headerDoc2HTML.pl   [plain text]

# Script name: headerDoc2HTML
# Synopsis: Scans a file for headerDoc comments and generates an HTML
#           file from the comments it finds.
# Author: Matt Morse (matt@apple.com)
# Last Updated: $Date: 2001/06/06 18:02:45 $
# Copyright (c) 1999 Apple Computer, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.
# The contents of this file constitute Original Code as defined in and are
# subject to the Apple Public Source License Version 1.1 (the "License").
# You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.  Please
# obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apple.com/publicsource and
# read it before using this file.
# This Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
# distributed on an AS IS basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
# the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
# License.
# $Revision: 1.21 $

my $VERSION = 2.1;
################ General Constants ###################################
my $isMacOS;
my $pathSeparator;
my $specifiedOutputDir;
my $export;
my $debugging;
my $testingExport = 0;
my $printVersion;
#################### Locations #####################################
# Look-up tables are used when exporting API and doc to tab-delimited
# data files, which can be used for import to a database.  
# The look-up tables supply uniqueID-to-APIName mappings.

my $scriptDir;
my $lookupTableDirName;
my $lookupTableDir;
my $dbLookupTables;
my $functionFilename;
my $typesFilename;
my $enumsFilename;
my $masterTOCName;
my @inputFiles;

# Check options in BEGIN block to avoid overhead of loading supporting 
# modules in error cases.
    use Cwd;
    use Getopt::Std;
    use File::Find;
    my %options = ();
    $lookupTableDirName = "LookupTables";
    $functionFilename = "functions.tab";;
    $typesFilename = "types.tab";
    $enumsFilename = "enumConstants.tab";

    $scriptDir = cwd();

    if ($^O =~ /MacOS/i) {
            $pathSeparator = ":";
            $isMacOS = 1;
    } else {
            $pathSeparator = "/";
            $isMacOS = 0;
	foreach (qw(Mac::Files)) {
	    $MOD_AVAIL{$_} = eval "use $_; 1";

    &getopts("dvxo:", \%options);
    if ($options{v}) {
    	print "Getting version information for all modules.  Please wait...\n";
		$printVersion = 1;

    if ($options{d}) {
            print "\tDebugging on...\n\n";
            $debugging = 1;

    if ($options{o}) {
        $specifiedOutputDir = $options{o};
        if (! -e $specifiedOutputDir)  {
            unless (mkdir ("$specifiedOutputDir", 0777)) {
                die "Error: $specifiedOutputDir does not exist. Exiting. \n$!\n";
        } elsif (! -d $specifiedOutputDir) {
            die "Error: $specifiedOutputDir is not a directory. Exiting.\n$!\n";
        } elsif (! -w $specifiedOutputDir) {
            die "Error: Output directory $specifiedOutputDir is not writable. Exiting.\n$!\n";
        print "\nDocumentation will be written to $specifiedOutputDir\n";
    $lookupTableDir = "$scriptDir$pathSeparator$lookupTableDirName";
    if (($options{x}) || ($testingExport)) {
        if ((-e "$lookupTableDir$pathSeparator$functionFilename") && (-e "$lookupTableDir$pathSeparator$typesFilename")) {
                print "\nWill write database files to an Export directory within each top-level HTML directory.\n\n";
                $export = 1;
        } else {
                print "\nLookup table files not available. Cannot export data.\n";
            $export = 0;
                $testingExport = 0;
    if (($#ARGV == 0) && (-d $ARGV[0])) {
        my $inputDir = $ARGV[0];
        $inputDir =~ s|(.*)/$|$1|; # get rid of trailing slash, if any
        &find({wanted => \&getHeaders, follow => 1}, $inputDir);
    } else {
        print "Will process one or more individual files.\n" if ($debugging);
        foreach my $singleFile (@ARGV) {
            if (-f $singleFile) {
                    push(@inputFiles, $singleFile);
    unless (@inputFiles) {
        print "No valid input files specified. \n\n";
        if ($isMacOS) {
            die "\tTo use HeaderDoc, drop a header file or folder of header files on this application.\n\n";
            } else {
                    die "\tUsage: headerDoc2HTML [-d] [-o <output directory>] <input file(s) or directory>.\n\n";
    sub getHeaders {
        my $filePath = $File::Find::name;
        my $fileName = $_;
        if ($fileName =~ /\.h$/) {
            push(@inputFiles, $filePath);

use strict;
use File::Copy;
use FindBin qw ($Bin);
use lib "$Bin". "$pathSeparator"."Modules";

