ccomps.c   [plain text]

    This software may only be used by you under license from AT&T Corp.
    ("AT&T").  A copy of AT&T's Source Code Agreement is available at
    AT&T's Internet website having the URL:
    If you received this software without first entering into a license
    with AT&T, you have an infringing copy of this software and cannot use
    it without violating AT&T's intellectual property rights.

 * Written by Stephen North
 * Updated by Emden Gansner

#include "config.h"

typedef struct { 
  char cc_subg; 
} Agraphinfo_t;
typedef struct { 
  char mark; 
  union {
    struct Agnode_t*  dn;
    struct Agraph_t*  clust;
  } ptr;
} Agnodeinfo_t;
typedef char Agedgeinfo_t;

#define GD_cc_subg(g) (g)->u.cc_subg
#define ND_mark(n) (n)->u.mark
#define ND_ptr(n) (n)->u.ptr

#include <getopt.h>
#include "compat_getopt.h"

#include <graph.h>
#include	<unistd.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <ingraphs.h>

  /* internals of libgraph */
#define TAG_NODE            1
extern Agdict_t	*agdictof(void*);

#define INTERNAL 0
#define EXTERNAL 1
#define SILENT   2
#define EXTRACT  3

char** Files;
int    verbose;
int    printMode = INTERNAL;
int    useClusters = 0;
int    doAll = 1;      /* induce subgraphs */
char*  suffix = 0;
char*  outfile = 0;
char*  path = 0;
int    sufcnt = 0;
int    x_index = -1;
char*  x_node;

static char* useString = 
"Usage: ccomps [-svnCx?] [-X[#]v] [-o<out template>] <files>\n\
  -s - silent\n\
  -x - external\n\
  -X - extract component\n\
  -C - use clusters\n\
  -n - do not induce subgraphs\n\
  -v - verbose\n\
  -o - output file template\n\
  -? - print usage\n\
If no files are specified, stdin is used\n";

static void
usage (int v)
    printf (useString);
    exit (v);

static void
split (char* name)
  char* sfx = 0;
  int   size;

  sfx = strrchr (name, '.');
  if (sfx) {
    suffix = sfx+1;
    size = sfx-name;
    path = (char*)malloc (size+1);
    strncpy (path, name, size);
    *(path+size) = '\0';
  else {
    path = name;

/* isCluster:
 * Return true if graph is a cluster
static int
isCluster (Agraph_t* g)
  return (strncmp(g->name,"cluster",7) == 0);

static void
init (int argc, char* argv[])
  int c;

  aginit ();
  while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, ":o:xCX:nsv?")) != -1) {
    switch (c) {
    case 'o':
      outfile = optarg;
      split (outfile);
    case 'C':
      useClusters = 1;
    case 'n':
      doAll = 0;
    case 'x':
      printMode = EXTERNAL;
    case 's':
      printMode = SILENT;
    case 'X':
      if (*optarg == '#') {
        char* p = optarg+1;
        if (isdigit (*p)) {
          x_index = atoi(p);
          printMode = EXTRACT;
          fprintf(stderr,"ccomps: number expected in -X%s flag - ignored\n", 
      else {
        x_node = optarg;
        printMode = EXTRACT;
    case 'v':
      verbose = 1;
    case '?':
      if (optopt == '?') usage(0);
      else fprintf(stderr,"ccomps: option -%c unrecognized - ignored\n", c);
  argv += optind;
  argc -= optind;
  if (argc) Files = argv;

static int
dfs(Agraph_t* g, Agnode_t* n, Agraph_t* out, int cnt)
  Agedge_t    *e;
  Agnode_t    *other;

