-------- tagged ld64-128.1 2011-09-13 Nick Kledzik Enable dyld to be put into the dyld shared cache 2011-09-13 Nick Kledzik Fix "using ld_classic" warning for i386 kexts 2011-09-13 Nick Kledzik LTO many have eliminated need for some undefines -------- tagged ld64-128 2011-09-08 Nick Kledzik Rework 8924157 fix to sort all sections 2011-09-07 Nick Kledzik ER: -current_version should allow 64-bit a.b.c.d.e tuple 2011-09-06 Nick Kledzik -mdynamic-no-pic broke with movw of weak thumb symbol 2011-09-01 Nick Kledzik Turn crash into a warning if __dso_handle is defined in user code Added test case: unit-tests/test-cases/dso_handle 2011-08-31 Nick Kledzik Add -fatal_warnings 2011-08-30 Nick Kledzik Support .weak_def_can_be_hidden via LTO interface 2011-08-29 Nick Kledzik improve performance of zerofill->data ordering 2011-08-29 Nick Kledzik Implement -print_statistics 2011-08-25 Nick Kledzik check for overlaps between pinned segments and regular segments 2011-08-23 Nick Kledzik do got elimination more aggressively in static and preload mode 2011-08-22 Nick Kledzik enable __dso_handle in -preload 2011-08-22 Nick Kledzik fix section$end to sort to end of __mod_init_func section 2011-08-18 Nick Kledzik __constructor section removed with -dead_strip 2011-08-11 Nick Kledzik remove ld support for PowerPC 2011-08-11 Nick Kledzik Fix spurious -segaddr alignment warning -------- tagged ld64-127.3 2011-08-31 Nick Kledzik [regression] C++ Initializers from archives not sorted Added test case: unit-tests/test-cases/archive-init-order -------- tagged ld64-127.2 2011-08-15 Nick Kledzik suppress version load command for simulator builds -------- tagged ld64-127.1 2011-07-26 Nick Kledzik Csu needs to support for armv7 variants -------- tagged ld64-127 2011-07-26 Nick Kledzik crash with TLS + -dead_strip 2011-07-20 Nick Kledzik ld64-123.2.1/ChangeLog contains internal train names and radar titles 2011-07-17 Nick Kledzik ld crashes with an assertion failure when linking WebKit with LTO 2011-07-14 Nick Kledzik Personalities missing when using compact unwind 2011-07-13 Nick Kledzik force loaded archives not listed in LD_TRACE 2011-07-05 Nick Kledzik spurious warning: Codegen prevents image from working in dyld shared cache 2011-07-01 Nick Kledzik Fix -classic_linker option -------- tagged ld64-126.5 2011-06-15 Nick Kledzik ld64-124.6: ld -r introduces duplicate symbols 2011-06-15 Nick Kledzik loosen check for 32-bit absolute address out of range -------- tagged ld64-126.3.1 2011-06-15 Nick Kledzik Update armv7 variants -------- tagged ld64-126.2 2011-06-13 Nick Kledzik iOS ld -r loses dont-dead-strip attribute on __objc_nlclslist section 2011-06-13 Nick Kledzik LC_ENCRYPTION_INFO size can be wrong -------- tagged ld64-126.1 2011-06-10 Nick Kledzik Add back support for armv7 variants -------- tagged ld64-126 2011-06-09 Nick Kledzik -ObjC does not work for simulator 2011-06-09 Nick Kledzik clang ld: bad codegen, pointer diff Added test case: unit-tests/test-cases/weak-def-hidden-and-global 2011-06-03 Nick Kledzik warning then assertion when libSystem.dylib is missing 2011-06-02 Nick Kledzik ld crash with resolver functions 2011-06-01 Nick Kledzik define way for compilers to specify compact unwind info Added test case: unit-tests/test-cases/compact-unwind-basic Updated unwinddump tool to display compact unwind info in .o files 2011-06-01 Nick Kledzik Allow 8612550 (turn ordered zero fill symbols into zero data) to work not just for dyld 2011-06-01 Nick Kledzik Remove trailing /. in dwarf source dirs to cannoicalize paths 2011-06-01 Nick Kledzik Sort debug notes by output order instead of input order. 2011-06-01 Nick Kledzik remove support for invoking ld_classic in iOS 2011-06-01 Nick Kledzik Fix arm branch interworking in -r for armv6 2011-06-01 Nick Kledzik i386 regression with pointer-diff of same pointer 2011-05-27 Nick Kledzik Canonicalize dwarf source file dirname to always end in / 2011-05-27 Nick Kledzik support arm branch interworking in -r mode (use extern relocs) 2011-05-27 Nick Kledzik Add -page_align_data_atoms option 2011-05-24 Nick Kledzik align(16384) doesn't produce 16K aligned globals on ARMv7 2011-05-24 Nick Kledzik support arm shims in sections other than __text 2011-05-23 Nick Kledzik ld64 should only install to the platform in iOS 2011-05-19 Nick Kledzik Ld assertion with unusual section order 2011-05-17 