ObjectFile.h   [plain text]

//===-- ObjectFile.h --------------------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.

#ifndef liblldb_ObjectFile_h_
#define liblldb_ObjectFile_h_

#include "lldb/lldb-private.h"
#include "lldb/Core/DataExtractor.h"
#include "lldb/Host/FileSpec.h"
#include "lldb/Core/ModuleChild.h"
#include "lldb/Core/PluginInterface.h"
#include "lldb/Host/Endian.h"
#include "lldb/Symbol/Symtab.h"
#include "lldb/Symbol/UnwindTable.h"

namespace lldb_private {

/// @class ObjectFile ObjectFile.h "lldb/Symbol/ObjectFile.h"
/// @brief A plug-in interface definition class for object file parsers.
/// Object files belong to Module objects and know how to extract
/// information from executable, shared library, and object (.o) files
/// used by operating system runtime. The symbol table and section list
/// for an object file.
/// Object files can be represented by the entire file, or by part of a
/// file. Examples of object files that are part of a file include
/// object files that contain information for multiple architectures in
/// the same file, or archive files that contain multiple objects
/// (ranlib archives) (possibly for multiple architectures as well).
/// Object archive files (e.g. ranlib archives) can contain 
/// multiple .o (object) files that must be selected by index or by name. 
/// The number of objects that an ObjectFile contains can be determined 
/// using the ObjectFile::GetNumObjects() const
/// function, and followed by a call to
/// ObjectFile::SelectObjectAtIndex (uint32_t) to change the currently
/// selected object. Objects can also be selected by name using the
/// ObjectFile::SelectObject(const char *) function.
/// Once an architecture is selected (and an object is selected for
/// for archives), the object file information can be extracted from
/// this abstract class.
class ObjectFile:
    public PluginInterface,
    public ModuleChild
friend class lldb_private::Module;

    typedef enum 
        eTypeInvalid = 0,
        eTypeCoreFile,      /// A core file that has a checkpoint of a program's execution state
        eTypeExecutable,    /// A normal executable
        eTypeDebugInfo,     /// An object file that contains only debug information
        eTypeDynamicLinker, /// The platform's dynamic linker executable
        eTypeObjectFile,    /// An intermediate object file
        eTypeSharedLibrary, /// A shared library that can be used during execution
        eTypeStubLibrary,   /// A library that can be linked against but not used for execution
    } Type;

    typedef enum 
        eStrataInvalid = 0,
    } Strata;
    /// Construct with a parent module, offset, and header data.
    /// Object files belong to modules and a valid module must be
    /// supplied upon construction. The at an offset within a file for
    /// objects that contain more than one architecture or object.
    ObjectFile (Module* module, const FileSpec *file_spec_ptr, lldb::addr_t offset, lldb::addr_t length, lldb::DataBufferSP& headerDataSP) :
        ModuleChild (module),
        m_file (),  // This file could be different from the original module's file
        m_type (eTypeInvalid),
        m_strata (eStrataInvalid),
        m_offset (offset),
        m_length (length),
        m_data (headerDataSP, lldb::endian::InlHostByteOrder(), 4),
        m_unwind_table (*this)
        if (file_spec_ptr)
            m_file = *file_spec_ptr;

    /// Destructor.
    /// The destructor is virtual since this class is designed to be
    /// inherited from by the plug-in instance.

    /// Dump a description of this object to a Stream.
    /// Dump a description of the current contents of this object
    /// to the supplied stream \a s. The dumping should include the
    /// section list if it has been parsed, and the symbol table
    /// if it has been parsed.
    /// @param[in] s
    ///     The stream to which to dump the object descripton.
    virtual void
    Dump (Stream *s) = 0;

    /// Find a ObjectFile plug-in that can parse \a file_spec.
    /// Scans all loaded plug-in interfaces that implement versions of
    /// the ObjectFile plug-in interface and returns the first
    /// instance that can parse the file.
    /// @param[in] module
    ///     The parent module that owns this object file.
    /// @param[in] file_spec
    ///     A file specification that indicates which file to use as the
    ///     object file.
    /// @param[in] file_offset
    ///     The offset into the file at which to start parsing the
    ///     object. This is for files that contain multiple
    ///     architectures or objects.
    /// @param[in] file_size
    ///     The size of the current object file if it can be determined
    ///     or if it is known. This can be zero.
    /// @see ObjectFile::ParseHeader()
    static ObjectFile*
    FindPlugin (Module* module,
                const FileSpec* file_spec,
                lldb::addr_t file_offset,
                lldb::addr_t file_size);

