BAD_CONFIG_FILE "unable to make sense of the file %s\n" CONFIG_OPEN_ERROR "Warning: cannot open configuration file %s\n" PARSE_ERROR_IN_CONFIG "Error parsing config file\n" INCOMPAT "incompatible options %s and %s\n" NO_ALTERNATE "Sorry - no support for alternate systems compiled in\n" NO_COMPRESS "Man was compiled with automatic cat page compression,\n\ but the configuration file does not define COMPRESS.\n" NO_NAME_FROM_SECTION "What manual page do you want from section %s?\n" NO_NAME_NO_SECTION "What manual page do you want?\n" NO_SUCH_ENTRY_IN_SECTION "No entry for %s in section %s of the manual\n" NO_SUCH_ENTRY "No manual entry for %s\n" PAGER_IS "\nusing %s as pager\n" SYSTEM_FAILED "Error executing formatting or display command.\n\ System command %s exited with status %d.\n" VERSION "%s, version %s\n\n" OUT_OF_MEMORY "Out of memory - can't malloc %d bytes\n" ROFF_CMD_FROM_FILE_ERROR "Error parsing *roff command from file %s\n" MANROFFSEQ_ERROR "Error parsing MANROFFSEQ. Using system defaults.\n" ROFF_CMD_FROM_COMMANDLINE_ERROR "Error parsing *roff command from command line.\n" UNRECOGNIZED_LINE "Unrecognized line in config file (ignored)\n%s\n" GETVAL_ERROR "man-config.c: internal error: string %s not found\n" FOUND_MANDIR "found man directory %s\n" FOUND_MAP "found manpath map %s --> %s\n" FOUND_CATDIR "corresponding catdir is %s\n" LINE_TOO_LONG "Line too long in config file\n" SECTION "\nsection: %s\n" UNLINKED "unlinked %s\n" GLOBBING "globbing %s\n" EXPANSION_FAILED "Attempt [%s] to expand man page failed\n" OPEN_ERROR "Cannot open man page %s\n" READ_ERROR "Error reading man page %s\n" FOUND_EQN "found eqn(1) directive\n" FOUND_GRAP "found grap(1) directive\n" FOUND_PIC "found pic(1) directive\n" FOUND_TBL "found tbl(1) directive\n" FOUND_VGRIND "found vgrind(1) directive\n" FOUND_REFER "found refer(1) directive\n" ROFF_FROM_COMMAND_LINE "parsing directive from command line\n" ROFF_FROM_FILE "parsing directive from file %s\n" ROFF_FROM_ENV "parsing directive from environment\n" USING_DEFAULT "using default preprocessor sequence\n" PLEASE_WAIT "Formatting page, please wait...\n" CHANGED_MODE "changed mode of %s to %o\n" CAT_OPEN_ERROR "Couldn't open %s for writing.\n" PROPOSED_CATFILE "will try to write %s if needed\n" IS_NEWER_RESULT "status from is_newer() = %d\n" TRYING_SECTION "trying section %s\n" SEARCHING "\nsearching in %s\n" ALREADY_IN_MANPATH "but %s is already in the manpath\n" CANNOT_STAT "Warning: cannot stat file %s!\n" IS_NO_DIR "Warning: %s isn't a directory!\n" ADDING_TO_MANPATH "adding %s to manpath\n" PATH_DIR "\npath directory %s " IS_IN_CONFIG "is in the config file\n" IS_NOT_IN_CONFIG "is not in the config file\n" MAN_NEARBY "but there is a man directory nearby\n" NO_MAN_NEARBY "and we found no man directory nearby\n" ADDING_MANDIRS "\nadding mandatory man directories\n\n" CATNAME_IS "cat_name in convert_to_cat () is: %s\n" NO_EXEC "\nnot executing command:\n %s\n" USAGE1 "usage: %s [-adfhktwW] [section] [-M path] [-P pager] [-S list]\n\t" USAGE2 "[-m system] " USAGE3 "[-p string] name ...\n\n" USAGE4 " a : find all matching entries\n\ c : do not use cat file\n\ d : print gobs of debugging information\n\ D : as for -d, but also display the pages\n\ f : same as whatis(1)\n\ h : print this help message\n\ k : same as apropos(1)\n\ K : search for a string in all pages\n" USAGE5 " t : use troff to format pages for printing\n" USAGE6 "\ w : print location of man page(s) that would be displayed\n\ (if no name given: print directories that would be searched)\n\ W : as for -w, but display filenames only\n\n\ C file : use `file' as configuration file\n\ M path : set search path for manual pages to `path'\n\ P pager : use program `pager' to display pages\n\ S list : colon separated section list\n" USAGE7 " m system : search for alternate system's man pages\n" USAGE8 " p string : string tells which preprocessors to run\n\ e - [n]eqn(1) p - pic(1) t - tbl(1)\n\ g - grap(1) r - refer(1) v - vgrind(1)\n" USER_CANNOT_OPEN_CAT "and the real user cannot open the cat file either\n" USER_CAN_OPEN_CAT "but the real user can open the cat file\n" CANNOT_FORK "failed to fork off the command _%s_\n" WAIT_FAILED "error while waiting for child _%s_\n" GOT_WRONG_PID "very strange ..., got wrong pid while waiting for my child\n" CHILD_TERMINATED_ABNORMALLY "fatal error: the command _%s_ terminated abnormally\n" IDENTICAL "Man page %s is identical to %s\n" MAN_FOUND "Found the man page(s):\n" NO_TROFF "error: no TROFF command specified in %s\n" NO_CAT_FOR_NONSTD_LL "no cat page stored because of nonstandard line length\n"