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<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>Graphviz FAQ 2002-09-19</TITLE>
<H1>Graphviz FAQ 2002-09-19</H1>

<A HREF="mailto:north@graphviz.org">Stephen North</A>,
<A HREF="mailto:erg@graphviz.org">Emden Gansner</A>,
<A HREF="mailto:ellson@graphviz.org">John Ellson</A>
This is not a tutorial; to understand this you should
know how to use the basic features of the tools and
languages involved. Please see the
<A HREF="http://www.research.att.com/sw/tools/graphviz/refs.html">
user guides</A> for further information or the
<A HREF="http://www.graphviz.org">graphviz.org</A> page
for a partial list of compatible tools and packages.


<B>Q. Where can I see a list of all the attributes
that control dot or neato?</B>
See <A HREF="http://www.research.att.com/~erg/graphviz/info/attrs.html">
Graph Attributes</A>. There is also information on
<A HREF="http://www.research.att.com/~erg/graphviz/info/command.html">
command-line usage</A> and
<A HREF="http://www.research.att.com/~erg/graphviz/info/output.html">
output formats</A>.
<a name="mailinglist"></a>
<B>Q. Where can I discuss graphviz?</B>
We run a mailing list.
To subscribe or unsubscribe, visit the
<A HREF="https://mailman.research.att.com/mailman/listinfo/graphviz-interest">graphviz-interest</A> <em>mailman</em> control page.  See also the general
<A HREF="http://www.list.org/mailman-member/index.html">
instructions</A> for mailman.
You can also see the
<A HREF="https://mailman.research.att.com/pipermail/graphviz-interest/">
You may wish to use a Yahoo or Hotmail account if you're concerned
about spam. We also run anti-spam filters, and rewrite <tt>@</tt>
as <tt>at</tt> to keep verbatim addresses out of the archive.
Please, please, please, do not torment the mailing list with beginner's
questions or software build problems.  First, check this FAQ and the
<A HREF="https://mailman.research.att.com/pipermail/graphviz-interest/">
message archive</A> carefully.
Because graphviz software is made available without charge,
our resources for routine support are very limited.  If you are desperate,
please contact ellson, erg, or north@research.att.com.
<B>Q. I'm trying to make a dot layout larger. How?</B>
Magnification isn't directly supported.  We admit this should be fixed.
For now you have to adjust individual
parameters <tt>fontsize, nodesep</tt> and <tt>ranksep</tt>.
For example 
           digraph G {
                graph [fontsize=24];
                edge  [fontsize=24];
                node  [fontsize=24];
                ranksep = 1.5;
                nodesep = .25;
                edge [style="setlinewidth(3)"];
                a -> b -> c;

If you do this, make sure you are not fighting a conflicting graph
size setting, like <tt>size="6,6"</tt>.
If you're using Postscript, you can just scale up the output by
manually adding a command such as <tt>2 2 scale</tt> where the
Postscript environment is set up.  Make sure to adjust the
<tt>BoundingBox</tt> too if your tools look at this header.
<B>Q. I'm trying to make a neato layout larger. How?</B>
See above regarding font sizes. 
You can generally push nodes further apart by changing <tt>len</tt>
(edge length) attribute.  For example, to make it three times the default:
        graph G {
           edge [len=3]
           a -- { b c d }

<B>Q. How can I join or merge certain edge routes?</B>
You can try running <tt>dot -Gconcentrate=true</tt> or you can
introduce your own virtual nodes drawn as tiny circles where
you want to split or join edges:

digraph G {
  yourvirtualnode [shape=circle,width=.01,height=.01,label=""];
  a -> yourvirtualnode [arrowhead=none]
  yourvirtualnode -> {b;c}