    /// Gets the address size in bytes for the current object file.
    /// @return
    ///     The size of an address in bytes for the currently selected
    ///     architecture (and object for archives). Returns zero if no
    ///     architecture or object has been selected.
    virtual size_t
    GetAddressByteSize ()  const = 0;

    /// Get the address type given a file address in an object file.
    /// Many binary file formats know what kinds
    /// This is primarily for ARM binaries, though it can be applied to
    /// any executable file format that supports different opcode types
    /// within the same binary. ARM binaries support having both ARM and
    /// Thumb within the same executable container. We need to be able
    /// to get
    /// @return
    ///     The size of an address in bytes for the currently selected
    ///     architecture (and object for archives). Returns zero if no
    ///     architecture or object has been selected.
    virtual AddressClass
    GetAddressClass (lldb::addr_t file_addr);

    /// Extract the dependent modules from an object file.
    /// If an object file has information about which other images it
    /// depends on (such as shared libraries), this function will
    /// provide the list. Since many executables or shared libraries
    /// may depend on the same files,
    /// FileSpecList::AppendIfUnique(const FileSpec &) should be
    /// used to make sure any files that are added are not already in
    /// the list.
    /// @param[out] file_list
    ///     A list of file specification objects that gets dependent
    ///     files appended to.
    /// @return
    ///     The number of new files that were appended to \a file_list.
    /// @see FileSpecList::AppendIfUnique(const FileSpec &)
    virtual uint32_t
    GetDependentModules (FileSpecList& file_list) = 0;
    /// Tells whether this object file is capable of being the main executable
    /// for a process.
    /// @return
    ///     \b true if it is, \b false otherwise.
    virtual bool
    IsExecutable () const = 0;

    /// Returns the offset into a file at which this object resides.
    /// Some files contain many object files, and this function allows
    /// access to an object's offset within the file.
    /// @return
    ///     The offset in bytes into the file. Defaults to zero for
    ///     simple object files that a represented by an entire file.
    virtual lldb::addr_t
    GetOffset () const
    { return m_offset; }

    virtual lldb::addr_t
    GetByteSize () const
    { return m_length; }

    /// Get accessor to the object file specification.
    /// @return
    ///     The file specification object pointer if there is one, or
    ///     NULL if this object is only from memory.
    virtual FileSpec&
    GetFileSpec() { return m_file; }

    /// Get const accessor to the object file specification.
    /// @return
    ///     The const file specification object pointer if there is one,
    ///     or NULL if this object is only from memory.
    virtual const FileSpec&
    GetFileSpec() const { return m_file; }

    /// Get the name of the cpu, vendor and OS for this object file.
    /// This value is a string that represents the target triple where
    /// the cpu type, the vendor and the OS are encoded into a string.
    /// @param[out] target_triple
    ///     The string value of the target triple.
    /// @return
    ///     \b True if the target triple was able to be computed, \b
    ///     false otherwise.
    virtual bool
    GetArchitecture (ArchSpec &arch) = 0;

    /// Gets the section list for the currently selected architecture
    /// (and object for archives).
    /// Section list parsing can be deferred by ObjectFile instances
    /// until this accessor is called the first time.
    /// @return
    ///     The list of sections contained in this object file.
    virtual SectionList *
    GetSectionList () = 0;

    /// Gets the symbol table for the currently selected architecture
    /// (and object for archives).
    /// Symbol table parsing can be deferred by ObjectFile instances
    /// until this accessor is called the first time.
    /// @return
    ///     The symbol table for this object file.
    virtual Symtab *
    GetSymtab () = 0;

    /// Gets the UUID for this object file.
    /// If the object file format contains a UUID, the value should be
    /// returned. Else ObjectFile instances should return the MD5
    /// checksum of all of the bytes for the object file (or memory for
    /// memory based object files).
    /// @return
    ///     Returns \b true if a UUID was successfully extracted into
    ///     \a uuid, \b false otherwise.
    virtual bool
    GetUUID (lldb_private::UUID* uuid) = 0;

