hashtable2.mm   [plain text]

 * Copyright (c) 1999-2008 Apple Inc.  All Rights Reserved.
 * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
 * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
 * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
 * compliance with the License. Please obtain a copy of the License at
 * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this
 * file.
 * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
 * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
 * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
 * limitations under the License.
  	Copyright 1989-1996 NeXT Software, Inc.
	Created by Bertrand Serlet, Feb 89

#include "objc-private.h"
#include "hashtable2.h"

/* In order to improve efficiency, buckets contain a pointer to an array or directly the data when the array size is 1 */
typedef union {
    const void	*one;
    const void	**many;
    } oneOrMany;
    /* an optimization consists of storing directly data when count = 1 */
typedef struct	{
    unsigned 	count; 
    oneOrMany	elements;
    } HashBucket;
    /* private data structure; may change */
 *	Macros and utilities

static unsigned log2u (unsigned x) { return (x<2) ? 0 : log2u (x>>1)+1; };

#define	PTRSIZE		sizeof(void *)

#   define	ZONE_FROM_PTR(p) NULL
#   define	ALLOCTABLE(z)	((NXHashTable *) malloc (sizeof (NXHashTable)))
#   define	ALLOCBUCKETS(z,nb)((HashBucket *) calloc (nb, sizeof (HashBucket)))
/* Return interior pointer so a table of classes doesn't look like objects */
#   define	ALLOCPAIRS(z,nb) (1+(const void **) calloc (nb+1, sizeof (void *)))
#   define	FREEPAIRS(p) (free((void*)(-1+p)))
#   define	DEFAULT_ZONE	 malloc_default_zone()
#   define	ZONE_FROM_PTR(p) malloc_zone_from_ptr(p)
#   define	ALLOCTABLE(z)	((NXHashTable *) malloc_zone_malloc ((malloc_zone_t *)z,sizeof (NXHashTable)))
#   define	ALLOCBUCKETS(z,nb)((HashBucket *) malloc_zone_calloc ((malloc_zone_t *)z, nb, sizeof (HashBucket)))
/* Return interior pointer so a table of classes doesn't look like objects */
#   define	ALLOCPAIRS(z,nb) (1+(const void **) malloc_zone_calloc ((malloc_zone_t *)z, nb+1, sizeof (void *)))
#   define	FREEPAIRS(p) (free((void*)(-1+p)))

    /* nbBuckets must be a power of 2 */
#   define BUCKETOF(table, data) (((HashBucket *)table->buckets)+((*table->prototype->hash)(table->info, data) & (table->nbBuckets-1)))
#   define GOOD_CAPACITY(c) (c <= 1 ? 1 : 1 << (log2u (c-1)+1))
#   define MORE_CAPACITY(b) (b*2)
    /* iff necessary this modulo can be optimized since the nbBuckets is of the form 2**n-1 */
#   define	BUCKETOF(table, data) (((HashBucket *)table->buckets)+((*table->prototype->hash)(table->info, data) % table->nbBuckets))
    static unsigned exp2m1 (unsigned x) { return (1 << x) - 1; };
#   define GOOD_CAPACITY(c) (exp2m1 (log2u (c)+1))
#   define MORE_CAPACITY(b) (b*2+1)

#define ISEQUAL(table, data1, data2) ((data1 == data2) || (*table->prototype->isEqual)(table->info, data1, data2))
	/* beware of double evaluation */
 *	Global data and bootstrap
static int isEqualPrototype (const void *info, const void *data1, const void *data2) {
    NXHashTablePrototype	*proto1 = (NXHashTablePrototype *) data1;
    NXHashTablePrototype	*proto2 = (NXHashTablePrototype *) data2;
    return (proto1->hash == proto2->hash) && (proto1->isEqual == proto2->isEqual) && (proto1->free == proto2->free) && (proto1->style == proto2->style);
static uintptr_t hashPrototype (const void *info, const void *data) {
    NXHashTablePrototype	*proto = (NXHashTablePrototype *) data;
    return NXPtrHash(info, (void*)proto->hash) ^ NXPtrHash(info, (void*)proto->isEqual) ^ NXPtrHash(info, (void*)proto->free) ^ (uintptr_t) proto->style;

void NXNoEffectFree (const void *info, void *data) {};

static NXHashTablePrototype protoPrototype = {
    hashPrototype, isEqualPrototype, NXNoEffectFree, 0

static NXHashTable *prototypes = NULL;
	/* table of all prototypes */

static void bootstrap (void) {
    prototypes = ALLOCTABLE (DEFAULT_ZONE);
    prototypes->prototype = &protoPrototype; 
    prototypes->count = 1;
    prototypes->nbBuckets = 1; /* has to be 1 so that the right bucket is 0 */
    prototypes->buckets = ALLOCBUCKETS(DEFAULT_ZONE, 1);
    prototypes->info = NULL;
    ((HashBucket *) prototypes->buckets)[0].count = 1;
    ((HashBucket *) prototypes->buckets)[0].elements.one = &protoPrototype;

int NXPtrIsEqual (const void *info, const void *data1, const void *data2) {
    return data1 == data2;

