gvpack.c   [plain text]

    This software may only be used by you under license from AT&T Corp.
    ("AT&T").  A copy of AT&T's Source Code Agreement is available at
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    If you received this software without first entering into a license
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#pragma prototyped

 * Written by Emden R. Gansner

#include "config.h"

#include <getopt.h>
#include "compat_getopt.h"
#include <assert.h>
#include <render.h>
#include <neatoprocs.h>
#include <ingraphs.h>
#include <pack.h>
#include <assert.h>

extern Agdict_t     *agdictof(void*);

/* gvpack:
 * Input consists of graphs in dot format.
 * The graphs should have pos, width and height set for nodes, 
 * bb set for clusters, and, optionally, spline info for edges.
 * The graphs are packed geometrically and combined
 * into a single output graph, ready to be sent to neato -s -n2.
 *  -m <i> specifies the margin, in points, about each graph.
char *Info[] = {
    "gvpack",           /* Program */
    VERSION,            /* Version */
    BUILDDATE           /* Build Date */

typedef struct {
  Dtlink_t  link;
  char*     name;
  char*     value;
} attr_t;

typedef struct {
  Dtlink_t  link;
  char*     name;
  int       cnt;
} pair_t;

static int     margin = 8;           /* Default margin in packing */
static boolean doSplines = TRUE;     /* Use edges in packing */
static pack_mode packMode = l_clust; /* Default packing mode - use clusters */
static int verbose = 0;
static char**  Files = 0;
static int     nGraphs = 0;          /* Guess as to no. of graphs */
static FILE*   outfp;                /* output; stdout by default */
static int     kind = -1;            /* type of graph; -1 = undefined */
static int     G_cnt;                /* No. of -G arguments */
static int     G_sz;                 /* Storage size for -G arguments */
static attr_t* G_args;               /* Storage for -G arguments */

static char* useString = 
"Usage: gvpack [-gnuv?] [-m<margin>] [-o<outf>] <files>\n\
  -n          - use node granularity\n\
  -g          - use graph granularity\n\
  -G<n>=<v>   - attach name/value attribute to output graph\n\
  -m<n>       - set margin to <n> points\n\
  -o<outfile> - write output to <outfile>\n\
  -u          - no packing; just combine graphs\n\
  -v          - verbose\n\
  -?          - print usage\n\
If no files are specified, stdin is used\n";

static void
usage (int v)
    printf (useString);
    exit (v);

static FILE*
openFile (char* name, char* mode)
  FILE* fp;
  char* modestr;

  fp = fopen (name, mode);
  if (!fp) {
    if (*mode == 'r') modestr = "reading";
    else modestr = "writing";
    fprintf(stderr,"gvpack: could not open file %s for %s\n", 
      name, modestr);
  return (fp);

#define G_CHUNK 10

/* setNameValue:
 * If arg is a name-value pair, add it to the list
 * and return 0; otherwise, return 1.
static int
setNameValue (char* arg)
  char* p;
  char* rhs = "true";

  if ((p = strchr(arg,'='))) { *p++ = '\0'; rhs = p; }
  if (G_cnt >= G_sz) {
    G_sz += G_CHUNK;
    G_args = RALLOC (G_sz, G_args, attr_t);
  G_args[G_cnt].name = arg;
  G_args[G_cnt].value = rhs;

  return 0;

/* setInt:
 * If arg is an integer, value is stored in v
 * and functions returns 0; otherwise, returns 1.
static int
setInt (int* v, char* arg)
  char*    p;
  int      i;

  i = (int)strtol(arg,&p,10);
  if (p == arg) {
    fprintf (stderr, "Error: bad value in flag -%s - ignored\n", arg-1);
    return 1;
  *v = i;
  return 0;

/* init:
static void
init (int argc, char* argv[])
  int c;

  aginit ();
  while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, ":ngvum:o:G:?")) != -1) {
    switch (c) {
    case 'n':
      packMode = l_node;
    case 'g':
      packMode = l_graph;
    case 'm':
      setInt (&margin, optarg);
    case 'o':
      outfp = openFile (optarg, "w");
    case 'u':
      packMode = l_undef;
    case 'G':
      if (*optarg) setNameValue (optarg);
        fprintf(stderr,"gvpack: option -G missing argument - ignored\n");
    case 'v':
      verbose = 1;
      Verbose = 1;
    case '?':
      if (optopt == '?') usage(0);
      else fprintf(stderr,"gvpack: option -%c unrecognized - ignored\n", c);
  argv += optind;
  argc -= optind;

  if (argc) {
    Files = argv;
    nGraphs = argc;  /* guess one graph per file */
    nGraphs = 10;    /* initial guess as to no. of graphs */
  if (!outfp) outfp = stdout;    /* stdout the default */