This only works in graphviz version 1.7 and higher.
To make edges between clusters, first set the
graph attribute <tt>compound=true</tt>.
Then, you can specify a cluster by name as
a <i>logical head or tail</i> to an edge. This will
cause the edge joining the two nodes to be
clipped to the exterior of the box around the
given cluster.
<b>Q. How can I generate graph layouts in PDF?</b>
Use an external converter, for example,
<tt>dot</tt> or <tt>neato -Tps | epsf2pdf -o file.pdf</tt><br>
Note that URL tags are respected, to allow clickable PDF objects.
<b>Q. How can I make duplicate nodes?</b>
Make unique nodes with duplicate labels.
      digraph G {
            node001 [label = "A"];
            node002 [label = "A"];
			node001 -> node002;
<b>Q. How can I set a graph or cluster label without its propagating to all sub-clusters?</b>
Set the label at the end of the graph (before the closing brace), after all
its contents have been defined. (We admit it seems desirable to define some
special syntax for non-inherited attribute settings.)
<B>Q. How can I draw multiple parallel edges in neato?</B>
We're sorry, there's no good answer to this.  We're working on it.


<b>Q. How can I create edges between cluster boxes?</b>
This only works in graphviz version 1.7 and higher.
To make edges between clusters, first set the
graph attribute <tt>compound=true</tt>.
Then, you can specify a cluster by name as
a <i>logical head or tail</i> to an edge. This will
cause the edge joining the two nodes to be
clipped to the exterior of the box around the
given cluster.
For example,
      digraph G {
        subgraph cluster_A {
          a -> b;
          a -> c;
        subgraph cluster_B {
          d -> e;
          f -> e;
        a -> e [ ltail=cluster_A,
                 lhead=cluster_B ];

has an edge going from <tt>cluster_A</tt> to
<tt>cluster_B</tt>. If, instead, you say
        a -> e [ltail=cluster_A];
this gives you an edge from <tt>cluster_A</tt> to node
<tt>e</tt>. Or you could just specify
an <tt>lhead</tt> attribute.
The program warns if a cluster specified as a
logical node is not defined.
Also, if a cluster is specified as a logical
head for an edge, the real
head must be contained in the cluster, and
the real tail must not be.
A similar check is done for logical tails. In
these cases, the edge
is drawn between the real nodes as usual.
<B>Q. Clusters are hard to see.</B>
Set </tt>bgcolor=grey</tt>
(or some other color)
in the cluster.
<B>Q. How can I symmetrize (balance) tree layouts?</B>
When a tree node has an even number of children, it isn't necessarily
centered above the two middle ones.  If you know the order of the children,
a simple hack is to introduce new, invisible middle nodes to re-balance
the layout. The connecting edges should also be invisible. For example:
digraph G {
a -> b0;
xb [label="",width=.1,style=invis]
a -> xb [style=invis];
a -> b1;
{rank=same b0 ->  xb -> b1 [style=invis]}
b0 -> c0;
xc [label="",width=.1,style=invis]
b0 -> xc [style=invis];
b0 -> c1;
{rank=same c0 ->  xc -> c1 [style=invis]}
This trick really ought to be build into our solver (and made
independent of the order of the children, and available for
layouts other than trees, too).