  ND_mark(n) = 1;
  for (e = agfstedge(g,n); e ; e = agnxtedge(g,e,n)) {
    if ((other = e->tail) == n) other = e->head;
    if (ND_mark(other) == 0) cnt = dfs(g,other,out,cnt);
  return cnt;

static int
nodeInduce (Agraph_t* g, Agraph_t* eg)
  Agnode_t    *n;
  Agedge_t    *e;
  int          e_cnt = 0;

  for (n = agfstnode(g); n; n = agnxtnode(g,n)) {
    for (e = agfstout(eg,n); e; e = agnxtout(eg,e)) {
      if (agcontains(g,e->head)) {
  return e_cnt;

static char*
getName ()
  char* name;
  static char* buf = 0;

  if (sufcnt == 0) name = outfile;
  else {
    if (!buf) 
      buf = (char*)malloc(strlen(outfile)+20); /* enough to handle '_number' */
    if (suffix) sprintf (buf, "%s_%d.%s", path, sufcnt, suffix);
    else sprintf (buf, "%s_%d", path, sufcnt);
    name = buf;
  return name;

static void
gwrite (Agraph_t* g)
  FILE* outf;
  char* name;

  if (!outfile) {
    agwrite (g, stdout);
  else {
    name = getName();
    outf = fopen (name, "w");
    if (!outf) {
      fprintf (stderr, "Could not open %s for writing\n", name);
      perror ("ccomps");
    agwrite (g, outf);
    fflush (outf);
    fclose (outf);

/* copyAttr:
 * Copy the attributes of g2 to g1.
static void
copyAttr (Agraph_t* g1, Agraph_t* g2)
  Agdict_t* dict;
  Agsym_t*  a;
  int       i, n;

  dict = agdictof (g2);
  n = dtsize(dict->dict);
  for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
    a = dict->list[i];
    agxset (g1, a->index, agxget (g2, a->index));

/* getBuf
 * Return pointer to buffer containing at least n bytes.
 * Non-reentrant.
static char*
getBuf (int n)
  static int    len = 0;
  static char*  buf = 0;
  int           sz;

  if (n > len) {
    sz = n + 100;
    if (len == 0) buf = (char*)malloc (sz);
    else buf = (char*)realloc (buf, sz);
    len = sz;
  return buf;

/* projectG:
 * If any nodes of subg are in g, create a subgraph of g
 * and fill it with all nodes of subg in g and their induced
 * edges in subg. Copy the attributes of subg to g. Return the subgraph.
 * If not, return null.
static Agraph_t*
projectG (Agraph_t* subg, Agraph_t* g, char* pfx, int pfxlen, int inCluster)
  Agraph_t* proj = 0;
  Agnode_t* n;
  Agnode_t* m;
  char*     name;

  for (n = agfstnode(subg); n; n = agnxtnode(subg,n)) {
    if ((m = agfindnode (g, n->name))) {
      if (proj == 0) {
        name = getBuf (strlen(subg->name)+pfxlen+2);
        sprintf(name,"%s_%s", subg->name, pfx);
        proj = agsubg(g,name);
  if (!proj && inCluster) {
    name = getBuf (strlen(subg->name)+pfxlen+2);
    sprintf(name,"%s_%s", subg->name, pfx);
    proj = agsubg(g,name);
  if (proj) {
    nodeInduce (proj, subg);
    copyAttr (proj, subg);

  return proj;

/* subgInduce:
 * Project subgraphs of root graph on subgraph.
 * If non-empty, add to subgraph.
static void
subgInduce (Agraph_t* root, Agraph_t* g, char* pfx, int pfxlen, int inCluster)
  Agraph_t* mg;
  Agedge_t* me;
  Agnode_t* mn;
  Agraph_t* subg;
  Agraph_t* proj;
  int       in_cluster;

/* fprintf (stderr, "subgInduce %s inCluster %d\n", root->name, inCluster); */
  mg = root->meta_node->graph;
  for (me = agfstout(mg,root->meta_node); me; me = agnxtout(mg,me)) {
    mn = me->head;
    subg = agusergraph(mn);
    if (GD_cc_subg(subg)) continue;
    if ((proj = projectG (subg, g, pfx, pfxlen, inCluster))) {
      in_cluster = inCluster || (useClusters && isCluster(subg));
      subgInduce (subg, proj, pfx, pfxlen, in_cluster);

