hfsutil_main.c   [plain text]

 * Copyright (c) 1999-2004 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
 * The contents of this file constitute Original Code as defined in and
 * are subject to the Apple Public Source License Version 1.2 (the
 * "License").  You may not use this file except in compliance with the
 * License.  Please obtain a copy of the License at
 * http://www.apple.com/publicsource and read it before using this file.
 * This Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
 * distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
 * License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
 * under the License.
 Copyright (c) 1987-99 Apple Computer, Inc.
 All Rights Reserved.

 About hfs.util.m:
 Contains code to implement hfs utility used by the WorkSpace to mount HFS.

 Change History:
     5-Jan-1999 Don Brady       Write hfs.label names in UTF-8.
    10-Dec-1998 Pat Dirks       Changed to try built-in hfs filesystem first.
     3-Sep-1998	Don Brady	Disable the daylight savings time stuff.
    28-Aug-1998 chw		Fixed parse args and verify args to indicate that the
			        flags (fixed or removable) are required in the probe case.
    22-Jun-1998	Pat Dirks	Changed HFSToUFSStr table to switch ":" and "/".
    13-Jan-1998 jwc 		first cut (derived from old NextStep macfs.util code and cdrom.util code).

/* ************************************** I N C L U D E S ***************************************** */

#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <sys/sysctl.h>
#include <sys/resource.h>
#include <sys/vmmeter.h>
#include <sys/mount.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>
#include <sys/param.h>
#include <sys/ucred.h>
#include <sys/disk.h>
#include <sys/loadable_fs.h>
#include <sys/attr.h>
#include <hfs/hfs_format.h>
#include <hfs/hfs_mount.h>

#include <ctype.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <pwd.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <syslog.h>

 * CommonCrypto provides a more stable API than OpenSSL guarantees;
 * the #define causes it to use the same API for MD5 and SHA1, so the rest of
 * the code need not change.
#include  <CommonCrypto/CommonDigest.h>

#include <libkern/OSByteOrder.h>

#include <CoreFoundation/CFString.h>

#include <System/uuid/uuid.h>
#include <System/uuid/namespace.h>


#ifndef FSUC_ADOPT
#define FSUC_ADOPT 'a'

#define FSUC_DISOWN 'd'

#define FSUC_GETUUID 'k'

#define FSUC_SETUUID 's'

#ifndef FSUC_MKJNL
#define FSUC_MKJNL   'J'

#ifndef FSUC_UNJNL
#define FSUC_UNJNL   'U'

#define FSUC_UNJNL_RAW 'N'

#define FSUC_JNLINFO 'I'

/* **************************************** L O C A L S ******************************************* */

#define	HFS_BLOCK_SIZE			512

char gHFS_FS_NAME[] = "hfs";
char gHFS_FS_NAME_NAME[] = "HFS";

char gNewlineString[] = "\n";

char gMountCommand[] = "/sbin/mount";

char gUnmountCommand[] = "/sbin/umount";

char gReadOnlyOption[] = "-r";
char gReadWriteOption[] = "-w";

char gSuidOption[] = "suid";
char gNoSuidOption[] = "nosuid";

char gDevOption[] = "dev";
char gNoDevOption[] = "nodev";

char gUsePermissionsOption[] = "perm";
char gIgnorePermissionsOption[] = "noperm";

boolean_t gIsEjectable = 0;

int gJournalSize = 0;


struct FinderAttrBuf {
	unsigned long info_length;
	unsigned long finderinfo[8];

typedef union VolumeUUID {
	unsigned long value[VOLUMEUUIDVALUESIZE];
	struct {
		unsigned long high;
		unsigned long low;
	} v;
} VolumeUUID;

typedef char VolumeUUIDString[VOLUMEUUIDLENGTH+1];

#define VOLUME_RECORDED 0x80000000
#define VOLUME_USEPERMISSIONS 0x00000001

typedef void *VolumeStatusDBHandle;

void GenerateVolumeUUID(VolumeUUID *newVolumeID);
void ConvertVolumeUUIDStringToUUID(const char *UUIDString, VolumeUUID *volumeID);
void ConvertVolumeUUIDToString(VolumeUUID *volumeID, char *UUIDString);
int OpenVolumeStatusDB(VolumeStatusDBHandle *DBHandlePtr);
int GetVolumeStatusDBEntry(VolumeStatusDBHandle DBHandle, VolumeUUID *volumeID, unsigned long *VolumeStatus);
int SetVolumeStatusDBEntry(VolumeStatusDBHandle DBHandle, VolumeUUID *volumeID, unsigned long VolumeStatus);
int DeleteVolumeStatusDBEntry(VolumeStatusDBHandle DBHandle, VolumeUUID *volumeID);
int CloseVolumeStatusDB(VolumeStatusDBHandle DBHandle);

/* ************************************ P R O T O T Y P E S *************************************** */
static void	DoDisplayUsage( const char * argv[] );
static int	DoMount( char * theDeviceNamePtr, const char * theMountPointPtr, boolean_t isLocked, boolean_t isSetuid, boolean_t isDev );
static int 	DoProbe( char * rawDeviceNamePtr, char * blockDeviceNamePtr );
static int 	DoUnmount( const char * theMountPointPtr );
static int	DoGetUUIDKey( const char * theDeviceNamePtr );
static int	DoChangeUUIDKey( const char * theDeviceNamePtr );
static int	DoAdopt( const char * theDeviceNamePtr );
static int	DoDisown( const char * theDeviceNamePtr );

extern int  DoMakeJournaled( const char * volNamePtr, int journalSize );  // XXXdbg
extern int  DoUnJournal( const char * volNamePtr );      // XXXdbg
extern int  DoGetJournalInfo( const char * volNamePtr );
extern int  RawDisableJournaling( const char *devname );

static int	ParseArgs( int argc, const char * argv[], const char ** actionPtr, const char ** mountPointPtr, boolean_t * isEjectablePtr, boolean_t * isLockedPtr, boolean_t * isSetuidPtr, boolean_t * isDevPtr );

static int	GetHFSMountPoint(const char *deviceNamePtr, char **pathPtr);
static int	ReadHeaderBlock(int fd, void *bufptr, off_t *startOffset, VolumeUUID **finderInfoUUIDPtr);
static int	GetVolumeUUIDRaw(const char *deviceNamePtr, VolumeUUID *volumeUUIDPtr);
static int	GetVolumeUUIDAttr(const char *path, VolumeUUID *volumeUUIDPtr);
static int	GetVolumeUUID(const char *deviceNamePtr, VolumeUUID *volumeUUIDPtr, boolean_t generate);
static int	SetVolumeUUIDRaw(const char *deviceNamePtr, VolumeUUID *volumeUUIDPtr);
static int	SetVolumeUUIDAttr(const char *path, VolumeUUID *volumeUUIDPtr);
static int	SetVolumeUUID(const char *deviceNamePtr, VolumeUUID *volumeUUIDPtr);
static int	GetEmbeddedHFSPlusVol(HFSMasterDirectoryBlock * hfsMasterDirectoryBlockPtr, off_t * startOffsetPtr);
static int	GetNameFromHFSPlusVolumeStartingAt(int fd, off_t hfsPlusVolumeOffset, unsigned char * name_o);
static int	GetBTreeNodeInfo(int fd, off_t hfsPlusVolumeOffset, u_int32_t blockSize,
							u_int32_t extentCount, const HFSPlusExtentDescriptor *extentList,
							u_int32_t *nodeSize, u_int32_t *firstLeafNode);
static int	GetCatalogOverflowExtents(int fd, off_t hfsPlusVolumeOffset, HFSPlusVolumeHeader *volHdrPtr,
									 HFSPlusExtentDescriptor **catalogExtents, u_int32_t *catalogExtCount);
static int	LogicalToPhysical(off_t logicalOffset, ssize_t length, u_int32_t blockSize,
							u_int32_t extentCount, const HFSPlusExtentDescriptor *extentList,
							off_t *physicalOffset, ssize_t *availableBytes);
static int	ReadFile(int fd, void *buffer, off_t offset, ssize_t length,
					off_t volOffset, u_int32_t blockSize,
					u_int32_t extentCount, const HFSPlusExtentDescriptor *extentList);
static ssize_t	readAt( int fd, void * buf, off_t offset, ssize_t length );
static ssize_t	writeAt( int fd, void * buf, off_t offset, ssize_t length );

static int	GetEncodingBias(void);

CF_EXPORT Boolean _CFStringGetFileSystemRepresentation(CFStringRef string, UInt8 *buffer, CFIndex maxBufLen);

static void     uuid_create_md5_from_name(uuid_t result_uuid, const uuid_t namespace, const void *name, int namelen);

 * The fuction CFStringGetSystemEncoding does not work correctly in
 * our context (autodiskmount deamon).  We include a local copy here
 * so that we can derive the default encoding. Radar 2516316.
#define __kCFUserEncodingFileName ("/.CFUserTextEncoding")

static unsigned int __CFStringGetDefaultEncodingForHFSUtil() {
    struct passwd *passwdp;

    if ((passwdp = getpwuid(0))) { // root account
        char buffer[MAXPATHLEN + 1];
        int fd;

        strcpy(buffer, passwdp->pw_dir);
        strcat(buffer, __kCFUserEncodingFileName);

        if ((fd = open(buffer, O_RDONLY, 0)) > 0) {
            size_t readSize;

            readSize = read(fd, buffer, MAXPATHLEN);
            buffer[(readSize < 0 ? 0 : readSize)] = '\0';
            return strtol(buffer, NULL, 0);
    return 0; // Fallback to smRoman

#define MXENCDNAMELEN	16	/* Maximun length of encoding name string */

struct hfs_mnt_encoding {
	char				encoding_name[MXENCDNAMELEN];	/* encoding type name */
	CFStringEncoding	encoding_id;					/* encoding type number */

static struct hfs_mnt_encoding hfs_mnt_encodinglist[] = {
	{ "Arabic",	          4 },
	{ "Armenian",        24 },
	{ "Bengali",         13 },
	{ "Burmese",         19 },
	{ "Celtic",          39 },
	{ "CentralEurRoman", 29 },
	{ "ChineseSimp",     25 },
	{ "ChineseTrad",      2 },
	{ "Croatian",	     36 },
	{ "Cyrillic",	      7 },
	{ "Devanagari",       9 },
	{ "Ethiopic",        28 },
	{ "Farsi",          140 },
	{ "Gaelic",          40 },
	{ "Georgian",        23 },
	{ "Greek",	          6 },
	{ "Gujarati",        11 },
	{ "Gurmukhi",        10 },
	{ "Hebrew",	          5 },
	{ "Icelandic",	     37 },
	{ "Japanese",	      1 },
	{ "Kannada",         16 },
	{ "Khmer",           20 },
	{ "Korean",	          3 },
	{ "Laotian",         22 },
	{ "Malayalam",       17 },
	{ "Mongolian",       27 },
	{ "Oriya",           12 },
	{ "Roman",	          0 },	/* default */
	{ "Romanian",	     38 },
	{ "Sinhalese",       18 },
	{ "Tamil",           14 },
	{ "Telugu",          15 },
	{ "Thai",	         21 },
	{ "Tibetan",         26 },
	{ "Turkish",	     35 },
	{ "Ukrainian",      152 },
	{ "Vietnamese",      30 },

#define KEXT_LOAD_COMMAND	"/sbin/kextload"
#define ENCODING_MODULE_PATH	"/System/Library/Filesystems/hfs.fs/Encodings/"

static int load_encoding(CFStringEncoding encoding)
	int i;
	int numEncodings;
	int pid;
	char *encodingName;
	struct stat sb;
	union wait status;
	char kmodfile[MAXPATHLEN];

