## "mailman" mailing list configuration settings -*- python -*- ## captured on Sat Mar 22 00:21:06 2003 ## Mailman - The GNU Mailing List Management System ## Copyright (C) 2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc. ## 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA ## General options # # Fundamental list characteristics, including descriptive info and basic # behaviors. # The capitalization of this name can be changed to make it presentable # in polite company as a proper noun, or to make an acronym part all # upper case, etc. However, the name will be advertised as the email # address (e.g., in subscribe confirmation notices), so it should not be # otherwise altered. (Email addresses are not case sensitive, but they # are sensitive to almost everything else :-) real_name = 'Mailman' # This description is used when the mailing list is listed with other # mailing lists, or in headers, and so forth. It should be as succinct # as you can get it, while still identifying what the list is. description = 'Mailman site list' # This text will be prepended to subject lines of messages posted to the # list, to distinguish mailing list messages in in mailbox summaries. # Brevity is premium here, it's ok to shorten long mailing list names to # something more concise, as long as it still identifies the mailing # list. subject_prefix = '[Mailman Site List] ' # List moderators (and list administrators) are sent daily reminders of # requests pending approval, like subscriptions to a moderated list, or # postings that are being held for one reason or another. Setting this # option causes notices to be sent immediately on the arrival of new # requests as well. # # legal values are: # 0 = "No" # 1 = "Yes" admin_immed_notify = 1 # Should administrator get notices of subscribes and unsubscribes? # # legal values are: # 0 = "No" # 1 = "Yes" admin_notify_mchanges = 1 # Approval notices are sent when mail triggers certain of the limits # except routine list moderation and spam filters, for which notices are # not sent. This option overrides ever sending the notice. # # legal values are: # 0 = "No" # 1 = "Yes" respond_to_post_requests = 1 ## Nondigest options # # Policies concerning immediately delivered list traffic. # Can subscribers choose to receive mail immediately, rather than in # batched digests? # # legal values are: # 0 = "No" # 1 = "Yes" nondigestable = 1 # Normally, Mailman sends the regular delivery messages to the mail # server in batches. This is much more efficent because it reduces the # amount of traffic between Mailman and the mail server. # # However, some lists can benefit from a more personalized approach. In # this case, Mailman crafts a new message for each member on the regular # delivery list. Turning this feature on may degrade the performance of # your site, so you need to carefully consider whether the trade-off is # worth it, or whether there are other ways to accomplish what you want. # You should also carefully monitor your system load to make sure it is # acceptable. # # Select No to disable personalization and send messages to the members # in batches. Select Yes to personalize deliveries and allow additional # substitution variables in message headers and footers (see below). In # addition, by selecting Full Personalization, the To header of posted # messages will be modified to include the member's address instead of # the list's posting address. # # When personalization is enabled, a few more expansion variables that # can be included in the message # header and message footer. # # These additional substitution variables will be available for your # headers and footers, when this feature is enabled: # # user_address - The address of the user, coerced to lower case. # user_delivered_to - The case-preserved address that the user is # subscribed with. user_password - The user's password. user_name - The # user's full name. user_optionsurl - The url to the user's option page. # # # # legal values are: # 0 = "No" # 1 = "Yes" # 2 = "Full Personalization" personalize = 1 # Text appended to the bottom of every immediately-delivery message. # This text can include Python format strings which are resolved against # list attributes. The list of substitutions allowed are: # # # real_name - The `pretty' name of the list; usually the list name with # capitalization. # # list_name - The name by which the list is identified in URLs, where # case is significant. (For backwards compability, _internal_name is # equivalent.) # # host_name - The fully qualified domain name that the list server runs # on. # # web_page_url - The base URL for Mailman. This can be appended with, # e.g. listinfo/%(internal_name)s to yield the listinfo page for the # mailing list. # # description - The brief description of the mailing list. # # info - The full description of the mailing list. # # cgiext - The extension added to CGI scripts. # # msg_footer = """_______________________________________________ %(real_name)s site list %(real_name)s@%(host_name)s %(web_page_url)slistinfo%(cgiext)s/%(_internal_name)s""" ## Digest options # # Batched-delivery digest characteristics. # Can list members choose to receive list traffic bunched in digests? # # legal values are: # 0 = "No" # 1 = "Yes" digestable = 0 ## Privacy options # # This section allows you to configure subscription and membership # exposure policy. You can also control whether this list is public or # not. See also the Archival # Options section for separate archive-related privacy settings. # Advertise this list when people ask what lists are on this machine? # # legal values are: # 0 = "No" # 1 = "Yes" advertised = 0 # Confirm (*) - email confirmation required Require approval - require # list administrator approval for subscriptions Confirm and approve - # both confirm and approve # # (*) when someone requests a subscription, Mailman sends them a notice # with a unique subscription request number that they must reply to in # order to subscribe. This prevents mischievous (or malicious) people # from creating subscriptions for others without their consent. # # legal values are: # 1 = "Confirm" # 2 = "Require approval" # 3 = "Confirm and approve" subscribe_policy = 2 # When members want to leave a list, they will make an unsubscription # request, either via the web or via email. Normally it is best for you # to allow open unsubscriptions so that users can easily remove # themselves from mailing lists (they get really upset if they can't get # off lists!). # # For some lists though, you may want to impose moderator approval # before an unsubscription request is processed. Examples of such lists # include a corporate mailing list that all employees are required to be # members of. # # legal values are: # 0 = "No" # 1 = "Yes" unsubscribe_policy = 0 # Addresses in this list are banned outright from subscribing to this # mailing list, with no further moderation required. Add addresses one # per line; start the line with a ^ character to designate a regular # expression match. ban_list = [] # When set, the list of subscribers is protected by member or admin # password authentication. # # legal values are: # 0 = "Anyone" # 1 = "List members" # 2 = "List admin only" private_roster = 2 # Setting this option causes member email addresses to be transformed # when they are presented on list web pages (both in text and as links), # so they're not trivially recognizable as email addresses. The # intention is to prevent the addresses from being snarfed up by # automated web scanners for use by spammers. # # legal values are: # 0 = "No" # 1 = "Yes" obscure_addresses = 1 ## Privacy options # # When a message is posted to the list, a series of moderation steps are # take to decide whether the a moderator must first approve the message # or not. This section contains the controls for moderation of both # member and non-member postings. # #

