gdtclft.c   [plain text]

 * gdtclft.c - Interface gd to Tcl.
 * based on gdCmd.c by:   Spencer W. Thomas
 * 			  Information Technology and Networking
 * 			  University of Michigan
 * Date:		  Fri Aug 19 1994
 * Copyright (c) 1994, University of Michigan
 * Modifications by John Ellson (
 *     - renamed gdtclft.c to match module
 *     - conversion to freetype text rendering
 *     - support for tcl8.0 Tcl_Objects
 *     - support for tcl8.1 Unicode
 *     - remove support for tcl8.0 and earlier
 *     Windows port by Bill Schongar (
 *     writePNGvar by David N. Welton (

#include "config.h"

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <tcl.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include "gd.h"
#include "tclhandle.h"

#ifdef WIN32
#include <windows.h>

void *GDHandleTable;

/* global data */
typedef struct {
	tblHeader_pt	 	handleTbl;
} GdData;

static int tclGdCreateCmd(), tclGdDestroyCmd(), tclGdWriteCmd(),
	tclGdColorCmd(), tclGdInterlaceCmd(), tclGdSetCmd(), tclGdLineCmd(),
	tclGdRectCmd(), tclGdArcCmd(), tclGdFillCmd(), tclGdSizeCmd(),
	tclGdTextCmd(), tclGdCopyCmd(), tclGdGetCmd(),
	tclGdBrushCmd(), tclGdStyleCmd(), tclGdTileCmd(), tclGdPolygonCmd(),
	tclGdColorNewCmd(), tclGdColorExactCmd(), tclGdColorClosestCmd(),
	tclGdColorResolveCmd(), tclGdColorFreeCmd(), tclGdColorTranspCmd(),
	tclGdColorGetCmd(), tclGdWriteBufCmd();

typedef  struct {
	char *cmd;
	int (*f)();
	int minargs, maxargs;
	int subcmds;
	int ishandle;
	char *usage;
} cmdOptions;

typedef struct {
	char *buf;
	int buflen;
} BuffSinkContext;

static cmdOptions subcmdVec[] = {
	{"create",			tclGdCreateCmd,			2, 2,	0, 0,
			"width height"},
	{"createFromGD",	tclGdCreateCmd, 		1, 1,	0, 0,
#ifdef HAVE_LIBZ
	{"createFromGD2",	tclGdCreateCmd, 		1, 1,	0, 0,
#ifdef WITH_GIF
	{"createFromGIF",	tclGdCreateCmd, 		1, 1,	0, 0,
	{"createFromJPEG",	tclGdCreateCmd, 		1, 1,	0, 0,
#ifdef HAVE_LIBZ
	{"createFromPNG",	tclGdCreateCmd, 		1, 1,	0, 0,
	{"createFromWBMP",	tclGdCreateCmd, 		1, 1,	0, 0,
	{"createFromXBM",	tclGdCreateCmd, 		1, 1,	0, 0,

	{"destroy",			tclGdDestroyCmd,		1, 1,	0, 1,

	{"writeGD",			tclGdWriteCmd,			2, 2,	0, 1,
			"gdhandle filehandle"},
#ifdef HAVE_LIBZ
	{"writeGD2",			tclGdWriteCmd,			2, 2,	0, 1,
			"gdhandle filehandle"},
#ifdef WITH_GIF
	{"writeGIF",			tclGdWriteCmd,			2, 2,	0, 1,
			"gdhandle filehandle"},
	{"writeJPEG",			tclGdWriteCmd,			2, 2,	0, 1,
			"gdhandle filehandle"},
#ifdef HAVE_LIBZ
	{"writePNG",		tclGdWriteCmd,			2, 2,	0, 1,
			"gdhandle filehandle"},
	{"writeWBMP",			tclGdWriteCmd,			2, 2,	0, 1,
			"gdhandle filehandle"},
#if 0
	{"writeXBM",			tclGdWriteCmd,			2, 2,	0, 1,
			"gdhandle filehandle"},
#ifdef HAVE_LIBZ
	{"writePNGvar",		tclGdWriteBufCmd,			2, 2,	0, 1,
			"gdhandle var"},

	{"interlace",		tclGdInterlaceCmd,		1, 2,	0, 1,
		 "gdhandle ?on-off?"},

	{"color",			tclGdColorCmd,			2, 5,	1, 1,
			"option values..."},
	{"brush",			tclGdBrushCmd,			2, 2,	0, 2,
			"gdhandle brushhandle"},
	{"style",			tclGdStyleCmd,			2, 999,	0, 1,
			"gdhandle color..."},
	{"tile",			tclGdTileCmd,			2, 2,	0, 2,
			"gdhandle tilehandle"},

	{"set",				tclGdSetCmd,			4, 4,	0, 1,
		"gdhandle color x y"},
	{"line",			tclGdLineCmd,			6, 6,	0, 1,
			"gdhandle color x1 y1 x2 y2"},
	{"rectangle",		tclGdRectCmd,			6, 6,	0, 1,
			"gdhandle color x1 y1 x2 y2"},
	{"fillrectangle",	tclGdRectCmd,			6, 6,	0, 1,
			"gdhandle color x1 y1 x2 y2"},
	{"arc",				tclGdArcCmd,			8, 8, 	0, 1,
			"gdhandle color cx cy width height start end"},
	{"fillarc",			tclGdArcCmd,			8, 8, 	0, 1,
			"gdhandle color cx cy width height start end"},
	{"polygon",			tclGdPolygonCmd,		2, 999,	0, 1,
			"gdhandle color x1 y1 x2 y2 x3 y3 ..."},
	{"fillpolygon",		tclGdPolygonCmd,		3, 999,	0, 1,
			"gdhandle color x1 y1 x2 y2 x3 y3 ..."},
	{"fill",			tclGdFillCmd,			4, 5,	0, 1,
			"gdhandle color x y ?bordercolor?"},
 * we allow null gd handles to the text command to allow program to get size
 * of text string, so the text command provides its own handle processing and checking
	{"text",			tclGdTextCmd,			8, 8,	0, 0,
			"gdhandle color fontpathname size angle x y string"},