/* init_node_edge:
 * initialize node and edge attributes
static void
init_node_edge (Agraph_t* g)
  node_t*     n;
  edge_t*     e;
  int         nG = agnnodes(g);
  attrsym_t*  N_pos = agfindattr(g->proto->n,"pos");

  N_pin = agfindattr(g->proto->n,"pin");  /* used in user_pos */

  for (n = agfstnode(g); n; n = agnxtnode(g,n)) {
    user_pos(N_pos,n,nG);  /* set user position if given */
  for (n = agfstnode(g); n; n = agnxtnode(g,n)) {
    for (e = agfstout(g,n); e; e = agnxtout(g,e)) common_init_edge(e);

/* init_graph:
 * Initialize attributes. We always do the minimum required by
 * libcommon. If fill is true, we use init_nop (neato -n) to
 * read in attributes relevant to the layout.
static void
init_graph (Agraph_t* g, boolean fill)
  int   d;

  graph_init (g);
  d = late_int(g,agfindattr(g,"dim"),2,2);
  if (d != 2) {
    fprintf (stderr, "Error: graph %s has dim = %d (!= 2)\n", g->name, d);
  Ndim = GD_ndim(g) = 2;
  init_node_edge (g);
  if (fill && init_nop (g)) {
    exit (1);

/* cloneAttrs:
 * Copy all attributes from old object to new. Assume
 * attributes have been initialized.
static void
cloneAttrs (void* old, void* new)
  int       j;
  Agsym_t*  a;
  Agdict_t* dict = agdictof(old);

  for (j = 0; j < dtsize(dict->dict); j++) {
    a = dict->list[j];
    agset (new, a->name, agxget (old, a->index));

/* cloneEdge:
 * Note that here, and in cloneNode and cloneCluster,
 * we do a shallow copy. We thus assume that attributes
 * are not disturbed. In particular, we assume they are
 * not deallocated.
static void
cloneEdge (Agedge_t* old, Agedge_t* new)
  cloneAttrs (old, new);
  ED_spl(new) = ED_spl(old);
  ED_label(new) = ED_label(old);
  ED_head_label(new) = ED_head_label(old);
  ED_tail_label(new) = ED_tail_label(old);

/* cloneNode:
static void
cloneNode (Agnode_t* old, Agnode_t* new)
  cloneAttrs (old, new);
  ND_coord_i(new).x = POINTS(ND_pos(old)[0]);
  ND_coord_i(new).y = POINTS(ND_pos(old)[1]);
  ND_height(new) = ND_height(old);
  ND_width(new) = ND_width(old);
  ND_shape(new) = ND_shape(old);
  ND_shape_info(new) = ND_shape_info(old);

/* cloneCluster:
static void
cloneCluster (Agraph_t* old, Agraph_t* new)
    /* string attributes were cloned as subgraphs */
  GD_label(new) = GD_label(old);
  GD_bb(new) = GD_bb(old);

/* freef:
 * Generic free function for dictionaries.
static void
freef (Dt_t* dt, Void_t* obj, Dtdisc_t* disc)
  free (obj);

static Dtdisc_t attrdisc = {
  offsetof(attr_t,name),      /* key */
  -1,                         /* size */
  offsetof(attr_t,link),      /* link */
  (Dtcompar_f)0,          /* use strcmp */
/* fillDict:
 * Fill newdict with all the name-value attributes of
 * objp. If the attribute has already been defined and
 * has a different default, set default to "".
static void
fillDict (Dt_t* newdict, void* objp)
  int       j;
  Agsym_t*  a;
  Agdict_t* olddict = agdictof (objp);
  char*     name;
  char*     value;
  attr_t*   rv;

  for (j = 0; j < dtsize(olddict->dict); j++) {
      a = olddict->list[j];
      name = a->name;
      value = agxget (objp, a->index);
      rv = (attr_t*)dtmatch(newdict,name);
      if (!rv) {
        rv = NEW(attr_t);
        rv->name = name;
        rv->value = value;
        dtinsert (newdict, rv); 
      else if (strcmp(value, rv->value)) rv->value = "";

