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<TITLE>Debugging with GDB - Installing GDB</TITLE>
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<H1><A NAME="SEC166" HREF="gdb_toc.html#TOC166">Installing GDB</A></H1>
<A NAME="IDX739"></A>
<A NAME="IDX740"></A>


GDB comes with a <CODE>configure</CODE> script that automates the process
of preparing GDB for installation; you can then use <CODE>make</CODE> to
build the <CODE>gdb</CODE> program.
<A NAME="DOCF6" HREF="gdb_foot.html#FOOT6">(6)</A>

The GDB distribution includes all the source code you need for 
GDB in a single directory, whose name is usually composed by 
appending the version number to <SAMP>`gdb'</SAMP>.

For example, the GDB version 19990707 distribution is in the
<TT>`gdb-19990707'</TT> directory.  That directory contains:


<DT><CODE>gdb-19990707/configure (and supporting files)</CODE>
script for configuring GDB and all its supporting libraries

the source specific to GDB itself

source for the Binary File Descriptor library

GNU include files

source for the <SAMP>`-liberty'</SAMP> free software library

source for the library of opcode tables and disassemblers

source for the GNU command-line interface

source for the GNU filename pattern-matching subroutine

source for the GNU memory-mapped malloc package

The simplest way to configure and build GDB is to run <CODE>configure</CODE>
from the <TT>`gdb-<VAR>version-number</VAR>'</TT> source directory, which in
this example is the <TT>`gdb-19990707'</TT> directory.

First switch to the <TT>`gdb-<VAR>version-number</VAR>'</TT> source directory
if you are not already in it; then run <CODE>configure</CODE>.  Pass the
identifier for the platform on which GDB will run as an

For example:


cd gdb-19990707
./configure <VAR>host</VAR>

where <VAR>host</VAR> is an identifier such as <SAMP>`sun4'</SAMP> or
<SAMP>`decstation'</SAMP>, that identifies the platform where GDB will run.
(You can often leave off <VAR>host</VAR>; <CODE>configure</CODE> tries to guess the
correct value by examining your system.)

Running <SAMP>`configure <VAR>host</VAR>'</SAMP> and then running <CODE>make</CODE> builds the
<TT>`bfd'</TT>, <TT>`readline'</TT>, <TT>`mmalloc'</TT>, and <TT>`libiberty'</TT>
libraries, then <CODE>gdb</CODE> itself.  The configured source files, and the
binaries, are left in the corresponding source directories.

<CODE>configure</CODE> is a Bourne-shell (<CODE>/bin/sh</CODE>) script; if your
system does not recognize this automatically when you run a different
shell, you may need to run <CODE>sh</CODE> on it explicitly:


sh configure <VAR>host</VAR>

If you run <CODE>configure</CODE> from a directory that contains source
directories for multiple libraries or programs, such as the
<TT>`gdb-19990707'</TT> source directory for version 19990707, <CODE>configure</CODE>
creates configuration files for every directory level underneath (unless
you tell it not to, with the <SAMP>`--norecursion'</SAMP> option).

You can run the <CODE>configure</CODE> script from any of the
subordinate directories in the GDB distribution if you only want to
configure that subdirectory, but be sure to specify a path to it.

For example, with version 19990707, type the following to configure only
the <CODE>bfd</CODE> subdirectory:


cd gdb-19990707/bfd
../configure <VAR>host</VAR>

You can install <CODE>gdb</CODE> anywhere; it has no hardwired paths.
However, you should make sure that the shell on your path (named by
the <SAMP>`SHELL'</SAMP> environment variable) is publicly readable.  Remember
that GDB uses the shell to start your program--some systems refuse to
let GDB debug child processes whose programs are not readable.


<H2><A NAME="SEC167" HREF="gdb_toc.html#TOC167">Compiling GDB in another directory</A></H2>

If you want to run GDB versions for several host or target machines,
you need a different <CODE>gdb</CODE> compiled for each combination of
host and target.  <CODE>configure</CODE> is designed to make this easy by
allowing you to generate each configuration in a separate subdirectory,
rather than in the source directory.  If your <CODE>make</CODE> program
handles the <SAMP>`VPATH'</SAMP> feature (GNU <CODE>make</CODE> does), running
<CODE>make</CODE> in each of these directories builds the <CODE>gdb</CODE>
program specified there.

To build <CODE>gdb</CODE> in a separate directory, run <CODE>configure</CODE>
with the <SAMP>`--srcdir'</SAMP> option to specify where to find the source.
(You also need to specify a path to find <CODE>configure</CODE>
itself from your working directory.  If the path to <CODE>configure</CODE>
would be the same as the argument to <SAMP>`--srcdir'</SAMP>, you can leave out
the <SAMP>`--srcdir'</SAMP> option; it is assumed.)