# Classes and other modules specific to HeaderDoc
use HeaderDoc::DBLookup;
use HeaderDoc::Utilities qw(findRelativePath safeName getAPINameAndDisc printArray printHash updateHashFromConfigFiles getHashFromConfigFile);
use HeaderDoc::Header;
use HeaderDoc::CPPClass;
use HeaderDoc::Function;
use HeaderDoc::Typedef;
use HeaderDoc::Struct;
use HeaderDoc::Constant;
use HeaderDoc::Var;
use HeaderDoc::PDefine;
use HeaderDoc::Enum;
use HeaderDoc::MinorAPIElement;

################ Setup from Configuration File #######################
my $localConfigFileName = "headerDoc2HTML.config";
my $preferencesConfigFileName = "com.apple.headerDoc2HTML.config";
my $homeDir = (getpwuid($<))[7];
my $usersPreferencesPath = $homeDir.$pathSeparator."Library".$pathSeparator."Preferences";

# The order of files in this array determines the order that the config files will be read
# If there are multiple config files that declare a value for the same key, the last one read wins
my @configFiles = ($usersPreferencesPath.$pathSeparator.$preferencesConfigFileName, $Bin.$pathSeparator.$localConfigFileName);

# default configuration, which will be modified by assignments found in config files.
my %config = (
    copyrightOwner => "",
    defaultFrameName => "index.html",
    compositePageName => "CompositePage.html",
    masterTOCName => "MasterTOC.html",
    apiUIDPrefix => "apple_ref"

%config = &updateHashFromConfigFiles(\%config,\@configFiles);

if (defined $config{"copyrightOwner"}) {
if (defined $config{"defaultFrameName"}) {
if (defined $config{"compositePageName"}) {
if (defined $config{"apiUIDPrefix"}) {

################ Version Info ##############################
if ($printVersion) {

################ Exporting ##############################
if ($export || $testingExport) {
	HeaderDoc::DBLookup->loadUsingFolderAndFiles($lookupTableDir, $functionFilename, $typesFilename, $enumsFilename);

################### States ###########################################
my $inHeader = 0;
my $inCPPHeader = 0;
my $inClass = 0;
my $inFunction = 0;
my $inTypedef = 0;
my $inStruct = 0;
my $inConstant = 0;
my $inVar = 0;
my $inPDefine = 0;
my $inEnum = 0;

################ Processing starts here ##############################
my $headerObject;  # this is the Header object that will own the HeaderElement objects for this file.