	/* Find the encoding that matches the one passed in */
	numEncodings = sizeof(hfs_mnt_encodinglist) / sizeof(struct hfs_mnt_encoding);
	encodingName = NULL;
	for (i=0; i<numEncodings; ++i)
		if (hfs_mnt_encodinglist[i].encoding_id == encoding)
			encodingName = hfs_mnt_encodinglist[i].encoding_name;
	if (encodingName == NULL)
		/* Couldn't figure out which encoding KEXT to load */
		syslog(LOG_ERR, "Couldn't find name for encoding #%d", encoding);
		return FSUR_LOADERR;
	sprintf(kmodfile, "%sHFS_Mac%s.kext", ENCODING_MODULE_PATH, encodingName);
	if (stat(kmodfile, &sb) == -1)
		/* We recognized the encoding, but couldn't find the KEXT */
		syslog(LOG_ERR, "Couldn't stat HFS_Mac%s.kext: %s", encodingName, strerror(errno));
		return FSUR_LOADERR;
	pid = fork();
	if (pid == 0)
		(void) execl(KEXT_LOAD_COMMAND, KEXT_LOAD_COMMAND, "-q", kmodfile, NULL);

		exit(1);	/* We can only get here if the exec failed */
	else if (pid != -1)
		if ((waitpid(pid, (int *)&status, 0) == pid) && WIFEXITED(status))
			if (WEXITSTATUS(status) != 0)
				/* kextload returned an error.  Too bad its output doesn't get logged. */
				syslog(LOG_ERR, "Couldn't load HFS_Mac%s.kext", encodingName);
				return FSUR_LOADERR;

/* ******************************************** main ************************************************
Purpose -
This our main entry point to this utility.  We get called by the WorkSpace.  See ParseArgs
for detail info on input arguments.
Input -
argc - the number of arguments in argv.
argv - array of arguments.
Output -
returns FSUR_IO_SUCCESS if OK else one of the other FSUR_xyz errors in loadable_fs.h.
*************************************************************************************************** */

int main (int argc, const char *argv[])
    const char			*	actionPtr = NULL;
    char				rawDeviceName[MAXPATHLEN];
    char				blockDeviceName[MAXPATHLEN];
    const char			*	mountPointPtr = NULL;
    int						result = FSUR_IO_SUCCESS;
    boolean_t				isLocked = 0;	/* reasonable assumptions */
    boolean_t				isSetuid = 0;	/* reasonable assumptions */
    boolean_t				isDev = 0;	/* reasonable assumptions */

	openlog("hfs.util", LOG_PID, LOG_DAEMON);

    /* Verify our arguments */
    if ( (result = ParseArgs( argc, argv, & actionPtr, & mountPointPtr, & gIsEjectable, & isLocked, &isSetuid, &isDev )) != 0 ) {
        goto AllDone;

    -- Build our device name (full path), should end up with something like:
    --   "/dev/disk0s2"

    sprintf(rawDeviceName, "/dev/r%s", argv[2]);
    sprintf(blockDeviceName, "/dev/%s", argv[2]);

    /* call the appropriate routine to handle the given action argument after becoming root */

    switch( * actionPtr ) {
        case FSUC_PROBE:
            result = DoProbe(rawDeviceName, blockDeviceName);

        case FSUC_MOUNT:
        case FSUC_MOUNT_FORCE:
            result = DoMount(blockDeviceName, mountPointPtr, isLocked, isSetuid, isDev);

        case FSUC_UNMOUNT:
            result = DoUnmount( mountPointPtr );
			result = DoGetUUIDKey( blockDeviceName );
			result = DoChangeUUIDKey( blockDeviceName );
		case FSUC_ADOPT:
			result = DoAdopt( blockDeviceName );
			result = DoDisown( blockDeviceName );

		case FSUC_MKJNL:
			if (gJournalSize) {
				result = DoMakeJournaled( argv[3], gJournalSize );
			} else {
				result = DoMakeJournaled( argv[2], gJournalSize );

		case FSUC_UNJNL:
			result = DoUnJournal( argv[2] );
			result = RawDisableJournaling( argv[2] );
			result = DoGetJournalInfo( argv[2] );

            /* should never get here since ParseArgs should handle this situation */
            DoDisplayUsage( argv );
            result = FSUR_INVAL;



    return result;	/*...and make main fit the ANSI spec. */

/* ***************************** DoMount ********************************
Purpose -
This routine will fire off a system command to mount the given device at the given mountpoint.
autodiskmount will make sure the mountpoint exists and will remove it at Unmount time.
Input -
deviceNamePtr - pointer to the device name (full path, like /dev/disk0s2).
mountPointPtr - pointer to the mount point.
isLocked - a flag
Output -
returns FSUR_IO_SUCCESS everything is cool else one of several other FSUR_xyz error codes.
*********************************************************************** */
static int
DoMount(char *deviceNamePtr, const char *mountPointPtr, boolean_t isLocked, boolean_t isSetuid, boolean_t isDev)
	int pid;
        char *isLockedstr;
        char *isSetuidstr;
        char *isDevstr;
	char *permissionsOption;
	int result = FSUR_IO_FAIL;
	union wait status;
	char encodeopt[16] = "";
	CFStringEncoding encoding;
	VolumeUUID targetVolumeUUID;
	VolumeStatusDBHandle vsdbhandle = NULL;
	unsigned long targetVolumeStatus;

	if (mountPointPtr == NULL || *mountPointPtr == '\0')
		return (FSUR_IO_FAIL);

	/* get the volume UUID to check if permissions should be used: */
	targetVolumeStatus = 0;
	if (((result = GetVolumeUUID(deviceNamePtr, &targetVolumeUUID, FALSE)) != FSUR_IO_SUCCESS) ||
		(targetVolumeUUID.v.high ==0) ||
		(targetVolumeUUID.v.low == 0)) {
		fprintf(stderr, "hfs.util: DoMount: GetVolumeUUID returned %d.\n", result);
		if (gIsEjectable == 0) {
			result = DoAdopt( deviceNamePtr );
			fprintf(stderr, "hfs.util: DoMount: Auto-adopting %s; result = %d.\n", deviceNamePtr, result);
			targetVolumeStatus = VOLUME_USEPERMISSIONS;
		} else {
			fprintf(stderr, "hfs.util: DoMount: Not adopting ejectable %s.\n", deviceNamePtr);
			targetVolumeStatus = 0;
	} else {
		/* We've got a real volume UUID! */
		fprintf(stderr, "hfs.util: DoMount: UUID = %08lX%08lX.\n", targetVolumeUUID.v.high, targetVolumeUUID.v.low);
		if ((result = OpenVolumeStatusDB(&vsdbhandle)) != 0) {
			/* Can't even get access to the volume info db; assume permissions are OK. */
			fprintf(stderr, "hfs.util: DoMount: OpenVolumeStatusDB returned %d; ignoring permissions.\n", result);
			targetVolumeStatus = VOLUME_USEPERMISSIONS;
		} else {
			fprintf(stderr, "hfs.util: DoMount: Looking up volume status...\n");
			if ((result = GetVolumeStatusDBEntry(vsdbhandle, &targetVolumeUUID, &targetVolumeStatus)) != 0) {
				fprintf(stderr, "hfs.util: DoMount: GetVolumeStatusDBEntry returned %d.\n", result);
				if (gIsEjectable == 0) {
					result = DoAdopt( deviceNamePtr );
					fprintf(stderr, "hfs.util: DoMount: Auto-adopting %s; result = %d.\n", deviceNamePtr, result);
					targetVolumeStatus = VOLUME_USEPERMISSIONS;
				} else {
					fprintf(stderr, "hfs.util: DoMount: Not adopting ejectable %s.\n", deviceNamePtr);
					targetVolumeStatus = 0;
				targetVolumeStatus = 0;
			vsdbhandle = NULL;
	pid = fork();
	if (pid == 0) {
                isLockedstr = isLocked ? gReadOnlyOption : gReadWriteOption;
                isSetuidstr = isSetuid ? gSuidOption : gNoSuidOption;
                isDevstr = isDev ? gDevOption : gNoDevOption;
		permissionsOption =
			(targetVolumeStatus & VOLUME_USEPERMISSIONS) ? gUsePermissionsOption : gIgnorePermissionsOption;

		/* get default encoding value (for hfs volumes) */
		encoding = __CFStringGetDefaultEncodingForHFSUtil();
		encoding = CFStringGetSystemEncoding();
		sprintf(encodeopt, "-e=%d", (int)encoding);
		fprintf(stderr, "hfs.util: %s %s -o -x -o %s -o %s -o -u=unknown,-g=unknown,-m=0777 -t %s %s %s ...\n",
							gMountCommand, isLockedstr, encodeopt, permissionsOption, gHFS_FS_NAME, deviceNamePtr, mountPointPtr);
                (void) execl(gMountCommand, gMountCommand, isLockedstr, "-o", isSetuidstr, "-o", isDevstr,
                                        "-o", encodeopt, "-o", permissionsOption,
                                        "-o", "-u=unknown,-g=unknown,-m=0777",
                                        "-t", gHFS_FS_NAME, deviceNamePtr, mountPointPtr, NULL);

		return (FSUR_IO_FAIL);

	if (pid == -1)
		return (FSUR_IO_FAIL);

	/* Success! */
	if ((wait4(pid, (int *)&status, 0, NULL) == pid) && (WIFEXITED(status)))
		result = status.w_retcode;
		result = -1;

	return (result == 0) ? FSUR_IO_SUCCESS : FSUR_IO_FAIL;

/* ****************************************** DoUnmount *********************************************
Purpose -
    This routine will fire off a system command to unmount the given device.
Input -
    theDeviceNamePtr - pointer to the device name (full path, like /dev/disk0s2).
Output -
    returns FSUR_IO_SUCCESS everything is cool else FSUR_IO_FAIL.
*************************************************************************************************** */
static int
DoUnmount(const char * theMountPointPtr)
	int pid;
	union wait status;
	int result;

	if (theMountPointPtr == NULL || *theMountPointPtr == '\0') return (FSUR_IO_FAIL);

	pid = fork();
	if (pid == 0) {
		fprintf(stderr, "hfs.util: %s %s ...\n", gUnmountCommand, theMountPointPtr);
		(void) execl(gUnmountCommand, gUnmountCommand, theMountPointPtr, NULL);

		return (FSUR_IO_FAIL);

	if (pid == -1)
		return (FSUR_IO_FAIL);

	/* Success! */
	if ((wait4(pid, (int *)&status, 0, NULL) == pid) && (WIFEXITED(status)))
		result = status.w_retcode;
		result = -1;

	return (result == 0 ? FSUR_IO_SUCCESS : FSUR_IO_FAIL);

} /* DoUnmount */

	Get the volume name of the volume mounted at "path".  Print that volume
	name to standard out.

struct VolumeNameBuf {
	u_int32_t	info_length;
	attrreference_t	name_ref;
	char		buffer[1024];

static int
PrintVolumeNameAttr(const char *path)
	struct attrlist alist;
	struct VolumeNameBuf volNameInfo;
	int result;

	/* Set up the attrlist structure to get the volume's Finder Info */
	alist.bitmapcount = 5;
	alist.reserved = 0;
	alist.commonattr = 0;
	alist.volattr = ATTR_VOL_INFO | ATTR_VOL_NAME;
	alist.dirattr = 0;
	alist.fileattr = 0;
	alist.forkattr = 0;

	/* Get the Finder Info */
	result = getattrlist(path, &alist, &volNameInfo, sizeof(volNameInfo), 0);
	if (result) {
		result = FSUR_IO_FAIL;
		goto Err_Exit;

	/* Print the name to standard out */
	printf("%.*s", (int) volNameInfo.name_ref.attr_length, ((char *) &volNameInfo.name_ref) + volNameInfo.name_ref.attr_dataoffset);

	return result;

/* ******************************************* DoProbe **********************************************
Purpose -
    This routine will open the given device and check to make sure there is media that looks
    like an HFS.  If it is HFS, then print the volume name to standard output.
Input -
    rawDeviceNamePtr - pointer to the full path of the raw device (like /dev/rdisk0s2).
    blockDeviceNamePtr - pointer to the full path of the non-raw device (like /dev/disk0s2).
Output -
    returns FSUR_RECOGNIZED if we can handle the media else one of the FSUR_xyz error codes.
*************************************************************************************************** */
static int
DoProbe(char *rawDeviceNamePtr, char *blockDeviceNamePtr)
	int result = FSUR_UNRECOGNIZED;
	int fd = 0;
	char * bufPtr;
	HFSMasterDirectoryBlock * mdbPtr;
	HFSPlusVolumeHeader * volHdrPtr;
	u_char volnameUTF8[NAME_MAX+1];