For example, with version 19990707, you can build GDB in a 
separate directory for a Sun 4 like this:


cd gdb-19990707
mkdir ../gdb-sun4
cd ../gdb-sun4
../gdb-19990707/configure sun4

When <CODE>configure</CODE> builds a configuration using a remote source
directory, it creates a tree for the binaries with the same structure
(and using the same names) as the tree under the source directory.  In
the example, you'd find the Sun 4 library <TT>`libiberty.a'</TT> in the
directory <TT>`gdb-sun4/libiberty'</TT>, and GDB itself in

One popular reason to build several GDB configurations in separate
directories is to configure GDB for cross-compiling (where 
GDB runs on one machine--the <STRONG>host</STRONG>---while debugging 
programs that run on another machine--the <STRONG>target</STRONG>).  
You specify a cross-debugging target by
giving the <SAMP>`--target=<VAR>target</VAR>'</SAMP> option to <CODE>configure</CODE>.

When you run <CODE>make</CODE> to build a program or library, you must run
it in a configured directory--whatever directory you were in when you
called <CODE>configure</CODE> (or one of its subdirectories).

The <CODE>Makefile</CODE> that <CODE>configure</CODE> generates in each source
directory also runs recursively.  If you type <CODE>make</CODE> in a source
directory such as <TT>`gdb-19990707'</TT> (or in a separate configured
directory configured with <SAMP>`--srcdir=<VAR>dirname</VAR>/gdb-19990707'</SAMP>), you
will build all the required libraries, and then build GDB.

When you have multiple hosts or targets configured in separate
directories, you can run <CODE>make</CODE> on them in parallel (for example,
if they are NFS-mounted on each of the hosts); they will not interfere
with each other.


<H2><A NAME="SEC168" HREF="gdb_toc.html#TOC168">Specifying names for hosts and targets</A></H2>

The specifications used for hosts and targets in the <CODE>configure</CODE>
script are based on a three-part naming scheme, but some short predefined
aliases are also supported.  The full naming scheme encodes three pieces
of information in the following pattern:



For example, you can use the alias <CODE>sun4</CODE> as a <VAR>host</VAR> argument,
or as the value for <VAR>target</VAR> in a <CODE>--target=<VAR>target</VAR></CODE>
option.  The equivalent full name is <SAMP>`sparc-sun-sunos4'</SAMP>.

The <CODE>configure</CODE> script accompanying GDB does not provide
any query facility to list all supported host and target names or
aliases.  <CODE>configure</CODE> calls the Bourne shell script
<CODE>config.sub</CODE> to map abbreviations to full names; you can read the
script, if you wish, or you can use it to test your guesses on
abbreviations--for example:


% sh config.sub i386-linux
% sh config.sub alpha-linux
% sh config.sub hp9k700
% sh config.sub sun4
% sh config.sub sun3
% sh config.sub i986v
Invalid configuration `i986v': machine `i986v' not recognized

<CODE>config.sub</CODE> is also distributed in the GDB source
directory (<TT>`gdb-19990707'</TT>, for version 19990707).


<H2><A NAME="SEC169" HREF="gdb_toc.html#TOC169"><CODE>configure</CODE> options</A></H2>

Here is a summary of the <CODE>configure</CODE> options and arguments that
are most often useful for building GDB.  <CODE>configure</CODE> also has
several other options not listed here.


configure [--help]
          [--norecursion] [--rm]

You may introduce options with a single <SAMP>`-'</SAMP> rather than
<SAMP>`--'</SAMP> if you prefer; but you may abbreviate option names if you use


Display a quick summary of how to invoke <CODE>configure</CODE>.

Configure the source to install programs and files under directory

Configure the source to install programs under directory

<STRONG>Warning: using this option requires GNU <CODE>make</CODE>, or another
<CODE>make</CODE> that implements the <CODE>VPATH</CODE> feature.</STRONG><BR>
Use this option to make configurations in directories separate from the
GDB source directories.  Among other things, you can use this to
build (or maintain) several configurations simultaneously, in separate
directories.  <CODE>configure</CODE> writes configuration specific files in
the current directory, but arranges for them to use the source in the
directory <VAR>dirname</VAR>.  <CODE>configure</CODE> creates directories under
the working directory in parallel to the source directories below

Configure only the directory level where <CODE>configure</CODE> is executed; do not
propagate configuration to subdirectories.

Configure GDB for cross-debugging programs running on the specified
<VAR>target</VAR>.  Without this option, GDB is configured to debug
programs that run on the same machine (<VAR>host</VAR>) as GDB itself.

There is no convenient way to generate a list of all available targets.

<DT><CODE><VAR>host</VAR> ...</CODE>
Configure GDB to run on the specified <VAR>host</VAR>.

There is no convenient way to generate a list of all available hosts.

There are many other options available as well, but they are generally
needed for special purposes only.

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