9.3 How do I get or avoid getting messages with no topic set?

Some messages will not match any predefined topic pattern. You can choose to receive or ignore such non-matching messages. If you wish to get all messages sent to the list, make sure you are not subscribed to any specific topic. (See Section 9.2.)

If you are only subscribed to some topics, you can either choose to either receive or not receive messages with no topic set, much the way you can choose to subscribe only to certain topics.

To change this setting,

  1. Log in to your member options page. (See Section 3.1 for more details on how to do this.)
  2. Look for the section marked ``Do you want to receive message that do not match any topic filter?''

    If you wish to receive messages with no topic set, select ``Yes.'' If you do not wish to receive such messages, choose ``No.''

This setting has no effect if you are not subscribed to any topics.