foreach my $inputFile (@inputFiles) {
	my $constantObj;
	my $enumObj;
	my $funcObj;
	my $pDefineObj;
	my $structObj;
	my $typedefObj;
	my $varObj;
	my $cppAccessControlState = "protected:"; # the default in C++
    my @path = split (/$pathSeparator/, $inputFile);
    my $filename = pop (@path);
    print "\nProcessing $filename\n";
    my $headerDir = join("$pathSeparator", @path);
    my $rootFileName;
    ($rootFileName = $filename) =~ s/\.(h|i)$//;
    my $rootOutputDir;
    if (length ($specifiedOutputDir)) {
    	$rootOutputDir ="$specifiedOutputDir$pathSeparator$rootFileName";
    } elsif (@path) {
    	$rootOutputDir ="$headerDir$pathSeparator$rootFileName";
    } else {
    	$rootOutputDir = $rootFileName;
    open(INPUTFILE, "<$inputFile") || die "Can't open input file $inputFile.\n$!\n";
    my @rawInputLines = <INPUTFILE>;
    close INPUTFILE;
    # check for HeaderDoc comments -- if none, move to next file
    my @headerDocCommentLines = grep(/^\s*\/\*\!/, @rawInputLines);
    if (!@headerDocCommentLines) {
        print "    Skipping. No HeaderDoc comments found.\n";
    $headerObject = HeaderDoc::Header->new();
    # scan input lines for class declarations
    # return an array of array refs, the first array being the header-wide lines
    # the others (if any) being the class-specific lines
	my @lineArrays = &getLineArrays(\@rawInputLines);
    foreach my $arrayRef (@lineArrays) {
        my @inputLines = @$arrayRef; 
	    # look for /*! comments and collect all comment fields into a the appropriate objects
        my $apiOwner = $headerObject;  # switches to a class object, when within a class declaration
	    my $inputCounter = 0;
	    while ($inputCounter <= $#inputLines) {
	        my $localDebug = 0;
			my $line = "";           
	        print "Input line number: $inputCounter\n" if ($localDebug);
	        if ($inputLines[$inputCounter] =~ /^\s*(public:|private:|protected:)/) {$cppAccessControlState = $&;}
	        if ($inputLines[$inputCounter] =~ /^\s*\/\*\!/) {  # entering headerDoc comment
				# slurp up comment as line
				if ($inputLines[$inputCounter] =~ /\s*\*\//) { # closing comment marker on same line
					$line .= $inputLines[$inputCounter++];
	        		print "Input line number: $inputCounter\n" if ($localDebug);
				} else {                                       # multi-line comment
					do {
					    $inputLines[$inputCounter] =~ s/^[\t ]*[*]?[\t ]+(.*)$/$1/; # remove leading whitespace, and any leading asterisks
						$line .= $inputLines[$inputCounter++];
	        			print "Input line number: $inputCounter\n" if ($localDebug);
					} while (($inputLines[$inputCounter] !~ /\*\//) && ($inputCounter <= $#inputLines));
					$line .= $inputLines[$inputCounter++];     # get the closing comment marker
	        		print "Input line number: $inputCounter\n" if ($localDebug);
				$line =~ s/^\s+//;              # trim leading whitespace
			    $line =~ s/^(.*)\*\/\s*$/$1/s;  # remove closing comment marker
		       SWITCH: { # determine which type of comment we're in
		            ($line =~ /^\/\*!\s+\@header\s*/i) && do {$inHeader = 1; last SWITCH;};
		            ($line =~ /^\/\*!\s+\@class\s*/i) && do {$inClass = 1;last SWITCH;};
	 	            ($line =~ /^\/\*!\s+\@language\s+.*c\+\+\s*/i) && do {$inCPPHeader = 1; last SWITCH;};
		            ($line =~ /^\/\*!\s+\@function\s*/i) && do {$inFunction = 1;last SWITCH;};
		            ($line =~ /^\/\*!\s+\@typedef\s*/i) && do {$inTypedef = 1;last SWITCH;};
		            ($line =~ /^\/\*!\s+\@struct\s*/i) && do {$inStruct = 1;last SWITCH;};
		            ($line =~ /^\/\*!\s+\@const(ant)?\s*/i) && do {$inConstant = 1;last SWITCH;};
		            ($line =~ /^\/\*!\s+\@var\s*/i) && do {$inVar = 1;last SWITCH;};
		            ($line =~ /^\/\*!\s+\@define(d)?\s*/i) && do {$inPDefine = 1;last SWITCH;};
		            ($line =~ /^\/\*!\s+\@enum\s*/i) && do {$inEnum = 1;last SWITCH;};
		            print "HeaderDoc comment is not of known type. Comment text is:\n";
		            print "$line\n";
				$line =~ s/\n\n/\n<br><br>\n/g; # change newline pairs into HTML breaks, for para formatting
				my @fields = split(/\@/, $line);
				if ($inCPPHeader) {print "inCPPHeader\n" if ($debugging); &processCPPHeaderComment();};
				if ($inClass) {print "inClass\n" if ($debugging); $apiOwner = &processClassComment($apiOwner, $rootOutputDir, \@fields);};