	 * Determine if there is a volume already mounted from this device.  If
	 * there is, and it is HFS, then we need to get the volume name via
	 * getattrlist.
	 * NOTE: We're using bufPtr to hold a pointer to a path.
	bufPtr = NULL;
	result = GetHFSMountPoint(blockDeviceNamePtr, &bufPtr);
	if (result != FSUR_IO_SUCCESS) {
		goto Err_Exit;
	if (bufPtr != NULL) {
		/* There is an HFS volume mounted from the device. */
		result = PrintVolumeNameAttr(bufPtr);
		goto Err_Exit;
	 * If we get here, there is no volume mounted from this device, so
	 * go probe the raw device directly.
	bufPtr = (char *)malloc(HFS_BLOCK_SIZE);
	if ( ! bufPtr ) {
		goto Return;

	mdbPtr = (HFSMasterDirectoryBlock *) bufPtr;
	volHdrPtr = (HFSPlusVolumeHeader *) bufPtr;

	fd = open( rawDeviceNamePtr, O_RDONLY, 0 );
	if( fd <= 0 ) {
		result = FSUR_IO_FAIL;
		goto Return;

	 * Read the HFS Master Directory Block from sector 2
	result = readAt(fd, bufPtr, (off_t)(2 * HFS_BLOCK_SIZE), HFS_BLOCK_SIZE);
	if (FSUR_IO_FAIL == result)
		goto Return;

	/* get classic HFS volume name (from MDB) */
	if (OSSwapBigToHostInt16(mdbPtr->drSigWord) == kHFSSigWord &&
	    OSSwapBigToHostInt16(mdbPtr->drEmbedSigWord) != kHFSPlusSigWord) {
	    	Boolean cfOK;
		CFStringRef cfstr;
		CFStringEncoding encoding;

		/* Some poorly mastered HFS CDs have an empty MDB name field! */
		if (mdbPtr->drVN[0] == '\0') {
			strcpy((char *)&mdbPtr->drVN[1], gHFS_FS_NAME_NAME);
			mdbPtr->drVN[0] = strlen(gHFS_FS_NAME_NAME);

		/* Check for an encoding hint in the Finder Info (field 4). */
		encoding = GET_HFS_TEXT_ENCODING(OSSwapBigToHostInt32(mdbPtr->drFndrInfo[4]));
		if (encoding == kCFStringEncodingInvalidId) {
			/* Next try the encoding bias in the kernel. */
			encoding = GetEncodingBias();
			if (encoding == 0 || encoding == kCFStringEncodingInvalidId)
				encoding = __CFStringGetDefaultEncodingForHFSUtil();

		cfstr = CFStringCreateWithPascalString(kCFAllocatorDefault,
			    mdbPtr->drVN, encoding);
		cfOK = _CFStringGetFileSystemRepresentation(cfstr, volnameUTF8, NAME_MAX);

		if (!cfOK && encoding != kCFStringEncodingMacRoman) {

		    	/* default to MacRoman on conversion errors */
			cfstr = CFStringCreateWithPascalString(kCFAllocatorDefault,
				    mdbPtr->drVN, kCFStringEncodingMacRoman);
			_CFStringGetFileSystemRepresentation(cfstr, volnameUTF8, NAME_MAX);
			encoding = kCFStringEncodingMacRoman;
 		/* Preload the encoding converter so mount_hfs can run as an ordinary user. */
 		if (encoding != kCFStringEncodingMacRoman) {
 			if (load_encoding(encoding) != FSUR_IO_SUCCESS) {
 				encoding = kCFStringEncodingMacRoman;
				cfstr = CFStringCreateWithPascalString(kCFAllocatorDefault, mdbPtr->drVN, encoding);
				_CFStringGetFileSystemRepresentation(cfstr, volnameUTF8, NAME_MAX);
 	/* get HFS Plus volume name (from Catalog) */
	} else if ((OSSwapBigToHostInt16(volHdrPtr->signature) == kHFSPlusSigWord)  ||
	           (OSSwapBigToHostInt16(volHdrPtr->signature) == kHFSXSigWord)  ||
		   (OSSwapBigToHostInt16(mdbPtr->drSigWord) == kHFSSigWord &&
		    OSSwapBigToHostInt16(mdbPtr->drEmbedSigWord) == kHFSPlusSigWord)) {
		off_t startOffset;

		if (OSSwapBigToHostInt16(volHdrPtr->signature) == kHFSSigWord) {
			/* embedded volume, first find offset */
			result = GetEmbeddedHFSPlusVol(mdbPtr, &startOffset);
			if ( result != FSUR_IO_SUCCESS )
				goto Return;
		} else {
			startOffset = 0;

		result = GetNameFromHFSPlusVolumeStartingAt(fd, startOffset,
	} else {

	if (FSUR_IO_SUCCESS == result) {
		unsigned char *s;
		/* Change slashes to colons in the volume name */
		for (s=volnameUTF8; *s; ++s) {
			if (*s == '/')
				*s = ':';

		/* Print the volume name to standard output */
		write(1, volnameUTF8, strlen((char *)volnameUTF8));


	if ( bufPtr )
		free( bufPtr );

	if (fd > 0)
	return result;

} /* DoProbe */

 * Create a version 3 UUID from a unique "name" in the given "name space".  
 * Version 3 UUID are derived using "name" via MD5 checksum.
 * Parameters:
 *	result_uuid	- resulting UUID.
 *	namespace	- namespace in which given name exists and UUID should be created.
 *	name		- unique string used to create version 3 UUID.
 *	namelen     - length of the name string.
static void
uuid_create_md5_from_name(uuid_t result_uuid, const uuid_t namespace, const void *name, int namelen)
    MD5_CTX c;

    MD5_Update(&c, namespace, sizeof(uuid_t));
    MD5_Update(&c, name, namelen);
    MD5_Final(result_uuid, &c);

    result_uuid[6] = (result_uuid[6] & 0x0F) | 0x30;
    result_uuid[8] = (result_uuid[8] & 0x3F) | 0x80;

/* **************************************** DoGetUUIDKey *******************************************
Purpose -
    This routine will open the given block device and return the 128-bit volume UUID in text form written to stdout.
Input -
    theDeviceNamePtr - pointer to the device name (full path, like /dev/disk0s2).
Output -
    returns FSUR_IO_SUCCESS or else one of the FSUR_xyz error codes.
*************************************************************************************************** */
static int
DoGetUUIDKey( const char * theDeviceNamePtr ) {
	int result;
	VolumeUUID targetVolumeUUID;
	uuid_t uuid;
	char uuidLine[40];

	unsigned char rawUUID[8];

	if ((result = GetVolumeUUID(theDeviceNamePtr, &targetVolumeUUID, FALSE)) != FSUR_IO_SUCCESS) goto Err_Exit;

	((uint32_t *)rawUUID)[0] = OSSwapHostToBigInt32(targetVolumeUUID.v.high);
	((uint32_t *)rawUUID)[1] = OSSwapHostToBigInt32(targetVolumeUUID.v.low);

	uuid_create_md5_from_name(uuid, kFSUUIDNamespaceSHA1, rawUUID, sizeof(rawUUID));
	uuid_unparse(uuid, uuidLine);
	write(1, uuidLine, strlen(uuidLine));
	result = FSUR_IO_SUCCESS;
	return result;

/* *************************************** DoChangeUUIDKey ******************************************
Purpose -
    This routine will change the UUID on the specified block device.
Input -
    theDeviceNamePtr - pointer to the device name (full path, like /dev/disk0s2).
Output -
    returns FSUR_IO_SUCCESS or else one of the FSUR_xyz error codes.
*************************************************************************************************** */
static int
DoChangeUUIDKey( const char * theDeviceNamePtr ) {
	int result;
	VolumeUUID newVolumeUUID;
	result = SetVolumeUUID(theDeviceNamePtr, &newVolumeUUID);
	return result;

/* **************************************** DoAdopt *******************************************
Purpose -
    This routine will add the UUID of the specified block device to the list of local volumes.
Input -
    theDeviceNamePtr - pointer to the device name (full path, like /dev/disk0s2).
Output -
    returns FSUR_IO_SUCCESS or else one of the FSUR_xyz error codes.
*************************************************************************************************** */
static int
DoAdopt( const char * theDeviceNamePtr ) {
	int result, closeresult;
	VolumeUUID targetVolumeUUID;
	VolumeStatusDBHandle vsdbhandle = NULL;
	unsigned long targetVolumeStatus;
	if ((result = GetVolumeUUID(theDeviceNamePtr, &targetVolumeUUID, TRUE)) != FSUR_IO_SUCCESS) goto Err_Return;
	if ((result = OpenVolumeStatusDB(&vsdbhandle)) != 0) goto Err_Exit;
	if ((result = GetVolumeStatusDBEntry(vsdbhandle, &targetVolumeUUID, &targetVolumeStatus)) != 0) {
		targetVolumeStatus = 0;
	targetVolumeStatus = (targetVolumeStatus & VOLUME_VALIDSTATUSBITS) | VOLUME_USEPERMISSIONS;
	if ((result = SetVolumeStatusDBEntry(vsdbhandle, &targetVolumeUUID, targetVolumeStatus)) != 0) goto Err_Exit;

	result = FSUR_IO_SUCCESS;
	if (vsdbhandle) {
		closeresult = CloseVolumeStatusDB(vsdbhandle);
		vsdbhandle = NULL;
		if (result == FSUR_IO_SUCCESS) result = closeresult;
	if ((result != 0) && (result != FSUR_IO_SUCCESS)) result = FSUR_IO_FAIL;
	if (result != FSUR_IO_SUCCESS) fprintf(stderr, "DoAdopt: returning %d...\n", result);
	return result;

/* **************************************** DoDisown *******************************************
Purpose -
    This routine will change the status of the specified block device to ignore its permissions.
Input -
    theDeviceNamePtr - pointer to the device name (full path, like /dev/disk0s2).
Output -
    returns FSUR_IO_SUCCESS or else one of the FSUR_xyz error codes.
*************************************************************************************************** */
static int
DoDisown( const char * theDeviceNamePtr ) {
	int result, closeresult;
	VolumeUUID targetVolumeUUID;
	VolumeStatusDBHandle vsdbhandle = NULL;
	unsigned long targetVolumeStatus;
	if ((result = GetVolumeUUID(theDeviceNamePtr, &targetVolumeUUID, TRUE)) != FSUR_IO_SUCCESS) goto Err_Return;
	if ((result = OpenVolumeStatusDB(&vsdbhandle)) != 0) goto Err_Exit;
	if ((result = GetVolumeStatusDBEntry(vsdbhandle, &targetVolumeUUID, &targetVolumeStatus)) != 0) {
		targetVolumeStatus = 0;
	targetVolumeStatus = (targetVolumeStatus & VOLUME_VALIDSTATUSBITS) & ~VOLUME_USEPERMISSIONS;
	if ((result = SetVolumeStatusDBEntry(vsdbhandle, &targetVolumeUUID, targetVolumeStatus)) != 0) goto Err_Exit;

	result = FSUR_IO_SUCCESS;
	if (vsdbhandle) {
		closeresult = CloseVolumeStatusDB(vsdbhandle);
		vsdbhandle = NULL;
		if (result == FSUR_IO_SUCCESS) result = closeresult;
	if ((result != 0) && (result != FSUR_IO_SUCCESS)) {
		if (result != 0) fprintf(stderr, "DoDisown: result = %d; changing to %d...\n", result, FSUR_IO_FAIL);
		result = FSUR_IO_FAIL;
	if (result != FSUR_IO_SUCCESS) fprintf(stderr, "DoDisown: returning %d...\n", result);
	return result;

static int
get_multiplier(char c)
	if (tolower(c) == 'k') {
		return 1024;
	} else if (tolower(c) == 'm') {
		return 1024 * 1024;
	} else if (tolower(c) == 'g') {
		return 1024 * 1024 * 1024;

	return 1;

/* **************************************** ParseArgs ********************************************
Purpose -
    This routine will make sure the arguments passed in to us are cool.
    Here is how this utility is used:

usage: hfs.util actionArg deviceArg [mountPointArg] [flagsArg]
        -p (Probe for mounting)
       	-P (Probe for initializing - not supported)
       	-m (Mount)
        -r (Repair - not supported)
        -u (Unmount)
        -M (Force Mount)
        -i (Initialize - not supported)

        disk0s2 (for example)

