buildsym.h   [plain text]

/* Build symbol tables in GDB's internal format.
   Copyright 1986-1993, 1996-1999 Free Software Foundation, Inc.

   This file is part of GDB.

   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
   (at your option) any later version.

   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   GNU General Public License for more details.

   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
   along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
   Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
   Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.  */

#if !defined (BUILDSYM_H)
#define BUILDSYM_H 1

/* This module provides definitions used for creating and adding to
   the symbol table.  These routines are called from various symbol-
   file-reading routines.

   They originated in dbxread.c of gdb-4.2, and were split out to
   make xcoffread.c more maintainable by sharing code.

   Variables declared in this file can be defined by #define-ing the
   name EXTERN to null.  It is used to declare variables that are
   normally extern, but which get defined in a single module using
   this technique.  */

#ifndef EXTERN
#define	EXTERN extern

#define HASHSIZE 127		/* Size of things hashed via
				   hashname() */

/* Name of source file whose symbol data we are now processing.  This
   comes from a symbol of type N_SO. */

EXTERN char *last_source_file;

/* Core address of start of text of current source file.  This too
   comes from the N_SO symbol. */

EXTERN CORE_ADDR last_source_start_addr;

/* The list of sub-source-files within the current individual
   compilation.  Each file gets its own symtab with its own linetable
   and associated info, but they all share one blockvector.  */

struct subfile
    struct subfile *next;
    char *name;
    char *dirname;
    struct linetable *line_vector;
    int line_vector_length;
    enum language language;
    char *debugformat;

EXTERN struct subfile *subfiles;

EXTERN struct subfile *current_subfile;

/* Global variable which, when set, indicates that we are processing a
   .o file compiled with gcc */

EXTERN unsigned char processing_gcc_compilation;

/* When set, we are processing a .o file compiled by sun acc.  This is
   misnamed; it refers to all stabs-in-elf implementations which use
   N_UNDF the way Sun does, including Solaris gcc.  Hopefully all
   stabs-in-elf implementations ever invented will choose to be
   compatible.  */

EXTERN unsigned char processing_acc_compilation;

/* elz: added this flag to know when a block is compiled with HP
   compilers (cc, aCC). This is necessary because of the macro
   COERCE_FLOAT_TO_DOUBLE defined in tm_hppa.h, which causes a
   coercion of float to double to always occur in parameter passing
   for a function called by gdb (see the function value_arg_coerce in
   valops.c). This is necessary only if the target was compiled with
   gcc, not with HP compilers or with g++ */

EXTERN unsigned char processing_hp_compilation;

/* Count symbols as they are processed, for error messages.  */

EXTERN unsigned int symnum;

/* Record the symbols defined for each context in a list.  We don't
   create a struct block for the context until we know how long to
   make it.  */

#define PENDINGSIZE 100

struct pending
    struct pending *next;
    int nsyms;
    struct symbol *symbol[PENDINGSIZE];

/* Here are the three lists that symbols are put on.  */

/* static at top level, and types */

EXTERN struct pending *file_symbols;

/* global functions and variables */

EXTERN struct pending *global_symbols;

/* everything local to lexical context */

EXTERN struct pending *local_symbols;

/* func params local to lexical  context */

EXTERN struct pending *param_symbols;

/* Stack representing unclosed lexical contexts (that will become
   blocks, eventually).  */

struct context_stack
    /* Outer locals at the time we entered */

    struct pending *locals;

    /* Pending func params at the time we entered */

    struct pending *params;

    /* Pointer into blocklist as of entry */

    struct pending_block *old_blocks;

    /* Name of function, if any, defining context */

    struct symbol *name;

    /* PC where this context starts */

    CORE_ADDR start_addr;

    /* Temp slot for exception handling. */

    CORE_ADDR end_addr;

    /* For error-checking matching push/pop */

    int depth;


EXTERN struct context_stack *context_stack;

/* Index of first unused entry in context stack.  */

EXTERN int context_stack_depth;

/* Currently allocated size of context stack.  */

EXTERN int context_stack_size;

/* Macro "function" for popping contexts from the stack.  Pushing is
   done by a real function, push_context.  This returns a pointer to a
   struct context_stack.  */

#define	pop_context() (&context_stack[--context_stack_depth]);

/* Nonzero if within a function (so symbols should be local, if
   nothing says specifically).  */

EXTERN int within_function;

/* List of blocks already made (lexical contexts already closed).
   This is used at the end to make the blockvector.  */

struct pending_block
    struct pending_block *next;
    struct block *block;

/* Pointer to the head of a linked list of symbol blocks which have
   already been finalized (lexical contexts already closed) and which
   are just waiting to be built into a blockvector when finalizing the
   associated symtab. */

EXTERN struct pending_block *pending_blocks;

struct subfile_stack
    struct subfile_stack *next;
    char *name;

EXTERN struct subfile_stack *subfile_stack;

#define next_symbol_text(objfile) (*next_symbol_text_func)(objfile)

/* Function to invoke get the next symbol.  Return the symbol name. */

EXTERN char *(*next_symbol_text_func) (struct objfile *);

/* Vector of types defined so far, indexed by their type numbers.
   Used for both stabs and coff.  (In newer sun systems, dbx uses a
   pair of numbers in parens, as in "(SUBFILENUM,NUMWITHINSUBFILE)".
   Then these numbers must be translated through the type_translations
   hash table to get the index into the type vector.)  */

EXTERN struct type **type_vector;

/* Number of elements allocated for type_vector currently.  */

EXTERN int type_vector_length;

/* Initial size of type vector.  Is realloc'd larger if needed, and
   realloc'd down to the size actually used, when completed.  */


extern void add_free_pendings (struct pending *list);

extern void add_symbol_to_list (struct symbol *symbol,
				struct pending **listhead);

extern struct symbol *find_symbol_in_list (struct pending *list,
					   char *name, int length);

extern void finish_block (struct symbol *symbol,
			  struct pending **listhead,
			  struct pending_block *old_blocks,
			  CORE_ADDR start, CORE_ADDR end,
			  struct objfile *objfile);

extern void really_free_pendings (PTR dummy);

extern void start_subfile (char *name, char *dirname);

extern void patch_subfile_names (struct subfile *subfile, char *name);

extern void push_subfile (void);

extern char *pop_subfile (void);

extern struct symtab *end_symtab (CORE_ADDR end_addr,
				  struct objfile *objfile, int section);

/* Defined in stabsread.c.  */

extern void scan_file_globals (struct objfile *objfile);

extern void buildsym_new_init (void);

extern void buildsym_init (void);

extern struct context_stack *push_context (int desc, CORE_ADDR valu);

extern void record_line (struct subfile *subfile, int line, CORE_ADDR pc);

extern void start_symtab (char *name, char *dirname, CORE_ADDR start_addr);

extern int hashname (char *name);

extern void free_pending_blocks (void);

/* FIXME: Note that this is used only in buildsym.c and dstread.c,
   which should be fixed to not need direct access to
   make_blockvector. */

extern struct blockvector *make_blockvector (struct objfile *objfile);

/* FIXME: Note that this is used only in buildsym.c and dstread.c,
   which should be fixed to not need direct access to
   record_pending_block. */

extern void record_pending_block (struct objfile *objfile,
				  struct block *block,
				  struct pending_block *opblock);

extern void record_debugformat (char *format);

extern void merge_symbol_lists (struct pending **srclist,
				struct pending **targetlist);

#undef EXTERN

#endif /* defined (BUILDSYM_H) */