AutoSubzone.h   [plain text]

 * Copyright (c) 2009 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
    Copyright (c) 2004-2008 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.

#pragma once
#ifndef __AUTO_SUBZONE__
#define __AUTO_SUBZONE__

#include "AutoAdmin.h"
#include "AutoDefs.h"
#include "AutoBitmap.h"
#include "AutoFreeList.h"
#include "AutoWriteBarrier.h"
#include "AutoRegion.h"
#import "auto_tester/auto_tester.h"
#include "auto_zone.h"
#include <cassert>

namespace Auto {

    // Forward declarations
    class Region;
    //----- Subzone -----//
    // A subzone is a region in vm memory managed by automatic garbage collection.  The base address of the subheap is
    // aligned to the subzone quantum size such that the containing subzone can be quickly determined from any refererence 
    // into the subzone.
    // A C++ Subzone object is constructed at this aligned address.  The first chunk of memory are the write-barrier cards
    // that keep track of write-barrier-quantum ranges of objects that have been stored into.
    // Next are the instance variables including a back pointer to the "admin" that contains the free lists.
    // Fleshing out the rest are the "admin" data, one per quantum, indicating if its the start of a block etc.
    // Quantum numbers are used for most operations - the object with quantum 0 starts just after the end of the admin data
    // at the first quantum boundary opportunity.
    // There are two quantum sizes that a Subzone can be configured to manage - small and medium.  We keep a "bias" so that
    // in a bitmap of all subzones we can quickly keep it as dense as possible.
    class Subzone : public Preallocated {

        unsigned char  _write_barrier_cards[subzone_write_barrier_max];
        WriteBarrier   _write_barrier;
                                        // write barrier for subzone - must be first
        usword_t       _quantum_log2;   // ilog2 of the quantum used in this admin
        Region         *_region;        // region owning this subzone (with bitmaps for these quanta)
        Admin          *_admin;         // admin for this subzone (reflecting appropriate quanta size)
        usword_t       _quantum_bias;   // the value added to subzone quantum numbers to get a globally
                                        // unique quantum (used to index region pending/mark bits)
        void           *_allocation_address; // base address for allocations
        usword_t       _in_use;         // high water mark
        unsigned char  _side_data[1];   // base for side data

        enum {
             A quantum with start_bit set indicates the beginning of a block, which may be either allocated or free.
             The block is allocated if any of the remaining bits are nonzero. If all are zero then the block is free.
             Minimally, if a block is allocated either global_bit, or alloc_local_bit, or the garbage bit will be set.
             The block size for an allocated block beginning at quanta q is determined by examining the side data at quanta q+1. 
             If the start bit at q+1 is set then the block size is 1 quanta. If the start bit at q+1 is not set then the remaining
             bits hold the block size (in units of quanta.)
             The block size for a unallocated block can be inferred from the free list it is on.
            start_bit_log2 = 7,
            start_bit = 0x1 << start_bit_log2,                  // indicates beginning of block

             The layout indicates whether the block is an object and whether it is scanned.  Even when a block is marked
             as garbage the scanned bit is important because the background collector needs to scan through even local garbage
             to find references - otherwise it might win a race and deallocate something that will be referenced in a finalize
             run by the local collector.
            layout_log2 = 5,
            layout_mask = 0x3 << layout_log2,                   // indicates block organization
             The global bit is consulted in order to determine the interpretation of all remaining bits.
             When global bit == 1, the age_mask and refcount_mask bits are valid.
             When global bit == 0, alloc_local_bit and garbage_bit are valid.
             When garbage_bit == 1, refcount_mask is again valid since blocks may be marked external in a finalize method.
             When garbage_bit == 0, scan_local_bit is valid.
            global_bit_log2 = 0,
            global_bit = 0x1 << global_bit_log2,                // indicates thread locality of block. 0 -> thread local, 1 -> global

