Interactive.m   [plain text]

 * Copyright (c) 1999 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
 * "Portions Copyright (c) 1999 Apple Computer, Inc.  All Rights
 * Reserved.  This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of
 * Original Code as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public
 * Source License Version 1.0 (the 'License').  You may not use this file
 * except in compliance with the License.  Please obtain a copy of the
 * License at and read it before using
 * this file.
 * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
 * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
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 * under the License."

 * Interactive.m
 * Interactive command-line for lookupd.
 * Copyright (c) 1995, NeXT Computer Inc.
 * All rights reserved.
 * Written by Marc Majka

#import <NetInfo/config.h>
#import <objc/objc-runtime.h>
#import "LUGlobal.h"
#import "LUPrivate.h"
#import "Controller.h"
#import "Config.h"
#import "LUDictionary.h"
#import "LUArray.h"
#import "LUServer.h"
#import "Thread.h"
#import "MemoryWatchdog.h"
#import <unistd.h>
#import <stdlib.h>
#import <stdio.h>
#import <string.h>
#import <sgtty.h>
#import <setjmp.h>
#import <sys/signal.h>
#import <arpa/inet.h>
#import <NetInfo/dsutil.h>

int oldflags;
struct ltchars termc;
struct sgttyb iobasic;
jmp_buf jmpenv;

#define forever for (;;)

extern void lock_threads(void);
extern void unlock_threads(void);

@interface LUServer (LUServerPrivate)
- (LUAgent *)agentNamed:(char *)name;

static id askMe = nil;

void oldterm(void)
	iobasic.sg_flags = oldflags; 

	termc.t_suspc = 26;
	termc.t_dsuspc = 25;

void newterm(void)
	oldflags = iobasic.sg_flags; 
	iobasic.sg_flags |= CBREAK; 
	iobasic.sg_flags &= ~ECHO; 

	termc.t_suspc = -1;
	termc.t_dsuspc = -1;

void printlist(FILE *out, int size, int items, char **list)
	int rows, cols, i, j, x, y, len, n;
	char blank[256];
	for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) blank[i] = ' ';

	size += 1;
	cols = 79 / size;
	rows = items / cols;
	if (items > (rows * cols)) rows++;
	cols = items / rows;
	if (items > (rows * cols)) cols++;

	n = rows * cols;
	y = -1;
	x = 0;

	for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
		if (!(i % cols))
			fprintf(out, "\n");
			x = y;
		if (x < items)
			len = strlen(list[x]);
			j = (size - len) + 1;
			blank[j] = '\0';
			fprintf(out, "%s%s", list[x], blank);
			blank[j] = ' ';
		x += rows;

void helpcom(FILE *out, char **w, int f, int l)
	int max, i, len, n;

	max = 0;
	for (i = f; i <= l; i++)
		len = strlen(w[i]);
		if (len > max) max = len;

	n = (l - f) + 1;

	printlist(out, max, n, w+f);

int try_match(FILE *out, int *f, int *l, int *s, int *p, int *n, char **clist, char *cmd)
	int i, k, tf, tl;
	char *fent, *lent;

	if (*p == 0) return(0);
	tf = *f; 
	tl = *l;
	k = *p + 1;
	fent = clist[tf];
	lent = clist[tl];

	for (i = *s + 1; i < k; i++)
		fent = clist[tf];
		while ((tf < tl) && (strncmp(cmd, fent, i) > 0)) fent = clist[++tf];
		lent = clist[tl];
		while ((tl > tf) && (strncmp(cmd, lent, i) < 0)) lent = clist[--tl];

	if (tf == tl)
		if (strncmp(cmd, fent, *p) == 0)
			*f = tf; *l = tl; *s = *p; *n = tf;
			i = *s;
			while ((i < *p) && (cmd[i] == fent[i])) i++;
			cmd[i] = '\0';
			k = i;
			for (; i < *p; i++) printf("\b \b");
			*p = k;
		i = *p;
		while (fent[i] == lent[i])
			cmd[i] = fent[i];
			fprintf(out, "%c", cmd[i++]);
		cmd[i] = '\0';
		*f = tf; *l = tl; *p = i; *s = *p;

int getcom(FILE *in, FILE *out, char **clist, int ncmd, char *prompt)
	int cn, first, last, match, endpt, start, i, c;
	char *entry, cmd[256];

	match = endpt = start = first = 0;
	last = ncmd - 1;
	cmd[0] = '\0';
	fprintf(out, "%s", prompt); 
	while (!match)
		c = getc(in);

			case '\04': /* ^D */
			case '?':
				match = try_match(out, &first, &last, &start, &endpt, &cn, clist, cmd);
				if (!match)
					fprintf(out, "\b \b");
					helpcom(out, clist, first, last);
					fprintf(out, "\n%s%s", prompt, cmd); 
				else {
					entry = clist[cn];
					for (i = endpt; entry[i] != '\0'; i++) 
						fprintf(out, "%c", entry[i]);