        /foo/bar/ (required for Mount and Force Mount actions)

        (these are ignored for CDROMs)
        either "readonly" OR "writable"
        either "removable" OR "fixed"
        either "nosuid" or "suid"
	either "nodev" or "dev"

	hfs.util -p disk0s2 removable writable
	hfs.util -p disk0s2 removable readonly
	hfs.util -m disk0s2 /my/hfs

Input -
    argc - the number of arguments in argv.
    argv - array of arguments.
Output -
    returns FSUR_INVAL if we find a bad argument else 0.
*************************************************************************************************** */
static int
ParseArgs(int argc, const char *argv[], const char ** actionPtr,
	const char ** mountPointPtr, boolean_t * isEjectablePtr,
          boolean_t * isLockedPtr, boolean_t * isSetuidPtr, boolean_t * isDevPtr)
    int			result = FSUR_INVAL;
    int			deviceLength, doLengthCheck = 1;
    int			index;
    int 		mounting = 0;

    /* Must have at least 3 arguments and the action argument must start with a '-' */
    if ( (argc < 3) || (argv[1][0] != '-') ) {
        DoDisplayUsage( argv );
        goto Return;

    /* we only support actions Probe, Mount, Force Mount, and Unmount */

    * actionPtr = & argv[1][1];

    switch ( argv[1][1] ) {
        case FSUC_PROBE:
        /* action Probe and requires 5 arguments (need the flags) */
	     if ( argc < 5 ) {
             	DoDisplayUsage( argv );
             	goto Return;
	     } else {
            	index = 3;
        case FSUC_UNMOUNT:
        	/* Note: the device argument in argv[2] is checked further down but ignored. */
            * mountPointPtr = argv[3];
            index = 0; /* No isEjectable/isLocked flags for unmount. */
        case FSUC_MOUNT:
        case FSUC_MOUNT_FORCE:
            /* action Mount and ForceMount require 8 arguments (need the mountpoint and the flags) */
            if ( argc < 8 ) {
                DoDisplayUsage( argv );
                goto Return;
            } else {
                * mountPointPtr = argv[3];
                index = 4;
                mounting = 1;
        case FSUC_GETUUID:
        	index = 0;
			index = 0;
		case FSUC_ADOPT:
			index = 0;
			index = 0;
		// XXXdbg
		case FSUC_MKJNL:
			index = 0;
			doLengthCheck = 0;
			if (isdigit(argv[2][0])) {
				char *ptr;
				gJournalSize = strtoul(argv[2], &ptr, 0);
				if (ptr) {
					gJournalSize *= get_multiplier(*ptr);
				return 0;

		case FSUC_UNJNL:
			index = 0;
			doLengthCheck = 0;

			index = 0;
			doLengthCheck = 0;

			index = 0;
			doLengthCheck = 0;
		// XXXdbg

            DoDisplayUsage( argv );
            goto Return;

    /* Make sure device (argv[2]) is something reasonable */
    deviceLength = strlen( argv[2] );
    if ( doLengthCheck && (deviceLength < 3 || deviceLength > NAME_MAX) ) {
        DoDisplayUsage( argv );
        goto Return;

    if ( index ) {
        /* Flags: removable/fixed. */
        if ( 0 == strcmp(argv[index],"removable") ) {
            * isEjectablePtr = 1;
        } else if ( 0 == strcmp(argv[index],"fixed") ) {
            * isEjectablePtr = 0;
        } else {
            printf("hfs.util: ERROR: unrecognized flag (removable/fixed) argv[%d]='%s'\n",index,argv[index]);

        /* Flags: readonly/writable. */
        if ( 0 == strcmp(argv[index+1],"readonly") ) {
            * isLockedPtr = 1;
        } else if ( 0 == strcmp(argv[index+1],"writable") ) {
            * isLockedPtr = 0;
        } else {
            printf("hfs.util: ERROR: unrecognized flag (readonly/writable) argv[%d]='%s'\n",index,argv[index+1]);

        if (mounting) {
                    /* Flags: suid/nosuid. */
                    if ( 0 == strcmp(argv[index+2],"suid") ) {
                        * isSetuidPtr = 1;
                    } else if ( 0 == strcmp(argv[index+2],"nosuid") ) {
                        * isSetuidPtr = 0;
                    } else {
                        printf("hfs.util: ERROR: unrecognized flag (suid/nosuid) argv[%d]='%s'\n",index,argv[index+2]);

                    /* Flags: dev/nodev. */
                    if ( 0 == strcmp(argv[index+3],"dev") ) {
                        * isDevPtr = 1;
                    } else if ( 0 == strcmp(argv[index+3],"nodev") ) {
                        * isDevPtr = 0;
                    } else {
                        printf("hfs.util: ERROR: unrecognized flag (dev/nodev) argv[%d]='%s'\n",index,argv[index+3]);


    result = 0;

        return result;

} /* ParseArgs */

/* *************************************** DoDisplayUsage ********************************************
Purpose -
    This routine will do a printf of the correct usage for this utility.
Input -
    argv - array of arguments.
Output -
*************************************************************************************************** */
static void
DoDisplayUsage(const char *argv[])
    printf("usage: %s action_arg device_arg [mount_point_arg] [Flags] \n", argv[0]);
    printf("       -%c (Probe for mounting)\n", FSUC_PROBE);
    printf("       -%c (Mount)\n", FSUC_MOUNT);
    printf("       -%c (Unmount)\n", FSUC_UNMOUNT);
    printf("       -%c (Force Mount)\n", FSUC_MOUNT_FORCE);
    printf("       -%c (Get UUID Key)\n", FSUC_GETUUID);
    printf("       -%c (Set UUID Key)\n", FSUC_SETUUID);
    printf("       -%c (Adopt permissions)\n", FSUC_ADOPT);
	printf("       -%c (Make a file system journaled)\n", FSUC_MKJNL);
	printf("       -%c (Turn off journaling on a file system)\n", FSUC_UNJNL);
	printf("       -%c (Turn off journaling on a raw device)\n", FSUC_UNJNL_RAW);
	printf("       -%c (Get size & location of journaling on a file system)\n", FSUC_JNLINFO);
    printf("       device we are acting upon (for example, 'disk0s2')\n");
    printf("       if '-%c' or '-%c' is specified, this should be the\n", FSUC_MKJNL, FSUC_UNJNL);
	printf("       name of the file system we're to act on (for example, '/Volumes/foo' or '/')\n");
    printf("       required for Mount and Force Mount \n");
    printf("       required for Mount, Force Mount and Probe\n");
    printf("       indicates removable or fixed (for example 'fixed')\n");
    printf("       indicates readonly or writable (for example 'readonly')\n");
    printf("       indicates suid or nosuid (for example 'suid')\n");
    printf("       indicates dev or nodev (for example 'dev')\n");
    printf("       %s -p disk0s2 fixed writable\n", argv[0]);
    printf("       %s -m disk0s2 /my/hfs removable readonly nosuid nodev\n", argv[0]);


} /* DoDisplayUsage */

	Given a path to a device, determine if a volume is mounted on that
	device.  If there is an HFS volume, return its path and FSUR_IO_SUCCESS.
	If there is a non-HFS volume, return FSUR_UNRECOGNIZED.  If there is
	no volume mounted on the device, set *pathPtr to NULL and return

static int
GetHFSMountPoint(const char *deviceNamePtr, char **pathPtr)
	int result;
	int i, numMounts;
	struct statfs *buf;
	/* Assume no mounted volume found */	
	*pathPtr = NULL;
	result = FSUR_IO_SUCCESS;	
	numMounts = getmntinfo(&buf, MNT_NOWAIT);
	if (numMounts == 0)
		return FSUR_IO_FAIL;
	for (i=0; i<numMounts; ++i) {
		if (!strcmp(deviceNamePtr, buf[i].f_mntfromname)) {
			/* Found a mounted volume; check the type */
			if (!strcmp(buf[i].f_fstypename, "hfs")) {
				*pathPtr = buf[i].f_mntonname;
				/* result = FSUR_IO_SUCCESS, above */
			} else {
	return result;

	Read the Master Directory Block or Volume Header Block from an HFS,
	HFS Plus, or HFSX volume into a caller-supplied buffer.  Return the
	offset of an embedded HFS Plus volume (or 0 if not embedded HFS Plus).
	Return a pointer to the volume UUID in the Finder Info.

static int
ReadHeaderBlock(int fd, void *bufPtr, off_t *startOffset, VolumeUUID **finderInfoUUIDPtr)
	int result;
	HFSMasterDirectoryBlock * mdbPtr;
	HFSPlusVolumeHeader * volHdrPtr;

	mdbPtr = bufPtr;
	volHdrPtr = bufPtr;

	 * Read the HFS Master Directory Block or Volume Header from sector 2
	*startOffset = 0;
	result = readAt(fd, bufPtr, (off_t)(2 * HFS_BLOCK_SIZE), HFS_BLOCK_SIZE);
	if (result != FSUR_IO_SUCCESS)
		goto Err_Exit;

	 * If this is a wrapped HFS Plus volume, read the Volume Header from
	 * sector 2 of the embedded volume.
	if (OSSwapBigToHostInt16(mdbPtr->drSigWord) == kHFSSigWord &&
		OSSwapBigToHostInt16(mdbPtr->drEmbedSigWord) == kHFSPlusSigWord) {
		result = GetEmbeddedHFSPlusVol(mdbPtr, startOffset);
		if (result != FSUR_IO_SUCCESS)
			goto Err_Exit;
		result = readAt(fd, bufPtr, *startOffset + (off_t)(2*HFS_BLOCK_SIZE), HFS_BLOCK_SIZE);
		if (result != FSUR_IO_SUCCESS)
			goto Err_Exit;
	 * At this point, we have the MDB for plain HFS, or VHB for HFS Plus and HFSX
	 * volumes (including wrapped HFS Plus).  Verify the signature and grab the
	 * UUID from the Finder Info.
	if (OSSwapBigToHostInt16(mdbPtr->drSigWord) == kHFSSigWord) {
	    *finderInfoUUIDPtr = (VolumeUUID *)(&mdbPtr->drFndrInfo[6]);
	} else if (OSSwapBigToHostInt16(volHdrPtr->signature) == kHFSPlusSigWord ||
				OSSwapBigToHostInt16(volHdrPtr->signature) == kHFSXSigWord) {
	    *finderInfoUUIDPtr = (VolumeUUID *)&volHdrPtr->finderInfo[24];
	} else {

	return result;

	Read the UUID from an unmounted volume, by doing direct access to the device.
	Assumes the caller has already determined that a volume is not mounted
	on the device.

static int
GetVolumeUUIDRaw(const char *deviceNamePtr, VolumeUUID *volumeUUIDPtr)
	int fd = 0;
	char * bufPtr;
	off_t startOffset;
	VolumeUUID *finderInfoUUIDPtr;
	int result;

	bufPtr = (char *)malloc(HFS_BLOCK_SIZE);
	if ( ! bufPtr ) {
		goto Err_Exit;

	fd = open( deviceNamePtr, O_RDONLY, 0);
	if (fd <= 0) {
		fprintf(stderr, "hfs.util: GetVolumeUUIDRaw: device open failed (errno = %d).\n", errno);
		result = FSUR_IO_FAIL;
		goto Err_Exit;

	 * Get the pointer to the volume UUID in the Finder Info
	result = ReadHeaderBlock(fd, bufPtr, &startOffset, &finderInfoUUIDPtr);
	if (result != FSUR_IO_SUCCESS)
		goto Err_Exit;

	 * Copy the volume UUID out of the Finder Info
	volumeUUIDPtr->v.high = OSSwapBigToHostInt32(finderInfoUUIDPtr->v.high);
	volumeUUIDPtr->v.low = OSSwapBigToHostInt32(finderInfoUUIDPtr->v.low);

	if (fd > 0) close(fd);
	if (bufPtr) free(bufPtr);
	if (result != FSUR_IO_SUCCESS) fprintf(stderr, "hfs.util: GetVolumeUUIDRaw: result = %d...\n", result);