	{"copy",			tclGdCopyCmd,			8, 10,	0, 2,
			"desthandle srchandle destx desty srcx srcy destw desth ?srcw srch?"},

	{"get",				tclGdGetCmd,			3, 3,	0, 1,
			"gdhandle x y"},
	{"size",			tclGdSizeCmd,			1, 1,	0, 1,

static cmdOptions colorCmdVec[] = {
	{"new",				tclGdColorNewCmd,		5, 5,	1, 1,
			"gdhandle red green blue"},
	{"exact",			tclGdColorExactCmd,		5, 5,	1, 1,
			"gdhandle red green blue"},
	{"closest",			tclGdColorClosestCmd,	5, 5,	1, 1,
			"gdhandle red green blue"},
	{"resolve",			tclGdColorResolveCmd,	5, 5,	1, 1,
			"gdhandle red green blue"},
	{"free",			tclGdColorFreeCmd,		3, 3,	1, 1,
			"gdhandle color"},
	{"transparent",		tclGdColorTranspCmd,	2, 3,	1, 1,
			"gdhandle ?color?"},
	{"get",				tclGdColorGetCmd,		2, 3,	1, 1,
			"gdhandle ?color?"}

 * Helper function to interpret color_idx values.
static int
tclGd_GetColor(Tcl_Interp *interp, Tcl_Obj *obj, int *color)
	int nlist, retval = TCL_OK;
	Tcl_Obj **theList;
	char *firsttag, *secondtag;

	/* Assume it's an integer, check other cases on failure. */
	if (Tcl_GetIntFromObj(interp, obj, color) == TCL_OK)
		return TCL_OK;
		if (Tcl_ListObjGetElements(interp, obj, &nlist, &theList) != TCL_OK)
			return TCL_ERROR;
		if (nlist < 1 || nlist > 2)
			retval = TCL_ERROR;
			firsttag = Tcl_GetString(theList[0]);
			switch (firsttag[0]) {
			case 'b':
				*color = gdBrushed;
				if (nlist == 2) {
					secondtag = Tcl_GetString(theList[1]);
					if (secondtag[0] == 's') {
						*color = gdStyledBrushed;
					} else {
						retval = TCL_ERROR;

			case 's':
				*color = gdStyled;
				if (nlist == 2) {
					secondtag = Tcl_GetString(theList[1]);
					if (secondtag[0] == 'b') {
						*color = gdStyledBrushed;
					} else {
						retval = TCL_ERROR;

			case 't':
				*color = gdTiled;

				retval = TCL_ERROR;
	if (retval == TCL_ERROR)
		Tcl_SetResult(interp, "Malformed special color value", TCL_STATIC);

	return retval;