/* fillGraph:
 * Use all the name-value entries in the dictionary d to define
 * to define universal node/edge/graph attributes for g.
static void
fillGraph (Agraph_t* g, Dt_t* d, Agsym_t* (*setf)(Agraph_t*, char*, char*))
  attr_t*   av;
  for (av = (attr_t*)dtflatten(d); av; av = (attr_t*)dtlink(d,(Dtlink_t*)av)) {
    setf(g, av->name, av->value);

/* initAttrs:
 * Initialize the attributes of root as the union of the
 * attributes in the graphs gs.
static void
initAttrs (Agraph_t* root, Agraph_t** gs, int cnt)
  Agraph_t* g;
  Dt_t*     n_attrs;
  Dt_t*     e_attrs;
  Dt_t*     g_attrs;
  int       i;

  n_attrs = dtopen (&attrdisc, Dtoset);
  e_attrs = dtopen (&attrdisc, Dtoset);
  g_attrs = dtopen (&attrdisc, Dtoset);

  for (i = 0; i < cnt; i++) {
    g = gs[i];
    fillDict (g_attrs, g);
    fillDict (n_attrs, g->proto->n);
    fillDict (e_attrs, g->proto->e);

  fillGraph (root, g_attrs, agraphattr);
  fillGraph (root, n_attrs, agnodeattr);
  fillGraph (root, e_attrs, agedgeattr);

  dtclose (n_attrs);
  dtclose (e_attrs);
  dtclose (g_attrs);

/* cloneGraphAttr:
static void
cloneGraphAttr (Agraph_t* g, Agraph_t* ng)
  cloneAttrs (g, ng);
  cloneAttrs (g->proto->n, ng->proto->n);
  cloneAttrs (g->proto->e, ng->proto->e);

#ifdef UNIMPL
/* redoBB:
 * If "bb" attribute is valid, translate to reflect graph's
 * new packed position.
static void
redoBB (Agraph_t* g, char* s, Agsym_t* G_bb, point delta)
  box    bb;
  char   buf[100];

  if (sscanf (s,"%d,%d,%d,%d",&bb.LL.x,&bb.LL.y,&bb.UR.x,&bb.UR.y) == 4) {
    bb.LL.x += delta.x;
    bb.LL.y += delta.y;
    bb.UR.x += delta.x;
    bb.UR.y += delta.y;
    sprintf(buf,"%d,%d,%d,%d", bb.LL.x, bb.LL.y, bb.UR.x, bb.UR.y);
    agxset (g, G_bb->index, buf);

/* xName:
 * Create a name for an object in the new graph using the
 * dictionary names and the old name. If the old name has not
 * been used, use it and add it to names. If it has been used,
 * create a new name using the old name and a number.
static char*
xName (Dt_t* names, char* oldname)
  char      name[BUFSIZ];
  char*     namep;
  pair_t*   p;

  p = (pair_t*)dtmatch (names, oldname);
  if (p) {
    sprintf (name, "%s_gv%d", oldname, p->cnt);
    namep = name;
  else {
    p = NEW(pair_t);
    p->name = oldname;
    dtinsert (names, p);
    namep = oldname;
  return namep;

#define MARK(e) (ED_alg(e) = e)
#define MARKED(e) (ED_alg(e))
#define ISCLUSTER(g) (!strncmp(g->name,"cluster",7))
#define SETCLUST(g,h) (GD_alg(g) = h)
#define GETCLUST(g) ((Agraph_t*)GD_alg(g))

/* cloneSubg:
 * Create a copy of g in ng, copying attributes, inserting nodes
 * and adding edges.
static void
cloneSubg (Agraph_t* g, Agraph_t* ng, Agsym_t* G_bb, Dt_t* gnames)
  graph_t*    mg;
  edge_t*     me;
  node_t*     mn;
  node_t*     n;
  node_t*     nn;
  edge_t*     e;
  edge_t*     ne;
  node_t*     nt;
  node_t*     nh;
  Agraph_t*   subg;
  Agraph_t*   nsubg;

  cloneGraphAttr (g, ng);
  agxset (ng, G_bb->index, "");  /* Unset all subgraph bb */

  /* clone subgraphs */
  mg = g->meta_node->graph;
  for (me = agfstout(mg,g->meta_node); me; me = agnxtout(mg,me)) {
    mn = me->head;
    subg = agusergraph(mn);
	nsubg = agsubg (ng, xName (gnames, subg->name));
    cloneSubg (subg, nsubg, G_bb, gnames);
      /* if subgraphs are clusters, point to the new 
       * one so we can find it later.
    if (ISCLUSTER(subg)) SETCLUST(subg,nsubg);