	Write a previously generated UUID to an unmounted volume, by doing direct
	access to the device.  Assumes the caller has already determined that a
	volume is not mounted on the device.

static int
SetVolumeUUIDRaw(const char *deviceNamePtr, VolumeUUID *volumeUUIDPtr)
	int fd = 0;
	char * bufPtr;
	off_t startOffset;
	VolumeUUID *finderInfoUUIDPtr;
	int result;

	bufPtr = (char *)malloc(HFS_BLOCK_SIZE);
	if ( ! bufPtr ) {
		goto Err_Exit;

	fd = open( deviceNamePtr, O_RDWR, 0);
	if (fd <= 0) {
		fprintf(stderr, "hfs.util: SetVolumeUUIDRaw: device open failed (errno = %d).\n", errno);
		result = FSUR_IO_FAIL;
		goto Err_Exit;

	 * Get the pointer to the volume UUID in the Finder Info
	result = ReadHeaderBlock(fd, bufPtr, &startOffset, &finderInfoUUIDPtr);
	if (result != FSUR_IO_SUCCESS)
		goto Err_Exit;

	 * Update the UUID in the Finder Info
	finderInfoUUIDPtr->v.high = OSSwapHostToBigInt32(volumeUUIDPtr->v.high);
	finderInfoUUIDPtr->v.low = OSSwapHostToBigInt32(volumeUUIDPtr->v.low);

	 * Write the modified MDB or VHB back to disk
	result = writeAt(fd, bufPtr, startOffset + (off_t)(2*HFS_BLOCK_SIZE), HFS_BLOCK_SIZE);

	if (fd > 0) close(fd);
	if (bufPtr) free(bufPtr);
	if (result != FSUR_IO_SUCCESS) fprintf(stderr, "hfs.util: SetVolumeUUIDRaw: result = %d...\n", result);

	Read the UUID from a mounted volume, by calling getattrlist().
	Assumes the path is the mount point of an HFS volume.

static int
GetVolumeUUIDAttr(const char *path, VolumeUUID *volumeUUIDPtr)
	struct attrlist alist;
	struct FinderAttrBuf volFinderInfo;
	VolumeUUID *finderInfoUUIDPtr;
	int result;

	/* Set up the attrlist structure to get the volume's Finder Info */
	alist.bitmapcount = 5;
	alist.reserved = 0;
	alist.commonattr = ATTR_CMN_FNDRINFO;
	alist.volattr = ATTR_VOL_INFO;
	alist.dirattr = 0;
	alist.fileattr = 0;
	alist.forkattr = 0;

	/* Get the Finder Info */
	result = getattrlist(path, &alist, &volFinderInfo, sizeof(volFinderInfo), 0);
	if (result) {
		result = FSUR_IO_FAIL;
		goto Err_Exit;

	/* Copy the UUID from the Finder Into to caller's buffer */
	finderInfoUUIDPtr = (VolumeUUID *)(&volFinderInfo.finderinfo[6]);
	volumeUUIDPtr->v.high = OSSwapBigToHostInt32(finderInfoUUIDPtr->v.high);
	volumeUUIDPtr->v.low = OSSwapBigToHostInt32(finderInfoUUIDPtr->v.low);
	result = FSUR_IO_SUCCESS;

	return result;

	Write a UUID to a mounted volume, by calling setattrlist().
	Assumes the path is the mount point of an HFS volume.

static int
SetVolumeUUIDAttr(const char *path, VolumeUUID *volumeUUIDPtr)
	struct attrlist alist;
	struct FinderAttrBuf volFinderInfo;
	VolumeUUID *finderInfoUUIDPtr;
	int result;

	/* Set up the attrlist structure to get the volume's Finder Info */
	alist.bitmapcount = 5;
	alist.reserved = 0;
	alist.commonattr = ATTR_CMN_FNDRINFO;
	alist.volattr = ATTR_VOL_INFO;
	alist.dirattr = 0;
	alist.fileattr = 0;
	alist.forkattr = 0;

	/* Get the Finder Info */
	result = getattrlist(path, &alist, &volFinderInfo, sizeof(volFinderInfo), 0);
	if (result) {
		result = FSUR_IO_FAIL;
		goto Err_Exit;

	/* Update the UUID in the Finder Info */
	finderInfoUUIDPtr = (VolumeUUID *)(&volFinderInfo.finderinfo[6]);
	finderInfoUUIDPtr->v.high = OSSwapHostToBigInt32(volumeUUIDPtr->v.high);
	finderInfoUUIDPtr->v.low = OSSwapHostToBigInt32(volumeUUIDPtr->v.low);

	/* Write the Finder Info back to the volume */
	result = setattrlist(path, &alist, &volFinderInfo.finderinfo, sizeof(volFinderInfo.finderinfo), 0);
	if (result) {
		result = FSUR_IO_FAIL;
		goto Err_Exit;

	result = FSUR_IO_SUCCESS;

	return result;

	Return the UUID of an HFS, HFS Plus or HFSX volume.  If there is no UUID and
	we were asked to generate one, then generate a new UUID and write it to the
	Determine whether an HFS volume is mounted on the given device.  If so, we
	need to use GetVolumeUUIDAttr and SetVolumeUUIDAttr to access the UUID through
	the filesystem.  If there is no mounted volume, then do direct device access
	with GetVolumeUUIDRaw and SetVolumeUUIDRaw.

static int
GetVolumeUUID(const char *deviceNamePtr, VolumeUUID *volumeUUIDPtr, boolean_t generate)
	int result;
	char *path = NULL;
	 * Determine whether a volume is mounted on this device.  If it is HFS, then
	 * get the mount point's path.  If it is non-HFS, then we can exit immediately
	result = GetHFSMountPoint(deviceNamePtr, &path);
	if (result != FSUR_IO_SUCCESS)
		goto Err_Exit;

	 * Get any existing UUID.
	if (path)
		result = GetVolumeUUIDAttr(path, volumeUUIDPtr);
		result = GetVolumeUUIDRaw(deviceNamePtr, volumeUUIDPtr);
	if (result != FSUR_IO_SUCCESS)
		goto Err_Exit;

	 * If there was no valid UUID, and we were asked to generate one, then
	 * generate it and write it back to disk.
	if (generate && (volumeUUIDPtr->v.high == 0 || volumeUUIDPtr->v.low == 0)) {
		if (path)
			result = SetVolumeUUIDAttr(path, volumeUUIDPtr);
			result = SetVolumeUUIDRaw(deviceNamePtr, volumeUUIDPtr);
		/* Fall through to Err_Exit */

	return result;

	Write a UUID to an HFS, HFS Plus or HFSX volume.
	Determine whether an HFS volume is mounted on the given device.  If so, we
	need to use SetVolumeUUIDAttr to access the UUID through the filesystem.
	If there is no mounted volume, then do direct device access SetVolumeUUIDRaw.
static int
SetVolumeUUID(const char *deviceNamePtr, VolumeUUID *volumeUUIDPtr) {
	int result;
	char *path = NULL;
	 * Determine whether a volume is mounted on this device.  If it is HFS, then
	 * get the mount point's path.  If it is non-HFS, then we can exit immediately
	result = GetHFSMountPoint(deviceNamePtr, &path);
	if (result != FSUR_IO_SUCCESS)
		goto Err_Exit;

	 * Update the UUID.
	if (path)
		result = SetVolumeUUIDAttr(path, volumeUUIDPtr);
		result = SetVolumeUUIDRaw(deviceNamePtr, volumeUUIDPtr);

	return result;

 --	GetEmbeddedHFSPlusVol
 --	In: hfsMasterDirectoryBlockPtr
 --	Out: startOffsetPtr - the disk offset at which the HFS+ volume starts
 				(that is, 2 blocks before the volume header)

static int
GetEmbeddedHFSPlusVol (HFSMasterDirectoryBlock * hfsMasterDirectoryBlockPtr, off_t * startOffsetPtr)
    int		result = FSUR_IO_SUCCESS;
    u_int32_t	allocationBlockSize, firstAllocationBlock, startBlock, blockCount;

    if (OSSwapBigToHostInt16(hfsMasterDirectoryBlockPtr->drSigWord) != kHFSSigWord) {
        result = FSUR_UNRECOGNIZED;
        goto Return;

    allocationBlockSize = OSSwapBigToHostInt32(hfsMasterDirectoryBlockPtr->drAlBlkSiz);
    firstAllocationBlock = OSSwapBigToHostInt16(hfsMasterDirectoryBlockPtr->drAlBlSt);

    if (OSSwapBigToHostInt16(hfsMasterDirectoryBlockPtr->drEmbedSigWord) != kHFSPlusSigWord) {
        result = FSUR_UNRECOGNIZED;
        goto Return;

    startBlock = OSSwapBigToHostInt16(hfsMasterDirectoryBlockPtr->drEmbedExtent.startBlock);
    blockCount = OSSwapBigToHostInt16(hfsMasterDirectoryBlockPtr->drEmbedExtent.blockCount);

    if ( startOffsetPtr )
        *startOffsetPtr = ((u_int64_t)startBlock * (u_int64_t)allocationBlockSize) +
        	((u_int64_t)firstAllocationBlock * (u_int64_t)HFS_BLOCK_SIZE);

        return result;


 --	GetNameFromHFSPlusVolumeStartingAt
 --	Caller's responsibility to allocate and release memory for the converted string.

static int
GetNameFromHFSPlusVolumeStartingAt(int fd, off_t hfsPlusVolumeOffset, unsigned char * name_o)
    int					result = FSUR_IO_SUCCESS;
    u_int32_t				blockSize;
    char			*	bufPtr = NULL;
    HFSPlusVolumeHeader		*	volHdrPtr;
    BTNodeDescriptor		*	bTreeNodeDescriptorPtr;
    u_int32_t				catalogNodeSize;
	u_int32_t leafNode;
	u_int32_t catalogExtCount;
	HFSPlusExtentDescriptor *catalogExtents = NULL;

    volHdrPtr = (HFSPlusVolumeHeader *)malloc(HFS_BLOCK_SIZE);
    if ( ! volHdrPtr ) {
        result = FSUR_IO_FAIL;
        goto Return;

     * Read the Volume Header
     * (This is a little redundant for a pure, unwrapped HFS+ volume)
    result = readAt( fd, volHdrPtr, hfsPlusVolumeOffset + (off_t)(2*HFS_BLOCK_SIZE), HFS_BLOCK_SIZE );
    if (result == FSUR_IO_FAIL) {
        fprintf(stderr, "hfs.util: GetNameFromHFSPlusVolumeStartingAt: readAt failed\n");
        goto Return; // return FSUR_IO_FAIL

    /* Verify that it is an HFS+ volume. */

    if (OSSwapBigToHostInt16(volHdrPtr->signature) != kHFSPlusSigWord &&
        OSSwapBigToHostInt16(volHdrPtr->signature) != kHFSXSigWord) {
        result = FSUR_IO_FAIL;
        fprintf(stderr, "hfs.util: GetNameFromHFSPlusVolumeStartingAt: volHdrPtr->signature != kHFSPlusSigWord\n");
        goto Return;

    blockSize = OSSwapBigToHostInt32(volHdrPtr->blockSize);
    catalogExtents = (HFSPlusExtentDescriptor *) malloc(sizeof(HFSPlusExtentRecord));
    if ( ! catalogExtents ) {
        result = FSUR_IO_FAIL;
        goto Return;
	bcopy(volHdrPtr->catalogFile.extents, catalogExtents, sizeof(HFSPlusExtentRecord));
	catalogExtCount = kHFSPlusExtentDensity;

	/* if there are overflow catalog extents, then go get them */
	if (OSSwapBigToHostInt32(catalogExtents[7].blockCount) != 0) {
		result = GetCatalogOverflowExtents(fd, hfsPlusVolumeOffset, volHdrPtr, &catalogExtents, &catalogExtCount);
		if (result != FSUR_IO_SUCCESS)
			goto Return;

	/* Read the header node of the catalog B-Tree */

	result = GetBTreeNodeInfo(fd, hfsPlusVolumeOffset, blockSize,
							catalogExtCount, catalogExtents,
							&catalogNodeSize, &leafNode);
	if (result != FSUR_IO_SUCCESS)
        goto Return;