 * GD composite command:
 * gd create <width> <height>
 * 		Return a handle to a new gdImage that is width X height.
 * gd createFromGD <filehandle>
 * gd createFromGD2 <filehandle>
 * gd createFromGIF <filehandle>
 * gd createFromJPEG <filehandle>
 * gd createFromPNG <filehandle>
 * gd createFromWBMP <filehandle>
 * gd createFromXBM <filehandle>
 * 		Return a handle to a new gdImage created by reading an
 * 		image from the file of the indicated format
 *              open on filehandle.  
 * gd destroy <gdhandle>
 * 		Destroy the gdImage referred to by gdhandle.
 * gd writeGD  <gdhandle> <filehandle>
 * gd writeGD2 <gdhandle> <filehandle>
 * gd writeGIF <gdhandle> <filehandle>
 * gd writeJPEG <gdhandle> <filehandle>
 * gd writePNG <gdhandle> <filehandle>
 * gd writeWBMP <gdhandle> <filehandle>
 * gd writeXBM <gdhandle> <filehandle>
 * 		Write the image in gdhandle to filehandle in the
 *              format indicated.
 * gd color new <gdhandle> <red> <green> <blue>
 * 		Allocate a new color with the given RGB values.  Returns the
 * 		color_idx, or -1 on failure (256 colors already allocated).
 * gd color exact <gdhandle> <red> <green> <blue>
 * 		Find a color_idx in the image that exactly matches the given RGB color.
 *      Returns the color_idx, or -1 if no exact match.
 * gd color closest <gdhandle> <red> <green> <blue>
 * 		Find a color in the image that is closest to the given RGB color.  
 *      Guaranteed to return a color idx.
 * gd color resolve <gdhandle> <red> <green> <blue>
 * 		Return the index of the best possible effort to get a color.  Guaranteed
 *      to return a color idx.   Equivalent to:
 *          if {[set idx [gd color exact $gd $r $g $b]] == -1} {
 *              if {[set idx [gd color neW $Gd $r $g $b]] == -1} {
 *                  set idx [gd color closest $gd $r $g $b]
 *              }
 *          }
 * gd color free <gdhandle> <color_idx>
 * 		Free the color at the given color_idx for reuse.
 * gd color transparent <gdhandle> <color_idx>
 * 		Mark the color_idx as the transparent background color.
 * gd color get <gdhandle> [<color_idx>]
 * 		Return the RGB value at <color_idx>, or {} if it is not allocated.
 * 		If <color_idx> is not specified, return a list of {color_idx R G B} values
 * 		for all allocated colors.
 * gd color gettransparent <gdhandle>
 * 		Return the color_idx of the transparent color.
 * gd brush <gdhandle> <brushhandle>
 * 		Set the brush image to be used for brushed lines.  Transparent
 * 		pixels in the brush will not change the image when the brush
 * 		is applied. 
 * gd style <gdhandle> <color_idx> ...
 * 		Set the line style to the list of color indices.  This is interpreted
 * 		in one of two ways.  For a simple styled line, each color is
 * 		applied to points along the line in turn.  The transparent color
 * 		value may be used to leave gaps in the line.  For a styled, brushed
 * 		line, a 0 (or the transparent color_idx) means not to fill the pixel,
 * 		and a non-zero value means to apply the brush.
 * gd tile <gdhandle> <tilehandle>
 * 		Set the tile image to be used for tiled fills.  Transparent pixels in
 * 		the tile will not change the underlying image during tiling.
 * In all drawing functions, the color_idx is a number, or may be one of the
 * strings styled, brushed, tiled, "styled brushed" or "brushed styled".  The
 * style, brush, or tile currently in effect will be used.  Brushing and
 * styling apply to lines, tiling to filled areas.
 * gd set <gdhandle> <color_idx> <x> <y>
 * 		Set the pixel at (x,y) to color <color_idx>.
 * gd line <gdhandle> <color_idx> <x1> <y1> <x2> <y2>
 * 		Draw a line in color <color_idx> from (x1,y1) to (x2,y2).
 * gd rectangle <gdhandle> <color_idx> <x1> <y1> <x2> <y2>
 * gd fillrectangle <gdhandle> <color_idx> <x1> <y1> <x2> <y2>
 * 		Draw the outline of (resp. fill) a rectangle in color <color_idx>
 * 		with corners at (x1,y1) and (x2,y2).
 * gd arc <gdhandle> <color_idx> <cx> <cy> <width> <height> <start> <end>
 * gd fillarc <gdhandle> <color_idx> <cx> <cy> <width> <height> <start> <end>
 * 		Draw an arc, or filled segment, in color <color_idx>, centered at (cx,cy)
 *      in a rectangle width x height, starting at start degrees and ending 
 *      at end degrees.		Start must be > end.
 * gd polygon <gdhandle> <color_idx> <x1> <y1> ...
 * gd fillpolygon <gdhandle> <color_idx> <x1> <y1> ...
 * 		Draw the outline of, or fill, a polygon specified by the x, y
 * 		coordinate list.  
 * gd fill <gdhandle> <color_idx> <x> <y>
 * gd fill <gdhandle> <color_idx> <x> <y> <borderindex>
 * 		Fill with color <color_idx>, starting from (x,y) within a region
 * 		of pixels all the color of the pixel at (x,y) (resp., within a
 * 		border colored borderindex).
 * gd size <gdhandle>
 * 		Returns a list {width height} of the image.
 * gd text <gdhandle> <color_idx> <fontname> <size> <angle> <x> <y> <string>
 *      Draw text using <fontname> in color <color_idx>,
 *      with pointsize <size>, rotation in radians <angle>, with lower left 
 *      corner at (x,y).  String may contain UTF8 sequences like: "&#192;"
 *      Returns 4 corner coords of bounding rectangle.
 *      Use gdhandle = {} to get boundary without rendering.
 *      Use negative of color_idx to disable antialiasing.
 *      The file <fontname>.ttf must be found in the builtin DEFAULT_FONTPATH
 *      or in the fontpath specified in a GDFONTPATH environment variable.
 * gd copy <desthandle> <srchandle> <destx> <desty> <srcx> <srcy> <w> <h>
 * gd copy <desthandle> <srchandle> <destx> <desty> <srcx> <srcy> \
 * 				<destw> <desth> <srcw> <srch>
 * 		Copy a subimage from srchandle(srcx, srcy) to
 * 		desthandle(destx, desty), size w x h.  Or, resize the subimage
 * 		in copying from srcw x srch to destw x desth.
gdCmd(ClientData clientData, Tcl_Interp *interp, 
	int argc, Tcl_Obj *CONST objv[])
	GdData *gdData = (GdData *)clientData;
	int argi, subi;
	char buf[100];
	/* Check for subcommand. */
	if (argc < 2) {
			"wrong # args: should be \"gd option ...\"", TCL_STATIC);
		return TCL_ERROR;
	/* Find the subcommand. */
	for (subi = 0; subi < (sizeof subcmdVec) / (sizeof subcmdVec[0]); subi++) {
		if (strcmp(subcmdVec[subi].cmd, Tcl_GetString(objv[1])) == 0) {

			/* Check arg count. */
			if (argc - 2 < subcmdVec[subi].minargs ||
				 argc - 2 > subcmdVec[subi].maxargs) {
				sprintf(buf, "wrong # args: should be \"gd %s %s\"",
					subcmdVec[subi].cmd,  subcmdVec[subi].usage);
				Tcl_SetResult(interp, buf, TCL_VOLATILE);
				return TCL_ERROR;

			/* Check for valid handle(s). */
			if (subcmdVec[subi].ishandle > 0) {
				/* Are any handles allocated? */
				if (gdData->handleTbl == NULL) {
					sprintf(buf, "no such handle%s: ",
							 subcmdVec[subi].ishandle > 1 ? "s" : "");
					Tcl_SetResult(interp, buf, TCL_VOLATILE);
					for (argi = 2 + subcmdVec[subi].subcmds;
						  argi < 2 + subcmdVec[subi].subcmds +
						  argi++) {
							Tcl_GetString(objv[argi]), " ", 0);
					return TCL_ERROR;
				/* Check each handle to see if it's a valid handle. */
				if (2+subcmdVec[subi].subcmds+subcmdVec[subi].ishandle > argc) {
					Tcl_SetResult(interp, "GD handle(s) not specified", TCL_STATIC);
					return TCL_ERROR;
				for (argi = 2 + subcmdVec[subi].subcmds;
					  argi < (2 + subcmdVec[subi].subcmds +
					  argi++) {
					if (! tclhandleXlate(gdData->handleTbl, 
						return TCL_ERROR;
			/* Call the subcommand function. */
			return (*subcmdVec[subi].f)(interp, gdData, argc, objv);

