## # Makefile for gutenprint ## # Project info Project = gutenprint UserType = Administrator ToolType = Services LD_TWOLEVEL_NAMESPACE = LIBTOOL_CMD_SEP = ^ Extra_Configure_Flags = --prefix=/usr \ --sysconfdir=/private/etc \ --disable-static \ --disable-libgutenprintui \ --disable-libgutenprintui2 \ --disable-samples \ --disable-test \ --disable-testpattern \ --enable-cups-ppds \ --enable-cups-level3-ppds \ --without-modules GnuAfterInstall = do-fixups install-plist # It's a GNU Source project include $(MAKEFILEPATH)/CoreOS/ReleaseControl/GNUSource.make Install_Flags = DESTDIR=$(DSTROOT) do-fixups: echo Stripping symbols from binaries... find $(DSTROOT) -type f -perm +111 -print0 | xargs -0tn 1 strip -S echo Remove the 64-bit slices from everything but the libraries... @for i in `find $(DSTROOT) -type f -perm +111 ! -name "lib*.dylib"`; do \ if $(LIPO) -info $$i | $(GREP) -qe ppc64 -e x86_64; then \ echo "Removing 64-bit architectures from $$i"; \ $(LIPO) -remove ppc64 -remove x86_64 $$i -output $$i.thin && $(MV) $$i.thin $$i; \ fi \ done echo Removing unwanted files... rm -fr "$(DSTROOT)/usr/include" \ "$(DSTROOT)/usr/lib/gimp" \ "$(DSTROOT)/usr/lib/gutenprint" \ "$(DSTROOT)/usr/lib/libgutenprint.la" \ "$(DSTROOT)/usr/lib/pkgconfig" \ "$(DSTROOT)/usr/share/gutenprint/doc/html" \ "$(DSTROOT)/usr/share/gutenprint/doc/gutenprint-users-manual.odt" \ "$(DSTROOT)/usr/share/gutenprint/doc/reference-html" \ "$(DSTROOT)/usr/share/gutenprint/samples" echo Making the man page file names match their binaries... mv "$(DSTROOT)/usr/share/man//man8/cups-genppd.8" \ "$(DSTROOT)/usr/share/man//man8/cups-genppd.5.1.8" mv "$(DSTROOT)/usr/share/man//man8/cups-genppdconfig.8" \ "$(DSTROOT)/usr/share/man//man8/cups-genppdconfig.5.1.8" mv "$(DSTROOT)/usr/share/man//man8/cups-genppdupdate.8" \ "$(DSTROOT)/usr/share/man//man8/cups-genppdupdate.5.1.8" OSV = $(DSTROOT)/usr/local/OpenSourceVersions OSL = $(DSTROOT)/usr/local/OpenSourceLicenses install-plist: $(MKDIR) $(OSV) $(INSTALL_FILE) $(SRCROOT)/$(Project).plist $(OSV)/$(Project).plist $(MKDIR) $(OSL) $(INSTALL_FILE) $(Sources)/COPYING $(OSL)/$(Project).txt