Nick Kledzik Linker is not automatically weak loading dylibs when all references are weak -------- tagged ld64-125.3 2011-05-12 Nick Kledzik Fix missing split-seg-info for kindSetTargetImageOffset 2011-05-12 Nick Kledzik Linker crashes with __gcc_except_tab data belonging to no FDE 2011-05-11 Nick Kledzik Fix nop padding for arm code 2011-05-05 Nick Kledzik x86_64: cmp of GOT slot loses weak_import bit -------- tagged ld64-125.2 2011-05-02 Nick Kledzik Fix -flat_namespace issue with not all indirect dylibs being processed 2011-04-29 Nick Kledzik Fix sign extention on i386 addends of extern vanilla relocs 2011-04-29 Nick Kledzik Don't let -ObjC double load any archive members 2011-04-29 Nick Kledzik better warning about unaligned ARM functions -------- tagged ld64-125.1 2011-04-28 Nick Kledzik Fix sign extention on arm sect-diff relocs so as to not trip rangeCheckAbsolute32() -------- tagged ld64-125 2011-04-24 Nick Kledzik the entry point should start out initially undefined 2011-04-24 Nick Kledzik ld should never have a symbol in the non-lazy indirect symbol table with index 0 2011-04-24 Nick Kledzik ld adds undefined symbol from .exp file to kext bundle 2011-04-24 Nick Kledzik Linker typo suggestions should ignore l- and L- symbols 2011-04-24 Nick Kledzik -order_file_statistics warns about syms in multiple .o files even when names in order file are prefixed 2011-04-23 Nick Kledzik warning when a method is overridden in a category in the same link unit Add test case: unit-tests/test-cases/objc-category-warning 2011-04-23 Nick Kledzik don't let function from archive override a tentative definition Add test case: unit-tests/test-cases/tentative-and-archive-code 2011-04-23 Nick Kledzik x86_64 -- lossy relocation at static link time (push/mov $imm) 2011-04-23 Nick Kledzik Add comment to error message when __ZTV symbols are undefined 2011-04-23 Nick Kledzik obsolete -no_compact_linkedit 2011-04-23 Nick Kledzik sect->sectname() passed to "%s" formats 2011-04-14 Nick Kledzik linking a sub library of libSystem should not warn about common symbols 2011-04-14 Nick Kledzik support movw/movt in static executables 2011-04-12 Nick Kledzik Rework ARM subtype handling to be table driven 2011-04-11 Nick Kledzik Error if -init or -e function not in image being linked 2011-04-01 Nick Kledzik -static and -stack_addr don't work together 2011-03-31 Nick Kledzik ld assert in LTO mode if libLTO suppresses a weak symbol it should have perserved -------- tagged ld64-124.1 2011-03-30 Nick Kledzik log warning if ld_classic is invoked 2011-03-30 Nick Kledzik Support "-arch arm -force_cpusubtype_ALL" to keep gcc building -------- tagged ld64-124 2011-03-24 Nick Kledzik make libgcc_s and libSystem work for any link order 2011-03-18 Nick Kledzik ld64 should only install to the platform in iOS trains 2011-03-18 Nick Kledzik ld64 should build stand-alone and not need libunwind headers 2011-03-18 Nick Kledzik add LC_VERSION_MIN_IPHONEOS to iOS targets, warn on mismatches 2011-03-18 Nick Kledzik Make iOS simulator a real platform with command line versioning 2011-03-15 Nick Kledzik static executables don't get function start information 2011-03-15 Nick Kledzik allow_sub_type_mismatches linker flag broken 2011-03-15 Nick Kledzik Add option to support merging zero fill sections Add test case: unit-tests/test-cases/merge_zero_fill_sections 2011-03-15 Nick Kledzik Improve error message about text-relocs caused by direct access to global weak symbols. 2011-03-10 Nick Kledzik ld assert linking armv7 kext bundle on b/bl to external function -------- tagged ld64-123.10 2011-03-03 Nick Kledzik linking x86_64 causes assert from changes in ld64-123.9 -------- tagged ld64-123.9 2011-03-03 Nick Kledzik movw/movt don't work in dyld shared cache 2011-03-03 Nick Kledzik classic linkedit does not match compact for non-lazy pointers 2011-02-24 Nick Kledzik Support armv7 variants -------- tagged ld64-123.8 2011-02-10 Nick Kledzik Switch arm32 kexts to MH_KEXT_BUNDLE -------- tagged ld64-123.7 2011-02-10 Nick Kledzik Switch arm32 kexts to MH_KEXT_BUNDLE, if LD_KEXT_BUNDLE is set 2011-01-28 Nick Kledzik spurious 'found branch-22 without store' warning -------- tagged ld64-123.6 2011-01-26 Nick Kledzik crash with arm hi16/lo16 to external symbols -------- tagged ld64-123.5 2011-01-24 Nick Kledzik dyld synthesized tail call stubs don't always work -------- tagged ld64-123.4 2011-01-19 Nick Kledzik __text with >10 alignment should disable close-stub optimization 2011-01-18 Nick Kledzik :upper16: / :lower16: not working when targeting thumb functions -------- tagged ld64-123.3 2010-12-14 Nick Kledzik ld64 making shims when not necessary 2010-12-14 Nick Kledzik Add work around for latest llvm-c/lto.h -------- tagged ld64-123.2.1 2011-03-07 Nick Kledzik enable i386 ASLR -------- tagged ld64-123.2 2010-12-10 Nick Kledzik Man page typo: "dysmutil" under object_path_lto 2010-12-10 Nick Kledzik ld64 crashes when warning about re-exported symbol -------- tagged ld64-123.1 2010-12-07 Nick Kledzik assertion if symbol from re-exported dylib is in -exported_symbols_list -------- tagged ld64-123 2010-12-06 Nick Kledzik Change default search order and add -search_dylibs_first to restore old behavior 2010-12-06 Nick Kledzik ld should consistently warn when resolvers are not exported 2010-12-02 Nick Kledzik data segment has file offset 0 -------- tagged ld64-122 2010-12-01 Nick Kledzik Add #define ARM_RELOC_HALF in case trying to build with old mach-o/arm/reloc.h header 2010-11-30 Nick Kledzik Linker should synthesize interworking stubs for tail calls added test case: unit-tests/test-cases/branch-interworking 2010-11-30 Nick Kledzik Link Time Optimization error with tentative defs and -dead_strip added test case: unit-tests/test-cases/lto-dead_strip-tentative -------- tagged ld64-121 2010-11-10 Nick Kledzik Add -dylibs option to dyldinfo tool 2010-11-03 Nick Kledzik Need support for ARM/thumb upper/lower 16 bit relocation 2010-11-03 Nick Kledzik Spelling typo in linker warning 2010-11-02 Nick Kledzik Xcode 4: ld -r doesn't work on files compiled with llvm-gcc -flto 2010-11-01 Nick Kledzik ld wrongly complaining about tlv relocs for i386 2010-11-01 Nick Kledzik Fix -why_live to list all references, not just first 2010-11-01 Nick Kledzik iOS is missing dof sections for armv7 slice -------- tagged ld64-120.3 2010-11-09 Nick Kledzik revert default search order -------- tagged ld64-120.2 2010-11-09 Nick Kledzik ld -r corrupts multiple non-lazy sections -------- tagged ld64-120.1 2010-10-25 Nick Kledzik When order file used on data, turn ordered zero fill symbols into zero data -------- tagged ld64-120 2010-10-25 Nick Kledzik ld should use this-image ordinal for symbols from re-exported non-public dylibs added test case: unit-tests/test-cases/re-export-and-use 2010-10-25 Nick Kledzik Value of N_SO stabs should be address of first atom from translation unit 2010-10-25 Nick Kledzik Always print arch name on undefined symbols error 2010-10-25 Nick Kledzik Add ld64 version number to crash logs 2010-10-22 Nick Kledzik -objc_abi_version 1 not supported 2010-10-22 Nick Kledzik Add support to ld64 for N_FUN stabs when used for symbolic constants 2010-10-22 Nick Kledzik Change default search order and add -search_dylibs_first to restore old behavior 2010-10-22 Nick Kledzik -L flag should support a space between it and its argument 2010-10-22 Nick Kledzik Hidden resolver functions don't work with DYLD_BIND_AT_LAUNCH 2010-10-22 Nick Kledzik Support resolver functions for function pointer use from same linkage unit 2010-10-19 Nick Kledzik section$start$ does not always point to start of built in section types -------- tagged ld64-119.2 2010-10-18 Nick Kledzik make having an ObjC2 class symbol in an export list be a warning instead of an error 2010-10-15 Nick Kledzik lazily produce (crt1.o missing) error -------- tagged ld64-119.1 2010-10-05 Nick Kledzik ld -r can produce output with LC_DYLD_INFO load command 2010-10-05 Nick Kledzik ld doesn't pass stabs debug info through to the final executable any longer 2010-10-05 Nick Kledzik __UNIXSTACK placed incorrectly when -stack_addr < 0x4000000 2010-10-05 Nick Kledzik ld mishandles -lazy-l option Updated test case: unit-tests/test-cases/lazy-dylib 2010-10-04 Nick Kledzik -no_compact_unwind should suppress dwarf->CUE warnings -------- tagged ld64-119 2010-10-01 Nick Kledzik use ld64 to link iBoot 2010-10-01 Nick Kledzik crash when entrypoint is thumb 2010-10-01 Nick Kledzik If -ios_version_min is used with -arch i386, assume simulator 2010-10-01 Nick Kledzik crash with multiple re-exported dylibs with same install_name 2010-09-28 Nick Kledzik Linker complains about resolver functions when architecture is inferred. 