Member postings are held for moderation if their moderation # flag is turned on. You can control whether member postings are # moderated by default or not. # #

Non-member postings can be automatically accepted, # held for # moderation, rejected # (bounced), or discarded, either individually or as a group. Any posting from a # non-member who is not explicitly accepted, rejected, or discarded, # will have their posting filtered by the general # non-member rules. # #

In the text boxes below, add one address per line; start the line # with a ^ character to designate a Python regular # expression. When entering backslashes, do so as if you were using # Python raw strings (i.e. you generally just use a single backslash). # #

Note that non-regexp matches are always done first. # Each list member has a moderation flag which says whether messages # from the list member can be posted directly to the list, or must first # be approved by the list moderator. When the moderation flag is turned # on, list member postings must be approved first. You, the list # administrator can decide whether a specific individual's postings will # be moderated or not. # # When a new member is subscribed, their initial moderation flag takes # its value from this option. Turn this option off to accept member # postings by default. Turn this option on to, by default, moderate # member postings first. You can always manually set an individual # member's moderation bit by using the membership management screens. # # legal values are: # 0 = "No" # 1 = "Yes" default_member_moderation = 0 # Hold -- this holds the message for approval by the list moderators. # # Reject -- this automatically rejects the message by sending a bounce # notice to the post's author. The text of the bounce notice can be configured by # you. # # Discard -- this simply discards the message, with no notice sent to # the post's author. # # # legal values are: # 0 = "Hold" # 1 = "Reject" # 2 = "Discard" member_moderation_action = 1 # When a post from a non-member is received, the message's sender is # matched against the list of explicitly accepted, # held, rejected (bounced), and discarded # addresses. If no match is found, then this action is taken. # # legal values are: # 0 = "Accept" # 1 = "Hold" # 2 = "Reject" # 3 = "Discard" generic_nonmember_action = 2 # Should messages from non-members, which are automatically discarded, # be forwarded to the list moderator? # # legal values are: # 0 = "No" # 1 = "Yes" forward_auto_discards = 1 ## Bounce options # # These policies control the automatic bounce processing system in # Mailman. Here's an overview of how it works. # #

When a bounce is received, Mailman tries to extract two pieces of # information from the message: the address of the member the message # was intended for, and the severity of the problem causing the bounce. # The severity can be either hard or soft meaning # either a fatal error occurred, or a transient error occurred. When in # doubt, a hard severity is used. # #

If no member address can be extracted from the bounce, then the # bounce is usually discarded. Otherwise, each member is assigned a # bounce score and every time we encounter a bounce from this # member we increment the score. Hard bounces increment by 1 while soft # bounces increment by 0.5. We only increment the bounce score once per # day, so even if we receive ten hard bounces from a member per day, # their score will increase by only 1 for that day. # #

When a member's bounce score is greater than the bounce score # threshold, the subscription is disabled. Once disabled, the # member will not receive any postings from the list until their # membership is explicitly re-enabled (either by the list administrator # or the user). However, they will receive occasional reminders that # their membership has been disabled, and these reminders will include # information about how to re-enable their membership. # #

You can control both the number of # reminders the member will receive and the frequency with which these reminders are sent. # #

There is one other important configuration variable; after a # certain period of time -- during which no bounces from the member are # received -- the bounce information is considered stale # and discarded. Thus by adjusting this value, and the score threshold, # you can control how quickly bouncing members are disabled. You should # tune both of these to the frequency and traffic volume of your list. # By setting this value to No, you disable all automatic bounce # processing for this list, however bounce messages will still be # discarded so that the list administrator isn't inundated with them. # # legal values are: # 0 = "No" # 1 = "Yes" bounce_processing = 1 ## Archive options # # List traffic archival policies. # Is archive file source for public or private archival? # # legal values are: # 0 = "public" # 1 = "private" archive_private = 1