				if ($inHeader) {print "inHeader\n" if ($debugging); $apiOwner = &processHeaderComment($apiOwner, $rootOutputDir, \@fields);};
				if ($inFunction) {
			        print "inFunction\n" if ($localDebug);
					$funcObj = HeaderDoc::Function->new;
	 				while (($inputLines[$inputCounter] !~ /\w/)  && ($inputCounter <= $#inputLines)){ 
	 					print "Input line number: $inputCounter\n" if ($localDebug);
					}; # move beyond blank lines
					if ($inputLines[$inputCounter] =~ /^#define/) { # if function-like macro
						my $declaration = $inputLines[$inputCounter];
						while (($declaration =~ /\\\n$/)  && ($inputCounter <= $#inputLines)){ 
							$declaration .= $inputLines[$inputCounter];
							print "Input line number: $inputCounter\n" if ($localDebug);
						}; # get escaped-newline lines
                    } else { # if regular function
						my $declaration = $inputLines[$inputCounter];
						if ($declaration !~ /;[^;]*$/) { # search for semicolon end, even with trailing comment
							do { 
								print "Input line number: $inputCounter\n" if ($localDebug);
								$declaration .= $inputLines[$inputCounter];
							} while (($declaration !~ /;[^;]*$/)  && ($inputCounter <= $#inputLines))
						$declaration =~ s/^\s+//g;				# trim leading spaces.
						$declaration =~ s/([^;]*;).*$/$1/s;		# trim anything following the final semicolon, 
                                                                # including comments.
						$declaration =~ s/([^{]+){.*;$/$1;/s;   # handle inline functions [#2423551]
                                                                # by removing opening brace up to semicolon
						$declaration =~ s/\s+;/;/;				# trim spaces before semicolon.
						if ($declaration =~ /^virtual.*/) {
						} elsif ($declaration =~ /^static.*/) {
						} else {
					if (length($funcObj->name())) {
						if (ref($apiOwner) ne "HeaderDoc::Header") {
				if ($inTypedef) {
					$typedefObj = HeaderDoc::Typedef->new;
					my $typedefName = $typedefObj->name();
	 				while (($inputLines[$inputCounter] !~ /\w/)  && ($inputCounter <= $#inputLines)){
						print "Input line number: $inputCounter\n" if ($localDebug);
					my  $declaration = $inputLines[$inputCounter];
					# if a struct declaration precedes the typedef, suck it up
					if ($declaration !~ /typedef/) {
						while (($inputLines[$inputCounter] !~ /typedef/) && ($inputCounter <= $#inputLines)){
							$declaration .= $inputLines[++$inputCounter];
							print "Input line number: $inputCounter\n" if ($localDebug);
					} else {
					    if ($declaration =~ /{/) { # taking care of a typedef'd block
							while (($inputLines[$inputCounter] !~ /}/) && ($inputCounter <= $#inputLines)) {$declaration .= $inputLines[++$inputCounter]; print "Input line number: $inputCounter\n" if ($localDebug);};
						} else {
						    if ($declaration !~ /$typedefName/) { # find type name at end of declaration
								while (($inputLines[$inputCounter] !~ /$typedefName/) && ($inputCounter <= $#inputLines)){
								    $declaration .= $inputLines[++$inputCounter]; 
								    print "Input line number: $inputCounter\n" if ($localDebug);
						    } else { # find final semicolon
								while (($inputLines[$inputCounter] !~ /;/) && ($inputCounter <= $#inputLines)){
								    $declaration .= $inputLines[++$inputCounter]; 
								    print "Input line number: $inputCounter\n" if ($localDebug);
	                if (length($declaration)) {
					} else {
						warn "Couldn't find a declaration for typedef near line: $inputCounter\n";
					if (length($typedefObj->name())) {
						if (ref($apiOwner) ne "HeaderDoc::Header") {
						} else { # headers group by type
				}  ## end inTypedef
				if ($inStruct) { 
					$structObj = HeaderDoc::Struct->new;
	 				while (($inputLines[$inputCounter] !~ /\w/)  && ($inputCounter <= $#inputLines)){ $inputCounter++; print "Input line number: $inputCounter\n" if ($localDebug);}; # move beyond blank lines
					my  $declaration = $inputLines[$inputCounter];
					while ($inputLines[$inputCounter] !~ /}/) {$declaration .= $inputLines[++$inputCounter]; print "Input line number: $inputCounter\n" if ($localDebug);}; # simplistic
	                if (length($declaration)) {
					} else {
						warn "Couldn't find a declaration for struct near line: $inputCounter\n";
					if (length($structObj->name())) {
						if (ref($apiOwner) ne "HeaderDoc::Header") {
						} else { # headers group by type