	/* Read the first leaf node of the catalog b-tree */

    bufPtr = (char *)malloc(catalogNodeSize);
    if ( ! bufPtr ) {
        result = FSUR_IO_FAIL;
        goto Return;

    bTreeNodeDescriptorPtr = (BTNodeDescriptor *)bufPtr;

	result = ReadFile(fd, bufPtr, (off_t) leafNode * (off_t) catalogNodeSize, catalogNodeSize,
						hfsPlusVolumeOffset, blockSize,
						catalogExtCount, catalogExtents);
    if (result == FSUR_IO_FAIL) {
        fprintf(stderr, "hfs.util: ERROR: reading first leaf failed\n");
        goto Return; // return FSUR_IO_FAIL

        u_int16_t			*	v;
        char			*	p;
        HFSPlusCatalogKey	*	k;
	CFStringRef cfstr;

        if ( OSSwapBigToHostInt16(bTreeNodeDescriptorPtr->numRecords) < 1) {
            result = FSUR_IO_FAIL;
			fprintf(stderr, "hfs.util: ERROR: bTreeNodeDescriptorPtr->numRecords < 1\n");
            goto Return;

	// Get the offset (in bytes) of the first record from the list of offsets at the end of the node.

        p = bufPtr + catalogNodeSize - sizeof(u_int16_t); // pointer arithmetic in bytes
        v = (u_int16_t *)p;

	// Get a pointer to the first record.

        p = bufPtr + OSSwapBigToHostInt16(*v); // pointer arithmetic in bytes
        k = (HFSPlusCatalogKey *)p;

	// There should be only one record whose parent is the root parent.  It should be the first record.

        if (OSSwapBigToHostInt32(k->parentID) != kHFSRootParentID) {
            result = FSUR_IO_FAIL;
            fprintf(stderr, "hfs.util: ERROR: k->parentID != kHFSRootParentID\n");
            goto Return;

	/* Extract the name of the root directory */

	    HFSUniStr255 *swapped;
	    int i;
	    swapped = (HFSUniStr255 *)malloc(sizeof(HFSUniStr255));
	    if (swapped == NULL) {
		result = FSUR_IO_FAIL;
		goto Return;
	    swapped->length = OSSwapBigToHostInt16(k->nodeName.length);
	    for (i=0; i<swapped->length; i++) {
		swapped->unicode[i] = OSSwapBigToHostInt16(k->nodeName.unicode[i]);
	    swapped->unicode[i] = 0;
	    cfstr = CFStringCreateWithCharacters(kCFAllocatorDefault, swapped->unicode, swapped->length);
	    (void) CFStringGetCString(cfstr, (char *)name_o, NAME_MAX, kCFStringEncodingUTF8);

    result = FSUR_IO_SUCCESS;

	if (volHdrPtr)
		free((char*) volHdrPtr);

	if (catalogExtents)
		free((char*) catalogExtents);
	if (bufPtr)

    return result;

} /* GetNameFromHFSPlusVolumeStartingAt */

#pragma options align=mac68k
typedef struct {
	BTNodeDescriptor	node;
	BTHeaderRec		header;
} HeaderRec, *HeaderPtr;
#pragma options align=reset

static int
GetBTreeNodeInfo(int fd, off_t hfsPlusVolumeOffset, u_int32_t blockSize,
				u_int32_t extentCount, const HFSPlusExtentDescriptor *extentList,
				u_int32_t *nodeSize, u_int32_t *firstLeafNode)
	int result;
	HeaderRec * bTreeHeaderPtr = NULL;

	bTreeHeaderPtr = (HeaderRec *) malloc(HFS_BLOCK_SIZE);
	if (bTreeHeaderPtr == NULL)
		return (FSUR_IO_FAIL);
	/* Read the b-tree header node */

	result = ReadFile(fd, bTreeHeaderPtr, 0, HFS_BLOCK_SIZE,
					hfsPlusVolumeOffset, blockSize,
					extentCount, extentList);
	if ( result == FSUR_IO_FAIL ) {
		fprintf(stderr, "hfs.util: ERROR: reading header node failed\n");
		goto free;

	if ( bTreeHeaderPtr->node.kind != kBTHeaderNode ) {
		result = FSUR_IO_FAIL;
		fprintf(stderr, "hfs.util: ERROR: bTreeHeaderPtr->node.kind != kBTHeaderNode\n");
		goto free;

	*nodeSize = OSSwapBigToHostInt16(bTreeHeaderPtr->header.nodeSize);

	if (OSSwapBigToHostInt32(bTreeHeaderPtr->header.leafRecords) == 0)
		*firstLeafNode = 0;
		*firstLeafNode = OSSwapBigToHostInt32(bTreeHeaderPtr->header.firstLeafNode);

	free((char*) bTreeHeaderPtr);

	return result;

} /* GetBTreeNodeInfo */

static int
GetCatalogOverflowExtents(int fd, off_t hfsPlusVolumeOffset,
		HFSPlusVolumeHeader *volHdrPtr,
		HFSPlusExtentDescriptor **catalogExtents,
		u_int32_t *catalogExtCount)
	off_t offset;
	u_int32_t numRecords;
	u_int32_t nodeSize;
	u_int32_t leafNode;
	u_int32_t blockSize;
    BTNodeDescriptor * bTreeNodeDescriptorPtr;
	HFSPlusExtentDescriptor * extents;
	size_t listsize;
    char *	bufPtr = NULL;
	int i;
	int result;

	blockSize = OSSwapBigToHostInt32(volHdrPtr->blockSize);
	listsize = *catalogExtCount * sizeof(HFSPlusExtentDescriptor);
	extents = *catalogExtents;
	offset = (off_t)OSSwapBigToHostInt32(volHdrPtr->extentsFile.extents[0].startBlock) *

	/* Read the header node of the extents B-Tree */

	result = GetBTreeNodeInfo(fd, hfsPlusVolumeOffset, blockSize,
			kHFSPlusExtentDensity, volHdrPtr->extentsFile.extents,
		    &nodeSize, &leafNode);
	if (result != FSUR_IO_SUCCESS || leafNode == 0)
		goto Return;

	/* Calculate the logical position of the first leaf node */

	offset = (off_t) leafNode * (off_t) nodeSize;

	/* Read the first leaf node of the extents b-tree */

    bufPtr = (char *)malloc(nodeSize);
	if (! bufPtr) {
		result = FSUR_IO_FAIL;
		goto Return;

	bTreeNodeDescriptorPtr = (BTNodeDescriptor *)bufPtr;

	result = ReadFile(fd, bufPtr, offset, nodeSize,
					hfsPlusVolumeOffset, blockSize,
					kHFSPlusExtentDensity, volHdrPtr->extentsFile.extents);
	if ( result == FSUR_IO_FAIL ) {
		fprintf(stderr, "hfs.util: ERROR: reading first leaf failed\n");
		goto Return;

	if (bTreeNodeDescriptorPtr->kind != kBTLeafNode) {
		result = FSUR_IO_FAIL;
		goto Return;

	numRecords = OSSwapBigToHostInt16(bTreeNodeDescriptorPtr->numRecords);
	for (i = 1; i <= numRecords; ++i) {
		u_int16_t * v;
		char * p;
		HFSPlusExtentKey * k;

		 * Get the offset (in bytes) of the record from the
		 * list of offsets at the end of the node
		p = bufPtr + nodeSize - (sizeof(u_int16_t) * i);
		v = (u_int16_t *)p;

		/* Get a pointer to the record */

		p = bufPtr + OSSwapBigToHostInt16(*v); /* pointer arithmetic in bytes */
		k = (HFSPlusExtentKey *)p;

		if (OSSwapBigToHostInt32(k->fileID) != kHFSCatalogFileID)
			goto Return;

		/* grow list and copy additional extents */
		listsize += sizeof(HFSPlusExtentRecord);
		extents = (HFSPlusExtentDescriptor *) realloc(extents, listsize);
		bcopy(p + OSSwapBigToHostInt16(k->keyLength) + sizeof(u_int16_t),
			&extents[*catalogExtCount], sizeof(HFSPlusExtentRecord));

		*catalogExtCount += kHFSPlusExtentDensity;
		*catalogExtents = extents;
	if ((leafNode = OSSwapBigToHostInt32(bTreeNodeDescriptorPtr->fLink)) != 0) {
		offset = (off_t) leafNode * (off_t) nodeSize;
		goto again;

	if (bufPtr)

	return (result);

 *	LogicalToPhysical - Map a logical file position and size to volume-relative physical
 *	position and number of contiguous bytes at that position.
 *	Inputs:
 *		logicalOffset	Logical offset in bytes from start of file
 *		length			Maximum number of bytes to map
 *		blockSize		Number of bytes per allocation block
 *		extentCount		Number of extents in file
 *		extentList		The file's extents
 *	Outputs:
 *		physicalOffset	Physical offset in bytes from start of volume
 *		availableBytes	Number of bytes physically contiguous (up to length)
static int	LogicalToPhysical(off_t offset, ssize_t length, u_int32_t blockSize,
							u_int32_t extentCount, const HFSPlusExtentDescriptor *extentList,
							off_t *physicalOffset, ssize_t *availableBytes)
	off_t		temp;
	u_int32_t	logicalBlock;
	u_int32_t	extent;
	u_int32_t	blockCount = 0;
	/* Determine allocation block containing logicalOffset */
	logicalBlock = offset / blockSize;	/* This can't overflow for valid volumes */
	offset %= blockSize;	/* Offset from start of allocation block */
	/* Find the extent containing logicalBlock */
	for (extent = 0; extent < extentCount; ++extent)
		blockCount = OSSwapBigToHostInt32(extentList[extent].blockCount);
		if (blockCount == 0)
			return FSUR_IO_FAIL;	/* Tried to map past physical end of file */
		if (logicalBlock < blockCount)
			break;				/* Found it! */
		logicalBlock -= blockCount;

	if (extent >= extentCount)
		return FSUR_IO_FAIL;		/* Tried to map past physical end of file */

	 *	When we get here, extentList[extent] is the extent containing logicalOffset.
	 *	The desired allocation block is logicalBlock blocks into the extent.
	/* Compute the physical starting position */
	temp = OSSwapBigToHostInt32(extentList[extent].startBlock) + logicalBlock;	/* First physical block */
	temp *= blockSize;	/* Byte offset of first physical block */
	*physicalOffset = temp + offset;

	/* Compute the available contiguous bytes. */
	temp = blockCount - logicalBlock;	/* Number of blocks available in extent */
	temp *= blockSize;
	temp -= offset;						/* Number of bytes available */
	if (temp < length)
		*availableBytes = temp;
		*availableBytes = length;

 *	ReadFile - Read bytes from a file.  Handles cases where the starting and/or
 *	ending position are not allocation or device block aligned.
 *	Inputs:
 *		fd			Descriptor for reading the volume
 *		buffer		The bytes are read into here
 *		offset		Offset in file to start reading
 *		length		Number of bytes to read
 *		volOffset	Byte offset from start of device to start of volume
 *		blockSize	Number of bytes per allocation block
 *		extentCount	Number of extents in file
 *		extentList	The file's exents
static int	ReadFile(int fd, void *buffer, off_t offset, ssize_t length,
					off_t volOffset, u_int32_t blockSize,
					u_int32_t extentCount, const HFSPlusExtentDescriptor *extentList)
	int		result = FSUR_IO_SUCCESS;
	off_t	physOffset;
	ssize_t	physLength;
	while (length > 0)
		result = LogicalToPhysical(offset, length, blockSize, extentCount, extentList,
									&physOffset, &physLength);
		if (result != FSUR_IO_SUCCESS)
		result = readAt(fd, buffer, volOffset+physOffset, physLength);
		if (result != FSUR_IO_SUCCESS)
		length -= physLength;
		offset += physLength;
		buffer = (char *) buffer + physLength;
	return result;