            garbage_bit_log2 = 2,
            garbage_bit = 0x1 << garbage_bit_log2,              // iff global == 0.  marks garbage, alloc_local_bit marks if local.
            alloc_local_bit_log2 = 1,
            alloc_local_bit = 0x1 << alloc_local_bit_log2,      // iff global == 0. marks that a block is thread local
            scan_local_bit_log2 = 3,
            scan_local_bit = 0x1 << scan_local_bit_log2,        // iff global == 0, alloc_local == 1. marks thread local to be scanned
            refcount_log2 = 3,
            refcount_mask = 0x3 << refcount_log2,               // if global_bit == 1 else garbage_bit == 1. holds inline refcount
            age_mask_log2 = 1,
            age_mask = 0x3 << age_mask_log2,                    // iff global_bit == 1. block age bits for background collector
            /* Interesting age values. */
            youngest_age = 3,
            eldest_age = 0,
            quanta_size_mask = 0x7f,                            // quanta size mask for blocks of quanta size 2+
        // Does a side data value represent the youngest age (includes thread local)? 
        static inline bool is_youngest(unsigned char sd) { return ((sd & age_mask)>>age_mask_log2) == youngest_age; }
        // Does a side data value represent the eldest age?
        static inline bool is_eldest(unsigned char sd) { return ((sd & age_mask)>>age_mask_log2) == eldest_age; }

        // subzone_side_data_max
        // Given a constant quantum_log2 returns a constant (optimized code) defining
        // the maximum number of quantum in the subzone.
        static inline usword_t subzone_side_data_max(usword_t quantum_log2) {
            // size of subzone data (non quantum) less size of side data
            usword_t header_size = sizeof(Subzone) - sizeof(unsigned char);
            // quantum size plus one byte for side data
            usword_t bytes_per_quantum = (1LL << quantum_log2) + 1;
            // round up the maximum number quantum (max out side data)
            return (subzone_quantum - header_size + bytes_per_quantum - 1) / bytes_per_quantum;

        // subzone_base_data_size
        // Given a constant quantum_log2 returns a constant (optimized code) defining
        // the size of the non quantum data rounded up to a the nearest quantum.
        static inline usword_t subzone_base_data_size(usword_t quantum_log2) {
            return align2(sizeof(Subzone) - sizeof(unsigned char) + subzone_side_data_max(quantum_log2), quantum_log2);

        // subzone_allocation_size
        // Given a constant quantum_log2 returns a constant (optimized code) defining
        // the size of the area available for allocating quantum.
        static inline usword_t subzone_allocation_size(usword_t quantum_log2) {
            return subzone_quantum - subzone_base_data_size(quantum_log2);

        // subzone_allocation_limit
        // Given a constant quantum_log2 returns a constant (optimized code) defining
        // the number of the quantum that can be allocated.
        static inline usword_t subzone_allocation_limit(usword_t quantum_log2) {
            return partition2(subzone_allocation_size(quantum_log2), quantum_log2);
        // Constructor
        Subzone(Region *region, Admin *admin, usword_t quantum_log2, usword_t quantum_bias)
            : _write_barrier(_write_barrier_cards, _write_barrier_cards, WriteBarrier::bytes_needed(subzone_quantum)),
              _quantum_log2(quantum_log2), _region(region), _admin(admin), _quantum_bias(quantum_bias), _allocation_address(NULL), _in_use(0)
            usword_t base_data_size = is_small() ?
                                        subzone_base_data_size(allocate_quantum_small_log2) :
            _allocation_address = (void *)displace(this, base_data_size);
        // Accessors
        usword_t quantum_log2()                const { return _quantum_log2; }
        Region *region()                       const { return _region; }
        Admin *admin()                         const { return _admin; }
        usword_t quantum_bias()                const { return _quantum_bias; }
        // subzone
        // Return the subzone of an arbitrary memory address.
        static inline Subzone *subzone(void *address) { return (Subzone *)((uintptr_t)address & ~mask(subzone_quantum_log2)); }

        // is_small
        // Return true if it is a small admin.
        inline bool is_small() const { return _quantum_log2 == allocate_quantum_small_log2; }
        // is_medium
        // Return true if it is a medium admin.
        inline bool is_medium() const { return _quantum_log2 == allocate_quantum_medium_log2; }
        // allocation_address
        // Return the first allocation address in the subzone.
        inline void *allocation_address() const { return _allocation_address; }

