malloc.3   [plain text]

.TH MALLOC 3 "July 30, 1993" "Apple Computer, Inc."
malloc, free, realloc, calloc, valloc, malloc_size, malloc_good_size, alloca \- memory allocator
.B #include <stdlib.h>
.B void *malloc(size_t byteSize)
.B void free(void *ptr)
.B void *realloc(void *oldptr, size_t newsize)
.B void *calloc(size_t numElems, size_t byteSize)
.B void *valloc(size_t byteSize)
.B size_t malloc_size(void *ptr)
.B size_t malloc_good_size(size_t byteSize)
.B char *alloca(int size)
.I Malloc
.I free
provide a general-purpose memory allocation package.
.I Malloc
returns a pointer to a block of at least
.I size
bytes beginning on a 
.I long
The argument to
.I free
is a pointer to a block previously allocated by
.IR malloc ;
this space is made available for further allocation.
Needless to say, grave disorder will result if the space assigned by
.I malloc
is overrun or if some random number is handed to
.IR free .
.I Realloc
changes the size of the block pointed to by
.I ptr
.I size
bytes and returns a pointer to the (possibly moved) block.
The contents will be unchanged up to the lesser of the new and old sizes.
.I Calloc
allocates space for an array of
.I nelem
elements of size
.IR elsize .
The space is initialized to zeros. Pointers allocated by 
.I calloc 
should be freed using
.IR free .
.I Valloc
allocates a page-aligned space of size at least
.IR byteSize . 
Pointers allocated by
.I valloc
should be freed using
.IR free .
.I Malloc_size
returns the size of the block pointed to by the argument. The size is
always at least the requested size, and is often a few words larger.
.I Malloc_good_size
returns a size that is unlikely to waste any storage.
.I Alloca
.I size
bytes of space in the stack frame of the caller.
This temporary space is automatically freed on
Each of the allocation routines returns a pointer
to space suitably aligned (after possible pointer coercion)
for storage of any type of object.
.I Malloc, realloc
.I calloc
return a null pointer (NULL)
if there is no available memory.
This package contains a number of facilities to help debug. (These 
facilities are subject to change; therefore, shipping products should
not rely on the presence of any of these facilities at runtime.) 
To list these facilities set the environment variable "MallocHelp"
and then launch the program from the environment in which the variable
is set. For example, in csh you would execute "setenv MallocHelp 1" and
then launch your program from the command line. A list of environment
variables and their effects will be printed to the shell.
.I Malloc
should guarantee nothing about the state of a block once
it has been passed to
.I free.
However, some other versions of
.I malloc
will guarantee that a block that has been freed is left
unchanged until a subsequent call to
.IR free ,
.IR realloc ,
.IR malloc .
.I Alloca
is machine dependent; its use is discouraged.