scan.l   [plain text]

    This software may only be used by you under license from AT&T Corp.
    ("AT&T").  A copy of AT&T's Source Code Agreement is available at
    AT&T's Internet website having the URL:
    If you received this software without first entering into a license
    with AT&T, you have an infringing copy of this software and cannot use
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/* requires flex (i.e. not lex)  */
#pragma prototyped
#include <grammar.h>
#include <aghdr.h>
#define GRAPH_EOF_TOKEN		'@'		/* lex class must be defined below */
	/* this is a workaround for linux flex */
static int line_num = 1;
static int html_nest = 0;  /* nesting level for html strings */
static char* InputFile;
static Agdisc_t	*Disc;
static void 	*Ifile;

  /* Reset line number */
void agreadline(int n) { line_num = n; }

  /* (Re)set file:
void agsetfile(char* f) { InputFile = f; line_num = 1; }

/* There is a hole here, because switching channels 
 * requires pushing back whatever was previously read.
 * There probably is a right way of doing this.
void aglexinit(Agdisc_t *disc, void *ifile) { Disc = disc; Ifile = ifile;}

#ifndef YY_INPUT
#define YY_INPUT(buf,result,max_size) \
	if ((result = Disc->io->afread(Ifile, buf, max_size)) < 0) \
		YY_FATAL_ERROR( "input in flex scanner failed" )

/* buffer for arbitrary length strings (longer than BUFSIZ) */
static char	*Sbuf,*Sptr,*Send;
static void beginstr(void) {
	if (Sbuf == NIL(char*)) {
		Sbuf = malloc(BUFSIZ);
		Send = Sbuf + BUFSIZ;
	Sptr = Sbuf;
	*Sptr = 0;

static void addstr(char *src) {
	char	c;
	if (Sptr > Sbuf) Sptr--;
	do {
		do {c = *Sptr++ = *src++;} while (c && (Sptr < Send));
		if (c) {
			long	sz = Send - Sbuf;
			long	off = Sptr - Sbuf;
			sz *= 2;
			Sbuf = (char*)realloc(Sbuf,sz);
			Send = Sbuf + sz;
			Sptr = Sbuf + off;
	} while (c);

static void endstr(void) {
	yylval.str = (char*)agstrdup(Ag_G_global,Sbuf);

/* chkNum:
 * The regexp for NUMBER allows a terminating letter.
 * This way we can catch a number immediately followed by a name
 * and report this to the user.
static int chkNum(void) {
  char	c = yytext[yyleng-1];   /* last character */
  if (!isdigit(c) && (c != '.')) {  /* c is letter */
	char	buf[BUFSIZ];
	sprintf(buf,"badly formed number '%s' in line %d\n",yytext,line_num);
    strcat (buf, "Splits into two name tokens");
    return 1;
  else return 0;

/* The LETTER class below consists of ascii letters, underscore, all non-ascii
 * characters. This allows identifiers to have characters from any
 * character set independent of locale. The downside is that, for certain
 * character sets, non-letter and, in fact, undefined characters will be
 * accepted. This is not likely and, from dot's stand, shouldn't do any
 * harm. (Presumably undefined characters will be ignored in display.) And,
 * it allows a greater wealth of names. */
LETTER [A-Za-z_\200-\377]
DIGIT	[0-9]
NUMBER	[-]?(({DIGIT}+(\.{DIGIT}*)?)|(\.{DIGIT}+)){LETTER}?
%x comment
%x qstring
%x hstring
<INITIAL,comment,qstring,hstring>\n	line_num++;
"/*"					BEGIN(comment);
<comment>[^*\n]*		/* eat anything not a '*' */
<comment>"*"+[^*/\n]*	/* eat up '*'s not followed by '/'s */
<comment>"*"+"/"		BEGIN(INITIAL);
"//".*					/* ignore C++-style comments */
"#".*					/* ignore shell-like comments */
[ \t\r]					/* ignore whitespace */
"node"					return(T_node);			/* see tokens in agcanonstr */
"edge"					return(T_edge);
"graph"					return(T_graph);
"digraph"				return(T_digraph);
"strict"				return(T_strict);
"subgraph"				return(T_subgraph);
"->"|"--"				return(T_edgeop);
{NAME}					{ yylval.str = (char*)agstrdup(Ag_G_global,yytext); return(T_atom); }
{NUMBER}				{ if (chkNum()) yyless(yyleng-1); yylval.str = (char*)agstrdup(Ag_G_global,yytext); return(T_atom); }
["]						BEGIN(qstring); beginstr();
<qstring>["]			BEGIN(INITIAL); endstr(); return (T_qatom);
<qstring>[\\][\n]		line_num++; /* ignore escaped newlines */
<qstring>([^"\\]*|[\\].)	addstr(yytext);
[<]						BEGIN(hstring); html_nest = 1; beginstr();
<hstring>[>]			html_nest--; if (html_nest) addstr(yytext); else {BEGIN(INITIAL); endstr(); return (T_qatom);}
<hstring>[<]			html_nest++; addstr(yytext);
<hstring>[\\][<]		addstr("<");
<hstring>[\\][>]		addstr(">");
<hstring>[\\][\n]		line_num++; /* ignore escaped newlines */
<hstring>([^><\\]*|[\\].)	addstr(yytext);
.						return (yytext[0]);
void yyerror(char *str)
	char	buf[BUFSIZ];
	if (InputFile)
		sprintf(buf,"%s:%d: %s in line %d near '%s'",InputFile, line_num,
		sprintf(buf," %s in line %d near '%s'", str,line_num,yytext);
/* must be here to see flex's macro defns */
void aglexeof() { unput(GRAPH_EOF_TOKEN); }

# define YY_CALL_ONLY_ARG void

int yywrap(YY_CALL_ONLY_ARG)
	return 1;