 --	readAt = lseek() + read()

static ssize_t
readAt( int fd, void * bufPtr, off_t offset, ssize_t length )
    int			blocksize;
    off_t		lseekResult;
    ssize_t		readResult;
    void *		rawData = NULL;
    off_t		rawOffset;
    ssize_t		rawLength;
    ssize_t		dataOffset = 0;
    int			result = FSUR_IO_SUCCESS;

    if (ioctl(fd, DKIOCGETBLOCKSIZE, &blocksize) < 0) {
    	fprintf(stderr, "hfs.util: readAt: couldn't determine block size of device.\n");
		result = FSUR_IO_FAIL;
		goto Return;
    /* put offset and length in terms of device blocksize */
    rawOffset = offset / blocksize * blocksize;
    dataOffset = offset - rawOffset;
    rawLength = ((length + dataOffset + blocksize - 1) / blocksize) * blocksize;
    rawData = malloc(rawLength);
    if (rawData == NULL) {
		result = FSUR_IO_FAIL;
		goto Return;

    lseekResult = lseek( fd, rawOffset, SEEK_SET );
    if ( lseekResult != rawOffset ) {
        result = FSUR_IO_FAIL;
        goto Return;

    readResult = read(fd, rawData, rawLength);
    if ( readResult != rawLength ) {
    		fprintf(stderr, "hfs.util: readAt: attempt to read data from device failed (errno = %d)?\n", errno);
        result = FSUR_IO_FAIL;
        goto Return;
    bcopy(rawData + dataOffset, bufPtr, length);

    if (rawData) {
    return result;

} /* readAt */

 --	writeAt = lseek() + write()

static ssize_t
writeAt( int fd, void * bufPtr, off_t offset, ssize_t length )
    int			blocksize;
    off_t		deviceoffset;
    ssize_t		bytestransferred;
    void *		rawData = NULL;
    off_t		rawOffset;
    ssize_t		rawLength;
    ssize_t		dataOffset = 0;
    int			result = FSUR_IO_SUCCESS;

    if (ioctl(fd, DKIOCGETBLOCKSIZE, &blocksize) < 0) {
    	fprintf(stderr, "hfs.util: couldn't determine block size of device.\n");
		result = FSUR_IO_FAIL;
		goto Return;
    /* put offset and length in terms of device blocksize */
    rawOffset = offset / blocksize * blocksize;
    dataOffset = offset - rawOffset;
    rawLength = ((length + dataOffset + blocksize - 1) / blocksize) * blocksize;
    rawData = malloc(rawLength);
    if (rawData == NULL) {
		result = FSUR_IO_FAIL;
		goto Return;

    deviceoffset = lseek( fd, rawOffset, SEEK_SET );
    if ( deviceoffset != rawOffset ) {
        result = FSUR_IO_FAIL;
        goto Return;

	/* If the write isn't block-aligned, read the existing data before writing the new data: */
	if (((rawOffset % blocksize) != 0) || ((rawLength % blocksize) != 0)) {
		bytestransferred = read(fd, rawData, rawLength);
	    if ( bytestransferred != rawLength ) {
    		fprintf(stderr, "writeAt: attempt to pre-read data from device failed (errno = %d)\n", errno);
	        result = FSUR_IO_FAIL;
	        goto Return;
    bcopy(bufPtr, rawData + dataOffset, length);	/* Copy in the new data */
    deviceoffset = lseek( fd, rawOffset, SEEK_SET );
    if ( deviceoffset != rawOffset ) {
        result = FSUR_IO_FAIL;
        goto Return;

    bytestransferred = write(fd, rawData, rawLength);
    if ( bytestransferred != rawLength ) {
    		fprintf(stderr, "writeAt: attempt to write data to device failed?!");
        result = FSUR_IO_FAIL;
        goto Return;

    if (rawData) free(rawData);

    return result;

} /* writeAt */

 * Get kernel's encoding bias.
static int
        int mib[3];
        size_t buflen = sizeof(int);
        struct vfsconf vfc;
        int hint = 0;

        if (getvfsbyname("hfs", &vfc) < 0)
		goto error;

        mib[0] = CTL_VFS;
        mib[1] = vfc.vfc_typenum;
        mib[2] = HFS_ENCODINGBIAS;
	if (sysctl(mib, 3, &hint, &buflen, NULL, 0) < 0)
 		goto error;
	return (hint);
	return (-1);

 *  V O L U M E   S T A T U S   D A T A B A S E   R O U T I N E S

#define DBHANDLESIGNATURE 0x75917737

/* Flag values for operation options: */

static char gVSDBPath[] = "/var/db/volinfo.database";

#define MAXIOMALLOC 16384

/* Database layout: */

struct VSDBKey {
	char uuid[16];

struct VSDBRecord {
	char statusFlags[8];

struct VSDBEntry {
	struct VSDBKey key;
	char keySeparator;
	char space;
	struct VSDBRecord record;
	char terminator;

#define DBBLANKSPACE ' '

/* In-memory data structures: */

struct VSDBState {
    unsigned long signature;
    int dbfile;
    int dbmode;
    off_t recordPosition;

typedef struct VSDBState *VSDBStatePtr;

/* Internal function prototypes: */
static int LockDB(VSDBStatePtr dbstateptr, int lockmode);
static int UnlockDB(VSDBStatePtr dbstateptr);

static int FindVolumeRecordByUUID(VSDBStatePtr dbstateptr, VolumeUUID *volumeID, struct VSDBEntry *dbentry, unsigned long options);
static int AddVolumeRecord(VSDBStatePtr dbstateptr, struct VSDBEntry *dbentry);
static int UpdateVolumeRecord(VSDBStatePtr dbstateptr, struct VSDBEntry *dbentry);
static int GetVSDBEntry(VSDBStatePtr dbstateptr, struct VSDBEntry *dbentry);
static int CompareVSDBKeys(struct VSDBKey *key1, struct VSDBKey *key2);

static void FormatULong(unsigned long u, char *s);
static void FormatUUID(VolumeUUID *volumeID, char *UUIDField);
static void FormatDBKey(VolumeUUID *volumeID, struct VSDBKey *dbkey);
static void FormatDBRecord(unsigned long volumeStatusFlags, struct VSDBRecord *dbrecord);
static void FormatDBEntry(VolumeUUID *volumeID, unsigned long volumeStatusFlags, struct VSDBEntry *dbentry);
static unsigned long ConvertHexStringToULong(const char *hs, long maxdigits);

 *  P U B L I S H E D   I N T E R F A C E   R O U T I N E S

void GenerateVolumeUUID(VolumeUUID *newVolumeID) {
	SHA_CTX context;
	char randomInputBuffer[26];
	unsigned char digest[20];
	time_t now;
	clock_t uptime;
	int mib[2];
	int sysdata;
	char sysctlstring[128];
	size_t datalen;
	double sysloadavg[3];
	struct vmtotal sysvmtotal;
	do {
		/* Initialize the SHA-1 context for processing: */
		/* Now process successive bits of "random" input to seed the process: */
		/* The current system's uptime: */
		uptime = clock();
		SHA1_Update(&context, &uptime, sizeof(uptime));
		/* The kernel's boot time: */
		mib[0] = CTL_KERN;
		mib[1] = KERN_BOOTTIME;
		datalen = sizeof(sysdata);
		sysctl(mib, 2, &sysdata, &datalen, NULL, 0);
		SHA1_Update(&context, &sysdata, datalen);
		/* The system's host id: */
		mib[0] = CTL_KERN;
		mib[1] = KERN_HOSTID;
		datalen = sizeof(sysdata);
		sysctl(mib, 2, &sysdata, &datalen, NULL, 0);
		SHA1_Update(&context, &sysdata, datalen);

		/* The system's host name: */
		mib[0] = CTL_KERN;
		mib[1] = KERN_HOSTNAME;
		datalen = sizeof(sysctlstring);
		sysctl(mib, 2, sysctlstring, &datalen, NULL, 0);
		SHA1_Update(&context, sysctlstring, datalen);

		/* The running kernel's OS release string: */
		mib[0] = CTL_KERN;
		mib[1] = KERN_OSRELEASE;
		datalen = sizeof(sysctlstring);
		sysctl(mib, 2, sysctlstring, &datalen, NULL, 0);
		SHA1_Update(&context, sysctlstring, datalen);

		/* The running kernel's version string: */
		mib[0] = CTL_KERN;
		mib[1] = KERN_VERSION;
		datalen = sizeof(sysctlstring);
		sysctl(mib, 2, sysctlstring, &datalen, NULL, 0);
		SHA1_Update(&context, sysctlstring, datalen);

		/* The system's load average: */
		datalen = sizeof(sysloadavg);
		getloadavg(sysloadavg, 3);
		SHA1_Update(&context, &sysloadavg, datalen);

		/* The system's VM statistics: */
		mib[0] = CTL_VM;
		mib[1] = VM_METER;
		datalen = sizeof(sysvmtotal);
		sysctl(mib, 2, &sysvmtotal, &datalen, NULL, 0);
		SHA1_Update(&context, &sysvmtotal, datalen);

		/* The current GMT (26 ASCII characters): */
		strncpy(randomInputBuffer, asctime(gmtime(&now)), 26);	/* "Mon Mar 27 13:46:26 2000" */
		SHA1_Update(&context, randomInputBuffer, 26);
		/* Pad the accumulated input and extract the final digest hash: */
		SHA1_Final(digest, &context);
		memcpy(newVolumeID, digest, sizeof(*newVolumeID));
	} while ((newVolumeID->v.high == 0) || (newVolumeID->v.low == 0));

void ConvertVolumeUUIDStringToUUID(const char *UUIDString, VolumeUUID *volumeID) {
	int i;
	char c;
	unsigned long nextdigit;
	unsigned long high = 0;
	unsigned long low = 0;
	unsigned long carry;
	for (i = 0; (i < VOLUMEUUIDLENGTH) && ((c = UUIDString[i]) != (char)0) ; ++i) {
		if ((c >= '0') && (c <= '9')) {
			nextdigit = c - '0';
		} else if ((c >= 'A') && (c <= 'F')) {
			nextdigit = c - 'A' + 10;
		} else if ((c >= 'a') && (c <= 'f')) {
			nextdigit = c - 'a' + 10;
		} else {
			nextdigit = 0;
		carry = ((low & 0xF0000000) >> 28) & 0x0000000F;
		high = (high << 4) | carry;
		low = (low << 4) | nextdigit;
	volumeID->v.high = high;
	volumeID->v.low = low;

void ConvertVolumeUUIDToString(VolumeUUID *volumeID, char *UUIDString) {
	FormatUUID(volumeID, UUIDString);
	*(UUIDString+16) = (char)0;		/* Append a terminating null character */

int OpenVolumeStatusDB(VolumeStatusDBHandle *DBHandlePtr) {
	VSDBStatePtr dbstateptr;
	*DBHandlePtr = NULL;

	dbstateptr = (VSDBStatePtr)malloc(sizeof(*dbstateptr));
	if (dbstateptr == NULL) {
		return ENOMEM;
	dbstateptr->dbmode = O_RDWR;
	dbstateptr->dbfile = open(gVSDBPath, O_RDWR | O_CREAT, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR | S_IRGRP | S_IROTH);
	if (dbstateptr->dbfile == -1) {
		   The file couldn't be opened for read/write access:
		   try read-only access before giving up altogether.
		dbstateptr->dbmode = O_RDONLY;
		dbstateptr->dbfile = open(gVSDBPath, O_RDONLY | O_CREAT, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR | S_IRGRP | S_IROTH);
		if (dbstateptr->dbfile == -1) {
			return errno;
	dbstateptr->signature = DBHANDLESIGNATURE;
	*DBHandlePtr = (VolumeStatusDBHandle)dbstateptr;
	return 0;

int GetVolumeStatusDBEntry(VolumeStatusDBHandle DBHandle, VolumeUUID *volumeID, unsigned long *VolumeStatus) {
	VSDBStatePtr dbstateptr = (VSDBStatePtr)DBHandle;
	struct VSDBEntry dbentry;
	int result;

	if (dbstateptr->signature != DBHANDLESIGNATURE) return EINVAL;

	if ((result = LockDB(dbstateptr, LOCK_SH)) != 0) return result;
	if ((result = FindVolumeRecordByUUID(dbstateptr, volumeID, &dbentry, 0)) != 0) {
		goto ErrExit;
	*VolumeStatus = VOLUME_RECORDED | ConvertHexStringToULong(dbentry.record.statusFlags, sizeof(dbentry.record.statusFlags));
	result = 0;

	return result;

