JSON Compilation Database Format Specification

This document describes a format for specifying how to replay single compilations independently of the build system.


Tools based on the C++ Abstract Syntax Tree need full information how to parse a translation unit. Usually this information is implicitly available in the build system, but running tools as part of the build system is not necessarily the best solution:

Supported Systems

Currently CMake (since 2.8.5) supports generation of compilation databases for Unix Makefile builds (Ninja builds in the works) with the option CMAKE_EXPORT_COMPILE_COMMANDS.

Clang's tooling interface supports reading compilation databases; see the LibTooling documentation. libclang and its python bindings also support this (since clang 3.2); see CXCompilationDatabase.h.


A compilation database is a JSON file, which consist of an array of "command objects", where each command object specifies one way a translation unit is compiled in the project.

Each command object contains the translation unit's main file, the working directory of the compile run and the actual compile command.


  { "directory": "/home/user/llvm/build",
    "command": "/usr/bin/clang++ -Irelative -DSOMEDEF='\"With spaces and quotes.\"' -c -o file.o file.cc",
    "file": "file.cc" },
The contracts for each field in the command object are:

Build System Integration

The convention is to name the file compile_commands.json and put it at the top of the build directory. Clang tools are pointed to the top of the build directory to detect the file and use the compilation database to parse C++ code in the source tree.