        // allocation_end
        // Return the last allocation address in the subzone.
        inline void *allocation_end() { return displace(this, subzone_quantum); }
        // base_data_size
        // Return the size of the base data space in the subzone.
        inline usword_t base_data_size() const {
             return is_small() ? subzone_base_data_size(allocate_quantum_small_log2):

        // base_data_quantum_count
        // Return the number quantum of the base data space occupies.
        inline usword_t base_data_quantum_count(usword_t quantum_log2) const {
             return subzone_base_data_size(quantum_log2) >> quantum_log2;

        // allocation_size
        // Return the size of the allocation space in the subzone.
        inline usword_t allocation_size() const {
             return is_small() ? subzone_allocation_size(allocate_quantum_small_log2) :

        // allocation_limit
        // Return the number quantum in the subzone.
        inline usword_t allocation_limit() const {
             return is_small() ? subzone_allocation_limit(allocate_quantum_small_log2) :
        // quantum_index
        // Returns a quantum index for a arbitrary pointer.
        // Unless running DEBUG this could be bogus if the pointer refers to the admin (write-barrier) area of a subzone.
        // Callers must have already done a successful is_start or be prepared to validate against quantum_limit.
        inline usword_t quantum_index(void *address, usword_t quantum_log2) const {
            usword_t result = (((uintptr_t)address & mask(subzone_quantum_log2)) >> quantum_log2) - base_data_quantum_count(quantum_log2);
            if (result > allocation_limit()) { printf("bad quantum index\n"); __builtin_trap(); }
            return result;
        inline usword_t quantum_index(void *address) const {
            return is_small() ? quantum_index(address, allocate_quantum_small_log2) :
                                quantum_index(address, allocate_quantum_medium_log2);
        // quantum_index_unchecked
        // Returns a quantum index for a arbitrary pointer.  Might be bogus if the address is in the admin (writebarrier) area.
        inline usword_t quantum_index_unchecked(void *address, usword_t quantum_log2) const {
            return (((uintptr_t)address & mask(subzone_quantum_log2)) >> quantum_log2) - base_data_quantum_count(quantum_log2);
        inline usword_t quantum_index_unchecked(void *address) const {
            return is_small() ? quantum_index_unchecked(address, allocate_quantum_small_log2) :
                                quantum_index_unchecked(address, allocate_quantum_medium_log2);
        // allocation_count
        // High water count for this subzone
        inline usword_t allocation_count() const { return _in_use; }

        // add_allocation_count
        // High water count for this subzone
        inline void raise_allocation_count(usword_t q)  { _in_use += q; }

        // subtract_allocation_count
        // High water count for this subzone
        inline void lower_allocation_count(usword_t q)  { _in_use -= q; }

