The ReleaseNotes.xml file is some markup language used by techpubs to generate the HTML and PDFs that go to customers. If you hand modify this file, make sure the case of your open and close tags agrees or their tools will have problems with it. Use xmllint(1) to verify that the file is properly formed. xmllint doesn't know the markup language so it will not detect improper tag usage or improper tag nesting. (e.g. not all tags are allowed to be children of other tags) Sweet is the techpubs tool that you can use to update this file in a GUI fashion. If you save the file from within Sweet, it will remove all of the hand-written whitespace formatting of ReleaseNotes.xml that makes it easy to edit in vi/emacs right now. Gutenberg is the techpubs tool that formats this XML file into HTML or whatever delivery format is desired. Rob Hammond was the contact at techpubs that asked us to switch to using Sweet/Gutenberg instead of sending HTML/plain text. His instructions included the document, which is a Sweet User Guide for writing release notes. I don't know what book.xml and gdb.gutenberg are, or if they are required. Sweet spit them out when I started the initial document so I'm keeping them for now. Ideally, if you modify ReleaseNotes.xml, run it through xmllint, open it in Sweet and generate HTML in Gutenberg. If there are any mistakes, one of these tools should point it out.