Title: Mailman in Use and in the News

Mailman in Use and in the News

Mailman was featured as the March 2004 SourceForge.net Project of the Month. Mailman was featured as the Project of the Month in the May 2002 issue of Linux Magazine.

Mailman was featured in a cover story article in the March 1999 issue of SunWorld. The article was written by Cameron Laird and Kathryn Soraiz.

Mailman was briefly mentioned in a ZDNet article on GNU/Linux. This was picked up by MSNBC. Unfortunately, both these links also appear to be dead now too.

Below are the lists of sites using Mailman or providing list hosting services using Mailman. If you'd like to be included in this list, please let us know.

Notice to Hosting Services: If your site provides mailing list hosting services using Mailman, please be sure to add yourself to the Python-Friendly Web Hosting page.

The following sites (in no particular order) are known to use Mailman or Mailman technology to run their mailing lists.