  /* add remaining nodes */
  for (n = agfstnode(g); n; n = agnxtnode(g,n)) {
    if (!agfindnode (ng, n->name)) {
      nn = agfindnode (ng->root, n->name);
      if (nn) aginsert (ng, nn);
      else {
        fprintf (stderr, "Error: clone of node %s in subgraph %s of graph %s not found\n",
          n->name, g->name, g->root->name);

  /* add remaining edges. libgraph doesn't provide a way to find
   * multiedges, so we add edges bottom up, marking edges when added.
  for (n = agfstnode(g); n; n = agnxtnode(g,n)) {
    for (e = agfstout (g,n); e; e = agnxtout (g,e)) {
      if (MARKED(e)) continue;
      nt = agfindnode (ng, e->tail->name);
      nh = agfindnode (ng, e->head->name);
      ne = agedge (ng, nt, nh);
      cloneEdge (e, ne);

/* cloneClusterTree:
 * Given old and new subgraphs which are corresponding
 * clusters, recursively create the subtree of clusters
 * under ng using the subtree of clusters under g.
static void
cloneClusterTree (Agraph_t* g, Agraph_t* ng)
  int   i;

  cloneCluster (g, ng);

  if (GD_n_cluster(g)) {
    GD_n_cluster(ng) = GD_n_cluster(g);
    GD_clust(ng) = N_NEW(1+GD_n_cluster(g), Agraph_t*);
    for (i = 1; i <= GD_n_cluster(g); i++) {
      Agraph_t* c = GETCLUST(GD_clust(g)[i]);
      GD_clust(ng)[i] = c;
      cloneClusterTree (GD_clust(g)[i], c);

static Dtdisc_t pairdisc = {
  offsetof(pair_t,name),      /* key */
  -1,                         /* size */
  offsetof(attr_t,link),      /* link */
  (Dtcompar_f)0,          /* use strcmp */
/* cloneGraph:
 * Create and return a new graph which is the logical union
 * of the graphs gs. 
static Agraph_t*
cloneGraph (Agraph_t** gs, int cnt)
  Agraph_t* root;
  Agraph_t* g;
  Agraph_t* subg;
  Agnode_t* n;
  Agnode_t* np;
  int       i;
  Dt_t*     gnames;   /* dict of used subgraph names */
  Dt_t*     nnames;   /* dict of used node names */
  Agsym_t*  G_bb;
  Agsym_t*  rv;
  boolean   doWarn = TRUE;

  if (verbose) fprintf (stderr, "Creating clone graph\n");
  root = agopen("root", kind);
  initAttrs (root, gs, cnt); 
  G_bb = agfindattr (root, "bb");
  assert (G_bb);

    /* add command-line attributes */
  for (i = 0; i < G_cnt; i++) {
    rv = agfindattr(root, G_args[i].name);
    if (rv) agxset (root, rv->index, G_args[i].value);
    else agraphattr (root, G_args[i].name, G_args[i].value);

    /* do common initialization. This will handle root's label. */
  init_graph (root, FALSE);

  gnames = dtopen (&pairdisc, Dtoset);
  nnames = dtopen (&pairdisc, Dtoset);
  for (i = 0; i < cnt; i++) {
    g = gs[i];
    if (verbose) fprintf (stderr, "Cloning graph %s\n", g->name);
    GD_n_cluster(root) += GD_n_cluster(g);

    /* Clone nodes, checking for node name conflicts */
    for (n = agfstnode(g); n; n = agnxtnode(g,n)) {
      if (doWarn && agfindnode (root, n->name)) {
        fprintf (stderr, "Warning: node %s in %dth graph %s already defined\n",
          n->name, i, g->name);
        fprintf (stderr, "Some nodes will be renamed.\n");
        doWarn = FALSE;
      np = agnode (root, xName (nnames, n->name));
      cloneNode (n, np);

    /* wrap the clone of g in a subgraph ov root */
    subg = agsubg (root, xName(gnames, g->name));
    cloneSubg (g, subg, G_bb, gnames);