 *	On z'y va

NXHashTable *NXCreateHashTable (NXHashTablePrototype prototype, unsigned capacity, const void *info) {
    return NXCreateHashTableFromZone(prototype, capacity, info, DEFAULT_ZONE);

NXHashTable *NXCreateHashTableFromZone (NXHashTablePrototype prototype, unsigned capacity, const void *info, void *z) {
    NXHashTable			*table;
    NXHashTablePrototype	*proto;
    table = ALLOCTABLE(z);
    if (! prototypes) bootstrap ();
    if (! prototype.hash) prototype.hash = NXPtrHash;
    if (! prototype.isEqual) prototype.isEqual = NXPtrIsEqual;
    if (! prototype.free) prototype.free = NXNoEffectFree;
    if (prototype.style) {
	_objc_inform ("*** NXCreateHashTable: invalid style\n");
	return NULL;
    proto = (NXHashTablePrototype *)NXHashGet (prototypes, &prototype); 
    if (! proto) {
            = (NXHashTablePrototype *) malloc(sizeof (NXHashTablePrototype));
	bcopy ((const char*)&prototype, (char*)proto, sizeof (NXHashTablePrototype));
    	(void) NXHashInsert (prototypes, proto);
	proto = (NXHashTablePrototype *)NXHashGet (prototypes, &prototype);
	if (! proto) {
	    _objc_inform ("*** NXCreateHashTable: bug\n");
	    return NULL;
    table->prototype = proto; table->count = 0; table->info = info;
    table->nbBuckets = GOOD_CAPACITY(capacity);
    table->buckets = ALLOCBUCKETS(z, table->nbBuckets);
    return table;

static void freeBucketPairs (void (*freeProc)(const void *info, void *data), HashBucket bucket, const void *info) {
    unsigned	j = bucket.count;
    const void	**pairs;
    if (j == 1) {
	(*freeProc) (info, (void *) bucket.elements.one);
    pairs = bucket.elements.many;
    while (j--) {
	(*freeProc) (info, (void *) *pairs);
	pairs ++;
    FREEPAIRS (bucket.elements.many);
static void freeBuckets (NXHashTable *table, int freeObjects) {
    unsigned		i = table->nbBuckets;
    HashBucket		*buckets = (HashBucket *) table->buckets;
    while (i--) {
	if (buckets->count) {
	    freeBucketPairs ((freeObjects) ? table->prototype->free : NXNoEffectFree, *buckets, table->info);
	    buckets->count = 0;
	    buckets->elements.one = NULL;
void NXFreeHashTable (NXHashTable *table) {
    freeBuckets (table, YES);
    free (table->buckets);
    free (table);
void NXEmptyHashTable (NXHashTable *table) {
    freeBuckets (table, NO);
    table->count = 0;

void NXResetHashTable (NXHashTable *table) {
    freeBuckets (table, YES);
    table->count = 0;

BOOL NXCompareHashTables (NXHashTable *table1, NXHashTable *table2) {
    if (table1 == table2) return YES;
    if (NXCountHashTable (table1) != NXCountHashTable (table2)) return NO;
    else {
	void		*data;
	NXHashState	state = NXInitHashState (table1);
	while (NXNextHashState (table1, &state, &data)) {
	    if (! NXHashMember (table2, data)) return NO;
	return YES;