2010-09-28 Nick Kledzik ARM subtype not set on LTO programs 2010-09-28 Nick Kledzik Link-Time Optimization assertion Added test cases: unit-tests/test-cases/lto-dead_strip-objc unit-tests/test-cases/lto-dead_strip-some-hidden 2010-09-24 Nick Kledzik Support -dyld_env NAME=value 2010-09-23 Nick Kledzik Previous BranchIsland code changes to make buildable with clang++ were bad. Fix. 2010-09-23 Nick Kledzik ld64 objc category merging asserts on category from old framework 2010-09-23 Nick Kledzik ASLR Sidebuild: Many Projects Fail checksyms_read_only_relocs Verifier 2010-09-22 Nick Kledzik Fix DOF section name bug 2010-09-22 Nick Kledzik Fixes to build with clang++ 2010-09-21 Nick Kledzik In Resolver::fillInHelpersInInternalState(), dyld never needs stubs 2010-09-21 Ivan Krstic ld: support non-executable heap Mach-O header flag 2010-09-21 Nick Kledzik Xcode 4 linker fails with "address not in any section" 2010-09-20 Nick Kledzik assertion failure reading i386 yasm .o (not using scattered reloc) 2010-09-20 Nick Kledzik ld crashes when parsing dwarf and all code is not in __text 2010-09-17 Nick Kledzik magic segment symbol names don't work with preload executables Update test case: unit-tests/test-cases/segment-labels 2010-09-17 Nick Kledzik OSO in DebugNotes for LTO should point to generated mach-o not, bitcode .o file 2010-09-16 Nick Kledzik FUN in debug map not rebased Update test case: unit-tests/test-cases/rebase-basic 2010-09-16 Nick Kledzik Relocation failure with i386 32-bit diff to stub 2010-09-16 Nick Kledzik assert when targeting 10.5 and crt1.o/dylib1.o is not supplied -------- tagged ld64-118.1 2010-09-15 Nick Kledzik Fix missing rebase commands that broke perl 2010-09-15 Nick Kledzik assert when .objc_class_name_* symbol missing Add test case: unit-tests/test-cases/archive-ObjC-unexported 2010-09-13 Nick Kledzik linker does not honor $ld$hide for umbrella libraries Added test case: unit-tests/test-cases/symbol-hiding-umbrella 2010-09-09 Nick Kledzik LC_UUID uuids should conform to RFC 4122 UUID version 4 & UUID version 5 formats 2010-09-09 Nick Kledzik support -bind_at_load 2010-09-07 Nick Kledzik ld mis-handling std::tr1::anonymous symbols Remove support for ordering gcc-4.0 compiled anonymous namespace symbols -------- tagged ld64-118 2010-09-02 Nick Kledzik -preload should not have LINKEDIT segment Added test case: unit-tests/test-cases/efi-basic 2010-09-02 Nick Kledzik trivial Objective-C app fails when using libLTO Added test case: unit-tests/test-cases/lto-objc-image-info 2010-09-02 Nick Kledzik Add -reexport_symbols_list option to re-export certain symbols. Added test case: unit-tests/test-cases/reexport_symbols_list 2010-09-01 Nick Kledzik LTO with 'dead code strip' can't ignore unused functions with undefined references Add test case: unit-tests/test-cases/lto-dead_strip-unused 2010-09-01 Nick Kledzik Warn if unaligned ARM code is detected 2010-09-01 Nick Kledzik Mach-O linked by current linker don't load in VIrtualBox any more 2010-09-01 Nick Kledzik Linker should pick default visibility instead of warning about conflicts Updated test case: unit-tests/test-cases/visibility-warning 2010-09-01 Nick Kledzik Enable new load commands 2010-09-01 Nick Kledzik Do not pass -demangle to ld_classic 2010-09-01 Nick Kledzik iOS 4.3 armv7 should be PIE by default better error message for direct access to external globals when not linking read_only_relocs linker does not error on direct (static) data references to a dylib symbol -------- tagged ld64-117.11 2010-09-03 Nick Kledzik mask thumb bit off non lazy pointers content when parsing arm .o files -------- tagged ld64-117.10 2010-08-26 Nick Kledzik 8F64 kills installtest devices Don't clear thumb bit on pointers inside thumb functions if addend is negative -------- tagged ld64-117.9 2010-08-25 Nick Kledzik no more audio because of broken thunk Update of thumb22 b.w instruction was not clearing bits before or'ing in new ones -------- tagged ld64-117.8 2010-08-25 Nick Kledzik prefetch abort in kernel mode: fault_addr=0xe58024e4 Don't set thumb bit on .long pointers in thumb functions that point to some offset in same function -------- tagged ld64-117.7 2010-08-24 Nick Kledzik dyld-179.4 fails to link, assert in setLoadCommandsPadding() Fix linker to always put __text first before other code-only sections -------- tagged ld64-117.6 2010-08-23 Nick Kledzik