			case '\03': /* ^C */

			case '\033': /* ESC */
			case ' ': /* blank */
			case '\t':  /* tab */
				match = try_match(out, &first, &last, &start, &endpt, &cn, clist, cmd);
				if (match) {
					entry = clist[cn];
					for (i = endpt; entry[i] != '\0'; i++) 
						fprintf(out, "%c", entry[i]);
				else fprintf(out, "%c", 7);

			case '\r': /* return */
			case '\n': /* newline */
				match = try_match(out, &first, &last, &start, &endpt, &cn, clist, cmd);
				if (streq(clist[first], cmd)) {
					cn = first;
					match = 1;
				if (!match) fprintf(out, "%c", 7);

			case '\b': /* backspace */
			case 127:	/* DEL */
				if (endpt > 0) {
					fprintf(out, "\b \b");
					cmd[endpt] = '\0';
				start = first = 0;
				last = ncmd - 1;

			case '\025':  /* ^U */
				for (i = 0; i < endpt; i++) fprintf(out, "\b \b");
				match = endpt = start = first = 0;
				last = ncmd - 1;
				cmd[0] = '\0';

			default: /* anything else */
				fprintf(out, "%c", c);
				cmd[endpt++] = c;
				cmd[endpt] = '\0';

void put_char(FILE *out, char c)
	if (c > 31)
		if (c == 127) fprintf(out, "^?");
		else fprintf(out, "%c", c);
	else fprintf(out, "^%c", c+64);

char *get_string(FILE *in, FILE *out, char *prompt)
	char c;
	static char str[256];
	int i;

	fprintf(out, "%s", prompt);

	i = 0;
	str[i] = '\0';
	while ('\n' != (c = getc(in)))
		switch (c)
			case '\b': /* backspace */
			case 127:	/* DEL */
			if (i > 0)
				if (str[i-1] < 32 || str[i-1] == 127) fprintf(out, "\b \b");
				str[--i] = '\0';
				fprintf(out, "\b \b");
			case '\025':  /* ^U */
			for (i--; i > 0; i--)
				if (str[i-1] < 32 || str[i-1] == 127) fprintf(out, "\b \b");
				fprintf(out, "\b \b");
			str[0] = '\0';
			put_char(out, c);
			str[i++] = c;
	str[i] = '\0';

void printDictionary(FILE *out, LUDictionary *d)
	if (d == nil) fprintf(out, "nil\n");
	else [d print:out];

void printArray(FILE *out, LUArray *a)
	if (a == nil) fprintf(out, "nil\n");
	else [a print:out];

void catchsig(int i)
	longjmp(jmpenv, 1);

void dohelp(FILE *in, FILE *out, int proc, char **commands)
	if (proc < 0) return;

	if (streq(commands[proc], "agent"))
		fprintf(out, "\n");
		fprintf(out, "usage: agent name\n\n");
		fprintf(out, "Uses only the named lookup agent for subsequent lookups.\n");
		fprintf(out, "The normalLookupOrder command may be used to restore the\n");
		fprintf(out, "normal search order.\n");

	else if (streq(commands[proc], "aliasWithName"))
		fprintf(out, "\n");
		fprintf(out, "usage: aliasWithName name\n\n");
		fprintf(out, "Looks up the named e-mail alias.\n");
	else if (streq(commands[proc], "allAliases"))
		fprintf(out, "\n");
		fprintf(out, "usage: allAliases\n\n");
		fprintf(out, "Looks up all known e-mail aliases.\n");
	else if (streq(commands[proc], "allBootparams"))
		fprintf(out, "\n");
		fprintf(out, "usage: allBootparams\n\n");
		fprintf(out, "Looks up all known bootparams entries.\n");
		fprintf(out, "Note that entries for hosts with no set bootparams\n");
		fprintf(out, "will also be printed, so this command will list all\n");
		fprintf(out, "known hosts.\n");
	else if (streq(commands[proc], "allGroups"))
		fprintf(out, "\n");
		fprintf(out, "usage: allGroups\n\n");
		fprintf(out, "Looks up all known groups.\n");
	else if (streq(commands[proc], "allGroupsWithUser"))
		fprintf(out, "\n");
		fprintf(out, "usage: allGroupsWithUser name\n\n");
		fprintf(out, "Looks up all groups having the named user as a member.\n");