int SetVolumeStatusDBEntry(VolumeStatusDBHandle DBHandle, VolumeUUID *volumeID, unsigned long VolumeStatus) {
	VSDBStatePtr dbstateptr = (VSDBStatePtr)DBHandle;
	struct VSDBEntry dbentry;
	int result;
	if (dbstateptr->signature != DBHANDLESIGNATURE) return EINVAL;
	if (VolumeStatus & ~VOLUME_VALIDSTATUSBITS) return EINVAL;
	if ((result = LockDB(dbstateptr, LOCK_EX)) != 0) return result;
	FormatDBEntry(volumeID, VolumeStatus, &dbentry);
	if ((result = FindVolumeRecordByUUID(dbstateptr, volumeID, NULL, DBMARKPOSITION)) == 0) {
		fprintf(stderr,"AddLocalVolumeUUID: found record in database; updating in place.\n");
		result = UpdateVolumeRecord(dbstateptr, &dbentry);
	} else if (result == -1) {
		fprintf(stderr,"AddLocalVolumeUUID: record not found in database; appending at end.\n");
		result = AddVolumeRecord(dbstateptr, &dbentry);
	} else {
		goto ErrExit;
	result = 0;

	return result;

int DeleteVolumeStatusDBEntry(VolumeStatusDBHandle DBHandle, VolumeUUID *volumeID) {
	VSDBStatePtr dbstateptr = (VSDBStatePtr)DBHandle;
	struct stat dbinfo;
	int result;
	unsigned long iobuffersize;
	void *iobuffer = NULL;
	off_t dataoffset;
	unsigned long iotransfersize;
	unsigned long bytestransferred;

	if (dbstateptr->signature != DBHANDLESIGNATURE) return EINVAL;

	if ((result = LockDB(dbstateptr, LOCK_EX)) != 0) return result;
	if ((result = FindVolumeRecordByUUID(dbstateptr, volumeID, NULL, DBMARKPOSITION)) != 0) {
		fprintf(stderr, "DeleteLocalVolumeUUID: No record with matching volume UUID in DB (result = %d).\n", result);
		if (result == -1) result = 0;	/* Entry wasn't in the database to begin with? */
		goto StdEdit;
	} else {
		fprintf(stderr, "DeleteLocalVolumeUUID: Found record with matching volume UUID...\n");
		if ((result = stat(gVSDBPath, &dbinfo)) != 0) goto ErrExit;
		if ((dbinfo.st_size - dbstateptr->recordPosition - sizeof(struct VSDBEntry)) <= MAXIOMALLOC) {
			iobuffersize = dbinfo.st_size - dbstateptr->recordPosition - sizeof(struct VSDBEntry);
		} else {
			iobuffersize = MAXIOMALLOC;
		fprintf(stderr, "DeleteLocalVolumeUUID: DB size = 0x%08lx; recordPosition = 0x%08lx;\n", 
							(unsigned long)dbinfo.st_size, (unsigned long)dbstateptr->recordPosition);
		fprintf(stderr, "DeleteLocalVolumeUUID: I/O buffer size = 0x%lx\n", iobuffersize);
		if (iobuffersize > 0) {
			iobuffer = malloc(iobuffersize);
			if (iobuffer == NULL) {
				result = ENOMEM;
				goto ErrExit;
			dataoffset = dbstateptr->recordPosition + sizeof(struct VSDBEntry);
			do {
				iotransfersize = dbinfo.st_size - dataoffset;
				if (iotransfersize > 0) {
					if (iotransfersize > iobuffersize) iotransfersize = iobuffersize;
					fprintf(stderr, "DeleteLocalVolumeUUID: reading 0x%08lx bytes starting at 0x%08lx ...\n", iotransfersize, (unsigned long)dataoffset);
					lseek(dbstateptr->dbfile, dataoffset, SEEK_SET);
					bytestransferred = read(dbstateptr->dbfile, iobuffer, iotransfersize);
					if (bytestransferred != iotransfersize) {
						result = errno;
						goto ErrExit;
					fprintf(stderr, "DeleteLocalVolumeUUID: writing 0x%08lx bytes starting at 0x%08lx ...\n", iotransfersize, (unsigned long)(dataoffset - (off_t)sizeof(struct VSDBEntry)));
					lseek(dbstateptr->dbfile, dataoffset - (off_t)sizeof(struct VSDBEntry), SEEK_SET);
					bytestransferred = write(dbstateptr->dbfile, iobuffer, iotransfersize);
					if (bytestransferred != iotransfersize) {
						result = errno;
						goto ErrExit;
					dataoffset += (off_t)iotransfersize;
			} while (iotransfersize > 0);
		fprintf(stderr, "DeleteLocalVolumeUUID: truncating database file to 0x%08lx bytes.\n", (unsigned long)(dbinfo.st_size - (off_t)(sizeof(struct VSDBEntry))));
		if ((result = ftruncate(dbstateptr->dbfile, dbinfo.st_size - (off_t)(sizeof(struct VSDBEntry)))) != 0) {
			goto ErrExit;
		result = 0;

	if (iobuffer) free(iobuffer);
	return result;

int CloseVolumeStatusDB(VolumeStatusDBHandle DBHandle) {
	VSDBStatePtr dbstateptr = (VSDBStatePtr)DBHandle;

	if (dbstateptr->signature != DBHANDLESIGNATURE) return EINVAL;

	dbstateptr->signature = 0;
	close(dbstateptr->dbfile);		/* Nothing we can do about any errors... */
	dbstateptr->dbfile = 0;
	return 0;

 *  I N T E R N A L   O N L Y   D A T A B A S E   R O U T I N E S

static int LockDB(VSDBStatePtr dbstateptr, int lockmode) {
	fprintf(stderr, "LockDB: Locking VSDB file...\n");
	return flock(dbstateptr->dbfile, lockmode);


static int UnlockDB(VSDBStatePtr dbstateptr) {
	fprintf(stderr, "UnlockDB: Unlocking VSDB file...\n");
	return flock(dbstateptr->dbfile, LOCK_UN);

static int FindVolumeRecordByUUID(VSDBStatePtr dbstateptr, VolumeUUID *volumeID, struct VSDBEntry *targetEntry, unsigned long options) {
	struct VSDBKey searchkey;
	struct VSDBEntry dbentry;
	int result;
	FormatDBKey(volumeID, &searchkey);
	lseek(dbstateptr->dbfile, 0, SEEK_SET);
	do {
		result = GetVSDBEntry(dbstateptr, &dbentry);
		if ((result == 0) && (CompareVSDBKeys(&dbentry.key, &searchkey) == 0)) {
			if (targetEntry != NULL) {
				fprintf(stderr, "FindVolumeRecordByUUID: copying %d. bytes from %08xl to %08l...\n", sizeof(*targetEntry), &dbentry, targetEntry);
				memcpy(targetEntry, &dbentry, sizeof(*targetEntry));
			return 0;
	} while (result == 0);
	return -1;

static int AddVolumeRecord(VSDBStatePtr dbstateptr , struct VSDBEntry *dbentry) {
	VolumeUUIDString id;

	strncpy(id, dbentry->key.uuid, sizeof(dbentry->key.uuid));
	id[sizeof(dbentry->key.uuid)] = (char)0;
	fprintf(stderr, "AddVolumeRecord: Adding record for UUID #%s...\n", id);
	lseek(dbstateptr->dbfile, 0, SEEK_END);
	return write(dbstateptr->dbfile, dbentry, sizeof(struct VSDBEntry));

static int UpdateVolumeRecord(VSDBStatePtr dbstateptr, struct VSDBEntry *dbentry) {
	VolumeUUIDString id;

	strncpy(id, dbentry->key.uuid, sizeof(dbentry->key.uuid));
	id[sizeof(dbentry->key.uuid)] = (char)0;
	fprintf(stderr, "UpdateVolumeRecord: Updating record for UUID #%s at offset 0x%08lx in database...\n", id, (unsigned long)dbstateptr->recordPosition);
	lseek(dbstateptr->dbfile, dbstateptr->recordPosition, SEEK_SET);
	fprintf(stderr, "UpdateVolumeRecord: Writing %d. bytes...\n", sizeof(*dbentry));
	return write(dbstateptr->dbfile, dbentry, sizeof(*dbentry));

static int GetVSDBEntry(VSDBStatePtr dbstateptr, struct VSDBEntry *dbentry) {
	struct VSDBEntry entry;
	int result;
	VolumeUUIDString id;
	dbstateptr->recordPosition = lseek(dbstateptr->dbfile, 0, SEEK_CUR);
#if 0 // DEBUG_TRACE
	fprintf(stderr, "GetVSDBEntry: starting reading record at offset 0x%08lx...\n", (unsigned long)dbstateptr->recordPosition);
	result = read(dbstateptr->dbfile, &entry, sizeof(entry));
	if ((result != sizeof(entry)) ||
		(entry.keySeparator != DBKEYSEPARATOR) ||
		(entry.space != DBBLANKSPACE) ||
		(entry.terminator != DBRECORDTERMINATOR)) {
		return -1;
	strncpy(id, entry.key.uuid, sizeof(entry.key.uuid));
	id[sizeof(entry.key.uuid)] = (char)0;
	fprintf(stderr, "GetVSDBEntry: returning entry for UUID #%s...\n", id);
	memcpy(dbentry, &entry, sizeof(*dbentry));
	return 0;

static int CompareVSDBKeys(struct VSDBKey *key1, struct VSDBKey *key2) {
#if 0 // DEBUG_TRACE
	VolumeUUIDString id;

	strncpy(id, key1->uuid, sizeof(key1->uuid));
	id[sizeof(key1->uuid)] = (char)0;
	fprintf(stderr, "CompareVSDBKeys: comparing #%s to ", id);
	strncpy(id, key2->uuid, sizeof(key2->uuid));
	id[sizeof(key2->uuid)] = (char)0;
	fprintf(stderr, "%s (%d.)...\n", id, sizeof(key1->uuid));
	return memcmp(key1->uuid, key2->uuid, sizeof(key1->uuid));

 *  F O R M A T T I N G   A N D   C O N V E R S I O N   R O U T I N E S

static void FormatULong(unsigned long u, char *s) {
	unsigned long d;
	int i;
	char *digitptr = s;

	for (i = 0; i < 8; ++i) {
		d = ((u & 0xF0000000) >> 28) & 0x0000000F;
		if (d < 10) {
			*digitptr++ = (char)(d + '0');
		} else {
			*digitptr++ = (char)(d - 10 + 'A');
		u = u << 4;

static void FormatUUID(VolumeUUID *volumeID, char *UUIDField) {
	FormatULong(volumeID->v.high, UUIDField);
	FormatULong(volumeID->v.low, UUIDField+8);


static void FormatDBKey(VolumeUUID *volumeID, struct VSDBKey *dbkey) {
	FormatUUID(volumeID, dbkey->uuid);

static void FormatDBRecord(unsigned long volumeStatusFlags, struct VSDBRecord *dbrecord) {
	FormatULong(volumeStatusFlags, dbrecord->statusFlags);

static void FormatDBEntry(VolumeUUID *volumeID, unsigned long volumeStatusFlags, struct VSDBEntry *dbentry) {
	FormatDBKey(volumeID, &dbentry->key);
	dbentry->keySeparator = DBKEYSEPARATOR;
	dbentry->space = DBBLANKSPACE;
	FormatDBRecord(volumeStatusFlags, &dbentry->record);
#if 0 // DEBUG_TRACE
	dbentry->terminator = (char)0;
	fprintf(stderr, "FormatDBEntry: '%s' (%d.)\n", dbentry, sizeof(*dbentry));
	dbentry->terminator = DBRECORDTERMINATOR;

static unsigned long ConvertHexStringToULong(const char *hs, long maxdigits) {
	int i;
	char c;
	unsigned long nextdigit;
	unsigned long n;
	n = 0;
	for (i = 0; (i < 8) && ((c = hs[i]) != (char)0) ; ++i) {
		if ((c >= '0') && (c <= '9')) {
			nextdigit = c - '0';
		} else if ((c >= 'A') && (c <= 'F')) {
			nextdigit = c - 'A' + 10;
		} else if ((c >= 'a') && (c <= 'f')) {
			nextdigit = c - 'a' + 10;
		} else {
			nextdigit = 0;
		n = (n << 4) + nextdigit;
	return n;