<H2>Output features</H2>

<B>Q. I can only get 11x17 output.</B>
It's not us!  It's probably your printer setup.  If you don't
believe this, run <tt>dot -Tps</tt> and looks for the
<tt>BoundingBox</tt> header.  The coords are in 1/72ths of an inch.
<B>Q. How do I create special symbols and accents in labels?</B>
The following solution only works with the
raster drivers that load Truetype or Type1
fonts!  (That means, <tt>-Tgif, -Tpng, -Tjpeg</tt>, and possibly
<tt>-Tbmp</tt> or <tt>-Txbm</tt> if enabled). 
Use UTF8 coding, <i>e.g.</i> <verb>&#165;</verb> for the Yen
currency symbol.  Example:
      graph G {
            yen [label="&#165;"]
You can look up other examples in this
handy <A HREF="http://www.research.att.com/sw/tools/graphviz/doc/char.html">
character set reference</A> .
<B>Q. How do I get font and color changes in record labels or other labels?</B>
There's no easy way right now.  We're working on it.  Sigh.
<B>Q. In plain format, arrowheads are missing.</B>
It's a bug that may have solidified into a
feature by now.  A workaround is to set
      edge [dir=none]
<B>Q. How can I print a big graph on multiple pages?</B>
The <tt>page</tt> attribute, if set, tells graphviz to print the
graph as an array of pages of the given size. Thus, the graph
digraph G {
will be emitted as 8.5 by 11 inch pages. When printed, the
pages can be tiled to make a drawing of the entire graph.
At present, the feature only works with PostScript output.
Alternatively, there are various tools and viewers which will take
a large picture and allow you to extract page-size pieces, which can
then be printed.
<B>Q. When I have a red edge it shows up as a
solid red in PNG and GIF formats, but has a
black border when rendered to JPEG.  </B>
This is an artifact of JPEG's lossy
compression algorithm.  JPEG isn't very good
for line drawings.  PNG is bitmap format of
choice.  John Ellson wants to deprecate and
eventually remove the JPEG driver, but North
is reluctant to change anything that people
might already rely on.
<B>Q. How can I get custom shapes or images in my graph?</B>
Please see the
<A HREF="http://www.research.att.com/sw/tools/graphviz/shapehowto.html">
Shape HowTo</A> for some approaches.  There is no easy way to create
custom shapes that work with dot/neato, dotty
(Unix or MS-Windows) and Grappa (the Java
front end), because they don't share any universal back end structure.
We're thinking about it.
<B>Q. How can I get some display feature (such
as bold lines) in dotty?</B>
In some cases, you can use <A HREF="http://www.research.att.com/~john/Grappa">Grappa</A> or <A HREF="http://www.graphviz.org/webdot">webdot</A> for display instead of dotty.  For example, Grappa has generalized polygons (<tt>node [shape=polygon]</tt>) that dotty lacks.
If the display attribute that you need isn't there already, in dotty,
there's probably no easy way to do it except by rolling up
your sleeves and hacking the dotty code (a lefty script) that
interprets and renders graphical attributes.  This is problematic
for the same reason as above: there's no universal low-level driver
layer shared across all the graphviz tools.  We recently added an
intermediate rendering language to the layout tools, but the
various front ends don't use it yet.  This would be a good project
for someone who wants to get involved here (along with porting
dotty to GTK.)
<B>Q. How can I get rid of the little circles on
edges ("edge handles") in dotty?</B>
Edit the file dotty.lefty and change the
line that says: 'edgehandles' = 1; to 'edgehandles' = 0;
it's around line 110.
<B>Q. I already have all the coordinates for the
nodes and edges of my graph and just want to
use dot, neato, or dotty to render it.  How?</B>
Put the graph with layout attributes into a dot