	/* If we get here, the option doesn't match. */
	Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "bad option \"", 
		Tcl_GetString(objv[1]), "\": should be ", 0);
	for (subi = 0; subi < (sizeof subcmdVec) / (sizeof subcmdVec[0]); subi++)
		Tcl_AppendResult(interp, (subi > 0 ? ", " : ""),
						   subcmdVec[subi].cmd, 0);
	return TCL_ERROR;

static int
tclGdCreateCmd(Tcl_Interp *interp, GdData *gdData, 
	int argc, Tcl_Obj *CONST objv[])
	int w, h;
	unsigned long idx;
	gdImagePtr im=NULL;
	FILE *filePtr;
	ClientData clientdata;
	char *cmd, buf[50];
	int fileByName;

	cmd = Tcl_GetString(objv[1]);
	if (strcmp(cmd, "create") == 0) {
		if (Tcl_GetIntFromObj(interp, objv[2], &w) != TCL_OK)
			return TCL_ERROR;
		if (Tcl_GetIntFromObj(interp, objv[3], &h) != TCL_OK)
			return TCL_ERROR;
		im = gdImageCreate(w, h);
		if (im == NULL)
			sprintf(buf, "GD unable to allocate %d X %d image", w, h);
			Tcl_SetResult(interp, buf, TCL_VOLATILE);
			return TCL_ERROR;
	} else {
		fileByName = 0;  /* first try to get file from open channel */
		if (Tcl_GetOpenFile(interp, Tcl_GetString(objv[2]), 0, 1, &clientdata) == TCL_OK) {
			filePtr = (FILE *)clientdata;
		} else {
			/* Not a channel, or Tcl_GetOpenFile() not supported.
			 *   See if we can open directly.
			if ((filePtr = fopen(Tcl_GetString(objv[2]),"rb")) == NULL) {
				return TCL_ERROR;

		/* Read file */
		if (strcmp(&cmd[10], "GD") == 0) {
			im = gdImageCreateFromGd(filePtr);
#ifdef HAVE_LIBZ
		} else if (strcmp(&cmd[10], "GD2") == 0) {
			im = gdImageCreateFromGd2(filePtr);
#ifdef WITH_GIF
		} else if (strcmp(&cmd[10], "GIF") == 0) {
			im = gdImageCreateFromGif(filePtr);
		} else if (strcmp(&cmd[10], "JPEG") == 0) {
			im = gdImageCreateFromJpeg(filePtr);
#ifdef HAVE_LIBZ
		} else if (strcmp(&cmd[10], "PNG") == 0) {
			im = gdImageCreateFromPng(filePtr);
		} else if (strcmp(&cmd[10], "WBMP") == 0) {
			im = gdImageCreateFromWBMP(filePtr);
		} else if (strcmp(&cmd[10], "XBM") == 0) {
			im = gdImageCreateFromXbm(filePtr);
		} else {
			/* no im struct - will result in error */
		if (fileByName) {
		if (im == NULL) {
			Tcl_SetResult(interp,"GD unable to read image file", TCL_STATIC);
			return TCL_ERROR;

	*(gdImagePtr *)(tclhandleAlloc(gdData->handleTbl, buf, &idx)) = im;
	Tcl_SetResult(interp, buf, TCL_VOLATILE);
	return TCL_OK;

static int
tclGdDestroyCmd(Tcl_Interp *interp, GdData *gdData, int argc, Tcl_Obj *CONST objv[])
	gdImagePtr im;
	void *hdl;

	/* Get the handle, and the image pointer. */
	hdl = (void *)tclhandleXlate(gdData->handleTbl,
	im = *(gdImagePtr *)hdl;
	/* Release the handle, destroy the image. */
	tclhandleFree(gdData->handleTbl, hdl);

	return TCL_OK;

static int
tclGdWriteCmd(Tcl_Interp *interp, GdData *gdData, int argc, Tcl_Obj *CONST objv[])
	gdImagePtr im;
	FILE *filePtr;
	ClientData clientdata;
	char *cmd;
	int fileByName;

	cmd = Tcl_GetString(objv[1]);
	/* Get the image pointer. */
	im = *(gdImagePtr *)tclhandleXlate(gdData->handleTbl, 

	/* Get the file reference. */
	fileByName = 0;  /* first try to get file from open channel */
	if (Tcl_GetOpenFile(interp, Tcl_GetString(objv[3]), 1, 1, &clientdata) == TCL_OK) {
		filePtr = (FILE *)clientdata;
	} else {
		/* Not a channel, or Tcl_GetOpenFile() not supported.
		 *   See if we can open directly.
		if ((filePtr = fopen(Tcl_GetString(objv[3]),"wb")) == NULL) {
			return TCL_ERROR;

 * Write IM to OUTFILE as a JFIF-formatted JPEG image, using quality
 * JPEG_QUALITY.  If JPEG_QUALITY is in the range 0-100, increasing values
 * represent higher quality but also larger image size.  If JPEG_QUALITY is
 * negative, the IJG JPEG library's default quality is used (which
 * should be near optimal for many applications).  See the IJG JPEG
 * library documentation for more details.  */

	/* Do it. */
	if (strcmp(&cmd[5], "GD") == 0) {
		gdImageGd(im, filePtr);
	} else if (strcmp(&cmd[5], "GD2") == 0) {
#ifdef HAVE_LIBZ
#define GD2_CHUNKSIZE 128
#define GD2_COMPRESSED 2
		gdImageGd2(im, filePtr, GD2_CHUNKSIZE, GD2_COMPRESSED);
#ifdef WITH_GIF
	} else if (strcmp(&cmd[5], "GIF") == 0) {
		gdImageGif(im, filePtr);
	} else if (strcmp(&cmd[5], "JPEG") == 0) {
#define JPEG_QUALITY -1
		gdImageJpeg(im, filePtr, JPEG_QUALITY);
#ifdef HAVE_LIBZ
	} else if (strcmp(&cmd[5], "PNG") == 0) {
		gdImagePng(im, filePtr);
	} else if (strcmp(&cmd[5], "WBMP") == 0) {
		/* Assume the color closest to black is the foreground
                color for the B&W wbmp image. */
		int foreground = gdImageColorClosest(im, 0, 0, 0);
		gdImageWBMP(im, foreground, filePtr);
#if 0
	} else if (strcmp(&cmd[5], "XBM") == 0) {
		gdImageXbm(im, filePtr);
	} else {
		/* cannot happen - but would result in an empty output file */
	if (fileByName) {
	} else {
	return TCL_OK;

static int
tclGdInterlaceCmd(Tcl_Interp *interp, GdData *gdData, 
	int argc, Tcl_Obj *CONST objv[])
	gdImagePtr im;
	int on_off;

	/* Get the image pointer. */
	im = *(gdImagePtr *)tclhandleXlate(gdData->handleTbl, 

	if (argc == 4) {
		/* Get the on_off values. */
		if (Tcl_GetBooleanFromObj(interp, objv[3], &on_off) != TCL_OK)
			return TCL_ERROR;