	else if (streq(commands[proc], "allHosts"))
		fprintf(out, "\n");
		fprintf(out, "usage: allHosts\n\n");
		fprintf(out, "Looks up all known hosts.\n");
	else if (streq(commands[proc], "allItemsWithCategory"))
		fprintf(out, "\n");
		fprintf(out, "usage: allItemsWithCategory category\n\n");
		fprintf(out, "Looks up all items with the given category.\n");
	else if (streq(commands[proc], "allMounts"))
		fprintf(out, "\n");
		fprintf(out, "usage: allMounts\n\n");
		fprintf(out, "Looks up all known NFS mounts.\n");
	else if (streq(commands[proc], "allNetworks"))
		fprintf(out, "\n");
		fprintf(out, "usage: allNetworks\n\n");
		fprintf(out, "Looks up all known networks.\n");
	else if (streq(commands[proc], "allPrinters"))
		fprintf(out, "\n");
		fprintf(out, "usage: allPrinters\n\n");
		fprintf(out, "Looks up all known printers and FAX modems.\n");
	else if (streq(commands[proc], "allProtocols"))
		fprintf(out, "\n");
		fprintf(out, "usage: allProtocols\n\n");
		fprintf(out, "Looks up all known protocols.\n");
	else if (streq(commands[proc], "allRpcs"))
		fprintf(out, "\n");
		fprintf(out, "usage: allRpcs\n\n");
		fprintf(out, "Looks up all known rpcs.\n");
	else if (streq(commands[proc], "allServices"))
		fprintf(out, "\n");
		fprintf(out, "usage: allServices\n\n");
		fprintf(out, "Looks up all known TCP and UDP services.\n");
	else if (streq(commands[proc], "allUsers"))
		fprintf(out, "\n");
		fprintf(out, "usage: allUsers\n\n");
		fprintf(out, "Looks up all known users.\n");

	else if (streq(commands[proc], "bootpWithEthernetAddress"))
		fprintf(out, "\n");
		fprintf(out, "usage: bootpWithEthernetAddress en_address\n\n");
		fprintf(out, "Looks up bootp information for the host with the given\n");
		fprintf(out, "Ethernet address.  Addresses should be in the format:\n");
		fprintf(out, "    XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX\n");
		fprintf(out, "Leading zeros in a pair of hex digits may be omitted.\n");
	else if (streq(commands[proc], "bootpWithInternetAddress"))
		fprintf(out, "\n");
		fprintf(out, "usage: bootpWithInternetAddress ip_address\n\n");
		fprintf(out, "Looks up bootp information for the host with the given\n");
		fprintf(out, "Internet address.  Addresses should be specified in\n");
		fprintf(out, "dotted decimal notation.\n");

	else if (streq(commands[proc], "bootparamsWithName"))
		fprintf(out, "\n");
		fprintf(out, "usage: bootparamsWithName name\n\n");
		fprintf(out, "Looks up bootparams information for the host with the \n");
		fprintf(out, "given name.\n");
	else if (streq(commands[proc], "configuration"))
		fprintf(out, "\n");
		fprintf(out, "Prints configuration.\n");

	else if (streq(commands[proc], "flushCache"))
		fprintf(out, "\n");
		fprintf(out, "Removes all cached information from the internal cache.\n");

	else if (streq(commands[proc], "groupWithName"))
		fprintf(out, "\n");
		fprintf(out, "usage: groupWithName name\n\n");
		fprintf(out, "Looks up the user group with the given name.\n");
	else if (streq(commands[proc], "groupWithNumber"))
		fprintf(out, "\n");
		fprintf(out, "usage: groupWithNumber gid\n\n");
		fprintf(out, "Looks up the user group with the given group ID number.\n");

	else if (streq(commands[proc], "help"))
		fprintf(out, "\n");
		fprintf(out, "This is lookupd's interactive query and testing facility.\n");
		fprintf(out, "From the \">\" prompt, you may enter commands that invoke\n");
		fprintf(out, "all of lookupd's internal lookup routines, plus a few other\n");
		fprintf(out, "routines that are useful for testing your configuration.\n");
		fprintf(out, "\n");
		fprintf(out, "A brief help message is available for each command.  Enter\n");
		fprintf(out, "the command name at the \"help>\" prompt for information\n");
		fprintf(out, "about that command.\n");
		fprintf(out, "\n");
		fprintf(out, "Command completion is available.  Pressing ESC, space, tab,\n");
		fprintf(out, "or return will complete the command as you type.  Control-u\n");
		fprintf(out, "clears the command. Control-c aborts the command.  A \"?\"\n");
		fprintf(out, "will print all possible completions.\n");
		fprintf(out, "\n");
		fprintf(out, "Lookup results are printed to the terminal.  The listing\n");
		fprintf(out, "includes the data retrieved, statistics about the\n");
		fprintf(out, "information source, and internal cache statistics.\n");