    /// Gets whether endian swapping should occur when extracting data
    /// from this object file.
    /// @return
    ///     Returns \b true if endian swapping is needed, \b false
    ///     otherwise.
    virtual lldb::ByteOrder
    GetByteOrder () const = 0;

    /// Attempts to parse the object header.
    /// This function is used as a test to see if a given plug-in
    /// instance can parse the header data already contained in
    /// ObjectFile::m_data. If an object file parser does not
    /// recognize that magic bytes in a header, false should be returned
    /// and the next plug-in can attempt to parse an object file.
    /// @return
    ///     Returns \b true if the header was parsed succesfully, \b
    ///     false otherwise.
    virtual bool
    ParseHeader () = 0;

    /// Returns a reference to the UnwindTable for this ObjectFile
    /// The UnwindTable contains FuncUnwinders objects for any function in
    /// this ObjectFile.  If a FuncUnwinders object hasn't been created yet
    /// (i.e. the function has yet to be unwound in a stack walk), it
    /// will be created when requested.  Specifically, we do not create
    /// FuncUnwinders objects for functions until they are needed.
    /// @return
    ///     Returns the unwind table for this object file.
    virtual lldb_private::UnwindTable&
    GetUnwindTable () { return m_unwind_table; }

    /// Similar to Process::GetImageInfoAddress().
    /// Some platforms embed auxiliary structures useful to debuggers in the
    /// address space of the inferior process.  This method returns the address
    /// of such a structure if the information can be resolved via entries in
    /// the object file.  ELF, for example, provides a means to hook into the
    /// runtime linker so that a debugger may monitor the loading and unloading
    /// of shared libraries.
    /// @return 
    ///     The address of any auxiliary tables, or an invalid address if this
    ///     object file format does not support or contain such information.
    virtual lldb_private::Address
    GetImageInfoAddress () { return Address(); }
    /// Returns the address of the Entry Point in this object file - if
    /// the object file doesn't have an entry point (because it is not an
    /// executable file) then an invalid address is returned.
    /// @return
    ///     Returns the entry address for this module.
    virtual lldb_private::Address
    GetEntryPointAddress () { return Address();}

    /// The object file should be able to calculate its type by looking
    /// at its file header and possibly the sections or other data in
    /// the object file. The file type is used in the debugger to help
    /// select the correct plug-ins for the job at hand, so this is 
    /// important to get right. If any eTypeXXX definitions do not match
    /// up with the type of file you are loading, please feel free to
    /// add a new enumeration value.
    /// @return
    ///     The calculated file type for the current object file.
    virtual Type
    CalculateType() = 0;

    /// The object file should be able to calculate the strata of the
    /// object file.
    /// Many object files for platforms might be for either user space
    /// debugging or for kernel debugging. If your object file subclass
    /// can figure this out, it will help with debugger plug-in selection
    /// when it comes time to debug.
    /// @return
    ///     The calculated object file strata for the current object 
    ///     file.
    virtual Strata
    CalculateStrata() = 0;
    // Member Functions
    GetType ()
        if (m_type == eTypeInvalid)
            m_type = CalculateType();
        return m_type;
    GetStrata ()
        if (m_strata == eStrataInvalid)
            m_strata = CalculateStrata();
        return m_strata;

    // Member variables.
    FileSpec m_file;
    Type m_type;
    Strata m_strata;
    lldb::addr_t m_offset; ///< The offset in bytes into the file, or the address in memory
    lldb::addr_t m_length; ///< The length of this object file if it is known (can be zero if length is unknown or can't be determined).
    DataExtractor m_data; ///< The data for this object file so things can be parsed lazily.
    lldb_private::UnwindTable m_unwind_table; /// < Table of FuncUnwinders objects created for this ObjectFile's functions
    /// Sets the architecture for a module.  At present the architecture
    /// can only be set if it is invalid.  It is not allowed to switch from
    /// one concrete architecture to another.
    /// @param[in] new_arch
    ///     The architecture this module will be set to.
    /// @return
    ///     Returns \b true if the architecture was changed, \b
    ///     false otherwise.
    bool SetModulesArchitecture (const ArchSpec &new_arch);


} // namespace lldb_private

#endif  // liblldb_ObjectFile_h_