Then run <tt>neato -s -n2</tt>. For example:
neato -s -n2 -Tgif file.dot -o file.gif
Note that if an edge does not have a pos attribute
defined, neato will perform whatever edge routing it would
normally do.
<B>Q. I already have all the coordinates for the
nodes, and I want dot or neato to route the edges.</B>
It's not really too convenient to use dot for this.
It is possible to use neato for this,
running neato -s -n For example:
neato -s -n -Tgif file.dot -o file.gif
neato will use the node positions, but use its technique
for routing the edges. There are several things to note. First,
the neato edge router is different from dot's. Without the built-in
top-down bias, it doesn't do as good a job of avoiding edge overlaps
and, at present, it doesn't handle multi-edges at all. Second, by
default, neato uses straight lines as edges. To get spline routing,
you have to specify -Gsplines=true. And this will only work if none of
the nodes overlap. Since the input graph supplies fixed node positions,
it is the user's task to insure this.
<B>Q. I already have all the coordinates for the
nodes and edges of my graph and just want to
use dotty to render it.  How?</B>
Just run dotty on it. Dotty will use the given pos attributes.
<B>Q. Same as above, but I have only node coords, not edges.</B>
<tt>neato -nop -s</tt> is some help, but neato doesn't handle
parallel edges. 
<B>Q. How can I make client-side image maps?</B>
Use the -Tcmap command line option (only version 1.8.9 and beyond!)
<B>Q. Why aren't my server-side maps being recognized? I've checked the HTML!</B>
Make sure that your server has map files enabled. For example, if running
apache, check that httpd.conf has a line like the following:
AddHandler imap-file map
and that it is not commented out!
<B>Q. How can I get 3D output?</B>
The graphviz authors have qualms about the gratuitous use of 3D.
Nonetheless, dot -Tvrml generates VRML files.  There's no Z coordinate
layout - you specify Z coords yourself in the <tt>z</tt> attribute of nodes,
and the Z coordinates of edges are interpolated.   If someone
contributes a driver for a newer, more useful format (OpenGL Performer
scene graphs? Open Scene Graphs? Java3D programs?) we'd like to try it.
neato internally supports layouts in higher dimensions through the <tt>dim</tt>
attribute, e.g. <tt>neato -Gdim=7</tt> but there's no way to get the output
unless you invoke neato as a library and inspect <verb>nodeptr->u.pos[i]</verb>.
This need some (minor) driver work and a good 7-dimensional viewer. Well,
<tt>dim=3</tt> ought to be possible.
<B>Q. How can I avoid node overlaps in neato?</B>
neato -Goverlap=false
neato -Goverlap=scale
In the first instance, neato will use a Voronoi diagram-based technique
to remove overlaps. In the second, it scales up node positions, but not node
shapes, until there are no overlaps. The first technique uses less space;
the second preserves symmetries.
<B>Q. How can I avoid node-edge overlaps in neato?</B>
neato -Goverlap=false/scale -Gsplines=true -Gsep=.1
The <tt>sep</tt> argument is the node-edge separation as
a ratio of a node's bounding box. (Don't ask why this
isn't just a constant!)  Note that this option really
slows down neato, so should be used sparingly and only
with modest-sized graphs.
<B>Q. Neato runs forever on a certain example.</B>
It could be that your graph is too big, or it could be
that neato is cycling.
Run <tt>neato -v</tt> to observe its progress.
Neato uses an anti-cycling heuristic, so cycling shouldn't occur,
but in real life it still does.  (Apparently it keeps falling back
into a big, weird potential well.)
If your graph is small and the -v output indicates cycling, please submit
the graph as a bug report, so we can consider additional heuristics.
In addition, there are ways to defeat the cycling by causing neato to
use different initial conditions:<br>
neato -Gstart=3
neato -Gstart=rand
or to stop earlier:
neato -Gepsilon=.01
neato -Gmaxiter=500
If it's a large example, the problem is that neato (which is nearly the same
algorithm as multidimensional scaling) is at least quadratic in time
complexity.  The spline router is even worse: <i>O(N^3)</i>.
So don't run <tt>neato -Gsplines=true</tt> unless you're willing to pay for it.
<B>Q. Neato doesn't handle multi-edges, and edge label placement is bad.</b>
Difficult problems.  We're working on it.  If anyone has some general
label placement code (e.g. a simulated annealer based on the Marks et al
technique in <I>Graphics Gems IV</I>, please get in touch.
<B>Q. Dot runs forever on a certain example.</B>
Try dot -v to observe its progress.
Note that it's possible to make graphs whose layout or even parsing
is quadratic in the input size. For example, in dot, 

digraph G {
    a -> b -> c -> .... -> x -> y -> z
    a -> z
    b -> z
    c -> z
    /* and so on... */
	x -> z

The total edge length (therefore the layout time) of
this as a ranked graph is quadratic in the number of nodes.