NXHashTable *NXCopyHashTable (NXHashTable *table) {
    NXHashTable		*newt;
    NXHashState		state = NXInitHashState (table);
    void		*data;
    __unused void	*z = ZONE_FROM_PTR(table);
    newt = ALLOCTABLE(z);
    newt->prototype = table->prototype; newt->count = 0;
    newt->info = table->info;
    newt->nbBuckets = table->nbBuckets;
    newt->buckets = ALLOCBUCKETS(z, newt->nbBuckets);
    while (NXNextHashState (table, &state, &data))
        NXHashInsert (newt, data);
    return newt;

unsigned NXCountHashTable (NXHashTable *table) {
    return table->count;

int NXHashMember (NXHashTable *table, const void *data) {
    HashBucket	*bucket = BUCKETOF(table, data);
    unsigned	j = bucket->count;
    const void	**pairs;
    if (! j) return 0;
    if (j == 1) {
    	return ISEQUAL(table, data, bucket->elements.one);
    pairs = bucket->elements.many;
    while (j--) {
	/* we don't cache isEqual because lists are short */
    	if (ISEQUAL(table, data, *pairs)) return 1; 
	pairs ++;
    return 0;

void *NXHashGet (NXHashTable *table, const void *data) {
    HashBucket	*bucket = BUCKETOF(table, data);
    unsigned	j = bucket->count;
    const void	**pairs;
    if (! j) return NULL;
    if (j == 1) {
    	return ISEQUAL(table, data, bucket->elements.one)
	    ? (void *) bucket->elements.one : NULL; 
    pairs = bucket->elements.many;
    while (j--) {
	/* we don't cache isEqual because lists are short */
    	if (ISEQUAL(table, data, *pairs)) return (void *) *pairs; 
	pairs ++;
    return NULL;

unsigned _NXHashCapacity (NXHashTable *table) {
    return table->nbBuckets;

void _NXHashRehashToCapacity (NXHashTable *table, unsigned newCapacity) {
    /* Rehash: we create a pseudo table pointing really to the old guys,
    extend self, copy the old pairs, and free the pseudo table */
    NXHashTable	*old;
    NXHashState	state;
    void	*aux;
    __unused void *z = ZONE_FROM_PTR(table);
    old = ALLOCTABLE(z);
    old->prototype = table->prototype; old->count = table->count; 
    old->nbBuckets = table->nbBuckets; old->buckets = table->buckets;
    table->nbBuckets = newCapacity;
    table->count = 0; table->buckets = ALLOCBUCKETS(z, table->nbBuckets);
    state = NXInitHashState (old);
    while (NXNextHashState (old, &state, &aux))
	(void) NXHashInsert (table, aux);
    freeBuckets (old, NO);
    if (old->count != table->count)
	_objc_inform("*** hashtable: count differs after rehashing; probably indicates a broken invariant: there are x and y such as isEqual(x, y) is TRUE but hash(x) != hash (y)\n");
    free (old->buckets); 
    free (old);

static void _NXHashRehash (NXHashTable *table) {
    _NXHashRehashToCapacity (table, MORE_CAPACITY(table->nbBuckets));

void *NXHashInsert (NXHashTable *table, const void *data) {
    HashBucket	*bucket = BUCKETOF(table, data);
    unsigned	j = bucket->count;
    const void	**pairs;
    const void	**newt;
    __unused void *z = ZONE_FROM_PTR(table);
    if (! j) {
	bucket->count++; bucket->elements.one = data; 
	return NULL;
    if (j == 1) {
    	if (ISEQUAL(table, data, bucket->elements.one)) {
	    const void	*old = bucket->elements.one;
	    bucket->elements.one = data;
	    return (void *) old;
	newt = ALLOCPAIRS(z, 2);
	newt[1] = bucket->elements.one;
	*newt = data;
	bucket->count++; bucket->elements.many = newt; 
	if (table->count > table->nbBuckets) _NXHashRehash (table);
	return NULL;
    pairs = bucket->elements.many;
    while (j--) {
	/* we don't cache isEqual because lists are short */
    	if (ISEQUAL(table, data, *pairs)) {
	    const void	*old = *pairs;
	    *pairs = data;
	    return (void *) old;
	pairs ++;
    /* we enlarge this bucket; and put new data in front */
    newt = ALLOCPAIRS(z, bucket->count+1);
    if (bucket->count) bcopy ((const char*)bucket->elements.many, (char*)(newt+1), bucket->count * PTRSIZE);
    *newt = data;
    FREEPAIRS (bucket->elements.many);
    bucket->count++; bucket->elements.many = newt; 
    if (table->count > table->nbBuckets) _NXHashRehash (table);
    return NULL;