        // quantum_count
        // Returns the number of quantum for a given size.
        inline const usword_t quantum_count(const size_t size) const {
            return partition2(size, _quantum_log2);
        // quantum_size
        // Returns the size in bytes of n quantum.
        inline const usword_t quantum_size(const usword_t n) const { return n << _quantum_log2; }
        // quantum_address
        // Returns the address if a specified quantum.
        inline void *quantum_address(const usword_t q) const { return displace(_allocation_address, quantum_size(q)); }
        // quantum_range
        // Return the range for the block at q.
        inline void quantum_range(const usword_t q, Range &range) const {
            range.set_range(quantum_address(q), size(q));
        inline void quantum_range(void *block, Range &range) const {
            range.set_range(block, size(quantum_index(block)));
        // Side data accessors
        inline bool is_free(usword_t q)              const { return (_side_data[q] & ~start_bit) == 0; }
        inline bool is_free(void *address)           const { return is_free(quantum_index(address)); }
        inline bool is_start(usword_t q)             const { return (_side_data[q] & start_bit) != 0 && !is_free(q); }
        inline bool block_is_start(usword_t q)       const { return q < allocation_limit() && (_side_data[q] & start_bit) != 0 && !is_free(q); }
        inline bool block_is_start(void *address)    const {
            return (is_small() ? is_bit_aligned(address, allocate_quantum_small_log2) :
                                 is_bit_aligned(address, allocate_quantum_medium_log2)) &&
        inline usword_t length(usword_t q)           const { 
            usword_t result;
            if (q == allocation_limit()-1 || (_side_data[q+1] & start_bit))
                result = 1;
            else {
                ASSERTION(_side_data[q + 1] != 0);
                result = _side_data[q+1] & quanta_size_mask;
            return result;
        inline usword_t length(void *address)        const { return length(quantum_index(address)); }
        inline usword_t size(usword_t q)             const { return quantum_size(length(q)); }
        inline usword_t size(void *address)          const { return size(quantum_index(address)); }
        inline bool is_new(usword_t q)               const { return q < allocation_limit() && !is_eldest(_side_data[q]); }
        inline bool is_new(void *address)            const { return is_new(quantum_index(address)); }
        inline bool is_newest(usword_t q)            const { return is_youngest(_side_data[q]); }
        inline bool is_newest(void *address)         const { return is_newest(quantum_index(address)); }

        inline usword_t age(usword_t q)              const { return (_side_data[q] & age_mask) >> age_mask_log2; }
        inline usword_t age(void *address)           const { return age(quantum_index(address)); }
        inline usword_t refcount(usword_t q)         const { return (is_live_thread_local(q)) ? 0 : (_side_data[q] & refcount_mask) >> refcount_log2; }
        inline usword_t refcount(void *address)      const { return refcount(quantum_index(address)); }
        inline usword_t sideData(void *address) const { return _side_data[quantum_index(address)]; }
        inline void incr_refcount(usword_t q) {
            // must remove from local list before incrementing
            unsigned char sd = _side_data[q];
            unsigned char r = (sd & refcount_mask) >> refcount_log2;
            sd &= ~refcount_mask;
            _side_data[q] = sd | ((r+1)<<refcount_log2);
        inline void decr_refcount(usword_t q) {
            unsigned char sd = _side_data[q];
            unsigned char r = (sd & refcount_mask) >> refcount_log2;
            sd &= ~refcount_mask;
            _side_data[q] = sd | ((r-1) << refcount_log2);
        inline void mature(usword_t q) {
            if (!is_thread_local(q)) {
                unsigned char data = _side_data[q];
                unsigned char current = (data & age_mask) >> age_mask_log2;
                if (current > eldest_age) {
                    data &= ~age_mask;
                    data |= ((current-1) << age_mask_log2);
                    _side_data[q] = data;
                    AUTO_PROBE(auto_probe_mature(quantum_address(q), current-1));
        inline void mature(void *address)                  { mature(quantum_index(address)); }
        /* Test if the block is marked as thread local in the side data. Note that a true result does not necessarily mean it is local to the calling thread. */
        inline bool is_thread_local(usword_t q)     const { return (_side_data[q] & (start_bit|alloc_local_bit|global_bit)) == (start_bit|alloc_local_bit); }
        inline bool is_thread_local(void *address)  const { usword_t q = quantum_index(address); return is_start(q) && is_thread_local(q); }
        inline bool is_thread_local_block(void *address)  const { usword_t q = quantum_index_unchecked(address); return q < allocation_limit() && is_start(q) && is_thread_local(q); }
        /* Test if the block is thread local and not garbage. Note that a true result does not necessarily mean it is local to the calling thread. */
        inline bool is_live_thread_local(usword_t q)     const { return (_side_data[q] & (start_bit | alloc_local_bit | global_bit|garbage_bit)) == (start_bit|alloc_local_bit); }
        inline bool is_live_thread_local(void *address)  const { return is_live_thread_local(quantum_index(address)); }
        inline bool is_live_thread_local_block(void *address)  const { usword_t q = quantum_index_unchecked(address); return q < allocation_limit() && is_start(q) &&is_live_thread_local(q); }

