tar.info-8   [plain text]

This is tar.info, produced by Makeinfo version 3.12f from tar.texi.

* tar: (tar).			Making tape (or disk) archives.

   This file documents GNU `tar', a utility used to store, backup, and
transport files.

   Copyright (C) 1992, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1999 Free Software
Foundation, Inc.

   Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of this
manual provided the copyright notice and this permission notice are
preserved on all copies.

   Permission is granted to copy and distribute modified versions of
this manual under the conditions for verbatim copying, provided that
the entire resulting derived work is distributed under the terms of a
permission notice identical to this one.

   Permission is granted to copy and distribute translations of this
manual into another language, under the above conditions for modified
versions, except that this permission notice may be stated in a
translation approved by the Foundation.

   This file documents GNU `tar', which is a utility used to store,
backup, and transport files.  `tar' is a tape (or disk) archiver.  This
manual documents the release 1.13.

File: tar.info,  Node: Index,  Prev: Media,  Up: Top


* Menu:

* --list with file name arguments:       list.
* -backup:                               backup.
* -suffix:                               backup.
* -version-control:                      backup.
* Adding archives to an archive:         concatenate.
* Adding files to an Archive:            appending files.
* Age, excluding files by:               after.
* Alaska-Hawaii Time:                    Timezone item.
* Appending files to an Archive:         appending files.
* Archive Name:                          file.
* Archive creation:                      file.
* Archives, Appending files to:          appending files.
* Archiving Directories:                 create dir.
* Atlantic Standard Time:                Timezone item.
* Avoiding recursion in directories:     recurse.
* Azores Time:                           Timezone item.
* Baghdad Time:                          Timezone item.
* Bellovin, Steven M.:                   Authors of getdate.
* Berets, Jim:                           Authors of getdate.
* Berry, K.:                             Authors of getdate.
* Block number where error occured:      verbose.
* Blocking Factor:                       Blocking Factor.
* Blocks per record:                     Blocking Factor.
* Bytes per record:                      Blocking Factor.
* Central Alaska Time:                   Timezone item.
* Central European Time:                 Timezone item.
* Central Standard Time:                 Timezone item.
* Changing directory mid-stream:         directory.
* Character class, excluding characters from: Wildcards.
* China Coast Time:                      Timezone item.
* Choosing an archive file:              file.
* Compressed archives:                   gzip.
* Concatenating Archives:                concatenate.
* DAT blocking:                          Blocking Factor.
* Deleting files from an archive:        delete.
* Deleting from tape archives:           delete.
* Descending directories, avoiding:      recurse.
* Directing output:                      file.
* Directories, Archiving:                create dir.
* Directories, avoiding recursion:       recurse.
* Directory, changing mid-stream:        directory.
* Disk space, running out of:            Scarce.
* Double-checking a write operation:     verify.
* East Australian Standard Time:         Timezone item.
* Eastern European Time:                 Timezone item.
* Eastern Standard Time:                 Timezone item.
* End-of-archive entries, ignoring:      Reading.
* Error message, block number of:        verbose.
* Exabyte blocking:                      Blocking Factor.
* Excluding characters from a character class: Wildcards.
* Excluding file by age:                 after.
* Excluding files by file system:        exclude.
* Excluding files by name and pattern:   exclude.
* Extraction:                            extract.
* Feedback from tar:                     verbose.
* File Name arguments, alternatives:     files.
* File name arguments, using --list with: list.
* File names, excluding files by:        exclude.
* File names, terminated by NUL:         nul.
* File names, using symbolic links:      dereference.
* File system boundaries, not crossing:  one.
* Format Options:                        Format Variations.
* Format Parameters:                     Format Variations.
* Format, old style:                     old.
* French Winter Time:                    Timezone item.
* Getting more information during the operation: verbose.
* Greenwich Mean Time:                   Timezone item.
* Guam Standard Time:                    Timezone item.
* Hawaii Standard Time:                  Timezone item.
* ISO 8601 date format:                  Calendar date item.
* Ignoring end-of-archive entries:       Reading.
* Information during operation:          verbose.
* Information on progress and status of operations: verbose.
* Interactive operation:                 interactive.
* International Date Line East:          Timezone item.
* International Date Line West:          Timezone item.
* Japan Standard Time:                   Timezone item.
* Labeling an archive:                   label.
* Labelling multi-volume archives:       Multi-Volume Archives.
* Labels on the archive media:           label.
* Large lists of file names on small machines: Reading.
* Lists of file names:                   files.
* MacKenzie, David:                      Authors of getdate.
* Members, replacing with other members: append.
* Meyering, Jim:                         Authors of getdate.
* Middle European Time:                  Timezone item.
* Middle European Winter Time:           Timezone item.
* Middle of the archive, starting in the: Scarce.
* Modes of extracted files:              Writing.
* Modification time, excluding files by: after.
* Modification times of extracted files: Writing.
* Mountain Standard Time:                Timezone item.
* Multi-volume archives:                 Multi-Volume Archives.
* NUL terminated file names:             nul.
* Naming an archive:                     file.
* New Zealand Standard Time:             Timezone item.
* Nome Standard Time:                    Timezone item.
* Number of blocks per record:           Blocking Factor.
* Number of bytes per record:            Blocking Factor.
* Old style archives:                    old.
* Old style format:                      old.
* Options when reading archives:         Reading.
* Options, archive format specifying:    Format Variations.
* Options, format specifying:            Format Variations.
* Overwriting old files, prevention:     Writing.
* Pacific Standard Time:                 Timezone item.
* Permissions of extracted files:        Writing.
* Pinard, F.:                            Authors of getdate.
* Progress information:                  verbose.
* Protecting old files:                  Writing.
* Reading file names from a file:        files.
* Reading incomplete records:            Reading.
* Record Size:                           Blocking Factor.
* Records, incomplete:                   Reading.
* Recursion in directories, avoiding:    recurse.
* Removing files from an archive:        delete.
* Replacing members with other members:  append.
* Resurrecting files from an archive:    extract.
* Retrieving files from an archive:      extract.
* Running out of space:                  Reading.
* Running out of space during extraction: Scarce.
* SIMPLE_BACKUP_SUFFIX:                  backup.
* Salz, Rich:                            Authors of getdate.
* Small memory:                          Reading.
* Space on the disk, recovering from lack of: Scarce.
* Sparse Files:                          sparse.
* Specifying archive members:            Selecting Archive Members.
* Specifying files to act on:            Selecting Archive Members.
* Standard input and output:             file.
* Standard output, writing extracted files to: Writing.
* Status information:                    verbose.
* Storing archives in compressed format: gzip.
* Swedish Winter Time:                   Timezone item.
* Symbolic link as file name:            dereference.
* Tapes, using --delete and:             delete.
* USSR Zone:                             Timezone item.
* Ultrix 3.1 and write failure:          Remote Tape Server.
* Universal Coordinated Time:            Timezone item.
* Updating an archive:                   update.
* VERSION_CONTROL:                       backup.
* Verbose operation:                     verbose.
* Verifying a write operation:           verify.
* Verifying the currency of an archive:  compare.
* Version of the tar program:            verbose.
* West African Time:                     Timezone item.
* West Australian Standard Time:         Timezone item.
* Western European Time:                 Timezone item.
* Where is the archive?:                 file.
* Working directory, specifying:         directory.
* Writing extracted files to standard output: Writing.
* Writing new archives:                  file.
* Yukon Standard Time:                   Timezone item.
* abbreviations for months:              Calendar date item.
* absolute file names:                   Remote Tape Server.
* ago in date strings:                   Relative item in date strings.
* am in date strings:                    Time of day item.
* archive:                               Definitions.
* archive member:                        Definitions.
* authors of getdate:                    Authors of getdate.
* backup files, type made:               backup.
* backup options:                        backup.
* backup suffix:                         backup.
* backups, making:                       backup.
* beginning of time, for Unix:           Date input formats.
* blocking factor:                       Blocking Factor.
* bug reports:                           Reports.
* calendar date item:                    Calendar date item.
* case, ignored in dates:                General date syntax.
* cat vs concatenate:                    concatenate.
* comments, in dates:                    General date syntax.
* concatenate vs cat:                    concatenate.
* corrupted archives <1>:                gzip.
* corrupted archives:                    Full Dumps.
* date format, ISO 8601:                 Calendar date item.
* date input formats:                    Date input formats.
* day in date strings:                   Relative item in date strings.
* day of week item:                      Day of week item.
* daylight savings time:                 Timezone item.
* displacement of dates:                 Relative item in date strings.
* dumps, full:                           Full Dumps.
* dumps, incremental:                    Inc Dumps.
* entry:                                 Naming tar Archives.
* epoch, for Unix:                       Date input formats.
* exclude:                               exclude.
* exclude-from:                          exclude.
* existing backup method:                backup.
* exit status:                           Synopsis.
* extraction:                            Definitions.
* file name:                             Definitions.
* first in date strings:                 General date syntax.
* fortnight in date strings:             Relative item in date strings.
* full dumps:                            Full Dumps.
* general date syntax:                   General date syntax.
* getdate:                               Date input formats.
* hour in date strings:                  Relative item in date strings.
* incremental dumps:                     Inc Dumps.
* items in date strings:                 General date syntax.
* last DAY:                              Day of week item.
* last in date strings:                  General date syntax.
* member:                                Definitions.
* member name:                           Definitions.
* midnight in date strings:              Time of day item.
* minute in date strings:                Relative item in date strings.
* minutes, timezone correction by:       Time of day item.
* month in date strings:                 Relative item in date strings.
* month names in date strings:           Calendar date item.
* months, written-out:                   General date syntax.
* next DAY:                              Day of week item.
* next in date strings:                  General date syntax.
* noon in date strings:                  Time of day item.
* now in date strings:                   Relative item in date strings.
* ntape device:                          Many.
* numbered backup method:                backup.
* numbers, written-out:                  General date syntax.
* option syntax, traditional:            Old Options.
* ordinal numbers:                       General date syntax.
* pm in date strings:                    Time of day item.
* pure numbers in date strings:          Pure numbers in date strings.
* relative items in date strings:        Relative item in date strings.
* remote tape drive:                     Remote Tape Server.
* reporting bugs:                        Reports.
* return status:                         Synopsis.
* rmt:                                   Remote Tape Server.
* simple backup method:                  backup.
* tape blocking:                         Blocking Factor.
* tape marks:                            Many.
* tape positioning:                      Many.
* tar:                                   What tar Does.
* tar archive:                           Definitions.
* tar entry:                             Naming tar Archives.
* tar file:                              Naming tar Archives.
* tar to standard input and output:      file.
* this in date strings:                  Relative item in date strings.
* time of day item:                      Time of day item.
* timezone correction:                   Time of day item.
* timezone item:                         Timezone item.
* today in date strings:                 Relative item in date strings.
* tomorrow in date strings:              Relative item in date strings.
* unpacking:                             Definitions.
* uuencode:                              Applications.
* version-control Emacs variable:        backup.
* week in date strings:                  Relative item in date strings.
* year in date strings:                  Relative item in date strings.
* yesterday in date strings:             Relative item in date strings.