		/* Do it. */
		gdImageInterlace(im, on_off);
	} else {
		/* Get the current state. */
		on_off = gdImageGetInterlaced(im);
	Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, Tcl_NewBooleanObj(on_off));
	return TCL_OK;

static int
tclGdColorCmd(Tcl_Interp *interp, GdData *gdData, 
	int argc, Tcl_Obj *CONST objv[])
	gdImagePtr im;
	int subi, nsub, i, args[3];

	nsub = (sizeof colorCmdVec) / (sizeof colorCmdVec[0]);
	if (argc >= 3) {
		/* Find the subcommand. */
		for (subi = 0; subi < nsub; subi++)
			if (strcmp(colorCmdVec[subi].cmd, Tcl_GetString(objv[2])) == 0)
				/* Check arg count. */
				if (argc - 2 < colorCmdVec[subi].minargs ||
					 argc - 2 > colorCmdVec[subi].maxargs)
									  "wrong # args: should be \"gd color ",
									  colorCmdVec[subi].cmd, " ",
									  colorCmdVec[subi].usage, "\"", 0);
					return TCL_ERROR;

				/* Get the image pointer. */
				im = *(gdImagePtr *)tclhandleXlate(gdData->handleTbl,
				/* Parse off integer arguments.
				 * 1st 4 are gd color <opt> <handle>
				for (i = 0; i < argc - 4; i++) {
					if (Tcl_GetIntFromObj(interp, objv[i+4], &args[i]) != TCL_OK) {

#if 0
						if (args[i] < 0 || args[i] > 255) {
/* gd text uses -ve colors to turn off anti-aliasing */
						if (args[i] < -255 || args[i] > 255) {
							Tcl_SetResult(interp, "argument out of range 0-255", TCL_STATIC);
							return TCL_ERROR;

				/* Call the subcommand function. */
				return (*colorCmdVec[subi].f)(interp, im, argc - 4, args);

	/* If we get here, the option doesn't match. */
	if (argc > 2) {
		Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "bad option \"", 
				Tcl_GetString(objv[2]), "\": ", 0);
	} else {
		Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "wrong # args: ", 0);
	Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "should be ", 0);
	for (subi = 0; subi < nsub; subi++)
		Tcl_AppendResult(interp, (subi > 0 ? ", " : ""),
						   colorCmdVec[subi].cmd, 0);

	return TCL_ERROR;

static int
tclGdColorNewCmd(Tcl_Interp *interp, gdImagePtr im, int argc, int args[])
	int color;

	color = gdImageColorAllocate(im, args[0], args[1], args[2]); 
    Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, Tcl_NewIntObj(color));
	return TCL_OK;

static int
tclGdColorExactCmd(Tcl_Interp *interp, gdImagePtr im, int argc, int args[])
	int color;

	color = gdImageColorExact(im, args[0], args[1], args[2]); 
    Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, Tcl_NewIntObj(color));
	return TCL_OK;

static int
tclGdColorClosestCmd(Tcl_Interp *interp, gdImagePtr im, int argc, int args[])
	int color;

	color = gdImageColorClosest(im, args[0], args[1], args[2]); 
    Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, Tcl_NewIntObj(color));
	return TCL_OK;

static int
tclGdColorResolveCmd(Tcl_Interp *interp, gdImagePtr im, int argc, int args[])
	int color;

	color = gdImageColorResolve(im, args[0], args[1], args[2]); 
    Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, Tcl_NewIntObj(color));
	return TCL_OK;

static int
tclGdColorFreeCmd(Tcl_Interp *interp, gdImagePtr im, int argc, int args[])
	gdImageColorDeallocate(im, args[0]);
	return TCL_OK;

static int
tclGdColorTranspCmd(Tcl_Interp *interp, gdImagePtr im, int argc, int args[])
	int color;

	if (argc > 0) {
		color = args[0];
		gdImageColorTransparent(im, color);
	else {
		color = gdImageGetTransparent(im);
	Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, Tcl_NewIntObj(color));
	return TCL_OK;

static int
tclGdColorGetCmd(Tcl_Interp *interp, gdImagePtr im, int argc, int args[])
	char buf[30];
	int i;

	/* IF one arg, return the single color, else return list of all colors. */
	if (argc == 1)
		i = args[0];
		if (i >= gdImageColorsTotal(im) || im->open[i]) {
			Tcl_SetResult(interp, "No such color", TCL_STATIC);
			return TCL_ERROR;
		sprintf(buf, "%d %d %d %d", i,
		Tcl_SetResult(interp, buf, TCL_VOLATILE);					
	} else {
		for (i = 0; i < gdImageColorsTotal(im); i++)
			if (im->open[i])
			sprintf(buf, "%d %d %d %d", i,
			Tcl_AppendElement(interp, buf);

	return TCL_OK;

static int 
tclGdBrushCmd(Tcl_Interp *interp, GdData *gdData,
    int argc, Tcl_Obj *CONST objv[])
	gdImagePtr im, imbrush;
	/* Get the image pointers. */
	im = *(gdImagePtr *)tclhandleXlate(gdData->handleTbl, 
	imbrush = *(gdImagePtr *)tclhandleXlate(gdData->handleTbl,

	/* Do it. */
	gdImageSetBrush(im, imbrush);

	return TCL_OK;

static int 
tclGdTileCmd(Tcl_Interp *interp, GdData *gdData,
    int argc, Tcl_Obj *CONST objv[])
	gdImagePtr im, tile;
	/* Get the image pointers. */
	im = *(gdImagePtr *)tclhandleXlate(gdData->handleTbl, 
	tile = *(gdImagePtr *)tclhandleXlate(gdData->handleTbl, 

	/* Do it. */
	gdImageSetTile(im, tile);

	return TCL_OK;

static int
tclGdStyleCmd(Tcl_Interp *interp, GdData *gdData, 
    int argc, Tcl_Obj *CONST objv[])
	gdImagePtr im;
	int ncolor, *colors = NULL, i;
	Tcl_Obj **colorObjv = (Tcl_Obj **)(&objv[3]); /* By default, colors are listed in objv. */
	int retval = TCL_OK;
	/* Get the image pointer. */
	im = *(gdImagePtr *)tclhandleXlate(gdData->handleTbl, 