        // mark a thread-local object as a global one
        // NOTE:  this must be called BEFORE the object can be retained, since it starts the object with rc=0, age=youngest.
        inline void make_global(usword_t q) {
            unsigned char data = _side_data[q];
            data &= ~(refcount_mask | age_mask);
            data |= global_bit | (youngest_age << age_mask_log2);
            _side_data[q] = data;
            AUTO_PROBE(auto_probe_make_global(quantum_address(q), youngest_age));
        inline void make_global(void *address)  { make_global(quantum_index(address));}

         Mark a block as garbage.
         For global data mark global_bit 0 and garbage_bit 1
         For local data merely mark the garbage_bit 1 (keeping global_bit 0)
         When marking garbage also clear the refcount bits since they may get used during finalize, even for local garbage.
         As is, the full layout is preserved.
        inline void mark_global_garbage(usword_t q)          { ASSERTION(!is_thread_local(q)); _side_data[q] = (_side_data[q] & (start_bit|layout_mask)) | garbage_bit; }
        inline void mark_global_garbage(void *address)       { return mark_global_garbage(quantum_index(address)); }
        inline bool is_garbage(usword_t q)           const { return (_side_data[q] & (start_bit|garbage_bit|global_bit)) == (start_bit|garbage_bit); }
        inline bool is_garbage(void *address)        const { return is_garbage(quantum_index(address)); }
        inline void mark_local_garbage(usword_t q)          { ASSERTION(is_thread_local(q)); _side_data[q] = (_side_data[q] & (start_bit|layout_mask)) | garbage_bit | alloc_local_bit; }
        inline void mark_local_garbage(void *address)       { return mark_local_garbage(quantum_index(address)); }
        inline bool is_local_garbage(usword_t q)      const { return (_side_data[q] & (start_bit|garbage_bit|alloc_local_bit)) == (start_bit|garbage_bit|alloc_local_bit); }
        inline bool is_marked(usword_t q)            const { return q < allocation_limit() && _region->is_marked(_quantum_bias + q); }
        inline bool is_marked(void *address)         const { return is_marked(quantum_index(address)); }
        inline usword_t layout(usword_t q)           const { return (_side_data[q] & layout_mask) >> layout_log2; }
        inline usword_t layout(void *address)        const { return layout(quantum_index(address)); }

        inline bool is_scanned(usword_t q)           const { return !(layout(q) & AUTO_UNSCANNED); }
        inline bool is_scanned(void *address)        const { return is_scanned(quantum_index(address)); }
        inline bool has_refcount(usword_t q)         const { return !is_thread_local(q) && (_side_data[q] & refcount_mask) != 0; }
        inline bool has_refcount(void *address)      const { return has_refcount(quantum_index(address)); }
        inline void set_mark(usword_t q)                   { _region->set_mark(_quantum_bias + q); }
        inline void set_mark(void *address)                { set_mark(quantum_index(address)); }