	else if (streq(commands[proc], "hostWithEthernetAddress"))
		fprintf(out, "\n");
		fprintf(out, "usage: hostWithEthernetAddress en_address\n\n");
		fprintf(out, "Looks up the host with the given Ethernet address.\n");
		fprintf(out, "Addresses should be in the format:\n");
		fprintf(out, "    XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX\n");
		fprintf(out, "Leading zeros in a pair of hex digits may be omitted.\n");
	else if (streq(commands[proc], "hostWithInternetAddress"))
		fprintf(out, "\n");
		fprintf(out, "usage: hostWithInternetAddress ip_address\n\n");
		fprintf(out, "Looks up the host with the given Internet address.\n");
		fprintf(out, "Addresses should be specified in dotted decimal notation.\n");
	else if (streq(commands[proc], "hostWithName"))
		fprintf(out, "\n");
		fprintf(out, "usage: hostWithName name\n\n");
		fprintf(out, "Looks up the host with the given name.\n");
	else if (streq(commands[proc], "inNetgroup"))
		fprintf(out, "\n");
		fprintf(out, "usage: inNetgroup group host user domain\n\n");
		fprintf(out, "Determines whether the given (host, user, domain)\n");
		fprintf(out, "is a member of the specified netgroup.  the value\n");
		fprintf(out, "for host, user, or domain may be \"-\" to signify\n");
		fprintf(out, "no value for that field.  Prints \"YES\" or \"NO\".\n");

	else if (streq(commands[proc], "isNetwareEnabled"))
		fprintf(out, "\n");
		fprintf(out, "usage: isNetwareEnabled\n\n");
		fprintf(out, "Determines whether netware is enabled.\n");

	else if (streq(commands[proc], "isSecurityEnabledForOption"))
		fprintf(out, "\n");
		fprintf(out, "usage: isSecurityEnabledForOption option\n\n");
		fprintf(out, "Determines whether the given security option is enabled.\n");

	else if (streq(commands[proc], "itemWithKey"))
		fprintf(out, "\n");
		fprintf(out, "usage: itemWithKey key val cat\n\n");
		fprintf(out, "Looks up the item with the given key and value\n");
		fprintf(out, "of the specified category\n");

	else if (streq(commands[proc], "memory"))
		fprintf(out, "\n");
		fprintf(out, "usage: memory\n\n");
		fprintf(out, "Reports on memory usage.  Columns are\n");
		fprintf(out, "reference_number, retain count, \"*\" if cached, address, and description.\n");
		fprintf(out, "Description may be D-0x<addr> or A-0x<addr> for dictionaries and arrays.\n");
	else if (streq(commands[proc], "mountWithName"))
		fprintf(out, "\n");
		fprintf(out, "usage: mountWithName name\n\n");
		fprintf(out, "Looks up the NFS mount with the given name.\n");
	else if (streq(commands[proc], "netgroupWithName"))
		fprintf(out, "\n");
		fprintf(out, "usage: netgroupWithName name\n\n");
		fprintf(out, "Looks up the netgroup with the given name.\n");
	else if (streq(commands[proc], "networkWithInternetAddress"))
		fprintf(out, "\n");
		fprintf(out, "usage: networkWithInternetAddress address\n\n");
		fprintf(out, "Looks up the network with the given Internet address.\n");
		fprintf(out, "Addresses should be specified in dotted decimal notation.\n");
	else if (streq(commands[proc], "networkWithName"))
		fprintf(out, "\n");
		fprintf(out, "usage: networkWithName name\n\n");
		fprintf(out, "Looks up the network with the given name.\n");
	else if (streq(commands[proc], "normalLookupOrder"))
		fprintf(out, "\n");
		fprintf(out, "Resets the interactive command interpretor to use lookupd's\n");
		fprintf(out, "normal lookup order - either the default order, or that\n");
		fprintf(out, "specified by lookupd's configuration information.  This\n");
		fprintf(out, "command resets the action of the \"agent\" command.\n");

	else if (streq(commands[proc], "printerWithName"))
		fprintf(out, "\n");
		fprintf(out, "usage: printerWithName name\n\n");
		fprintf(out, "Looks up the printer or FAX modem with the given name.\n");
	else if (streq(commands[proc], "protocolWithName"))
		fprintf(out, "\n");
		fprintf(out, "usage: protocolWithName name\n\n");
		fprintf(out, "Looks up the protocol with the given name.\n");
	else if (streq(commands[proc], "protocolWithNumber"))
		fprintf(out, "\n");
		fprintf(out, "usage: protocolWithNumber number\n\n");
		fprintf(out, "Looks up the protocol with the given number.\n");
	else if (streq(commands[proc], "reset"))
		fprintf(out, "\n");
		fprintf(out, "usage: reset\n\n");
		fprintf(out, "Resets configuration.\n");
	else if (streq(commands[proc], "rpcWithName"))
		fprintf(out, "\n");
		fprintf(out, "usage: rpcWithName name\n\n");
		fprintf(out, "Looks up the rpc with the given name.\n");
	else if (streq(commands[proc], "rpcWithNumber"))
		fprintf(out, "\n");
		fprintf(out, "usage: rpcWithNumber number\n\n");
		fprintf(out, "Looks up the rpc with the given number.\n");