	/* Figure out how many colors in the style list and allocate memory. */
	ncolor = argc - 3;
	/* If only one argument, treat it as a list. */
	if (ncolor == 1)
		if (Tcl_ListObjGetElements(interp, objv[3],
				&ncolor, &colorObjv) != TCL_OK)
			return TCL_ERROR;

	colors = (int *)Tcl_Alloc(ncolor * sizeof(int));
	if (colors == NULL)
		Tcl_SetResult(interp, "Memory allocation failed", TCL_STATIC);
		retval = TCL_ERROR;
		goto out;
	/* Get the color values. */
	for (i = 0; i < ncolor; i++)
		if (Tcl_GetIntFromObj(interp, colorObjv[i], &colors[i]) != TCL_OK)
			retval = TCL_ERROR;

	/* Call the Style function if no error. */
	if (retval == TCL_OK)
		gdImageSetStyle(im, colors, ncolor);

	/* Free the colors. */
	if (colors != NULL)
		Tcl_Free((char *)colors);

	return retval;

static int
tclGdSetCmd(Tcl_Interp *interp, GdData *gdData, 
    int argc, Tcl_Obj *CONST objv[])
	gdImagePtr im;
	int color, x, y;
	/* Get the image pointer. */
	im = *(gdImagePtr *)tclhandleXlate(gdData->handleTbl, 

	/* Get the color, x, y values. */
	if (tclGd_GetColor(interp, objv[3], &color) != TCL_OK)
		return TCL_ERROR;
	if (Tcl_GetIntFromObj(interp, objv[4], &x) != TCL_OK)
		return TCL_ERROR;
	if (Tcl_GetIntFromObj(interp, objv[5], &y) != TCL_OK)
		return TCL_ERROR;

	/* Call the Set function. */
	gdImageSetPixel(im, x, y, color);

	return TCL_OK;

static int
tclGdLineCmd(Tcl_Interp *interp, GdData *gdData, 
    int argc, Tcl_Obj *CONST objv[])
	gdImagePtr im;
	int color, x1, y1, x2, y2;
	/* Get the image pointer. */
	im = *(gdImagePtr *)tclhandleXlate(gdData->handleTbl,

	/* Get the color, x, y values. */
	if (tclGd_GetColor(interp, objv[3], &color) != TCL_OK)
		return TCL_ERROR;
	if (Tcl_GetIntFromObj(interp, objv[4], &x1) != TCL_OK)
		return TCL_ERROR;
	if (Tcl_GetIntFromObj(interp, objv[5], &y1) != TCL_OK)
		return TCL_ERROR;
	if (Tcl_GetIntFromObj(interp, objv[6], &x2) != TCL_OK)
		return TCL_ERROR;
	if (Tcl_GetIntFromObj(interp, objv[7], &y2) != TCL_OK)
		return TCL_ERROR;

	/* Call the appropriate Line function. */
	gdImageLine(im, x1, y1, x2, y2, color);

	return TCL_OK;

static int
tclGdRectCmd(Tcl_Interp *interp, GdData *gdData, 
    int argc, Tcl_Obj *CONST objv[])
	gdImagePtr im;
	int color, x1, y1, x2, y2;
	char *cmd;
	/* Get the image pointer. */
	im = *(gdImagePtr *)tclhandleXlate(gdData->handleTbl, 

	/* Get the color, x, y values. */
	if (tclGd_GetColor(interp, objv[3], &color) != TCL_OK)
		return TCL_ERROR;
	if (Tcl_GetIntFromObj(interp, objv[4], &x1) != TCL_OK)
		return TCL_ERROR;
	if (Tcl_GetIntFromObj(interp, objv[5], &y1) != TCL_OK)
		return TCL_ERROR;
	if (Tcl_GetIntFromObj(interp, objv[6], &x2) != TCL_OK)
		return TCL_ERROR;
	if (Tcl_GetIntFromObj(interp, objv[7], &y2) != TCL_OK)
		return TCL_ERROR;

	/* Call the appropriate rectangle function. */
	cmd = Tcl_GetString(objv[1]);
	if (cmd[0] == 'r') 
		gdImageRectangle(im, x1, y1, x2, y2, color);
		gdImageFilledRectangle(im, x1, y1, x2, y2, color);

	return TCL_OK;

static int
tclGdArcCmd(Tcl_Interp *interp, GdData *gdData, 
    int argc, Tcl_Obj *CONST objv[])
	gdImagePtr im;
	int color, cx, cy, width, height, start, end;
	char *cmd;
	/* Get the image pointer. */
	im = *(gdImagePtr *)tclhandleXlate(gdData->handleTbl,

	/* Get the color, x, y values. */
	if (tclGd_GetColor(interp, objv[3], &color) != TCL_OK)
		return TCL_ERROR;
	if (Tcl_GetIntFromObj(interp, objv[4], &cx) != TCL_OK)
		return TCL_ERROR;
	if (Tcl_GetIntFromObj(interp, objv[5], &cy) != TCL_OK)
		return TCL_ERROR;
	if (Tcl_GetIntFromObj(interp, objv[6], &width) != TCL_OK)
		return TCL_ERROR;
	if (Tcl_GetIntFromObj(interp, objv[7], &height) != TCL_OK)
		return TCL_ERROR;
	if (Tcl_GetIntFromObj(interp, objv[8], &start) != TCL_OK)
		return TCL_ERROR;
	if (Tcl_GetIntFromObj(interp, objv[9], &end) != TCL_OK)
		return TCL_ERROR;

