Mailman - The GNU Mailing List Management System Copyright (C) 1998,1999,2000,2001,2002 by the Free Software Foundation, Inc. 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA FRISSÍTÉS KORÁBBI VERZIÓKRÓL A legtöbb esetben a Mailman frissítése nem több mint egy újabb verzió telepítése a meglévő verzióra. Azonban néhány esetben saját kezüleg kell gondoskodni a módosításokról. What you need to do depends on the version you are using and the version you are upgrading to. In all cases, you should first turn off your mail and web access to your Mailman installation. You're essentially upgrading a database, and it's usually a good idea to make sure the database cannot be modified in the middle of the upgrade. A következőket ajánlom - Kapcsoljuk ki a bejövő leveleket fogadó levelező démont. A legtöbb távoli smtp kiszolgáló várakozó listába teszi a leveleket, ha a 25-ös port nem válaszol. - Kapcsoljuk ki átmenetileg a Mailman webfelületét. Ez meg tehetjük, úgy hogy a webkiszolgálót átmenetileg leállítjuk, vagy úgy hogy a Mailman lapokhoz érkező kéréseket ideiglenesen átirányítjuk egy "szolgáltatás nem érhető el" lapra. Ennek a beállításához kérjük olvasd el a webszervered dokumentációját. Mailman will NOT upgrade the template files for existing lists. Chuq Von Rospach gives some useful advice in this message to the users mailing list: [Actually, the upgrade to MM2.1a2 /will/ shuffle template files, deleting any that it detects are unchanged from the original defaults (calculated via md5 checksums).] FRISSÍTÉS 2.0.x-RŐL 2.1-RE A 2.1-es Mailman In Mailman 2.1, the qrunner subsystem has been completely rewritten. You no longer start qrunner from cron! Instead, there is a bin/mailmanctl script which is used to start, stop, and restart mail delivery. This script is appropriate to use as a Unix init script. Be sure to update your crontab with the new cron/ file. NOTE: It is very important that if you are upgrading from a pre-MM2.1alpha2 system to a post-MM2.1alpha2 system that you let the old qrunner process clear any and all messages sitting in the qfiles/ directory *BEFORE* you upgrade. Otherwise after the upgrade, those messages will not get delivered, and I'm not exactly sure yet how to upgrade those pending messages. NOTE: When upgrading to Mailman 2.1beta1, you will need to regenerate your aliases files. There have been many changes to the alias names, the programs they map to, and the name of the wrapper script. See README. for details of making Mailman work with your mail server. To regenerate your aliases, use the bin/genaliases script. Mailman 2.1 introduces multilingual (a.k.a. internationalization or i18n) support. Previously only one language per list was supported, and it was assumed that this language would be English. The upgrade script for Mailman 2.1 creates a subdirectory `en' inside each lists/ directory. It then copies all the .txt and .html files from lists/ into lists//en. If you have modified those templates to contain non-English text, you will have to manually rename the en subdirectories to the language code for the language of your templates. Mailman's upgrade script should handle cleaning up any templates which are duplicates of the defaults, but you'll want to double check this manually. FRISSÍTÉS 2.0-RÓL 2.0.1-RE Semmi mást nem kell csinálni, mint futtatni a "make install" parancsot. UPGRADING FROM 2.0 beta to 2.0 final You MUST re-run configure; running config.status is not sufficient due to some recent changes in the autoconf scripts. You can do a head of config.status if you don't remember the options you originally ran configure with. The cron jobs for Mailman 2.0 final have changed considerably, including the frequency with which they run. You should reload misc/ for the `mailman' user to get the right settings. See the INSTALL file for details. FAILURE TO DO THIS WILL RESULT IN A LESS THAN OPTIMALLY FUNCTIONAL MAILMAN INSTALLATION. UPGRADING FROM 1.x to 2.x In addition to the instructions above, I highly recommend that you make sure your Mailman queue is cleared /before/ upgrading. Mailman version 1.x had a cron script called run_queue which was part of its bulk mailer. With Mailman 2.x there is no default bulk mailer (it lets the MTA handle this), and it is currently unknown what the effects of upgrading are on the run_queue script, but I'll bet it's not good. :) The way to make sure that your Mailman queue is empty is to look in your $prefix/data directory. If you see any files that start with "mm_q." you've still got messages waiting on the queue. You can run $prefix/cron/run_queue by hand until the queue