				}  ## end inStruct
				if ($inConstant) {
					$constantObj = HeaderDoc::Constant->new;
					while (($inputLines[$inputCounter] !~ /\w/)  && ($inputCounter <= $#inputLines)){$inputCounter++; print "Input line number: $inputCounter\n" if ($localDebug);};
			        if ($inputLines[$inputCounter] =~ /^\s*(const|extern|CF_EXPORT)/) {
			           my $declaration = $inputLines[$inputCounter];
			           if ($declaration !~ /;\s*$/) {
			               print "Input line number: $inputCounter\n" if ($localDebug);
				           while (($declaration !~ /\s*;\s*$/) && ($inputCounter <= $#inputLines)){$declaration .= $inputLines[$inputCounter++];print "Input line number: $inputCounter\n" if ($localDebug);};
				       $declaration =~ s/CF_EXPORT\s+//;
					if (length($constantObj->name())) {
						if (ref($apiOwner) ne "HeaderDoc::Header") {
						} else { # headers group by type
				} ## end inConstant
				if ($inVar) {
					$varObj = HeaderDoc::Var->new;
					while (($inputLines[$inputCounter] !~ /\w/)  && ($inputCounter <= $#inputLines)){  $inputCounter++; print "Input line number: $inputCounter\n" if ($localDebug);};
					my $declaration = &removeSlashSlashComment($inputLines[$inputCounter]);
					if ($declaration !~ /;\s*$/) {
						print "Input line number: $inputCounter\n" if ($localDebug);
						while (($declaration !~ /}\s*;\s*$/)  && ($inputCounter <= $#inputLines)){$declaration .= &removeSlashSlashComment($inputLines[$inputCounter++]); print "Input line number: $inputCounter\n" if ($localDebug);};
					if (length($varObj->name())) {
						if (ref($apiOwner) ne "HeaderDoc::Header") {
						} else { # headers group by type
						    warn "### \@var tag found outside of a class declaration. \n";
							$apiOwner->addToVars($varObj);  # we add it anyway
				} ## end inVar
				if ($inPDefine) {
					$pDefineObj = HeaderDoc::PDefine->new;
					while (($inputLines[$inputCounter] !~ /\w/) && ($inputCounter <= $#inputLines)){  $inputCounter++;print "Input line number: $inputCounter\n" if ($localDebug);};
					my $declaration;
					if ($inputLines[$inputCounter] =~ /^\s*#define/) {
					    while (($inputLines[$inputCounter] =~ /^\s*#define/) && ($inputCounter <= $#inputLines)){
    						$declaration .= $inputLines[$inputCounter];
    						if ($declaration =~ /\\\n$/) {  # escaped newlines
								while (($declaration =~ /\\\n$/) && ($inputCounter <= $#inputLines)){$inputCounter++; $declaration .= $inputLines[$inputCounter];print "Input line number: $inputCounter\n" if ($localDebug);};
							print "Input line number: $inputCounter\n" if ($localDebug);
                    } else { 
                    	warn "Can't find declaration for \@define comment with name:\n";
                    	my $name = $pDefineObj->name();
                    	print "$name\n\n";
					if (length($pDefineObj->name())) {
						if (ref($apiOwner) ne "HeaderDoc::Header") {
						} else { # headers group by type
				} ## end inPDefine
				if ($inEnum) {
					$enumObj = HeaderDoc::Enum->new;
	 				while (($inputLines[$inputCounter] !~ /\w/) && ($inputCounter <= $#inputLines)){ $inputCounter++;print "Input line number: $inputCounter\n" if ($localDebug);};  # move beyond blank lines
					my  $declaration = $inputLines[$inputCounter];
					while (($inputLines[$inputCounter] !~ /}/) && ($inputCounter <= $#inputLines)){$declaration .= $inputLines[++$inputCounter];print "Input line number: $inputCounter\n" if ($localDebug);}; # simplistic
	                if (length($declaration)) {
# 					my $s = $enumObj->declaration;
# 					print "Enum dec is:\n";
# 					print "|$s|\n";
					} else {
						warn "Couldn't find a declaration for enum near line: $inputCounter\n";
					if (length($enumObj->name())) {
						if (ref($apiOwner) ne "HeaderDoc::Header") {
						} else { # headers group by type
				}  ## end inEnum
		    $inHeader = $inClass = $inFunction = $inTypedef = $inStruct = $inConstant = $inVar = $inPDefine = $inEnum = 0;
			print "Input line number: $inputCounter\n" if ($localDebug);
	    } # end processing individual line array
	    if (ref($apiOwner) ne "HeaderDoc::Header") { # if we've been filling a class object, add it to the header
	        my $name = $apiOwner->name();
	        my $refName = ref($apiOwner);
    } # end processing array of line arrays
    $headerObject->writeExportsWithName($rootFileName) if (($export) || ($testingExport));
print "...done\n";
exit 0;