	else if (streq(commands[proc], "serviceWithName"))
		fprintf(out, "\n");
		fprintf(out, "usage: serviceWithName name protocol\n\n");
		fprintf(out, "Looks up the service with the given name and protocol.\n");
		fprintf(out, "The value for protocol may be \"tcp\", \"udp\", or \"-\" to\n");
		fprintf(out, "signify no value (first match).\n");
	else if (streq(commands[proc], "serviceWithNumber"))
		fprintf(out, "\n");
		fprintf(out, "usage: serviceWithNumber number protocol\n\n");
		fprintf(out, "Looks up the service with the given number and protocol.\n");
		fprintf(out, "The value for protocol may be \"tcp\", \"udp\", or \"-\" to\n");
		fprintf(out, "signify no value (first match).\n");

	else if (streq(commands[proc], "showMemoryObject"))
		fprintf(out, "\n");
		fprintf(out, "usage: showMemoryObject number\n\n");
		fprintf(out, "Prints the object with the given index (as given by the.\n");
		fprintf(out, "\"memory\" command).");

	else if (streq(commands[proc], "statistics"))
		fprintf(out, "\n");
		fprintf(out, "Prints statistics for lookupd, or for the current\n");
		fprintf(out, "agent if preceeded by the \"agent\" command.\n");

	else if (streq(commands[proc], "statisticsForAgent"))
		fprintf(out, "\n");
		fprintf(out, "usage: statisticsForAgent name\n\n");
		fprintf(out, "Prints statistics the named agent.\n");

	else if (streq(commands[proc], "threads"))
		fprintf(out, "\n");
		fprintf(out, "Prints current thread activity.\n");

	else if (streq(commands[proc], "userWithName"))
		fprintf(out, "\n");
		fprintf(out, "usage: userWithName name\n\n");
		fprintf(out, "Looks up the user with the given name.\n");
	else if (streq(commands[proc], "userWithNumber"))
		fprintf(out, "\n");
		fprintf(out, "usage: userWithNumber uid\n\n");
		fprintf(out, "Looks up the user with the given user ID number.\n");
		fprintf(out, "\n");
		fprintf(out, "Unknown command!\n");

void help(FILE *in, FILE *out, char **commands)
	int n, len;

	len = listLength(commands);

	fprintf(out, "\n");
	fprintf(out, "Enter command name, \"help\" for general help, or \"quit\" to exit help\n");

		n = getcom(stdin, stdout, commands, len, "help> ");
		if (n < 0)
			fprintf(out, "\n");

		if (streq(commands[n], "quit")) break;
		dohelp(in, out, n, commands);
		fprintf(out, "\n");

	fprintf(out, "\n");

void doproc(FILE *in, FILE *out, int proc, char **commands)
	LUDictionary *dict;
	LUArray *list;
	LUServer *server;
	LUServer *tserver;
	int i, len;
	BOOL resultIsList;
	BOOL test;
	LUAgent *agent;
	id ask;
	char *name, *host, *user, *domain, *proto;
	char *key, *val, *cat;
	Thread *t;
	unsigned long ts;

	if (proc < 0) return;
	if (streq(commands[proc], "help"))
		help(in, out, commands);

	server = nil;

	if (streq(commands[proc], "memory"));
	else if (streq(commands[proc], "flushCache"));
	else if (streq(commands[proc], "normalLookupOrder"));
	else if (streq(commands[proc], "reset"));
	else if (streq(commands[proc], "showMemoryObject"));
		server = [controller checkOutServer];
		if (server == nil)
			fprintf(out, "Internal error: can't check out a server!\n");

	list = nil;
	dict = nil;
	resultIsList = NO;

	ask = askMe;
	if (ask == nil) ask = server;

	if (streq(commands[proc], "agent"))
		agent = [server agentNamed:get_string(in, out, ": ")];
		fprintf(out, "\n");

		if (agent == nil)
			fprintf(out, "No such agent\n");

		askMe = agent;

	else if (streq(commands[proc], "aliasWithName"))
		dict = [ask itemWithKey:"name" value:get_string(in, out, ": ") category:LUCategoryAlias];
		fprintf(out, "\n");
	else if (streq(commands[proc], "allAliases"))
		fprintf(out, "\n");
		list = [ask allItemsWithCategory:LUCategoryAlias];
		resultIsList = YES;
	else if (streq(commands[proc], "allBootparams"))
		fprintf(out, "\n");
		list = [ask allItemsWithCategory:LUCategoryBootparam];
		resultIsList = YES;
	else if (streq(commands[proc], "allGroups"))
		fprintf(out, "\n");
		list = [ask allItemsWithCategory:LUCategoryGroup];
		resultIsList = YES;
	else if (streq(commands[proc], "allGroupsWithUser"))
		list = [ask allGroupsWithUser:get_string(in, out, ": ")];
		fprintf(out, "\n");
		resultIsList = YES;