        inline void clear_mark(usword_t q)                 { _region->clear_mark(_quantum_bias + q); }
        inline void clear_mark(void *address)              { clear_mark(quantum_index(address)); }
        inline bool assert_thread_local(usword_t q)         { return is_thread_local(q); }
        inline void set_scan_local_block(usword_t q)        { ASSERTION(!is_garbage(q)); if (is_scanned(q)) _side_data[q] |= scan_local_bit; }
        inline void set_scan_local_block(void *address)     { set_scan_local_block(quantum_index(address)); }
        inline void clear_scan_local_block(usword_t q)        { _side_data[q] &= ~scan_local_bit; }
        inline void clear_scan_local_block(void *address)     { clear_scan_local_block(quantum_index(address)); }
        inline bool should_scan_local_block(usword_t q)     { return assert_thread_local(q) && (_side_data[q] & scan_local_bit); }
        inline bool should_scan_local_block(void *address)  { return should_scan_local_block(quantum_index(address)); }
        // mark (if not already marked)
        // return already-marked
        inline bool test_set_mark(usword_t q)              { return _region->test_set_mark(_quantum_bias + q); }
        inline bool test_set_mark(void *address)           { return test_set_mark(quantum_index(address)); }
        inline void set_layout(usword_t q, usword_t layout) {
            unsigned d = _side_data[q];
            d &= ~layout_mask;
            d |= (layout << layout_log2);
            _side_data[q] = d;
        inline void set_layout(void *address, usword_t layout) { set_layout(quantum_index(address), layout); }
        inline bool is_pending(usword_t q)           const { return _region->is_pending(_quantum_bias + q); }
        inline bool is_pending(void *address)        const { return is_pending(quantum_index(address)); }
        inline void set_pending(usword_t q)                { _region->set_pending(_quantum_bias + q); }
        inline void set_pending(void *address)             { set_pending(quantum_index(address)); }
        inline void clear_pending(usword_t q)              { _region->clear_pending(_quantum_bias + q); }
        inline void clear_pending(void *address)           { clear_pending(quantum_index(address)); }
        // is_used
        // Return true if the quantum is in a used quantum.
        inline bool is_used(usword_t q) const {
            // any data indicates use
            if (!is_free(q)) return true;
            // otherwise find the prior start
            for (usword_t s = q; true; s--) {
                if (is_start(s)) {
                    usword_t n = length(s);
                    // make sure q is in range
                    return (q - s) < n;
                if (!s) break;
            return false;
        inline bool is_used(void *address)          const { return is_used(quantum_index(address)); }

        // should_pend
        // High performance check and set for scanning blocks in a subzone (major hotspot.)
        bool should_pend(void *address, usword_t q) {
            unsigned char *sdq;
            if (is_small()) {
                if (!is_bit_aligned(address, allocate_quantum_small_log2)) return false;
                sdq = _side_data + q;
                if (q >= subzone_allocation_limit(allocate_quantum_small_log2)) return false;
            } else {
                if (!is_bit_aligned(address, allocate_quantum_medium_log2)) return false;
                sdq = _side_data + q;
                if (q >= subzone_allocation_limit(allocate_quantum_medium_log2)) return false;

            usword_t sd = *sdq;
            if ((sd & start_bit) != start_bit) return false;
            if (test_set_mark(q)) return false;
            usword_t layout = (sd & layout_mask) >> layout_log2;
            return !(layout & AUTO_UNSCANNED);

        // should_pend_new
        // High performance check and set for scanning new blocks in a subzone (major hotspot.)
        bool should_pend_new(void *address, usword_t q) {
            unsigned char *sdq;
            if (is_small()) {
                if (!is_bit_aligned(address, allocate_quantum_small_log2)) return false;
                sdq = _side_data + q;
                if (q >= subzone_allocation_limit(allocate_quantum_small_log2)) return false;
            } else {
                if (!is_bit_aligned(address, allocate_quantum_medium_log2)) return false;
                sdq = _side_data + q;
                if (q >= subzone_allocation_limit(allocate_quantum_medium_log2)) return false;

            usword_t sd = *sdq;
            if ((sd & start_bit) != start_bit || is_eldest(sd)) return false;
            if (test_set_mark(q)) return false;

            usword_t layout = (sd & layout_mask) >> layout_log2;
            return !(layout & AUTO_UNSCANNED);
        // next_quantum
        // Returns the next q for block or free node.
        inline usword_t next_quantum(usword_t q = 0) const {
            usword_t nq;
            if (is_start(q)) {
                nq = q + length(q);
            } else {
                // FIXME:  accessing the free list without holding the allocation lock is a race condition.
                // SpinLock lock(_admin->lock());
                // FreeListNode *node = (FreeListNode *)quantum_address(q);
                // q = quantum_index(node->next_block());
                // Instead, we simply search for the next block start. Note, this means we no longer
                // return quanta for free blocks.
                usword_t n = allocation_limit();
                nq = q + 1;
                while (nq < n && !is_start(nq)) ++nq;
            // Until <rdar://problem/6404163> is fixed, nq can equal q. This is mostly harmless, because the
            // caller will keep looping over the same q value, until _side_data[q + 1] is updated.
            ASSERTION(nq >= q);
            return nq;

        inline usword_t next_quantum(usword_t q, MemoryReader & reader) const {
            return next_quantum(q);