#define PFX1 "%s_cc"
#define PFX2 "%s_cc_%ld"

/* deriveGraph:
 * Create derived graph dg of g where nodes correspond to cluster or
 * top-level nodes and there is an edge in dg if there is an edge in g
 * between any nodes in the respective clusters.
static Agraph_t*
deriveGraph (Agraph_t* g)
  Agraph_t*  mg;
  Agedge_t*  me;
  Agnode_t*  mn;
  Agraph_t*  dg;
  Agnode_t*  dn;
  Agnode_t*  n;
  Agraph_t*  subg;

  dg = agopen("dg",AGRAPHSTRICT);

  mg = g->meta_node->graph;
  for (me = agfstout(mg,g->meta_node); me; me = agnxtout(mg,me)) {
    mn = me->head;
    subg = agusergraph(mn);
    if (!strncmp(subg->name,"cluster",7)) {
      dn = agnode (dg, subg->name);
      ND_ptr(dn).clust = subg;
      for (n = agfstnode(subg); n; n = agnxtnode(subg,n)) {
        ND_ptr(n).dn = dn;

  for (n = agfstnode(g); n; n = agnxtnode(g,n)) {
    if (ND_ptr(n).dn) continue;
    dn = agnode (dg, n->name);
    ND_ptr(dn).clust = (Agraph_t*)n;
    ND_ptr(n).dn = dn;

  for (n = agfstnode(g); n; n = agnxtnode(g,n)) {
    Agedge_t*   e;
    Agnode_t*   hd;
    Agnode_t*   tl = ND_ptr(n).dn;
    for (e = agfstout (g, n); e; e = agnxtout (g, e)) {
      hd = ND_ptr(e->head).dn;
      if (hd == tl) continue;
      if (hd > tl) agedge (dg, tl, hd);
      else agedge (dg, hd, tl);

  return dg;

/* unionNodes:
 * Add all nodes in cluster nodes of dg to g
static void
unionNodes (Agraph_t* dg, Agraph_t* g)
  Agnode_t*   n;
  Agnode_t*   dn;
  Agraph_t*   clust;

  for (dn = agfstnode(dg); dn; dn = agnxtnode(dg,dn)) {
    clust = ND_ptr(dn).clust;
    if (clust->tag == TAG_NODE) {
      n = (Agnode_t*)clust;
    else {
      for (n = agfstnode(clust); n; n = agnxtnode(clust,n))

/* processClusters:
 * Return 0 if graph is connected.
static int
processClusters (Agraph_t* g)
  Agraph_t*   dg;
  long        n_cnt,c_cnt,e_cnt;
  char*       name;
  Agraph_t*   out;
  Agnode_t*   n;
  Agraph_t*   dout;
  Agnode_t*   dn;

  dg = deriveGraph (g);

  if (x_node) {
    n = agfindnode (g, x_node);
    if (!n) {
      fprintf(stderr,"ccomps: node %s not found in graph %s\n",
        x_node, g->name);
      return 1;
    name = getBuf (sizeof(PFX1)+strlen(g->name));
    dout = agsubg(dg,name);
    out = agsubg(g,name);
    GD_cc_subg(out) = 1;
    dn = ND_ptr(n).dn;
    n_cnt = dfs(dg,dn,dout,0);
    unionNodes (dout, out);
    e_cnt = nodeInduce(out, out->root);
    if (doAll) subgInduce (g, out, out->name, strlen(out->name), 0);
    if (verbose)
      fprintf(stderr," %7ld nodes %7ld edges\n", n_cnt, e_cnt);
    return 0;

