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        <a name="DontLinkElementID_44" title="Common Error Messages" turn_anchor="no"></a><h2>Common Error Messages</h2>
<ul class="simple"><li><b>Q:</b>	When running
gatherheaderdoc, I get an error from something called resolveLinks
that says &#8220;I/O error: encoder error&#8221;. What&#8217;s going on?</li>
<li><b>A:</b>	You have a header file
that was not written in UTF-8. Change the encoding for that file by
adding an <tt>@encoding</tt> or 
<tt>@charset</tt> entry within
the <tt>@header</tt> tag.</li></ul>
<ul class="simple"><li><b>Q:</b>	HeaderDoc
keeps warning me that my LibXML2 version is too old. How do I fix
this problem?</li>
<li><b>A:</b>	Obtain a more recent
version of LibXML2 from <span class="content_text"><a href="" target="_top"></a></span>.</li></ul>
<ul class="simple"><li><b>Q:</b>	I&#8217;m trying
to do an @link to a method, but HeaderDoc insists that myMethodname%58 could
not be found.</li>
<li><b>A:</b>	Beginning in HeaderDoc
8.5, you should use colons in the names of methods in @link tags,
rather than replacing them with %58.</li></ul>
<ul class="simple"><li><b>Q:</b>	HeaderDoc
is choking on classes with multiple inheritance.</li>
<li><b>A:</b>	Update to HeaderDoc 8.5.</li></ul>
<ul class="simple"><li><b>Q:</b>	Why isn&#8217;t
HeaderDoc doing C preprocessing? I thought you said this version
<li><b>A:</b>	It does, but you have
to specify an additional flag, <tt>-p</tt>,
to invoke this behavior.</li></ul>
<ul class="simple"><li><b>Q:</b>	The C preprocess
keeps including the wrong files.</li>
<li><b>A:</b>	HeaderDoc has no way
of knowing the final installed location of header files. To work correctly,
it depends on all header files having a unique name. Rename your
header files so that no two files have exactly the same name.</li></ul>
<ul class="simple"><li><b>Q:</b>	I keep getting
the error &#8220;Name being changed (oldname -&gt; newname).&#8221;</li>
<li><b>A:</b>	This is usually caused
by one of the following:
<ul class="simple"><li>1.	Multiple @discussion blocks. Remove
one of them.</li>
<li>2.	An extra preprocessor macro token after the
close parenthesis in a function declaration. HeaderDoc thinks you
are writing a K&amp;R C declaration. Either use @ignore to ignore
the token or explicitly mark up the preprocessor macro and enable
C preprocessing.</li></ul></li></ul>
<ul class="simple"><li><b>Q:</b>	HeaderDoc
says &#8220;Can&#8217;t open &lt;filename&gt; for availability macros.&#8221;</li>
<li><b>A:</b>	Your installation is
likely missing the <code>Availability.list</code> file.
It should normally live in <code>/System/Library/Perl/version/HeaderDoc</code>.</li></ul>
<ul class="simple"><li><b>Q:</b>	I&#8217;m getting
the error &#8220;Conflicting declarations for function/method ($name1)
outside a class. This is probably not what you want.&#8221;</li>
<li><b>A:</b>	As it says, you have
two functions that are not class members, but have the same name (or
you forgot to put HeaderDoc markup on the enclosing class). This
is legal in C++ but is discouraged because the apple_ref syntax
does not provide a uniqueness guarantee in these instances. HeaderDoc
tries to fudge this by appending a signature when it sees this situation,
but as a general rule, you should not rely on this behavior if you
care about apple_ref markup.</li></ul>
<ul class="simple"><li><b>Q:</b>	HeaderDoc
is spewing warnings about &#8220;Parsed parameter &lt;blah&gt; not found
in declaration of function/method/typedef &lt;blah&gt;.&#8221;</li>
<li><b>A:</b>	Chances are, you made
a typographical error when adding <tt>@param</tt> or 
<tt>@field</tt> markers in the
HeaderDoc comment. Check your spelling carefully and remember that capitalization
<ul class="simple"><li><b>Q:</b>	HeaderDoc
keeps saying &#8220;Tagged parameter &lt;blah&gt; not found in declaration
of function/method/typedef &lt;blah&gt;.&#8221;</li>
<li><b>A:</b>	You turned on the strict
parameter/field checking with the <tt>-t</tt> flag.