#############################  Subroutines ###################################

sub getLineArrays {
	my $rawLineArrayRef = shift;
	my @arrayOfLineArrays = ();
	my @generalHeaderLines = ();
    my $inputCounter = 0;
    my $lastArrayIndex = @{$rawLineArrayRef};
    my $line = "";
    my $className = "";
    while ($inputCounter <= $lastArrayIndex) {
        $line = ${$rawLineArrayRef}[$inputCounter];
        # we're entering a headerdoc comment--look ahead for @class tag
        if (($line =~ /^\/\*\!/)) {
			my $headerDocComment = "";
				local $^W = 0;  # turn off warnings since -w is overly sensitive here
				while (($line !~ /\*\//) && ($inputCounter <= $lastArrayIndex)) {
				    $line =~ s/^[ \t]*//; # remove leading whitespace
				    $line =~ s/^[*]\s*$/\n/; # replace sole asterisk with paragraph divider
				    $line =~ s/^[*]\s+(.*)/$1/; # remove asterisks that precede text
					$headerDocComment .= $line;
			        $line = ${$rawLineArrayRef}[++$inputCounter];
			# test for @class comment
			# here is where we create an array of class-specific lines
			# first, get the class name
			if ($headerDocComment =~ /^\/\*!\s+\@class\s*/i) {
			   my @classLines;
			   ($className = $headerDocComment) =~ s/.*\@class\s+(\w+)\s+.*/$1/s;
		       push (@classLines, $headerDocComment);
			   while (($line !~ /{/) && ($inputCounter <= $lastArrayIndex)) {
			   	   $line = ${$rawLineArrayRef}[$inputCounter];
		           push (@classLines, $line);
			   # now we're at the opening brace of the class declaration
			   # push it into the array
			   $line = ${$rawLineArrayRef}[$inputCounter];
			   push (@classLines, $line);
			   # now collect class lines until
			   my $inClassBraces = 1;
		       my $leftBraces;
		       my $rightBraces;
		       while ($inClassBraces) {
			       $line = ${$rawLineArrayRef}[$inputCounter];
			       push (@classLines, $line);
			       $leftBraces = $line =~ tr/{//;
			       $rightBraces = $line =~ tr/}//;
			       $inClassBraces += $leftBraces;
			       $inClassBraces -= $rightBraces;
			    push (@arrayOfLineArrays, \@classLines);