	else if (streq(commands[proc], "allHosts"))
		fprintf(out, "\n");
		list = [ask allItemsWithCategory:LUCategoryHost];
		resultIsList = YES;
	else if (streq(commands[proc], "allItemsWithCategory"))
		cat = copyString(get_string(in, out, ": "));
		fprintf(out, "\n");
		i = [LUAgent categoryWithName:cat];
		list = nil;
		if (i == -1) fprintf(out, "Unknown category\n");
		else list = [ask allItemsWithCategory:(LUCategory)i];
		resultIsList = YES;
	else if (streq(commands[proc], "allMounts"))
		fprintf(out, "\n");
		list = [ask allItemsWithCategory:LUCategoryMount];
		resultIsList = YES;
	else if (streq(commands[proc], "allNetworks"))
		fprintf(out, "\n");
		list = [ask allItemsWithCategory:LUCategoryNetwork];
		resultIsList = YES;
	else if (streq(commands[proc], "allPrinters"))
		fprintf(out, "\n");
		list = [ask allItemsWithCategory:LUCategoryPrinter];
		resultIsList = YES;
	else if (streq(commands[proc], "allProtocols"))
		fprintf(out, "\n");
		list = [ask allItemsWithCategory:LUCategoryProtocol];
		resultIsList = YES;
	else if (streq(commands[proc], "allRpcs"))
		fprintf(out, "\n");
		list = [ask allItemsWithCategory:LUCategoryRpc];
		resultIsList = YES;
	else if (streq(commands[proc], "allServices"))
		fprintf(out, "\n");
		list = [ask allItemsWithCategory:LUCategoryService];
		resultIsList = YES;
	else if (streq(commands[proc], "allUsers"))
		fprintf(out, "\n");
		list = [ask allItemsWithCategory:LUCategoryUser];
		resultIsList = YES;

	else if (streq(commands[proc], "bootpWithEthernetAddress"))
		dict = [ask itemWithKey:"en_address" value:get_string(in, out, ": ") category:LUCategoryBootp];
		fprintf(out, "\n");
	else if (streq(commands[proc], "bootpWithInternetAddress"))
		dict = [ask itemWithKey:"ip_address" value:get_string(in, out, ": ") category:LUCategoryBootp];
		fprintf(out, "\n");
	else if (streq(commands[proc], "bootparamsWithName"))
		dict = [ask itemWithKey:"name" value:get_string(in, out, ": ") category:LUCategoryBootparam];
		fprintf(out, "\n");
	else if (streq(commands[proc], "configuration"))
		fprintf(out, "\n");
		list = [configManager config];
		resultIsList = YES;
	else if (streq(commands[proc], "flushCache"))
		fprintf(out, "\n");
		[controller flushCache];

	else if (streq(commands[proc], "groupWithName"))
		dict = [ask itemWithKey:"name" value:get_string(in, out, ": ") category:LUCategoryGroup];
		fprintf(out, "\n");
	else if (streq(commands[proc], "groupWithNumber"))
		dict = [ask itemWithKey:"gid" value:get_string(in, out, ": ") category:LUCategoryGroup];
		fprintf(out, "\n");

	else if (streq(commands[proc], "hostWithEthernetAddress"))
		dict = [ask itemWithKey:"en_address" value:get_string(in, out, ": ") category:LUCategoryHost];
		fprintf(out, "\n");
	else if (streq(commands[proc], "hostWithInternetAddress"))
		dict = [ask itemWithKey:"ip_address" value:get_string(in, out, ": ") category:LUCategoryHost];
		fprintf(out, "\n");
	else if (streq(commands[proc], "hostWithName"))
		dict = [ask itemWithKey:"name" value:get_string(in, out, ": ") category:LUCategoryHost];
		fprintf(out, "\n");
	else if (streq(commands[proc], "inNetgroup"))
		name = copyString(get_string(in, out, ": "));
		host = copyString(get_string(in, out, " host: "));
		user = copyString(get_string(in, out, " user: "));
		domain = copyString(get_string(in, out, " domain: "));
		fprintf(out, "\n");

		if (streq(host, "-"))
			host = NULL;
		if (streq(user, "-"))
			user = NULL;
		if (streq(domain, "-"))
			domain = NULL;

		test = [ask inNetgroup:name host:host user:user domain:domain];
		freeString(name); name = NULL;
		freeString(host); host = NULL;
		freeString(user); user = NULL;
		freeString(domain); domain = NULL;
		fprintf(out, "%s\n", test ? "YES" : "NO");
		[controller checkInServer:server];

	else if (streq(commands[proc], "isNetwareEnabled"))
		fprintf(out, "\n");
		test = [server isNetwareEnabled];
		fprintf(out, "%s\n", test ? "YES" : "NO");
		[controller checkInServer:server];