Turn it off if you don&#8217;t want those warnings.</li></ul>
<ul class="simple"><li><b>Q:</b>	HeaderDoc
says &#8220;Braces/class braces/parentheses/square braces do not match.
We may have a problem.&#8221;</li>
<li><b>A:</b>	This usually means exactly
what it says. If you are depending on a C preprocessor macro to
make braces match, you should try to avoid doing so. If you cannot
avoid this, make sure you enable C preprocessing and add HeaderDoc
markup to the macro definition.</li></ul>
<ul class="simple"><li><b>Q:</b>	HeaderDoc
says &#8220;End of parse tree reached while searching for matching definition&#8221;.</li>
<li><b>A:</b>	This is generally caused
by either placing a HeaderDoc comment immediately prior to a close
curly brace or by placing the wrong HeaderDoc type tag in the comment
(such as preceding a <tt>typedef</tt> with
an <tt>@function</tt> comment).</li></ul>
<ul class="simple"><li><b>Q:</b>	HeaderDoc
says &#8220;No matching declaration found. Last name was &lt;blah&gt;.&#8221;</li>
<li><b>A:</b>	This is generally caused
by either placing a HeaderDoc comment immediately prior to a close
curly brace or by placing the wrong HeaderDoc type tag in the comment
(such as preceding a <tt>typedef</tt> with
an <tt>@function</tt> comment).</li></ul>
<ul class="simple"><li><b>Q:</b>	I&#8217;m getting
the error &#8220;Unable to process #define macro &#8220;&lt;name&gt;.&#8221;</li>
<li><b>A:</b>	Please file a bug.</li></ul>
<ul class="simple"><li><b>Q:</b>	HeaderDoc
says &#8220;WARNING: multiple matches found for symbol &#8220;&lt;blah&gt;.&#8221;
Only the first matching symbol will be linked.&#8221;</li>
<li><b>A:</b>	You have multiple symbols
with the same name (possibly in different files, or possibly different
types&#8212;for example a function and a <tt>#define</tt>).
HeaderDoc has no way to know which of those two or more &#8220;myname&#8221;
symbols you&#8217;re talking about when you say <tt>@link
myname</tt>. To fix this problem, look in the HeaderDoc-generated
HTML for the desired destination. Find the name anchor that looks
like <tt>&lt;a name=&#8221;//apple_ref/...&#8221;&gt;</tt> and
instead of just giving the name, give the entire contents of that
<ul class="simple"><li><b>Q:</b>	HeaderDoc
says &#8216;WARNING: no symbol matching &#8220;&lt;blah&gt;&#8221; found. If
this symbol is not in this file or class, you need to specify it
with an api ref tag (e.g. apple_ref).&#8217;</li>
<li><b>A:</b>	You may not be processing
all of the needed files at once, or HeaderDoc may be feeling cranky.
In any case, to fix this problem, look in the HeaderDoc-generated
HTML for the desired destination. Find the name anchor that looks
like <tt>&lt;a name=&#8221;//apple_ref/...&#8221;&gt;</tt> and
instead of just giving the name, give the entire contents of that
<ul class="simple"><li><b>Q:</b>	HeaderDoc
issues the warning &#8220;WARNING: resolveLinks not installed. Please
check your installation.&#8221;</li>
<li><b>A:</b>	Be sure you are installing
correctly. First, type &#8220;<tt>make</tt>&#8221;,
then &#8220;<tt>make realinstall</tt>&#8221;.</li></ul>
<ul class="simple"><li><b>Q:</b>	HeaderDoc
says &#8220;WARNING: Unexpected headerdoc markup found in &lt;blah&gt; declaration.&#8221;</li>
<li><b>A:</b>	Chances are, you followed
one HeaderDoc comment with another HeaderDoc comment without anything
<ul class="simple"><li><b>Q:</b>	Headerdoc
warns &#8220;Unterminated @link tag (starting field was: @link...).&#8221;</li>
<li><b>A:</b>	If you are using JavaDoc-style
@link tagging (<tt>{@link symbol Link Text}</tt>),
don&#8217;t forget the close curly brace. If you are doing HeaderDoc-style
@link tagging (<tt>@link symbol Link Text @/link</tt>),
don&#8217;t forget the <tt>@/link</tt>.</li></ul>
<ul class="simple"><li><b>Q:</b>	HeaderDoc
said &#8220;Parser bug: empty outer type.&#8221;</li>
<li><b>A:</b>	This is probably a bug
unless you&#8217;re doing something really weird with preprocessor directives
that violate the normal C syntax rules (in which case you should
either @ignore the extraneous tokens or enable C preprocessing).
