htmltable.h   [plain text]

#ifndef TABLE_H
#define TABLE_H

#include "render.h"
#include "gvrender.h"

#define FIXED_FLAG 1
#define HALIGN_RIGHT (1 << 1)
#define HALIGN_LEFT (1 << 2)
#define VALIGN_TOP (1 << 3)
#define VALIGN_BOTTOM (1 << 4)
#define BORDER_SET (1 << 5)
#define PAD_SET (1 << 6)
#define SPACE_SET (1 << 7)

typedef struct {
  textline_t*     line;
  short           nlines;
  box             box;
} htmltxt_t;

typedef struct {
  char* href; /* pointer to an external resource */
  char* port;
  char* bgcolor;
  char* pencolor;
  signed char space;
  unsigned char border;
  unsigned char pad;
  unsigned char flags;
  unsigned short width;
  unsigned short height;
  box box;          /* its geometric placement in points */
} htmldata_t;

#define HTML_UNSET 0
#define HTML_TBL 1
#define HTML_TEXT 2

typedef struct htmlcell_t htmlcell_t;
typedef struct htmltbl_t htmltbl_t;

struct htmltbl_t {
  htmldata_t      data;
  union {
    struct {
      htmlcell_t*     parent;   /* enclosing cell */
      htmlcell_t**    cells;    /* cells */
    } n;
    struct {
      htmltbl_t*     prev;   /* stack */
      Dt_t*          rows;   /* cells */
    } p;
  } u;
  signed char cb;   /* cell border */
  int* heights;     /* heights of the rows */
  int* widths;      /* widths of the columns */
  int rc;           /* number of rows */
  int cc;           /* number of columns */

struct htmllabel_t {
  union {
    htmltbl_t*   tbl;
    htmltxt_t*  txt;
  } u;
  char   kind;

struct htmlcell_t {
  htmldata_t  data;
  unsigned char   cspan;
  unsigned char   rspan;
  unsigned char   col;
  unsigned char   row;
  htmllabel_t    child;
  htmltbl_t*  parent;

/* During parsing, table contents are stored as rows of cells.
 * A row is a list of cells
 * Rows is a list of rows.
 * pitems are used for both lists.
typedef struct {
  Dtlink_t   link;
  union {
    Dt_t*       rp;
    htmlcell_t* cp;
  } u;
} pitem;

extern htmllabel_t* parseHTML (char*, int*);

extern int make_html_label(GVC_t *gvc, textlabel_t *lp, void *obj);
extern void emit_html_label(GVC_t *gvc, htmllabel_t* lp, textlabel_t*);

extern void free_html_label (htmllabel_t*, int);
extern void free_html_data (htmldata_t*);
extern void free_html_text (htmltxt_t*);

extern int html_port (node_t* n, char* pname, port* pp);
extern int html_path (node_t* n, edge_t* e, int pt, box* rv, int* k);
extern int html_inside (node_t * n, pointf p, edge_t * e);
