mem.c   [plain text]

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    If you received this software without first entering into a license
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#include <aghdr.h>

#ifdef DMALLOC
#include "dmalloc.h"

/* memory management discipline and entry points */


	/* vmalloc based allocator */
static void *memopen(void)
	return vmopen(Vmdcheap,Vmdebug,VM_MTDEBUG|VM_DBCHECK|VM_DBABORT|VM_TRACE);
	return vmopen(Vmdcheap,Vmbest,VM_MTBEST);

static void *memalloc(void *heap, size_t request)
	void	*rv;
	rv = vmalloc((Vmalloc_t*)heap,request);
	memset(rv, 0, request);
	return rv;

static void *memresize(void *heap, void *ptr, size_t oldsize, size_t request)
	void	*rv;

	rv = vmresize((Vmalloc_t*)heap, ptr, request, VM_RSCOPY | VM_RSZERO);
	return rv;

static void memfree(void *heap, void *ptr)
	vmfree((Vmalloc_t*)heap, ptr);

static void memclose(void *heap)

Agmemdisc_t AgMemDisc = {memopen, memalloc, memresize, memfree, memclose};


	/* malloc based allocator */

static void *memopen(void) {return NIL(void*);}

static void *memalloc(void *heap, size_t request)
	void	*rv;

	rv = malloc(request);
	memset(rv, 0, request);
	return rv;

static void *memresize(void *heap, void *ptr, size_t oldsize, size_t request)
	void	*rv;

	rv = realloc(ptr, request);
	if (request > oldsize)
		memset((char*)rv + oldsize, 0, request - oldsize);
	return rv;

static void memfree(void *heap, void *ptr)

#ifndef WRONG
#define memclose 0
static void memclose(void *heap)

Agmemdisc_t AgMemDisc = {memopen, memalloc, memresize, memfree, memclose};


void *agalloc(Agraph_t *g, size_t size)
	void	*mem;

	mem = AGDISC(g,mem)->alloc(AGCLOS(g,mem),size);
	if (mem == NIL(void*)) agerror(AGERROR_MEMORY,"");
	return mem;

void *agrealloc(Agraph_t *g, void *ptr, size_t oldsize, size_t size)
	void	*mem;

	if (size > 0) {
		if (ptr == 0) mem = agalloc(g,size);
		else mem = AGDISC(g,mem)->resize(AGCLOS(g,mem),ptr,oldsize,size);
		if (mem == NIL(void*)) agerror(AGERROR_MEMORY,"");
	else mem = NIL(void*);
	return mem;

void agfree(Agraph_t *g, void *ptr)
	if (ptr) (AGDISC(g,mem)->free)(AGCLOS(g,mem),ptr);

#ifndef _VMALLOC_H
struct _vmalloc_s {char unused;};
struct _vmalloc_s *agheap(Agraph_t *g) { return AGCLOS(g,mem); }