### DispatchProcessMonitor ### =========================================================================== DESCRIPTION: Sample code showing how to: monitor process, do file and network I/O, create and manage timers, and use dispatch_apply =========================================================================== BUILD REQUIREMENTS: Mac OS X version 10.6 Snow Leopard =========================================================================== RUNTIME REQUIREMENTS: Mac OS X version 10.6 Snow Leopard =========================================================================== PACKAGING LIST: apply.c - dispatch_apply examples netcat.c - network I/O examples nWide.c - use of dispatch_semaphore to limit number of in-flight blocks proc.c - process monitoring example readFile.c - file I/O examples readFileF.c - file I/O examples without Blocks timers.c - create and manage timers =========================================================================== SAMPLE USAGE: dispatch-apply dispatch-apply takes no arguments. When run it will display some status messages and timing information. dispatch-netcat Open two terminal windows. In one window run the "server": cat ReadMe.txt | dispatch-netcat -l localhost 5050 In the other run the "client": dispatch-netcat localhost 5050 Your server will send the contents of ReadMe.txt to the client, the server will close it's connection and exit. The client will display whatever the server sent (the ReadMe.txt file). See the main function in netcat.c for more options. dispatch-nWide dispatch-nWide takes no arguments. When run it will display explanatory text. dispatch-proc dispatch-proc takes no arguments. When run it will display output from some processes it runs, and it will display information from the process lifecycle events dispatch generates. dispatch-readFile Run dispatch-readFile with a filename as an argument: dispatch-readFile ReadMe.txt It will read the file 10 (or fewer) bytes at a time and display how many bytes dispatch thinks are remaining to read. dispatch-readFileF Exactly the same as dispatch-readFile, but written without the use of Blocks. dispatch-timers dispatch-timers takes no arguments, running it display timer ticks for a timer with an initial interval of one second, changing to one half second after the first three events. It will exit after six events. =========================================================================== CHANGES FROM PREVIOUS VERSIONS: Version 1.1 - Updated to current libdispatch API, and added samples readFileF.c and nWide.c Version 1.0 - First version =========================================================================== Copyright (C) 2009 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.