[plain text]


#Frequently Changed Settings

#Correct include directories for freetype, zlib, libpng, XPM, JPEG, etc. 
#If your include directories are different, add them here. *Extra*
#directories that don't happen to exist on your system shouldn't
#cause an error (if they do, let me know).

$includeDirs = "-I/usr/include/freetype2 -I/usr/local/include/freetype2 " .
	"-I/usr/include/X11 -I/usr/X11R6/include/X11 -I/usr/local/include";

#Typical install locations for freetype, zlib, Xpm and libpng libraries.
#If yours are somewhere else, other than a standard location
#such as /lib or /usr/lib, then change this. This line shouldn't hurt 
#if you don't actually have some of the optional libraries and directories.
$libDirs = "-L/usr/lib/X11 -L/usr/X11R6/lib -L/usr/local/lib";

#If you don't have gcc, get it. If you really must, you can change this; 
#but if you do, you must specify not only your compiler but options 
#appropriate for shared library object creation. Just get gcc.
$compiler = "gcc -fPIC";

#Default installation prefix if --prefix is not used.
$installPrefix = "/usr";

#End Of Frequently Changed Settings
#(You may, however, need to work on the shared link command
#detector below if your operating system is not successfully
#accommodated; surprisingly, I am not perfect)

for ($i = 0; ($i < int(@ARGV)); $i++) {
	if ($ARGV[$i] eq "--prefix") {
		if ($ARGV[$i + 1] eq "") {
			die "No directory specified for --prefix\n";
		} else {
			$installPrefix = $ARGV[$i + 1];
	} else {
		die "Usage: ./configure [--prefix /usr|/usr/local|et cetera]\n";

print "gd configuration program\n";
print "TBB 10/21/02\n\n";

$os = `uname`;

if (!&testCompiler) {
	die "C compiler not found! Change the \$compiler setting at the top of the\n'configure' script and run configure again.\n";

#If we don't know, we try the elegant Linux way

if ($os =~ /^(linux|irix|tru64|ultrix|openbsd|netbsd|freebsd)/i) {
	$sharedLinkHead = "ld -shared";
	$sharedLinkTail = "";
	print "Found OS with linux-like shared library link command\n";
} elsif ($os =~ /^(sunos)/i) {
	$sharedLinkHead = "/usr/ccs/bin/ld -G";
	$sharedLinkTail = "-ldl";
	$socketLibForXpm = 1;
	print "Found OS with sunos-like shared library link command\n";
} elsif ($os =~ /^(darwin)/i) {
	$sharedLinkHead = "ld -dynamic -flat_namespace -undefined suppress";
	$sharedLinkTail = "";
	print "Found MacOS X, using appropriate shared library link command\n";
} else {
	$sharedLinkHead = "ld -shared";
	$sharedLinkTail = "";
	print "Unknown OS $os, trying linux-like shared library link command\n";

print "Shared library link command: $sharedLinkHead $sharedLinkTail\n";
if (&testLibrary("png", "png_create_read_struct (0, 0, 0, 0)", "-lz")) {
	push @options, "png";
	print "png library found.\n";
} else {
	print "Warning: png library not found, png will not be supported.\n";

if (&testLibrary("z", "deflate (0, 0)")) {
	push @options, "z";
	print "zlib library found.\n";
	$zfound = 1;
} else {
	print "Warning: zlib library not found, png (which you might want a lot) and\n",
		"gd2 (which you probably don't need) will not be supported.\n"; 

if (&testLibrary("jpeg", "jpeg_set_defaults (0)")) {
	push @options, "jpeg";
	print "jpeg library found.\n";
} else {
	print "Warning: jpeg library not found, jpeg will not be supported.\n";

if (&testLibrary("freetype", "FT_Init_FreeType(0)")) {
	push @options, "freetype";
	print "freetype 2.x library found.\n";
} else {
	print "Warning: freetype 2.x library not found, freetype will not be supported.\n";

