR) xf -) else install-products: endif install-projtype-specific-products: # # after installing we must strip the binaries # ifneq "$(STRIPPED_PRODUCTS)" "" ifdef STRIP strip-binaries: ifneq "$(STRIP_ON_INSTALL)" "NO" -$(STRIP) $(ALL_STRIPFLAGS) $(subst $(PRODUCT_DIR),$(DSTROOT)$(INSTALLDIR),$(STRIPPED_PRODUCTS)) ifneq "$(STRIPPED_PROFILED_PRODUCTS)" "" -$(SILENT) if [ -f $(subst $(PRODUCT_DIR),$(DSTROOT)$(INSTALLDIR),$(STRIPPED_PROFILED_PRODUCTS)) ] ; then \ cmd="$(STRIP) $(ALL_STRIPFLAGS) $(subst $(PRODUCT_DIR),$(DSTROOT)$(INSTALLDIR),$(STRIPPED_PROFILED_PRODUCTS))" ; \ $(ECHO) $$cmd ; eval $$cmd ; \ fi endif endif endif endif # # To ensure that header files are correct, use the rules # from installhdrs.make # install-headers: local-installhdrs # # then we finish installing and chmod/chown things # finish-install: change-permissions $(AFTER_INSTALL) change-java-permissions convert-bundle $(AFTER_INSTALL): change-permissions ifneq "" "$(INSTALLED_PRODUCTS)" change-permissions: ifdef CHMOD -$(CHMOD) -R ugo-w $(INSTALLED_PRODUCTS) -$(CHMOD) -R $(INSTALL_PERMISSIONS) $(INSTALLED_PRODUCTS) endif ifdef CHGRP -$(CHGRP) -R $(INSTALL_AS_GROUP) $(INSTALLED_PRODUCTS) endif ifdef CHOWN -$(CHOWN) -R $(INSTALL_AS_USER) $(INSTALLED_PRODUCTS) endif else change-permissions: endif change-java-permissions: change-java-perms change-java-perms-client ifneq "" "$(INSTALLED_JAVA_PRODUCT)" ifdef JAVA_DSTROOT change-java-perms: ifdef CHMOD -$(SILENT) if [ ! -z "$(JAVA_INSTALL_DIR)" -a -d "$(JAVA_DSTROOT)$(JAVA_INSTALL_DIR)" ]; then \ $(ECHO) $(CHMOD) -R ugo-w $(INSTALLED_JAVA_PRODUCT); \ $(CHMOD) -R ugo-w $(INSTALLED_JAVA_PRODUCT); \ $(ECHO) $(CHMOD) -R $(INSTALL_PERMISSIONS) $(INSTALLED_JAVA_PRODUCT); \ $(CHMOD) -R $(INSTALL_PERMISSIONS) $(INSTALLED_JAVA_PRODUCT); \ fi endif ifdef CHGRP -$(SILENT) if [ ! -z "$(JAVA_INSTALL_DIR)" -a -d "$(JAVA_DSTROOT)$(JAVA_INSTALL_DIR)" ]; then \ $(ECHO) $(CHGRP) -R $(INSTALL_AS_GROUP) $(INSTALLED_JAVA_PRODUCT); \ $(CHGRP) -R $(INSTALL_AS_GROUP) $(INSTALLED_JAVA_PRODUCT); \ fi endif ifdef CHOWN -$(SILENT) if [ ! -z "$(JAVA_INSTALL_DIR)" -a -d "$(JAVA_DSTROOT)$(JAVA_INSTALL_DIR)" ]; then \ $(ECHO) $(CHOWN) -R $(INSTALL_AS_USER) $(INSTALLED_JAVA_PRODUCT); \ $(CHOWN) -R $(INSTALL_AS_USER) $(INSTALLED_JAVA_PRODUCT); \ fi endif else change-java-perms: endif else change-java-perms: endif ifneq "" "$(INSTALLED_JAVA_PRODUCT_CLIENT)" ifdef JAVA_DSTROOT_CLIENT change-java-perms-client: ifdef CHMOD -$(SILENT) if [ ! -z "$(JAVA_INSTALL_DIR_CLIENT)" -a -d "$(JAVA_DSTROOT_CLIENT)$(JAVA_INSTALL_DIR_CLIENT)" ]; then \ $(ECHO) $(CHMOD) -R ugo-w $(INSTALLED_JAVA_PRODUCT_CLIENT); \ $(CHMOD) -R ugo-w $(INSTALLED_JAVA_PRODUCT_CLIENT); \ $(ECHO) $(CHMOD) -R $(INSTALL_PERMISSIONS) $(INSTALLED_JAVA_PRODUCT_CLIENT); \ $(CHMOD) -R $(INSTALL_PERMISSIONS) $(INSTALLED_JAVA_PRODUCT_CLIENT); \ fi endif ifdef CHGRP -$(SILENT) if [ ! -z "$(JAVA_INSTALL_DIR_CLIENT)" -a -d "$(JAVA_DSTROOT_CLIENT)$(JAVA_INSTALL_DIR_CLIENT)" ]; then \ $(ECHO) $(CHGRP) -R $(INSTALL_AS_GROUP) $(INSTALLED_JAVA_PRODUCT_CLIENT); \ $(CHGRP) -R $(INSTALL_AS_GROUP) $(INSTALLED_JAVA_PRODUCT_CLIENT); \ fi endif ifdef CHOWN -$(SILENT) if [ ! -z "$(JAVA_INSTALL_DIR_CLIENT)" -a -d "$(JAVA_DSTROOT_CLIENT)$(JAVA_INSTALL_DIR_CLIENT)" ]; then \ $(ECHO) $(CHOWN) -R $(INSTALL_AS_USER) $(INSTALLED_JAVA_PRODUCT_CLIENT); \ $(CHOWN) -R $(INSTALL_AS_USER) $(INSTALLED_JAVA_PRODUCT_CLIENT); \ fi endif else change-java-perms-client: endif else change-java-perms-client: endif # # Support for converting "bundles" (.app, .palette, .framework, # and .bundle directory wrappers) from the old OpenStep/Yellow/Cocoa-MacOSXServer structure # to the new structure for MacOS X # # BUNDLE_STYLE controls on a per-project basis if the project wants to use # the new structure. # PROJTYPE_CONVERT_BUNDLE is set by the various project type specific makefiles if the # project type wants to use the new structure. It should be only set if the OS is MACOSX ifeq "YES" "$(CONVERT_BUNDLE_BACKDOOR)" PROJTYPE_CONVERT_BUNDLE = YES endif ifeq "YES" "$(PROJTYPE_CONVERT_BUNDLE)" ifeq "MACOSX" "$(BUNDLE_STYLE)" convert-bundle: $(MAKEFILEDIR)/convertBundle $(INSTALLED_PRODUCTS) else convert-bundle: endif else convert-bundle: endif # # rule for creating directories # $(DSTROOT)$(INSTALLDIR): $(SILENT) $(MKDIRS) $@ ifeq "$(OS)" "WINDOWS" include $(MAKEFILEDIR)/reinstall.make endif