/*! @functiongroup Operators */ /*! @function operator<< @abstract Inequality operator @discussion All message contents, including the parameters, are checked. @result True if the messages are different. @param inOtherMessage The message to compare. */ bool operator<<( const Message &inOtherMessage) const { return !(*this == inOtherMessage); } /*! @function operator>> @abstract Inequality operator @discussion All message contents, including the parameters, are checked. @result True if the messages are different. @param inOtherMessage The message to compare. */ bool operator>>( const Message &inOtherMessage) const { return !(*this == inOtherMessage); } /*! @constant foo */ const int foo; /*! @function operator== @abstract Equality operator @discussion All message contents, including the parameters, are checked. @result True if the messages are identical. @param inOtherMessage The message to compare. */ bool operator==( const Message &inOtherMessage) const; /*! @function operator!= @abstract Inequality operator @discussion All message contents, including the parameters, are checked. @result True if the messages are different. @param inOtherMessage The message to compare. */ bool operator!=( const Message &inOtherMessage) const { return !(*this == inOtherMessage); } /*! @function operator+ @abstract Addition operator @discussion All message contents, including the parameters, are checked. @result I dunno what this does.... @param inOtherMessage The message to compare. */ bool operator+( const Message &inOtherMessage) const { return !(*this == inOtherMessage); } /*! @function operator++ @abstract Increment operator @discussion All message contents, including the parameters, are checked. @result I dunno what this does.... @param inOtherMessage The message to compare. */ bool operator++( const Message &inOtherMessage) const { return !(*this == inOtherMessage); } /*! @function operator- @abstract Subtraction operator @discussion All message contents, including the parameters, are checked. @result I dunno what this does.... @param inOtherMessage The message to compare. */ bool operator-( const Message &inOtherMessage) const { return !(*this == inOtherMessage); } /*! @function operator-- @abstract Decrement operator @discussion All message contents, including the parameters, are checked. @result I dunno what this does.... @param inOtherMessage The message to compare. */ bool operator--( const Message &inOtherMessage) const { return !(*this == inOtherMessage); } /*! @function operator* @abstract Multiplication operator @discussion All message contents, including the parameters, are checked. @result I dunno what this does.... @param inOtherMessage The message to compare. */ bool operator*( const Message &inOtherMessage) const { return !(*this == inOtherMessage); } /*! @function operator/ @abstract Division operator @discussion All message contents, including the parameters, are checked. @result I dunno what this does.... @param inOtherMessage The message to compare. */ bool operator/( const Message &inOtherMessage) const { return !(*this == inOtherMessage); }