	else if (streq(commands[proc], "isSecurityEnabledForOption"))
		test = [server isSecurityEnabledForOption:get_string(in, out, ": ")];
		fprintf(out, "\n");
		fprintf(out, "%s\n", test ? "YES" : "NO");
		[controller checkInServer:server];

	else if (streq(commands[proc], "itemWithKey"))
		key = copyString(get_string(in, out, ": "));
		val = copyString(get_string(in, out, " value: "));
		cat = copyString(get_string(in, out, " category: "));
		fprintf(out, "\n");
		i = [LUAgent categoryWithName:cat];
		dict = nil;
		if (i == -1) fprintf(out, "Unknown category\n");
		else dict = [ask itemWithKey:key value:val category:(LUCategory)i];

		fprintf(out, "\n");
	else if (streq(commands[proc], "memory"))
		fprintf(out, "\n");
		[rover showMemory:out];
	else if (streq(commands[proc], "mountWithName"))
		dict = [ask itemWithKey:"name" value:get_string(in, out, ": ") category:LUCategoryMount];
		fprintf(out, "\n");
	else if (streq(commands[proc], "netgroupWithName"))
		/* XXX domain doesn't print */
		dict = [ask itemWithKey:"name" value:get_string(in, out, ": ") category:LUCategoryNetgroup];
		fprintf(out, "\n");
	else if (streq(commands[proc], "networkWithInternetAddress"))
		dict = [ask itemWithKey:"address" value:get_string(in, out, ": ") category:LUCategoryNetwork];
		fprintf(out, "\n");
	else if (streq(commands[proc], "networkWithName"))
		dict = [ask itemWithKey:"name" value:get_string(in, out, ": ") category:LUCategoryNetwork];
		fprintf(out, "\n");
	else if (streq(commands[proc], "normalLookupOrder"))
		fprintf(out, "\n");
		if (askMe != nil) [askMe release];
		askMe = nil;
		fprintf(out, "Using normal lookup order\n");

	else if (streq(commands[proc], "printerWithName"))
		dict = [ask itemWithKey:"name" value:get_string(in, out, ": ") category:LUCategoryPrinter];
		fprintf(out, "\n");
	else if (streq(commands[proc], "protocolWithName"))
		dict = [ask itemWithKey:"name" value:get_string(in, out, ": ") category:LUCategoryProtocol];
		fprintf(out, "\n");
	else if (streq(commands[proc], "protocolWithNumber"))
		dict = [ask itemWithKey:"number" value:get_string(in, out, ": ") category:LUCategoryProtocol];
		fprintf(out, "\n");
	else if (streq(commands[proc], "reset"))
		[controller reset];
	else if (streq(commands[proc], "rpcWithName"))
		dict = [ask itemWithKey:"name" value:get_string(in, out, ": ") category:LUCategoryRpc];
		fprintf(out, "\n");
	else if (streq(commands[proc], "rpcWithNumber"))
		dict = [ask itemWithKey:"number" value:get_string(in, out, ": ") category:LUCategoryRpc];
		fprintf(out, "\n");

	else if (streq(commands[proc], "serviceWithName"))
		name = copyString(get_string(in, out, ": "));
		proto = copyString(get_string(in, out, " protocol: "));
		fprintf(out, "\n");
		if (streq(proto, "-"))
			proto = NULL;
		dict = [ask serviceWithName:name protocol:proto];
		fprintf(out, "\n");
	else if (streq(commands[proc], "showMemoryObject"))
		i = atoi(get_string(in, out, ": "));
		fprintf(out, "\n");
		[rover printObject:i file:out];
	else if (streq(commands[proc], "serviceWithNumber"))
		i = atoi(get_string(in, out, ": "));
		proto = copyString(get_string(in, out, " protocol: "));
		fprintf(out, "\n");
		if (streq(proto, "-"))
			proto = NULL;
		dict = [ask serviceWithNumber:&i protocol:proto];

	else if (streq(commands[proc], "statistics"))
		fprintf(out, "\n");
		/* retain stats since we don't want to *really* free it */
		dict = statistics;
		if (dict != nil) [dict retain];

	else if (streq(commands[proc], "statisticsForAgent"))
		agent = [server agentNamed:get_string(in, out, ": ")];
		fprintf(out, "\n");
		if (agent != nil)
			dict = [agent statistics];
			if (dict != nil) [dict retain];

	else if (streq(commands[proc], "threads"))
		fprintf(out, "\n");
		i = 0;
		t = [Thread threadAtIndex:i];
		while (t != nil)
			fprintf(out, "%3d ", i);
			name = (char *)[t name];
			test = NO;
			len = 0;
			agent = nil;
			if (name == NULL)
				fprintf(out, "-thread %d-", i);
				len = strlen("-thread x-");
				if (i > 9) len++;
				if (i > 99) len++;
				fprintf(out, "%s", name);
				len = strlen(name);
				if (!strncmp(name, "IPC Server ", 11)) test = YES;

