bindresvport.3   [plain text]

.\"	$OpenBSD: bindresvport.3,v 1.4 1996/10/21 03:49:53 deraadt Exp $
.Dd November 22, 1987
.Nm bindresvport
.Nd bind a socket to a privileged IP port
.Fd #include <sys/types.h>
.Fd include <netinet/in.h>
.Ft int
.Fn bindresvport "int sd" "struct sockaddr_in **sin"
.Fn bindresvport
is used to bind a socket descriptor to a privileged
.Tn IP
port, that is, a
port number in the range 0-1023.
The routine returns 0 if it is successful,
otherwise -1 is returned and
.Va errno
set to reflect the cause of the error.
Only root can bind to a privileged port; this call will fail for any
other users.
If the value of sin->sin_port is non-zero
.Fn bindresvport
otherwise it attempts to use the specified port.  If that fails, it
chooses another privileged port number automatically.