			} else {
		        push (@generalHeaderLines, $headerDocComment);
        push (@generalHeaderLines, $line);
    push (@arrayOfLineArrays, \@generalHeaderLines);
    return @arrayOfLineArrays;

sub processCPPHeaderComment {
# 	for now, we do nothing with this comment

sub removeSlashSlashComment {
    my $line = shift;
    $line =~ s/\/\/.*$//;
    return $line;

sub processClassComment {
    my $apiOwner = shift;
    my $headerObj = $apiOwner;
    my $rootOutputDir = shift;
    my $fieldArrayRef = shift;
    my @fields = @$fieldArrayRef;
	$apiOwner = HeaderDoc::CPPClass->new;
	foreach my $field (@fields) {
			($field =~ /^\/\*\!/)&& do {last SWITCH;}; # ignore opening /*!
            ($field =~ s/^class\s+//) && 
            do {
                my ($name, $disc);
                ($name, $disc) = &getAPINameAndDisc($field); 
                if (length($disc)) {$apiOwner->discussion($disc);};
                last SWITCH;
            ($field =~ s/^abstract\s+//) && do {$apiOwner->abstract($field); last SWITCH;};
            ($field =~ s/^discussion\s+//) && do {$apiOwner->discussion($field); last SWITCH;};
            print "Unknown field in class comment: $field\n";
	return $apiOwner;

sub processHeaderComment {
    my $apiOwner = shift;
    my $rootOutputDir = shift;
    my $fieldArrayRef = shift;
    my @fields = @$fieldArrayRef;

	foreach my $field (@fields) {
	    # print "header field: |$field|\n";
			($field =~ /^\/\*\!/)&& do {last SWITCH;}; # ignore opening /*!
			($field =~ s/^header\s+//) && 
			do {
				my ($name, $disc);
				($name, $disc) = &getAPINameAndDisc($field); 
				print "Setting header name to $name\n" if ($debugging);
				print "Discussion is:\n" if ($debugging);
				print "$disc\n" if ($debugging);
				if (length($disc)) {$apiOwner->discussion($disc);};
				last SWITCH;
            ($field =~ s/^abstract\s+//) && do {$apiOwner->abstract($field); last SWITCH;};
            ($field =~ s/^discussion\s+//) && do {$apiOwner->discussion($field); last SWITCH;};
            print "Unknown field in header comment: $field\n";
	return $apiOwner;

sub printVersionInfo {
    my $av = HeaderDoc::APIOwner->VERSION();
    my $hev = HeaderDoc::HeaderElement->VERSION();
    my $hv = HeaderDoc::Header->VERSION();
    my $cppv = HeaderDoc::CPPClass->VERSION();
    my $fv = HeaderDoc::Function->VERSION();
    my $tv = HeaderDoc::Typedef->VERSION();
    my $sv = HeaderDoc::Struct->VERSION();
    my $cv = HeaderDoc::Constant->VERSION();
    my $vv = HeaderDoc::Var->VERSION();
    my $ev = HeaderDoc::Enum->VERSION();
    my $uv = HeaderDoc::Utilities->VERSION();
    my $me = HeaderDoc::MinorAPIElement->VERSION();
	print "----------------------------------------------------\n";
	print "\tHeaderDoc version $VERSION.\n";
	print "\tModules:\n";
	print "\t\tAPIOwner - $av\n";
	print "\t\tHeaderElement - $hev\n";
	print "\t\tHeader - $hv\n";
	print "\t\tCPPClass - $cppv\n";
	print "\t\tFunction - $fv\n";
	print "\t\tTypedef - $tv\n";
	print "\t\tStruct - $sv\n";
	print "\t\tConstant - $cv\n";
	print "\t\tEnum - $ev\n";
	print "\t\tVar - $vv\n";
	print "\t\tMinorAPIElement - $me\n";
	print "\t\tUtilities - $uv\n";
	print "----------------------------------------------------\n";

# Version Notes
# 1.61 (02/24/2000) Fixed getLineArrays to respect paragraph breaks in comments that 
#                   have an asterisk before each line.