circpos.c   [plain text]

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#pragma prototyped

#include "config.h"

/* TODO:
 * If cut point is in exactly 2 blocks, expand block circles to overlap
 * especially in the case where one block is the sole child of the other.

#include	"blockpath.h"

#define		LEN(x,y) (sqrt((x)*(x) + (y)*(y)))

/* getRotation:
 * The function determines how much the block should be rotated
 * for best positioning with parent, assuming its center is at x and y
 * relative to the parent.
 * angle gives the angle of the new position, i.e., tan(angle) = y/x.
 * If sn has 2 nodes, we arrange the line of the 2 normal to angle.
 * If sn has 1 node, parent_pos has already been set to the 
 * correct angle assuming no rotation.
 * Otherwise, we find the node in sn connected to the parent and rotate
 * the block so that it is closer or at least visible to its node in the
 * parent.
 * For COALESCED blocks, if neighbor is in left half plane, 
 * use unCOALESCED case.
 * Else let theta be angle, R = LEN(x,y), pho the radius of actual 
 * child block, phi be angle of neighbor in actual child block,
 * and r the distance from center of coalesced block to center of 
 * actual block. Then, the angle to rotate the coalesced block to
 * that the edge from the parent is tangent to the neighbor on the
 * actual child block circle is
 *    alpha = theta + PI/2 - phi - arcsin((l/R)*(sin B))
 * where l = r - rho/(cos phi) and beta = PI/2 + phi.
 * Thus, 
 *    alpha = theta + PI/2 - phi - arcsin((l/R)*(cos phi))
static double
getRotation(block_t* sn, Agraph_t* g, double x, double y, double theta)
	double mindist;
	Agraph_t* subg;
	/* Agedge_t* e; */
	Agnode_t *n, *closest_node, *neighbor;
	nodelist_t* list;
	double len, newX, newY;
	int count;

	subg = sn->sub_graph;
#ifdef OLD
	parent = sn->parent;

	list = sn->circle_list;

	if(sn->parent_pos >= 0) {
		theta += PI - sn->parent_pos;
		if(theta < 0)
			theta += 2 * PI;
		return theta;
	count = sizeNodelist(list);
	if (count == 2) {
		return (theta - PI/2.0);
	/* Find node in block connected to block's parent */
	neighbor = CHILD(sn);
#ifdef OLD
	for(e = agfstedge(g, parent); e; e = agnxtedge(g, e, parent)) {
		n = e->head;
		if(n == parent) n = e->tail;

		if ((BLOCK(n) == sn) && (PARENT(n) == parent)) {
			neighbor = n;
	newX = ND_pos(neighbor)[0] + x;
	newY = ND_pos(neighbor)[1] + y;
	mindist = LEN(newX, newY);
	closest_node = neighbor;

	for(n = agfstnode(subg); n; n = agnxtnode(subg, n)) {
		if (n == neighbor) continue;

		newX = ND_pos(n)[0] + x;
		newY = ND_pos(n)[1] + y;

		len = LEN(newX, newY);
		if (len < mindist) {
			mindist = len;
			closest_node = n;			

	/* if((neighbor != closest_node) && !ISPARENT(neighbor)) { */
	if (neighbor != closest_node) {
		double rho = sn->rad0;
		double r = sn->radius - rho;
		double n_x = ND_pos(neighbor)[0];
		if (COALESCED(sn) && (-r < n_x)) {
			double R = LEN(x,y);
			double n_y = ND_pos(neighbor)[1];
			double phi = atan2 (n_y, n_x + r);
			double l = r - rho/(cos(phi));

			theta += PI/2.0 - phi - asin((l/R)*(cos(phi)));
		else {  /* Origin still at center of this block */
			double phi = atan2(ND_pos(neighbor)[1],ND_pos(neighbor)[0]);
			theta += PI - phi - PSI(neighbor);
			if (theta > 2*PI) theta -= 2*PI;
	else theta = 0;
	return theta;