void *NXHashInsertIfAbsent (NXHashTable *table, const void *data) {
    HashBucket	*bucket = BUCKETOF(table, data);
    unsigned	j = bucket->count;
    const void	**pairs;
    const void	**newt;
    __unused void *z = ZONE_FROM_PTR(table);
    if (! j) {
	bucket->count++; bucket->elements.one = data; 
	return (void *) data;
    if (j == 1) {
    	if (ISEQUAL(table, data, bucket->elements.one))
	    return (void *) bucket->elements.one;
	newt = ALLOCPAIRS(z, 2);
	newt[1] = bucket->elements.one;
	*newt = data;
	bucket->count++; bucket->elements.many = newt; 
	if (table->count > table->nbBuckets) _NXHashRehash (table);
	return (void *) data;
    pairs = bucket->elements.many;
    while (j--) {
	/* we don't cache isEqual because lists are short */
    	if (ISEQUAL(table, data, *pairs))
	    return (void *) *pairs;
	pairs ++;
    /* we enlarge this bucket; and put new data in front */
    newt = ALLOCPAIRS(z, bucket->count+1);
    if (bucket->count) bcopy ((const char*)bucket->elements.many, (char*)(newt+1), bucket->count * PTRSIZE);
    *newt = data;
    FREEPAIRS (bucket->elements.many);
    bucket->count++; bucket->elements.many = newt; 
    if (table->count > table->nbBuckets) _NXHashRehash (table);
    return (void *) data;

void *NXHashRemove (NXHashTable *table, const void *data) {
    HashBucket	*bucket = BUCKETOF(table, data);
    unsigned	j = bucket->count;
    const void	**pairs;
    const void	**newt;
    __unused void *z = ZONE_FROM_PTR(table);
    if (! j) return NULL;
    if (j == 1) {
	if (! ISEQUAL(table, data, bucket->elements.one)) return NULL;
	data = bucket->elements.one;
	table->count--; bucket->count--; bucket->elements.one = NULL;
	return (void *) data;
    pairs = bucket->elements.many;
    if (j == 2) {
    	if (ISEQUAL(table, data, pairs[0])) {
	    bucket->elements.one = pairs[1]; data = pairs[0];
	else if (ISEQUAL(table, data, pairs[1])) {
	    bucket->elements.one = pairs[0]; data = pairs[1];
	else return NULL;
	FREEPAIRS (pairs);
	table->count--; bucket->count--;
	return (void *) data;
    while (j--) {
    	if (ISEQUAL(table, data, *pairs)) {
	    data = *pairs;
	    /* we shrink this bucket */
	    newt = (bucket->count-1) 
		? ALLOCPAIRS(z, bucket->count-1) : NULL;
	    if (bucket->count-1 != j)
		    bcopy ((const char*)bucket->elements.many, (char*)newt, PTRSIZE*(bucket->count-j-1));
	    if (j)
		    bcopy ((const char*)(bucket->elements.many + bucket->count-j), (char*)(newt+bucket->count-j-1), PTRSIZE*j);
	    FREEPAIRS (bucket->elements.many);
	    table->count--; bucket->count--; bucket->elements.many = newt;
	    return (void *) data;
	pairs ++;
    return NULL;

NXHashState NXInitHashState (NXHashTable *table) {
    NXHashState	state;
    state.i = table->nbBuckets;
    state.j = 0;
    return state;
int NXNextHashState (NXHashTable *table, NXHashState *state, void **data) {
    HashBucket		*buckets = (HashBucket *) table->buckets;
    while (state->j == 0) {
	if (state->i == 0) return NO;
	state->i--; state->j = buckets[state->i].count;
    buckets += state->i;
    *data = (void *) ((buckets->count == 1) 
    		? buckets->elements.one : buckets->elements.many[state->j]);
    return YES;

 *	Conveniences

uintptr_t NXPtrHash (const void *info, const void *data) {
    return (((uintptr_t) data) >> 16) ^ ((uintptr_t) data);
uintptr_t NXStrHash (const void *info, const void *data) {
    register uintptr_t	hash = 0;
    register unsigned char	*s = (unsigned char *) data;
    /* unsigned to avoid a sign-extend */
    /* unroll the loop */
    if (s) for (; ; ) { 
	if (*s == '\0') break;
	hash ^= (uintptr_t) *s++;
	if (*s == '\0') break;
	hash ^= (uintptr_t) *s++ << 8;
	if (*s == '\0') break;
	hash ^= (uintptr_t) *s++ << 16;
	if (*s == '\0') break;
	hash ^= (uintptr_t) *s++ << 24;
    return hash;
int NXStrIsEqual (const void *info, const void *data1, const void *data2) {
    if (data1 == data2) return YES;
    if (! data1) return ! strlen ((char *) data2);
    if (! data2) return ! strlen ((char *) data1);
    if (((char *) data1)[0] != ((char *) data2)[0]) return NO;
    return (strcmp ((char *) data1, (char *) data2)) ? NO : YES;
void NXReallyFree (const void *info, void *data) {
    free (data);