In general, though, you should probably file a bug.</li></ul>
<ul class="simple"><li><b>Q:</b>	HeaderDoc
keeps saying &#8220;Objective-C method found outside a class or interface
(or in a class or interface that lacks HeaderDoc markup).&#8221;</li>
<li><b>A:</b>	Make sure you properly
tagged the enclosing class or interface declaration.</li></ul>
<ul class="simple"><li><b>Q:</b>	HeaderDoc
keeps saying &#8220;Unable to find parse tree. Please file a bug.&#8221;</li>
<li><b>A:</b>	This should not happen;
please file a bug.</li></ul>
<ul class="simple"><li><b>Q:</b>	HeaderDoc
keeps saying &#8220;Couldn&#8217;t find parser state. Using slow method.&#8221;</li>
<li><b>A:</b>	If you have a class that
starts with a preprocessor token (such as <tt>DeclareStructors(MyClass)</tt> or
similar), this will break things badly. There are two solutions.
The easiest solution is to add <tt>@ignorefuncmacro
DeclareStructors</tt> (or whatever the macro name
happens to be) in your <tt>@header</tt> declaration.</li>
<li>	An alternative fix is to make sure that you are
processing the header file that contains the macro at the same time
as you process the class. Enable C preprocessing with the 
<tt>-p</tt> flag. Finally, add
a HeaderDoc comment before the macro definition.</li>
<li>	If this problem is not caused by use of a macro,
please file a bug. This fallback case should not affect output,
<ul class="simple"><li><b>Q:</b>	HeaderDoc
keeps saying &#8216;Could not determine include file name for &#8220;#include FW(Carbon,CarbonEvents.h)&#8221;&#8217;
or similar.</li>
<li><b>A:</b>	Ideally, you should use
a standard include file syntax. If that is not possible, you should enable
the C preprocessor with the <tt>-p</tt> flag,
include the file containing the FW macro on the command line, and
add HeaderDoc markup to that macro.</li></ul>
<ul class="simple"><li><b>Q:</b>	HeaderDoc
says &#8220;Unknown regexp delimiter &#8220;...&#8221;. Please file a bug.</li>
<li><b>A:</b>	This should not happen;
please file a bug.</li></ul>
<ul class="simple"><li><b>Q:</b>	HeaderDoc
keeps saying &#8220;Unknown keyword &lt;blah&gt; in block-parsed declaration&#8221;.</li>
<li><b>A:</b>	Make sure that the header
compiles correctly with <tt>gcc</tt>.
If it does, please file a bug.</li></ul>
<p>Other error messages generally fall into one of two categories:
self-explanatory errors (such as &#8220;Unknown tag @whatever in function
comment&#8221;) or utterly unintelligible (such as &#8220;Parser bug: empty
outer type&#8221;). In the case of the former, please fix the appropriate declaration.
In the case of the latter, pleas file a bug. Which brings us to
the last question....</p>
<ul class="simple"><li><b>Q:</b>	How do I
file a bug?</li>
<li><b>A:</b>	Before filing a bug,
you should subscribe to the HeaderDoc-dev mailing list on
Ask if anyone else has seen the problem. If not, you should file
a bug. To subscribe, visit <span class="content_text"><a href="" target="_top"></a></span>.</li>
<li>	If you are an ADC member with access to,
please log file a bug through that mechanism. The correct component
is &#8220;HeaderDoc&#8221;, with version &#8220;Darwin&#8221;.</li>
<li>	If not, please visit <span class="content_text"><a href="" target="_top"></a></span> and
file a bug report in the HeaderDoc component through Bugzilla.</li></ul>

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