/* applyDelta:
 * Recursively apply rotation rotate followed by tranlation (x,y)
 * to block sn and its children.
static void
applyDelta(block_t* sn, double x, double y, double rotate)
	block_t* child;
	Agraph_t* subg;
	Agnode_t* n;
	subg = sn->sub_graph;

	for(n = agfstnode(subg); n; n = agnxtnode(subg, n)) {
		double X, Y;

		if (rotate != 0) {
			double tmpX, tmpY;
			double cosR, sinR;

			tmpX = ND_pos(n)[0];
			tmpY = ND_pos(n)[1];
			cosR = cos(rotate);
			sinR = sin(rotate);

			X = tmpX*cosR - tmpY*sinR;
			Y = tmpX*sinR + tmpY*cosR;
		else {
			X = ND_pos(n)[0];
			Y = ND_pos(n)[1];

		/* translate */
		ND_pos(n)[0] = X + x;
		ND_pos(n)[1] = Y + y;

	for (child = sn->children.first; child; child = child->next)
		applyDelta(child, x, y, rotate);

/* firstangle and lastangle give the range of child angles.
 * These are set and used only when a block has just 1 node.
 * And are used to give the center angle between the two extremes.
 * The parent will then be attached at PI - center angle (parent_pos).
 * If this block has no children, this is PI. Otherwise, doParent will
 * be called once with the blocks node. firstangle will be 0, with
 * succeeding angles increasing. 
 * position can always return the center angle - PI, since the block
 * must have children and if the block has 1 node, the limits will be
 * correctly set. If the block has more than 1 node, the value is
 * unused.
typedef struct {
	double radius;         /* Basic radius of block */
	double subtreeR;       /* Max of subtree radii */
	double nodeAngle;      /* Angle allocated to each node in block */
	double firstAngle;     /* Smallest child angle when block has 1 node */
	double lastAngle;      /* Largest child angle when block has 1 node */
	block_t* cp;           /* Children of block */
	node_t* neighbor;      /* Node connected to parent block, if any */
} posstate;

/* doParent:
 * Attach child blocks belonging to n.
 * children of n are placed in theta +/- stp->nodeAngle/2 unless
 * length = 1, in which case they go from 0 to
 * childCount*(incidentAngle + mindistAngle/2).
 * If length is 1, keeps track of minimum and maximum child angle.
static double
doParent (Agraph_t* g, double theta, Agnode_t* n, 
          int length, double min_dist, posstate* stp)
	block_t* child;
	double mindistance;
	double childAngle;    /* angle of child */
	double deltaX, deltaY;
	double snRadius = stp->subtreeR;  /* max subtree radius */
	double firstAngle = stp->firstAngle;
	double lastAngle = stp->lastAngle;
	double rotateAngle;
	double incidentAngle;

	int childCount = 0;   /* No. of blocks that are children of n */
	double maxRadius = 0; /* Max. radius of children */
	double childRadius;   /* Radius of circle on which children are placed */
	double diameter = 0;  /* sum of child diameters */
	double mindistAngle;  /* angle to move min_dist at childRadius */
	int cnt, midChild;
	double midAngle;

	for (child = stp->cp; child; child = child->next) {
		if(BLK_PARENT(child) == n) {
			if(maxRadius < child->radius) {
				maxRadius = child->radius;
			diameter += 2 * child->radius + min_dist;

	if(length == 1)
		childAngle = 0;
		childAngle = theta - stp->nodeAngle/2;

	childRadius = length * diameter/(2 * PI);