ld no longer output static archive dependencies for dyld for B&I Add test case unit-tests/test-cases/dependency-logging -------- tagged ld64-117.5 2010-08-20 Nick Kledzik SWB: ld64-117.1 on 8F54: Assertion failed: UTF16 CFStrings were not coalesced correctly when gcc built the .o files and the last string in the __ustring section only had a single zero byte at the end. -------- tagged ld64-117.4 2010-08-19 Nick Kledzik DTSJ1J105: SpringBoard crashes on boot Fix order file to move aliases even when subsections_via_symbols it used Update test case unit-tests/test-cases/order_file 2010-08-17 Nick Kledzik Fix resolver functions to survive ld -r. Warn if resolver functions are made non-external. 2010-08-17 Nick Kledzik Make it an error for resolver functions to be used in anything but a dylib. -------- tagged ld64-117.3 2010-08-17 Nick Kledzik Fix thumb resolver functions Enable updward dylibs and symbol re-exports for iOS 4.2 2010-08-16 Nick Kledzik Latest ld no longer supports EFI -preload Rearrange LINKEDIT chunks in -preload mode -------- tagged ld64-117.2 2010-08-14 Nick Kledzik Latest ld no longer supports EFI -preload Add LC_UNIXTHREAD to -preload 2010-08-14 Nick Kledzik SWB: ld64-117.1 on 8F54: Assertion failed: (categoryAtom->size() == Category::size()) gcc-4.0 uses 'L' labels on categories. This merges them onto previous data and disable category optimzation 2010-08-14 Nick Kledzik SWB: ld64-117.1 on 8F54: bad category optimization Disable category optimization for i386 and arm until further testing 2010-08-14 Nick Kledzik SWB: ld64-117.1 on 8F54: address not in any section Handle pointer diff to stub for weak hidden function 2010-08-13 Nick Kledzik Latest ld no longer supports EFI -preload -------- tagged ld64-117.1 2010-08-11 Nick Kledzik Make missing exported symbols a warning to help adoption of new linker 2010-08-11 Nick Kledzik Add ExternalRelocationsAtom<>::pointerReloc() to more easily support kext bundles 2010-08-09 Nick Kledzik SWB: ld64-116.2 fix branch to label-4 2010-08-09 Nick Kledzik Error with empty non_lazy_symbol_pointers section 2010-08-06 Nick Kledzik Add command line options to control symbol weak-def-bit on exported symbols -------- tagged ld64-117 2010-07-28 Nick Kledzik split seg info wrong for x86_64 stub helpers 2010-07-26 Nick Kledzik __nlcatlist categories should not be optimized 2010-07-23 Nick Kledzik ld64 assertion on object file 2010-07-21 Nick Kledzik Reorder sections to reduce page faults in object files 2010-06-30 Nick Kledzik Support resolver functions in iOS dylibs -------- tagged ld64-116.2 2010-06-30 Nick Kledzik C programs get objc GCness from dylibs Update: unit-tests/test-cases/objc-gc-checks -------- tagged ld64-116.1 2010-06-22 Nick Kledzik address range check should not apply to preload executables 2010-06-22 Nick Kledzik Warn instead of error when CPU_SUBTYPE_ARM_ALL .o files used. 2010-06-22 Nick Kledzik Fix assert in objc category optimzation. Metaclass also has copy of propery list to update. 2010-06-22 Nick Kledzik Fix crash in -r mode with -alias. -------- tagged ld64-116 2010-06-21 Nick Kledzik Add support for -ios_version_min as an alias for -iphoneos_version_min 2010-06-21 Nick Kledzik linker could merge method lists from class and its categories Added test case: unit-tests/test-cases/objc-category-optimize Added option: -no_objc_category_merging to disable 2010-06-21 Nick Kledzik i386 TLV PIC reloc content is negated 2010-06-15 Nick Kledzik Added better error messages and asserts for bad thread local object files 2010-06-09 Nick Kledzik 'rebase' makes timestamps invalid/unreadable for GDB 2010-06-09 Nick Kledzik executable has no debug symbols when compiled with LTO Added test case: unit-tests/test-cases/lto-object_path 2010-06-09 Nick Kledzik stop promoting hidden referenced dynamically symbols to global Updated test case: unit-tests/test-cases/main-stripped 2010-06-04 Nick Kledzik ER: individual symbol re-exports Added test case: unit-tests/test-cases/re-export-symbo 2010-06-03 Nick Kledzik add functions start info to LINKEDIT * Support added but not on by default. Use -function_starts to enable. * Added test case: unit-tests/test-cases/function-start 2010-06-02 Nick Kledzik ER: add load command for min OS version * Support added but not on by default. Use -version_load_command to enable. 