	/* Call the appropriate arc function. */
	cmd = Tcl_GetString(objv[1]);
	if (cmd[0] == 'a') 
		gdImageArc(im, cx, cy, width, height, start, end, color);
	else {
/*		gdImageFilledArc(im, cx, cy, width, height, start, end, color); */
		Tcl_SetResult(interp, "gdImageFilledArc not supported in gd1.2", TCL_STATIC);
		return TCL_ERROR;		  

	return TCL_OK;

static int
tclGdPolygonCmd(Tcl_Interp *interp, GdData *gdData, 
	int argc, Tcl_Obj *CONST objv[])
	gdImagePtr im;
	int color, npoints, i;
	Tcl_Obj **pointObjv = (Tcl_Obj **)(&objv[4]);
	gdPointPtr points = NULL;
	int retval = TCL_OK;
	char *cmd;
	/* Get the image pointer. */
	im = *(gdImagePtr *)tclhandleXlate(gdData->handleTbl, 

	/* Get the color, x, y values. */
	if (tclGd_GetColor(interp, objv[3], &color) != TCL_OK)
		return TCL_ERROR;

	/* Figure out how many points in the list and allocate memory. */
	npoints = argc - 4;
	/* If only one argument, treat it as a list. */
	if (npoints == 1)
		if (Tcl_ListObjGetElements(interp, objv[4],
				&npoints, &pointObjv) != TCL_OK)
			return TCL_ERROR;

	/* Error check size of point list. */
	if (npoints % 2 != 0)
		Tcl_SetResult(interp, "Number of coordinates must be even", TCL_STATIC);
		retval = TCL_ERROR;
		goto out;

	/* Divide by 2 to get number of points, and final error check. */
	npoints /= 2;
	if (npoints < 3)
		Tcl_SetResult(interp, "Must specify at least 3 points.", TCL_STATIC);
		retval = TCL_ERROR;
		goto out;

	points = (gdPointPtr)Tcl_Alloc(npoints * sizeof(gdPoint));
	if (points == NULL)
		Tcl_SetResult(interp, "Memory allocation failed", TCL_STATIC);
		retval = TCL_ERROR;
		goto out;

	/* Get the point values. */
	for (i = 0; i < npoints; i++)
		if (Tcl_GetIntFromObj(interp, pointObjv[i*2], &points[i].x) != TCL_OK ||
			 Tcl_GetIntFromObj(interp, pointObjv[i*2+1], &points[i].y) != TCL_OK)
			retval = TCL_ERROR;

	/* Call the appropriate polygon function. */
	cmd = Tcl_GetString(objv[1]);
	if (cmd[0] == 'p') 
		gdImagePolygon(im, points, npoints, color);
		gdImageFilledPolygon(im, points, npoints, color);

	/* Free the points. */
	if (points != NULL)
		Tcl_Free((char *)points);

	/* return TCL_OK; */
	return retval;

static int
tclGdFillCmd(Tcl_Interp *interp, GdData *gdData,
	int argc, Tcl_Obj *CONST objv[])
	gdImagePtr im;
	int color, x, y, border;
	/* Get the image pointer. */
	im = *(gdImagePtr *)tclhandleXlate(gdData->handleTbl,

	/* Get the color, x, y and possibly bordercolor values. */
	if (tclGd_GetColor(interp, objv[3], &color) != TCL_OK)
		return TCL_ERROR;
	if (Tcl_GetIntFromObj(interp, objv[4], &x) != TCL_OK)
		return TCL_ERROR;
	if (Tcl_GetIntFromObj(interp, objv[5], &y) != TCL_OK)
		return TCL_ERROR;

	/* Call the appropriate fill function. */
	if (argc - 2 == 5) {
		if (Tcl_GetIntFromObj(interp, objv[6], &border) != TCL_OK)
			return TCL_ERROR;
		gdImageFillToBorder(im, x, y, border, color);
	} else {
		gdImageFill(im, x, y, color);

	return TCL_OK;

static int
tclGdCopyCmd(Tcl_Interp *interp, GdData *gdData, 
	int argc, Tcl_Obj *CONST objv[])
	gdImagePtr imdest, imsrc;
	int destx, desty, srcx, srcy, destw, desth, srcw, srch;
	/* Get the image pointer. */
	imdest = *(gdImagePtr *)tclhandleXlate(gdData->handleTbl, 
	imsrc = *(gdImagePtr *)tclhandleXlate(gdData->handleTbl,

	/* Get the x, y, etc. values. */
	if (Tcl_GetIntFromObj(interp, objv[4], &destx) != TCL_OK)
		return TCL_ERROR;
	if (Tcl_GetIntFromObj(interp, objv[5], &desty) != TCL_OK)
		return TCL_ERROR;
	if (Tcl_GetIntFromObj(interp, objv[6], &srcx) != TCL_OK)
		return TCL_ERROR;
	if (Tcl_GetIntFromObj(interp, objv[7], &srcy) != TCL_OK)
		return TCL_ERROR;
	if (Tcl_GetIntFromObj(interp, objv[8], &destw) != TCL_OK)
		return TCL_ERROR;
	if (Tcl_GetIntFromObj(interp, objv[9], &desth) != TCL_OK)
		return TCL_ERROR;
	/* Call the appropriate copy function. */
	if (argc - 2 == 10) {
		if (Tcl_GetIntFromObj(interp, objv[10], &srcw) != TCL_OK)
			return TCL_ERROR;
		if (Tcl_GetIntFromObj(interp, objv[11], &srch) != TCL_OK)
			return TCL_ERROR;

		gdImageCopyResized(imdest, imsrc, destx, desty, srcx, srcy,
							destw, desth, srcw, srch);
		gdImageCopy(imdest, imsrc, destx, desty, srcx, srcy, destw, desth);

	return TCL_OK;

static int
tclGdGetCmd(Tcl_Interp *interp, GdData *gdData, 
	int argc, Tcl_Obj *CONST objv[])
	gdImagePtr im;
	int color, x, y;
	/* Get the image pointer. */
	im = *(gdImagePtr *)tclhandleXlate(gdData->handleTbl, 

	/* Get the x, y values. */
	if (Tcl_GetIntFromObj(interp, objv[3], &x) != TCL_OK)
		return TCL_ERROR;
	if (Tcl_GetIntFromObj(interp, objv[4], &y) != TCL_OK)
		return TCL_ERROR;

	/* Call the Get function. */
	color = gdImageGetPixel(im, x, y);
	Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, Tcl_NewIntObj(color));
	return TCL_OK;

static int
tclGdSizeCmd(Tcl_Interp *interp, GdData *gdData, 
	int argc, Tcl_Obj *CONST objv[])
	gdImagePtr im;
	char buf[30];