	/* FIX: If the parent block stp has only 1 child, we should probably
     * also set childRadius to mindistance. In this case, can 1 prove that
     * childRadius < mindistance? Probably not, since we can increase length
     * arbitrarily.
	mindistance = stp->radius + min_dist + maxRadius;
	if(childRadius < mindistance)
		childRadius = mindistance;

	if((childRadius + maxRadius) > snRadius)
		snRadius = childRadius + maxRadius;

	mindistAngle = min_dist/childRadius;

	cnt = 0;
 	midChild = (childCount + 1)/2;
	for (child = stp->cp; child; child = child->next) {
		if(BLK_PARENT(child) != n) continue;
		if(sizeNodelist(child->circle_list) <= 0) continue;

		incidentAngle = child->radius/childRadius;
		if(length == 1) {							
			if(childAngle != 0)
				childAngle += incidentAngle;

			if(firstAngle < 0)
				firstAngle = childAngle;

			lastAngle = childAngle;
		else {
			if(childCount == 1) {
				childAngle = theta;
			else {
				childAngle += incidentAngle + mindistAngle/2;

		deltaX = childRadius * cos(childAngle);
		deltaY = childRadius * sin(childAngle);

	/* first apply the delta to the immediate child and see if we need
	 * to rotate it for better edge link						
	 * should return the theta value if there was a rotation else zero

		rotateAngle = getRotation(child, g, deltaX, deltaY, childAngle);
		applyDelta(child, deltaX, deltaY, rotateAngle);

		if(length == 1) {
			childAngle += incidentAngle + mindistAngle;
		} else {
			childAngle += incidentAngle + mindistAngle/2;
		if (cnt == midChild) midAngle = childAngle;

	if ((length > 1) && (n == stp->neighbor)) {
		PSI(n) = midAngle;

	stp->subtreeR = snRadius;
	stp->firstAngle = firstAngle;
	stp->lastAngle= lastAngle;
	return maxRadius;

/* position:
 * Assume childCount > 0
static double
position (Agraph_t*g, int childCount, int length, nodelist_t* path, block_t* sn, double min_dist)
	nodelistitem_t* item;
	Agnode_t* n;
	posstate state;
	int counter = 0;
	double maxRadius = 0.0;
	double angle;
	double theta = 0.0;

	state.cp = sn->children.first;
	state.subtreeR = sn->radius;
	state.radius = sn->radius;
	state.neighbor = CHILD(sn);
	state.nodeAngle = 2 * PI / length;
	state.firstAngle = -1;
	state.lastAngle = -1;

	for (item = path->first; item; item = item->next) {	
		n = item->curr;

		if(length != 1) {
			theta = counter * state.nodeAngle;

			maxRadius = doParent(g, theta, n, length, min_dist, &state);

	/* If block has only 1 child, to save space, we coalesce it with the
     * child. Instead of having final radius sn->radius + max child radius,
     * we have half that. However, the origin of the block is no longer in
     * the center of the block, so we cannot do a simple rotation to get
     * the neighbor node next to the parent block in getRotate.
	if(childCount == 1) {
		applyDelta(sn, -(maxRadius + min_dist/2), 0, 0);
		sn->radius += min_dist/2 + maxRadius;
		sn->radius = state.subtreeR;

	angle = (state.firstAngle+state.lastAngle)/2.0 - PI;
	return angle;

/* doBlock:
 * Set positions of block sn and its child blocks.
static void
doBlock(Agraph_t* g, block_t* sn, double min_dist)
	block_t* child;
	nodelist_t* longest_path;
	int childCount, length;
	double centerAngle = PI;

	/* layout child subtrees */
	childCount = 0;
	for (child = sn->children.first; child; child = child->next) {
		doBlock(g, child, min_dist);

	/* layout this block */
	longest_path = layout_block(g, sn, min_dist);
	sn->circle_list = longest_path;
	length = sizeNodelist(longest_path); /* path contains everything in block */

	/* attach children */
	if(childCount > 0)
		centerAngle = position (g, childCount, length, longest_path, sn, min_dist);

	if ((length == 1) && (BLK_PARENT(sn))) {
		sn->parent_pos = centerAngle;
		if(sn->parent_pos < 0)
			sn->parent_pos += 2 * PI;

circPos(Agraph_t* g, block_t* sn, circ_state* state)
	doBlock(g, sn, state->min_dist);