2010-06-02 Nick Kledzik provide better undefined symbol error message 2010-05-28 Nick Kledzik * ld should also merge file attributes from lazy loaded archives * Move attribute gathering from InputFiles to Resolver 2010-05-28 Nick Kledzik * SWB: ld64-115.3: dylib on kext link line causes malformed kext * allow -static after -kext on command line -------- tagged ld64-115.3 2010-05-26 Nick Kledzik * strip of .o files removes __objc_imageinfo section * Added test case: unit-tests/test-cases/dwarf-strip-objc 2010-05-25 Nick Kledzik * crash when parsing local vanilla reloc to weak def -------- tagged ld64-115.2 2010-05-21 Nick Kledzik * switch back to using ld_classic for -static arm code 2010-05-21 Nick Kledzik * warn instead of error when seg1addr is out of range for ARM 2010-05-21 Nick Kledzik * fix -undefined dynamic_lookup -nodefaults to not error about missing dyld_stub_binder -------- tagged ld64-115.1 2010-05-19 Nick Kledzik * Fix trie nodes for resolver functions to have second address be stub not helper 2010-05-19 Nick Kledzik * work around for old checksyms tools * Make i386 stub section named "__symbol_stub" instead of "__stubs" 2010-05-10 Nick Kledzik * linking with LTO prints "/tmp/lto.o" -------- tagged ld64-115 2010-05-06 Nick Kledzik * linker loses x86_64 addend to 'L' symbols * properly handle addend to 'L' symbols that are ignored 2010-05-05 Nick Kledzik * rework min OS version parsing to enable the linker to handle unknown OS versions 2010-05-05 Nick Kledzik * Implement magic section$start$xxx$yyyy and section$end$xxx$yyyy symbols * Implement magic segment$start$xxx and segment$end$xxx symbols * Add test case: unit-tests/test-cases/segment-labels 2010-05-03 Nick Kledzik * implement optional demangling in linker * Add option: -demangle * Add test case: unit-tests/test-cases/demangle 2010-05-03 Nick Kledzik * ld64 doesn't grok the modern-objc-ABI-on-i386 * Add support for -objc_abi_version command line option * Added test case: unit-tests/test-cases/objc-abi 2010-05-03 Nick Kledzik * -alias does not work with __OBJC sections * sort contents of sections with aliases * Added test case: unit-tests/test-cases/objc-class-alias 2010-04-28 Nick Kledzik * Feature: Thread local storage * Add test case: unit-tests/test-cases/tlv-basic * Add test case: unit-tests/test-cases/tlv-dylib 2010-04-27 Nick Kledzik * Accelerate needs way to dispatch based on instruction execution time characteristics. * Add support for "symbol resolver" functions * Add test case unit-tests/test-cases/symbol-resolver-basic 2010-04-26 Nick Kledzik * range check fat archives * check that fat file slice being used does not extend beyond end of file * check that member being used does not extend beyond end of slice/file 2010-04-26 Nick Kledzik * The documentation for the -allowable_client option doesn't say enough about it 2010-04-26 Nick Kledzik * back out LD_NO_PIE 2010-04-22 Nick Kledzik * More ICU make check failures with 0-terminated UTF16 strings * Change UTF16StringSection to break into atoms just on label boundaries * Added test case: unit-tests/test-cases/utf16-nul -------- tagged ld64-114.12 2010-04-14 Nick Kledzik * Crash with messed up BNSYM 2010-04-07 Nick Kledzik * Fix crash with blank dylib stubs -------- tagged ld64-114.11 2010-04-07 Nick Kledzik * for ppc, add split-seg info for TEXT pointers to DATA 2010-04-07 Nick Kledzik * Cannot build ppc64 target with ObjC code 2010-04-01 Nick Kledzik * let .exp files override auto-hide so that they can be exported if needed 2010-04-01 Nick Kledzik * support auto hidden weak symbols: .weak_def_can_be_hidden * added test case: unit-tests/test-cases/weak-def-auto-hide 2010-04-01 Nick Kledzik * 'l' symbols not being automatically removed 2010-03-31 Nick Kledzik * weak defs should not cause indirection in static executables * Update test case: unit-tests/test-cases/static-executable-weak-defines -------- tagged ld64-114.10 2010-03-31 Nick Kledzik * assert with .o file with two LSDA sections -------- tagged ld64-114.9 2010-03-30 Nick Kledzik * L4 locks up starting a second processor, works fine with old linker * properly get addend from content in x86_64 substractor when target is direct 2010-03-29 Nick Kledzik * ld should excludes debug notes when computing UUID * added test case: unit-tests/test-cases/dwarf-debug-notes-uuid -------- tagged ld64-114.8 2010-03-26 Nick Kledzik * __objc_catlist section loses don't