			ts = [t state];
			for(; len < 15; len++) fprintf(out, " ");
			switch (ts)
				case ThreadStateTerminal: fprintf(out, "exiting     "); break;
				case ThreadStateInitial:  fprintf(out, "initializing"); break;
				case ThreadStateIdle:     fprintf(out, "idle        "); break;
				case ThreadStateActive:   fprintf(out, "active      "); break;
				case ThreadStateSleeping: fprintf(out, "sleeping    "); break;
				default: fprintf(out, "unknown %3lu", [t state]);
			if (test && (ts == ThreadStateActive))
				tserver = [t data];
				if (tserver != nil)
					agent = [tserver currentAgent];
					name = [tserver currentCall];
				if ((agent != nil) && (name != NULL))
					fprintf(out, " %s %s", [agent name], name);
			fprintf(out, "\n");
			t = [Thread threadAtIndex:i];

	else if (streq(commands[proc], "userWithName"))
		dict = [ask itemWithKey:"name" value:get_string(in, out, ": ") category:LUCategoryUser];
		fprintf(out, "\n");
	else if (streq(commands[proc], "userWithNumber"))
		dict = [ask itemWithKey:"uid" value:get_string(in, out, ": ") category:LUCategoryUser];
		fprintf(out, "\n");

		fprintf(out, "\nUnknown command: %s\n", commands[proc]);
		[controller checkInServer:server];

	[controller checkInServer:server];

	if (resultIsList)
		printArray(out, list);
		[list release];
		printDictionary(out, dict);
		[dict release];

void interactive(FILE *in, FILE *out)
	char **commands = NULL;
	int n, len;

	commands = appendString("agent", commands);
	commands = appendString("aliasWithName", commands);
	commands = appendString("allAliases", commands);
	commands = appendString("allBootparams", commands);
	commands = appendString("allGroups", commands);
	commands = appendString("allGroupsWithUser", commands);
	commands = appendString("allHosts", commands);
	commands = appendString("allItemsWithCategory", commands);
	commands = appendString("allMounts", commands);
	commands = appendString("allNetworks", commands);
	commands = appendString("allPrinters", commands);
	commands = appendString("allProtocols", commands);
	commands = appendString("allRpcs", commands);
	commands = appendString("allServices", commands);
	commands = appendString("allUsers", commands);
	commands = appendString("bootpWithEthernetAddress", commands);
	commands = appendString("bootpWithInternetAddress", commands);
	commands = appendString("bootparamsWithName", commands);
	commands = appendString("configuration", commands);
	commands = appendString("flushCache", commands);
	commands = appendString("groupWithName", commands);
	commands = appendString("groupWithNumber", commands);
	commands = appendString("help", commands);
	commands = appendString("hostWithEthernetAddress", commands);
	commands = appendString("hostWithInternetAddress", commands);
	commands = appendString("hostWithName", commands);
	commands = appendString("inNetgroup", commands);
	commands = appendString("isNetwareEnabled", commands);
	commands = appendString("isSecurityEnabledForOption", commands);
	commands = appendString("itemWithKey", commands);
	commands = appendString("memory", commands);
	commands = appendString("mountWithName", commands);
	commands = appendString("netgroupWithName", commands);
	commands = appendString("networkWithInternetAddress", commands);
	commands = appendString("networkWithName", commands);
	commands = appendString("normalLookupOrder", commands);
	commands = appendString("printerWithName", commands);
	commands = appendString("protocolWithName", commands);
	commands = appendString("protocolWithNumber", commands);
	commands = appendString("quit", commands);
	commands = appendString("reset", commands);
	commands = appendString("rpcWithName", commands);
	commands = appendString("rpcWithNumber", commands);
	commands = appendString("serviceWithName", commands);
	commands = appendString("serviceWithNumber", commands);
	commands = appendString("showMemoryObject", commands);
	commands = appendString("statistics", commands);
	commands = appendString("statisticsForAgent", commands);
	commands = appendString("threads", commands);
	commands = appendString("userWithName", commands);
	commands = appendString("userWithNumber", commands);

	len = listLength(commands);

	signal(SIGINT, catchsig);

	if (setjmp(jmpenv) != 0) fprintf(out, "\n");

	fprintf(out, "Enter command name, \"help\", or \"quit\" to exit\n");
		n = getcom(stdin, stdout, commands, len, "> ");
		if (n < 0)
			fprintf(out, "\n");

		if (streq(commands[n], "quit")) break;
		doproc(in, out, n, commands);
		fprintf(out, "\n");

	if (askMe != nil) [askMe release];

	fprintf(out, "\n");