/* All the following functions are really private, made non-static only for the benefit of shlibs */
static uintptr_t hashPtrStructKey (const void *info, const void *data) {
    return NXPtrHash(info, *((void **) data));

static int isEqualPtrStructKey (const void *info, const void *data1, const void *data2) {
    return NXPtrIsEqual (info, *((void **) data1), *((void **) data2));

static uintptr_t hashStrStructKey (const void *info, const void *data) {
    return NXStrHash(info, *((char **) data));

static int isEqualStrStructKey (const void *info, const void *data1, const void *data2) {
    return NXStrIsEqual (info, *((char **) data1), *((char **) data2));

const NXHashTablePrototype NXPtrPrototype = {
    NXPtrHash, NXPtrIsEqual, NXNoEffectFree, 0

const NXHashTablePrototype NXStrPrototype = {
    NXStrHash, NXStrIsEqual, NXNoEffectFree, 0

const NXHashTablePrototype NXPtrStructKeyPrototype = {
    hashPtrStructKey, isEqualPtrStructKey, NXReallyFree, 0

const NXHashTablePrototype NXStrStructKeyPrototype = {
    hashStrStructKey, isEqualStrStructKey, NXReallyFree, 0

 *	Unique strings

#if !__OBJC2__  &&  !TARGET_OS_WIN32

/* the implementation could be made faster at the expense of memory if the size of the strings were kept around */
static NXHashTable *uniqueStrings = NULL;

/* this is based on most apps using a few K of strings, and an average string size of 15 using sqrt(2*dataAlloced*perChunkOverhead) */
#define CHUNK_SIZE	360

static int accessUniqueString = 0;

static char		*z = NULL;
static size_t	zSize = 0;
static mutex_t		lock = MUTEX_INITIALIZER;

static const char *CopyIntoReadOnly (const char *str) {
    size_t	len = strlen (str) + 1;
    char	*result;
    if (len > CHUNK_SIZE/2) {	/* dont let big strings waste space */
	result = (char *)malloc (len);
	bcopy (str, result, len);
	return result;

    mutex_lock (&lock);
    if (zSize < len) {
	zSize = CHUNK_SIZE *((len + CHUNK_SIZE - 1) / CHUNK_SIZE);
	/* not enough room, we try to allocate.  If no room left, too bad */
	z = (char *)malloc (zSize);
    result = z;
    bcopy (str, result, len);
    z += len;
    zSize -= len;
    mutex_unlock (&lock);
    return result;
NXAtom NXUniqueString (const char *buffer) {
    const char	*previous;
    if (! buffer) return buffer;
    if (! uniqueStrings)
    	uniqueStrings = NXCreateHashTable (NXStrPrototype, 0, NULL);
    previous = (const char *) NXHashGet (uniqueStrings, buffer);
    if (previous) return previous;
    previous = CopyIntoReadOnly (buffer);
    if (NXHashInsert (uniqueStrings, previous)) {
	_objc_inform ("*** NXUniqueString: invariant broken\n");
	return NULL;
    return previous;

NXAtom NXUniqueStringNoCopy (const char *string) {
    if (! uniqueStrings)
    	uniqueStrings = NXCreateHashTable (NXStrPrototype, 0, NULL);
    return (const char *) NXHashInsertIfAbsent (uniqueStrings, string);

#define BUF_SIZE	256

NXAtom NXUniqueStringWithLength (const char *buffer, int length) {
    NXAtom	atom;
    char	*nullTermStr;
    char	stackBuf[BUF_SIZE];

    if (length+1 > BUF_SIZE)
	nullTermStr = (char *)malloc (length+1);
	nullTermStr = stackBuf;
    bcopy (buffer, nullTermStr, length);
    nullTermStr[length] = '\0';
    atom = NXUniqueString (nullTermStr);
    if (length+1 > BUF_SIZE)
	free (nullTermStr);
    return atom;

char *NXCopyStringBufferFromZone (const char *str, void *zone) {
    return strdup(str);
    return strcpy ((char *) malloc_zone_malloc((malloc_zone_t *)zone, strlen (str) + 1), str);
char *NXCopyStringBuffer (const char *str) {
    return strdup(str);