dead strip bit in ld -r mode * Update test case unit-tests/test-cases/static-executable -------- tagged ld64-114.7 2010-03-25 Nick Kledzik * Support LD_NO_PIE again 2010-03-25 Nick Kledzik * Rosetta crashes on launch in 11A133a * Fix -segaddr __TEXT to cause other floating segments to be contiguous with TEXT 2010-03-24 Nick Kledzik * Page Zero segment seems to be getting dead stripped 2010-03-24 Nick Kledzik * kernel sdt dtrace probes not visible -------- tagged ld64-114.6 2010-03-23 Nick Kledzik * new linker makes dylibs with no __text section, causing codesign_allocate tool to fail * make sure there is always a __text section in dylibs and bundles -------- tagged ld64-114.5 2010-03-22 Nick Kledzik * missing __objc_imageinfo section * Real fix will be in 7780438. For now have Resolver also accumulate objc constraint info 2010-03-19 Nick Kledzik * ld64-114 does not error on missing exported symbols with -dead_strip -------- tagged ld64-114.4 2010-03-16 Nick Kledzik * dyld missing LC_ID_DYLINKER -------- tagged ld64-114.3 2010-03-15 Nick Kledzik * force i386 kexts to be built with ld_classic * preserve 'l' labels in static executables * sync section offsets and addresses in segments with command line addresses -------- tagged ld64-114.2 2010-03-13 Nick Kledzik * ld64-114 generates x86_64 kext external call sites with incorrect addend -------- tagged ld64-114.1 2010-03-12 Nick Kledzik * Fix dyldinfo tool to correct show ordinal info for classic linkedit 2010-03-12 Nick Kledzik ld64-114 is causing read_only_reloc verification errors for ppc * Update machochecker to check this. -------- tagged ld64-114 2010-03-11 Nick Kledzik * i386 dylibs built with ld64-112 cause runtime errors when incorporated into the dyld shared cache * Add -shared_region option to dyldinfo tool -------- tagged ld64-113 2010-03-11 Nick Kledzik * Allow CPU_SUBTYPE_ARM_ALL .o files to be linked into any arm arch linkage 2010-03-11 Nick Kledzik ld64-112 with -undefined dynamic_lookup marks all symbols as being flat * update test case at: unit-tests/test-cases/undefined-dynamic-lookup 2010-03-10 Nick Kledzik * prevent possible crash in warning about can't export hidden symbols 2010-03-10 Nick Kledzik * make sure split-info data is zero terminated -------- tagged ld64-112 2010-03-09 Nick Kledzik * Never dead strip sections added with -sectcreate * Added test case: unit-tests/test-cases/sectcreate-dead_strip -------- tagged ld64-111 2010-03-03 Nick Kledzik * Add support for "-arch arm -force_cpusubtype_ALL" to keep gcc building 2010-03-02 Nick Kledzik * Add some checking to the use of upward dylibs -------- tagged ld64-110 2010-03-01 Nick Kledzik * Don't coalesce cstrings across segments 2010-03-01 Nick Kledzik * Emulate previous linker bug where hidden symbols with dynamically-referenced bit were promoted to global. * Added test case: unit-tests/test-cases/unstrippable-symbols -------- tagged ld64-109.1 2010-02-26 Nick Kledzik * Make sure building dyld results in a thread load command -------- tagged ld64-109 2010-02-26 Nick Kledzik * Better sorting of zero-fill sections to preserve discovery order * Zero out file offsets in dynamic symbol table entries that are not used 2010-02-26 Nick Kledzik * Support pointer-diffs to zero sized atom in zero sized section 2010-02-25 Nick Kledzik * Add support for -r mode with ppc64 2010-02-25 Nick Kledzik * Handle multiple labels on the same coalesable literal by making an atom for each label, each with the same content. * Add test case: unit-tests/test-cases/literals-labels 2010-02-25 Nick Kledzik * Handle old ppc .o files that have stubs to static functions 2010-02-25 Nick Kledzik * Add basic ppc64 support 2010-02-24 Nick Kledzik * Range check TOC entries in archives 2010-02-23 Nick Kledzik * Fix spurious dylib re-export warnings that are just regular linkage cycles 2010-02-23 Nick Kledzik * re-partition bits in mach_o::relocatable::Atom ivars to allow more functions per file 2010-02-22 Nick Kledzik * re-partition bits in mach_o::relocatable::Atom ivars to allow more fixups per function 2010-02-22 Nick Kledzik * Handle re-exported dylibs that are re-exported again * Added test case: unit-tests/test-cases/re-export-layers 2010-02-22 Nick Kledzik * Properly handle X86_64_RELOC_SUBTRACTOR with non-external target symbol -------- tagged ld64-108 2010-02-17 Nick Kledzik * ER: Support upward dylib