#2.0.4 thanks to Len Makin: need optional libraries and uppercase X,
#also -lsocket under Solaris

if ($socketLibNeededForXpm) {
	$xpmLibs = "-lX11 -lsocket";
} else {
	$xpmLibs = "-lX11";

if (&testLibrary("Xpm", "XpmReadFileToXpmImage(0, 0, 0)", $xpmLibs)) {
	push @options, "Xpm";
	push @options, "X11";
	if ($socketLibNeededForXpm) {
		push @options, "socket";
	print "Xpm library found.\n";
} else {
	print "Xpm library not found. That's OK. Almost no one needs Xpm in gd.\n";

for $o (@options) {
	$options{$o} = 1;

if (!int(@options)) {
	print <<EOM

WARNING: NONE of the libraries needed to produce popular image
formats were found. This is not a good thing. The library can
be compiled, but it will not be able to produce PNG or JPEG
or XPM images. Only a few minor formats can be supported without
libraries. "make test" will not succeed without libraries; this
is to be expected. IF YOU ARE NOT SURE THIS IS OK, you should go 
get libpng, libjpeg and libz now, and install them. Then run
configure again.


print "Optional libraries found: @options\n";

for $o (@options) {
	$oflags .= " -DHAVE_LIB" . uc($o);
	$lflags .= " -l$o";

if ($options{"png"}) {
	$safePrograms = "pngtogd pngtogd2 gdtopng gd2topng gd2copypal gdparttopng webpng";
if ($options{"freetype"} && $options{"jpeg"}) {
	$safePrograms .= " annotate";

@programs = split(/ /, $safePrograms);
for $p (@programs) {
	$installCommands .= "\tsh ./install-item 755 $p \$(INSTALL_BIN)/$p\n";

open(OUT, ">Makefile");
print OUT <<EOM

#Command for building a shared library. This varies depending on the OS.


#If the ar command fails on your system, consult the ar manpage
#for your system. 

CFLAGS=-g $oflags

LIBS=-lgd $lflags -lm

INCLUDEDIRS=-I. $includeDirs





# Changes should not be required below here.

# Update these with each release!





TEST_PROGRAMS=gdtest gddemo gd2time gdtestft testac fontwheeltest fontsizetest

default: instructions

	\@echo Edit this Makefile if you wish. The configure script makes
	\@echo reasonable guesses, but as of this writing \\(2.0.2\\) has not
	\@echo been field-tested on a lot of systems.
	\@echo Second, type \\'make install\\' as root.
	\@echo This installs the GD \${VERSION} shared library,
	\@echo which is required in order to use the included
	\@echo utility programs, and also includes the utility
	\@echo programs such as webpng, pngtogd, etc.
	\@echo OPTIONAL third step: type \\'make test\\' to build 
	\@echo the optional test programs. Type \\'make install\\' FIRST.
	\@echo Type \\'make libgd.a\\' to produce a static library,
	\@echo which you can install manually in /usr/lib.


install:\${VERSION} $safePrograms
$installCommands	sh ./install-item 755 bdftogd \$(INSTALL_BIN)/bdftogd
	sh ./install-item 644 gd.h \$(INSTALL_INCLUDE)/gd.h
	sh ./install-item 644 gdcache.h \$(INSTALL_INCLUDE)/gdcache.h
	sh ./install-item 644 gd_io.h \$(INSTALL_INCLUDE)/gd_io.h
	sh ./install-item 644 gdfontg.h \$(INSTALL_INCLUDE)/gdfontg.h
	sh ./install-item 644 gdfontl.h \$(INSTALL_INCLUDE)/gdfontl.h
	sh ./install-item 644 gdfontmb.h \$(INSTALL_INCLUDE)/gdfontmb.h
	sh ./install-item 644 gdfonts.h \$(INSTALL_INCLUDE)/gdfonts.h
	sh ./install-item 644 gdfontt.h \$(INSTALL_INCLUDE)/gdfontt.h

gddemo: gddemo.o
	\$(CC) gddemo.o -o gddemo	\$(LIBDIRS) \$(LIBS)

testac: testac.o
	\$(CC) testac.o -o testac	\$(LIBDIRS) \$(LIBS)

pngtogd: pngtogd.o
	\$(CC) pngtogd.o -o pngtogd	\$(LIBDIRS) \$(LIBS) 

webpng: webpng.o
	\$(CC) webpng.o -o webpng	\$(LIBDIRS) \$(LIBS)

annotate: annotate.o
	\$(CC) annotate.o -o annotate	\$(LIBDIRS) \$(LIBS)

pngtogd2: pngtogd2.o
	\$(CC) pngtogd2.o -o pngtogd2	\$(LIBDIRS) \$(LIBS)

gdtopng: gdtopng.o
	\$(CC) gdtopng.o -o gdtopng	\$(LIBDIRS) \$(LIBS)

gd2topng: gd2topng.o
	\$(CC) gd2topng.o -o gd2topng	\$(LIBDIRS) \$(LIBS)

