""" Test the lldb disassemble command on foundation framework. """ import os, time import unittest2 import lldb from lldbtest import * @unittest2.skipUnless(sys.platform.startswith("darwin"), "requires Darwin") class FoundationDisassembleTestCase(TestBase): mydir = os.path.join("lang", "objc", "foundation") # rdar://problem/8504895 # Crash while doing 'disassemble -n "-[NSNumber descriptionWithLocale:]" @unittest2.skipIf(TestBase.skipLongRunningTest(), "Skip this long running test") def test_foundation_disasm(self): """Do 'disassemble -n func' on each and every 'Code' symbol entry from the Foundation.framework.""" self.buildDefault() exe = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "a.out") self.runCmd("file " + exe, CURRENT_EXECUTABLE_SET) self.runCmd("run", RUN_SUCCEEDED) self.runCmd("image list") raw_output = self.res.GetOutput() # Grok the full path to the foundation framework. for line in raw_output.split(os.linesep): match = re.search(" (/.*/Foundation.framework/.*)$", line) if match: foundation_framework = match.group(1) break self.assertTrue(match, "Foundation.framework path located") self.runCmd("image dump symtab %s" % foundation_framework) raw_output = self.res.GetOutput() # Now, grab every 'Code' symbol and feed it into the command: # 'disassemble -n func'. # # The symbol name is on the last column and trails the flag column which # looks like '0xhhhhhhhh', i.e., 8 hexadecimal digits. codeRE = re.compile(r""" \ Code\ {9} # ' Code' followed by 9 SPCs, .* # the wildcard chars, 0x[0-9a-f]{8} # the flag column, and \ (.+)$ # finally the function symbol. """, re.VERBOSE) for line in raw_output.split(os.linesep): match = codeRE.search(line) if match: func = match.group(1) #print "line:", line #print "func:", func self.runCmd('disassemble -n "%s"' % func) def test_simple_disasm_with_dsym(self): """Test the lldb 'disassemble' command""" self.buildDsym() self.do_simple_disasm() def test_simple_disasm_with_dwarf(self): """Test the lldb 'disassemble' command""" self.buildDwarf() self.do_simple_disasm() def do_simple_disasm(self): """Do a bunch of simple disassemble commands.""" exe = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "a.out") self.runCmd("file " + exe, CURRENT_EXECUTABLE_SET) # Stop at +[NSString stringWithFormat:]. self.expect("_regexp-break +[NSString stringWithFormat:]", BREAKPOINT_CREATED, substrs = ["Breakpoint created: 1: name = '+[NSString stringWithFormat:]', locations = 1"]) # Stop at -[MyString initWithNSString:]. self.expect("breakpoint set -n '-[MyString initWithNSString:]'", BREAKPOINT_CREATED, startstr = "Breakpoint created: 2: name = '-[MyString initWithNSString:]', locations = 1") # Stop at the "description" selector. self.expect("breakpoint set -S description", BREAKPOINT_CREATED, startstr = "Breakpoint created: 3: name = 'description', locations = 1") # Stop at -[NSAutoreleasePool release]. self.expect("_regexp-break -[NSAutoreleasePool release]", BREAKPOINT_CREATED, substrs = ["Breakpoint created: 4: name = '-[NSAutoreleasePool release]', locations = 1"]) self.runCmd("run", RUN_SUCCEEDED) # First stop is +[NSString stringWithFormat:]. self.expect("thread backtrace", "Stop at +[NSString stringWithFormat:]", substrs = ["Foundation`+[NSString stringWithFormat:]"]) # Do the disassemble for the currently stopped function. self.runCmd("disassemble -f") self.runCmd("process continue") # Skip another breakpoint for +[NSString stringWithFormat:]. self.runCmd("process continue") # Followed by a.out`-[MyString initWithNSString:]. self.expect("thread backtrace", "Stop at a.out`-[MyString initWithNSString:]", substrs = ["a.out`-[MyString initWithNSString:]"]) # Do the disassemble for the currently stopped function. self.runCmd("disassemble -f") self.runCmd("process continue") # Followed by -[MyString description]. self.expect("thread backtrace", "Stop at -[MyString description]", substrs = ["a.out`-[MyString description]"]) # Do the disassemble for the currently stopped function. self.runCmd("disassemble -f") self.runCmd("process continue") # Skip another breakpoint for -[MyString description]. self.runCmd("process continue") # Followed by -[NSAutoreleasePool release]. self.expect("thread backtrace", "Stop at -[NSAutoreleasePool release]", substrs = ["Foundation`-[NSAutoreleasePool release]"]) # Do the disassemble for the currently stopped function. self.runCmd("disassemble -f") if __name__ == '__main__': import atexit lldb.SBDebugger.Initialize() atexit.register(lambda: lldb.SBDebugger.Terminate()) unittest2.main()