dependencies * Add test case: unit-tests/test-cases/dylib-upward 2010-02-17 Nick Kledzik * ld(1) man page typo * Linker (ld) man page typo: "unredable" in -pagezero_size option description * Typo in ld(1) man page, "-x" option * man ld: Change "if" -> "is" * DOC: ld(1) mentions -dynamiclib when it means -dylib 2010-02-17 Nick Kledzik * Wordsmith ld warning about missing directories 2010-02-17 Nick Kledzik * Fix -umbrella to work when umbrella is a dylib instead of a framework * Add test case: unit-tests/test-cases/umbrella-dylib -------- tagged ld64-107 2010-02-16 Nick Kledzik * Fix bugs with -preload 2010-02-16 Nick Kledzik * Fix dylib re-export cylce detection 2010-02-16 Nick Kledzik * -ObjC not pulling in members with categories only * scan for non-zero __objc_catlist section in archive members when -ObjC is used * Added test case: unit-tests/test-cases/objc-category-archive 2010-02-15 Nick Kledzik * ld glibly removes /dev/null 2010-02-15 Nick Kledzik * Linker should be able to validate GC intentions * Add -objc_gc and -objc_gc_only. Error when used and RR based .o file is linked in * Update test case: unit-tests/test-cases/objc-gc-checks 2010-02-15 Nick Kledzik * Linker should provide a way to mark binaries that support compaction * Added -objc_gc_compaction option * Update test case: unit-tests/test-cases/objc-gc-checks 2010-02-15 Nick Kledzik * ER: Need a way to detect weak exports in dev tools * implement -warn_weak_exports 2010-02-15 Nick Kledzik * Add support for LD_DYLD_PATH 2010-02-15 Nick Kledzik * cfstring backing store points to global cstring * Force all by-name references in cfstring to be direct references * add test case: unit-tests/test-cases/cfstring-and-cstring -------- tagged ld64-106 2010-02-12 Nick Kledzik * Assertion failed: when class is translation unit scoped * added test case unit-tests/test-cases/objc-visibility 2010-02-12 Nick Kledzik * crash with missing crt? 2010-02-12 Nick Kledzik * Suppress indirect symbol table in static executables 2010-02-12 Nick Kledzik * Rework CIE parsing to work with icc generated code 2010-02-11 Nick Kledzik * Fix creation of debug notes * Tweak unit-tests/test-cases/dwarf-debug-notes to match llvm symbol layout 2010-02-11 Nick Kledzik * Don't assert when infering ppc subtype that is ALL. * Fix spurious warning about mismatched subtypes, when subtype is inferred -------- tagged ld64-105 2010-02-11 Nick Kledzik * Use symbolic constants for bit field sizes 2010-02-10 Nick Kledzik * Handle out of order sections in .o files -------- tagged ld64-104 2010-02-10 Nick Kledzik * Rename __tentative internal section name to __comm/tent to sort like __common * Fix test case in unit-tests/test-cases/tentative-to-real-r 2010-02-10 Nick Kledzik * Better warning messages about mismatched architectures 2010-02-10 Nick Kledzik * Gracefully ignore if there are >8000 line info per function in debug info 2010-02-10 Nick Kledzik * Properly handle when regular definition is weak_imported * Add unit-tests/test-cases/weak_import-local 2010-02-10 Nick Kledzik * Don't try to coalesce zero length cstrings in mach-o parser. 2010-02-10 Nick Kledzik * Add work around for llvm using L labels for backing string of CFString with -fwritable-strings 2010-02-09 Nick Kledzik * Ignore labels in __gcc_except_tab section * Properly apply local relocations to __eh_frame section so CFI parser works * Update unit-tests/test-cases/eh-stripped-symbols to reproduce problem 2010-02-09 Nick Kledzik * Fix file offset computation with large zero-fill sections 2010-02-09 Nick Kledzik * Force global 'l' to be hidden * Add test case with objc properties: unit-tests/test-cases/objc-properties -------- tagged ld64-103 2010-02-04 Nick Kledzik * Temporarily change assert() to call exit(1) instead of abort() 2010-02-04 Nick Kledzik * Fix another case in -r mode where the vmsize was less that filesize 2010-02-04 Nick Kledzik * Fix assert when generating GSYM stab debug notes 2010-02-04 Nick Kledzik * Add SRCROOT to crash logs 2010-02-04 Nick Kledzik * Remove architectureName() from InputFiles -------- tagged ld64-102 2010-02-03 Nick Kledzik * Add follow-on reference from symbol text atom to non-symboled text atom -------- tagged ld64-101 2010-01-29 Nick Kledzik * fix -alias symbols to be global by default -------- tagged ld64-100 2010-01-28 Nick Kledzik * Merge new/refactored linker to trunk