	/* Get the image pointer. */
	im = *(gdImagePtr *)tclhandleXlate(gdData->handleTbl, 

	sprintf(buf, "%d %d", gdImageSX(im), gdImageSY(im));
	Tcl_SetResult(interp, buf, TCL_VOLATILE);
	return TCL_OK;

static int
tclGdTextCmd(Tcl_Interp *interp, GdData *gdData, 
	int argc, Tcl_Obj *CONST objv[])
	/* gd gdhandle color fontpathname size angle x y string */
	gdImagePtr	im;
	int		color, x, y;
	double		ptsize, angle;
	char		*error, buf[32], *font, *handle;
	int		i, brect[8], len;
	char       	*str;

	/* Get the image pointer. (an invalid or null arg[2] will result in string
	size calculation but no rendering */
	handle = Tcl_GetString(objv[2]);
	if (! handle || *handle == '\0') {
		im = (gdImagePtr)NULL;
	else {
		im = *(gdImagePtr *)tclhandleXlate(gdData->handleTbl, handle);

	/* Get the color, values. */
	if (tclGd_GetColor(interp, objv[3], &color) != TCL_OK) {
		return TCL_ERROR;

	/* Get point size */
	if (Tcl_GetDoubleFromObj(interp, objv[5], &ptsize) != TCL_OK) {
		return TCL_ERROR;

	/* Get rotation (radians) */
	if (Tcl_GetDoubleFromObj(interp, objv[6], &angle) != TCL_OK) {
		return TCL_ERROR;

	/* get x, y position */
	if (Tcl_GetIntFromObj(interp, objv[7], &x) != TCL_OK) {
		return TCL_ERROR;
	if (Tcl_GetIntFromObj(interp, objv[8], &y) != TCL_OK) {
		return TCL_ERROR;

	str = Tcl_GetStringFromObj(objv[9], &len);
	font = Tcl_GetString(objv[4]);

	error = gdImageStringFT(im,brect,color,font,ptsize,angle,x,y,str);

	if (error) {
		Tcl_SetResult(interp, error, TCL_VOLATILE);
		return TCL_ERROR;
	for (i=0; i<8; i++) {
		sprintf(buf, "%d", brect[i]);
		Tcl_AppendElement(interp, buf);
	return TCL_OK;

 * Initialize the package.
#ifdef __CYGWIN__
int Gdtclft_Init(Tcl_Interp *interp) 
#ifdef __WIN32__
int Gdtclft_Init(Tcl_Interp *interp) 
	static GdData gdData;

	if (Tcl_InitStubs(interp, TCL_VERSION, 0) == NULL) {
		return TCL_ERROR;
	if (Tcl_PkgRequire(interp, "Tcl", TCL_VERSION, 0) == NULL) {
		return TCL_ERROR;
	if (Tcl_PkgProvide(interp, "Gdtclft", VERSION) != TCL_OK) {
		return TCL_ERROR;

	GDHandleTable = gdData.handleTbl = tclhandleInit("gd", sizeof(gdImagePtr), 2);
	if (gdData.handleTbl == NULL) {
		Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "unable to create table for GD handles.", 0);
		return TCL_ERROR;
	Tcl_CreateObjCommand(interp, "gd", gdCmd, (ClientData)&gdData, (Tcl_CmdDeleteProc *)NULL);
	return TCL_OK;

#ifdef __CYGWIN__
int Gdtclft_SafeInit(Tcl_Interp *interp) 
#ifdef __WIN32__
int Gdtclft_SafeInit(Tcl_Interp *interp) 
	return Gdtclft_Init(interp);

#ifndef __CYGWIN__
#ifdef __WIN32__
/* Define DLL entry point, standard macro */

 * DllEntryPoint --
 *    This wrapper function is used by Windows to invoke the
 *    initialization code for the DLL.  If we are compiling
 *    with Visual C++, this routine will be renamed to DllMain.
 *    routine.
 * Results:
 *    Returns TRUE;
 * Side effects:
 *    None.

DllEntryPoint(hInst, reason, reserved)
	HINSTANCE hInst;          /* Library instance handle. */
	DWORD reason;             /* Reason this function is being called. */
	LPVOID reserved;          /* Not used. */
	return TRUE;

static int
BufferSinkFunc(void *context, const char *buffer, int len)
    BuffSinkContext *p = context;
    char *bufend;
    if (p->buflen == 0)
	p->buf = Tcl_Alloc(len + 1);
	memcpy(p->buf, buffer, len);
	p->buf[len] = '\0';
	p->buflen = len;
    } else {
	p->buf = Tcl_Realloc(p->buf, len + p->buflen + 1);
	bufend = p->buf + p->buflen;
	memmove(bufend, buffer, len);
	p->buf[len + p->buflen] = '\0';
	p->buflen += len;
    return len;

static int
tclGdWriteBufCmd(Tcl_Interp *interp, GdData *gdData, int argc, Tcl_Obj *CONST objv[])
#ifdef HAVE_LIBZ
	gdImagePtr im;
	Tcl_Obj *output;
	/* char *cmd; */
	char *result = NULL;

	BuffSinkContext bsc = {
	BuffSinkContext *res;
	gdSink buffsink;

    buffsink.sink = BufferSinkFunc;
    buffsink.context = (void *)&bsc;
	/* cmd = */ Tcl_GetString(objv[1]);
	/* Get the image pointer. */
	im = *(gdImagePtr *)tclhandleXlate(gdData->handleTbl, Tcl_GetString(objv[2]));
	gdImagePngToSink(im, &buffsink);
	/* I'm not so hot with lots of pointer indirection, so this
           makes things easier. - davidw*/
	res = buffsink.context;
	result = res->buf;

	output = Tcl_NewByteArrayObj((unsigned char*)result, res->buflen);
	if (output == NULL)
	    return TCL_ERROR;
	if (Tcl_ObjSetVar2(interp, objv[3], NULL, output, 0) == NULL)
	    return TCL_ERROR;
	    return TCL_OK;