  c_cnt = 0;
  for (dn = agfstnode(dg); dn; dn = agnxtnode(dg,dn)) {
    if (ND_mark(dn)) continue;
    name = getBuf (sizeof(PFX2)+strlen(g->name)+32);
    dout = agsubg(dg,name);
    out = agsubg(g,name);
    GD_cc_subg(out) = 1;
    n_cnt = dfs(dg,dn,dout,0);
    unionNodes (dout, out);
    e_cnt = nodeInduce(out, out->root);
    if (printMode == EXTERNAL) {
      if (doAll) subgInduce (g, out, out->name, strlen(out->name), 0);
    else if (printMode == EXTRACT) {
      if (x_index == c_cnt) {
        if (doAll) subgInduce (g, out, out->name, strlen(out->name), 0);
        return 0;
    if (printMode != INTERNAL)
      agdelete (g, out);
    agdelete (dg, dout);
    if (verbose)
      fprintf(stderr,"(%4ld) %7ld nodes %7ld edges\n",
        c_cnt, n_cnt, e_cnt);
  if (printMode == EXTRACT) {
    fprintf(stderr,"ccomps: component %d not found in graph %s - ignored\n",
        x_index, g->name);
    return 1;

  if (printMode == INTERNAL) gwrite(g);

    fprintf(stderr,"       %7d nodes %7d edges %7ld components %s\n",

  agclose (dg);

  return (c_cnt ? 1 : 0);

/* process:
 * Return 0 if graph is connected.
static int
process (Agraph_t* g)
  long        n_cnt,c_cnt,e_cnt;
  char*       name;
  Agraph_t    *out;
  Agnode_t    *n;

  if (useClusters) return processClusters(g);

  if (x_node) {
    n = agfindnode (g, x_node);
    if (!n) {
      fprintf(stderr,"ccomps: node %s not found in graph %s - ignored\n",
        x_node, g->name);
      return 1;
    name = getBuf (sizeof(PFX1)+strlen(g->name));
    out = agsubg(g,name);
    GD_cc_subg(out) = 1;
    n_cnt = dfs(g,n,out,0);
    e_cnt = nodeInduce(out, out->root);
    if (doAll) subgInduce (g, out, out->name, strlen(out->name), 0);
    if (verbose)
      fprintf(stderr," %7ld nodes %7ld edges\n", n_cnt, e_cnt);
    return 0;

  c_cnt = 0;
  for (n = agfstnode(g); n; n = agnxtnode(g,n)) {
    if (ND_mark(n)) continue;
    name = getBuf (sizeof(PFX2)+strlen(g->name)+32);
    out = agsubg(g,name);
    GD_cc_subg(out) = 1;
    n_cnt = dfs(g,n,out,0);
    e_cnt = nodeInduce(out, out->root);
    if (printMode == EXTERNAL) {
      if (doAll) subgInduce (g, out, out->name, strlen(out->name), 0);
    else if (printMode == EXTRACT) {
      if (x_index == c_cnt) {
        if (doAll) subgInduce (g, out, out->name, strlen(out->name), 0);
        return 0;
    if (printMode != INTERNAL)
      agdelete (g, out);
    if (verbose)
      fprintf(stderr,"(%4ld) %7ld nodes %7ld edges\n",
        c_cnt, n_cnt, e_cnt);
  if (printMode == EXTRACT) {
    fprintf(stderr,"ccomps: component %d not found in graph %s - ignored\n",
        x_index, g->name);
    return 1;

  if (printMode == INTERNAL) gwrite(g);

    fprintf(stderr,"       %7d nodes %7d edges %7ld components %s\n",
  return (c_cnt ? 1 : 0);

main (int argc, char* argv[])
  Agraph_t*     g;
  ingraph_state ig;
  int           r = 0;

  init (argc, argv);
  newIngraph (&ig, Files, agread);
  while ((g = nextGraph(&ig)) != 0) {
      r += process (g);
      agclose (g);

  return r;