    /* set up cluster tree */
  if (GD_n_cluster(root)) {
    int    j, idx;
    GD_clust(root) = N_NEW(1+GD_n_cluster(root), graph_t*);

    idx = 1;
    for (i = 0; i < cnt; i++) {
      g = gs[i];
      for (j = 1; j <= GD_n_cluster(g); j++) {
        Agraph_t* c = GETCLUST(GD_clust(g)[j]);
        GD_clust(root)[idx++] = c;
        cloneClusterTree (GD_clust(g)[j], c);
  return root;

/* readGraphs:
 * Read input, parse the graphs, use init_nop (neato -n) to
 * read in all attributes need for layout.
 * Return the list of graphs. If cp != NULL, set it to the number
 * of graphs read.
 * We keep track of the types of graphs read. They all must be
 * either directed or undirected. If all graphs are strict, the
 * combined graph will be strict; other, the combined graph will
 * be non-strict.
static Agraph_t**
readGraphs (int* cp)
  Agraph_t*     g;
  Agraph_t**    gs = 0;
  ingraph_state ig;
  int           cnt = 0;
  int           sz = 0;
  GVC_t*        gvc;

    /* set various state values */
  PSinputscale = POINTS_PER_INCH;
  UseRankdir = FALSE;
  Nop = 2;
  State = GVSPLINES;
  newIngraph (&ig, Files, agread);
  gvc = gvNEWcontext(Info, username());
  while ((g = nextGraph(&ig)) != 0) {
    if (verbose) fprintf (stderr, "Reading graph %s\n", g->name);
    if (cnt >= sz) {
      sz += nGraphs;
      gs = ALLOC(sz, gs, Agraph_t*);
    if (kind == -1) kind = g->kind;
    else if ((kind & AGFLAG_DIRECTED) != AG_IS_DIRECTED(g)) {
      fprintf (stderr, "Error: all graphs must be directed or undirected\n");
      exit (1);
    else if (!AG_IS_STRICT(g)) kind = g->kind;
    GD_gvc(g) = gvc;
    init_graph (g, TRUE);
    gs[cnt++] = g;

  gs = RALLOC(cnt, gs, Agraph_t*);
  if (cp) *cp = cnt;
  return gs;

/* compBB:
 * Compute the bounding box containing the graphs.
 * We can just use the bounding boxes of the graphs.
compBB(Agraph_t** gs, int cnt)
  box        bb, bb2;
  int        i;

  bb = GD_bb(gs[0]);

  for (i = 1; i < cnt; i++) {
    bb2 = GD_bb(gs[i]);
    bb.LL.x = MIN(bb.LL.x,bb2.LL.x);
    bb.LL.y = MIN(bb.LL.y,bb2.LL.y);
    bb.UR.x = MAX(bb.UR.x,bb2.UR.x);
    bb.UR.y = MAX(bb.UR.y,bb2.UR.y);

  return bb;

#ifdef DEBUG
dump (Agraph_t* g)
    node_t      *v;
    edge_t      *e;

    for (v = agfstnode(g); v; v = agnxtnode(g,v)) {
      fprintf (stderr, "%s\n", v->name);
      for (e = agfstout(g,v); e; e = agnxtout(g,e)) {
        fprintf (stderr, "  %s -- %s\n", e->tail->name,e->head->name);

dumps (Agraph_t* g)
  graph_t*  subg;
  graph_t*  mg;
  edge_t*   me;
  node_t*   mn;

  mg = g->meta_node->graph;
  for (me = agfstout(mg,g->meta_node); me; me = agnxtout(mg,me)) {
    mn = me->head;
    subg = agusergraph(mn);
    fprintf (stderr, "====\n");

main(int argc, char* argv[])
  Agraph_t** gs;
  Agraph_t*  g;
  int        cnt;
  pack_info  pinfo;
  box        bb;

  init (argc, argv);

  gs = readGraphs (&cnt);
  if (cnt == 0) exit(0);

     /* pack graphs */
  if (packMode != l_undef) {
    pinfo.margin = margin;
    pinfo.doSplines = doSplines;
    pinfo.mode = packMode;
    pinfo.fixed = 0;
    if (packGraphs (cnt, gs, 0, &pinfo)) {
      fprintf (stderr, "gvpack: packing of graphs failed.\n");

     /* create union graph and copy attributes */
  g = cloneGraph (gs, cnt);

     /* compute new top-level bb and set */
  bb = compBB (gs, cnt);
  GD_bb(g) = bb;

  dotneato_postprocess(g, neato_nodesize);
  agwrite (g, outfp);