You probably won't encounter the following, but it is also possible
to construct graphs whose parsing takes quadratic time, by appending
attributes to nodes and edges after the graph has been loaded.
For example:

digraph G {
    /* really big graph goes here... */
    n0 -> n1 -> ... -> n999999999;

    n0 [attr0="whatever"]
    n0 [attr1="something else"]
    /* and so on with many more attributes */
The addition of <tt>attr0</tt> touches every node of the graph.
Then the addition of <tt>attr1</tt> touches every node again, and so on.
Q. <B> Neato has unnecessary edge crossings, or does something bad.</B>
Neato and all similar virtual physical model algorithms rely
on heuristic solutions of optimization problems. The better
the solution, the longer it takes to find. Unfortunately, it
is also possible for these heuristics to get stuck in local
minima. Also, it is heavily influenced by the initial position
of the nodes. It is quite possible that if you run neato again,
but with a different random seed value,
or more iterations, you'll get a better layout.  For example: <P>
neato -Gstart=5 file.dot -Tps -o file.ps
neato -Gepsilon=.0000001 file.dot -Tps -o file.ps
Q. <B> Webdot doesn't work.</B>
We assume you're using Apache and have <A HREF="http://www.tcl.tk">TCL</A> installed.
If you don't, it's probably better to just use the
<A HREF="http://www.research.att.com/sw/tools/graphviz/webdot.cgi.pl">
webdot perl script</A>.
To debug webdot, first test whether <tt>tclsh</tt> can load the
Tcldot shared library.  Try:
$ tclsh
% load /your/prefix/to/lib/graphviz/libtcldot.so.0

Then test whether it can load the Tcldot package.
If you are not installing Tcldot as root (cough),
you may need to set <tt>TCLLIBPATH</tt> to <tt>$prefix/lib/graphviz</tt>
where <tt>prefix</tt> is the one you set when you ran
<tt>configure</tt> to build graphviz.  (If you installed webdot
binaries, this doesn't apply because in Linux, binaries are
always installed by root, ha, ha.)
$ tclsh
% package require Tcldot
% </pre>

Then test whether webdot runs as a shell command.  (With webdot we provide
a helper script scaffold.tcl or scaffold.sh that sets up an environment
like the one Apache provides.)  For example
$ scaffold.tcl >out.gif
can't read "LIBTCLDOT": no such variable
    while executing
"file mtime $LIBTCLDOT"
    invoked from within
"set t1 [file mtime $LIBTCLDOT]"
    (file "cgi-bin/webdot" line 67)
    invoked from within
"source cgi-bin/webdot
    (file "scaffold.tcl" line 22)
The above is a strong clue that someone didn't configure webdot properly. 
Finally, test whether webdot runs as a cgi-bin program.
It may help to examine the cgi-bin environment using a
simple cgi-bin perl script like printenv.cgi (this 
assumes that you have perl5!).
Q. <B> I have "Font not found" errors, or text labels missing in webdot.</B>
For copyright reasons, graphviz doesn't come with its own fonts.
On a Windows machine, it knows to search in <tt>C:\Windows\Fonts</tt>.
On a Unix machine, you need to set up a directory that contains
Truetype fonts. You can get a copy of some fonts
<A HREF="http://www.graphviz.org/pub/graphviz/webfonts-1.0-5.noarch.rpm">here</A>.
The default DOTFONTPATH is:
#define DEFAULT_FONTPATH "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/TrueType:/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/truetype:/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/TTF:/usr/share/fonts/TrueType:/usr/share/fonts/truetype:/usr/openwin/lib/X11/fonts/TrueType:/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/Type1"
If your fonts are somewhere else, then you must set that directory in
the webdot script, or recompile graphviz with the correct DEFAULT_FONTPATH
(or set <tt>fontpath="/your/font/directory" in every graph you lay out,
but that's pretty clumsy.)
Q. <B> My browser doesn't recognize SVG.</B>
The correct MIME type for svg images is: <tt>image/svg+xml</tt>   (note "+" not "-").
SVG is not built into all browsers; you can get
<A HREF="http://www.adobe.com/svg/viewer/install/main.html">plugins</A>
from Adobe for Windows, Linux and some other operating systems.
The <A HREF="http://www.w3.org/Amaya/">Amaya</A> browser from W3C
is said to have builtin SVG.
<A HREF="http://xml.apache.org/batik/">Batik</A> is an SVG
renderer in Java and can be run as a stand-alone program.
For help with embedding SVG in HTML pages, see 
<A HREF="http://www.graphviz.org/webdot/svgembed.html">here</A>.