        // block_start
        // Return the start address for the given address.
        // All clients must (and do) check for NULL return.
        inline void * block_start(void *address) const {
            usword_t q = quantum_index_unchecked(address), s = q;
            // an arbitrary address in our admin area will return a neg (very large) number
            if (q > allocation_limit()) return NULL;
            do {
                if (is_start(s)) {
                    usword_t n = length(s);
                    // make sure q is in range
                    return ((q - s) < n) ? quantum_address(s) : NULL;
            } while (s--);
            return NULL;

        // allocate
        // Initialize side data for a new block.
        inline void allocate(usword_t q, const usword_t n, const usword_t layout, const bool refcount_is_one, const bool is_local) {
            ASSERTION(n <= maximum_quanta && n > 0);
            unsigned char sd;
            sd =    start_bit
                | (layout << layout_log2) 
                | (is_local ?  alloc_local_bit : (global_bit | (youngest_age << age_mask_log2)))
                //| (is_local ?  alloc_local_bit : global_bit) // hides allocation microbenchmark issues
                | (refcount_is_one ? (1 << refcount_log2) : 0);
            _side_data[q] = sd;
            if (n > 1) {
                _side_data[q + 1] = n;
                _side_data[q + n - 1] = n;
            // Only touch the next block if it is zero (free)
            // Other threads can touching that block's side data (global/local/garbage)
            if (q+n < allocation_limit() && _side_data[q + n] == 0)
                _side_data[q + n] |= start_bit;

        // cache
        // Initialize side data for a cached block.
        inline void cache(usword_t q, const usword_t n) {
            ASSERTION(n <= maximum_quanta && n > 0);
            _side_data[q] = (start_bit | alloc_local_bit | (AUTO_MEMORY_UNSCANNED << layout_log2) | garbage_bit);
            if (n > 1) {
                _side_data[q + 1] = n;
                _side_data[q + n - 1] = n;
            // Only touch the next block if it is zero (free)
            // Other threads can touching that block's side data (global/local/garbage)
            if (q+n < allocation_limit() && _side_data[q + n] == 0)
                _side_data[q + n] |= start_bit;

        // deallocate
        // Clear side data for an existing block.
        inline void deallocate(usword_t q, usword_t len) {
            bool prev_quanta_allocated = (q > 0 ? (_side_data[q-1] != 0) : false);
            _side_data[q] = prev_quanta_allocated ? start_bit : 0;
            if (len > 1) {
                _side_data[q+1] = 0;
                _side_data[q+len-1] = 0;
            if (q+len < allocation_limit()) {
                if (_side_data[q+len] == start_bit)
                    _side_data[q+len] = 0;
        inline void deallocate(usword_t q) { deallocate(q, length(q)); }

        // write_barrier
        // Returns accessor for this subzone's write barrier.
        inline WriteBarrier& write_barrier() {
            return _write_barrier;
        // malloc_statistics
        // Adds the Subzone's memory use to stats.
        void malloc_statistics(malloc_statistics_t *stats);
    //----- SubzoneRangeIterator -----//
    // Iterate over a range of memory
    class SubzoneRangeIterator : public Range {

        // Constructors
        SubzoneRangeIterator(void *address, const usword_t size)
        : Range(address, size)
        SubzoneRangeIterator(void *address, void *end)
        : Range(address, end)
        SubzoneRangeIterator(Range range)
        : Range(range)
        // next
        // Returns next subzone in the range or NULL if no more entries available.
        inline Subzone *next() {
            // if cursor is still in range
            if (address() < end()) {
                // capture cursor position
                Subzone *_next = (Subzone *)address();
                // advance for next call
                set_address(displace(_next, subzone_quantum));
                // return captured cursor position
                return _next;
            // at end
            return NULL;

#endif // __AUTO_SUBZONE__