gd2copypal: gd2copypal.o
	\$(CC) gd2copypal.o -o gd2copypal	\$(LIBDIRS) \$(LIBS)

gdparttopng: gdparttopng.o
	\$(CC) gdparttopng.o -o gdparttopng	\$(LIBDIRS) \$(LIBS)

gdtest: gdtest.o
	\$(CC) gdtest.o -o gdtest	\$(LIBDIRS) \$(LIBS)

gd2time: gd2time.o
	\$(CC) gd2time.o -o gd2time	\$(LIBDIRS) \$(LIBS)

gdtestft: gdtestft.o
	\$(CC) --verbose gdtestft.o -o gdtestft \$(LIBDIRS) \$(LIBS)

fontwheeltest: fontwheeltest.o
	\$(CC) --verbose fontwheeltest.o -o fontwheeltest \$(LIBDIRS) \$(LIBS)

fontsizetest: fontsizetest.o
	\$(CC) --verbose fontsizetest.o -o fontsizetest \$(LIBDIRS) \$(LIBS)

LIBOBJS=gd.o gd_gd.o gd_gd2.o gd_io.o gd_io_dp.o \\
		gd_io_file.o gd_ss.o gd_io_ss.o gd_png.o gd_jpeg.o gdxpm.o \\
		gdfontt.o gdfonts.o gdfontmb.o gdfontl.o gdfontg.o \\
		gdtables.o gdft.o gdcache.o gdkanji.o wbmp.o \\
		gd_wbmp.o gdhelpers.o gd_topal.o 

#Shared library. This should work fine on any ELF platform (Linux, etc.) with
#GNU ld or something similarly intelligent. To avoid the chicken-and-egg
#problem, this target also installs the library so that applications can
#actually find it.\${VERSION}: \${LIBOBJS}
	-rm -f\${VERSION} 2>/dev/null
	sh ./install-item 644\${VERSION} \\
	-rm \$(INSTALL_LIB)/\${MAJOR_VERSION} 2>/dev/null
	ln -s \$(INSTALL_LIB)/\${VERSION} \\
	-rm \$(INSTALL_LIB)/ 2>/dev/null
	ln -s \$(INSTALL_LIB)/\${VERSION} \\

#Static library, if you really need one for some reason.
libgd.a: \${LIBOBJS}
	rm -f libgd.a
	\$(AR) rc libgd.a \${LIBOBJS}
	-ranlib libgd.a

	rm -f *.o *.a *.so *.so.* \${PROGRAMS} test/gdtest.jpg test/gdtest.wbmp test/fttest.png test/fttest.jpg *test.errors font*test?.png
veryclean: clean
	rm Makefile

print "\nMakefile created! Type 'make install' to build and install the\n";
print "gd library. You may wish to edit the Makefile first if you are\n";
print "not pleased with the results of library detection.\n\n";
print "The installation prefix is: $installPrefix\n\n";
print "If this doesn't appeal to you, run configure again with the \n";
print "--prefix option.\n\n";
print "If you have a rough time building the shared library, you can type\n";
print "'make libgd.a' to build a static library.\n\n";

sub testLibrary
	my($library, $function, $reqLibraries) = @_;
	my($ltest) = "gd-libtest";
	system("rm -rf $ltest");
	if (!mkdir("$ltest", 0700)) {
		die "Can't create subdirectory \"$ltest\" to test libraries.\n";
	open(OUT, ">$ltest/libtest.c");
	print OUT <<EOM
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
	return 0;
	# 2.03: have to close!
	# 2.03: make sure we pass the math library, many
	# platforms require it separately
	# 2.03: >& is a bash-ism, can't rely on it
	my($result) = system("cd $ltest; $compiler libtest.c -o libtest $libDirs -l$library -lm $reqLibraries > ../libtest.errors 2>&1");
	system("rm -rf $ltest");
	if ($result != 0) {
		return 0;
	} else {
		return 1;

sub testCompiler
	my($ctest) = "gd-comptest";
	system("rm -rf $ctest");
	if (!mkdir("$ctest", 0700)) {
		die "Can't create subdirectory \"$ctest\" to test compiler.\n";
	open(OUT, ">$ctest/compilertest.c");
	print OUT <<EOM
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
	return 0;
	# 2.03: have to close!
	# 2.03: correct for all sh, not just bash
	my($result) = system("cd $ctest; $compiler compilertest.c -o compilertest > ../compilertest.errors 2>&1");
	system("rm -rf $ctest");
	if ($result != 0) {
		return 0;
	} else {
		return 1;