is cleared. Multiple invocations of this script won't help though; they lock each other out. Also, be warned that clearing the queue can take a while and may cause a large load on your system (two reasons why all this stuff has been redesigned in 2.x :). You do not need to run "make update" if you are upgrading from version 1.0 or 1.1 to version 2.0, since this is now run automatically when you do a "make install". However you should modify your crontab entries to execute cron/qrunner instead of cron/run_queue. You can also safely remove the file $prefix/cron/run_queue. If you are upgrading from a pre-1.0 beta, you need to follow the instructions below. UPGRADING FROM PRE-1.0 to 2.x You need to do a few extra things to make sure that the file system layout for the early 1.0 betas is upgraded to the 1.x configuration. There are two ways to do this. First, from the source directory, after you've done a "make install" you can run "make update". "make update" creates a file named "update.log" in the top level of the source distribution. If the script that updates the Mailman filesystem encounters something that is not resolvable, it will log info about this to "update.log". This is worth checking after the upgrade completes. You can also just change to the installation directory (i.e. $prefix) and run bin/update. This is the same as above except that the update.log file is not generated. Check your crontab entry. Remove any runs of obsolete scripts, in particular cron/upvolumes_yearly, cron/upvolumes_monthly, or cron/archive. WHAT "MAKE UPDATE" DOES Below is an annotated listing of the things that "make update" does. Hopefully, this will help resolve any problems you are having. Note that it can't hurt to run "make update" each time you upgrade, but if you're running version 1.0 or newer, it won't help much either! - To upgrade to 1.0b10, you will need to copy templates/options.html to lists//options.html for each mailing list you have. However, if you have edited the options.html file, say from the Web interface, you will have to merge these changes in manually. - The upgrade to 1.0b7 included the removal of Mailman/{,c} since Mailman now uses the default Python 1.5.2 version of smtplib. - Archiving files are moved around as part of integrating Pipermail into Mailman, as of 1.0b6. In particular, 1) if a list has only a private mbox archive $prefix/archives/private/ is moved to $prefix/archives/private/.mbox/ 2) if a list has only a public mbox archive $prefix/archives/public/ is moved to $prefix/archives/private/.mbox/ and a symlink is made that points $prefix/archives/public/.mbox to $prefix/archives/private/.mbox/ 3) if a list has both private and public mbox archives, make update picks one of the above 2 configurations based on whether or not the list currently is archived publicly. It then renames the other mbox to mbox.preb6. 4) if a list used recent CVS sources, where archives were placed in $prefix/public_html/archives, then these are moved to $prefix/archives/private/ and a symlink is made from $prefix/archives/public/ to that spot if the list's archives are public. Also, a permissions-related security problem is removed. To integrate mbox archives of old lists, log in as user `mailman' and run $prefix/bin/arch . Also, by default, beta6 does both mbox and html based archiving, but you can configure Mailman to do one, both, or neither. Please see $prefix/Mailman/ for details. There was a short period of time when the CVS sources archiving code was not organized into its own package. The pickled articles in the archives that were placed into archives during this period stored the path to the module HyperArch, but that module has moved. You can quick fix this by running ln -s $prefix/Mailman/Archiver/ \ $prefix/Mailman/ - If upgrading from version 1.0b4 or earlier, "make update" moves list-specific templates. For each list, $prefix/templates//* is moved to $prefix/lists/. Please reference the generic templates in $prefix/templates to see if any variables have changed (There shouldn't be many, only options.html was updated from b5 to b6). For really old versions of Mailman, you may not even have subdirectories in $prefix/templates! In this case you will need to manually copy some files into your new list directories. Here's an example shell command that will do the trick: cp templates/{archives,handle_opts,listinfo,roster,subscribe}.html lists/ - Some modules that existed in previous versions, but that have been replaced with newer (differently named) modules, are removed. Local Variables: mode: indented-text indent-tabs-mode: nil End: