$description = "The following test creates a makefile to ... "; $details = ""; # IF YOU NEED >1 MAKEFILE FOR THIS TEST, USE &get_tmpfile; TO GET # THE NAME OF THE MAKEFILE. THIS INSURES CONSISTENCY AND KEEPS TRACK OF # HOW MANY MAKEFILES EXIST FOR EASY DELETION AT THE END. # EXAMPLE: $makefile2 = &get_tmpfile; open(MAKEFILE,"> $makefile"); # The Contents of the MAKEFILE ... print MAKEFILE " \n"; # END of Contents of MAKEFILE close(MAKEFILE); # Run make. You may specify a makefile, but if you don't want to, just # insert "" where $make_filename is now. You may also specify specific # options to run make with, but you also don't have to. (Insert "" where it # says ), The last field in this subroutine call # is the code which is returned from make. If you think that make should # execute with no errors, you may OPTIONALLY put 0; Otherwise put the # error code that you expect back from make for this test. # Every time you run make, you just need to say &get_logfile and that # subroutine will get a new logfile name for you in incrementing order # according to how many times you call it within ONE test. It is # reset to 0 at the beginning of every new test script. &run_make_with_options($makefile, "", &get_logfile, 0); # THE REST OF THIS FILE DEPENDS HIGHLY ON WHAT KIND OF TEST YOU ARE # CREATING, SO IT WILL VARY. BASICALLY, YOU MAY INSERT ANYTHING YOU # WISH AT THIS POINT TO SEE IF THE TEST WORKED OK. IF THERE ARE # ADDITIONAL TESTS BESIDES &compare_output, AND IT FAILES, YOU # MUST *** SET $test_passed = 0 !!! *** # Create the answer to what should be produced by this Makefile $answer = ""; # COMPARE RESULTS # In this call to compare output, you should use the call &get_logfile(1) # to send the name of the last logfile created. You may also use # the special call &get_logfile(1) which returns the same as &get_logfile(1). &compare_output($answer,&get_logfile(1)); # If you wish to &error ("abort ") if the compare fails, then add a "|| &error ("abort ")" to the # end of the previous line. # This tells the test driver that the perl test script executed properly. 1;